THE EUGENE CITY Ql'AAD KUKNKClTr.ORKUUN. H A'itFUAY, TtV.O. 7. Ij79. Ccmarrtile Stale Critral Committee.. A mtlf of tbt Dmoorti SUU Ca. end Committee it hereby mI11 mt in tht city of 8alra on th 8th dy f January, 1880. A full attnilano it rsqueitwl. Jooh F. Milur,, Salkm, DectmUr, 3, 1870. Ciikliif frorlilo. bti Purpue.. Gluutxl with thv priiiooi a victory achieved ia iht Nt York tlaitioii, Sfoator Conkling liat-ainep lliatt-vtrt piaelaituail Ilia-binding totililinn fur tha l'rttiik'iitial oitiiilidooy of Inn pnrty neit yrar that it tliull le awarded only to one wlim lit will approve. Thin it not the letler, but it it llit wpiril of lh Hniiouiict m.'iii. The ooiiJitioii fflvtsliully wia lW namea of John Sherman ami Sinn'ur luit horn l ho lint, nolwiiliMaiiilinx t.t) compelled the fiitl and p. rinilld the lact to rugate in (he canvas In favor of Cornell. Ii i, in taut, it it lie brought litem to li e tai-k ol dis ginjf tlu-irowu political in vra ii ordt-r to mpply Iiiuim It with ih tarlb to higher raita Ida own parliraii mouud. Coikling ia now, iiraiu tlnin any ailur, tha maMtrof li e lUdioul aitualion No nuidid u cuii bd nominated in the National dm vention ultima with hi content and vote. Cliandler'e death hut It'll him aole autoornt of the paily in lh Sni ate, and he will muku Hayee and John Sherman fel lit rmoiti-lrt might and main. They cannot foil h'tiu or apoil hi plana; nor can Bainc; while be can aud unquestionably will frustrate the dvaigna ot each and al of them. Conkling championa (irant and will groom him lor the raoe ao'a t abut all eiht-ra nut. Crrubicki. Chairman Wood, who ia chairman of I he comrnitU'o ot waya and mean, laket Very lionetl view of I he greenback question. II aaya that h voted againit their original imue, but new thai they have been itsutnl, they re a part ol our currency. The in mime in the volume of the cuitenvy, by virtue of the importation t Ku ropean gold baa not operated a iu fliillon; though a volume of "5U.O0O, 000 woi.ld have been too much in 1875 it it not euonuli in 1879. So great hare been the growth ol the our bumntu iotereutt iu the mean time. The trouble with the president land teutvUry ia thai they tail to tin Uui stand that trade hue outgrown ilu old abacklct in which it a loinnil; conduuted. The greeubacka canir into exuteneo at a war rmai-urr. They speedily proved their ululnei. There ia ao .ooJ reaon why lh-y ahouli be abolished. The pci.pli look with luapiuion upon them. They fail to e why there ahouM be tucli clamor raised agitiat them, tinier there be an ulterior ue igu lying in tho crusade. One audi solum hat already been apruog upon tin pe.-plf iu the duinouetiution of ailver. The nation will not tamely tubmit to au other mch performance. ii Oplilia u Qrtil'i CudiJity. llr&l.irnUun Frandt in rbiiadclpbla. Referring to the plillo:tl tiiualioo and to the mean by which the Uitdi cale carrf lVnutylvHiiia, L. Q. Vah- inir'on writea to the New Orleana Picayune to thia t ffect: The U p ib Ikana Iu ve never been more ditperat.- in their lut fr power than now. Th' ir leader, or limny of them, hate id denpUo Grant; but tliey lake hi id because they lem him theii atrong eat man. They are ready lor any amount ot Iraud and crime in ordvr o ktep p The corruption and fraud ii . which they are barely aav ed a Republican Leioluture in Maine are teiitg expoM'd, and are making uch a aeneatioti a aliirm the Rmiiual lumaer. .Take Jt'hiludel phia. Iu 1870 I'liiladelphia had a popiilaiioii ot fl74.0i2 New York. had 942.202, llotli citica have in created .n population, but New York mo e rapidiy thuii rbiliidvlphia. In New Yoik, which ia uol under Ue putilieii rule, the regiatraiioii stood the other day, at 1(J8,14J. There wu a large region' ion, Ucue ev urybodv wu iu.erexlud in the remit. In riiiladelpliiu, where there wa very little politieal exciemeul, the regulation ia 11)3,01)3, being 5,41)7 iiiuru voleit tliuu New Y. tk. Al leui-l 40.0JO or of thete vote iu I'hiludelphiu are fiii iduleiii. No won er iheKepuldieNiit Hie iililc to roll 'ip 23,000 or aO.UUO iimjoiniy ao a to overcome tlu iniciior. With audi L'i''ulio Ii a kIk a li au m- hopelea to expect the vole ol lVnu nvlvaui't fur lUncock or sny oilier D. liiooiatiu caudi sale. The liuun maniigera arc o well autiotied wuh till airttngetneiil lor traud in Philadelphia ihut they do uel want mi V United Slate V pulV MarbaU appointed even of their own party I hi grand fmud ia pei petrited year by year, and hu.i been ki pi up I wic aa long a Tweed' liud iu New York, bv a l ol c undiel uho wear brostdelolh and figure on 'Chauje, churcnei and subscription lute. ImpirMoi Bills. SenaH r Slater introduced in the Seiulo on the lClh, a bid prodding foi an allwatiee ot a drawbu k of c'ihUmii houe duties on tin uted in tho uianiifHciur ot cant which are exported from the United Sta U I ed willi aIuiou, Irnii, vegelable, etc Tlii drawback, hich i w irii ed by Uw in ninny simiNr mitt r, would aiiioiiut to $10,000 pr year Umiii tin can ued tor the xpoit tian nt Uu nitilila river .i llion. J hi i an iinportanl meaur to Orrg-o. and Wahingtiin 'IVirilor, and we trut it Mill become law. Sen.ttor U oili b iutrodueed it bill providing ttal w ierf oetller in ler upon land mpMm-d to lx public, aud aubaiquciitlv tail to aetpi re ti tle, tlie lee and coniiiiii oi they havf'paid in good Uithhhall be r fua led to them, uch t It v would be in tSe intereal ot Minple justice and tuir dvaling. Why do tt.neriiment nta n the iik ue of oi in u when nothing is given iu reirn? The iiine bill pMed ImiiIi hoimc lat win ter, tut, tranue to tit.ite. tailed to re eeitethe l'leaidenl'a n initon-. I hould be the duly l 'he laud ngi na to know, o lar a pi Ide, eoi ly whut tructt ran In ao quir d by ihe general M'i-li oi and litigation would ilnm be avoi l. d. Tim many id t lien, are l ot aiithVifiiily in uipalh with the ae lual relMern. 1 Starling Preposition. Repreaentalive W raver, of Iowa, National, baa ii.trolured a Bill in Congrexa to put the oldiere and tail ors who aerved in (he civil war on a lo iii)g wi h the bondholder in rtt peel to p ty, o a t' make good tin llwm the differeno there waa at e lime between the luce and current value of the Greeiibacka which they received for their aervi. e. with til per cent Irom the date of pay ment. The Bill contemplate a total appropriation of about five hundred million ol dollar. Urifrhurz it ainking qmle a num ber ol tubolniilial imorovemert. A Mi;ni iixUkr. When the arrt-ara of pei.m t ill Wit p. ed, Secret sry Slieinon r ii. d a howl lb il il would en-ate A il Ii Tbe Aritona Mintr publihe a let ler wrilteu by IIn. Zar.hailih Coau die'', a liort tlie b t-r Ii death. adirot e l to an ellio al in ll at Tn ritory, in which the lollowing ten Uncea occur 'I am under imprea. aioo now thai Grant' chance lor the rreide.ilul nomination are belter iban ihoae of any oilier prraon; but uolcti he i nominated with nit a eon tent he will be out of the Held, and there will be a trUI tf a renili In- f ear taa r I lia frtAlat att.l aiititutriura anf na iiiw it no eo'i'o rwpn'ivio wa , , itotm-et tin extraordinary a lew tiaiwut ua-ticai. mik kaonroioof lukewarm aealinienl er ouncure ao'eoe lent will be nonu naled. I know nothing pe tial in reganl to the matter, only that il General Grant i a candidate tin 000 ela will be." Kew politician are more thoroughly veraeJ ooncerr. log Republican ti-atiment on (hi iubject lo tho El than waa Mr. Cbaodltr. Cause mud EtTeet Tli mniti cuo of iieiVdumert it iiiH'get- tion, anil that it caused by weakne of tli toniavli. Xn nut can hart tound nerret ami exil health without nainj(, Hp Hitter to at engi'ten me aviinacn, puniy m uim u, ami keiptht liver aud kiitneya active, to carry oil all the pniannout and wait mattar of tho avatciti. aee oilier column. IiLRintnu tieox Ttu rr.aEXtSB coistexas cm, if of a complHXtional nature, peeilily van when (I.ENN'a SlLPHUB Hnp ia ued to ob literate them, llmplea. blotchea, nnth, red iiena, patohra, mi ylnies. tan aud freckle ar invartulily baniilie-1 by the incomparable elari. fyiii ayenK Kruptiveailinenta, aorej, cuta, bruiwt, ch1i1 and oilier aCtectioni and injvriea of the cutiole art likewise removed by it Sul phur butha have lonif been renowned aa the bi nt remc ly for eiiiu duwanea, ltheumtira and ((.lit Ulkxs'h Sllphib So.r ia in every re ieot a ettu-uoioim, and far cheaper. Uy on in..' the p'iren and prumotintr viiroua aupei ctal, this excellent article coittrib titei to fue health of the eutire eystem aa well an to that f the cuticle. Since iu introduo tion to piiblio notice ithaa repeatedly been coinineuded by themedionj prifewionan preaad and few external iwciticn have won such '( ilden opiuiona" aiun all cla-uea. It pre-vi-nta iibiicxioua disease aa well aa remedies t'neiu, an ! .Iiinfwt clothing and linen im preuated with diseitw. landmtf ia entirely eradicated bv it, aud its use ia, on that account tfreatlv d-rid -rated by prrwm whmehair ia tliin niii. u-it in consequenoe of dryneN of the i-alu Vhose who have lined ointuienta and wiih.vit f.iil avail for the cure -1 erup tion ft en olvitinate charKetor, will find, if tlu.v t:T it. fiat tiLENX'a SlLfHia Soaf re-inovi- axirtmlic complainta irremediable by lew eu'io kcioua nieana, and preventa the recur relive of uc!i i!inr ler For bleaching fine ar tiolea of ueed!firk and all kind of white WHEAT! VHEATI qKNTLIMEX have you "jd yout WhU f If "ot, do at oat and then coll WM PRESTON'S. AndWchaa yoor 1IAKJVES&. He La on band an immeniie stock on which he defiea competition, eitbt ia Oualivy, Fiaiah, Work manahip or Price. Alio a larg tok f WHIM direct from New York. CARDS, CURKY COiU tad BRUSH EB in abundance. Alao tX)LLARS that will at toy and all Hone. Sweat Pads, Bridle, Halters, A ad la fact everything a Farmer requue. SADDLES of alt Kindt on Hand and Made to Order. Call and Examine Before Buying blsewnere,. wo!en, cotton and linen fabric thia e.ip in u- purpwe. Mnor to aiiy arU--.e that can 0 ueeu lur in irpwe. . ti.'ll 1-t .'ru;r;Ut. Price 35c. per cake. I bov (3 ifc'e.o7ie,. aenl br mail, prepaid, on re Mi.t of i"ii.v. ( '. X. tittenton. IVou'r. Sixtk aveirie. Sew York. Hill' hair and whisker dye, b!ck or W.wn, Joe DR. ailSTirS "SPECIAL" HTOI CINES i Are xax-h fmri tl.e lt -uiMri!ni4:dnaU(. Tfcev a tJl cjrr-all.v Th-.-v ie faw-r'te pre- K-rip:i'iu that liav i-eea tried Ji l teated for ye. in bi. prai-Ui-e. liniu ow uier are absolutely perfect in the trouble for which they ar recvmiuiended. "the Xephreticum work wonder in Kidnejr and hlaJder couiplAints. Tho differing with iropy, ltri,-at diea, Diabete. lirarel, Retention of urine, i'ain in the back, It con t:rnt-. or im Jiseuairf the KidneT and blad der, will be ktunuhed at the on bottle wi'l af oni For Feoit! weakness it ia abtolutely with out an naL For a'l Jeranrmenta of tie IJver, r W. Minu' tav'iih Dndlloa Liver riti K.g- ni'.Ik. L'C nd LKckU. U Dr. Mintie' n.-Iuii ljoidIioa Liver Mil. F.r Fverand Aj-j- l" IV. Minti' Lnjlih Dindelieo liver mi Ft err family hould keep th DaoJelion Pill oo Land. S- what the dn-iab t about VT. Min ti' medicine: 'Kvryboiy (peak highly i f them." C H. Wird X Co., drusspsU. PortlaaJ. "All who take them recommend them. "-John A. Child. ilru,, Portlan t Meirs. A!ra 4 Carroll, wholenaledrurjniU, San Franiscts av: "W regard lr. Minti' Xephreticum a the best Kkiaey asd Bladder remedy before th public.' All dru-uU keep thv metlit-in-. SIR ASTLEY COOPER'S VITAL Th reat EnslUh ha aaal more cure nf Xervou Debility, Seminal Weakne, Ixwt Manhood, noct irnal emwuona, latitude, iuability for mental labor, deapoa-leacy, and uch Unease u ar induced by youth full ful lie and exceoe, that all other uedkine com bincd. It is not ttimu'ant nor excitant, k perfect ly tuf to take, i not a q laclc uotrum, and I rd uce mrnlu that are wvnderful Pric. ?3 a bottle. Four time the quantity. 10 l'uy a bottle. It will not duappoint you. lUf.e. lavi & Co., wholeaale dru knsU. Portland. lr. NEW ADVERTISFMEXTS. Xollce to Creditors. V'OTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT lA the un len-i-ned ba bees appwnfd ad ministrator of the estate of Daniel Harkin. deeeaed. AU penon bavinr claim aainat estate wiu pl. a pmwnt the ao4 to th ua derr-nevl, at hU o See, within six m h f-oai date. GFO. M. M1LLEK. A.lmr. Dec. 10, 1CTI 4w Administrator's Sale. WD PATRONIZE THE MEN WHO HELP TO BUILD YOUR BRIDGES, ROADS ANft SCHOOL HOUSES, whone interest are your interest I Ar pennaatntly UcU4 tmi pnd tbir profiU at hjm. Take notice that I, A. V. PETERS, Will sell good for CASH tt loratly reduced price, u low aa any other CASH STORK. Fin Cheviot Shirt. SO, 75 ct and L Another Triumph for THE "WEBF00T STATE. No More Kidney Troubles ! No ZXore Baetaclio S Oreeoq ha long been noted for the wonderful varie' y of her natural resource. Her bill and YfclITe urertnred with the choiee of Nature' tavlan gift On by d the eleatents of her grentuex ar beinj wuifht t t, under owl and ailapted to tlie use of her people. The latest of theae diicoverie ia The Oregon Kidney Tea. A plant which (row in mountain fiwtnesacs which are seldom trodden br the font of man. Thi remedy present th W in its natuwl Ute, and in not one of thrao nm .eou liquids, put up to tell, and whiob too often or.ver nox Kitia and deleterious dratft. bttt is kind nature's "lt best gift to man." The Tea made by teepin? this leaf isa ckktaim and uritm l-l-KC VlK ALL DIEAIM t 1U KIDNKTS A.N I) 1-alKART OBOAS8. The leaf is put up in air turht tin mddie which pnMrvo intact it peculiar medical prop ertie and the decoction i made by the person uain-i it, thus securinif ita absolute purity. Tbe'e ar thcusands afflicted with diseases of th ki.bvy or urinary ortrana who tiffer in i lence rather than to make knowntheirtroubles. Other seek relief by the us of various patent medicine, which, if they do not ajfffravate the disease, at least do not lessen it. Even those who secur the advice of physician often fail to tret relief, owing to th very complicated and deli cate nature of the orv'an affected. Th ORE GON KIDNEY TK. is a atrictly vegetable production, and will not injur the nDallest child or th most delicate woman, but will cure Pais is thi Back ani Kidney, Nox-aarcx- TIO.N or UbIN. DlAIiTM, ISrXAMMATIOK the Bladder or KiDNKva. Bkiib IHst De rosiT is Urixe, LaccoajtuoKA, Painful oa Si rrBESiED MENSTWATIox.and all complaint risin) from a diseased or debilitated state of the kidneys or urinary orjpu. of either sex. Many mistake th pain arising froin defec tin action of the Kiilnevs for RHEUMA TISM, and in attempting to enre the latter Best Print 16 and 18 yards $1 00 1 Best Brown and Bleached Muslins, 7, 8, 9, tad lOcta. Clark and Brook spool cotton. 75 ctsper Dox. Plain and Milled Flrnnels, 25, 35; 45 and 50 I cts. Water Proof, 75 cents. Fin White Shirts, 75 cts and fL And all Other Cosds at Proportionate Rates. Also the Celebrated WHITE SEWING MACHINE ! (None better for itrenjth, size, aud durability), At greater reduced rate. C3T To my old Customer, who havs stood by me so ong I will continue to sell om a term a heretofore on tim, but if at any time they wish Umake CASH purchase I will girt. them, a to all others, the full credit of my reduction. A. V. PKTER3 New Assorimeat Dreg Goods (N Trsal) ) 20 and 25 cts. Mens' Underwear, Shirt tad Drawers, S4 rW. Mens Overshirta, 75 cts. and H. Mens'' Overalls, SO, 65, 75 rt and IL Rmbrokkrie and Edgiaa at FabuUa Tm. Price. , . OWMERS To insure good material, stipulate in all your Contracts for Painting that nothing shall be used except C. T. Raynolds & Co's. Pure Paints and Oils. by outward appli'-atiun, full entirely ti reach th iwat f the disease. We do not o!fer the OREGON KIDNEY TEA as specific for Kheutntutn, but are ati!fi.i1 that many cases of so called RHEUMATISM would yield to it remedial virtue. Full directions in English and Gorman accompany Each Package. Hmi'lrnl of TrMhnatti'ih havt been received jYntu rtsjx:ctel citizens. Sold by all Druggists & Gen- Dealers. PRICK. ONE DOLLAR- uniH.t:. mvh & eo. Proprietor Purllnnd, Or. URICULTURAT. IMPLEMENTS l. ilkiBihatiaW6?ureby T. G. HENDRICKS. S. llosenblatt V Co, DEALERS 13 GC.ER.iL MERCHANDISE, At th old itaad, Southwest corner of Eig-htli and Wilkuue.t itreeta, KUOENK CrrV, ORKQOX. Hav the aaost complet stock ol General Merchandise In the city, including Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crocker Et .. A ad ia fact verytbJa tb market demands, which we ar eLUn- at BED-ROCK PRICES. f Painters whj use C. T. Raynolds & Co's Paints and: Oils do tlis BEST AND CHEAPEST WORK, because PURE MATERIAL GOES FURTHER, LOCKS BETTER, ari LASTS LONGER than any other. HAS ON HAND AND MANUFACTURES . HACKS AUD SPRING VVAGOtlS, I am Prepa.ed to Make to crcer fcuggies snd Vagsnt?. As My Facilities are equal to any Establishment in th State, I can FiciTiise Ky Fatrcrs First-cias Vcrk in every RespecL I 1UICEN A H Vj TUB LOWC8T L THE STATE FACTORY NEAR THE EUGENE CITY FLOURING MILLS. n NEW MEAT MAT.KKT. On th west ride of Willamette Street, between Eiglith and Ninth. Having just opened our new and neat Meo Market, w ar prepared to furnish th best Beef, VeI, Mutton, Pork, etc.. To our customers, at th lowest m.irket rate. The custom of the public is respect fully solicited. Meats delivered to any purt ef the city free I charge, MILLKii a .NkCOUNACK. NEW IDKIAN raAR MINING COMPANY OF DOUGLAS ( OUNTY, OGN. a. etneawoua A rorretpndot of the Ar ista CAronicU writra thus: I speak W iie iri vho I taj that a (trti-ct toud J tartll ii tavor of Sj mour ai d McD nU at tha tlaal. rl ban r of aa Damovrae fur ISsO Laa rrcniily '?raIop-J ia Carolina lc3 ia Vir :inia. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a.1 no ler snl in fHirsiianc cf an arlrr d th Count Coartvci L-n eivintv. OrevTu. ., .T iMLi I fit I . ' mwln I enteiv.1 .i rrwri at tne November Cia.ifV ..I at f.i.W0,lOJMil ",,. 1)CJ nft!lii,irt, i th. matter of the i lie tI relr- mi i.a mil iulF at of Mry Jn Heatherlr, VcaeJ. Irai't vll ! mil at p iblic Ktioa, to the highest bM- . ..I- .. r : I ier. at in i ourt nme amr, in tjeeae hit. " V 10 trvaaury. v-u.-r. . Lw 0.Bty oa pUy: th UHh U. C. riruttwooo. D'ltntll to Mif rill.ill .Irmainl, day cf January. 1SJ. between the hoar ol , , , . o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. XL of aai.1 Hay. an I mule tlif t l- tay the following deribed real prTertT. bls lh...rion..8.alU , rait, I. j tt LS GENEIUL UROKKUS Ilia annual rvlxirt ilia MTClrtarvaiowt Maim of Jame HeatWy and Mry Jsn ; . . ' , . . i Heatherir, hi wife, N. Na t!. rUini Ne. n thrra l a .irl uf 1 1 ,00l,000 . j.t m Sevti 2. X W an-1 11 in T. 19 A, R. J GOLAt, in lha lrenr. Tbi i onlj a d fllremv f 34,(KH),(K)0 in MintnsVn iK-u aiiona. ltut ihn ha take into atunt th irv vtl ot' lui Iurorrat(l, June, 1878. Ciipi al Stuck. 8100,000 OFFICERS: rHistniTr A. L. Toild. SrritsTar reliu To-ht DiticTOts J. P. Gill. J. V. JacltaoB, T. S. Kodabaugh, A. L. Todd and A To-ld. Principal office for tale of (took at J. P. Gi'.l i ft N)n ireg tUre,l wti L'.ce IviU itg, liju 3L?HOTOCRAPHS. M and sfationery Store. t0ST OFFICE BUILDING, EUGENTt X. City. I have on hand and am constantly ' receiving an assortment of the Best fichool e M Ucellaneous B(ks, Stationery, Blank B k Po.-tfolioe, Can Is, Wallets, I" V, Portmea, nae, etc.. etc. A. S. 1 ATTERSON Struck With Rust! 3 I HAVE TO PAY CASH FO 1. gixulst very ill d:iys, I have resolved th from Mid af tr Oct. 1, liV'J, to sell a 3Ctd liiue. My Ixoks must be balanced one month with cash only. All who purchase iroo of fee mu-.t grturu theiuselvea accordingl llopin' t retain all niy customer and gain ' PfJgjj. Paid for aii kinds of farm product , Albert Jackson, Artist, deliverad at our Stora. ' ' S. BosenJatt & Co. Take rbotokTapiis, Genu, Ca-Is. Cabinet and Life-Size, style asxi finih eiai ti- aoy work time in th State. Irictt reawnAl l.'. GALLEKx WilUsaettc street. K.-otkel nitv, ireyw, over -Mm. Jackson s Milliuery S-re. dec ljini N et. enataimn XJ) acre aor w feM. Ti u ir Salt l Vh ia trU cnia. J ME Hl'DLESrON, AdminUtrator. TIMMIW ft It KAN, Attomer. IXjed, Ue 5. !TJL t5 Lane County MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION .sMiubeUt'iii w w iu 'Somslthins New! SW uwi isinn wi pi ri, Tttt AiUuia CuliMiiM lliratk Stninur U a Nrr Yrk mn, wh. it t fijt-otel,-o-iHcirrT hi Siat IT. P. OLCTl4X baviB; bOBfbt tb ll bwiM of ot lr. A. C tirvr ia Saiilsrj and Harness, Etc- t Iatrtcw th MNie to eail as. I e: ; .. wkiea trmuut of tn hmtl Bat wurk ia UieStaSa. SILVER. Cl'UUSNCY AND FX HANGE. Money REceired on Bepoi XLGOTMTI; LOAS, AW k lah f RKAL ESTATE Particular Attention Given to Collection, fTTHIS ASS4 iflATtOK RU AV I ,Tf) 1 A a larjr aad nrirA atntuu M FKESU uUUUS, and ar rtteiiuit vvry biobu new urpiie (Biiad to tha ssaxket. tMudaarwanU Ww and AT ONE PRICE TO ALL ! Thb FituzAT Qcamok? Uav yen ; ,y9 bit i to baf ip a tm and lvJ. AGENTS sal aakl Caw am ss4 Xew lsi i i awo asrrrs Th L Irxtrw II. ra'.l Hit that . ar.l li ' WELL3 PARGO tt Co. G.-r laka i- Ir. a. a . vrr ..-. I akvins: iciuu muji ncajgnauic E- laitiae n,m.rK Ttar if " Nit door narta f F. B. Duti Aad PROPrCE TAKEN AT THE HIGH VT JCAKKET RAT La Giv a at csdl bfr pTrbacnv. aa it is no trU tn judi ad rir antra. pl rity. rca. SAN jrANLTSI tVraabbr y. tv hEXDRirKt. DBXSS G00U8 - NEW STYLES and Urn inm, Jtas) sfr! btr H. FRIENPT.T I wi yi FMI-HPLVS t -l-l 4 1 m MIA P. anasMk 1.VI15MI-U. BEN RUSH, THE HAG .(SMITH, still at tha U stand and is prepared to d kin Is of general jobbing, h"rse-boeing. fi irin, etc Having secured th service ie.p. rienceUiiid I will mak tk repairing t Ai,MMACHLNEkYa.peoaliy.tusH & CO'S . VV DUUG STORE OX wilXAMf. et StreeVn NintV, Dauui ui CMKMU'ALS, OILS. PAINTS. tiLAS. VARNISHES. PATENT MEDICINES, c Bnni'.ti, Wines and Liquor? tF AIL KINDS. Ia tack hav U Vst asmtsaest tt articla. found is FIRST CLAS. DRCb JT0RE. TVe w-arrsnt all onr drnev fer thej Frc. Tarti. ular attraU i ealbd t W St.k of Perfumery h. Toltet Articles. A w bar bata-ht OCIit.'OO' S FOR CASH We tmm wre wita ut taMishaeat ia I grw City is price asxi avi'W moatx. By ywtr mods where yea cat t tb best and cheapest. tRiscRirnoNs cakeftixt rnxo At a3 kur ti ta day or aigfct