H h GENU LI. y SJA..iD9 ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSEIMTIM OF I WlfltTIC PRINCIPLES. M Tfl lVH U MIEST IITISC IT TIIK SWEAT OF OCI BROW. WHOLE NO. 634. KUGENE CITY, OR.. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1879. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE. Sk 6ugf&t itg Guard. t l CAMMILL. 1. K. CAMFBEIX. CAMPBELL BR03., Pu llshars and Proprietary. TFICI-In Underwood'i Brick Building, vr Grange Store. OUttONLY HAT KS OF ADVKKTI91NQ. A4e i -tlwmenU Inserted a followi : Om iquare, 10 line or 1m, on insertion t3; act subiequent inwrtion IL Caah required in advance. - Tim advertiser will b charged at th fob wia rates: On qur thre months M 00 " " iix month 8 00 " - on year 12 00 Transient notice in local column, 20 cent per ia far each insertion. Advrtiing bill will be rendered quarterly. an jab wark aut be rxio rua o niuvur. rosTornce. ' Hoan-Trom T a. (t. to I p. m. Htiat.TS .. I:J tot .. Matt arrives iroia ui. soma mi aw" nun itk at 1IJ p. a. r"r Sutialaw. rimaklia aad Ixib T a. rloM at I a. a. a Wevtaealay. Kor Crawford.- ill, Cuap ureea aam nr.wu.Tiu. i r.n. Lett. will be reatr for delivery half an hour after lira! train. Letters should be left at tb oflr Mh...r. AXPATTHUK!I.P.K ciiim: i WitCIKTIE. 1 Va 1 1 A. IF uit A' If nUUH UU"'R tW ' I ' Meet, tret an third We Ineedar ta erh a eat. i- ii Hraaraa Born Iaixik Nu. I. O. aTr JiO. F. MU every Tuesday ivaning. ... v. I J I. .1. DR. L. M. DAVIS O DENTIST, :: Eugene City, Oregon. ROOMS OVF.E GRANGE STORE, first door to the right, up itair. Formerly Ao(C. W. Fitch. Nitrous Olid Ut (or pauilen extraction of taeth. .. ... W. Srkltok. M. T. W. Harsh, SL D. Drs. Shelton Sv Harris, fHYSICIAXS & SIRGEOXS, Xugan City, Orion. A. W. PATTERSON, PHTSICIAN AND SURGEON. !He on Ninth "treet, oppaalte the St. Chart Hotel, at Kealdeneo, elxctRxk city orkcmin-. Or J. C. Shields OWNERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SER vice te th citiwn of Eugeu City and maronndinr country. Special attention given U all OBSTETRICAL CASES and UTER INK DISEASES entrusted to hi care. Office at th St Ciw.ee Hotel DR. JOSEPH P. GILL CAN BE FOUND AT IIIS OFFICEter idenc when not professionally engaged. Otnentth POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. . ItMiriehr on Eighth etreet, opposit Preiby riaa Church. AND NEW GOODS ARE ARRIVING, -AT THE- I. X, L. Store. "EVERYBODY THAT WISHES TO BUY HOLIDAY GOOD3 ARE INVITED TO XJ co there, a thev are aeilinj them at men low r.ncu that the iiennle will bo attoninhed. a Dry Good, Fancy Goode, PnoU and Shore wm nerer oflfarv.l a lew before in Oregon. xsnng every crnt along and (pend it at the 1. A. u muka, ak thty win give you tor 23 . - . " . . i . , . i' .. 1 - r l . I. . . i 1 . I I . vein, .wiuv om mucii aa any oiner iiore in eiuiio. in mv. .im. r.erjr uniur w uut wiwi tu uch low figure that nobody in Oregon can uudimcll them: And they muit tell them. Extra heavy double width Black Poplin, 33 cent per yard, former price, 75 eta. New (hade of Luiftera, ilouble width. 271 ct- per yanl, former price, 60 ct. Latet (tyle of Mancheetrr cloth, nuut tell at 25 ct. per yard, fanner price, 40 ct. ' Lot of very heavy Dren Good nuut go at 10 ct. per yard, former price, 25 eta. 2 yd, wide heavy bleached Table. Linen, at 75 ct. per yard, former price. SI 25. 2 yd, wide heavy unb!eched Table Linen at 52J, former price, 75 ct. 1J yd wide he avy unbleached Table Linen at 40 eta. per yard, former price, 65 ct. Heavy twilled all wonlen red FUnnell, 38 cU per yard, former price, 60 eta. Beat EnglUb ihirting In the market, 14 J ct. per yard, former price, 20 eta. Nice Silk Handkerchief from 25 cent up. Beat brand of Machln Thread, 60 cent per dozen. I Men' Merino Underahlrta and Drawer, 37 cU., former price, 60 eta. . T . I f.A M 1 ? 3 I , 1 Heavy aiem i uwh ruuiuei uncersiiirw ana Drawer, 60 ct, former price 75 ct. Men' White Shirt, laUat atyKi, 73 cent, for mer price, tl 25. lien' heavy Shaker Sock, thre pair for 60 cent. 500 dozen Children' Handkerchief!, fancy triie(, 40 cU. a doten. Children' Colored Hot, 3 pair for 25 eta. Children' Colored Hoe, aemething nice, 2 pair for 23 ct. Children' Colored Woolen Ho, 1 pair for 25 cent. A lot of Ladie Hob from 12) cent up. ' Children' Fur Set, omething nice and good, tl. A et nicer u I better, tl 25. A et Elegant for 1 60, worth ii 60. 6 yd. Ruithing, in bolt, tomething nice and and good, 2.1 oent a bolt And all our otlior Gooili must be Hold at the Lowest Fijjuies Everybody that Turthase ( 2.50 M orlh of Good v, 1 1 1 receive & V" NICE CURISD1AS PRESENT ! fiSfP. S. If vou want a savinc of 50 Cents on every Dol lar you expand, buy your4IIi!iday outfit at the (JllKAP 3E. 3L. 'SEf03cl2S.? Willamette Street, OpjKWte the Tost Office KUGKNE CI'IT GEO. B. DORRIS, ATTORNEY L COUNSELLOR at LAW Offio Willamette itreet, Eugene City. ?. JEWELRY ESTABLISMENT. J. S. LUCKEY. DEALER IN Clicks, Watches, Chains, Jewelry, tt. Repairing Promptly Executed M All Work Warranted. J. 8. LUCKKY, EUvrth k CV brick, WUlametU treet Itial Estate A:nt Collection Agent, and Notary Public. XUOENEC1TY, : O REG OX. J. B. ALEXANDER, Justice of the Peace, Conveyan cer and Collector. Bill collected, Record aearched and ab rct of titi mad. AU huine premptlT Attended t. 06- at th Court Houa. f K)CEBIB-Iaaa f"f OB0CER1KS & PROVISIONS Aad kviU th AdmlnUlrator's Sale. TkTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT r..jS kyvutueofaaier o th. Co.-ty (Wt ml LM mmatj. Orrom. mad tb r, aa Mtea. M Henry O. DimFfrt, , wiU aSar fee ! at poblic aoctv at the Oonrt r aTlt,S. CitT. rUtordiy, Dj JO, 1179. Utwee. J iIm feeafxmei aad toor dock y V.", r.TcJTLtdth. following -bed real tT tavwit: Lot N. two in Block o. t- 2tW te. towwhip BXtee. Um to Mohawk valley, Un eonnty Ortp. .r.itT- STERLING mLL. Adar. x . i Dtin, Attray. KUGKNK CITY EBUSINESS DIRECTORY. ALEXANDER, 3. B. Jm'tlce of the Peac South Eugene Precinct: office at Court Houae. ASTOR HOUSE-t'ha Baker, prop. The only firrt claa hotnl in the city-Willamette treet, one door north of the pot office. ABRAMS, W. H. BRO.-Flaning mill, aah, door, blind and moulding manufactory, Eighth etreet, enat of mill race. Everything in our line furnished on short notice and reasonable term. BENTLEY, S. W. Private boardin? houe, outhweit corner of Eleventh and Pearl it. BOOK STORE One door aouth of the Alitor Honae. A full itock of aorted box paper plain and fancy. BOY D k MILLER Meat Market-beef, veal, mutton, pork and lard Willamett treet, between Eighth and Ninth. CHRISM AN, SCOTT -Truck, hack and ei prewman. All order promptly attended to. Olfice at xprM office. CRAIN BROS.-Deler in Jewelry, Watch e, Clock and Muaical Inrtrument Wil lamette itreet. between Seventh and Eighth. CALLISON, R. G.-Dealcr in groceries, pro vUion, country produce, caniexi gnon, (tationerv, etc., outhwet corner Willamett and 9th St. DORRIS, B. F. Dealer in Stove and Tin wwcVillamett itreet, between Seventh and Eighth. DURANT, 'M.-Meat Market beef, pork, veal and mutton contartly on hand Ninth treet, between Pearl and High. ELLSWORTH A CO.-Draggwt and deaUr in paint, oil, etc WillametU itreet, be tween Eighth aud Ninth. FRIENDLY, 8. H. -Dealer to dry good. elothlngand general wierehandiae W illam- tte itreet, between Eighth and Ninth. GUARD OFFICE-NVwanaper, book and lob printing office, corner WillametU and Eighth treet, up itair. GRANGE STORE-Dealer to general mer- cbandia and produce, corner Eighth and WillametU (treet. GILL, J. P.-PhyiWan, Surgeon aad Drug- giet, Pototfice. WillametU reet, between Seventh and Eighth. HAYS. ROBT.-Wme. Liqn . & O- gar of th bet nu ty kept -.- ly on band. The beat billiard UM :n town. HENDRICKS, T. G.-Dealei in reneral mer- chandi northwert eomer W UlametU and Ninth (treet. HODES, C-Lagerbeer, liqaor. cigar and a fin pigenn-boU table, WillametU treet, be tween Eighth and Ninth. HORN, CHAS. M.-Gunmith. Rifle and lit-inu. hre and mnxxle loeder. for ic Repairing done in th netet tyl and war- noted. Shop on 9th rtreefc KINSEY. D -Saab. Wind aad dW fac- torr, window and door frame, moaldinp, etc.; glaring and gto cutting don to crAt. LYNCH. A -Grvwiea. provirima, f nrita, y- tMe7 etc.. Willamett itreet, tint Wr wrath M Poftnfioc LUCKXY, J. S.-Watchak and iwn a fin V" of goooa in aia una, u tu itreet, in FJlworth'( drnf rtore. McO.AREN.JAMr-a,wtoeri?rwr. aad errare-Willamett itreet, between Eighth aad Nmth. HELLER, M-Bmrery-UgeT beer m Up aad by tb kg r bam, eanerw nmm fflrew OSBIT.N & CO. Dealer in drug, medicine, chemical, oil", Paint, etc. Willamett at., nppoiite S. ( 'liarle HoteL PATTERSON, A. S.-A fin tock f plain and fancy visiting cird. PERKINS, If. C. -County Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Residence on Fifth reet. PRESTON, WM. -Dealer in .sau.11t.rv, Har neu, Carriage '1'rlmmlngn. etc. WillametU trait, between Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE-A new itock of Undrd ichool book just received at th pnat office. RUSH, BEN. Horseshoeing and general lob bing blacksmith, Eighth street, between Wil lametU and Olive. REAM, J. K. Undertaker and building con tractor, corner WillametU and Seventh itreet. ROSENBLATT ft CO. -Dry good, clothing, groceries nd general merchandise, aouthwest corner WillametU and Kiirhth itreeU. ST. CHARLES HOTEL Mrs. A. Ren frew, Proprletre. The beat Hotel to th city. Corner Wil'ametU and Ninth street. SHIELDS, J. C.-Phylctan and Surgeon north ride Ninth itreet, first door cut of fit. Charles HoteL STEVENS, MARK Dealer in tobacco, ci gar, nnta, ctindie. (hot, powder, notion, etc. Willamette itreet SCHOOL SUPPLIES-A large and varUd assortment of ilate of all lre,nd quantities of Mate and 1' book. Three door no th of the e pre office. THOMPSON k PEAN-Attornev-at Tw WillsmetU atreet, between Seventh and Elirhth. , WALTON, J. J.-Attornev-Bt-I.w. Offiee WiHsmetU itreet, between Seventh and F.iehth. WITTER, J. T.-BiieltVIn drwW. The highest price paid for deer ikins, Eighth it, Bridge. UNDERWOOD, J. B. Gnl broVee.ee bnsinea nd atnt tnr the ConnTlnt In nirance Company of HarrW WImtU treet. between Seventh and Ei7htr). ELLSWORTH CO., DRUGGIST, WILL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS in all iU branches at tb old stand, offering increaaed uiducemenU to customer, old and new. A heretofore, th meat Careful attention given to Prescripions. General Notice. MR. GEORGE HUMPHREY HAVING placed bi buainn to tii hands of tb undersigned for ooliectioa and st tie meat, all pereon owing him who bar not mvie ar rangement for eaUnaioa of time, are hereby notified to mak payment or other aatiafacVary arransement without delay. I A. G. nOVEY. H. C. HUMPHREY. Zirk Ctunillcr'i Murderer. The 'ollowinjr, is Britk Pjmeroy'n flcniint at United" State N-nalor Chamlltr'a dt'aili: A thu truth came out, it api.ea.ru thai Zachnrinli ClumlliT was killed or munUrfd, and thin by hi fiieti.l. or thoae who prafiej to Le lii fricnila, but who wait in rtaliiy hi eiiemica. Since out n the cainpHignt, ha hai met men who importuned him to drink vai ion Linda of liquor. Aa they in aisled, he partook till his system be aniH in re than lull of almliolia poi ion. In Chicago he was tilled ho lull tl.ai the night of hi dvsih, iuuad ol diwdliiiiit and quietly weekinr rent ami n-Uxa'ioii, he threw himnell I'ully ited upi n a lied, in reality muoh the worn lor lipiinr, and died in (hi cAndiiian. Su it ia that Hon. Zaoh. Cliaiidler was in reality murdered, not hy Iriiiidi, liecanae thry never ak s iuhii to make a !eal ot I iinnell or to roh hi life ot iu sircni;th, but hy t hoe w h are fotiiiniitlly tuipor tuning a man In drink, drink, drink, nnlilhwia drunk, drunk, drunk. It waa n t work thai kill td this man ot preal brain power. II died trout the effects of I iijii. r, and hi death van Le la l at the lo.ro! every man who ake1 tiiin to tiling. Ihre iiroleael trieiids are the real murderers ol Zavh. Chandler. So has hacd away one of the great political ireucrala ol of that Republican party which lu profeied no much morality, temper anu and godliness innrd 'red hy hi enemies who styled ' tht-msclvi' tl'iebd. Seymotir la Philadtlphltt. From th Philadelphia Time. A prominent Democrat, hitherto clnly afli'iaterl with Randall, made :he siirnibcatit remark lat eveuine that tecliif waa chani(itiir from Mr, TildcR to exGov. Seymour to suoh a eiienl that it inight be called ac tual revolution. "The Kayard boom does not meet wi'h the Seymour men' app'ovtl," he aid, "on the ground that State are wanted now, net sistenmcn. We want States, not men." "You think '.hat Seymour will Iske the Humiliation?" lliu speaker was asked. "Yes. He won't relune it now." "Why not?" ... "It j an inn rely on reports that hi intimate Irionds arc circulating. They all sav " "Who nre they?" "That's a hard quedion to answer, , Mis nepln-w i nioai interested in it. You know that Horatio Seymour, Jr. ran ahead of hit. ticki t for stale Kit (inter iu New Yt.rk. Me did nnl want to run, but he did, and turned out to be the only Dnnocrnl elected whoce tiinjiii it v was returned by the Itepublicnus,' DUraeli is the Street. From the WhlUhall Review. Dizz)'s popularity has sur ly rone on increaoiuir until it runy almoot be culled adoralion, or hi would never be followed ihrnnli the street", as be was on .Monday afternoon, by a knot ot worshippers at the shiine ol St. BcaconliehJ. Lcarnti"; lightly on Mr. CorryV arm ami swathed in a long gray ulster, the Queen1 First Minister walkinir loDom.ing street after h Cabinet Council, with u spriugiu! of step which many a man of 35 might envy, ia a sight tri vial perhsps in itself, yet having an irrcihtilile faicination tor us for Phonime blase, tor the griizled war rior jtiet turning out at Senior as the veteran statesman passes blithely by for lhegait red dignitary wendinii his wuy toward the AilieiiaDiim, Ma lur the omnibus driver who hnll pull up opposite the Union Club to h i lli ''outoilrrs" see who is passing, and the newtboy win follow in the wake of t'le little crowd yellioj; the sulietsMc el a piece of news, dot tram the presais ot the Si rami ami Fleet street, which inaylie the Cabi net have heart only an hour or two helore Irora the lips of the popular idol. F OK BUENA VISTA STONE WARf g T. . IIKUKIt a.1 LAD LLI I r. aUOX-I am th solt a-at fur this Mlebrated wann. 1 G. HENDKJCKS. Intbrrlj Lire. Inland Empire. The Mountaineer, whose editor piin hafd the Metlmdiet mistion title to his lots in llii vily,sys "slip will be taken at no lata day towaul relnndinii the amounts thti ail." When the b other has bal our eiM ri tm e will church cerporations, he will te a wiser, though ant s sadder man, than He in is. These "wealthiest and HKt honorable busin men iu New Yuik' are a torid of inner auy ot the or devil in Ortgon who bought Ibeir frs'idulrnt line. The worthy irratlemei) alludetl tt will meet is) New Yoik, and look aer ike reinrns of I he r spoiled siiei nla tiea in Oewoa. They will rr.le 1 1 hat the fund on liamlare "Imr ly 'enoogh for 'He offiti rs.'' Awl ihey will pay the brother "ott the ether 'aide Jordan." HTATE KEWS. Wheat ia (1 a- Albany. Alhany had little fire on Monday Dee. 15,loas, ft 1 00. The farmer of Linn county report that the grain looks well. The treasurer af Polkroqr-ty has paid 14000 of the stale taxes of that county. In the Alhany hunt last week Hacklem n's side won, milking 1214 points to Butkheari'a side 8G9. 0. A. Wells, ot Ibuna Visf, kill 11 a hog hvt week that weigheil 4JC pounds. The hog was one year and aix months old. l'mfeasor Wong Ching Foo has "hired hall" in Chicago, and pro poses to convert tlnuiiun to the doctrines of Cotifi cius. Geo. W. Si!l, superintendent ot the I'lnmmer truil diver at Corval lis, says he has alnpped seven Ions ot fruit, most t which to Li vet pool. The Scnlheen Oirgon papers con. tinue to ba tilled with account ol thy recent flntids. Nearly every village reports more or less damage, bridges, leiiues, etc.: washed out. Paul Dudlev of Sage creek. Uenlon county, met with very seiion acvl lent last etluesday by running a pair id' sheep shears into bis buck as he was ruing from a stooping position. A son of Hon. J. P. Schooling, ol HiirriKburg, acuidenlly shot hnuse'.t with a revolver. The' ball struck on I he right aide of leg, running down ward lodged iu lie ankle, making a wound 15 to 18 iuches long. Col. Hogg, who is interested in tbe Yiiquina bsy rsilroad scheme, writ s from lialtimure that he spends a por lion of e.ieh day ia Washin ton, and says be is wi II uleaHed with the pros. prcl o! Oregon aud that our citizens have na came ot complaint. A Lexington, Kv., paper saya it would not do to introduce the bell punch in Lexington as a mode of collecting the tax on whisky, lor the reason that there would be such an incessant ringing it would be impoa sibla to transsol any other busi nes becaue ot the uoise. The Enterprise siys that over two ami a halt million ol salmon eg have hi en hatched at the hatchery on the Clackamas river, near Uiegmi City. UiniKuully good luck has at lelied the tlolls ol Mr. Huhhnrd this year. Several I'taol yiuiii-f Hli hate ulit ady been tunivd lute ilio rivt r. LawvfK. "lIow tlo vou iiltinily this hamikerchieiy Wiimss "Ity its general appearance, and the fid that I have ntrn-i like it." Counsel (cutely) "That's no prool, lor 1 have ore just like it iu my pocket." Wit lies (iimo(ui I )'! don't doubt that, as I had more than one of the' saiau soil stolen." . Out in Montana they have regular David Dtvis grizxlio. The Helena Independent r-:iW "Mr. Wllilill Hoi r has lell at the Imlepcndciil ol lice tor exhibit nn a huge paw, taken troin the urizzily reicnt.y killed by hun on Virginia ercek. The bear when tlressed weighed 1,132 pinnule ami judging from the niousier paw on exhibition we ahould imagine that he would have weighed a ton ai UasL" There Is said, says an exchnntie, to be a woman in the Ii.diana Mate Prison, serving out a sentence for lile, who off. rs $b0,0u0 to any man man who will inuiry her ai d release her from durance vile. One heroic individiisl with the nsni ' of Schaaru miller has rinne leraar I lo .acritice hiioeeir ler the sum ol 10,000, bin the GoverHor of Inliuua ha lietti lorced lo disappoint hi aspiration; the laws ol the United Slates contain no provision whereby a peroii uan be relea-ted by auy such romantii precesi. On Thursday, says the Ilemizer, as the train wt leaving Sheridan, a inmi was seen coming toward ihul place who aignsled it In stop. Tin train was stopped slid It e i nndiielor, eeing the man aclett very strangely, offered to asit hiiu. Hr ihe time lie was reached In bad walked into a Inch, lie would rot allow lb. mi to si him, a he wonbS lake raie l liiinselfami rsed Very abusive Ian guage Inward the Bien. lie ess then left standing in tne w ter and the train moved on. At 6 o'clock, as Mr. R. Shay a I W. Ilobm-s, iw.i uo in Ihe en of the railroail, were coming out lo work, they loon l ibe man had wandered down the drain Hear to where it empties into Yamhill river, ai-ar the Sher'n bridge, and had lalleti down ialo lla water and waa drowned An ia-qit.-l waa held and il louifl that na name wa Jm" a Ilovey, a !. miker of Sheridan, . had U t-u on pree. A silver r h sad 4 5') it silver war lootid on hie person. Doa'l be Edllon Koya of my amlience, bright faced, aspirinrr youlls, locging for the shorter! ami quickest route to fame and lor uue, hear a solemn adjuration, and he warned in time: Never be editors everybody's pecking blocks, creation's scapegoats a"d sway back ed pack mule. Deadhead tickets to circuses, dog shows and strawberry festivals (paid lor at the rate ot a fivi dollnr noiicu for a twenty-five cent tickei) nil are very will in their way; and daily boquets from girls who want to gel thrir mime in the papers, with the stereotyped "beauti ful and accomplihhed" formula swung to them, are "just too charming for anything " Hut do not lei them lead you into that dingy djn of inky hor ror, tread mil1 labor mid squandered opportunities, burlequingly known as the editorial sanctum. Stand b;il'k. Keep nut. He boot bheks, ciii.nney sweeps penitent inry birds, or meiubi-is ol the tmni'iio lueimgerie that meet in the goigtoos whiled sepulcl er td a cnpilol at Wnhington. He mutt clerks on a coal I aice. tlctk hands inn trip Inctory, ct'ginecra of a one donkey powtr tanal boat, dairy innid with tin aged ox and two he goitsna the stock in trade, servant girl in a poor hotiee or orphnn asylum. He stock gamblers, railroad diiectors, presidents ol a sausage stuffing ma chine, rag vi tub rs, charcoal brawlers, or idiocy spouting senators. Hut never, no never, lie editors! Never even b one editor, fur hull' a ono II three quarters loo much for any well regulated tiimily to have about the house. Colon kl 1 Dos an. Vbi gold tlmnsft tolor. It is well known that the human body contains humors and acids, simi lar In set inn in aud having a like tendency toward baser mot at a nitric and sulphuric nods have, name ly, lo t hi nihil or dixsolte them varying iu quantity to diflVrcn! persons, Of this theory wo have nbuudsnt proof in the effects w hich the- wearing or javvcliy produces on ililiVrent ersons. ThoiiMitnH wear com inuaiiy wiiiioui iiuv ill etleei the cheaper class ot jewelry with hrxs ear wires, while if oilier' wore thesnmu article lor a lew days they would be troubled with sore ears; or, iu oiher words, the the acids contained In the svsteni would mi act on the 'truss as lo pro duce ill results, InstsiitttS have oc curred in which nitidis of jewelry ot any grade below ciuhtei-n carat have been tarnished in n lew dati merely Iroin the nhnve nnuicd cause. Tine, these instances lire not very frtqueiit; nevett'.i less it is as well to know them. Ktery cam is not the tault of the goods not wearing well, it it ttv g in tally culled, but the re-ult ot the particular constitution by which they are worn llotf bt Cuincd hu Freedom. Richmond (Ky.) Register. It has alway been thought that eas ot corn have an even number ot rows, and that one with mi odd num ber ol rows would oe an impossibili ty. In slavery fniei this qmstion wsa discussed,' and neu re in this county claimed that he had sren ear of ihitl kind. . 1 1 st master told him thai he would eive li'in his (the ne urit's) freedom lor an ear wiih an odd uuiiibi-r of rows. This was in the i arly Spring; but in the Full, during corn gathering time, the negro came with a sound cur of corn with thir teen rowi. He got his free impere. A I ng lime alieraard the old negro told that iu roarting ear lime he look a sharp knife, cut out cno row at grain, bound tha ear lielher, and knew just where lo gel il when glheriotr lime chih'. Lore level, ill Rank.. Lousie In Lome, on starting l viii l er mother, ss rt ported by the S rtcnte Herald liimily man: "Now John, dear, be sure and put on jour fljii e as soon as the weather chang s;aml don't sit up lute at night, wcrryiug your dm ling old head over Ihe can a 'el slate; and tiou'l smoke in lie pailoi, ph ae; and be sue at d bo t the bank iC'tte belore yott ga to b. d; at d tlon'i ae kerosene when you light the tire in the morning; and Im- tone ami wt r your new over cost when von go ii riding: and don't let the e I into Ike ptiiir:and hadn't via belter gel your Im'r rut soon; itrol iIum'i bo 6hing auy more till 1 uel brisk; and and aad well I guess iliat all. Kiss me, dear. Snail I give voar oe In ma? ah, by the way, gtie V" h id belter let me bale fnur night key. An irmtrlad. i0 f.-et long, "3 feet wi le, 50 feet de.-p at the bow, and 55 f. et at the-stern, with solid iron ar mor f one tool thiekne, and apeed of Id knot ae hour, is to ba launched about the middle ot this month bom the reyxl ety taul near N.le. I- ia tu In-r I lei Italia and will be the Urgrat war shiu Jt eU-tcoce.