Tiie Chase In France. Under the Empire there was Co m- nicno: under the KepuMic there aro an infinito numbor of lesser Com pioenos. At tbo neuu ot the list w ha t"!hantillr. where the Duo d'Au. male will cive bunting parties up to lw - ay tho month of January. This Orleans Prince learned In &ngiaoa to appro diato tho country when the leaves of tho forest are gold and russet; when thn (Vim ted brauches scintiluto in tlm gun and when tho greenery of tho moss and ivy ucquiro vaiue irom tho surrounding vvhiteuess. Those among their friends engaged in parliamen tary affairs whom the Duko invites will bo enabled to run down in loss than fortv minutes to the scat ot tbo rvmrin. whoso chateau aDDears in new guiso embellished with a view to modern comfort, hj-giono and cleanliness, iiut it is not in an Or leans Prince to do things on a large scale. Affability is a sociable virtue nrneuodinff from a lame heart and a courageous disposition. None of Louis Philippe's sons are endowed with either, and tney win nave duu norves, which make a tnrong intoi m-nhln tn them. It is torture to tlx Pnnnt da Paris to feel that a crowd is staring at him. Nobody will be allowed to follow tho Duke s hounds 11 n loss u Chantillv "button" is sent to him. llis lloyal llighness often enough attended tho Worcestershire meets to know that in a gallop after a wild animal tho moro there are to inin in tho ehnao the merrier. Tb "button" is simply a badge, worn as a decoration, and tho hunting season over it is to be returned, some "hnttnns" nro works of art. Referring again to winter sport, it may be noted that Count ao i Aigio will draw tho forest of Compiegno through November and part of De cember, llis brother-in-law, Princo Arcnbcrg's, pucks will at the 6ame timo bo out in tho woods of tho Cher. Sir Richard Wallace has hired tho ovflnsivn riiht to shoot in the forest of Compiegne, and M. do 1'Aiglo, who has the hnest beagio narricrs, siag, wolf and boar hounds in all France, has acquired tho privilego of hunting in that imperial chaso lor seven years. At La Gaudinieio, in the Nendomois, tho La Rocbefaucauld hunting parties will bo on a magnifi cent scale, and organized at once for the entertainment of the Faubourg St. Germain and with tho design of netting a great lot of minnows. Ladies to whom the "button" has hp.n annt are exnected to wear dark. green cloth habits, with green velvet collar, basques ana piasirons, gray hut and fonthers. and vellow chamois gloves and gauntlets. They will bo provided by the jjuko whu u goiu hnin whu-h will form festoons on Tin hrfiiist. and attached to that ornamental appendage a horn shaped, gold whistle. Grooms and w nippers in will be in tho smartest liveries, and the dogs will bo of the black, deep-mouthed St. Hubert breed. All tho tenants of La Gaudinieio estato will be admitted to the forest to be present at tho meet, and in the even ing at tho amusements at tho chateau. There will bo a cureo froide, a con cert in tho riding-house and fireworks in tho park. Hot wino and cakes will be served to the plcbs. In "the fine Norman land," which is thickly dotted over with superb chateaux, standing on richly cultivated estates and amid beautifully kept parks and gardens, tho squirearchy will devote itself for tho next month to winning popular favor. At Fontaine, Henry, tho rival in architectural beauty of Chambord, the Marquis and the Mar quise do Corncillers will keep open houso every Sunday in November, and All Souls' Day a great jovial fes tival will be held in tho former duchy of William the Conquerer. There will bo trotting matches, plowing matches, and athletic games on the Fontaiuo Henry estate, which be longed to the Do Cunisy family, and would still boloug to it if tho Mar quise had not prof'erred Prince Napo leon to her husband and tho latter treated her preference as a thing of no consequence. Peasant proprietors will only bo allowed to compete at the races; but young fellows of all ranks, gentle and simple, may enter themselves for tho trials of muscular strength and staying power. I do not in tbo least auticipato that the moral order plutocracy will, by petting the rustics living near their chateaux, entice them into voting for Bomo ducal or Bonapartist project. On the contrary, the rural population will, in the long run, exercise the predominant influence, and form too Btrong a current of opinion for the wealthy class not to be drawn along by it. As tho Saxon nursery -maids, Btablemen and villains in about the strongholds of the Norman barons imposed their German dialect on the governing families, so the peasant pror-rietors will impart a Republican tingo to the squirearchy, which from iellish class motives are staymg on their country estates in November and December, and condescending to invite men of low estates to their j hippie matches and their festive gathering8.-C'orr. A Y. Tribune. The $4,000,000 dowry of the Arch duchess Maria Christina of Arnrtrn has been paid into the National Vienna. If all young men J1 tivelr refuse to name the day until tne rlsof thei, choice VKk rrec. decided action as this, there would De fewertart-rending books written bear ing the title "How to Live on S-W a year." How Lincoln Relieved Boaecrans. Tho following bit of war history is related by tho Toledo Journal: General James B. Stoedman, familiarly known as "Old Chicka. mauga," was never in happier frame than at the Ford Post reunion the other evening, when, with other val uable anecdotes and incidents of the war, he related the following: Some weeks afler tho disastrous battle of Chickamauga, while yet Chattanooga was in a state ot siege, General Steedman was surprised one day to rcceivo a telegram from Abraham Lincoln to come to Washington. Seeking out Thomas he laid tho tele gram before bim, and was instructed to set out at once. Repairing to tho hite llouso he was warmly wel corned by Mr. Lincoln. Mr. Lincoln's first question was aorupt and to the point: "General Steedman, what is your opinion of liflllflKiil HADAnmina?" Goncral Steedman, hesitating a moment, said: "Mr. President, I would rather not express my opinion oi my superior officer. Mr. Lincoln said: "It is the man who does not want to express an opinion whoso opinion I waut. I am beseiged on all sides wilh advice. Every day I get letters from army offieors asking to allow them to como to Washington to impart somo val uablo knowlodgein their possession." "Well, Mr. President," said Gen eral Steedman, "you are the Commander-in-Chief of tho army, and if you order me to speak 1 will do bo. Mr. Lincoln said, "Then I will order an opinion.1' General Steedman then said, "Sinco you command mo, Mr. President, I will say General Rosecrans is a splendid man to command a victori ous army. "But what kind of a man is ho to command a defeated army?" asked Mr. Lincoln. General Steedman, in reply, said cautiously, "I think there are two or three men in that army that would bo better." Then, with his quaint humor, Mr. Lincoln propounded this question, "Who besides yourself, General Steedman, is thcro in that army who would make a bettor commandcrr Goncral Steedman said promptly, "General George H. Thomas." "I am glad to hear you say so," said Mr. Lincoln, "that is my own opinion exactly, iiut Mr. Stanton is against him, and it was only yester day that a powerful New York dolo- gation was here to protest against his appointment, becuuso ho is from a rebol State, and cannot ho trusted. Said General Steedman, "A man who will leave his State (Thomas was a Virginian), his friends, all his assoeiats, to follow tho flag of his country, can bo trusted in any posi tion to which ho may bo called." That niffht tho order went lorth from Washington relieving Goncral Rosecrans of tho command of tho army of tho Cumberland and ap pointing Thomas in his place. How a Rich Max Got His Will Cheaply. A millionaire who lived and died in the vicinity of this city, as he felt his last days drawing nigh, sum moned a distingiUHhed neighbor and lawyer, who since has occupied one of Dm ln'rrWf. Monitions in the crift of repre sentatives of the people, to prepare a lust ... . .1 - ;n will anil testament. uen tne win wua .Irau-n tlm man said: "I uroiioso to make vou hit executor, and I Bliall require no bond from you. rue mat, aiu. mo av.Tii.lrrn onirmlipil nftar tli&nkinc his U UUU , IJ client, and promised to execute the will to tho best of his ability. "What is your bill for drawing up my will?" aaha.l ia millionaire. "Oh. under tho circumstances, of course, I shall charge you nothing, was the answer. vui, um'.l tlianrlinr "Minn is not the BIT W1VV of doing business. Make out and receipt bill for your services anu i wm pay yon now." "Well, since you insiHt, i will make out a bill for a nominal sum say 25." And this member, who seldom draws a breath without charging somo r.r tiio rnmiirfitinn nindi' out and re ceipted for $23 a bill which, under other circumstances, would havo been $500. The good mad died and was buried. When the will was read it was found that the name of his son had been in serted in the place of that of the distin guished lawyer. The ruling passion is strong in death. The man who know bow to accumulate wealth understood i,o ,rolno nt ft tiffhtlv drawn will and the difference between 825 and $500. He l..l I, . niMPll tllfl WOHIS 111 UIU ..! l,r n-ora written 1)V 1118 letTftl uiuci m"-Y - . - ' . . . . . . 1 1 1 -n ..Mf.nmt.la friend anu tuns ouiaiueu " uiibb" will at small cost, and an executor ot ms own choosing. Cincinnati Gazette. The telephone, after being in use' only two or three years, pays interest on au invested capital of $5,000,000. 4 nnn in T'HpA. X. Y.. cut off his i,o,r lnw to the scalp. becaiiHO 8he had trimmed her little girl s hair short for the hot weatuer. Two men started out on a wager to see hich could tell the biggest lie. No. 1. i. "A wealthy country editor' whereupon No. 2 stopped right there and paid the lorien. T porta nt to Farmers. The want of a reliable book by which to calculate tne value of wheat in iw i-:- the Liverpool and quoted ,n markets has long been felt, but i ;i mu .n th heat fxind wtou-n is now nmvyj ""V- , VmZiuU Dealers' Guide," compiled by J. K- Fansh, manaeer of the Merchants' hxchange in this city, and which he has arranged to which sell at the exceedingly low price w cent, per copy-cash to accompany or ders. It is very irnporiam .ho -H wheat to be able in lew than five minutes to tella they can from this I ook) the price of wheat in this market 1 . j vi;.K nrifM. whlfh T0T m hen oaceu uu x-ujum... r , - - the markets on thi. ComC ahla- tioDi are warranted worou.ui f rwreil It r rmil, Sbyiit'iani and invalids iin with ounfid no Ihe Kaiser C-lebraUd German Klixtr l.r Cu umption and tlimat ami lung ditoaaei. It i rich in the tnlicl pro)iertiei aa tar, wild cherry, etc. la rendered pei-fuSty hsrral li lu the youngist child. Thia would hare prjvtd nn Angel of mercy in the hotiaehold of lhne un happy parent at Vallejo, Dixon, Beaver, t'tah, and numerotit other places, whose children were laughtered by a quack medicine recommended by its owner to euro croup, poseewing no prop erliw CHlculnted to cure it, but instead a deadly drug which hat tluin ita tliou-wiulj. B iure you pt only German Klixir The frenuine bi'aw the Prussian cuat of anna uti.l (he fat-iinile iRiiituro of Dr. Kaier. Samplea at all drug Ktrtt. T .M. -e i. v... -. I - i ii . spectable dniggisU. rinaaclkl. MoNDiT Evknimo. December 8, 1879. Tbo market for wheat TeMerJuy ihowi an Im provemcntover lait week, although I. lithe out tide figure for good round lot. Some aalea of mall lou were made at II 97M. There tin been a marked advance In New Yt ik and Chlcagofrem 5 to 7 ccub per bushel, but to ref pone to auch an aJvancli felt at Liverpool. The market there, however, la firm with an U ward tei druej. Con icrtailve dealera are not anxious to pay I.', except for large lo'a. not knowing whether the recent rise In eastern market! la due to a bulling movement or to legitimate demands. Uuleas there U a de cline within the lit xt few days, holders may con fidently txpect S.' but no more. Even If there should be another ri'ftht advance In Liverpool H would be taken up by Increased freight. Truro ate only a few vessels lu port, and no more than eight, mostly ol small capacity, due Tbe ware bouses are Hill, and never at any lime last winter was tbere aa much wheat In storo as now. The arrivals will aggregste marly KM) tons per risy and tho amount store I along the Columbia and upper Willamette la unprecedented. Sam Fkamcisco, Dec. S. Silver, 99; buying par selling. New York. Dec. 8. Silver Bullion 1000 fine, per flue ounce, U'i. U. S. Ifcmds-ce 2: 41-is. 5i ; it, S!;. ClObed Sa. 2-X : 4;-i. 6; London, Lfco. 8. Cousolf, 7 money, 9"4 ao counts. U.ej.Bonas-oa, 5 !s, 9';; it.Vi BAH Fit AN CISCO PRODt'CU MARKKT. Bin FatNrisco. Dec, 8. Wheat strong ; shipping, 51 'JMi Oo. Flour Weaa. Oata-Quiet. Wool strong. Potaloet QuioU LIVERPOOL WHEAT MARKRT. 1 1VEKPOOL, Deo. 8. Wheat on spot, turn dearer. No. 1 tlaudard, 12s; No. '1 siauilanl, lis 7 J: red winter, llsftd ; white hlchigan, lis 7d: red American spriux.No. 8lo2,Uj(KJ(ii)slld. Gold and Itock Company's Reports. Pan Franrwio, Dec 6. Wheat Steadier, demand soeculatlvo. Barley Quiet ami eaxy lor all but etioice. Corn innl, 9i',.jc bid lor large yellow, Fiour Very dud aud weak. Oals FYed. reeeloLs are veiv lame and there Is very little dercmri; for fo-u territory 1 20 Is bid. FotaioeH steadier temooraruy. Keivlma 24 houra-tioOO nr sks flour: tfOO sks notatoet: &Mtl dot eras: "O.OOo etls wlieat. Includes one cargo; ahip I id pone r takeu prior to arrival private. PHILADELVH14 WOOL MARKET. PlIII.ADKl.PHIA, Def) 6. Wnnl-Oulet and Arm: California flue Sji40.): medium.. stMn-tJ: mane. 3S(U(I; New Mexico and Colorado Hue, 30.15; medium, 86yit0; coarse, LIVERPOOL WHEAT MARKET. lilTKKFUOI DoC Wheat 10s 7d'SU 6d for Calilorula average ; lis 6Jialls lOd for California Club. CHICAGO MARKETS, Chicago. Dec. t. Wneat-fl 27!4 per bushel paid for Jauuary. Rhorl rlhs, tti ho Pork-dS f7 paid for January. Lard-17 2W paid fur Jauuary, NEW YORK MARKETS. New York, Deo. 6. Wheat and flour strong. Wool Sieady. arlu making; any purchase or In wrll- I ii a; In reapoime to any advertlaement la this paper you will please mention she name of the paper. Portland Business Directory PHYSICIAN AXD SURGEON. CA RPWEl.Ii, W. B.-K. K. cor. Klrat aud Mor rison, over Morse's raiaoooi Art. DENTIST. SMITH, DR. E. 0.-1(17 Flrat atreet, ITn Portland. fT B. WALLACE, HF.URKT DETF.CTIVB ItB . mid Colleetir. Hiialneis at a dlatuuee pruniptly attended tn. cr.4th and Halmim. 1ONKY IAJANKU-OOOIJ.H BOtlUill 11 I'nKlnne Hold Acoounts Collected. T. A. WOOD 4 CO. i 1'rinclpal Real fcsUte Agent prtini T PRINraCBia. We navesno rounds of Brvler In excellent order wliicn we will sell for SSeenta per pound. w. Li. l'Al..wr.it. i-iiniHDu OR Fine VIsMng fin UJ Cards fur lUUi WITH NAME IN GOLD-NO TWO ALIKE. 25 BEAlTiri l. 1.W TF.AK S CARDS I'mR IS CKNIM. Address THE "BOHS" CARP CO. No. 80 South rllin , roriiBna.urrnfm FREE TO ALL! FOU TIIE Championship of the Northwest A Pay (-as-Tn.Plea ronl'st, at I be Pavilion, cnmniriirinn .. DlV, Drermbfr le.'rth, at 10 O'clock. P. M. lOItXJ-iA.N . OREGON.' ETBAICe 1KB, 131. The Winner to receive ihe rilAMriOX iULI)( Belt, nianufaeluriM by Henriclisen k roenberg and valued at II j0, and 50 perct out r .. 1,-lf nt mils mnnn after exueim-s beini Ul Ulll .mi. ft- J , paid; SI to receive 20 perct.; id to receive 15 per ct.; 411. to receive iu pr nw, ti.,. n.Lin aiin miles will reive $100; luinc .,,.. - - - thowi making 375 miles will receive i5; those making 5.W miles win receive ai, "- ig 3Jo tniln will receive ;w rur r- L-uIars aiiplv co.-ner Third and Main streets 11 ' DOLAXI) A PIMwuXS Great Auction Sals, Erery Friday nd Saturday at 10 1. Paring tbe Month of December at tbe Auction Z. 3Ic iVrtlmr, 1S Flrat atreet, rartlanal, Jrcf . New Torsi and Philadelphia eooalf nroenU oi Harstss, BaC7 Ra, Bars Blaa- kcta. H altera, aarelaslea. Also larte eonsltnmenu or B4 aic, Caakrcllake, Cletblac, irrar. Jlrx. te. V, eAKlHlK, ateueaw. CANCERS AND TUMORS PI1!!!?? WITHOUT TUB L'SK Of TUB KMPK v r.,u01 wwj. in nrooi oi which I wcuia nMMsQtlUllv sWas Ik. ..tli!...J a. aw. I t.1. r .u.va hii sauilutCMj Ml Mifj UVIIUrttUlO namea aaaehed to the following certlllcate-not Tf i 0'.'m"l,on,lble names, but your neuthbora whu wuiuu jnu nay conauii ana aa viae, andaisitre yourmif whelher or not ihre was llll lltlAl,h- ..Ink...- fc - . , -m, wivfiiT ur uiimuiiifKery nraiMiseu i"'"' 1 ro"'1 nkr 10 auy other caaea Vi V -iieT, ou oeera II linuremiary. ' ws ireaieu jean asu lu I lie We-leru .i.l.ia BIETII VAKKS AXD KRM0VKD, viitiu.UU bKK LEliS ITKKD, On tlaaamo principle as Cancer, to wit: Sa Paynwat la Reanlred ('will a Caie la KITr.le.1. Examinations and Consultations, Free The nnderIrned twins; considerable of the lime away Iron home on pntWsloual buln, may be ooiaulted by letter at Salem, Oregon. W, UKk.K.XK. CKKTiriCAl'KS. This is to eertlf7 that I have been ailllcted with cancer ou ngr chwk just under the eye. lor the past Ihree years. I employed Mr W. (ireene of tUleio, Ureimn. Noiember, ls.H, aud he removed It w.th oultbeuaeor Hie knife. Iran mmumiid Mr. Ureeuo U) soy ptison that la slllleled with car eer. MKsl. LOKhNZO 81'Ktt AlU'. Molalla, Clackamaa Co., Oregon. Thlalstoeertlfythat! have been aflllcted with cancer on my face and me lor the paat four years. 1 employed Mr. W. Ueeene of Halem. Oreirou, Ket. ruary. lrtd and h n moved iheianccr without the ueof Ihekuifeorlowof blood. I will add lhat the cure Is lo all appearance permanent. 1 take pleasure In recommendinir Mr, W, Ureeue to any person lhat Is ailllcted with cancer. J. H JONKJ. SUjton, Marlon Co , Oregon. Salem, Oregon, Aug. '.H, 1878. I hereby certify that Mr. W. Ureeuuof Halem, Oregon, removed a dark siot or birth mark ou my daughter'a face It was takeu off without the uae of the kulie or loss of blood. It was oil her face from Iniai cy. It was covered with coano white hsir near half an Inch long. B. 8. WAK1). Kaleni, Oregon. This Is to certify that Mr, Wm. (Ireene of 8 ilein, 0'gon. treau-d my wife for cancer In Ueeemher, 1)77. The treatment was without Ihe use of the kalloorloraorblood. the cure has everyapnear aace of being peruiaueut, B. WAK1). Salem, Oiegon. This Is lo certify that Mr. W. Ureeuvof halem, Oregon, treaud my sou for cancer In December. U"7. The treat me lit w without the use of II e koife or los of nloud. To all apnearance tho euie Ii permanent. V. C. C'KRsSWEl.U Pherin'a Oftloe, Pallas, Polk Co., Or. This Is to certify that M m, Uieeiio. ol Salem, Oregon, treated my brother, H l). Hall and his wife of lliiena Vista. I 'oik Co., Oregon, for cancer, aid lo ail appearance the cure Is permanent. The treatment was without Ihe use of the knife or lovs ol blood. The operation was performed Injanu ary, A. 1). 1878. 1 would heartily recummend Mr. VY. Urecne to all thus alllicied. L, M II ALL bherlrlol I'olkCo.Or, Brownsville, Orcgoi. I hereby certify that my wife was ailllcted wlft cancer on the breas; for u ii vears. aud we eraolov ed Mr. W. lireene of balera. Oreg in. In October, ims, ana ne removed it without tne use or mo knlie or loss of blood, When the cancer came out It wastf luehes long, i Inches wide, and 8 Inches thick. It was of ten vears' standing. I was (17 yesrs old aud very weak ind feeolo It has been healed up over a year and no slgu of It leiurnltig 8luoe It was cured I am enjoying bel'er beilih than for six years previous to the treatment. WM. MICH KAN, CYNTHIA COCHRAN'. I'eorla, Linn County, Oregon. This Is to certify that Mr. W. Oreoue of pal ess, Oregon treated me lor cancer lu December, lt"7. II waa nn ru nose aud ol seven years staudlng, It was removed without the loss of blood or Ihe use ol the kuife, and to all appearance the cure is per manent. JUIIN NCCUl, Ex-County Commlsslomr. Fruit Farm, Marlon Co., Oregon. Toallwhomlt may concern : thereby certify thai mv mother had a cancer on her lace Just uu der the eye, for two years, and It was growing very last, bhe employed Mr. W. Greene ol ealem, Oregon, November, 1877, and he removed It In just one week without the use of tbe kntl4 or low of blood, and with but Utile pain, aud la to allap peatance nerinaucutly cured. Also, that a daiigh ler of Mr. J. 8. Vaughn of Buttevllle, Marlou County. Oregon, had a cancer In the corner of Ihe eye, whteh Mr. W. Greene took out at the sane lime, wttn complete luoeess, ana is wen i ao recommend him to any person that is ailllcted with cancer. Note Both of Uie abova cava were hereditary. ft C. bKaK, hx-Couhty t'lvrt. This is to let you and all others know I had been troubled with a cancer on one of my upicr eye. lids for about seven years, aud by your treatment 1 Icel perfectly well. Tbe treatment was Pi lie nember. l7a The operation was wlthou' tlm use of the knife nr loss of blood, and but II 111 pain, aud my eye-lid la but very little dWIgured. The eyes is not Injured, nor tbe sight allccu d at all. Addrets Hubllmlty, Marlou Co , Or, Amltr, Yamhill Co.. Oregon. 1 herebr ccrtifv that Mr W. Un-ene of alem. Oregon, treated me tor cancer February, lb7 11 wasou my face sud of ten years' standing, il waa cured without the use of Ihe snife or haw of blood, and but Utllo pain. K.U. nlU.IAMH. EX-couuiy uommissiouer. -Soap Creek, Benton Co.. Oregon. ri.i u in aafIIiv iht Mr W llrpeiie of aalem. Oregon, tiested me for cancer In December, Mia 11 waa ot live ) ears' stsudlug. tie removed II without thi use ol the knife or losaofbljod. Tbe cure lo all appearance Is permaneut. Tt . Ut I.AI 1 Addnsa Albauy, Or. Highland, Clackamas Co., Oregon. T hnM.txeoriifs ihai mv wife was ailllcted with tumor on her check for yeara. I employed M r. W. (ireeneof Halem, Oregon, In December, IB.S. and hH has taken II out without Ihe use of ine knife or loss of blood Ihe tumor was Inches wide and t Inches long. Tbe cure has every ao pearauce of being permanent, aud her goueral health, aluce trtauneul, lalmpruved ,ntfyliyl V S. DllBinn, Silver Creek Falls, Marlon Co . Or. ....- i- t. .n that Mr W. flreena of Salem, Oregon, treated my wife for cancer lu De cember, 1;h It waa ou her upper lip. It was laaen out without the loss of blood or tho use of the kulie. ibe cure to all appearance, Is permau. nt ... ,. . . ''Y'",y". Address Bliverion, nanuji vi Uuena Vista, polk Co., Oregon. i , - r ihmt Up IA .rtf.nii lit halem. Oregon, treated my w I fa lor two caucers In De cember, l' ! one canoer on ber noai of 12 yeara si andlng. and one on ber wrist ol i years' standing. Botb were cured without the uaeol thelulfeor loss of blood Tbe cuie baa every spprtraia ol being permanent. MA'IHaN hOrVAhl). Monroe, Kenton Co , Or. This Is lo let all know mat 1 waa boru witn a dark red angry looking lump lo the eoruer of my mou-b. Ilcoutluu-d so grow uulll I empioyeo Mr. W Greene, of b em. uregon, iu j,u,.ioo,i remove It. He has auceoasluhy Uken It out with oulUieuseollheknihorlisn of blood I was ( rears old. sud Uie lump had grown lo the alse ol a large ben s g. H hen eating, 1 Wuuld soiDeilinea aceiueuimiiy oiir r. and gave me much trouble, aud dl.rignrtd me very much. 1 am uiauaiui m i am iruc.j at an. ss. a. dw,.w This to certify lhat 1 bad a canoer on my lower . .' a u. is' i..n. nt alm On. no ano i euipi,'j . - . . , - - -g. ,n In August, Isla, and be baa uken It ;ut wim rit tha use ol lbs knife or loss of blood. It waa of one year's .landing I was W yeara old, and my beaiu) la now ueiier uju i .v. - , ...!, in the ireaunenl. The cure has every ap pearance of being permaueut. M. BVKULti. Ivaiiaa, iut w. n Alaea, Benton Co., Oregiro. a This la to Inform the puwic Uial Mr. W. Oreeoe. of fcalem. Oregon, trwued my wile for oaniier iu Mar l7. The eurehu every apprmuwuiuiia 7 . ,. . ..i . i , .Man kiaii.1 iw and rjermsneni, si " w - , t Koot tit inches long, about iU Inches wid and inches tnica. jsrownsviue. urw. hereby certify thai I had a cancer on y lower ii of .rTbeTeoJi. knife, and hul T.ry l.tU. a or D9 wm ui uw - "T"" .i. it s Af innr m rm iiiuuiui, wi w peanwos u. cur. - y W0ODI)y. This la to certify that I bad a cancr eoma on my !T2ooi u- oseofw. kulfc or k- o; b lood. aaa of 11 years sisn'iing n i U ari appearaxl until 11 was cured. uaae W. KAYa, lcdves(Usce, folk ., Or. tiu1 - ,va-- s 13 m 1 r,vil 'uU :r.: - v.- ..1 ph.. ... ' 1 r '2k:,r?? : ' , ,rn "n .'-iercy.se- , - VVTT H J roanir..mil.- Hon. - i - --g-- - 1 - - i I r'HrTI.ANI). WM. COLLIER. A. CAMPHKI.L UIVIOIV IUOIV WOllKS. (MUCORIHOHH TO rOI.LlEH't IHOv WIINKa.) MACHINISTS AND M.nufuclure and keep on hand Ktain Rnglneaant R I'lera. Tnrhlna Wile-r Wheels, Or iiihi naw M'im. Miiat-iug, i-ineyaanu nan.''r I'allern Making tllackamilhlng aud repairing done a' -hurt iwtlco. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Special attention mveii 1 1 Wood Wiirklnir niaohlnerv t'oraar Vmmt ul k.... Po llautl, sjrrit.iu. COMPOUND OXYGEN, With free uae us adjuncts of rilOSl'HOKl'S and CARBON coiiiiutul. A new treatment l"r the cure of tVuiniiiiptiiin, llronohilis, Ciitnrrh, Neuralj;iii, Scrofula and Ihe worst crura of Pvapesia and Nervous Debility, by a natural process of Vitalitntioii. The following rases treatl within the lust few months are selected as sliowint; it range) ot ap plication : 1 , 4. Kottr cases of consumption two of them having cavities in tha lungs-are all entirely well. J. Mr. T. U. ., of Pay ( 'entre, W. T., Chronic Ilmnchial difficulty of year' standing, also gen eral anil nervous debility, threatening complete wrecking of health. Cured in October. (1,7. Two cases of marked Mood poisoning. Cured in few days. 8, 9. Two cases of nervous debility of women doctored to death." One cured in seven and the other in sixteen days. 10 to 14. Five coses of chronio dyspepsia, catarrh or serofulua ailment. All cured or greatly relieved In a few weeks' treatment. A unull pamphlet on the Oxygen Trcnlmcnl and all cnijuirics answered, sent rmtr, ou ap plication Also, references to patients who have taken, or are now using the treatment. Aililrew II r. PilUlnglon. t or. Flrat and Wahiaglii Us , Portland, Osrtt. M RlXSTRl'S PATENT EUSTI', FIRE & WATER-PROOF PAINT! For Roollrig- both on Tin and Sliluiflfi riMIK HKST PHKHKRVATlVKOr" TIN AND ..i.inaiA rv,,f in in wnrlil. Will .loo leak a on any rMif. We refer by permission lo J. 1". Iionovan, lutea lvnapp, Aiiny unarm, Laahmntl Out man, and oilier elllaeiis ol Portland. Th paint will be supplied by Hodge, Davla A Co., I'ortlitml, al t M per gal lon. Kiich gallon will e ver Vi ciiirfs Un ,i i miiiura aiiiiwu rmif rkitoiK eoal Is nec essary Full directions aneftinisny each pank. age. All Information wltli regurd to the paliil ean be bad by addressing McKINHTllY at iIKNI'RYa, Portland, Or. LIME ! LIME ! The undersigned having been aiilKiinted agents for the celebrated ' KUKEKi SAN JUAN LIME, Would respectfully call tho atlctillon of dealers and coutrMCbirs to that brand before purchasing elsowhere. Wo shall endeavor to keep a full sui- t I . I,.: I il..t.....al n.Brbl iiyon nana ai an iimea nun ui. uwiun ... . rate). WAOIIAM) at Bl.l.inTT ROCK SOAP I Tho llotat Houp .Made. Ask your Grooar for Its M. a. ISKVIIKHIY, 1S Krone mt , Iortland, r. Agent for Oregon and Washington Territory D. W. PRENTICE 6c CO. MUSIC STORE. HUM A01NTS FOR Till CELEBRATED WEBER, AINKH at DROfl.' AND PKAHK A CO.fJ tsrand. hoiiare and Uprlghl Plauos, and II Eatey aud Htaudard Oigana. OT Meet a I reel. Portland ermm PRESCRIPTION FREE for the speedy and permanent ''r' Ixmt MsnhrxKl. flervoua debility, lyisaof Vigor and all dl-eeaes of a Prt .nH''i aeiea. Also a private prescription for WOM t-lf for the cure of Weakness, IrregularitlM. On structlnn of I be menses, etc.. He. Address,!" H Lock hoi No. 5, K-t Poriland, Oreeon. TBLKMA. & WOLFF, MACHINISTS, And Manufacturers of Tuoli Tor Planlr.f, Moldlns and Tornlns'. ( atlle Hraada. Irast liana Wwrli. Ira) atalliaa ' Vurn. a.ial. hiaaa I Urewery Warli isismI s orster. Also Farm Machinery repaired on short ootle Mill 1'lcks made aud repaired. n. ParSJaadJlr JOHN J. SCHILUNCER'8 Patent Fire, Water and Prl Prsf AltTIFICIAL STONE. Uaow VP-"d iV. eieca.e ell otfn lor lb. above atona for walk. Orlvea el bis. Boors, .d7llb.IMI.gr P-rp-ea. Jhl. m. U laid la all -nape and In any clr r "t'J eolom. Orders may b lell at M Front slreel, o-ltlba Holloa'pooae. Portlaoo. Term, aiveo and eallinaW mle hf " Cat AH. a DL'UBKOOP. ProprUtor. REOPENED t 'ssi wis ii wua aer Third aad Pais., rerUand, Or, This popular house having MAN AOKH. IRON FOUNDERS CLACKAMAS PAPER CO. Manufacturers and Dealers In PAPER 102 Front Street, Portland, Or IN STOCK : NEWS HUNT. While ami Colored. HOOK l'Al'KKS, Wbito ami Tinted. FLAT lWrEHS. of all dowriiitiona. I.EDOKU PAVEliS. ENVELOrEH, of all sizoaand qualitiu W1UTINU PAHaiS. C'AJU)H()AlU)of Bllkin.lH. (1LAZED AND Hi.VTED PAPERS COLORED MEDIUMS. MANILA PAPERS. HUTCH ERS PAPER. STRAW PAPER. PAPER RAOS. STRAW and HINDERS' HOARDS TWINES, Etc., Eto. Card Cut to Order. Agents for Shattuck & Fletcher well-known Black and Colored Inks. TYPE FOR SALE. Wo havo aovfTttl fon la of Job Type (nearly now), which wo will aoll low. CuKim, Oiilli'jH, LoftdH, RiiIoh and Prin tors' nowHrniriea general ly kept on hand. NewHpnpera outfitted at lint prico freight added. '' M'MURRAY'S . Adjustable Strainer AND CAST IRON STEAMER. Either nr Ilotli Fitted to an; 8U . rpHK 8TKAMKHS WILL BAVE TIIE 1 price of lliiMiiselves in two weeks in any family Tlii'V run be usnl with equal advantage in boiling, at il is Impossible to burn meat ur vcpiUibli's Ui the bottom of your kcltle. VS'lien tln'v are vsm in sloiunin, wliatvvor vou are cixikitif; is inside of the kcltle, thereby gnUing the full Imnont of the lii'tit. Tlicy are just wbal is wttnliil in rannlng fruit. Kither the Htruiner orHtoimcr ran lie removed with a knife or fork when hot, and are easily ailjuitd No crners or joints abotil either that are bard to keep clean. Mold bf Agents for f9 Cent ataa County Right for Sal , Address JAME3 Mt Ml'lUiAY, ast Portland, Ol. NEW OOOK STORE. THE LEADING STATIONERS, .T. IC. OILL Ac CO., Rave moved into their fljilendid Establishment In Union lllock, on Hlark and Kirst street. An Inexhaustible stock of well-selected STATIONERY, And an unlimited supply of books ar tlwayi on hand. This house has a comprehensive as sortment of everything known lu the trade, and its prices are always reasonable. Drop in and see the premises. BARTSCH'S New Music Store, 143 First St. Portland. (Odd Fellow? Builiiing.) Mr. A. Iiartsch, the General AKt-nt of the world-renowned, 8TEINWAY PIANO, Haa opened new Mtiaic Kooma at the above pluce.whor he keep the celebrated Stein way. hranlch & Bach AMD Ernst GablcrXew Scale Pianos AND BURDETT ORGANS A well aa a full anpply of Pnm Mcaic, Ml-mic Book and Mi hkal MawnaMDiae. CountrT order promptly attended to. ORANGE S. WARREN, Baiineta Manager. A. C. CI KB. C. W. BlMOHAst CIDDS & BINGHAM, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Portland, t t t Orffoo. Office. 8 and 9, over First National Bank Partlealar atwolloa paid to baalaea la tb CnlUst klata eourt.