1! 1 "m 1 1 n n, h i ix.lL ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSEIISITIM OF BEXQCKAT1C PRINCIPLES, 15D TO Mj 11 HONEST UTIM IT TIR SWEAT OF Oil BROW. WHOLE NO. 631. KUGENE CITY, OR., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1879. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE. r GENE- CITY ABO U J HJ4 lie Gujfae City Guard. t L. CaBTBILL, J. . CAHTBKIX. CAMPBELL BROS., Publishera and Proprieton. OFFICE In Underwood'. Brick Building, tf over Grang Store. OUR OSLT RAT ICS OF ADVKKTI81NQ. Adf irtisement Inserted m follows : Oi i-tuar. 10 line or le, one insertion 13; ch ibiequent iniertion IL Cub required in Tint adrertUer will be charged at the fob swiag rates: Oa. qure three month! 56 00 " eix month 8 00 " " one year W 00 Transient notice in local column, 20 cent per line for each insertion. AdrertUing bille will be rendered quarterly. All jeb work mut be ran) rot oil delivery. POSTOrFICB. re Ho-rro I . to I P. iuaday 'uJ arrive frei the .oath an leave, tola; north Mam Arrive, from the north an I leave, aoing t itk it I: ' 8ii.Uw, Frankliij i and ton Til etSa..on W4eUy. For Crawford. iu! Ce Creek aad Brown.vitl at I TM. litter, will be ready for deliver half an hour after nJ ef train. latere .hould be left .t the office ... b-or. 'XWtTERHOK. P. . OCIKTIErt. a 1 1 M r.oorm Lowa n. i, " - " ,Meet 4rt and third Welnosday in each grew- Bom I-ono No. 9 I. O. y, to. r. Meetaevery Tueiay ivaning. fciSI1 Wiiiiwhah KNrMTniiT No. fl, aeete ea the M and 4th Wednw lay, in each iwontli. 'TSTl. M. DAVIS DENTIST, Eugene City, Oregon. BOOMS OVER GRANGE STORE, first door to the right, up ataira. Formerly .rfiofC.W. Fitch. . Nitrous Oxide Gas for paiuler extraction of teeth. YT. Shemoic, M. Ti W. Harbis, M. D. Drs. Shelton & Harris, rilYSICIAXS & SIRGEOXS, Euttne City. Oregon. A. W.PATTERSON, nirSICIAN AND SURGEON, file Nlaik Street, appaette th Rt. Charles Halel, and at ttealdeaee, KiJORNK CITY OKKO-ON. Dr J. O. Shields OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SER viee te the citiren ef Eugene City and unwinding country. Special attention given te all OBSTETRICAL CASES and UTER INE DISEASES entrusted to hie care. Office at the St Charlea Ilotel DX. JOSEPH P. GILL C AN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged. Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Ttesidenee on Eighth itreet, opposite Presby riaa Church. GEO. B. DORRIS, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR at LAW Office an Willamette itreet, Eujrene City. JEWELRY ESTABLISMENT. J. S. LOCKET, DEALER IN Clicks, Watcnes, Chains, Jewelry, tt. Repairing Promptly Executed. WAHWerk Warranted. J. 8. LUCKKY, Ellsworth k Co. 'a brick, Willamette street. Real Estate Agent, Collection Agent, and Notary Public. EUGENE CITY, : OREGON. J. B. ALEXANDER, Justice ol the Peace, Conveyan cer and Collector. Bills collected. Record, searched and ab tract of title made. All business promptly attended to. 08s- at the Court House. p CEHIBS-Ieball keep on a fullof GROCERIES & PROVISION'S AadinriUtb. EW STOCK OF II ITS-Th bert and arge.t ever Vs' Administrator's Salcof Real Estate. .a nvoriiv r. TV F.N THAT J by irtu of aa order of the Vntj Crt o7L.iVoon.ty for th. Stat, of Oregon, I wffl offer for ulm at pubhc auction at the Court Hoow door, ia Eugwno JlD eoaaty, Orn, oa Saturday, th. ". fwT".ii.ia 1M acrA. to aatiafy the Urtjoa, oataiBiaff m j . ., . claim acaiast tM eiic " - - . . vlif Anwtt. and one kali ia oa. year, lecnrea oy " AliD NEW GOODS -AT I X L Store, Iil VERYBODY THAT WISHES TO BUY HOLIDAY GOODS ARE INVITED TO J go there, aa titer are ellin:( them at auch low prin-a that the peniile will be astonished, as Dry Uoods, Fancy Unttda, fonts and Shoes was never offered aa low before in Oregon. Bring every omt alontf and sjwnd it at the I. X. L. STORE, aa they will give you for 25 cent twice as murh a. any other store in Eugene. In fact that every article is put down to such low figures that nobody in Oregon can undersell them: And they must aell them. Extra heavy double width Black Poplin, 35 cent per yard, former price, 70 ct. New shades of Lusters, double width. i!7J eta. per yard, former price, 50 eta. Lateot style of Manchester cloth, must aell at 25 eta. per yard, former price, 40 eta. Lot of very heavy Dress Goon's rr.unt go at 10 ct. per yard, former price, 25 eta. 2 yds. wide heavy bleached Table Linen, at 75 cu. per yard, former price. VI 2j. 2 yds. wide heavy unbleached Table Linen at a.;, former price, lit cts. 1 yd wide heavy un'deached Table Linen at 40 cU. per yard, former price, C5 ct. Heavy twilled all woolen red Fbnuell, 3d cts. er yum, former price, 50 eta. Best Knlish shiitir.g in the market, 14$ ct. per yard, former price, 20 cts. Nice Silk Handkerchiefs from 25 ceuts up. Bust brand of Machine Thread, CO cent per dozen. And all our other Goodi must be sold at the Lowest riffin es Everybody that Purchase f 2.50 worth of Goods will receive a MCE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ! IP2?"P. S. It' vou want a savinc of 50 Cents on every Dol lar you expsnJ, bay yoar Holiday 2. SL X. Willamette Street, Oppoi:e KUGKNE CITY E5USIIBSS OL1ECT0RY. ALEXANDER, J. B. -Justice of the Teac lVerinct: office at Court Houne. ASTOR HOUSE-Chas. Baker, prop The -i.. r.K..lo Vintel in the citv Willamette atreet, one door north of th post office. ABRAV3, W. TL BRO.-Planing mill, ash, door, unna ano. mwinun iu..nui.".j, Eighth treet, eat of mill race. Everything in our line furnished on short notice and V! ...... RFNTLEY. J. W. Private boardini; house, T50OK 6TORE One dooT outh of the Astor 1 i .hJ faifV BOYD & MILLER Meat Market-beef, veal, mutton, pnra sou " """ l -p;..l,tK onil Vinth. oevwOTii J 'b" " ' CHRISMAN, SCOTT Truck, hack and ex pressman. All oraem VrauiV. a f t O'. at arnrM office. W. - v-i CRATN BROS. Dealer in Jewelry, Wafeh- 1 J t Jnal Tn.tpiimi.nra Wil. e, tUKKI WU iUUHl nv..v.. .... i..ai -Tt Ktwtrn Seventh and hifirntn. IKinrvw i C ALLISON, R. G. Dealer In prooerie., pr. . hmJiim nrin OTWW14 honk. visions, CTmuvrjr j.r..,- 7"' stationerv, etc, southwest corner W illamette l ak bf inu ft DORRIS. B. F. Dealer in Stove and Tin WRrc Willamette sxrees, utv.t Ann 11;""" DURANT, WM.-Meat Market beef, pork, i .. muttin cnnntintlv on hand isintn itreet. between Pearl and Hujh. ELLSWORTH k LU Dmsrglsta and dealer in painU, oil, etc-WillametU street, be- : V.-..1..1. Bt.il Vinth. iweeu j.i ii -" - FRIENDLY, S. H. -Dealer ta iT7t . J 1 ,.l,ani1lU V lllaVIIl- Clotningna rtuctw --:- .it UtvaMi F. it'll th ud IN lntH. G UA RD OFFICE-NewrTr. hook and job printing onice, cururr GRANGE STORE Dealers in general mr- ... i 3 l wnth nii chaiKUM una pnwuw, Wiv. gill, j. p.-rhe:rila5T!LMtI gist, iTi-tomce, iiim"" " i - - Seventh and Eighth. ' HAYS, ROBT.-Wines, L'quor, and IT ear. of the bet ona'ltr kept mr,.Ui;tly on hand. The bet bU iard ubl. ui town. HENDRICKS, T. G.-Dealei inreneral mer- rhandi-e-northwest eomer WillametUand HODES, C. -Lager beer, liquor, cigar aad a .' . .vT.vi. iviii.matt .tTMt. be- fine pipeon-noie "ie, - tween Eighth and Ninth. HORN. CHAS. JL-Gnonnith. Rifle, and hot-rm breech and muul. lordera, for ie. Repairing done in th. neatert rtyl. aad war ranted. Shop on 9th street KINSEY. J. D. Sah, blind and door fae toTT. window and door frame., mrmldings, etrJ. gtaxijg and glaa. cutting don. to order. LitaYl-: V-VtU M fim doo, i,h rt Pnitoffice. LUCKEY, J. keen, a one v- oi -- .. 1 i . pn.wr.rth . drui store. .MO ,trrrfct " - - , . . . lira CIaJm wirm Itnnnn. HELLER. X.--!Z27imX ARE ARRIVING, THE- I Mens' Merino Undershirt and Drawers, 37 cts., former price, 50 eta. it ir a l yt j v i i neavy iiiea. vuuia luiniiei unnrruiiru saa Drawers, 50 cts., former price 75 eta. Mem' White Shirt, latest styles, 75 cent, for mer price, $1 25. Metis's heavy Shaker Socks, three pair for 50 cent. 600 dozen Childrens' Handkerchief, fancy stripe., 40 cU. a dozen. -Children' Colored Hose, 3 pair for 50 cts. Childrens' Colored Hose, auiething nice, 3 pair for 25 ct. Children' Colored Woolen Hose, 1 pair for 25 cent. A lot of Ladies Hose froia 12J cent np. Childrens' Fur Sets, something nice and good, tl. A set nicer and better, f 1 25. A set Elegant for $1 50, worth $2 5a 6 yds. Rushing, in bolt, something nice and and good, 25 cent a bolt. outfit at the CHEAP aSOCOlHS, the Post Office EUGENE CITY. OSBURN k CO.-Dealer in drug, medicine. chemicaK oils, paint, etc illamett. at, opposite 8. ( 'harles Hotel. PA'ITERSON, A. 8.-A fin. tock of plain and fancy visiting card. PERKINS, K. C. -County Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Residence on Fifth i reet PRESTON, WM. -Dealer in saddlery, Har ness, Carriage Trimmings, etc. Willamette atreet. between Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE-A new tock of standard ichool book just received at th. post office. RUSH, BEN. Horseshoeing and general fob bing blacksmith, Eighth street, between Wil UmetU and Olive. REAM, J. K. -Undertaker and building eon tractor, corner Willamette and Seventh itreet. ROSENBLATT ft CO.-Drr -ood. clothlnu. groceries and general merchandiHe, aouthwest corner Willamette and fcighth streets ST. CHARLES HOTEL Mr.. A Ren- frew, Proprietress. The best Hotel In th. city. Comer W illamette and A inth atreet. SHIELDS, J. C.-PhysWan and Surgeon- north ml Ninth itreet, nnit door ewt of St Charles Hotel STEVENS. MARK Dealer in tobacco, d gars, nut., candies, shot, powder, notions. etc, illamette street SCHOOL RUPPLIES-A large and varhd aHortnient of slates of all sires, and quantities of slate and slate-booka. Three door north of the express office. THOMPSON ft BEAN-Attorneya-at-Law- WillametU street, between Seventh and Eighth. WALTON. J. J. Attnrney-at-Law. Office- Willamette itreet, between seventh and Eighth. WITTER, J. T. -Buckskin drea-lnc. Th hiffheH price paid for deer aklna, ighth it, at Kridire. UNDERWOOD, J. B. -General broker. w bns nemand airent for th. rnnflcnt 1 a luranc Company of Hartford Willamette street, between Meventh and Klgntn. Ellsworth &co., DRUGGI ST -1 TILL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS la all iU branches at th. old stand, offering increaaed induuementa to customers, .Id aad new. A heretofore, th. most Careful attention civen to Prescripions. General Notice. MR. GEORGE HUMPHREY HAVING placed hia baaine in the brds of th aniterrigned f"r collection and aettlement, all peraon owing him who have not aovt. r ranement for extension of time, are hereby Botihed to make payment or other aatuf actory uranffemeot without delay. A :. HOVEY. H. C. HUMPHREY. I70K BCENA VISTA STONE WAREg. to T. U. HKhUKH'aD A BELII lAGO.-I ara th. d A vent for thi celebrated wagon. )( HENDRICKS. The Ui if thi Wirld. Camilla Flammanoa, tha wall known French aaicntiat, Ihua beauti tully aiprtNea liima.ll in La Carr.t prmilt'At'a Sciarfi6qnn, regarJiDf; tba ollimita fata of tha globa: Tn vanb waa bora; alie will dia. Slit will dk aithvr ol old ago, wht-n Mer villi alamenta shall hava ban used up, ar through th extinction ot i ha aun, t whoae ravi bar Iifa ia aua peaded. Sh miiiht alio dia by a ao eidant. trhouih rolliaion with tome clfniial b.iiy m.eiinjj her on htr route; but thi and of tha world ia th mol iniprnlisliU of all. "Sha may, wa raport, dia a natural death, through tha alaw abaarption of htr vital clamaota. In fact, it ia probable I hat i lie air and water art diruinixhing. Tha cueao, liko the at raaaphara, appeara te ' have b.cn formerly much more roniiderable (hao it ia In aur iay. Tha ttnesttrul Tiial i penetrated by watera which iiombiiM chemically with tlic rock a. (i ia alinoat certain that the tempera ture of tha iaterior ol tha globe reaches that ot boiling water at a depth of ail milts, and preveuta the water from deaoanding any lower, but tha absorption will cetil-nue with tha cooliag af tha (lube. Thu oxy gen, nitrogen and carbonic acid which compost aur atmosphere alp appear to undergo absorption, but (lower. Trt thinker may loraace, through the mint of agea to coma, tha epoch yet tftr fl. in which tha earth, deprived of tha atmospheric aqueotia vapor A'hu h protects her Irom the glacial cold f space by preserving the aolar raya arouad her, will btooma chilled, iu tha sleep ol death. Aa a writer I says: 'Froai the aummit of the moun- lama a winding aheet of anew will destend upon tha high plateaus and the valleys, driving before it li let and civilization, and masking forever the cities and nations that it meets au it imoaage. Life human activity will lire- iiiacnoibly toward the inter tropical lone. Su Petersburg, Mer lin, London, IViti, Vienna, Consian inople and Home will tail asleep in nic-ceaaiou under their eternal aliroud. During verv many equitoriul 'luminity will undertake Arctic ex ppdiliona to find again tinder the ice 'he juVeof I'iri", Lyons, Bordeaux and Marseilles. The sea coasta wilt have changed, and the geographical map of the earth will have been trans hnmed. No oi.e will live and breathe any more, except ia the equatorial zone, up to the day whan the last family, nearly dead with oold and hunger, will sit an theahore of the laH sea, in the raya ol the am. which will hereafter sliiao here btlow en an ambulant tomb revolving aim-U-saly around a useltus light ami a barren heat." Foittr Tbu Tilttnpk. N.w Orleans Times. Mr. Jaetph Cooper, whe ie now working a tow beat line outside el the tow beat AaaWiation, end who has in eonequenoe ne rights ami privilege with regard to the tele graph line af the Association, has hit upon aovel method af getting his 'iispatches transmitted train his tow bnatatn kis office in thia city- Lust year, when Capt. Black was outside the Asseoalion, mat enterprising eiip owner bought seyeral dozen Belg'um carrier pigeons, and was training them for use, when he decid ed aguin to enter the Association. Having ne further use for the birds, he didaot know what to do with them, until Mr. Cooper earae around, mrvle inquiries, and bought tlufu Mr. Cooper constructed a eote bae of kis office and therein put the pig eons. In a day or two these latter became domesticated to their new quarters. For aome lime pl they have been regularly employed in brineing in me aagta from the tow boats at the pass, and Mr. Cooper i delighted with hia arrangement. The carrier pigeon in this service is swift er than the telegraph. For example: When a Cooper tew boat takes charee oi vessel say at the distance of thirty miles off shore, a pigeon is turned Lose. The fleet bird circles round a sjiroent, and strikes a bee line ler borne. I ha distance straight ia shout 100 milts wl.io!' the oigeoo travtraea in ahaut one boar and a quarter. Should any Association eesa.1 meet a VMsel to far from land, dispatch cannot be lent nnlil three houre thtrealttr.i. e , net anlil the vessel ia towed to the telegraph eta lien at Tort Eads. Aa a e nsequvnee the carrier pigeon line briag a snes sage to thia city felly three hours head el the telegraph line, ad Mr. Cooper rejoices oer hia ancceaa. aHMMaaB1aMHB1BaMath.aBBBaBtBBBVBBBiaWBaBaBa The firat ties, 50,000, arrived at - - a ae Ainsworth, obtained from thevv.w. & C. IL t. Co., Wedoeadav. Track tiiime will commence forthwith. Ainsworth wwuld U booming with oew imildings it lumber oould be got, but the North Pacific keap oo going tsttwird. KTATE NEWS. The crop af potatoes at Canby will be over 15,000 btuhela this year. Tha Dallas Ienixer has commenc ed its aixth valurae. It ia a finan oial sucoes. The street fol Independence are be ing paved with fine gravel taken from a bar in tha river. A Majority of tha echaol districts in Clackamas ceunty only have three months school ia a year. Mrs. widow af the late D. M. Thompson, and her daughter, at Al bany, has gone to Philadelphia. One af the prisoneri confined ia the Dallas jail tried to get bis liberty by setting the buildiug on fire. The Daocan, e.tye the Attorian, goea to San Frauuisco fiom Hague river and is expected te arrive here early next week. A teamster named John Slusher waa arrested at Peadletou an a charge n selling liquor to IoJian. He pleaded guilty. While John T. Foster waa in jail in Oiegon City, some one entered hie residence aad stole a quantity of bis household goods. Dr. Norris, ol Oregon City ia the lather ol another son, weighing 12J pounds. The doctoi has been com plaining of poor health. Last Friday, at the Dalles, Charles Kroa, Geo. Jones and L J. Vibbert were thrown Irom a ecaflolJ and the foriar seriously hurl. A One school house has just been completid in Latourull'e district, near Oregon City. 1 be name of the district has been changed It) Maple Laue. Michael Mann's remains, who died at Tulare City, Cel., last Sunday, will be brought up on tha next trip of the Oregon tor interment at Oregon City. The Enterprise says: Soon after the first ef December it ia expected that the daily amounts or iron made at the Oswego Iron Works will be twenty tons. Tha O. W. fc P. C'a stages will run te Yakima CI y until further no tice. The Ellen.hurg route has been abandoned for the present on aoceunl of enow. A pool ol wheat waa laid by Wash ington county farmers last week, amounting to 10,000 bushels lor SI per htixhel delivered at lie Hillsboru warehouse. Greenville, a thiiviog little villnge in Washington ceunty, situated twelve mile northwest of Hillsboro, haa ana store, one blacksmith shop a wagon liop and a past office, The Mountaineer learns that the O. H. N. Co. will aoon commence the building at Portland of two barge oneot 1200 tone and the other el 500 or 800 tone. Alto a large steam boat to be used in tewing these bargee. The Corvalli Gazette says that Capt. Woed's rtcetit survey ot Ya qmaa Hay prove that it ia only a snnd bar and ei1y improved, and much better thmi its most sanguine friend anticipated. The t ight year aid son ol Mr. J. O. Warner, who keeps the Traveler. Hume en the Csnven City road on thi aide of the Deschutes hill, fell off' a horse on last Sunday and br jke one ol hia arms. Geo. Jones waa severely bruised and diss. Krtn so s-.-rinusly injured that hia life was despaired of, by the fslling of the sonnoMintf ot a build ing. uopet are eiueruinea oi mr, Kron a rtcovery. The Hillaboro Independent aayt that a ireiilb-man who had had an ex cclleat. opportunity for observation in lor ms u that more grain n Dean own thi. Fall thae at any other time ili in the pat ten vesis. The Independence Uiverside thus compliments the city government ol that place: It II eehloin that a town like ours is blessed with a council as ha been ours during the past year. Economy and prudence have marked their administration, yet they have not been niggardly. Improvements have been gradually added, but in a manner which baa not burdej.d the people, aad the people, spprecia tin their aerricee, desire to retain them. Deputy Sheriff Cha. A. Johns, who went to The Ihillse. returned Thursday evening, having In custody Jerry Conway and Wash Thomas. The former ia chargH with lerwoy by bail. of span ! mill . Con way bad made hie wy to Prinevill-, where, he wa arrested, lie was taken to The Dallee to await the ar rival of the proper officer Irom Man county. . Wash Thomas was in dieted about a year ago. charged with an asaault with intent lo kill, but made good Lie escape to Eastern Oregon. 1 Inch-Abmcd Claw, Ciaoiaaati Enquirer. "When I waa yuur age," iaie! graodlalher Liokshingle te a eitiztt who waa deploring the uareliability of the newspapers, "when I was your age I had the same fault to find with the pipers, I could u't believe word that waa iu 'em. For instaaee, every day I read seme screed about hotel clciks stickiu up their nosei at peer but respectable people, who were forced to etop with them. At that time I wa proprietor of the Filth Avenue Hotel, an' was runnin' it on the European plan if you don't see what you want ask for il.no trouble to show goods, un that aort of thing. I don't believe a wrd of what the papers writ about hotel clerks, au waa mighty aure mine wa'n't that war. To satisfy myself, however, an vindicate hotel clerks everywhere, I put up a job on the newapape.a. A smile lit uo grandrather s ceun- ten nee at thia stirring oj memory's embers, but it quickly vanished, and ha went on: "I alius dressed in the hlght of fashion: but I borrowed a suit of clothe of John Jacob Astor, an' dis guised myself aa a poor but honest 1 persou from the lut trior. "1 had let some trismis ini toe secret, an' they were present to aee hotel olerks vindicated, an' atingiu'' rebuke adtsluitlered to a icurrilloaa press." At Una point graodlalber cliuoaiea audibly. "When all was ready I walked ml the fitlli Avenue, carrsln an ordinary lookiu' sack, au' registered aa John Crabapple. from Squeedunk. " 'Nice day, eau I, as 1 ornament ed the register itb my stage name. "'Uladte hear it,' said tae elerx, aa he fixed hi neck lie at a looking- glass in the office. " 'What time kin I get train to Hsukensaek?' I asked, for I knowed that particular clerk wn strong oa lime tables, una I wai led to fetch him eiu a for a the invited guests, who were settin g around takin' It all la. His rtply knocked me oleen olT'n my pins. lie said, never once takin' himself away from the loekin'-glass: " 'See here, my bald headed patri arch, yoti don't aee no people sleepin' around here on beochei with their valines between their feet, do you? You don't eee no nan shoviu' truck around loaded with trunks, do you? You don't observe any little girls runnin' around with apples te tell, do, you? No, 1 reckon not. This is ot) depot, dear air. If yea take me ler a ticket ageut, a baggage smasher or a brakemao you'll gel left. I run a hotel, net a mere railroad?' "I waa mad as a wet htu, but I wailed a spell. When ha got hia neck tie lo run parallel with hia mus tache he turned around an' asked ma what I was after, an' if I would mind raiuovin' my carpet sack fiem the counter, and carrrin' it out lo the stable, where it evidently belonged. "This waa rubbin' your grandfather the wrong way of the U'r, but a I had gone into the scheme ler the clerk in general, I naturally thought I cot I.I stand it if thty could. "I aaid I would like to haveareorn, il it waa all the same to bim. "He said he would give me rooaa in the eel ar, only ha was fsartd I might spout. Young man,' said I, fieri n' up, 'I htv money to pay my way and slttp in li e bridal chamber, au' I don I propose te take ne lip Irom any stuck up hotel clerk,' 'Who's a stuck op clerk?' he yelled, dancin' out of his little dtu, and put ting up his bauds. 'Who's a ttuckup hetel clerk?' 'I told him I waa ouly jekin' an waa williu' an' anxious lo lake it all back; but he wouldn't have it. lie danced 'rtund and nobbed up an down, and finally hit me a lerritio Mow on mv aoe. "Take that! too old hay-seed,' he yelled, 'an' that! an thal an' llmil an' I did aa he recent mended. When 1 waa beginnio'to iri back at him he jlruck the vi. an' seven porters seized me and huat led me out n the irevf,tno oieiK bringin' up the rear, as it were, who hia box toed shoes. On the sidewalk a policeman collared me, an' I waa locked up for thirty eix hours afore I could get a hance to explain thing r "Tb.a it can hardly iw said tl a you succeeded in vindicating hoiel clerks against the slander of tl proas" Vindicate h II!" replied grand father, moved to profanity; and ho. hobbled off, slabbing the floor spite. lull whh hia cane. The Riverside, at Indepeadenea eays: A large area of land haa bee sown te wheat thia Fsll, Dearly or quite double the amount sown in any previous vear. Alarmed by the ru which afttcted many field of Spring wheat, our la mere have taken ad n vantage ol the beautitul wtalbsr and have, almost without exception, sown large field ot wheat, wbieh now look, io splendid eeadiliom. bJ4 JIHfla COX. Adaumawor. tfirre