CITY AM COUNTY. Agent t Portland. Mr. V. L. Eppinger i oar authorised agent at Portland "brief mention. The Cornelia Couraut i flead. Chew Jackion'i l)Mt weet navy tobacco Mr.1 Joli'h Be'lshaw hai returned from Cali 'fnrnia. Common Council meet next Monday 'evening. The lawyer are all busy preparing for court week. F. B. Dunn will pay the highest tnaket price for wheat. The Guard it the beat advertising medium ; in Lane couuty. There are about 150.000 bushels of wheat Haired ft Junction City. Mr. 8. H. Friendly will pay the highest market price for wheat Mr. L. Bettmau owns a ttore at McCoy, on the West tide railroad. Frank Osbnrn took run down to the State fair and Portland thit week. Y write correspondence from every part f the county. Send along the uews. Mr. W. H. Byars, editor of the Roseburg piaiudealcr, was In town last Thursday. AH wanting pickles in tho brim, oW chow, taner kraut, etc, call on Phil, the gardener. Patronize John Lengw, if yon want good milk. He furuUhea a first late quality at reasonable price. Judge Walton passed Omaha on hit way homeward on the 29th ultimo. He will prob ably arrive here next week. For a specimen of C-pard job printing we call attention to the Exempt Certificates of the Eugene Fire Department. Mr. James Humphrey got the first pre mium on hit grey span of horses, for ti.e be st buggy team, at the State Fair. General E. L. Applegate, the Mohawk . chieftain, has been appointed a special in spector of the custom house at Portland. A sociable will bo given at tho resi dene, of Mr. J. B. Underwood't this even ing for the benefit of the Episcopal clinrch. Mr. George Seybolt, of Omaha, hu been assigned to duty in thit State to take the place of Fottal Agent George A. Steel, re signed. Mr. M. Wilkin, of this county, ha been re-elected President of the State Agricultu ral Society. Mr. George Belshaw was elect cd a director. All persona wishing to take lessons in lrumming are requested to call on Phil, the gardener, on or before November 1st. Ihe price will be ?3 for 12 lessons. A tociable and concert will be given by the ladies ' and choir of tho Baptist church, assisted by other singers, at Lane't Hall, Saturday evening October ISth. rrerohinp at ti e M. E. Church to morrow nwrninj nd VW 11 M' n 8 Sunday School at 3 P. S. Pray-ir and 1' Meeting on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The match game of base ball lat Satur day was cnt short by the rain. The Uni versity clnb bad two runs to the Salem toys none at the time the game stopped. The Ouarb is the largest. and" most ex tensively circulated of any papor in Lane wnnty. The Gharo is alai the nfuVinl paper of Eu'ten City. Advertisers should make a note of this. We are requested to rfnte that the rumor that the St. Charles will be closed is a mis take. Mrs. Renfrew will still run the home, and will continue to give good meals, and odging as heretofore. All those indebted to ns either by note or come forward and .ettle without delay, as we must have money i order to meet demandt ajpunn in ns below. Osbubn at o. men should not forget that blank notes, bill-heads, statements, letter head., and every description of commercial printing are neatly and promptly executed at the Grant effice. ( We have received an invitation to pate in the propo3d reception to U. Grant, who was .o universally condemned in 1876 as a dishonest President No, thank yon gentlemen. Messra. E. J. McClanahain, J. C. Chorch, Horrace Crain and Rev. Mr. McDonald re turned from their fishing excursion up the McKenxie last week. They tncceeded in catching about 300 firie trout. A .nUcriber to a aonthwestcm pane' "ie recently, leaving four years' nn .;a Tfc. alitor anneared at the grave and demoted in the coffin a palm leaf fan, linen eoat and a thermometer The Junction City P.lue Ribbon Club but Wednesday evening elected the to.iow og officers: J. W. Shelley, President; Jm May Test. Vice President; Riley Gilbert Secretary; Ella O'Dooald, Trea-urer. People who are fond of punching holes .n United State, eoin are not aware of the fact that .nch amusement i. against the law of the land. The penalty of f o doing is two year. impri.onment.nd $2,000 fine It every of ens. ThoM who have ooin will pleaa. Remember that th. St Chrl Hotel j. the only firat elaa hotel in the city. Meal, aerved in firsts ttyl. for 2.5 ceufa. alw odgiat for 23 or 20 cent, according to the room occupied. Board and lodging per week i I f-tvm TIC $5 to $7 a call Satisfaction guaranxw- of tw. v vu. a crav - . . T n Hendrickjof thi city e""i. Majors, w. , v f Hab - and preaented to him by Mr. F. The artist bert. of Myrtbi Creefc, vreg" '" ' b ion. stably wefl featnre. and expreaa.on of the M fidelity, "m " p-ei'ed of iT" wfean arti.tK ability. . ! Irving Item. . , A correspondent at Irving, under t(i date of Oct. 9th, send, us the following terns: Cool and cloudy. . The farmert are about done hauling wrati. Time dull; niouey tcarce, and collection short. Wheat it worth ceute aboard the ! at Irving. Where it our money to come from! W. have no wheat The farmert are all anxiout to tell their grain, but the price don't suit Mr. Bruce goet to Portland on the $th to tee what can be realized f roin thrunk wheat The warehouse at thit p'ace have not cot 'one-third the amonnt of grain usually stored at this place. Our blacksmiths are very busy, but don werk with as good spirit at they would, if tkey had their coin for what they earned last year. Whoop la. Our hotel caught fire one day this week, and came near making a lively tire, and had it not b.n for the timely arrival of our Hook A Laddor Co. which consisted of more hook than ladder, Irving would be minus a Grot-class hotel. Our school, nuder the management of Mr. G. H. Hale, opened last Monday. It will continue for two month a, which will fi lish the six month term. The patron w.antt him to teach a three months subscription school after the public school is out, bat Mr. Halo has not made up his mind to do to. Subscribek. Cottage Grave Htmi. A correspondent at Cottage Grove .ends the following items under date of Oct 8th: There are two dry good ttore in this vil lage. Road, are getting quite muddy from the late rains. Tnereare two notaries in our village fit: J. N. Baker and Jamo A Sterling. Mr. G. McOowan is also receiving drugs, etc. He occupies Sam Veaeh's old stand. Traveling salesmen speak very favorably of R. L. Shelley's management of the hotel. 0. F. Knox has opened school in the church house. This i. the first school the new district has had. The Latham school is under t nblo' management of Miss Bollo Burns. She is highly spoken of as a teacher. C. D. Osbiun & Co. are receiving drugs, etc. They have rented wmppio uros. om store, and are fitting it up neatly. W. L. Suodgras mi just returned from Portland, whert he has been purchasing, a stock of good for his new store. This place now demand a railroad office. By hearsay we understand the company is willing to appoint an agent if any responsi ble person will accept the same. Tne rail road company all along has been kind to this neighborhood and no complaints are found against the present management. Joet. Educational pAtTa.-The report of the Commissioner of Education for 1877 has just been issued, and is replete with interesting educational facts. In a diagram showing what percentage of tho population of leg;.l , . it Cut.. anH Tnlrif.n. cliool ago in too seven, .iv - ries, the daily average atteudanco ami the percentage of enrollment in the public schools, it will be gratifying to know that Oregon ktands at ninety per cent. n.'th ill the list of enrollment, and thirtl on tne list for average Remarking upoil the educational condition of the Various State and Territories, the Commissioner says of Oregon: "Here tho ngure "ow an in- cresse in all points. While tne scnooi popu lation is only2,17G more than in 137, tho enrollment iu public schools has increased by 18, 153, the average daily attendance, by 12,824, the rece pts for public school by $38.5.'.'l, expenditures by ?7,!50. and the nl'.mbcr of teachers employed by 19(5. The report of Rowland is pub- lishtfd. VliTOlUoua.--Ve take the followiwg from the Salem Statesman report of the State Fair, which howi that Lane county still "holds the fort:" "Mr. George Bulshaw has taken thirteen premiums on as many kinds of vhent grown in Lane couuty. Mr. Belshaw also exhibits twenty-eight varieties of wheat in the head, neatly labelled an.l ar antral, besides a kind of wheat called the "n.wr man't friend," .tandiug .it feet in h.iht nd beariua M kernels to the head. He shows, also, the white velvet wheat, the variety that took a premium at tha Cnlu nial. Tho entire display hat taken a ma.UL' RoLCiH os Immigrant. The moun taint on the McKeuzie route to the bnnch grant country tays the Republican, wat fuU or im miirranU during the atorm of the past few day. Theie can be no doobt that many of them have tuffered severely. A g:dtle niao told us he taw one team plodding1 along through the mud and cold rain, drawing a heavy load, the woman and little byy trudg ing on foot behind the He aid it was a most .orrowfnl light. People that contemplate- crossing the mountain to East ern Oregon, ibould start in time to avoid the torm. that are alay. .nreto con.e on Unt tlii time of year Arreted for LarCevv.-T. Kiter, who atal to keep a grocery tert in tbi. city, u. A,A out abort a month or ix UUV wek. an. wat arrested in Portland 1 ii.. tk,a rit, last Wednelay by Cm - .Uble John Morgan, on i charge of larceny by bailee. He had a hearing be or. Justice Lafferty last Thursday morning and waa : bomd 0Tef ,.Wle mnw w i . .u. ... ,l Lnrr Mr. Kiter, u4MM US BM. M J ' , . nu ,! was released.- R publican. ' The E-gen. -o. cl ba. ioriUtio. to b. present a iovantrepth. Pd re. the k Forgery. J. A. Teak was arretted last week charge J with forging two notes, one on Mr. Geo. Eg bert fur Si"0 and anothor on C. W. Young for$300. Afterheariugtbeteitimony. Record er Knox ortlered the discharge of the de fendant, a the testimony was not ufficiit to hold him. From what we can learn th. following are the fact in the case. Abont two month age a Mr. Johnson, who rut agent for the Little Joker washing mavhiiie, negotiated the note to Mr. it. C. Humph", rcy, who refused to advance money on them until he aw the above named parties. Mr. Johnson told him that that would tre all right at he wat not in urgent need of the money. Since that time Mr. Humphrey hat taw the partiet and found they had not tignod the pretended notet. During the In terim Mr. Johnson hail gone to Eastern Oregon and wrote to Mr. Humphrey to for ward the money to him. The reason of the arrest of J. A. Peak was that the notet were drawn in his favor and the name of "J. A. Peak" indorsed on the back of the notes. Somebody it guilty of thi crime aud hope that the guilty partie will bo brought speedily to justica. Permanent. The following conversation was recently overheard at Ihe State Faiii Portlander "Pooh! Salem i. oily ia tuhurb of our city, anyhow; and if it weVe not for the people we .end to your old Fair yo4 wouldn't take enough money iu at the gate to pay the couimittee't whisky bill." Sa lemite "Yet, it't true, we are indebted more to the mctropolit than any other pltce iu tho State for people, especially thoso who remain permanently." Portlander "Ex actly! What did I ay! Portland it the 'boss,' and at you remarked supplies most of your pern.nnent resident. What'll ou have to driuk!" Salemite "I'll take a little of the old poison! But the permanent resi dent I w (peaking about are all in the penitentiary." The Portlander drink with a frown and goes off to play for even at tho pool box. Standard. Local Market. Wheat 94 cts per bushel. Oat 33 ct. Butter 2jc per lb. Lard 10c pur lb. F,g,20 cents per dieen. lUcon Side:, 10c; hams, 12Jc; sonldcrs, 6c. Flour $6 per bbl. Hops San Francisco dispatches quotes weaker. Putty Larceny. A honbre sailing nder the cognomen of John Dean was arrested one day this week for dealing oats froin the ban. of Dr. Hemenway. A trial was had before Recorder Knox, and the erring Dean was given free lodging in the jail for thirty days. The jolly prisoner acknowledged also to havihfl atoleu some oats from B. C. Pennington aud then selling them back to him (or trade and lucie. A festive individual surely. New Harness Shop. Mr- E. P. Coleman has bought the stock ef harness, saddles, etc., formerly owned by Mr. A. C. Briggs, aud will continue tho business at the old stand. Mr. Coleman has many friends in this couutv. and therefore is assured of a good run of business. His "ad" will rppear next week. Plowing. The abundant rains nf the (Hist week have mado it poisible for the far mers to (tart thoir plows and already qnito an amount of plowing hat been done. The farmer, seem determined that there .hall be no opportunity for rust again next year on account of late sowing. A Rich Farmer. -Dr. H. J. Glenn, can didate for Governor of California on tho Dem ocratic ticket,raised 1,230,0m tack of grain, equal to 65.000 tons this season. At the rate of 73 per sack, he will realize over $2,000,000 for the crop. OmcKiw Elected. The Eutnxian Liter ary society of the State University have elect ed the following officers; President, Mis. Irene Dunn; Vice President, Miss Ida Dunn; Secretary, Miss Eva Ricej Treasurer, Mis Eva Rogers. Bask Ball. A match game f base ball will Im played on the ball ground to-day at o'clock, Wtwecn the Junction City club aud the University club, of this place. Mr. George Washhnrne, of Junction, wa in town one day thi week. Mr. "Col" Henderson, fonnely of thi place, i now turnkey at the penitentiary. "Ituf" Robinson i nuwserving up fresh oysten in every style. Give him a call. Mrj. Renfrew has moved her hotel into tho brick bailding adjoining the St. Charles- Joel Ware mourn the loss of, a bovine 6f the female persuasion. Too much roVty wheat. Mr. M. VVIIkin. ot (Hi corfnty, gets a first pretrti'iiii Ur a paii1 of New Oxfordshire aheep at the State1 Fail'. A young lady attired id mafe habit and (moling i cigar wa pronler.adin. the treeU one evening thi week. ' ' IL.ff k Co, Dfaun'factarer of ere un cheese, near (iohen, had aample of their cheese ou exhibition at the State Fair. The Oregon Kiifoey Tea took the Brat premium at tiie Slate Fair. A da ei ved rec ognition for thS valuable discovery of our own State, Mr. Horare fkratton now a tt. thriving mer. chant of Frminiton, W; T. i in town. Mr. i l. Btrrtum M www P- 1 ecti'' DlTJ; j We one of on promWt Wheat j buyer that mere i do mrn i-t n"" wheat ia Portland. It i all (hipped tn, an.l aupnm v, . . . - . i ti T...4. k-. kn llnF HKI inCD'l. 1 " '. wmm miminxiiA fo, Q.ief Eoziueer of the Port- land Fir Department. "Tom is on 01 . " . I . -It . J w MrtaW the beat nremenin wiiibi.wu I him nepes.' ' LonliAnt 1rYkf' Pfttaant Vla'ny of the nostrum put np and told for the cure of various disease are rcry injnriou by reason uf the poison which lliey coutaiu aud which canuot be detected save by a chemical analysis. m The OrefunKiduoy.Teai not oped to any uch uljection,-but i. a freely vegetable remedy, which noed. only to be "drawn" like any other Tea, and it is ready for n.e, curing without fail the wont ease of Kidney Complaint or any disease of the urinary or- gau in either sex. "How's Your Llvor?" The Oriental alutiou would not be at all out of place iu thi country, nine-tenth of the people ttllictod with torpidity of thi. or gan. Pfunder' Oregou Blood Purifier i the great regulator. Try it! MUMMED. At the residence of Mr. Hobbs, ou Fern Ridge, Octobur, 8, IS79, by Rev. K P. Henderson, Mr. C. V. Moore and Miss Flora J. Moore all of Lane county. "Moore and Moore." "Alway Moore to follow." At the residence of Jacob Gillespie, en October 5th, iS79, by Rev. J. Gillespie, Mr. M. Masterson and Miss Alice Heal all of Lane county. At the residence of James A. Castecl, on October 2d, 1879, by J. M. LafTerty, J. P., Mr. Bird Waltrip to Miss Mary E. Eaton all of Junction City, Oregon. At tho C. P. church, in Junction City, ou Sunday, October 3th, Rev. Phillip Starr officiating, Mr. Riley Gilbert, of I.ane coun ty, to Mia Emma E. Cummin, formerly of California. At the resideuce of the bride' mother, in Eugene City. October 8th, 1879, by Rev. K R. Geary, Mr. Jesse Sovern aud Mis Eva liue Beherns all of Ine county. Ladles Attention. Berlin Fashion Patterns at Dunn 61 Strat ton'. DR. MINTIE'S "SPECIAL" MEDI CINES Are made from the best materials obtainable'. They are not cure-alls. They are favorite pre; scHptions that have been tried anil tested for years in his extensive practice, until now thev are absolutely perfect In th troubles for Which they are recommended. The Ni-iihreticum works wonders in Kidnev aud Bladder complaints. Those suffering with Dropsy, lirigl t'a disease, Diabetes, Gravel, Retention of urine, Pain in the back, Incon tinence, or any disease of the Kidney and Mad der, will be astonished at the relief one bottl will afford. . . , , For Female weakness it is absolutely with out an eip.aL : For all derangement of the Liver, Use Dr. Miutie's English Dandelion Liver Pill. For Billiousness and Dispepsia, Use Dr. Mintie'a English Dandelion Liver Pills. For Fever and At;e, Use Dr. Militia tnslwn Dandelion Liver Vv'cry family should keep the Dandeltdri Pills on hand. , See what the drnffljU say about Dr. Min tic' medicines: "Everybody speaks highly of ihera." C. H. Woodurd Co., drujm'isU. Portland. "All who take them recommend them."-John A. Child, druirtrist. Portland. Messrs. Abrams Carroll, wholesale druxtrists, San Francisdo, sayi "Wtreffard Dr. Miutie's Nephreticmn as the best Kidney and Bladder remedy before the public." AlldrumfUU keep these medicines. SIR ASTLEY COOPER'S VITAL RESTORATIVE! The great English remely ha made more cures of IServous ueuilliy, neminai naaxneu, Ioit Manhood, nocturnal einissions, lassitude, inahility for mental lW, despondency, and such diseases as are induced by youthful! fol lies and excesses, than all other medicine com bined. , . i ; It i. n,f. & titnuUnt nor excitant: ia perfect ly safe to take, is not a quack nostrum, and produces results are that wonderful Prii-o. :i a lmttle. Four times the quantity. $10. Buy a bottle. It will Hot disapiint you. Hodge, Davis Co., wholesale druggists. Portia ml, Or. Many a dollar formerly spent on expensive Sulpnur Hatha is now saved by substituting therefor Glenn's Sulphur Soap, which it just as bentficial hut infinitely cheaper. Local dis eaxes of the skin, rheumatism and gout are all relieved bv this standard remedy. Complex, ional are eradicated by it, ami it im i, .rt t,i thA cuticle a Dearlv whiteness and vcl vety softnex which greatly enhance the effect of female charms. Its soothing, antiphlogistic action tonstitute it a prime remedy for sores, ,il,...i-n puts, snralns. scalds, bruises, and in awrv linortnal oondition of the cuticle at tunA.A l.i inflamatinn. or itching. Ijidit s moving In our best society speak of 1U beiiiitirying proiM-rtles ill enthusiastic terms, ami give it decided preference to cosmetic which merely coiicce! hut do not, like Ulenn' Sulphur Siwp, eradicate defects of the com nti,tn 'Die use of ointments for eruptive complaints is to be defecated because of their having a temiem y K) ciog tus mrK uu ta ftL-L-ravate rather than remedy the distase. They are, besides, seldom thorough eno'iijh In their elfect. to prevent tne recurrence of eruptions of an inveterate type, and have the disadvantage of soiling the Juiell of lemons who use them. Glenn Sulphur Soup, on t!.e contrary; railicullv cure U.e dis ease! to which it is adapted and still further recoinm-nds itelf on ac-ount of its cleanliness. It is heii'Ies, an admirable Hisin'cotJint of clothing which has lieen worn hy pi-raon af flicted with diseases of a contagion nature. As aicifie preventive and promoter of the general health it presents advantage of th most unequivocal iiescrijitlon. Hold by druggist Price ZTe. ix'' e8- 1 box (3 eakes)7ac., sent bv mail, raid, on re ceiirt of prioe. C. N. Crittenton, Prop r. Sixth avenue, New York. Hill ' hair and whisker dye, black or bown, 50c Hall' Hepatic Kifin-U th best lfver reme'iytn theniarket It cirfe Billiousnes, H,i,SUr. Constinatiorf. Jaillidii. Ptsiie.wia, and all diseases arising from the derangement of that important organ, whioh ha btfn com monly called the housekeeper of health Thi Liveb The ilrugsisU of this ity have it, and will guarantee evety Wttle; or money reiunoeu. Try it Fob CtT. Twi room uitabl for of fices, upstair in Underwoods brick. Apply at Kxpre office. rnki. h f tiim-K at tha Hardware Store keep the largest and best selected Uck of wall , . . . Eu nt c.upnsingn prtf brown. Blanks, Stin, Gilt and Etxjas- l K tl.a nnrchaM direct from the , KJUrn f.rie. an! will aell a cheap a. th. i cheapen. All paper tnmmea ire. cnarg Farmers Insure your Wheat when Stored. In surance for one day or one year on the best terms, by f Underwood Brosv V I 1 U. I, 1 I I 1 HAS JUST OPENED FOR THE 8PK1MJ AND SUMMER TRADi THE LAGE8T STOCK OF GOODS EVER BROUHT OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING has been larycly Increased and w can, show as bandsom. a line of ready made good. In men's And boys' . business and dress suits As oan be found in the country, and at prices that cannot fail to satisfy. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is well filled with a splendid assortment of all leading style and fashionable shade of (foods. EMPRESS CLOTHS, MOHAIR, anil AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, riald, Plain and Ojwra Flannel of all colors. Bleached it Unbleached Cotton Flan nel. ' Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, SHAWLS and SCARFS', S. Robinson & Church, DKAI.KUB 1.1 SHELF& HEAVY HARDWARE IIAVK TUB IfcstSoIccicd Stock In Oregon IS A OLLAR HOC BEFORE PURCHASING, GO TO A. V. PETERS & GO. Dealers in Gem-ral Meitliantlise, and examine the Celebratort Th licst and hiost cotnplcte of able BOOT M SHOE STORE JLIIUNT. Proprietor. Shop cdt Willamotte street, 2nd dobr north ef hardware (tore, Eugene City, Or. I will hereafter keep a complete stock ef LAWKS', MISSES' AND CIIILDIIEN'S SHOES, (Jaltcrft, Cloth and Kid, Itutton nootn, Kliltpcra, white and black; NandaU, French kid !. M JEN'S & BOYS' KEANDHIAVT BOOTS & SHOES OF ALL KINDS, And in fact everything in the 11001 and SHOE line, to which I inUnd to devote my especial attention. MY GOODS , Were manufactured to onUr, ARE FIRST CLASS And guaranteed as represented, and will b sold for th lowost prices that a ffoou article oan be afforded. .trCT-7)ttt A. Ill VI. CRAIN BROS. DEALERS lii )iClnrk, Watchfi and Jewelry. Musical instrument, Toy, Notion, etc Watches, Clock, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Northwest corner of Willamette n,l Kihtli .treeta. fel)i) tf If you wish to buy your goods cheap, you must ' go VI VII lusi ui LURCH BROS., CO'LTAOF. (IUOVE. Tiiev keen one of the largest (toek of General Merchandise Outside of Portland, and they sell goods i er than it can b bought anywhr in th ,1 l l u guuiim wrmr Uniette valley. .... 'lii firm of Lurch Bro. cotuUof Aaron Lurch and lien Lurch. -opOSITION IrtTHB LIFE OF TRADE ! SLOAN BROTHERS WIIX HO WOBK CHEAFEB thaa aaf thai bop in towr. H0HSES SHOD FOR $150, Willi new material, all wnoil. Eeatttinf oli shoes 7 ( cnt. All warrant Klv aalUlaelloar. Shop on the Corner of 8th ann Olive 88. . .OOIiKtV 8TYLK3 IJtai low price. Jut reeviyil oy . H. KHIKS'DLY. aiin kt iiom ever KRouomtro NOTICE. ALL PERSON'S KNOWING THEM arlre Indebted by n t or bonk aooourt t tn J. W. Cleaver, are requested tn call at the office of . ii. Dorri. EuRena.t'ity, and aettl ImiW'liat'ly, or action will b ewnnwntd to reeover the same. A liberal discount will b aaad in arnn raaos. , , , rpia o. b. r.oRrr. Atfy l f: at m r v, WJUl JU TO EUGENE. WOOL BLANKETS, ALL COLORS. Trunks and Traveling Uatchels. HATS AND CAFS in th leading styls. OIL CLOTHS for floor and table net. ,, BOOTS AND SHOES. W woi-ld .all special atteution to oar Uek ef Menu' aud Hoy' Sun Francisco BooU, Which w have told for a number of year with tfreat tutufactioa. Every pair warranUd. A oo.nplct stock of HARDWARE, PLOWS 'AND I'AKMINO , UTENSILS. CHOICE TfcAS, CANNED GA)0D$ And all choice FAMILY GROCERIES a astonishly low rate. m ' LIVERPOOL & CARMEN ISLAND SALT. Highest price lor all kind of produce an . FKIi:iVDl,Y ! i'l HAVE FOR sar. at th LOWEST ates IKON. STEEL, AXES. ANVILS. NAILS, ROl'K Cahl Chains, (ilium, Putty, Tableand Pnrk.t CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, AGRH'ULTTRAL IMPLEMENTS, Maxtine Powdsr. Finking Tackle. Etc., Etc. NV Invite an exam tnatk'fi ot our Joeds confident that r price will luit th time. Laat all, and sold oh the most reason'- terms. B. F. DQRRIS, rjEALEniN , Moves Meliiiii, iiifuaie AND House Furnishing Goods Generally Wells Driven Promptly AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Willamette Mlrtet, - C Eugene City, Oregon JUST RECEIVED. , , A Large Stock of miY GOODS. rjLOTIIIXO, HATS, HOOTS AND SHOES, GK0CKKIKS, YANKEE NOTIONS ETC., ETC., AT REDUCED PRICES. Highest market prlo paid for all kind PRODUCE, HIDES and FURS. A. GOLDSMITH ItHfhEK! LUMBER! I HAVE ESTABLISHED A LUMBER YARD On th corner of Eleventh and Willamette streets, and keep constantly on hand lumbar of .11 lrlniitt ftnM.ittttl fliwiriiitr tid nl.tlr. fnr. 7 . . . . . log and fence post. jr. tt. jlyMtf Eugene City Brewery MATHIAS MELLGK, Pro'p la now prtparail ta 111 all rar for LAGER BEER OF A SUPERIOR OtlTY. Cuma sad are fur JiT'r ll A f oo4 artlel ta RESPECTFULLY OFFERS HIS 8ER vices to th eitiun nf Kujent City and vicinity in the NEW ID III AX OT DOUGLAS COUNTY, CHiN. . Inrtrpirated, Jaie, 178. Capital Stuck, i.!,Nf' OFriCKRSi FarMDiirr-A. L. Todd. SnarraT A- 7iiii Todd. DiBErtoaa J. P. Gill, J. W. ackaen, T. 8. ltodaUugh, A. L. Tld and A .Ttdd. , t , Principal olir for al of (tui k at J. P. (iill X SiVs drug Ur, PwUttic biiildiaf, lufa.