THE EUGENE CITY GUARD KUPKNKClTr.OKKUON. iATUBUAY, OCT. 11. IS79. Dow Blaine Carried Maine. An Augusts corrcnpomlent of tlio New York Herald writes ss follows: 4,Beyond the arguments on the Mump, distribution of political literature, bull-dosing of employes and United States pensioners, the Republicans employed a lever which was mere pewcrful and effective than all the others combined, viz.: money. 1 hey evidently had Urge fund and they expended it judiciously ai.d to the best advantage. It was raised at home, and the National Coram ilee gave permission to the State Com miltee to draw upon it for i.s large a sum as might be necessary to buy tli 'State. All the Republican Sta'.e and National officials were assessed five per cent, on their salaries, while all he candidates were mercilessly bled to raise an immense corruption fund One of the mail route agents on the train from Jkne-r te Portland was assessed $42 50 on his salary of $850, and I suppose he paid it, lor he is still running on the train, and that would 4iot be possible had be refused. A country postmaster in this district, with a salary of $45, was orced to disgorge $2 25 as his sharo of the fund. Voters were bought in this city like sheep in the shambles, and the same was true of the other cities and many of the larger towns in the State. The price paid for votes varied, and was somewhat smaller than in former years. I am told that $5, $10, lift and $20 was paid, and in aome instances $25 and $30, and even as high as $45 was paid for a single vete in the close districts. The buy. ing was carried on to seme extent ou both sides, but the Republicans had a fund fifty times as large as their op ponents, and easily oulitriped them in this race. It is an eucournging thought that after next year, if tho biennial constitutional amendment be adopted, as now appears to be the case, the mor. 1 sense of tho people will not be offended by the disgrace iul spectacle of vote buying but once in two years." , A Downright Frand. The whole refunding scheme pur sued by John Sherman has been a downright frand from tho first upon tho people, the Indianapolis Senline declares, and it is now shown to have been pursued for the purpose of ex tortlug from the syndic tu banks corruption funds for the campaign frauds, and for the express purpose of aiding the Sherman Presidential boom in Ohio and elsewhere. Si ce John Sherman bartered Federal ofliues for perjury in Louisiana, which Hayes paid by placing in office the most despicable villiuns that ever disgraced civilization, nothing more essential ly infamous has transpired liiau Johu Sherman's connection with the First National Rank of New York. It is unadulterated scoundrelism. It is odieus beyond adequate description. It illustrates vividly tho despicably vile schemes to which the Republi can conspirators are resorting to achieve success. The frauds upon the Treasury, this lying treachery of the people to tho dangers that environ them. John Sherman's criminal ca reer ought to tease. whole re cord Is b'ack with rascality, Kvery intelligent American blushes, or ought to, the Rochester Herald alleges, when our Indian policy U mentioned. It is the standing' dis grsce of the country, more barbarous than the so called barbarians whom it is mado to serve. Millions ef dol lars spent annually lo Support this policy, and practically, every dollar is wasted which is stolen b Ire it reaches the Indians. An exchange publishes this: "Stop te mooseek:" shoute I Prince Pemtio rushing frantically through the hull of his villa; "Ze partie he is break up one of xe guests intuit my vifV!" But before the ladies could get their shawls the Prince came running back, saying: "Never mird; you 1, . I n rt nm i,lui-la m.a la. 1 1 1 . . I ""v i.i.icv wvir, ijri l il r'uk z giDtcdlraan laj be did not know it wis my vift-." Sinct the Democrala attained ccn trol of the Lower House of Congress four years s;o, the Dubuque Herald declares, they have saved more than 123100,000 per tagam to the ptople. ltlMlm nd P.t -r ' r f mny ery ,retty styie embratiug drained Tht figures to ilbtnU.e this 1 Fanuela, Ijubcwmt, lidu and Lac I'atterns, st Urnent re contained io tho itst- '""V1 Lo""T,,a,l ftT . .""- we sell cheat), and no charge fur tnmm'Ui; ate It Urje. ij,. r B. DUNN. Hanilie and Merited Rebuke. The Pall Mall Gazette, in noticing the extraordinary conduct of the Fraudulent Administration at Wash ington, in relation to the emigration of Mormons from European coun tries, remarks: "It seems rather strange that the United Slates Gov verttment skould address s circular to Foreign Governments on the Mibject of Mormonmo al all; still more Grange that it should go the length of protest' ng against furiher Mormon emigration from . England, Ger many, Norway, Sweden, and Den mark. Such a document, however, is said to be on tho way, and the re. spective Governments are requested to dissuado their mbjects from "yielding to the inducements of the Mormon missionaries." This is nil very well, and no doubt according to law. By law of the United Stales bigamy is a criminal offense. But the light place to begin to put a stop to it is in Utah. To attempt to pre vent the landing of Mormons is absurd. Tho people will come in as ordinary emigrants and then go on in tho usual way to the Mormon settlements. Mormonism had its origin in Ameri ca, and if the law were enforced there polygamy would soor. come to an end. But the truth is that Mormon ism is not so easily stampod out. To confess tin failure openly would not suit the Federal Government, so it resorts to this roundabout method of action. It is, however, too much to expect that Fo.eign Governments will bestir themselves to accomplish indireotly what the Americans ought to do on their own account, iliti the Nail on the ilcad. The Springfield Republican, an in dependent Radical journal, hits the it ail on lie head in the following parazraph: "The New York Tribune in reprinting, and apparently indors ing, Republican campaign documents, which follow the argument that the Democrats must be in a majority of Congress wickedly, because the Slates they represent pay less taxes than the Republican States. The statement is not true, as thestatiHli cian attributes most of the customs revenue to Republican Stales, where as two-thirds of it is collected in the Democratic Slate of New York. In the second place, wheru revenue is collected is of small consequence, sinco it is really paid by the con surcers of the articles taxed ami not by those -who hand it to the Collec tor. Finally, political representa tion is not proportioned by Federal taxation at all. If it were, some Northern Slates which have no Cus tom houses and distill no whisky would be totally unrepresented in Congiess. These are verv primary truths in Aaivrican politics and ought to be known to every school boy. It is peculiarly discoui aging to see lyinir assumptions to the contrary paraded before the people in a prr.tni nenl journal, which is also laboring to instruct the com moo mind by ar ticles ou tho 'A, B, C and of Fi nance.' " When the party ?n power begins to talk about needing a General, so that he may put himself in office, and they may 'keep down'' anybody, that means that they are considering nnconstiiutionsl and extra contitn. tional methods which, the New York Herald thinks, no tree peop'e will or ought to tolerate. The Hartford Times hays: The real eniate qualifications for voters, in Rhode Inland, applies only to those of foreign birth. The most ignorant and degraded native of any cob rein vote, if he is not a convict. The most intelligent cil zen ol foreign birth must own Inn !, or he is not permitted to t-UTcice the right of suffrage in Mr. Asthouy's oligarchy. Admiral's Amnion' reputation has thus liir been unsullied, but, rem.t ks th Chicago Times, lie should take raruin'': Tht anzel (iabriel would be siispretud of being iutetested !n a jub or rin? ol som? kind if he pushed (Irani for anything like the lreid. n cy of the Nicaragua Canal Company IIC ldllllUl..C - l " 1 guj ru planters irt now posting on their smiL house door placards to this fleet: "Mlinir4 for the reorot l iznt'on of the Republican p.iriy are lorbi.Uen litre slier Bilil I all." ' We have just received from the EssUm . Uctory, direct, a Urye stock of wimlow Net Hack 1 Yearn.'-" "I wh troubled for many year with Kid ney Complaint, Gravel, te.: my Wood lie cams thin; I Was dull sod inactive; could hardly crawl alioat j was an old worn oat man sll over; could get nothing to help me, until I got HP Bitters, and now I am a boy again. Mr blood and kidneys are all right, and I am a active at a man of 30, although I an Tl, and I have no doubt it will do at well for otheri of my age. It it worth s triaL Father . Land for Male C heap. We have several good atock ranches wliicb will be sold on very reasonable terms. Also one good graiu and stock farm, containing 322 acrei. with large house and barn; excel lent orchard, out houses, etc., all under fence. Price fur farm, $2,:OU, one-third down and balance in yearly installments. For particulars call on or address E. A. Jvd kiss or H. D. Jcdkins, Eugene City, Ore gon, a'Jin'J Insurance. Underwood Bros, are representing four of the moat popular and reliable Insurance Companies on this Coast to-wit Conneticut of Hartford; New Zealand, of Aukhnd; Commercial Onion, of London; Hambcrg & liremeu of Hamberg; representing a capital of over fJO, 000, 000 gold coin. "Dont wait till the horse is stolen before you lock the staiile uoor. Read and Learn for Yourself Many valuablo discoveries and much use ful knowledge is kept from the world, be- cause of the immense expense in making them known to the people. This is not the case with Boscbee's (ierman Syrup, although but a few vears introduced into tins country its sale now reaches in every town and vil liaze in the U. S. Its wonderful success in ennna Consumption, severe Cnujzhs, i'neuiu onia, Asthma, and all other diseases of the throat and lungs, was first mode knowu by distributing every year, for three years, over 400.000 bottles to the afflicted, Ireeot ciiargo, by Druggists. No such a tost of merit was ever giveu before to any other preparation. Could yon a-ik more! 'io to your Uruggists, and get bottle fur 75 ccuts and try it. Sam ple bottle 10 cents. I'aNn linproNNion. It is generally stiposed by physicians nnd the iieoiile generally tliat flVNii'pMH can not in varioiy be cured, but we are pleased to say that Gr-eui's August Flower has never, to our knnwlede, failed to cure dyspepsia and I.ivcr (.oinpmiut in ml its forms, such as Rour ntmn ach, Owti v -n"t. Side Headache, palpitation of the heart, ludi'estion, bad taste in the mouth. 4c. Out of 50.000 dozen bottles sold last year, not a single failnre was reported, but thousands of colupmnetitArr letters received from dpi-iU of wonderful cures. Three dm -it will relL-ve any case. Trv it. Sample battles 1(1 cents. Kc;nilar size 75 cents, For salt- by all drn-i'ts. Kon Certificate. It is i:o vile dragged stuff, pretending to be iiiuuc of wnuik-riul foreiun root", barks, to., nnd pulf-sd up by long Imi,-h- r r ili.-ates of pi'eti-ndi:il mirnuuloiM cure-, bu' i simple, pure, olfi.-jtieo medium1, m i.b i well knowu valuable remedies, that furnishes its own certificates by its cures. We refer to Hop fliltuis, the purest nnd best of medicines. exchange. See another ;nluniii. To Tbapb. We have a first-class No. 9 Wilson sewing machine, which we will trade or wood, tor particulars inquire at IHmkd fllico. m:w advertisements. struck With Kii$f ! 4 S I HAVE TO PAY CASH l-'OR J- (roods every 30 dav, I have reolved that from and after Out 1, 187!', to sell on 30 days time. My books must be balanced ouci a month with cash only. All who purchase jphmIs of mo murt govern themselves accordingly. Ilopin',' to retain all my cuxtonv-rs and tr lin new ones, I remain, Itespeetfully vours. J. Al. KUUHKX Everybody Goes to the STORE, WHY ? 1st Because eooils are really soltl at the lowest prices. 2d Be. atie people can save their mouey instead of ffuing to Portland, as goods are sold cheaper than there. 3d Because anyhody that bnysattlm CIIKAP I. X. L STOKE eret their moneys worth. Croat Bargains Always Mill be given at the ( heap I. X. L. STORE, Opposite the Astor IIou3 an 1 Tost Office EUGENE CITY, OUEGO.V. eplSm3 Bok and $!a!tay Siaie, ,' POST OFFICE BUILDING, EI'ttEXE City. I have oa hand ami am constantly receiving an ao-wtimnt of the best arson an Mwc'.uumous Ci-ok, Stationery, liUak Uooki I'o.-tfolioa, Canls, WalUto, l'.!ank. I'ortmoo A. S. rArrtR'O.S. . s 1 AN JUAN LIM I for sule hr T. i HEMlRIf KS. .K BUENA VISTA STONE WARF g tn T S HFVf.RH'KS to T.C. HENDRICKS, NOTICE I To Whom it May Concern. THEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I AM thesole owner of the Patent It i slit for Sinking and Driving Wells in Lane county, State of Oregon, and that said lticht is pro tected by Letters Patent issued by the L. S. Government to Nelson V. Green, of Court land County, State of New York, All persons who have Driven Wells, or had them driven, without mv permission, since the 21st day of February, Is73. are liable to prosecution for infringement of said Kight and are hereby no tified to come forward and adjust the same, AH infringement in tlu future will be pros' ecuteiL I am prepared to drive Wells or will grant permission to others on application. B F - DORBIS O K larke 5 : l. C. PEXXI.UiTOX, Propnclor. Three Doom Norlh of the. .Utor llouse, EUGENE CITY, - - Oregon KEEPS ON HAND THE BEST BEEF, VEAL PORK AND MUTTON IN T HE MA It K E T. -FOB KALI t THK- CARCASS, QUARTER, Oil AT IE3 TP x. LAKDt SAUSAGE, DRIED MEATS, HEAD CHEESE inJ Evcrylliin? I'crlainin? la a I FIKST-CLASS MARKET Always on Hand. I butcher none but the verv fattest nnd best stock in the country and sell nouo but No. 1 articles. fiive me call and you will ueitlier bo dis appointed in q..ality or prices. I i. i de'd ven-d to all parts of the cit y fi et o C-B I'KXINGN'fOX. luotlicr Triusaipli for STEBFOOT STATES. No Mere Kidney Troubles ! No More Backache ! Oregon has long brcn noted for the wonderful variety of her natural resources. Her hillsand valbys nre stored with the choices of Nature's lavish sifts One bv one these elements of her greatness are being sought oi.t, unders'ood and S'laliU'il to the use of uer people. Hie latest of tliese discoveries is The Oregon Kidney Tea. A ulant which urows in mountain fastnesses which are seldom trodden bv the foot of man. This remedy presents the leaf in its natural state, and is not one of those naii.eous liquiils, ut up to x'll, ami which too often u.ver nox us and deleterious drtiu's, but is kind nature's "last best L-ift to man.'' The Tea made by steeping this leaf is a cehtaix and srsEiiv CI'KS 11IR ALL HI8EASES or THE KIUNEVS A.Vll I HINAKT ORCANS. The leaf is put up in nir tu'ht tin caddies which pri.-ser-e intact iuieculmr medical prop erties ami the deeiH'ticn is nwle by the person mini? it, thus secui in, it absolute purity. There are thousands afflicted with diseases of the kidneys or urinary organs who suffer in si lenoe rather than to make knowntheirtroubl-s. Otln r seek relief by the use of various patent medicines, which, if they lo not MiLTavate the disease, at least do not lessen it. Kven those who snenre.the slvice of physicians often fail to jret relief, iwin? to tne very cmnplicateil and avil c.ite nature of the organs atfecteii. 'ITie OR E UOX KinXEYTKA is i strictly veetolde pnsluctiou, and will not injure the tmsllcst child or the most delicate woman, but will cure PaIX I.N THK H u t AM) KHIMKI'S, XoN KKTEX- tio or Urine, IuniTc, Intlamm vtiox or THI liLADPKR OR KlPNEVS. 1'iHIlK 1I'ST IE- nwiT is Uriss, LKcciiRRHorA, pAixrnoR SrerRRwrn Mkvhtri ATiiN,and all complaints arising from a disesseil or debilitated state of the kidneys or urinary organs of either sex. Many mistake the pains arising from defec tive action of the kidneys for RV'EUMA 1 ISM, and in attempting to cure the Utter by out-ni iliaUintu, fail entirely to reach the ix- lt of the dine use. Ws do not offer the OKKtMIN KlItNKV TEA as a specific for liheumtism, but are tatii-tied that many of so called KHEU.MAT1S.M would yield to its remedial virtues. Full directions in English and German I accompany Each Package. HwnlrcJ ( TtStimoiiilU have bem ' . I Sold by all Druggists & Gen- Dealers. PRICE. ONE DOLLAItinVesL Ji-Hs., rrk, etrV 1 IO Dli K, I)A V IS & - CO. i . ! t (IKI' l i.Tl KAI. IMPI.EMKVTS .rf 2V all I kinds at inside funir bv T.G, HENDRICKS.. MEDICATED MEDICATE D MEDICATED The Purest and Best for all Medical and Family Purposes Has been sold in all the Eastern States and given nniversal satisfaction. It is highly recommended by the faculty for all canes of Nervousness, Weakness, Debility, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, It is now introduced to the public of the racific Slope, endorsed by the ftillowiny certificates of the eminent Dr. S. Dana H a.V.-s, State .Vsyer of Massachusetts, and Dr. 1L C. Louderbak; of St Louis, Mo., both gentlemen prominent in their profession, and which is a guaranty td all buyers of nurity and quality. I can show thousands of litters from private persons from all ..arts nf tli. I'nion and ( to testify to its lueriU and the benefits it has afforded as a fm. lly i-emedy an.1 tonic r SM by all Druists and Urocers b y tb CASE, GALLON Or JtOTTLE. Country oilers promptly attended to. CAUTION None genuine unless labeled with my stature over the cork. U. SIMMONDS, Sole ProjirieVir. Laboratory and Office, No. 4, State St.. TWtoh, September 9, 1873. George Simmo.viw, Eng. Sir: The sample marked "Nalmh Whisky," received from you, has been annalyzed with the following resul'.s: It is of selecUd alcoholic streufth and free from added flavoring oils, acids, metals, or other deleterious substances. lUspectfiilly, DANA 8. 11 AYES, Su Astayer for Mossachusetu. St. IH'is, Missouri, September 30, 1876. G. Si vmosdh, Esa I have been using your Nabob Whisky for some time, and have no hesi tation in savin,' that it is, without exception, the purest article that I have used either medicinally or fi.r family purposes. To many of my patients who have been suffering with indi gestion and uervou i infections, I have prescribed your Nabob Whisky for their use, and I take pleasure in saying to you the effect has been most satisfactory. l'leae send me by exuress six ca-eg; also a sample case C. O. D. and obli:,v, yours truly, IL C. LOUDEKBACK, M. D. So lone; as there are ills to which flesh is heir to, and the cases and labors of life breed diseases ... .. , . . . ... ...... .......... .l l l .. so health nn ttipfM:il lonif will it De nces;iry w use uietiieuie vi .uuui.cim.. me cwuo fuuiitu buu nuuniain ins of the human family, .'lauv kimls ol medicines are ireouenuy ottered to the public lor' .... i . i . .1 . . 1 .. I.I .1 I .1 . i a' . .. ilisKLrt ami snoiner. nnu li wc trum were tuowu n wuuiu uouuiiess oe louna that in the majority ot cases nosiruuis nate uuiie inr uine i.anu umu guou. mueeu somt ! tlie jrreatest evils of the jireseut ilay is the existence of quack compounds which contain ingredients iuimicable to health, and the irreatest care, therefore, should be taken by invalids, in using many unknown dnn.-a which cannot be taken with impunity, no matter what may be a legend to the contrary. Now, experience has shown that Nabob Whisky is one of the Dest medicinal pre parations known, and is highly recommended by the Faculty for all cases of nervousness, weak ness, debility, dv-pviwia, indication, etc. Its popularity throughout the Eastern States hat lieen great, and it comes to the IV-itfc Coast endorsed by the certificates of Dr. 8. Dana Hayes, State Assayer of Massachusetts, and Dr. 11. C. Louderback, of St. Louis, Mo. These certifi. cates are most direct in their statements, nverriuij that the Nabob Whisky is, without excep tion, the purest article that can be used either medicinally or for indigestion and nervjus affee tions, aualysis eliows that this whisky i of standard alcoholic strength, wnd free from flavoring oils, acids, metals, or other deh-terioiw sulutances. Dr. Hayes further says that it is pure, of superior quality, and suitable for li.-tic and medicinal purposes. Such recommendations are the strongest that cau be furnished, and as there are thonsands of letters testifying to the merits of the Whisky as a family remedy and touic, no further proof of its excellence need be Riven. OSBl lt fc Co.. Ko! ArciiIm tor Eugene City and Lane County, Where the Trade can be supplied on the prices as you can of the proprietor in Kentucky, . ' . .. . l l w M HAS ON HANI) AND MANUFACTURES HACKS km SPRgriO WAGONS, III $SJjZ L s.Jjf I am Prepared to Make to order Buggies and Vagons, As My Facilities are equal to any Establishment in the State, cen Frcrcise Ky Fstrcns First-Class Work in every Respects JIV l'lt ICES AUC TUB LOWEST 13 THE STATU FACTORY NEAR THE EUGENE CITY FLOURING MILLS. DiU . W. t-'llBM'ON, l' V.. Wll.KlNS Practical Druggists & Ctieiriisis, UNDERWOulJ'S LUILWNU. Next door to the Oranjre Store, Willamette street, Eugene C'ity Oregon. Have jtist opened a full line of frefh Drugs, Medicines & Chemicals. Also a fine assortment of Fancy anl Toilci Articles. A 1. 1, KINDS OP Mixed 1'ainls, Lead, Oil, Varnish, Brashes. WIHB8W GLASS and PUTTY Which they will always sell ou reasonable terms. Careful nllcnlion givtn ta riiysiiian's Pre - i scri jtlions. WHEATS WHEAT! KNTLEMEN HAVE YOU ';d your V heat ! If not, do so at oiiiw nnd then call WM PRlilSTOdV'S, And purehiise your HAl'NESS. He hiu on liainl nr. immense stork on wliirh he (! firs c"mtetition, either in Quality, Finish, Work nmnship ur 1'rioe. Also a" lnr'e stock of W H I I'S direct- fmm New Y.irk. Ai:iS, CUKliY COMUS so.1 r.KUSH ES in sliiiinlanee. Also t'OLLARH that will fit any and I1 llors- s. Sweat Pads, Bridies, Halters, And in fact everything a Farmer reffuire SADDLES of all Kinds on Hand and Made to Order. Call and Examine , Before Buying "5S NEW AfTT' A T ATA TJTrWP il,A.X -Mwlt J V Jis 1 , 0,1 ths we,t r!;!f of Willamette Street, Utween llanng just opened our nw and neat Meat Mrkrt. e prepared to fumih the best u To onr aurs, at the lowest market tea. t,iu xnlii-itaW ' ' ' Meats delivered tn anv pert ef tb ritr free ' ef charge.. MILLEK k McCOKSAt'K. SIIELT9I is WILKINS. Etc. . I .1 I T. I I .. BEAT RUSH, THE ' LAGKSMITH, still at the old stand and is prepared to do kinds of general jobbing, horse-shoeing, re irin', etc. Having secured the services of ne.viKrieiK-eil hund 1 will make the repairing of Al.M AlAt'HlNEkY a speciality. BEN RUSH. at the . HAVING ASSOCi A I'KU WITH ME IN Imsinrss Mr. HOIUt'E F. BTKATTON ws hwe just received a new, large and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS Making a specialty of , HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. We desire to make no grand flourish, bnt ds say that fanners can corns nearer getting ANYTHING THEY MAY WANT at our store than at any other establishment ii town, ar d they can buy them on as good terms. We hive a full line of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PKYUO'Ottf , FANCY GOODS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FUENISHINO , GOODS, MEN AND EOY'S CLOTHING,- HATS AND CArS,- BOOTS AND SH0F.3 Ami are continually adding to our stock ts meet the demands of the public. F.BDtNN, Su mmons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ortgoa fir" Lane county. GusUv Hickethirr, plaintiff, airafnst tlirf Hickethier, defendant Hunnuons. Suit in equity for Divorce. To Eliza Hickethier theahove named defend-" ant: 1 N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF 0R- X evun, you are hereby required to appear" and answer the comphunUnf plaintiff now ofl til against von in the above entitled ersrrt, within ten days if served on you ia Lane Co., (.h-ej-'on, and if served on yon outside of La comity, and within the State of Oregon, then' within- twenty days from the date of the service hereof, or if served em you by publication, then von are required to appear sn) answer by the tir-t day f the next term of the Circuit Court of the Stite of Oregon for Lane county to be be--un and holiien at Eiiu-eue City, on the first Monday, the S4 day of November, A D.tlSTa. And the ilrfen lant will take notice that if she so fail to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff, that plaintiff will take judgment acainst defendant for the relief prayed for in I TrriT VZDJZZ S'j ZSiUr'w of Hon. J. F. watsTi.f lrcnitJodge. Mi pi u'ntiff and deferHawt, and for such other relief order Jodire. Made at- chambers, Septerrber 16th, 1(0. C. W. FITCH. srtS Att-wney for PlaiM-fT iMYM&