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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1879)
CITY AND COUNTT. Mr. VY. L. Eppinger ia ohr tnthorited agent t Portland. BRIF.F MEKTIO.Y. Circuit court meet November 3d. Chew Jackson' bsst tweet navy tobacca Mr. C. Hedet now wean a smile it a tor. There will be no open air concert given to-night. Pablio achool oonrenea next Monday morning. See School Superintendent'! cotice Li An other column. The Guard it the best advertising medium n Lane county. Mr. S. B. Friendly will pay the highest market price (or wheat " The State Temperance Alliance meeta in thie city next February. We understand that Mr. Robert Day is juite ill with fever at Salem. The hops of this county are being picked, -and we learn that the crop is good. The surveying party of Mr. II. C. Perkrus will leave next Monday, without fail. We iuvite correspondence form every part f the county. Send along the news. We are informed that Dr. Patterson will have about twenty tons of hops this year. If you want to tee a specimen of Guard job printing see the new As tor House cards. Dr. Foley, the proprietor of Foley Springs, 'on the McKenzie river, was in town this week. Patronize John Lenger if ,yu want good milk. He furnishes a first rate quality at a reasonable price. Mr. Baker, of the Astor House, wishes it distinctly understood that no advance in the price for board by the week or by meals has been made. Mr. J. A. Winters presented us this week with a photographio view of Eugene City. It it just the thing to tend off to frieuds at a distance, Buy one. We regret to loam of the illness ef Mr. M. V. Brown, ef the Albany Democrat, and hope before many days lie will be at his former pest on his valuable paper. The Blue Ribbon Club met lost Wednes day evening and transacted the regular rou tine of business. The officers of the clan will be elected next Wednesday evening. Treacliing at the M. E. Church to-morrow inorping and evening at 11 A. M. and 8 r. if. Sunday School at 6 F. M. Prayer and praise nesting on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. W. S. Ladd, of Ladd k Tilton, bank tera, Portland, wai iu town Tuesday. He came in private conveyance to this place, and went on South Wednesday to Snqwdcn 'Springs. Most of the harvesting will be through this week, and from what we can learn, the crop is a great deal better than at first ex pected. Very little wheat will be burned in the fields. There will be about forty gin mills, and God only knows how many tramps, at the to-called Salem State Fair this fall. Visi tors should keep their hauds well up their pockets books. The Guard is Hie largest; and most ex tensively circulated of any paper in Lane county. The Guard ia also the official paper of Eugene City. Advertisers should make a note of this. Business men should nst forget that blank notes, bill-heads, statements, letter heads, and every description of commercial printing are neatly and promptly executed at the Guard office. We are requested to sUte Mat the rumor that the St. Charles will be closed Is a mis take. Mrs. Renfrew will still run the house, and will continue to give good meals, and lodging as heretofore. . Mr.K. D. Snellingand lady, in company with Mrs. Elauora Steele and Miss Delia Snelling, departed this week for Eugene City, to remain during the fall, visiting friends and relatives. Lakeview Herald; Mr. Wm McWillis, agent for Jas Mc Murray's adjustable strainer and cast iron steamer, called upon ns yesterday: This is n important patent, and every farmer should purchase on. The tteamer will save the price of themselvet in two weeks; Remember that the St. Charles Hotel is the only first clast hotel in the city. Meals served in first-claat style for 25 cents, also ttdging for 25 or 20 cents, according to the roost occupied. Board and lodging per week 5 to $7. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give ns call Among the most remarkable productions of this age and country it Hall's Hair Renewer. Ita success it unparalleled. It it sought after oy rich and poor, high and low, yoong and bid. Inhabitants of foreign lands the peo ple of Australia, o Europe, and of South America find meant to get it at whatever cost. It is because it works like magic. It restores the bairto iU youthful color and beauty, and robs approaching" age of one of its disagreeable accompaniment. If yon are getting bald, try it. fry it if ytm r gett:ng gray, or if you bare any hlea of the aca'p. Try it if yo wish good hair dressing. It will not disappoint yosf. jluncie(Ind.)Xews. JrwisH Holtdat. Last Thursday, the J 8th inst, was Eoeh Hashoorh according to the Hebrew calendar, New Tear. The holi day waa observed by the Israelites of t'.iit eitv. and their stores remained cloeed all Any. Thia holiday in obwwd by them' B r the world. Ucil larkft Wheat 80 eta per bnabeL Oats 35 eta. Butter 25e per lb. Lard JOe per lb. Ed 25 eeata per dosea. Bacon Sides, WlOe; 10, 12c; Tilnful Aecldtit. On Wednesday morning mnoh exoitement waa caused by the tight of a tpan of horses tearing down Willamette street at a madden ed rate, and a rush of people running toward the depot. It seoms that J. H. Hayden, Esq, an old and respected citizen was at the di pot, and while working with bis team they became unmanagable, throwing him nuder feet and wounding him severely. For some time he wat to all appearances deat. He was immediately taken to the residence of J. B. Underwood, Esq, and hit wounds dressed by Dr. 8. Hemnnway. On Thurs day bis daughter Art. Welsch arrived from Portland, and on Friday His 'daughter Mrs Easton arrived from Ro-teburg and his son' hlaw, Mr. Welsch. from Portland. They are all with him at Mr. Underwood's, where every attention is reudered that can be given. He is in a very critical condition as We go to press, with little chauce of recovery. The following is Emmett Wells' Hop cir cularof Sep. Stb; y' With this issue of our Circular, we enter upon the new Hop seasou of 1879 '80. About 200 bales of the new growth of the early seeding variety, have been received here, and have been sold for shipment at prices ranging from 35 to 40 cents. The later sorts are beiug sold at 28 to 36 cents. Pick ing it now progressing all over the country, and if nothing unforeseen happens between now and the time of finishing, we will have crop of fine quality, but considerably be low that of last year in number of bales. We will not attempt to make any estimate of the crop uutil later, when something more definite can be learned of how the crop comes dowu. The first arrivals of new Hops in market usually causes a decline in price of Yearling and Olds, but this season has prov ed an exception to the rule, and instead of a decline, they are held firm at present quo tations. The shipments to London this week are heavy, amounted to 3,496 bales." The Slate tniverslly. On Monday morning last, at the nanal honr, the fourth school year of the Uuiversi- ty of Oregon commenced under very flatter- -ing prospects. The school is under the con trol of Profs Johnson, Condon, Bailey, Straub, Collier, Gateh and Mrs !.l P Spiller, the best facplty north nf the University of California. ' The apparatus, purchased East last year at a cost of $4,000 by Mr J. J. Walton Jr. Secretary of the Board of Regent3, has been placed in position and will be used thia year. Undoubtedly this school now gives the best facilities for instruction o any in stitution of learning in the State. More students Were in attendance this Week than was anticipated, and everything argurs well for a prosperous year for the University of Oregon. Lodge Organized. On Saturday eveniug Aujfnat 9t.!i, O A Sehbrede, G W C T a-swted by J E Hous ton, Jennie Moore, Maggie McClnre, Minnie Starr, Ella McClure, W L Houston, David Houston, Mary Teit, and Miy Test of the Lodge at Junction, organized Golden Gate Lodge, Ni. 188 at Irving, with twenty-one charter members. The following officer were installed Chas Jennings, W C T; Hellen Bond, W V T: Walter McIntojH, T; John MoCo inell, W Mj A A Keeyi, W Chap; CUra Bond, WIG; Mary Potter, WOG; Eddie Potter, P W C T; Levi Elmaker, W A Sj Sarah Strange, W L S; and B F Bond, LD. Bear-in; the Market. Messrs. E. J. McClauaham and II. C. Humphrey as we announced last week, pur chased a black bear for and shipped the same t Portland, at a cost of about $4. They telegraphed to their agent (!) in Port land that the bear would be down on the evening train, and the "agent" tried to sell the bear to every butcher in Portland but he could not get rid of the carcass at any price. After tuning over town several hours trying to sell the bear he bad to pay a drayman $5 to bury Brnin. If yon want to have fun with the boys just mention thsir speculation. The boys are sadder, bnt wiser, to the turn of ,17- His Word Foa It. Under date of the 12th inst, Calvin B. McDonald writes from Oakland. Cal. that he it not dead. Under the circumstances the public will be compel' ed to accept his statement, notwithstanding the hundreds of handsome obituary notices he received from the press in this State and the adjoining Territories. He says he has not "fallen fron graca, and is still (. ar- dent temperance advocate. Lktcrbs. Mrs. Anetf Peckham, lec tured at the M. E. Church last Monday and Tuesday evenings, on temperance and wo man suffrage. She had good audience the first evening, but on the following evening thr She advanc ed no new ideas, and only few signed the pledge. Estertai.hiii!t. The given by the pupils of the at Lane's Hall last evening success in eery particular. entertainment public school, wat a perfect Married. At the residence of tbe bride's parents, Sept 17, by J. Haodaaker, Mr W. Vogcb and Miss M. F. Babre; both of Lnet Valley, Lane county, Or. Died Together. The Capital of Salem, sickly looking sheet, and the Rising Star, originally a greenback organ in the tame city, are both dead- . Wahted. A number of Bear. Tbehigh muket erica will be paid. Addeat Htmpbre t Engem. McCUnahan, Bear Brokers, Ta5M.-W acknowledge the receiyt of Cm bo of cigars t from the hands of Mr. L Thank touoty Tcicheft fmtltote. FIRST DAY. the Institute convened according to pro gramme on Tuesday, the 9th iuit. and was colled to order by State Superintendent Powell, who opened with grayer, tie then favored the Institute with introductory re- msrks in regard to the object to ie aiiainea, etc Mr. R. J. Nichols and Miss V. V. Babb be!nir chosen Secretaries for the session, iin mediately recorded the following names of teachers present: J C Campbell, T C Bell, R O Callison, M E Judkins, P W White, B Trnitt, J V Galtra, Nellie Stevens, Mat tie Lee, Nellie Taylor. Sarah Strange, L Loouiis Varina V Babb and R J Nichols. Prof T C Bell, of the Eugne City publio school took ud for the hrst order o( the day, the tnpio of compound numbers, and after dwelling at tome length upon important features referred this subject to the associa tion for discus non, and it wat participated in in very generally by teachers present Adjourned. The association met according to under standing, State Superintendent in the chair. Alter the call to order the exercises opened with sinking. N Prof 1 C Cam porn tcok into consideration the subject of oral lessons in grammar. Then followed general discussion upon the same subject Mr. Richey treated quite lengthly upon the topic of orthography, eliciting consider able interest from the ditrrent members as manifested by the animated disscusion that followed. During this meeting the names of Misses Ella Washburne and Mary Test and Messrs E W Chandler. James Richey and A C Campbell were added to the association. Adjourned to meet at 7:30 in the eveniug. o associa iou with a good audience came to ct' r at the U P church, at 7:30, and . re treated to the following programme t Music Address of welcome upon the subject "Chango" Mr Porter. Music Practical address of counsel and advice to teachers and patrons Prof L J Powell. Music SECOND DAT. Association met accordim to programme, Prof Powell in ti.e chair, and wat opened by Prof Bell with prayer. I'rotUeR, K (S Jalhson and K i nicnou were appointed a committee on resolutions. f rot lieu wen toon into consideration ins order of the day, Fractions. Many ques tions were plied, bringing forth answers of information and practical value. Mr. Judkins favored the audience witn re marks upon class exercise in second and third readers. The subject was contiuned by Profs CaHisoo, Powell, Bell and others. 1 rot Uallison then considered ins oesi method nf conducting spelling. Adjourned to meet at 1 JO P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Institute met at 1 30 r. M., and was called to ordei by State Superintendent L J Powell. Exercises b2an bv sinnn. after which Prof J C Campbell came forirard and read a carefully prepaid paper on "Nouns and their Properties," following it with practical remarks. Others continued the subject ai some length. The subject of Ueography was then pre sented by R J Nichols, followed by sor s very nsefUl aoggutious from Superintendent Callison. A short recess succeeded, enlivened by music ami conversation. Institute called to ordor by Prof Powell. After the sincinn of a choice selection by the choir the best method of conducting Recita tions, was treated upon by V rol E f Hender son, ill remarks were repieie wiui osciui iutuiuiBtioii nd excellent uiitructisn to teachers. Adjourned to meet at 7 30. EVENING SESSION. The exercise commenced with an anthem. Miss Nellio N Stevens then favored the au dience with a polished essay, complete in beautiful and accurate expression and full of inspiring thought Music. Miss V V Babb then entertained the In stitute with a most humorous recitation, upon which the attoution of the audience was riveted duriug the entire delivery. Her fascinating delivery of something very funny frequently brought down the house with ap plause M s Babb is an adept in the trt of speaking. The Misses Test then, very appropriately to the occasion, sang a most amusing duet, fully sustaining their high reputation as singers. l'rof Bell then came forward and talked humor and tense for an hour upon the sub ject of co operative work in schools. The address was eminently practical aim insiruu- tive throughout The cLoir tang an anthem and Prof Powell, with a few remarks; adjourned the meeting. THIRD DAT. Singing. Remarks by Prof " ; ley on the Higher Edntation. Discussion upon the moral phases and ques tion of expediency ia regard i teachers US inn tobacco and eiiwcially intoxicatiug drinks. Participated ift by Profs Heoderson, Bell and Baylty Consideration of the verb by Prof Camp bell. Contiuuod by Superintendent Callison aud others. A presentation of the topic of penmanship by J P Curriu, followed by a talk on school drill by Prof Bell. . The Institute then passed the following reso'utious a id adjourned sine die: Resolved, That the thanks of the Institute are hereby tendered to the Directors of Junc tion City Publio School for the use of their buildiug, to the Presbyterian Society, for the use of their church, also to the O C R R- for half fare rate to members of the Institute. Second, The thank of the Institute are tendered to the Junction City choir for ex cellent music rendered. Third, Unr gratitude ia extended to the people who so generously entertained ns. rourth, We sincerely regret the noo at tendaoce especially of thoee teachers who were aofigueo, npon vue proraioiun, -poosible parts. R. J. Nichols, j . Varwa V. Barb, j80'1 That' Toentov fowl health is to enjoy life. Reg ulate the system ith the Oregou Blood Pur ifier, health and enioynteni win ioiiow. hiliuusuene, headache, paiut in the limbs, ida and bSK'k. all suecuinb to the wonderful effect of this great Purifier. litomte. Underwood Brae, are representing four of the most popular and reliable Insurance Couipautr on tnit Coatt to-wit Conneticut of Hartford; rrew leaJauri, of Anklaml; Commercial Union, of LotrdoC; Hcmberg It Bremen of Hamberg; representing a capital of over $3,000,000 gold coin. "Dout vait till the horse it stolen before yon lock the stable door.' Attention farmers! urea reduction ia nncea. ileal am ujasaaa ws am nma mm at the Attor bou as in Iowa, vt ia or Uioetota thirtf-five per cent cocsia I easr whea the laeaJity n eonsMerwI. 0V& HKAYY TAXPAYERS. Below is given list of one hundred and fifteen names, including ail who pay taxes in Lane County to the amount of one hundred dollars and upwards : Armitge,Q. H '.' v.s . 1246.10 Awbery, M. T 118.60 Bushnell, Mrs. M. A. ....111.46 Buehnell, J. A 225.39 Bushnell, Geo V 245.59 Bond, 1 W '.115,60 Baily, John ..127.20 Bond, Allen. ..156.30 Bushnell, J. C. .". 132.00 Bean, 0. R. '...... ..121.54 Cooper, G.M 170.54 Cherry, D .V... 124. 45 Cochran, R. R , .107.00 Cummins, Wm. ..,.,.... Cartwright, Mrs. Nancy. . ..284.28 ..100.00 ..125.40 1,155.87 iTaoiree, Cbrisman, C. E. Comeuvs, Pres. . ..102.60 Dunn, F. B 196.40 DeLong, Dan. J 108.00 Ebert, J. A 300.85 Eakin, S. B. Senr. 119.90 Edmunson, "Estate". 185.70 Edwards, 8. H 134.20 Kdwards, T. D 173.90 Friendly, S. H 117.90 Folsom, F. W 181.30 Ferguson, J. B 168.70 Oilespie, Jacob. 160.35 UUfrey, Jno. T.... 145.10 Guodchild, Jas . W W V. ... 108. 60 Huddleston. Ja ........'.'........ . . . . 1 37. 1 5 Humphrey, Geo .'.'. .'. '. W 1,21 1.70 Hoff man, Jas.. 17821 Hoffman, H. W... ...126.31 ...100.00 ...344.58 ...211.00 ...126.25 ...111.00 Huliu. L HarpolcJ. W.... Horn, J. W. ...... Hill. H. N Howe, N. A. W. Howard, R. V. 2T4.00 Humphrey, A. L 137.15 Humphrey, N. "Estate" 249.00 Hawfey, Ira. 222.00 Holt, J. E.AS. D ....650.50 H'land, A. D 134.62 Hovey. A. U 208.00 Hadley, H. 0 150.75 Hendricks, l. U 394. UU Jennings, Bell . . .133.80 Johnson, J. W 100.00 Jeukins, Thos. "Estate" 158.00 Jenkins, Stephen 145.00 Kirk, Jas. T. 131.00 KrataJt Munch 150.00 Kennedy, J. D 116.00 Kelly, Jno. 158.00 Lauer, Chat 257.00 Milliron, Jno 289.25 Maxwell. Honry 107.00 Maxwell, John Jr 185.00 Moore, Henry 103.00 Milliron, T. A 138.36 Meek, Samuel 589.00 Muroh, G. H 120.61 Mathewt, A...;.'. 179.00 Matlock, i. D....... 123.25 Mosby, D... 123.00 Moores, J. H. ft I. R 180.00 McClung, J. H. . 200.00 Alc.uurray, r. "estate" r-u.w McClareft, Jas.'... 106.10 McCoruack, A. "Estate" 122.10 Osbornft Co. : 150.15 0. AC. Land Co 180.00 O. ft C. R. R. Co. Land Dep'l 225.00 0. ft C. R. R. Co s 3,382.50 Peters, A. Vv.a.,.w 159.50 Powers, B. F.. . ... '.:.'. 118.05 Powers, E. W.. ; 107.00 Pattison, Robt .....135.00 Powell, J. H ...103.00 Rosenblatt ft Co 133.50 Robinson, L. R ...100.C3 Sternberg, Senders ft Co 225.00 Soloman, L 133.00 Scott Rodney 100.00 SpringHeld Mill Co 235.03 OUVUCU'l IT . V. . s 1 1 .. t ,....,. 1 Mi III Spencer, S. H......... ..183.00 Sovernt, George. ; 133.00 Smith, BraslUId and Co. . .330.09 Smith Hiram ....'.,: .314.60 Sellers, J. R 105.75 Scott, W. J. J 168.63 Spray, J. C . 156.03, Wet' y.... ;.-.. 141.03 Sanford, Jal., ; ;., 183.60 Sniith, William.;:;...;;... Stewart Elms. .;.;;.; ; . . lo-vw Thompson. J. M 147.75 Underwood, J. B. and D. C 187.00 Vanduyn Isaac 224.25 Wortman and Son i.ia.uu Washburn, C. W 506.00 Ward, G. R 153.25 Wilkins, M. J. and J 148 00 Walker, J. F 102.30 Wallis, Mathew 2H5.75 Young, U. W Znmwalt. A. J "o.&O Zumwalt, Isaac 117.33 Thirty-seven pay between $75 and $100. On hundred pay between $50 and $75. Public School. The District School will commence on nexl Monday morning with a full corp of teachers. Owing to the fact that the nublie funds are not sufficient to pay iti neceiiary expenses of conducing the school the directors have been compelled to fix til) rate of tuition for pupils attending school who reside in the district at one dollar and a half for each quarter. And the rata for those who reside outside of district will be the same as last year. The cheapness of instruction will permit each and every pupil in the District to attend and we expect U be able to mention the fact next week that the school opened with a larger roll than ever before. Returned. We notice the healthy coun- tcnenet of our young friends Butterfield, Kelly ft Co., on their return from McKenzie; Eight deer and lots of fish, is their report. Good for the Voys. Come again. Portland knowt where to gain health. Summons; In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Orrgon for Lane county. Gust" Hickethier, plaintiff, wainst Eliza Uicketbier, deienaanv. craum Suit In equity for Divorce. To Eliza Hickethier the above namd defend ant: n w i nr TUP ST TV (IK OR egon, you are hereby reo,ui.d to m and answer thf complaint of plaintiff now cn ... - V ; 1 1 1 Die I Jim too in wi i' whw.---- . . . i : . . J. if UM.J AN ,ah in I Anm tjQ.. Oreznn, and if perred on oa oatTl of l-n " ..... .... -M 1 M I. eountv, anawrnin me "i -b"-, within tweT vy d-ys from the date of the terries hereof, or if served on jovi by publication, then von are required to appear and niwwer by the V . . L ' J k I'ImhiI I .t F - . i u.. -J f l..iMMnl ftA ha M- mn and holdca at Eniwn City, on the rrt And MX aeienoaiii wm wn , so fail to appear and answer th complaint of plaintiff, that plaintiff will take Judgment u-unit defendant for th relief prTo plaintiff" eomplaint, to-wit: for a diasolutooa of th snarriaff eon tract now exirtin between p lintiff and defendant, and for tuck other relief a th enurt may deem just and equitable . - . I Li: ,:-A. V,w m)m I I hi stuie i mmom uj "7 .v ' . . - . .. ... . a T .1 a. i of Hon. i. 1. waiaon,irciui " !ehab8b1.10wrITCHi I wtyHA AtVimy for Plaintiff. a H. FBIEMDLY, HAS JUST OPENED FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADK THE LAGEST STOCK OF GOODS EVER BROUHT OUR STOCK OF CLOT HI NG has been lanrely Increased and w can show as nanusoms a line of ready mads goods la MEN'S AND BOYS' BUSINESS AND DRES3 SUITS As osa be found In the country, and at prises mat canuot fail to satlsiy. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Is well filled with a splendid assortment of all leading styles and fashionable (hades of good-. EMPRESS CLOTHS, MOHAIR, and AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, Plaid, Plain and Opera Flannels of all colors. Bleached it Unbleached Cotton Flan nek Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, SIIAWLS and SCARFS; Robinson & Church, DKALERS IN S1IELFX HEAVY HARDWARE IUVB TUB BestSelectedStockln Oregon I 1J.iJ-'. IS DO O X Xj. a. 3a xu BEFORE PURCHASING, QO TO A. V. PETERS & CO., Dealers in General Merchandise WHITE SlLWINCr MACHINE, The best and most complete of able BOOT M SHOE STORE, A. HUNT, Proprietor. Shop on Willamette street, 2nd door north it ,i v -r:.. n- oi nnniwus tturv, cugcii vu, vi. I will hereafter keep a complete stock ef LA DIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, Ualtrrn, Cloth and Kid, Button Boots), (lllorn, whit and black, SaodaU, French kid Shoea. MEN'S & BOYS' JT1 AND IIAVr BOOTS & SHOES OF ALL KINDS, And In fact everything In the BOOT and SHOE line, to which I intend to derot my especial attention. MY GOODS , Wr manufactured to ordtr, ARE FIRST CLASS And guaranteed a represented, and will be sold for the lowest prices that a good article oan be alforded. ar27-78tf A. HUNT. CRAIN BROS. DEALERS iw 'titftt. Walrha and V.' Jewelry. Musical Instruments, Tdyl, Notions, etc Watches, Clocks, and Jswelry repaired and warranted. Northwert corner of WUlaniette and Kihth ttreeU. febtf tf If you wish to buy your good chap, you must go to th itor of LURCH BROS., COTfAO K OROVE. They keep one of the largett itoek of General Merchandise Outslda of Tortland, and thT sell goods cheap er than it can be bouKht anywhere in the Wil lamette valley., .... I The firm of Lurch Bros. ooMlstsof Aaron Lurch and Den Lurch. -opoSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADE! SLOAN BROTHERS triTX PO WORK CHEAPER than aar tar IT tbnf in toF. HORSES SHOD FOR $1 60, WithMwmaUrUI,allmel. lUasttiaf oli a TJ Cesiu. All warrant ( etlUetli. Shop on the Corner of 8th and Olive Si. AURICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of TVREM COOD-NEW STYLES JmnA low price. s. hTfri kS'dly. TIIK BKST MIOK I BBiJUunriiu. I Eobiiurehat " Hart war. ntor. ! kp th. Ury and bt lerd 'j Wl11 'Iw AUwf trimnwd fr ef rhanf. TO EUGENE. WOOL BLANKETS, ALL COLORS. Trunks and Traveling fotchels. HATS AND CAPS in the leading styles. OILCLOTHS for floor and table us. BOOTS AND SHOES. We wovld eall special attention to our tteek ef Mens' aud Boys' Bun Frtiiclsco Boot, Which we have told for a number of years with great satisfaction. Every pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE, PLOWS AND FARMIN4 UTKnisLa. CHOICE TEAS, CANNED GOODS And all choice FAMILY GROCERIES a astonishly low rates. LIVERPOOL k CARMEN ISLAND SALT. Highest price for all kindi ef product aid WOOL. , II. FRIENDLY. HAVE FOR . at the LOWEST Rates IRON, STEEL. AXES. ANVILS, NAILS, ROPI Cable Chains, Glass, Putty, Tab! nd Pocket CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS. AMMUNITION, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, . Blasting Powder, Fishing Tackle. Eta, Etc We invite an exam ination of our sTds, oonfidsnt that ear prices will suit tk times. A - , and examine the Celebrated all, and sold on the mbfc't reason- terms. u. B. F. DORRIS, DEALER IN ' sWves, Utilise, Pumps, Pipe, Mctnlg, AND House Furnishing Good's Generally Wells Driven Promptly AND i Satisfaction Guaranteed. Willamette Street, EugeHe City. Oregon JUST RECEIVED. A Larg Stoek of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, JJOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS ETC., ETC., AT REDUCED PRICES. Highest market price paid for all kind riiODUCE, HIDES andVuita. A. GOLDSMITH ALFRED ULVAJ lias taken potmdon of th Luckey Livery Stable, And will carry on a GENERAL LIVEItY BUSINESS. Horse fed and boarded by the wk or day. HORSES AND BITOftfRS FOR HIRE. Eugene City Brewery MATHIAS MELLEIt, J'ro'p I aw pnftni to til all r4r (nr LAGER BEER OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY. Com aftd for yvnrm If A good iutitl I rrnfitmiT1ati RESPECTFULLY OFFERS HIS 8ER ice to th citiien ef Eugeni City ahd vkinitr in th NEW JDnTAI Of DOUGLAS COUNTY, OUN. l.corportH Juoe, 1S78- I fipilil Sleek, il,BGf OJTICEHSi p m. A L Tod4 gKIinigyA,'. iia,Tod4 UiaiCTont-J. F. Gill. J. W -r. Txfmlff hmleiar. tnfmM. O. Adair, rtilTeed eg"-