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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1879)
THE miUi CiTY GUARD KDPKNE OlTf. OREGON. A'iUHi)AY. 8KPT. WO. IS79. No lore font for Darkles. Thr ii no more room for darkies in Kaniaa. So Bays Goytrntr St. John in tin following letter to the Kaoaai Sanitary Commission: "We have already received and cared for between 4,000 and 5,000 .of these people (oolored rafngeti) here in Knn ia. The labor market hag been, I will aay, overstocked with them. It is utterly impossible U obtain em ployment for them now. The funds of the Association are abeut exhaust' J, and to send more of them here in 0 addition to the lumber that are al ready here and must be previdod for, would be a cruel outrage upon the black roan, and will necessarily result in much buffering on their part for the want of food or the opportu nity to earn it. So far as I am per sonally eoncerncd I shall never of ficially or otherwise forbid any hu man being, who is willing to obey the lawi and make an honet cflmt to better his condition and become a good citizen, from entering the State of Kansas. I only say it would bo an outrage upon the destitute blacks to send them here now, in view of tho facta that I have already stated we have now on hand, including 100 sick and disabled, all it is possible for our Committee to provide for." Proper Conclusion. The Springfield Republican com menta as follows upon the faots brought out by tin Wallace Com mittee in Ne England: ''The plain, unvarnished truth stands out boldly in evidence that seruo of our professedly best men who are'promi nent manufactures, practically forbid their employes from exercising the right of suffrage free from interfer ence. It is a disgraceful state of af fairs, but we are forced to the ad mission that the Federal Supervisors were employed not to keep the peace at the polls, but to keep nnti.Repub lioan voters away; that these Super visors, instead of preventing fraud, eooonraged it by aiding to peroeoute all opposed to the Republican candi dates. It ia a fact developed by Seuator Wallace Committee, that no matter who offered a Republican ballet it was accepted, and no ques tions asked; whereas some of the best men, seulally and morally, and all ...i t . .i omers wno were ni an active in oppo sition to the Republican party, were carefully watched, and their every move dogged by paid spoilers." Some Conijlation. - From late returns from California it is ascertained that one Demooralio Congressman is elected. The follow ing is a lato dinpalch: "It has beeu considered oertsin lhatiu the third congrcssionol dis trict MoKenua, republican, was elected over Kerry, demoorat, by a small majority, official returns from ill except two comities, Humbolt and Trinity, having been received. Official returns just recoived from Humboldt now give JJerry 173 ma jority, which returns from Trinty can tot materially change. The Washiurrto i . t . .. . . i IjlUSl IIIIIIK4 II rill 1 tho duly of Congress to in vestigate. John Sherman, ami so hedge him about with law that he cannot make a reckless deposit of P'tblio funds for ,tlie benefit of his friends without becoming criminally liable. The Post forgtts that Sher man's friend and patron, the present occupant of the White House, will iioia the veto pewer through two more sessions. Senater Keck reminded his hearrrs t Bowling Gren, that Mr. Hajcs as member ef Congress, twice vol cd to impeach President Johnson for wu was called the wrongful use of me veto power. But, remarks the Cincinnati Enquirer, Andrew John ton did not vet the repeal of laws nd decline to veto an Apprepria Uo Bill which centaioed legislation bich h was unalterably oPPoc,. In an interview iut rnbli.h . Washing! hi, Gon. Ewing sayK "Ve muss maao a poor msn's canvass and go amoag the people with scrip and Uff. The Republicans will have a big advantage in having all the money they can use. Wt have ow ana very severe law in Oh 10 making all forms J J . , J wJti IU bill! idation punishable as penitentiary offenses. We intend U see Ibstthe Jaw is thoroughly eieeuted." DR. HINTIE'S "SPECIAL" MEDI CINES Art made from the brat material! obtainable. Thev are not eure-alla. Ther are favorite Dre- so-iotlon that have been tried and tented for yearn iu hit exteniiv practice, until now the' are absolutely perfect in tin troublee for whicl they are recommended. The Nephreticum works wonder in Kidno; and Bladder comulaints. Thoee ufferinr wit! Dropey, Brig) t' disease, Diabetei, Gravel, Retention of urine, Pain in the back:, Jnoon tinence, or any disease of the Kidney and Blad der, will be astonished at the relief one bottle will afford. For Female weakness it is absolutely with out an equal Vnr all Hinnnmlntl of the Liver. Use Dr. Mintie's English Dandelion Liver Pills. For Btllloiiauess and Dlsoepsla. Uae Dr. Mintie' English Dandelion Liver Fill. VVtv V.p niid A tm. Uae Dr. Mintie'i EniflUh Dandelion Liver Fv'ery family thoutd keep the Dandelion Pilla on hatid. K wlmt tlie druggists sav about Dr. Min- tie'e medicines: "Everybody spealu highly of them. C. H. Woodara . ua, arugjfisw, Portland. "All who take them recommend them." John A. Child. druggist, Portland. Messrs. AbramsA Carroll, wholesale drusrgists, San Franewdo, aay: "We regard Dr.'i Nephreticum ai the beat Kidney and Bladder remedy before the public." All druggists keep these medicines. SIR AST. reIi COOPER'S VITAL TORATIVEl The great English remedy has made more cures of Nervous Debility, y, seminal weakness, Lost Manhood, noct irnul emissions, lassitude, inability for mental labor, despondency, and such diseases as are induce'! by youthfull fol lies and excesses, than all other medicine com bined. It is not a stimulant nor excitant, ia perfect ly safe to take, ia not a quack nostrum, and produce results are that wonderful. Price, 13 a bottle. Four time) the quantity, $10. Buy a bottle. It will not disappoint you. Hidge, Davis Co., whole iale druggists, Portland, Or. Through Countless little oienings in the skin, invisible except through a microscope, the per spiration, in a atate of health, exudes, hour by hour, night and day. The total obstruction of these minute outlets would produce death; and when they become partially blockaded, the skin grows dry. yellow and finally diseased, and the general health is injuriously affected. Glenn's Sulphur Soap, by opening the pores. removes eruptions and unhealth granulations on the skin, and imparts to it a healthful clear ness, humidity and smoothness, banishing from the face or beauty complexlonal blemishes, whether attributable to impurities in the capillary circulation, or to undue exposure to the sun and wind, for obstinate scorbutic complaints, like the itch, salt rheum, and eryis pclas, it is a sovereign remedy, being quite as effective as Sulphur Baths, for such maladies, well as rheumatism and gout It is wonder- ously healing and soothing in its action, reun iting the cuticle where broken by external in juries, relieving the swelling and inflammation attendant ujwn aprains, scalds and buise. and curing the moat obstinate sores and ulcers. The Medical Profession sanction its use, and. from all classes of society, voluntary evidence in its favor is continually emanating. Lt dies of fashion prefer it to any siiuiliar accessory of the toilet and the bath, since it promotes not only health, but personal attractiveness. As a disinfectant of disease-contaminated clothinz it has no peer. After they have been washed with Glenn's Sulphur Soap, garments and linen from the aick room may be handled with per- tect impunity. Sold bv clrtizimts. Price 2.T& per cake. 1 box (3 cakes)75c sent by mail, prepaid, on re ceipt of price. C. N. Crittenton, Prnp'r, Sixth avenue, New York. Hill's hair and whisker dye, black or bown, 50c Beautifiers. Ladies, yon cannot mike fair skin, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes with all the cox. metics of France, or beautifiers of the world, while in poor health, tnd nothing will give you auch good health, strength, buoyuut spirits and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is certain proof, bee another column. Head uil I.earii For Yourself Many valuable discoveries and much nse fill knowledge is kept from the world, be cause of the immense expense in making them known to the people. This is not the case with lioachee'n Herman Syrup, although but a few years introbuced into this country its sale now reaches in every towu and yil liae in the U. 8. Its wonderful success iu curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Pneum onia, Asthma, and all other diseases of the throat and lungs, was first made known by distributing every year, for three years, over 400, CXI bottles to the afflicted, free of charge, by Druggists. No such test of merit was ever given before to any other preparation. Coula you ask more? Go to your Druggists, ami gut a bottle for 75 cents and trv it. Sam ple bottlea 10 cent. Fob Rent. Two rooms tuitable for of fices, nnstuirs in Underwood i brick. Amlv ai r.xpres oiuce. mix's IIkpatio Kino is the best liver remedy In the market. It cures Billiouaness, Headache, Constipation. Jaundice. DvsoeiMia. and all diseases arising- from the derangement oi mai important organ, wntcn has been com monly called the housekeeper of health Tut van Auo unionist ui tun city uave ii, anu win guarantee every Dottle, or money refunded. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Public Examination. The Publio Examination of temdiera will be held ia Eugene Thursday and Friday, the Siirintendent. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon in and for the county of Lane. Emetine Wallace and Matthew Wallace, her nuauanu, piainuna; vs. j Thomas Garsld and Ann Carslde, hi Suit in equity to foreclose mortgage on real property. 1 o I Soma lianude and Ann Garside. hi wile, lb above named defendant: I N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF JL uregon, you and each at you, are hereby uiuiuuddu to appear in aaiu court and answer uie complaint td tn plamt'tfa tiled herein, on or belore Monday, the third day of Novem ber, l;y, that bt-in th day of th term of court following the time prescribed ia the order for publication of summons, or pUintitf will apply to the court for the rel ef demanded therein, naiueiy, a judgment for the sum of tiv thousand dollars in gold coin of the United Mate witn interest thereon at on per cent, per month, since October 12th, 18'S, and a decree for the sale of the ioUowimr (WriUl real property, in tane county. Uregon, to-wit: The lXnation claim of Matthew v 'lia and wife. Mot, Stl'JS in Section 27 and St ia Town ship 17 South of Kang four West, containing tM acne, aUo eotnnwucing at th Northwest eorier of said claim, turnce West lot chs,, thence Koutu -17.tJcn,, thence East loi ch., than o North 47.KO chs, to th place of begin ning, con ainingl7.40 acres of land aad for auch other and further relief as to th court aiay (rem equitable and just It is ordered br the esurt ths ttmutrsKU 3. F. Watson. Judv. dated Srnfemhu lVh ' 1878, that service ol sunuaoo b mad oa yoa bypubucatioei ia tbeEugeneGiaao,aiMWa per bublubed ia aaid oountv. tor ait eonaaca- nveweeta. u. H. DOKK1S. r4 Maintul Atoraey. !e.V Struck With Itust! AS I HAVE TO PAY CASH FOB goods every 30 days, I have resolved that from and after Oct 1, 1879, to sell on 80 days time. My books must be balanced once a month with cash only. All who parchase good of me must govern themselves accordingly. Hoping to retain all my customer! and gain new ones, I remain, Respectfully yours, J. M. KITCHEN. Everybody Goes to the CHEAP 1. 1 L. STORE, WHY ? 1st Because good3 ate really said at the lowest prices. 2d Because people can save their money instead of going to Portland, as goods are sold cheaper than there. 3d Because anybody that buys at the CHEAP I. X. I. STORE get their money's worth. Great Bargains Always Mill be given at the Cheap I. X. L STORE, Opposite tho Astor House and Post Office EUGENE CITY, OREGON. seplftirt NEW MEAT MARKET, On tho west i ie of Witlnuntte Street, between Eighth and Ninth. TTaviti t our ntw ut-il npnfc lvTwtt Market, we are prepared to furnish the best of Iti'i'f, Veal, Mutton, Pork, etc., To our customers, at the lowest market rates. The CJstom of the public is respect fully solicited. :U delivered to any part ef the city free irgo. MILLER k McCORNACK. of chnrg Another Triumph for UWZ "WEBFOOT STAT3ES. Ho Mare Kiilnsy Troubles ! No More Backache I Oregon has long ben noted for the wonderful variety of her natural resources. Her hills and vallevs are stored with the choices of Nature s laviah trifts. One bv one these elements of her greatness are b.'ing sought out, unders'ood and adapted to the use of her people. The latest of these discoveries is The Oregon Kidney Tea A plant which (trows in mountain fastnesses which are seldom trodden b iy the foot of man. This remedy presents the leaf in its natural state, and is not one of those nauseous liquids, out up to sell, and which too often cover nnr lous and deleterious drun, but is kind nature's "hut best gift to man. The Tea- made bv aifepinj tins leai is a iektaix acid SPEEDY CUIIE COll ALL DISEASES Or TBS KIDNEYS AND Hill VARY ORGANS. The leaf is put up in air tight tin caddies which preserve intact its peculiar medical prop ertiei and the decoction is made by the person using it, thus securing its absolute purity. There are thcusanda afflicted with diseases of the kidneys or urinary organs who surfer in si' lcnce rather than to make known their troubles. Uthor seek relief by the use of various patent medicines, which, if they do not aggravate the disease, at least do not lessen it. Even those who secure.the advice of physicians often fail to iret II . ! . .. . I. - . , reut-i, uwiiig m me very cuiiipuuaieu ana aell cate nature of the organs atfected. The ORE G'JN KIDNEY TEA is i strictly vegetable production, and will not injure the ctnallest child or the moat delicate woman, but will cure Fain in the lUca and Kidneys, Non-keten-tion or Urine, Diabetes, iNruaHAiioN or the uladder or kidneys, limit Di'st De rodiT in Urine, Levcorruoea, PaisruL or SiTPREsaED MENSTRi'ATloN.and all complaints arising from a diseased or debilitated state of the kiuneys or urinary organ of cither sex. Many mistake the pains arising from defec tive action of the Kidney for RHEUMA TISM, and in attempting to cure the Utter oy outwaro applications, tail entirely to reach the seat of the disease. W do not olfer the OREUON KIDNEY TEA a a tpecitio for ivneumiiam, out are sauanea tnac many case of so called RHEUMATISM would yield to its remedial virtue. Full directions In English and German accompany Each Package. Hundred of Ttstimoniati have been rtceivtd from respected citizens. Sold by all Druggists & Gen Dealers. PRICE. ONK DOLLAR. llODfJC, DAVIS &. CO. Proprietors Portland, Or. ' W have just received from the Eastern factory, direct, large stock of window hade and wall paper ; among th lattor are many Terr pretty tyie embraciug drained FanneU, Embossed, Gilts and Lace t'attema. Satin and Common Blank, all of which we aell cheap, and no charge for trimming paper. DUNN dTRATTON. Werthlesa Stuff! Not so fast my friend; if yon could see th strong, oeaithy, blooming men, women and children that have been raited from beds of sickness, suffering and almost death, by the of Hop Bitten, yon would aay "Olorion aud invaluable remedy." See another out anm. Lsiles AtlealUd. Belli Fashioa PattrBi at Dnon 4 Strai NOTICE! To Whom It May Concern, I HEREBY GIVB NOTICE THAT t AM the sole owner of the rlf-nt Right for Sinking and Driving Wells in Lane county, State of Oregon, and that said Right is pro tected by Letters Patent issued by th U. S. Governmnt to Nelson W. Green, of Court land County, State of New York. All persons who have Driven Wells, or had them driven, without my permission, since the 21st day of Febrnary, lg73. are liable to prosecution for infringement of said Right and are hereby no tified to come forward and adjust the tame. - All Infringements in the future will be prosecuted. I am prepared to drive Wells or will grant permission to others oa application. B F DORRI8 O R larket . B. C. PEMIMTO.V, Proprietor. Three Doors North or tii Attor Bouse, EJGZf E CITY, 0:egon KEEPS ON HAND THE BEST BEEF, VEAL PORK AND MUTTON IN THE MARKET. FOR SALI (IT THE- CAROASS, QUARTER, -ok At LlhD, SAUSAGE, DRIED MEATS, HEAD CHREtE . And Everything Pertaining to a FIRST-CLASS MARKET Always on Kand stock in the country and sell none but No. 1 articles. Give mi a call and vou will neither be dis appointed in quality or prices. VI a' delivered to all parts of the city fret o CB PENINGNTON. Dissolution ol Copartnership. THE UNDERSIGNED HERETOFORE doing business in Junction City, county of Lane, State of Oregon, under the firm name of McKinnon & Braun, have this day by mu tual consent dissolved their copartnership, M. J. McKinnon having sold his entire interest in the said business to George Seegtr. Braun and Seeger will pay all indebtedness and collect all bills due the lute firm. M. J. McKINNON, GEORGE BRAUN. Junction, Oregon, August 11, 1879. I tak t pleasure in recoramendintr the firm of ISraun 4 sm egor to the confidence of the public. It4 M. J. McKINNON. a23t4 WHEAT! WHEAT! GENTLEMEN HAVE YOU sold your Wheat ? If not, do o at one, and then call WM- PRTIISTOlSr'S, And purchase your HARNESS. He has on hand an immense stock on which he defies competition, either in Quality, Finish, Work manship or Price. Also a large stock of Wrlira direct from rew York. CARDS. CURRY COMBS and BRUSH ES in abundance. Also COLLARS that will fit an ind nurses. Sweat Pais, Bridles. Halters, And in fact everything a Fanner requires. SADDLES of all Kinds on Hand and Made to Order. Call and Examina RpfnrA Rnuino- n-.r..L.r j -a Liiewiier. Milliner and Dress Making ! To the Ladies of Eugene City and Mii ioquding: Vicinity: IF YOU WAXT FIRST CLASS MIL linery Good or if von tut IW Ladies W ear mad to onl-r, and in the lateot style, go to M1SSNAXMK McCUKKLE. at the old store of the Mines Hollawsy A Linden one doorso-ith of K O. Callison' store. Eugene City, Mav 16. 1879. m?4-m NOTICE. ALL PERSONS KXOWISO THEM . "l bt y n.e or book account to J. W. Cleaver, are requested tn mII .i k. othe of O. H Dom, Eune City, and settle immediately, or action will be commenced to recover th same. A liberal duoannt w,il K. made is snm cases. f 134 O. R DORRI.S, Atfy, MEDICATED MEDICATED MEDICATED the Purest bnd Best for all Has been (old in all th Eastern State and given universal satisfaction. It is highly recommended by the faculty for all case of rtervausresa, weakness, ueiiuuy, uyspepsia, Indigestion. Etc It i now introduced to th nublio of th Pacific Slope, endorsed bv th f.illnwt i . of the eminent Dr. a Dana Hayo. Stat Assayer of Massachusetts, and Dr. H. C w!.jfi of St Louis. Mok, both gentlemen prominent in their profession, and which is a guarantes ti all buyer of purity and quality. I oau show thousands of letter from private person from ii parts of th Union and Canada, to testify to its merits and the benefit it ha affords . kU ily remedy and tonic, at-gold by all Druggist and Grocer b y the CASE. GALIiv Si BOTTLE. Country orders promptly atUnded Uk ' uiuJ Or CAUTION None genuine unless labeled Laboratory and Office, No. 4, State St. Boston, September 9 1871 Gaoaoi Simiionds, Esq. Sin The sample marked "Nabob Whisky," received from you ha been annalyzed with the following results: It Uof fcleoted alcoholic strength and free from added flavoring oil, acids, metals, or other deleterious substances. Respectfully, DANA 8. HAYES, State Aasaycr for Massachusetts. Si. Locib, Missouri, September SO, 1876. G. Simmon ns, Eso, I have been using your Nabob Whisky for some time, and have no heal tation in saying that it is, without exception, the purest article that I have used eithrf medicinally or fur family purposes. To many of my patients who have been suffering with inaT gestion and nervou i affections, I have prescribed your Nabob Whisky for their use, and I take pleasure in saying to you the effect ha been most satisfactory. Please send me by express six cases; also a sample ease C. O. D. and oblige, yours truly, H. C. LOUDERBACK, M. D; So long as there ore ills to which flesh n heir to, and the cases and labor of life breed diseases so long will it be necessary to uae medicine to counteract the evil produced and hiaintain the health of the huraiuvfamily. Many kinds of medicines are treauently offered to the publio for one special disease and another, r.nd if the truth were known it Would doubtless be found that in the majority of cases these nostrums have done far mora harm than good. Indeed some ef the greatest evils of the present day is the existence of quack compounds which contain ingredients inimicable to health, und the' greatest care, therefore-, should be taken by invalid, in using many unknown drugs which cannot be taken With contrary. Now, experience has shown that parations known, and is highly recommended nesi, debility, dyspepsia, indigestion, eta its popularity throughout the Eastern States ha been great, and it comes to the Pacific Coast endorsed by the certificate of Dr. S. Dana Hayes State Assayer of Massachusetts, and Dr. H. C. Louderback, of St Louis M3; Thess certifi! cates are most direct in their statements, averring that the Nabob Whisky is, without excep tion, the purest article that can be used either medicinally or for indigestion and nervous sJfeo tions, analysis shows that this whisky is of standard alcoholio strength, and free from flavoring oils, acids, metals, or other deleterious substances. Dr. Hayes further aayt that it is pure of superior quality, and suitable for dietic and medicinal purposes. Such recommendations are the strongest that can be furnished, and as there are thousands of letters testifying to the merit of the Whisky as a family remedy and tonio, no further proof of it excellence need be given. OSBlRi A Co., Solo Agents for Eugene City and Lane County, re the Trade can be supplied on tho sune prices as you can of th proprietor in Kentuck Where w H JRl v U HAS ON HAND AND MANUFACTURES HACKS AND I a ii P; epared to Make to order Buggies and Wagons. As My Facilities are equal to any Establishment in the State, I can Premise Ky Patrons First-Glass Work in every Respect. MI PRICES AltE THE LOWEST 1IV THE STATE FACTOr.Y NEAR THE EUGENECITY FLOURING MILLS. L IIHIl Lit! LOIIIER! I HAVE ESTABLISHED A LUMBER YARD Un the corner of Eleventh and WillameH streets, and keep constantly on hand lumber of au Kinus. seasoned noonns and rustic, feno- : i . - r.. uig sua ience poets, jr. u. jlyl4-tf 3k. . W. Shelton, F. M. Wii.kins SHELTON WILKINS, Practical Druggists & Chemists, UNDERWOOD'S LUILDIXG4 Next door to the Grange Store, Willamette street, Eugene City Oregon. Have lust opened a full line of fresh Drugs, Medicines & Chemicals. Also a fine assortment of Fancy and Toilei Articles. ALL KINDS OF Mixed Paints, Lead, Oil, Varnish, Brushes, WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY ""Which they will alway sell on reasonable tenua. Cartful mention given to Phjiitian'i Pre icriptioit. EUGENE JCITY MILLS. THE UNDERSIGNED BEG LEAVE TO inform the public that they are the owners of the EUGE.VECITY MILLS, and are pre pared.Jfl do a general milling business. Will receive: Wheat on storage at lowest terms, and make satisfactory snangenwDt with farmer wno iieaire to nave their own' Wheat ground. u u uuies on nsnn, FLOUR and ALL KINDS OF MILL FEED. and pay the Highest Cash Price lor Wheat. PATTERSON, EDRlS GRAY. DAMIANA, iiitUAi mi,U THE BITTERS ARE -a. maue is a Mexican Herh. nH i. mis only to a small section of Lower (bis) California. ' ' It has been naed hv tka Ink'.n.. t r California forthe but thirty year a a eeneral IX VIO Oil A TO to th SYSTEM n Oit Baaialr frr J- swumii mm DisaUUTT J 'oMiive lure for inin nsln. Flecke.nsipin. Jlla Ter. roia Attnts, tf tland, Orva; n. AN JUAN L1M1 f.l hT T. G. HENDRICKS, Medical and Family Purposes. with my signature over the cork. ture over the cork. SIMMONDS, Sole Proprietor. ii. impunity, no matter what may be a legend to th Nabob Whisky i one of the beat medicinal Dr. by the Faculty for all cases of nervousness weak- icky. a SI Bi IRVING SPRING WAGONS, BEN RUSH, THE 7 BLACKSMITH, still at the old stand and is prepared to do kind of general jobbing, horse-shoeing, re inng, etc. Having secured the service f n exm rienced hand 1 will make the repairing of ARM MACHINERY a speciality. BEN RUSH. . AT THE HAVING ASSOCi A i'liD WITH ME IM business Mr. HORACE F. STRATTON we have just received a new, large and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, Making a specialty of HARDWARE, IRON AND STEft AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. W desire to make nn tmA tim.ri.i. l say that farmer can come nearer getting ANYTHING THEY MAY WANT at our store than at any other eaUblishment in town, ar.d they can buy them on as good term. We have a full line of Foreign and domestic drygoods, FANCY GOODS. LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. MEN AND BOY'S CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND 6HOE3 And are continnally addiXr to ou stoclr ts meet the demands oi tl ths rjuhhV r. b wait, A. C BRIGGS, SUCCESSOR TO I. B. LAKIK. mHE HARNESS SHOP PREVIorSLY J . o? by ! R. Lakin has recently been purchased br A. n l. i. cn:i .l. sliop with a hvge assortment of Harness. Saddles, Bridles. Soars. Brashes. Combs Whtes. Tressed Deer SnimCadUe BlankitA Echn And in fact everything usually kept In First-Class Harness Stop; I proDose to sIl u fTTjr in u. .u in th bosinesa. Give m call before hnvin. . member the old tUnd, nt door north tit.P Dunn Stor. 170B BUENA VISTA STONE WARJ t . T. ti. ilENDKK Xi