0 If! 17! H 0 ESTABLISHED FOB THE DISSEMINATION OF DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, AND TO EARN AN HONEST LIVING BT THE SWEAT OF OCR MOW. WHOLE NO. 611). EUGENE CITY, OR., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1879. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE f GENE (JUARL Or tfugtnf City (Suarl 'f. L. CAMPBELL. J. B. CAMFBSLL. CAMPBELL BROS., Publishers and Proprietors, . 6FFICE In Underwood'i Brick Building, over Grange Store. . OUB ONLY. OF ADVERTISING. RATES Advertisements inserted as follows : One square, 10 lines or leas, one insertion S3; ach subsequent insertion 81. Cash required in Vlvance. Time advertisers will be charged at the fol i Swing rates: One square three months , . . . . $0 00 " six months 8 00 " " one year 12 00 Transient notices in local column, 20 cents per an for eacn insertion. Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly. All Job work must be paid fob os demyeky. T i POSTOFFICE. - Office Ilaurs From 7 a. m. to 7 p.m. Sundays V m 1:30 to J:30 p. m. Mail arrives from the south anil leaves (ruin north 10 a. m. Arrives from the north an'! leave, irning V'lth at J:SJ p. m. For Siuislaw, Franklin anil tang Y.m, close at S a.m. on weuneanay. ror urawioraa. Villa. CamD Creek and Brownsville at 1 P.M. Letters will be ready for delivery half an hour after t .rival of trains. Letters should be left st the omce rue hour before mails uepart. A. 8. PATTERSON. P. M, SOCIETIES. I...1nill A V an,1 A l .Meets first and third Welnesduys in each mor.ui. Bpkmcub Butts Iodok No. 9 I. O. iJaiJAfcO. F. Meetsevery Tuesday tvening. "5-',V!rt1rt" WlMAWHALA EnOAMPUKMT No. 6, Iheeta on the 2d and 4th Wednesdays in eacn momn DR. L. M. DAVIS DENTIST, Eugene City, Oregon. R' OOMSOVER GRANGE STOKE, first door to the right, up stairs, l'onuerly olHtf O. W. Fitch. Nitrous Oxide. Gas for painlen extraction of teeth. W. Shelton, JL T. W. Haiihis, M. D. Drs. Shelton & Harris. pinsicms & SIRCEOXS, Eugene City, Ore6rt. A. IF. PATTERSON, r.TiirnT-tr l -T urn O f T T I rAf OOlco on Ninth Street, opposite llic St. Charles Hotel, and at ltealdence, Dr J. C. Shields OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SER vices to the citizens of Eugene City and Burronndincc country. Special attention piven to all OBSTETRICAL CASES and UTER INE DISEASES entrusted to his care. Office at the St Charles Hotel. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged. Oftice at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby terian Church. S.llemcnwaj, 91. D., Pll YSICIAjY S UR GEOX. Residenci Corner of Oak and and Fifth (Streets. EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. GEO. B. DOR1US, ATTORNEY St COUNSELLOR at LAW Office on Willamette street, Eugene City. J E WELTI Y EST A 1L1 SM KXT. J. S. LUCKEY, Zhs DEALER IN jrgJg Clocks, Watcties, Chains, Jewelry, tx. Repairing Promptly Executed. tiTAII Work Warranted.-. J.S LCCKKV, Ellsworth k O.'s brick, Willamette street. fcHHIUinWI a.m..'. and largest ever brought to fcu-ne.at ....w.".r nc If TT, het M and slattaij Store. TOST OFFICE BUILDING, EUGENE I city. Ihaveonhandandamcowtan-ly receiving an assortment of the Bert Schoo 1 as &lUneoua Books, Stationery, Blank : Lo ok, Portfolio Cards,' Wallet. 11?!'k"i,OD lute, etc, etc. A. S. PA 1 1 fcKM. J. Real Estate Agent, Collection Agent, and Notary Public. EUGEXE CITY, : 0 REG OX. J. B. ALEXANDER, Justice of the Peace, Conveyan cer and Collector. Tim. n XirAm aMrrhed and ab tracts of title made. AH bosineaa prompUy attended to. Ofr-e at the i oort nou-e. r BIKEHIES-Isballkeepoaafallof GROCERIES & PROVISIONS S. ltocntIaU & Co., DIALERS IX GEERAL MERCHAXDISE, At the old stand, Southwest corner of Eighth ana Willamette streets, BUGKNE CITY, OHECiOX'. Have the most complete stock of General Merchandise I n the city, including Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Et3,itc. And in fact everything the market demands, which we are selling rt BED-ROCK PRICES. CASH Paid for all kinds of farm produce delivered at our Store. S. Rosenblatt & Co. OSBUKN & CO'S VTEW DRUG STORE ON WILLAM J.1 etee Street, near Ninth, DkULKitS IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, VARN1SHKS PATENT MEDICINES, be. Brandies. Wines and Liquorr OF ALL KINDS. In fact, we have the best assortment of article found in FIRST CLASS DRU 3TORK. We warrant all our drugs for they are new and Freh. Particular attention is called to our Stock of Perfumery abo Toilet Articles. As we have bought OUR GOOVS FOR CASU . We can compete with any establishment In En gene Uity in price and accommodation. Buy your goods where yon can get the best and cheapest. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED At all hours of the day or night OSJSUIIN & ti PHY IT T THE T O. HENDRICKS BRAND of MH 7i r aula) ni.lt hv T.(). HENMWKS. ROOTS AXW SIIOEJi-UALlDU-. l.n.,1 uii.l machine made Boots and Shoes. A new lot direct from factory. !S. II. Mtllv.M'L.r A II KM I 71AUOX-I am the sol A dministrator's lN'olice. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1M ttie undersigned was nt the May term, 1879, of the county court, of Lane county, Or egon, duly appointed administrator of the es tate of Mary Jane Heatlierly, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said es tate are hereby required to present them with the proiwr vouchers to said aliiiiniatrator, at the oftice of Thomson ft Bean in Eugene City, Lane county, Oregon, within six mouths from the date of this notice. JAM ES H L'l ll.KS'l ON , Administrator. THOMPSON BEAN, Attorneys. May , 1879. UPHOTOCRAPHS. Albert Jackson, Artist, Takes Photograph", iiem" t'ards, Cabinet and Life-Size, style and finish eiual to any work done in the State. Pricer reasonable. GALLERY - Willamette street Eugene City, Oregon, over Mrs. Jackson s Millinery Store. Executors Notice. - - ....nnl.lf T - T I T , T VOTICE IS Ettttni nr..i i"", i .1. i ....l kaa laen a!lHinteil executor of the U-t will ami tesfuint of Jolui F. Ue, decease.!, by order of tne J ountv Court of Lane county, Oregon, and that all persons bavin- claims against suli hereby refiuired U j.reseiit the same with the ,.r. t.r vouchers to the undersigned at his of fice in Junctun City within six mouths from the date of this noti. Dated July -a, . W. C. LLE, Execotir. Thompsos 4 Be-. Attorneys. jy'-''it4 Ortion iBdian Wan of 1S5I, 4 157 . 1, . .n mnilvreH service or fumUh- All""'""-' . . .. , e.1 sopplies or traiilrtation in the above wars, or the hi- 01 sucn r .1 :... l.. aJ.lrMaintf Allan Kiither- f,d (late 3d Auditor L. S. fia-mry), Attor ney and mselior at w, m uu, W ashington, u. General H'otice. MR, GEORGE HUMPHREY HAVING pled hi bosine-s in the hands of the an'Wsigned for collection and sttl-roent, U persons owing him wbo have not mvle ar-ranl'-tneat for extewion time, are hereby notified to make payment or other satisfactory H. C HUMPHREY. EUGKNK CITY EBUSINESS DIRECTORY. ALEXANDER, J. B.-Justic of the Peace South Eugene Precinct; office at Court House. ASTOR HOUSE-l'has. Baker, prop. The Only firat-clast bolel ih - the city Willamette street, one door north of the poet.offico. ABRAMS, W. H. k BRO.-riauing mill, sash, door, blind and moulding manufactory, Eighth street, east of mill race. Everything in our line furnished on short notice and reasonable terms. BENTLEY, J. W. -Private boarding house, southwest corner of Eleventh and Pearl sta. BOOK STORE One door south of the Astor House. A full stock of assorted box papers plain and fancy. BOYD A MILLER Meat Market-beef, veal, mutton, iork and lard Willamette street, between Eighth and Ninth. BRIGGS. A C .-Saddlery, harness, saddle trees, whips, etc.. Willamette street, between Eighth and Ninth. CLEAVER, J. W. General variety store and agricultural implements, southeast corner of w Ulamette and Seventh streets. CHRISMAN, SCOTT -Truck, hack and ex pressman. AU orders promptly attended to. Office at express office. CRAIN BROS.-Dealer in Jewelry, Watch es, Clocks and Musical Instniments Wil lamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. CALLISON, E. G.-Dealer In groceries, pro visions, country produce, canned goods, books, stationery, etc, southwest corner Willamette and 9th Sts. DORRIS, H. F. -Dealer, in. S Wild Tin ware Ulamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. DURANT, WM.-Meat Market beef, pork, V..1 .n,l ........... 1 .. 1 1 V ' .1 .vn.aituiui.vvi'll ViMlswtllklV (III UttJIU Ullll street, between Pearl and High. ELLSWORTH 4 CO. -Druggists and dealers in paints, oils, etc. ulamette street, be tween Eighth and Ninth. FRIENDLY. S. H. -Dealer in dry g.ds, ciotinng ami general merchandise Willam ette street, between Eighth and Ninth. GUARD OFFICE-Newspaper, book and job limiting uiiK-e, corner v uiameue and cignin streets, up stairs. GRANGE STORE-Dealers in general mer- chamhse and prmluce, comer Eighth and Willamette streets. GILL, J. P. Physician, Surgeon and Drug gist, rostotiice, illamette s reet, between Seventh and Eighth. HAYS, ROBT.-Wines, Liquors, and Ci gars ot the best quality kept constantly on hand. The best billiard table in town. HENDRICKS, T. G.-Dealei is general mer chandise northwest corner W illamette and Ninth streets. HODES, C Lager lieer, liquors, cigars and a nn-! pigeon-hole taiile, w Ulamette street, be tween Eighth and Ninth. HORN, CHAS. M.-Giinsmith. Rifles and shot-guns, breech and muzzle loxlers, for kale. Repairing done in the neatest style and war ranted Shop on street KINSEY, J. I). -Sash, blinds and door fac tory, window anil door frames, mouldings, etc., glazing and glass cutting done to order. LYNHH, A. Ororcries, provisions, fruit, vg. etanles, etc , illametto street, first door south of Postoffice. LUCKEY, J. S. -Watchmaker and Jeweler; keeps a hue stork ot goods in his line, Willam ette street, in Ellsworth's drug store. MiCL AREN, JA M ES-Choice, wines, liquors, ami t'utani tv uiaiiictte street, oetween iMgnin and Ninth. MELLER, M.Brew'ory Lager beer on tap ami iy the keg or barrel, corner ot IMntu and Olive streets. OSRURN 4 CO. Dealers in drugs, medicines. chemicals, oils, paints, etc Willamette st, opposite S. Charles Hotel. PATTERSON, A S.-A fine stock of plain and fancy visiting cards. PERKINS, H. C. -County Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Residence on Fifth ' reet. PRESTON, WM. -Dealer in Saddlery, Har ness, L'amage J rlmmings, etc. W illamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE-A new stock of standard school books just received at the post office. RUSH BEN. Horseshoeing and general fob bing blacksmith, Eighth street, between W il lamette and Olive. REAM, J. R. Undertaker and building con tractor, corner illamette and Seventh streets. ROSENBLATT 4 CO. Dry goods, clothing, ..... I I i:.... ii i groceries aim general ineiciiniunpr, .niuuwest corner Willamette and Eighth streets. ST. CHARLES HOTEL Mrs. A. Ren frew, Proprietress. I he best Hotel in the city. Corner Willamette and Ninth streets. SHIELDS, J. ('.-Physician and Surgeon- north side Plinth street, first door east of St Charles Hotel. STEVENS, MARK Dealer in tobacco, ci gars, nut, ciindies, shot, powder, notions, etc Willamette street SCHOOL SUPI'LIES-A large and varifd assortment of slates of all sizes, and quantities of lates and slate-booka. Three doors north of the express office. THOMPSON 4 BEAN-Attorney. at Law V illanietle street, between Seventh and Eighth. , WALTON, J. J.-Attorney-at-Law. Office- Willamette street, between Seventh and Kiirhth. WITTER, J. T.-Ruckskin dressing. The highest price paid for deer skins, Eighth st, at liridge. UNDERWOOD, J. B.-General brokerage business and agent for the ( onnecticut In surance CornMny of Hartford -Willamette street, lietween Seventh and Eivhthi ELLSWORTH & CO., DRUGGIST, "llflLL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS in y y all its branches at the old stand, ottering increased inducements to customers, eld and new. As heretofore, the most Careful attention given to Prescripions. FA KM FOR N 4LK. 4 WELL IMPROVED FARM OK three I V. hurdred am! rixty a-ea, list acre nnder cultkation; ail under fene tnd the improve- mtnU in good order, which we wi'l sell at a bargain, and on the moat reaaonable terms. Mtuated five mile itb of town, and has a gl outrange for stock. Apply at this office- yon UE1CB4L flEKCnillDISE ( TiG HENDRICKS, How the Moory Goes. A few litatiatica from the. Secreta ry', report will give our readers somo iiio i of how men grow rich on public plunder anil Mill have to muuh mon ey to contribute tor eletion'pnrpos ex, buy eil.ioi'V ami keep legislation in the channel that lunulas only the money power of the Mimtrv. These litre taken from the otliuial rtport!, ami conxeoueutly are correct: At Hftjmor, Maine, there are nine Lunlom House othoers, who receive an annua', salary ot f 7,150, ami tte amount Uiey collected tjr th govern ment tor the year 1878 was (4,040. Winunstiet, .Maine, lour orlioers col lected $000. Paid to lhee sap suck ers for cUlig it, $3,675. Cnsiim', Maine, six officer collect ed $85)8, for which they were paid $5,849. These fix gentlemen are en thusiastic for Blatnu and tho whole Republican outfit in Maine. iSuco, Maine, two otliccra collected $32. Their salaries, $770. Of course they will vote with the Republican party. Machias, Maine, thirty-two officer collected 449 for which thoygot $2, 035. These thiity two men think (..rant ought to reigu oyer tho king dom ot Ileavtii. Frenchman's 15ay, seven officers collected $85, salaiios $3,497. All vote honest (?) money Sherman or Iieelzebub, don't care which so long as they swim. Wuldohoro, Maine, eight officers collected $G00 for which they receiv ed $6,05(1. Barnstable, Miiaschusetts, thirty two officers collected $922, salaries $8,000. These thirty two doubtless are continually talking about the limes being good and it the poor cusses that tramp over the countiy would only go to work times weuld be all right. Little Egg Harbor, New York three officers collected $7; salaries $2,231. No dobbl this trio think Heaven is not a great way lioni ibis Harbor. But here is the happy family, tho. real jolly fellows who can tell you tho cause of hard times. It is extrav agance, overproduction, and lailure of crops. Ba! llarbnr.New ioik, lour otii- cers collected 'narry red'; salaries $1,009. . Great Lirir Harbor, New Jeray, three offictrs sala ies $1,903, and not one cent collected. Anapolls, Maryland, four officers salaries $1,'2G7, nothing collected. Headers, you must bo extremely dull if you can't see one cause of our hard tunc just by reading this list above. Uemember that tho.u above enumerated are not all. There are 80,000 Republican office holders in the United Stales, and at least one half of them are nothing but political dead beats. How Urn. Slilflils wat Cured. The late Gen. Shields, at the battle ot Cerro (Jordo, in Mexico, was severely wounded while leading his men, but he refused to quit the field. He advanced to the charge when he was struck in the chest by a copper irrapeshot that passed through his lungs. Helen Into Hie arms I ug. lesby, at present United States Sena lor froth Illinois, and was carried from the battlefield, to all appearances, lifeless. Obituary notices appeared afterward in i.early all the papers ol the country, so convinced were the brother officers o the impossibility ot his surviving such a terrible wound. For weeks he lay at the brink ol death in iho neighborhood of the liiilllelield, and his cures seems little short of a miracle. The army sur geons had given him over for death when a Mexican doctor said he would live if he removed the coagulated blood from the woubd. Shields, ss a kill or cun remedy, told him to try, and a fine silk handkerchief was worked in and finally drawn through the wound, removing the extravaHate blood, when daylight could be seen through the hole. He lived to be hale ar.d hearty, free from discaso or any inconvenience from the wound, which was considered at that tiue mortal. The Ashland council has passed a dog law with a manliko disorimina tio against females. The tax is $1 per year for males and twice that mount for their sinters. Geo. Beman, a Polk county bar vest hand, was caught by his clothes in the knuckle ot the tumbling rod of a threshing machine and was con siderably tumbled betore headway could be stopped. He was almost stripped t clothing and was severely Druisea. Ballston is the name of a station on the narrow e"e railroad between I'errvdale and Sheridan, tho place lakitig its name from L nele Isaac laii, npon whose farm ilia located. A largo warehouse aud a good cleaner I are run at this place by Mr. A. is. .'Martin, who u also postmaster. NT.4TF. NEWS. A Corvallis womi n beats her hus band out-rngeously. Chooso thoso companions who ad minister to your improvement. Tho grain crop in Garden valley avernges thirty bushels to tho acre. James McDouoiigh, of Willow Springs, has raised a fine p.Uch ol sweet potatoes. Six hundred dollars worth of im provements will be put on the Ten dletou publio school building. Fire in Matt Shannon's blacksmith shop, nt Jacksonville, did damago to the extent ot $100 last week. lire town site of Ashland has been resnrvryed, and streets will bo laid out with more regularity hereafter. A fellow named Henry Zeikler is in the Polk county jail for talking in decently to a little daughter ot Mr. Graves. Southern Oregon will produce a great deal of excellent pork this year, . i i.n. t ' .. , iiiaiiy ruBiuu iimus uaving uecn given up to hogs. The rollers with which the old "beaver monev" was mado at Oro gon City in 1849 are now in iho hands ot the Pioueer association, hav ing but recently come into its pos sesiou. Following is a statement cf the population of Independence, Polk Co.: Men, 153; women, 182; lioys, 148; girls, 100; total population, 042. In North Independence there are 201, and in South Independence 390; to tal,642. . Tho Roseburg Plaindoalor of last week contains an account of the tlight of Dr. J. L. Cozad, a physician who has had a large practice in vari ous part of Douglas county for the last tew years. It is said that he committed a murder in Missouri several years ago; that officers were on his tiack, and he tied to escape them. The saw mill owned by Wisdom & Snider, and situated on Sterling creek, was destroyed by fire on the evening ot the 0th insl. The fire originated from sparks lodging in the saw dust and smouldering until1 after all hands hud gone home. Loss, $1000, wh ch will be increased in case tho engine and boiler ptovo to have been damaged. No insurance. A miner working on tho south fork of Sixes river last week found a pick of awkward pattern and worn off nearly to tho eye, nnd a coin ol gold and copper buried deep iu the canyon. It was evident that the ground had never been moved by the present genera1 ion ot men, and the question naturally arises whether, in tho dim and unknown past', some other people had mined for gold in that mountain gorge. The men who were swindled out of money honestly earned while working for tho deiaulting contrail tor Ward on the west side extension, met nt Independence a ."ew days ago to delormiiie upon what course to pursue. Anciig oilier resolutions the following were parsed: Resolved, That we deem it the dul of the Western Oregon R. R. Co., to settle with us in some way without lurllier delay. Resolved, Thnt inasmuch as there i. ftfllf.n ,1iia M T Ward na rw.e statement ol Mr. R. iCoehler, we are willing to ditnle said amount equally between the white laborers and the Chinamen, to wit: $2575 to tho China men and $2575 to tho whites. Some Wonderful Facii. Supposing your age to be fifteen years, or thereabouts, von can be fig ured up to a dot. i on have 10U bones and 500 muscles. Your blood weigh 25 pound. Your heart is nearly live inches in length it beats 70 time per minutes, or 4,200 times per hour, 200,800 times per day, 30, 722,000 times a year. A V each beat a little over two ounces ot blood is thrown from it; an I each day it re ceives and discharges about seven tons of that wonderful fluid. Your lungs will contiio a gallon of air, and you inhale 24,000 gallons per day. The aggregate surtace of the cir cells of your lungs, supposing them to spread out, exceeds 20,000 square inches. The weight of your brains is three pound'; when you are a man it will weigh tight ounce more. Your skin is composed of three layers, and varus from one eighth to one fourth of an inch in thickness. The area of your skin is about 1,700 square inches, and you are subject to arj atmopheric pressure ol fifteen pounds to a square inch. Each square incb of your skin con tains 2,500 sweating-tubes or per pi ratory pcree, each of which may be an inch long, making an aggregate ot 201,100 feet, or a tile ditcli tor drain ing the body almost twenty milts long. Some Natural Ilisrorj The Editor". - 'YThflt f.trnvlAila tiioL-iniV Bnimnl it this?" "This is itio editor." '"Indeed! Aro they very danger oiis?" . . "Sometimes. When cornered up they tiave been known to bo quite combaliye, and again they have been known to go through a convenient back window. Generally they aro mild and passive." "When are they most dangerous?" "When intruded upon by a book tgent who wants a forty line local for a leventv tivo cent book, or by poets with verses about gentle Spring." - "Are editors cross to each?" ''Ouly when Brparated by aaveral blocks of buildings." "Do they often have fearful com bats with each other?" "Occasionally when they go out in opposite dir ctions, and come upon each other by accident." "Are cditon ever cowhided?" "Sometimes tho small ones are, but tho big ones are very rarely moles' cd." "Do editors cat?" "They do. It was formerly iup posed that limy ale at long intervals and upon rare occasions, but it is now a well authenticated fact that they can eat n good deal when they can get it." "What kind ol food do they like most?" "They are not very particular. While ilicy won't refuse quail on toast, tried crad or roast turkey about Christmas lime, they have been known to make a harty repast off a dish of cold turnips and a consumptive bir ring." "Can they eat concert tickets." , "We believe not. Somo people have gained this continuous impress ion from false leaching in early life', but ho authenticated iustauce as inch a thing is on record." "Do editors go free into shows?" 'They do when they givo dollar and a half locals for a twenty-five cent tiokot." "Are all editors bald, like this one?" "No; only tho married enea are bald. But let us pass on; the editor docs not like to be stared at." "Old SI" renti llic Mornl of thilonkllng Sprague Affair. Atlanta Constitution. Old Si laid his head upon ail knee cap and said: "Dis hyar sporadiok tech oh de rumatiz 'minds me dat hits gwine ter rain 'bout fo'r days an' Pie icrhiil to lose de run ob ue story. "What story?" 'Dat leelle romance uu younder in Rodo Hum, 'twixt Conk!ing and Guv'- ner Sprague." "What do vou think of it, si, any bow?" Well, sali: mr 'ninioni en dese hyar queichina i party solid, for er tiick! Now. in dis cose, I'so cl'arly salitido dat do Guv. was tolin' 'round do bes' argyment dat was let him in de premises." "Then you approve ol shotgun remedy for domestic invasions?" 'Jess edzackly! An wheneuor er man cits hissu't ud ter dat pitch, whedder he's er musick teacher fum Germany er a chin muishura fum New Yawk. that he govs inter kamp on anudder man's h Jtno lot, de owner ob do lot hex cot de rite ter uso a rit ol 'jeckment wid ha'r triggers and senter tire buckshot kyarinugesr "rerhaps the law tormus ana fur nishes another sort of remedy?" ''Dat mabbe so wid de law dey puts onder sheepskin kivcrs, but dar's er onritten law ob dis hyar law, dat when a man buys er marriage li cense he L'its de rite wid bit ter or ganize funerils in his naborhood in dese sort of mergincies! "And that looks reasonable." "Dat's the smoob bore logick dat'l wind up de debate jess e z well in Rodo Bum ez in (leorcv. an' hit's dat sort of er secshum ob de kode dat's tacked up on my doah post, yer heah me!" And then tho old man limped away to escaped the shower. A convict set firo to the tannery at the penitentiary on Friday last, but the blaze was soon discovered and extinguished. A little son of Judtze Humphrey; of Washington county, fell from 'a roof last we k, and breaking bom bones of his right arm. S. B. Mead'has raised thirty buslf els of wheat and lorty of oats to the acre on Dr. Bailey's piace, mar the tlilisDoro race ir;ica, una jcbi. R. V. Beall, living in the neighbor hood nf Jacksonville, this season har vested 700 bushels of oats from seven acres situated in a corner ol bis field. Last week while a party of harves ters were at work on a farm about eizht miles above Sheridan a light iuow storm came op and snow fell quite lively (of a short time.'