The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 13, 1879, Image 6

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    . Washldgton'1 Utile IfateheU
Toward the clone of the last century
an eccentric bookHcller, Weems by name
osodtorido about the Southern States
with an assortment of literutnre in Lis
little wagon, and a fiddle under his scat,
He sold, in the daytime, from Louho to
house, and from county to county, and in
the evening, when be put up at a plant
tion bouse, he was ready with his fiddle,
ithcr to amuse the family, or to go into
the negro quarter and strike up a tuno
for the negroes to dunco to. He seems
to have been a good-natured, easy-going
man. with a talent for telling stories ;
talent which makes a man welcome al
most anywhere.
I have called this man a book peddler,
"but that was by no means the title he
irave himself. If ho had had such
thing as a card abont him, it would have
borne the words, ltcv. Alason .Locke
Weoms. He had figured in the pulpit
in his time, and it has recently lioen as
eertained that he was ordainod in Mary
land a clergyman of the Episcopal
church. In early manhood we find him
4t hanger-on, or curate unattached, in
Fohich parish, near Mount Vernon, the
chnrch which was for many years at
tended bv General Washington ana his
family. He used to speak of himself
sometimes as the rector of that parish,
. Bishop Mcado, of Virginia, who knew
him in his boyhood, intimates that the
idea of Al. L. Weems being the inoum
bent of a parish was preposterous. "
.acknowledge," wrote tho Bishop, " that
he was in the habit of having tho servants
.assemble in private houses whero he
would recite a portion of scripture (for
he never would read it out of books) and
porhans say something to them, or, in
the prayer, about thorn ; but then it was
in such way as only to produce merri
ment." The Bishop adds that he had
been an eye-witness of Weem's ludicrous
exhibitions, both at his mother's house
and his own, and he docs not think that
Weoms oonld have long mado any seri
. -on s pretense to be a settled rector. It is
possible he may have officiated in Pohick
parish in the presence of Washington,
and doubtless lie has of ton gazed upon
the general with sincore admiration.
Bishop Meade makes jocular allusion
to Weem's " very enlarged charity in all
respects." He knew no sect, but, in his
preaching days, delightad to preach in
any chnrch that would receive hiin, and
in any parish where ho could got a
chance to recommend his books. Where
over there was to bo an eloction or a
-court, Weems was very likoly to be
found with his stand for books on tho
piazza of the tavern. On one occasion,
when the Bishop found him thus estab
lished, at Fairfax courthouso, lie noticed
that he had among his books a copy of
Thomas l'aine's Age of Keason." Tak
ing it up, the clergyman asked, " Is it
possible you sell such a book ?" Weoms
instantly took from a shelf the Bishop
of Llnndoff's answer to Paino, and said,
"Behold the antidoto. The bano and
.tho antidote are before you." He evon
-wont further than this. He preached
one day for Meado while the rector was
absent in another parish, and in the
course of his sermon ho pronounced a fine
onlogium upon Thomas I'ainoand one or
two other conspicuous persons of similar
boliof. He said, among other things,
that if their spirits could return to the
arth they would be shocked to hear the
falsehoods that wore told of them. This
is highly probable, and we cun hardlv
agreo with tho bishop in pronouncing
the roruark a "spurious kind of charity."
On Monduy, when the young rector had
returned homo, his mother took Weems
to task for this romarkablo passage of
his sermon, "and 1 well remember,
nays tho bishop, "that evon he was con
fused and speechless,
Among the polite readors of this peri
odical. I presume thoro are many who
have never so much as heard tho name of
this singular genius. I continually meet
Well informed people who know nothing
-of him, and who gaze with incredulity
when they are told that he was not only
a voluminous author, but one of the most
influential that ever lived in the United
States. Take one remarkable instance
It was Woems's Life of Washington that
assisted to call forth the latent mind of
Abraham Lincoln, when he was a rng
cod. ignorant, barefooted boy of the
frontier, fourteen years of age. He bor
rowed the fascinating little book of i
noighbor, and as often as he could
snatch a few minutes he read it with
avidity, as hundreds of thousands of
boys had done Ixiforo him, and as thou
sands are now doing. It provod a costly
lo)k to the lad, for when it was not in
nso he was accustomed to place it on
shelf in his father's miserable log hut,
and one night, whilo the future Presi
dent wasbsleep, tho rain poured through
a crevice between the logs and spoiled
the urecious volume. Books were books
on tho frontier then. Tho owner ro
fused to take back tho damaged volume,
and Abraham was obliged to pay for it
by working three days at 1m cents a day.
The book is still one of the staple com
modities of the trade, although tho
iwlito world never sees it and rarely
hears of it. Probably it was a sketch,
published in 17lt by Dr. Beattio of his
eldest son. which suggested to the in-
genious Weems the plan of the Life of
In a corner of a little garden, wrote
Dr. Boattie. without informing any per
son of the circumstances, I wrote m the
mound, with my finger, the three initial
letters of my sons name; and sowing
garden cresses in the furrowB, covered
up tho seed and smoothed tho ground.
Ten days after he came running to me,
and with astonishment in his counte
nance, told me his name was growing in
tho garden. I smiled at the report and
anemod inclined to disregard it; but he
insisted on my going to see what Lad
happened. "le," said I, carelessly, on
coming to the place, "I see it is so; but
there is nothing in this worth notice, it
is mere chance;" and I went away. He
followed me, and taking hold of my coat,
said, with some earnestness: "It could
not be mere chance, for that somebody
mnst have contrived matters so as to
produce it." The father thon called the
attention of his son to the various jwrto
of his body, and their evident adupted
ness to the nuriow for which they
were ordinarily used, until he reached
the point which he desired to enforce:
"What begins to be must have a cause.
and what is formed with regularity must I
. ii: . ,
nave au wvciiigc ui cause.
The boy was greatly affected, the fatb- j
adds, and never forgot the lesson, nor 1
the manner in which it was brought to
his attention. Bousseaa had made this
mode of dealing with the youthful mind
exceedingly popular, and the story was
well calculated to attract the notice of
the story-telling Weems. When he be
gan his life in Washington, he evidently
resolved to give his readers an abundant
supply of such anecdotes, lie said the
people had heard enough of Washing
ton "tho hero, the domigod, the sun
beam in council and the storm in war;"
be meant to present to his countrymen
Washington the dutiful son, the affec
tionate brother, the cheerful schoolboy,
the neat draughtsman, the widow's hus
band, the poor mansfriond. I1 or this
he hod two qualifications: A style of
considerable force and an absolute in
sensibility to the claims of truth, to
which we may add the articles of the
practiced story-teller
Tho very opening sentence of the book
shows the story-teller's tact. The name
that fillod the world in 1800, when he
wrote the work, was Napoleon Bona
parte. Weems availed himself of the
circumstance in the following manner
"Ah. gentlemen, exclaimed Bona'
parte it was just as he was about to em
bark for Egypt. Some young Ameri
cans happening at Toulon, and anxious
to see the mighty Corsican, had obtained
.1 . i l .1 i : a t:
me iiosor oi an mirouucuuu w mm,
Seal eel v wero passed the customary sal
utations when he eagerly asked: "How
fares your countryman, the great Wash
ington?" "He was very well, replied
the youth, brightening at the thought
that they were the countrymen of the
great Washington, "he was very well,
General, when we left America." "Ah I
gentlemen " rejoined he, "Washington
can never be otherwise than well. The
measure of his fame is full. Posterity
will talk of him with reverence as the
founder of a great empire, when my
name shall be lost in the vortex of revo
This is a very good specimen of his
art. He soon entered upon his series of
anecdotes respecting Washington's boy
hood, which now appear so ridiculous.
When his own invention failed, he did
not hesitate to avail himself of the books
in his wagon. He laid Dr. Beattie nnder
contribution among othors, and turned
his garden story into a most preposter
ous caricature. The father of the boy,
he tells us, desiring to "startle George
into a lively sense of his Maker, fell
upon the following very curious but lm
pressive expedient:"
"(Inn ilav ha went into the crarden and
prepared a little bod of the finely pul- of the most active of the managers of to
venzed earth on which he wrote George's day.aided by his brother, who is charged
name at full n lame otters: then strew-
ing in plenty of cabbage seed, he covered
them up. and smoothed all over nicely
with a rollor. This bed he purposely pre
pared close alongside of a gooseberry,
walk, which, happening at this time to be
woll hung with ripe fruit, he knew
would be honored with George's visits
pretty regularly. Not many mornings
had passed away before in came George
witn eyes wnu roiling, anu ins uiuo
1 ! II! . 1 1'aaI-
chocks ready to burst with great news,
'Oh. pal come here I' 'What s the mat-1
tor niv son ? What a the matter ? 'Oh.
come here, I tell yon, po; come here!
and I'll show you such a sight as you
nover saw in your life time.
The old gontlomnn of course proceeds
the garden, where he discovers in
urge letters the run name oi ueorgo
Washington, upon which the father and
son proceeded to converse, in a mannor
which would have made Dr. lieattie ab
hor himself for having recorded the in
cident. Mr. Washington also pretended
to pooh-pooh the startling phenomenon.
but the boy would not accept this mode
of treating it, and insisted upon know
ing wild inuuu inn mimu gruw iu mo gur
den. "It grew there by chanco, 1 sup'
poso, my son," said tho father. This ex
lilanation boing vehemently rejected,
long conversations ensue, ending with
tho boy's rapturous acknowledgment of
a first great cause, uoorge at length
falls into a profound silence, and "his
ponsive look showed that his youthful
soul wub laboring with the great idea
"Perhaps it was at that moment," adds
the imaginative Weems. "that tho germ
of pioty was engrafted on his heart,
which fills his after life with such pre
cious fruits.
The fiction of the hatchet and cherry
troe is decorated with details equally ab
surd; but they were such as guvs pleas
ure to the simple childhood oi past gen
orations. The coniio paragrnphist has
now appeared in the world, and this
story, once so edifying, has fallen before
him as an easy prey. It was tho peddler
Weems nevertheless who created the tra
ditional Washington, "tho sunbeam in
council, and tho storm in war;" Wash
ington, the greatest of the great, in whose
overpowering presence no mortal could
stand unalwshed; Washington whose
sublime serenity nothing was ever known
to disturb, one of those majestic com
monders who in no stress of eireum
stances could over use "a big, big Dl"
The lying little book had the more
weight with rustic readers of the earlier
tunes from a fiction which the author
Imdily placed upon his title pago, where
ho styles himself "M. L. Weems, for
merly Boctor of Mount Vernon Parish."
It may be that the term rector was not
accurately defined in old lrginia, but
at a later day, as remarked above, the
Bishop of t lrgmia regarded this claim
to the rectorship as something ruticu
lous. "His name," adds Bishop Meade,
"never aptears on tho journals of any of
our conventions. If Weems ever otlici
ated at Mount Vernon, it must have
been because was no other clergyman to
perform tho duty." . Itirton in the
Magazine of Amerimn History,
Omnovs Fries!. Ti.e London Truth,
peaking of i.ln-ii.u friends, My;
friendship among them means a lien,
noi a loan ; possession, no exchange;
and they will not amend their record
With such friend us un-se, at those mo
nienis wlien yon tike sun k, us it were,
of your life, yi u are, f reed to ask your
self what ilo yo'.fget out of at all T You
are Ruiibbcil, lyr.tiiii'Srd oer, rebuked
and set down ; you are always in di-grace,
and you timy not ivll your null your own;
your life is nvuiuted fur yon, not accord-
iig to your own deire. -nor even for
your own best need-, but accoidina to the
fancies ot tho vou- do imt understand
wdat iiiey are about. Your lime is taken
up, your pursuits are inieriervil with,
your syuiiaitliiea re.-tr.dned, your affec
tions C In lie J -and all for wliatT"
Mow ran you let illustrate tne iitier
ence leteeu I lie. French and English
lHiigm.gtT The Frem-li say, "II est mort,'
The Lnglnh, 'lie is no more.
The Promotion of Marriage.
The "Promotion of Marriage Associa
tion" has turned out rather badly. Six
thousand persons surged through In wood
Park, Cincinnati, to-day (August 12th) to
attend itspicaicand found a lot of poli
ticians of the lowest order labelled
"managers," and making themselves very
conspicuous as the head of the affair. And
when to-night the promised hundred
couples were to have been married
dwindled down te three, the thousand cr
so curiosity-seekers were left to witness
the ceremony were very mrch disgusted,
sua meir expressiuus oi discontent were
The facts in the case were about as fol
lows : When R. M. Moore, a well-meaning
old gentleman who married a fortune
here some years ago, has since devotad
himself to the crab cider manufacture
and imnractable philanthropy, was Mayor
a year or two ago, ne was frequently ap
pueu to vy young women wno were in
trouble to aid them in obtaining a partial
redress for their wrongs, or at least to
procure pecuniary assistance for tbem by
Erocess of law. The Mayor was a kind
earted, willing old man, and with plenty
of money and time on his hands, he un
dertook to help the poor creatures, and,
In a great many instances, hunted their
betrayers up, gave them good advice, and
persuaded them to marry, and, in cases
where tbey had no money, provided tbem
from bis own pocket with small sums
upon which to start in life. So far, so
good. Then the idea entered bis mind
that an association of philanthropists
who this object in view would be a good
thing, and he proceeded to organize an
association for the promotion of marriage,
which should aid worthy young couples
who are willing to marry, but not finan
cially able to do so. The work went on
prosperously and much good is said to
nave have been accomplished, but it was
all at once decided to make public the
workings of the association, which bad
heretofore been private, and to give a big
annual picnic in its aid, at which a
hundred or so couples would be publicly
This was the fatal blow to the business.
A lot of pot-house politicians with an eye
to the main chance took hold of the af
fair and have already, in a few months
since the existence of the association be
came generally known, gained control of
it, hoodwinking the old Mayor, and turn
ing the affair to their own account, As
a sample of the men -who are now at its
head, it may be mentioned that Jesse P.
J. Debesk, a public school principal who
was dismissed from the department lost
winter, for certain improprieties, was one
" oein ue'auiier.
There were but three marriages, the
contracting parties being Andy H. Meier,
a peddler, to Miss Louise Brier; r rank
Noel, a saloonkeeper, to Elizabeth
Kuthoff; and Win. McIIugh, a pointer, to
hophie borelli. bx-Mayor Moore pre
sen ted each bride with a wedding ring,
and each couple will receive $25 worth of
house-keeping goods. The park where
the picnic was held is a notorious resort
of people of questionable reputation, and
many such were present to-day.
, but there
were many respectable people also who
were drawn thither by the hope that the
enterprise might really be what its
originators intended. There is yet a pos
sibility, however, that the society may got
Into better hands.
What Stanley is Doing. We have re
ceived the following important partial-
mrs wun regard to tne movements oi ii.
M. btanley, the African explorer, from a
correspondent whose sources of informa
tion are thoroughly trustworthy i About
nine months ago Air. btanley suddenly
departed for the east coast of Africa. He
afterward turned up at Zanzibar, in a
chartered steamer, but no one could un
derstand with what object the distin
guished traveler bad gone there, some
supposing that he had gone for the pur
pose of ascending one or twosmall rivers.
Stanley sailed from Gibraltar for the
West Coast of Africa three weeks ago,
having come through the Suez Canal in
this chartered steamer, full of carriers.
The object of this journey to the East
Coast is therefore now disclosed name
ly, to display the great desideratum of
carriers, and no doubt be has all the men
who accompanied him in his last journey
through the heart of Africa. Having left
Gibraltar three weeks ago, Stanley has
now steamed down the West Coast of Af
rica direct to the Congo, with the inten
tion of opening up the mighty river from
the West Coast. A steamer' laden with
goods has been dispatched from Antwerp
within the lost mouth, under the patron
age of the King ot the beigians. this
steamer, which will remain at the Congo
until Mr. Stanley's arrival, has on board
two or three steam barges in sections,
which confirms the supposition that it is
Stanley s intention to ascend the Congo,
carrying these sections piecemeal round
the Gellala Falls. We wish him all suc
cess. He is doing a great work for the
opening up of commerce; and although
the Belgians have taken the lead, we have
no fear that our own English merchants
will lag behind when the way bus been
opened up. This country is once more
deeply indebted to the King of the Bel
gians for the energy he has displayed in
connection with such an important move
ment. Liverpool Pott, Aug. 7th.
difficulties in the way of a man in hum
ble circumstances obtaining a homestead
of his own in Great Britain are almost
insuperable. Land seldom comes into
the market, and, when it does, is com'
peted for in an eager way by the wealthy.
who wish to add to their holdings. The
cost of and inqniry into titles is very
heavy. The case is mentioned of a
farmer who, in December, 1877, bought
three acres of glebe land, with a tithe
rent charge of $75 a year. The examin
ation, establishment and transfer of title
cost him $5X0. But land is so tied np
by entail and held in large tracts by a
few persons that it was almost inaccessi
ble. The law of primogeniture prevents
sale, and so does the power to make VJ0-
yeur leases, thus tying up estates and
keeping land out of the market. Great
Britain has thns become emphatically
the country of the landless, for all the
lands are owned by less than 300,0(10 per
sons, in Lngland and Wales I7,MU,UUU
acres, or one-half the whole, are owned
by 4'KX) persons. In Scotland 40 persons
own one-half the soil. One-half of Ire
land is owned by 7.V) persons, and two
thirds bv less than 2000. No wonder the
British farmer is eager to come to this
country, where land is so easy to obtain
and so cheap.
Ana Ui DKht ahali tw 0.111 with nolle,
Aim ihr lwiu Infttt Ibadar
8bM f"M luair wioa until boidIic
ad f t IB uuaqullo fad pi.
Story of the Famous Ship "Princess
In answer to a letter or a correspon
dent, the New York Journal of Commerce
gives the following particulars regarding
this famous ship: A "Shipping Mer
chant" inquires about the ship that car
ried William III. (Prince of Orange) to
England when he went to take possession
of the monarchy, and alludes to "the
myth" of ber long life. The history of
that ship is not mythical, and we unfortu
nately have it in our scrap-book. The
Princeu Mary, built on the Thames, was
more than hair a century old when
William landed from her at Torbay. No
vember 4. 1688. She was eighty feet.three
inches long, twenty-three feet broad.
double decked, with two masts, square
rigged. Uer earlier name was JSriU, but
this, we believe, is not established. . She
was christened the Fnnceu Mary after
the King's consort, when she was select
ed to bear the fortunes of the monarch to
his new kingdom. During the whole of
his reign, and that of his successorAJueen
Anne, she was used as a royal yacht, and
was kept in thorough order, some of the
repairs being quite exquisite. In 1714,
when the vessel came into possession ot
George I., she ceased by bis order to form
part of the royal establishment About
1750, in a fit of economy, the Government
sold her to Messrs. Walters of liOndon,
who christened her the Betty Cain, aftei
a favorite West India bell, of that name.
After a score or more of years in the
West India trade, during which she was
known as a stanch vessel and a fast
sailer, she was sold to Messrs. Carlins of
London, who employed uer as a collier
to take coals from Newcastle, to the great
metropolis. About the year isoo. more
than two centuries probably from the
date she was launched, she was purchased
by Geo. Finch Hi Ison of South Shields.
On the 17th of February, 1827, she was
taking a cargo of coal from Shields to
Hamburg, and struck upon the Black
Midderns, a dangerous reef of rocks north
of the mouth of the Tyne. where a few
days after she became a total wreck. Her
remains were eagerly purchased, and in
numberable snuff boxes and other souve
nirs were made from the old oak that had
been so indeatructable through more than
200 years.
Longevity of Professional Singers.
The medical Wochetuchrifl of St. Peters
burg publishes an interesting article on
the influence of singing upon the health.
It is founded upon the exhaustive re
searches made by Professor Monassein of
St. Petersburg during the autumn of 1878,
when he examined 'izi singers, ranging
between the ages of nine and fifty-three
years. He laid chief weight upon the
growth and absolute circumference of the
chest; upon the comparative relation of
the latter to the tallness of the subject,
and upon the pneumatometric and spiro
metric condition of the singer. It appears
to be an ascertained fact from Dr. Monas
sein's experiments that the relative and
even absolute circumference of chest is
greater among singers than among those
who do not sing, and that it in
creases with the growth and age of
the singer. The professor even says
that singing may be placed physically as
the antithesis of drinking spiritous
liquors the latter hinders while the for
mer promotes the development ot the
chest. While milder forms of catarrh are
frequent among singers, bronchial catarrh
is exceedingly rare. The mortality of
singers from phthisis is unfrequent,
Bright s diseaso, on the contrary, is not
unfrequent among them, which is also
the case with non-drinkers. Professor
Monasseiu concludes that singing
highly to be commended as a valuable
prophylactic for persons who are physi
cally inclined. He adds that, as a means
for the development, expansion and
strengthening of the chest, he regards
to be preferred far above ordinary gym
Stephen Girabd's Heroism. The
fearful epidemic, yellow fover, raged in
Philadelphia in l'J.t. All who could
fled. The horrors of the plague, as de
scribed by Defoe in his narative of Lon
don, wero realized in this American citv
Friends, and even members of the same
family, abandoned each other on the ap
proaeh of danger. The poor were
draggod off to Bush 11 ul hospital, where
under panio and malpractico, few ever
recovered. New York passed a legisla
tive act to arrest and imprison any one,
sick or well, male or femalo, coming
from Philadelphia, or susiiected of
so coming. Massachusetts passed a sim
ilar rigid law. In the midst of this ter
rible scourge it was announced that
Stephen Girard, the wealthiest merchant
of Philadelphia, had taken charge of
Bush Hill Hospital, whence no one ever
returned, and was engaged iu shrouding
the dying and interring the dead. He
built a new house in the vicinity of the
hospital, and rented a barn to accommo
date the patients who then crowded the
Bush Hill for enre. And, though Girard
bad been declared insane and reported
dead, he still lived and kept well, and
was soon after found on i if th street in
large house, in which he installed sixty
orphan children found in the streets,
which proved to be the foundation of the
Philadelphia Urphan Asylum.
Bravino the Ocean Blce. Seattle
Washington Territory, August 2(Sth.
Lieutenant Joseph Neuzil left here this
morning on his three-log craft Xatunr, for
San rrancisco. He rounded Sandy l oint
at 12 o'clock before a spanking breeze,
and headed away toward Fort Madison.
To those who questioned the probability
of his reaching san Francisco on such a
crazy craft, he replied, " I will make San
rrancisco or die. If 1 reach there in
safety my fortune is made. I will haul
the Xrphme on Long Bridge and place ber
on exhioition and clear Jo0 in a week.
If I perish la the attempt that concerns
nobody but myself! I was shipwrecked
once in the Pacific Ocear. and picked un
after drifting about for three days on a
single stick of timber. So you see I am
not a stranger to perils by the sea." The
fellow is evidently insane on the subject.
but thoroughly in earnest. A good sea
bath, however, may effect a cure. He
came here from San Francisco about two
months ago: is au Australian, and claims
to have been a Lieuteuant in the Austrian
service. He was naturalized in San Fran
cisco last winter, and bas his papers with ,
The bell used bv the President of the
French Chamber of Deputies dates from
the Empire. It bears an ea?le. the letter
President del'Assemble Lecislatif: par
A. FicheU" The desks and tribune of
the Semite come from the Hall of the
Counseil des Amiens, and those of the
Deputies from the ilill of Council of the
rive Hundred.
A Kite and Pigeon Experiment.
Little Johnny Green of Louisville, Ky,
having heard once upon a time that Ben
jamin Franklin experimented with the
kite, resolved to do something in that line
himself. His idea was to test the relative
strength of the kite and his pet pigeon
with the Idea of basing some grand In
vention upon the result. So he took
kite and pigeon and wended his way to
the nearest common. He ran the kite up
to the limit of his two hundred yards of
cord, the wind blowing a stiff breeze from
the iiortheatt the while. Then, taking the
pigeon from its basket, he tied the bird
by the leg to the end of the kite string
which he held in his band.
The pigeon, feeling itself half tree, flew
toward home, which was directly against
the wind. Tho resistance of the kite
caused his flight to tend upward, and, in
turn, the efforts of his wings caused the
kite to sail higher in the air. For
while the bird seemed to have the best
of the struggle, making slow progress for
at least a square, but, in spite of all euora
to take a direct course, nying higher and
higher. After the bird had reached an
attitude of perhaps lour hundred feet
higher still, it was plain that the latter
had greatly the advantage. It was flesh,
blood and feathers against the untiring
Unable to continue the strain, the
pigeon changed his course to one side.
thus slacking the string and causing the
kite to fall, slanting from side to side in
a helpless sort of a way. But, feeling free
again, the pigeon once more made a breuk
for home, when, the string being pulled
taut, the kite, with a spring, glancing in
the sun a thing of life, rose rapidly and
gracefully to its former level. Soon bird
and kite were but mere specks, and, at
last, vanishing in the southwestern sky.
left Johnny to weep over his unexpected
loss. Next morning when the little fel
low went to look in his emptv cote, there
stood the pigeon nodding his head in
pride, it had broken away from the
kite, a piece of the string still hanging to
its leg.
A Queer Geoboia Wind Spout.
William Langley, a cotton planter of
Gwinnett county, was standing in a field
on his farm. Around him were several
men, a woman and three children, all
breaking tho soil for cotton. The sky
was clear and the air quiet, there being
about both considerable sultriness. The
children had just stopped work, and had
Al 1 A 1 A 1 1 1
uurowu uiemseives, ureu as ureu couiu
be, on top of a pile of guano sacks, when
a peculiar roaring was heard in the field.
The sound bore some resemblaco to that
of an approaching train, but as no train
was near, the workers looked at each
other in amazement. In a few moments
they saw a small column, not larger in
circumference than a barrel, skim rap
idly along the ground. The wind spout
or column appeared to be filled with
dust. The mother rushed toward the
children, who crouched low in fright.
but before she could reach them the pile
of guauo bags, children and all were
scattered right and left. In its course.
always eccentrio, the column struck a
stump squarely from the butt to roots
and tore it from the ground, the wood
splitting into three pieces, and dropping
twenty or thirty yards away. Mr. Lang-
ley was sucked in as the whirling thing
passed and thrown into a ploughed gully
some distance away, in the next instant
the strange visitor had gone, passing up
over the tops of the trees. It was seen
plainly by the ladies at Langley's house,
appearing ts them like the smoke that
rushes up in circular volumes from the
smoke-stack of a locomotive. Augusta,
Ua News.
Transplanting and Keplantino
Teeth. Can teeth be transplanted? If
recent accounts of operations by dentists
are trustworthy, the. answer must be in
the affirmative. But the question has
been formally discussed at a meeting of
the Odontological Society, and from this
we learn that it was in replanting
(which is not the same thing as trans
planting) that the foreign dentists,
whose names had been cited, achieved
their success. Among them a French
man, Dr. Magitot, has published full
particulars of cases in which diseased
teeth were taken out, and the root, or a
portion of periosteum, was cut away, and
then were replanted in the same socket,
where, after a few days or weeks, they
became firm and serviceable. Out of
sixty-three operations in four years, five
were failures; but some of the cures were
painful and tedious, owing to local dis
charge. In technical phraseology, Dr.
Magitot holds "the indications for an
operation to be the existence of chronic
periostitis of the apex of the root, its
denudation, and absorption of its sur
face. The resection of this.
which plays the part of irritant, is the
A" 1 -I Al A .
conemiai uuu ui uie operation. Ana tue
extraction having been performed with
due care, if no other lesion be detected
save the alteration in the apex of the
root, the tooth is to be replaced as soon
as this has been excised and smoothed,
ana uie nemorrnoge has ceased.
The Patriarch op Tcbtles. We re
ceived a turtle a few days ago on whose
back was marked the date 1700, and also
the Spanish coat of arms, indicating that
this old resident was in existence one
hundred and seventv-nine veara turn
What changes this old fellow of the deer
has seen. The rise and fall of empires,
and the continent on which he ttartlv
uvea, emerged irom the thraldom of
despotism, with the rise of a republic
i - i . .
that has become the great conservator of
freedom, the advancement of civilization.
and the glory of the world. A few words
in Spanish on the shell were translated,
which say: "Caught in 1700 by Her
nando Gomez, in the St. Sebastian, and
was carried to Matanzas by Indians:
from there to the Great Wekiva." (which
is now the St. John's river). On Tues
day, the 17th of June, the turtle was
turned adrift in the St. John's river at
Palatka, with the inscription on his
back: 'fAtstern Herald, Palatka, Flor
ida, 1879." It may be snpposed that by
this time the old fellow has scented salt
water and gone over the bar at high tide,
and probably a few generations hence
may take him np at a Spanish port on
the other side. falatka, Florida)
The police of Chicago had occasion to
make a raid upon the office of a "tick t
scalper" in that city recentlr, and among
the stock discovered were passes and
thousand-mile tickets to the value ol
nearly $3500. which had been granted bv
railroad companies to various individuals
and by them disposed of for money consideration.
All rorU.
Truth is mighty-mighty 8crce
Have you a mother-in-law T aVi
man of a disconsolatln:' 8ke
"No," he replied; "but PveTfathe
A wife at Portland, Me . eallK-. .
band home by firing 'a .kyrSet
roof of the hiuse. il?ie
roof of the house. When th. .aU
up he goes for hom 8
eugion gives you a creed as a kinH ,
ladder up wh c h vnn K 0(1 of
noble life.. Too m "l,"!m o
put the ladder un .nl K3nowev?',
ground. " j
a a uvu BiL fin St..
In the Sunday School picnic procession
it is the gmt stout hnma 7? a
carries the banner. The nice-Uk l w
Little six-year-old was obliged to tiV.
a dose of medicine that lft. ..T.
ite in the mouth. Wh.7. .T '1
liked, she aalH "if i- :a " be
the end of it." 8 ' " Dot
A paper describes a young lad in.
hair "as black as a rave,&." TI e 5
weren't wearing any hair to speak of W
summer hut wa c,., ., ' "l W8t
changed this year. "
Say I look hers.
drum. What is the Hiffr.l
piece or mica and a fel ow tatin u: . .."
. . . -...Mm UCIWWRI
of grog? One is Isinglass, t'other is D(lP
in-glass. Don't faint Ken J2S
Tfc hflfl liOfln antA 41.. Ti.t!
bee got loose in the mail sack at Keff
and was sent to a distinguished natnr,ii.
ot that city for examination. He clawi
neatnus: "Italian oueen.hi.ftamn.i.
mi U MtA, vooujr .
nl.kA..A.II -"tuui-
"Rash, sinful man." an!1 imK:.i.-i
Al 1 . . .. ' . " -K"''unn
wio cuapiain to the prisoner. 'Suddos.
vnn vara tn ; ru.A "a ""WW
, ...w u. uun, wuai son OI a con.
cieuce would you die with, eh ?" "Oh
my conscience is as good as new, neve.
boldly. blt' 8afd the P-l-J
A Dresden man owna an ni.i ,j, .
has lately caught butti
the bucket as it swung over the well. The
act was referred to once by a poet who
"The old doe can buck it.
Thut hung in the well."
A European writer asserts thai
coryza.orcold in the head, Is cured in
half an hour by chewini? thn ln nf i.
eucalyptus and slowly swallowing the
saliva. Its action is doubtless similar to
that of cubebs, which will produce the
same effect.
One of the private schools in Wiwl.ino.
ton this year held its annual ex
ercises and distribution of prises in a rivei
steamer, which ran down the Potnmf
some tnirty miles and returned. This ii
an improvement over warm, badly ven
The last slave sold In the Confedfimr
noa iu iooo, nearmcjimouu, a negro bms,
who was bought lor nine hundred heads
of cabbage. The cabbage at that time
were worth one dollar a head, which
would pan out nine hundred dollars for
tne negro.
Elmira Brooks thinks "the onlv differ
ence between a young lady and a married
woman is an oner of marriage." If it
hadn t been for this kind of scriba J
should have gone to our grave with the
impression that it was eighty-five cents
worm oi ice cream.
A Hint to Laborers. When vou have
any heavy work to do, do not take either
beer, cider, or spirits. Bv far the best
drink is thin oatmeal and water, with a
little sugar, lbe proportions are a Quar
ter of a DOiind of oatmeal to two or thn
quarts of water, according to the heat of
the day and your work and thirst; it
should be well boiled, and an ounce or ai
ounce and a half of brown sugar Added
If you find it thicker than you like, ad:
three quarts or water. .Before you drint
mix up the oatmeal well through thi
quid. In summer drink this cold;!:
winter hot. You will find it not onlj
quenches thirst, but it will give you more
strength and endurance than any otlietl
rink. If you cannot boil it you can iakH
little oatmeal mixed with cold watt J
andsiigar, but this is not so good; alway
boil it if you can. If at any time yoif
have to make a long dav. as in harvest.
nd cannot stop for meals, increase tni
oatmeal to half a pound, or even tared
quarters, and the water to three quarts
you are likely to be very thirsty. If yoif
cannot get oatmeal, wheat flour will dc
but not quite so well. For qiienchinl
thirst few things are better than weal
coffee and a little sugar. One ounce
coffee and a half ounce of sugar boiled i
two quarts of water and cooled, is a ver
thirst-quenching drink. Cold tea nas in
same effect : but neither is so supportin
as oatmeal, lhin cocoa is also very ra
freshing, and supporting likewise, but
is more expensive than oatmeal.
A Mud Cure.
An old campaigner writes as follows:
A letter to the Sun. entitled "Cured b
Damp Earth." reminds me of an occn
rence which came under my observatio
during my campaigning days many yeal
ago in old Texas. Wewereencampeuui
the north fork of the Rio Concho, whei
a valuable horse belonging to an officer t
our regiment was bitten in tne leg uj
rattlesnake. There a ere some oftl
wild northern Comanches in our camp;
the time, and one of the sub chiefs sax.
throueh an interoerter. that he could cu
the animal. By this time the leg '
swolen. and the horse limned painfull;
The Indian led him down to the creetl
and knee deep into the soft mud, wbc"
lm Itpnt him for about two hours: on-
led him out and applied a poultice of t!
mud to the wound, and returned hiai I
bis owner perfectly cured.
The above is the only radical cure
the kind I ever saw performed on mar id
beast, during a term or nine years m
land of snakes tarantulas, scorpions an
"In the present day it is not al.Ti
oaav trt fail vhA ia a iMprtrvman. B-
the London World; "bnt, according to
witness in the Newman Hall divorce t-
the other day. there is an infallible aig
showing when a man is not a clergrtaa11
This lady, who appeared to nave a
UIQU 11C VliflllUII , . - A
at first that the gentleman had a Bif 1
Church curate s face, llaughter.i
he went up stairs I saw he was not
clergyman from the cut of his clotne
his trousers were tight abont the kno
so I knew he was not a clergyinaD
fLaugbter.l After this I should thui
all young parsons who come np
Mav meetings, and take the opportnwr
of going the round ot the theaters an
visiting Evans's and places where tnq
sing, will be careful to have their tron
sera made tight about the xnee.