5 Centaur These gieut uin relieving and ciiative rem edies have a'-mwly worked ineir vlity into ev cry haiuh-t where the Englislr language I" nik('ii. , 'Unit the ri'ntuti(Ui of and demand for K'K'li tvuif ilic a these are should extend mid inert!!, could not lie otherwise. , There in no pain, wirenea or swelling which they will nut allivinte, There are but exceptional cases of c.iiititiiti"ii.U hum ir and distorted joints, which they do nit cure, and none they will not beneSu They lire nootliintf, absorbing and emollient They extract the paiu fro u and heal Imrn and scald without seal. For Jtl.eu matin ii n ctionH, pains in the buck, Ktilf joints, wounds, strains and eruptions, they act .with absolute ivrtainty. Thine preiaration are of two kiioU, the Family and the Animal Liui : ment. Ili-iuy iiuivursally adapted to the exter nal eilnit'iiln uf man and beast, the name of the Half Home ami Half-Man Centura wan natui:ill) attached to tliem. They irfiiiiii cure never before elected by any remedy. Undoubtedly more of ilieiu are mild than of ad other limim-tits, niiitmeiite, oils, embrocation, plaxtcrit and so-called pain-killers coiifliiuiil. Tlie Whit.) ' 'eiitimr Liniment cure itheu luati.nu. Si iatica, Lttmliugo - ami 'J i i doul ourux. ' . It ri'lh -vif Neuralgia aud all kindii of pain. It h''jli wuiiiida, turn, gall an I poi.....ii).is bite. . , . It c'li"" lU'h, Pimple and Halt Rheum. Jt miliilrn iiiHaniiuation and pain. It 'Mi r b.nkeu breast i id sore nipple. Boil., elons, e'c, are ten hred nearly p iin leu. . ., Contracted Cordii and stiff joint are limber eiL Mrn. I.. KM?, 800 Eight Avenue, X. Y.: 111 lilieirmalism and Erysipelas 7 yearn. C ured: Total emit; one dollar. ' It. F. S-Kniir, UlS W. 21t St., N. Y.: In lliiinnnitory" i'ClieiiinatUiu; ankle auppu.a.cd. f'xit tin ned Muck; amputation recomuie.i..ed. (.'ured and leg saved by two dollars woiili 01 Centaur Liniment..' Hid upeiit several hun dred dolhiin with physiciaiis ani for oliier reuiedii. , .I.icon liviiii, 'Bu'Ilfuir, Va., hobbled on n crutch i years; maturated lore leg. Cured. t OHt; .Ml m-iita. Mkk. I 'atiiaiiini Lynch, Smith Bo'ton. In f uniiimt'irv Idieiimatii'iii; hands. Itvt and joint draw u nut of sliae. Cured. Cost, $1. II. Ha.vcM, (17 year oM, Wont Windsor, Ea ton Co., Mich. itheunmtiHin lUyeini. Cine). CoHti tfl. . . P. T. li M.N I'M. the' celebrated showmnnsa'ys; 'My teaiiicti'i-H and veterinnrie sieak in the highest, t'rm of the Centaur Liniment." ' .."Thr Vki.i.ow. Centaur Liniment in thf. Hurr VKMl'.nv ever in our stililes, We have .H.-d it upon liuncliDils of horse, higuml: . I. M.tuni, Hnpt. Adunu Expi-i-HH Co. ttu Id. .., N. Y. K I'VIT., Supl. U, Exikm Co. atublca, N. A. ; . K. Ol.ix, Hupt National ExpreH Co. atu Mhh, N. Y. I'. Mc(in.TH, Eh.., the bi-i-ut Kentucky home ami mule breeder, Hay; Nothiinr to lie uonipared with it (the Yellow Liniment), Iiob lieen uiiel on my ntock. ' Ten tlAUan 1 aimi'.ar tuHtlmoni i!h could be added. Thcru ' ido dimU.Nii r.xt'Kit'MiNTY as to what the Ai'hUur Linimenti will do. They per foiiii lugre than in advertl'Hed for them everv tiino. They are reliable, they are cheapi and they niv everywliei-e atUinahle. ' The ( Vutuiir Co. 40 I'j Hi, X. V. The iftutt iiocens of Pituher' Cantoris i be- oi lie iv Ju u i.v.ir ii t an'MiiM.j 1 1 1 m.hI in tlie atom ti-Snf chililiw.i. 1 iim, aour c ird. vom i.in wi.i'rl u i.io aa I di irrh :i arj nr-iv.Mite ! C.nt,i-i i oont litis neither inin.ir!, morphine. nor au'.i.i u. l uime i .Mtor uil it Is ai plenv ant to l ike as honey, and unlike inrcotio 8v rum, it is harmless. It allava feverish ness. and is dcth to worms. When the child has health the mother cau rest. Wei lc Meyer's The mut lmMrtant discovery in medicine siivie vnvuimitiou, is that of a real ui ru tor Ca tarrh, by lr. F. W. WkiDkMkyek. of N. Y. A iauipilct oonUlniiii fact and priMifa of the work U'liiif performcil by the wouilcrfiil rem edy, run lie obtained w&l'u of Messrs. l. H. DtJWICY ft ('(., a?rts, No. 40 Dcy Street. New York. The teatiuiouials therein coi. taiued, the inoet remarkable on medical ri'conl The Cure is delivered at f l.N) for sin ltle pai kaiD, or b pm-ka for $7.M. Semi for ('r- W pamphlel. SEWING MACHINES roi sill. TE5ir:iii m utui, AT U3-I3CI rSlClB. The best and latest improved for every variety of work, including THE FLORENCE, so lonj the leading Family Sew ing Machine on the Paciflo Coast, JU superior qualities are too well known to require further recom mendation. THE NEW WHITE the best straight needle Machine in tne market, has a great deal of room under the arm, u very litht running and substantial FLORENCE COAL Oil STOVES ro coorao akd eeituq. Persons desiring business, deal ers, and all others wishing Sewinr Machines, either for Ca&h or on Insullments, should send for cir culars and terms to SAMUEL HILL, N. 19 New Mootgoaery Street, ba raA.N Cisco. i ; : Liberal price allowed for old machines in exchange for new. ALSO, OLD. TRIED, AUD TRUE Popl are gJta$ aequlntMl-uaa Ikuw wuu arc not ought to be-with the wontrfl wrlM of that iml American Remed, the MEXICAN Mustang , Liniment, FOB MAN AND BEAST. ThU liniment rnry natmallr originated In Amrrt ea, where Nature provides In her laboratorjr such surprising antidotes for the maladies of her chil dren. Its fanle has been spreading (or iUjrwra, until now It encircles tlio habitable globe. The Mexican Mustang Liniment Is a matchless remedy for all external allmen h o' men nd beast. To stock owners ond farmer 'i ; 'ivp'uublo. A slnglo bottle often save a nin.ion life or re stores tlio u efulnes of an excellent horse, ox, cow, or sheep, It cures foot-rot, hoof-all, hollow horn, grub, mn.orm. Iinulder-rot. inanze. the bites aul ttlngs of poisonous reptiles and Insects, and every uchdrawba.'SC to itocx urcoiinj auu uura me. It cure eicry rxtcrncl troulilo of homes, such as lamcnc&i, terntches, twinny, sprains, founder, wlhd -gall, ringbone, etc., etc. Tho Mexican Mustang Llnlii'ent Is tlio quickest curalathoT.",rM for accident oorurrliig lis the family, la I'm absence of a physician, such as bums, scalds, sprains, cuts, etc., and for rheuma tism, end stiffness engendered by exposure. Par ticularly valuablo to Miners. It Is tlio cheapest remedy In the world, for it penetrates the musclo to the bono, and a single application Is generally sufficient to cure. Mexican Mustang Liniment 1 put up In three alseiof bottles, the larger one being proportion, tely much the cheapest. Bold every where. Till) Eugene Guard, .rwspnprr, Book iimt Julilirfift. wi'Limitte St.; Eugene City, Or. riAviisra Just Received a LARGE Assortir.ent CF HILL HEADS, LLTIERHEA STATEMENTS, : I'tia pro; .u . :ion, mul rjuickly and cf. AJ1 kinds of CAIiD amlifjc,ua,,yi' . Immanent color, HOOK Papers; Etc ' we are!' w r mWnorwnshofr. prepared to do . Joh ' IVork at I ajJ,afitured r- p- HALL 4 co very LOW Rate-, ,OTV?. J Jii V C lnz?r. 1:1 twin tl XtS&tl, Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Tor all thi purposea of a Family Phyaio, and for curing Coattvenea. Jaundio, Indigeation, foul Btomaoh, Breath, Headache, Erysipelaa, Khaumatism, Eruption and Bktn Disease, BU jousness. Dropiy, Tumon, Worm, M.uralina, a. Dinner Pill, br Purifying tho Blood, fl Are the most ef- fective and congov nial purgative ever discovered. The are mild, but ' ef fectual in their operation, moving the bowels sure1 anil without pain. Although gentle in their ojieration, they arc still the most thorough and .nei.lilnif nnlhni.. or SeA V 'AT' tic medicine that can he employe! : cleans ins the stomach and bowels, and even tbs . . i -i 111 - J- blood, in SiniUi UOSCS OI one ym m umj, they stimulate the dizestive organs and promote vigorous health. Area's Tills. have been known for more than a quarter of a century, and have obtained a world-wide reputation for their virtues. They correct diseased action im tha several assimilative organs of the body, and are so composed that obstruc tions within their range can rarely with stand or evade them. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also formidable and dangerous diseases that have ballled the best of human skill. While they produce power ful effects, they are, at the same time, the safest and beet physic for children. By their aperient action they gripe much Ices than um common pursatives, and never give pain when the boels arc not inllamcd. They reach tho vital fountains of the blood, and strengthen the vncm by freeing it from the elements of weakness. Adapted to all tvic and eondiliftnl is all climates. iHinrainins neiiher calomel nor any deleterious itni'j. there Pills may be taken wiih safety by anybody. Their siiir-i'o.ititi; prewncs them ever (re sn. nd iiiake them tM-nsaut to take; whiiir Neini; purely ve':cfabii mt iuirm cull arist froiu iheir u.-e ::i r.uv i icim iiy- "KKIMitKli I'.V Dr.J.C.AYER&CO.Lcweil,H.is., 'r ieflivl nnfl A n-t - '-! -r;r:-. . 1UU U.: AIL st(CiUii'i'ft J.VUi- V : ;!- I..' v .?r'. ' A ' .'. ' v .i-i mi tv ;"! rr.H-!v r' i- I -t. i 1 i , i i .i :r:. c ." ;:v !i ,v I i. Il ;'..ft :i I lii" .ii;i.s Ii, ii . .-i l i i . . ,' , i i!. ii ( i-.tr '1 ir . I' : It l?lH rcv.i'i. u IV.' p rt.nn rrl S t'l ft ne-'pil It V 'u ' I1. ;.l , i.i I,- !' N liii l.'if tmt''l :. - n ' Mm i. : I'J. .V'' Ju to k HOVi.? i- ; h i i i-miv, ni..,-l l.v r-iiiif.i m I e.r:' u'i' . of wi'i-'i I . : i'- in i". I.' i.i ; ..!! 'ill' Is . r.i ! ".. ,i .. t:v. i- - .. ,.. t i-.il I'l'O. li-f . I I.i''. r ,iTM-liu l-i cm-.' I.im :y, I it r- In. I I'M. I I ' i-i- t:i n-- suli rn i i ii 'i.'i'l ii--: ' ' A ..: -:jia:." 'Ir i,--n.iiv r .r I.. , n I !iu;i!'j." , .'.(!., :-, .i iiiivil I ii, i.'-IUnt I T t Iumi I"-. ' I limv, li, l S.U", "r'niir ) .11 imv ;-. i!.i.''i Iit i.. iil.i f-.r-i I'.n pn.i'i 'n i i e;J n"i'ii.ii, 1 1:: ! -'.i-i .' ll4i.o -liu-lll It ll .-ill!".'" . ". lit. .i.m V .I.i i r.'i::l l:n.v l..ii, mr. ' w V i.'ii! Mii'iiV. i-li..-,Ti or ntti-nil-i'i U II 1. 1 '.fl . .f !'.iV-.,:i'-N I tin- I -ir sn 1 mi i ' r ' ..i.i 1 . . - '.;.'.ii"iT'i V!i' ui.- lu-yi-i i "uri. I it.-; i: S tMv..rt t-"i. Mi-., win,' ii. i iiiiiv. i: - Al1 m.'i An:Ni''.it litis r-iliifcl it l;;li In -'.y i y vi-n j --i is-' - In Hir.e wei-k.1' Ay I l-i.i' i l:i f. Ini'ii. i.i-:.' .ii "AHi'ti's Allll-K.l! II' l.l "I I i. I .1.'' I' .l i - ill i:il"e nci'l.s, B'l'l nil" .' Ill i- I ll 'i I '.I l".i .r . J II Is rlivo ruiiiiii.'i' In r I U''." .'li'-v.'. I M.'-:i,t..v ri ixi'T-'N, viui.'i ii in !.:. r lini.'i , : v.,'i'ii"i "To Tim I'hii.tu.'imh i" i: ;.". : n.'v.- ii'iil! null,.-1 n .''Ii in: r. ,i .ill iV'.iii ill 'l..iU' wl in-i' I All.m'j A ill-:-' i. ' I' (ill Ai.iI-i iiDIi i 1 llii-ile lii-il I'Ui'rt, r.-1 in ; lite f.il fi-m i Iwo 1 i ilvi- j.niuiil a Week Ulllll 1 ll nl Ills' Iwi'.ll v-llt l.nli'1 l. 1 ll"P" tii-ver l'i nic 'In Int lint ii.' Ait-fiit l .' n uni'XcelK'il iiiii'l-..irl.i. ll i"itio:.. l :n Ion. riirliij 'lyip ) 1 1. ep '. i- 'In "i I'"' ai r-""lT f't r. iuii. ii.ill .in. tr.il I i.i .li .lu-'l'.: k l'ai i.'isl l i.'ii Oik j j'y s 'ii' m r-i't llit' f l iiii . " hofAMi; Jii:i)ia.': m., imci-ts. rsn "i, ;t.t. ft --, of I . ' - . iiV 'I'llfj ' ll.l -t-il ni'tttn tu '.iiillijltlti.L 1 uii'.i tin! jjjreyrwit i-:tri'. It-s i-ilvvN niv r. v.oik!ovIiiI mid ns ;i isfa, toiy r.s v n: li l isloiv 3 grtty or r..ilol hair to its yon:;;! id cului'. It ft-ii'ivcs all o!ii;i!ioiis, llrliin n:i'l (l:i:iili'i:ll'. It pfixcs the heiul n oku sio!liiii ' FpiiKation of groat r.i is i:-t, tin. I tlio sculp by its 'use ' o.ii ' tvliite tiiiil clean. l'y Ii tunic ropoi1ios it rrstoros ,..i c:ii!I:tfy jilainN to their iionn:il i : i!(.,on;in liahliioss, nnd mak i.ij m l::iis jrioiv thii k mul stinng. A( a (lrc-.si:iti', iictliin Itr.'j lioett l'viii:ii". Pll'ecltial vr tlesiialiio. A. A. IIayc4,M.D., Slate Asayer of MasiaehuuctU, pays, "Tho con slittiouU nrc pure, a:ul cnrofiilly w loctiil for excellent quality ; ami I ler it tho Best Iiiei'abation ! f t hi liiloiiilod purposes." rrico, Ono Cellar. FOl THE WHISKER? T!iU I'icant pri'parstloii nwy le rr-Iii-d on t jcluiigo tlio color of the lo:nl f. m pay or aiivotlioniinlr.il-. ".!)!o shailo,; i brown or Mt-k.t;t tli tivlioa. Iti; '-' PiiIio1. liinr in i '. J:'; -its ?1 i n.r?...i.ri'nr,rV-'-',' ,' - ' i-, fcilJ-V-' i-.i .i-!:i" 9. I .1 I mm i ; i 7. -V 6" 4 V," . ' MiP AMO (Siierrtniw to V. V. iir.IlCZ, il V. !)IL It. V. I'lKlta:. Iimlu M-MiHiwl a wiyl .J.: ,i,ihi In Hie iiii'iin iil r I liri'iilf l'i'.i-'S r- iiiiiH'-' a imeVt-louil hii-liu-.s r.ir K",.: i,:H ,U,n,i.iVAi.l..a; IIOTKL. The .,n.i...l.vl.i Ims I.in X".'J? r,ll "ii 'T l'i" iniwult'l slvli' ill el Uffrm Mrr Jleillenl AMefaillea, Willi the rolluw inKO.lli.tr.: lion II. V. I'lKiii.K. J'res. F. II. PIIWI, V. Pres. iZrLrn:ii-.K.Si-t. . l.aTiiill.b.ini,l'i.aa Klr. IMIValCIAIia AJII aiOKO nf eiul ,''. mi l i"l H " - ehosiii h. Hie aeulir. til HOMO l-KA"lorll r.iriiiscoiuewlUila Hie mm hire "-'Vi'Ml sis-elalllin. '. 1 IX'NO lilaEAai-A-Thls illvlilun of prsetke Is T,"r iilv uiniiiiyiil Iiy Ki-nllemsn f niajure Mr ,,,( sii'l skill. rlr.;ii. lil..l.TI,r'.!.l. iinil Luim VI !.! Ifnt'il Willi Hi- most Kiicei'ssful ri'sults. . 1 BiaEAatS Or WOJIENE.ij.H.'lally an-oiir fcellli tlti "I a suiKTlur uruir fur (lie euro of all Une riilslit, sail oilier wtrvoiis iieriiiis, reuii". '- llt-lwy ir mil, iyiiun.- av . ..m - orlullllll .VSlelU Of UI..S"I. ' "'at ',' ' 'f tSS i!e a. sum-Mlly will I -' '. "wiiial emisullallim. V im mi Bin) Mcillral A'lvlr" (l, Pf,j. ' pSml'l forSl.MI)..rlnvall s'sii'VlimtuU OuWe liook' I MX! niiin-Ill eenis mi.I- imuiII. . 1 WUUtoiL l'Aatv-Ai.io. tr.H 0llnnsi wlilrh ere ealleJ uix.it uiosl fr.-iu.iit.y d ln'rlnrin, an Uiolo fur NttKtl l'lHipus, llunllii, luiiwrs, M tuAxm I'llenieriila UBilare), Hy-lrwi- U.'t'-J .It in., tiroluiii). Vsrlcoce e, OvniHn snl l l" ' TuiuorsTt' "ill (Won In tne llls'l'li r), Btrl. tur.', t-le e We al! Heat ieeessfully. I.y a iul wiuloul surnlcsl nperalloii. Csnei-rs, ( liilfiit-i, hil."lt;"rv.lur plil'-l enlllleit, " M'ii"B as a Curallte Asuil, i' u,: ' te'miTT M4leliA..cUt!e y Br an Immenie ltnietli-e ot the V.orM $ ri-potf ssry and larsllds" Hotel, having In ntcil ninny t.iou ssn'l cases of those discuses icculiur In woman, I hae been i nnbleo! to perfect a aio.1 potent mill posV tle remeJy for Ihese illvssrs. To designate tills natural specific, I liaro namcu 11 Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription The term, lioweTcrls hut a f. elite CTpre.wlon ol my high apiireclallon of Its riilu.-, liuscil ui on.pci--SnalTiltservallon. I have, while wluiesi l;w t . p 1 lire nsults In the special .1 -east- tss.-l.ls sit to toe omnium of wonrnn. sln?li-l It "lit ns Ike cllais ae erowalna (ess ef mi mimical eereer. On II . inc. I s. at poiliivc, safe, un l clli'i lnal n -ni 'ly lur l!ii class ofillseascs, aivl ono lliat will, at nil tl:i.' i un;l m l r nil circumstances act t kin. Iiy. I am willing tos at.o inr K'Piitatloti ns a rhyli l:iii: ani s conlli. nl am i ii,.! i will not disappoint lite nmst caira:lr.ev: "utlon.ol alnl,l.-l,ill.l la ly who nscs li r-n,,,y I f Ihu sllnicnts lor whir l I ri'i-oRimcn 1 r. I v 1 1 n.j.-r n.ii U It unatr A I'OaiTlVE WApVTKE. U'or coii'lltlons, see p.tniplik'1 wrijpphii! ''ot-li'.) The fiillnwliiu an- anioii(( Ihosu iha'am-s In .ileii mv rarlto I'nwrlptlon has tvi kt-il cures it -i If hy i"aKk-, ami with act rlaliilyn'iviTh' rr- iitla ne l,y ant niollrliiei L' ui-orrhieu, t-.ccn.iv i IM- n-, I' liufiil Monlhly l'erl.Kls Mipprissloii-- Jlf tl M unnatural rnusi s. lrri'iralarlll'-s, W eak 1 .-tek. 1 lapsus of Kalllng of iTw L'uni i. Antcvcrskn iiim ll.'lroTfrslon, H. arlng-lowit Hns.illoiis, lu ernal Hunt, Nitrout l)prLslen, )"l hl.y, !' 'I',1." '' n'.?i Tiiii-atcne.1 Mlwarrluije, C hronh; ( onp-sth n, Ist llaiumalloiiaiirt UlceriiVlonol I hi- rtirns Iiniminicy. Uaricuness, or Sterility, nilJ tenuilo Wen .ness I ilo liot extol this inc'llclne ns a ' i-im-nll." hut It S'lnilrahly fulDIU a sluglcaess or purpow. I do? a most perfect sr-'clli"- lit u I '1;r"l: 'il""?!, '"'! sexual system of woman. It will not 'Itsappolnl, nor w ill It do harm. In any mate or coni tlon. Those who desire further Information cn Ihiw sub. lecu can obtain It In THE I'EOPLE'8 OnraoN Mkuk al Auviskk. a honk of over p.v-i-i. -cut. liosl-nald, on receipt of l..vl. II Irents nilnuti ly of thoae illseasi'S peculiar to Females, nnd irlves much vsluahle udvlcu In regard to (he niunaucuimt or those sltecUons. ravwtl lnrtlta seM k DraraMa. IL V. I'IKH' E. M. I-. l'mp'r, V orlu ii Dlipiuiary tnl lnvnll'1'' Hotel. Ililffaln. N. Y. ttKAY'N SI'WIIK' .WE5M, IT: . TRADE M;K.,le (treat i''n'-' a J""i v liah !;.-..ielt',An , ""llf.tl'l'l'Jl"'! ' ' A - 4$ -.-f Seminal Weak- ,.7f,; "H - , ii. - I'- i:iii i i- I j V H 'dsoiisi'i V r " , . . ' ' ""iv' I Mr .::3:. ' x kv a Ixwa'.f ? Taking Mi'iniirv, U ni vn tl Liwibitmle, Tuin in tin Back, Dimness of Vision, rn-inuture old ae, and many other disease tiiat 1 -ml tu Insaiiit' or ciiii.-i.iiiptliill aud a iireinatiiie (irrave. j'Kiill lai tieuliirs in our i.nilili-t, which we deHire to senil fivy l.y mail to eri ry one. lia' llie Sjiecitic Ali dicine is Bold by all drug-jfii-tM ;it JU jier )mcka'e, or six iuuknnes fur Ki, or will lu sent tree iiy ui.ul uu receipt of the limuey by aildreasiiw 1'llJS HiSaV AlKrCINE CO.. No. 1U Mecliiinic.V Inci , Detroit, Mich. fti'Sold in Eugene City and everywhere in the United State and Canada, hy all wliole srle and retail drtiitKist.". U. C. f.MlEII'.Vinlll. J. II. fMIKIIWOOD. INDER.V003 B:as. GENERAL BROKERS BUY AND HELL GOLD,? SILVER, CUKKENOV 1A.XD FXCHANGE. on .L;OTI VTK LOA?K, And the Sale of REAL KSTATE Particular Attention Given to Collections. -AGENTS - Conmctlcut anil New Zealat d Insurance Compsniea. ALSO A'IKNT.S WELLS FARGO & Co. Engciie Cilj', Oregon. IK Chas. M. Horn, ! PRACTICAL G UX SMITH. DEALER IX GUXS. RIFLES, KinhiiiK Tackle and materiak Reiairini; done in the neateat ttvle ami warranteil. ewlnl' tnacliuiea, Nile, bock, etc., repaired. Guns loaned and ammunition furnished. Shop on Willamette it, oppoaite Astor Hotiae. War has conimsncsd in Europe A!tl R. G. CALLISON J8 AC.AIX AT HIS OLD HIS OLD STAXD ou Willarpette Street and having bought the in te rent ol W. T. (Jlm in the firm 0 Calli tin & thitrn, i iepaivtl U) furnish !J whe may give him a. call with the beet quality of rerr tiling uu11t kept in a fijt olaak grocery and frtniFiKn t(ire, mch m - St UAUS, TEAS, COFFEE, CAXNED GOODS, TOBACCO k CItiAKS. CLASS AND Ot'EENS WAKE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, at reasonable raU fur CASH or PRODUCE. Give me a call and tee what I ran do for yon Tkankful f paet Jtrnu I invite yon to fall atrain, ImhhIi iiil rrwl tn ny part of tbe citr fre yj s i Money Deposit i"f charj.'. ! (;, ( ALU-KIN. lu Dorrls Brick Building. llEAM lUi IS Groceries J Provisions, Will keep on hand general assortment of Orowries, Provisioiii, Cured Meat, TuUeco, Ciyars, Caniiie. Candle, . ISotioua, Ureen and Dried KrniU, i Wood and Willow Ware, Crockery, Etc. P,twiuem will lie conducted on a . CASK BASIS, ... -Which mean that Low Prices are Established Cooils delirrrrd Mil lion t thane to Buyri ML KINDS OF PBOrJCb WVJtC F'ir which i will pay tlio ik'hest irieemaikot i r trvri r A. l'i .1 v i GLENN'S RULPIIUE SOAP. ERADICATES Aix Local Skix Disease ; Permanently Beautifiks the Complexion, Prevents and Remb. DltS It'HEUMATlSM "OUT, Heals Sores and 1; OF Till' Cl'TICLiS, .. i is a Reliable Dibi.vFnci. T. This popular and inenenive -?vicdy accomplishes the SAME B'-si'i.Tft AS costly Sulphur Baths, iiuce It ? HANENTLY REMOVES ERUI'I'IOi S tUld IitRlTATloNS of the Skin. f tlCMl'LEXIONAL liLEMISIin fl.e ways obviated by its use, ami it re u.c .) the cuticle wondrously ftilr and vlmi'i'l:. Sores, Sprains, l!nui'.s, sci.a , IUirns, and Cuts aw spkediia ;.:m.. r by it, and it prevents aim rtiiici" -s Uor.t anil Kheumatisiti. IT HFMOVKS 1 1 iM.'Kl'FK. si.-cr,i' tlie roots of u.c liair, end i c-?-- t' youthful colur. As a Dl.n: F..cv o " t:iothiii,' and Linen ued in Ihe s t roonv and us a Troi i tion CunTAcIOUS Disi asks it i- en:tM ex!, Physicians cmplwixaby c.i .0 .e iu Pricet-25 and HO CeJj per Com; par Box (3 Cakes), 69c. u.idlbl.P.O. N. II. -S;nt by Mail, Prepaid, on reccij t of price, and 3 cents extra for each Cake. "HILL 8 HUH AND WHISKEE DYE, Black or Drown, SO Cents. f.lCri(tcnton,Prni'r.7SixthAv.!(.I. UCENE cuieo ONLY ONLY 2 .V) ITU YKAIJ, Jo'' Work I o Or3er. INSURE l:iLiiit Losm by Fire IN THK Liverpool & London & Globe INSURANCE COMPANY. Chas. Laucr, Ag't. NOTICE. T HE UNDKRSIGNED, WISHING TO ifo hiiHt, will m' 11 at a luirain three mares. one horse, one 2J vsar old atallion, St. Lnwrenee blood: two set of hanieiw, one li iron axle trav eling or farm wann. The wa'on has a fl inch (ratine) stove and folding bed within. To be seen at lhoniaa liutlem. . H. t IIAUWKK. 51!.): t f eThe National Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley ft Rulofnon for the bent Photocrrnph h: the United States, and the Vienna Medal tor the beat in the world. 924 Montgomery Street, San Franciaco. NOT FAIL to .end for oar CiMalojguft. IS contain prlee-s uddeerlif Ion of most rvery article In gen eral uMi.anit I vnlnnblelo AST FKHSUS rontnnnlat. Iuk I he parehate f any artlrle for Per. onal, ranillror Afrlenltnral f. V. have dun. a li ;e trade the jiaal aeaaon In the remole part, of Ihe Territories, nd have, with few eeeptlon..errd ed the riprrtatlon of lite purchaser, man rlalmlns to hav. mad a .avlna; of 40 to ail per rent. He mall then. I ITALOIil f a TO AY AOIRi:9, VKKK. I't! APPLICATION. e sell tar food, to all mankind ai wholenalo rrlrr. In qnanllttea to .nil. Kelercnco, lrt National Bank, Chlraco. MONTCOMERT WAID A CO., Orllaal Ciran-. Bapply llonao, MT t Waaaaa At, Ckleaao, III. W DSWORTH. Canvaiwine atrnt for the Pictorial Family Bi ble, a book for the time, and (five universe.) satisfaction. Adore the Agent, Jlonroe, Benton county, Oregon. Eugene City Foundry AM) MACHINE SHOP, Crouch f Brown, Prop's. "ITTE ARE NOW PREPARED TO EX- ecute alt kind of machine work : to build and t repair all kimi of machinery: Caetinir of L' kimU furninhed n ohort notic of irnn, brM, bell metal, etc. W aim manufartnre tn or ler, sttnuu eniHnea, water wheel, aaw mills f"r mill, etc Bib inven to panie wanting f h work. ' 1 1. ,1-11 . 11 T.lI- 1 i.'h 1 11 11 rrv n HlrihUilBOLUS COMPOUND Fluid Extract H n PHARMACEUTICAL A Sp3cilh Re.ady (or A I DISEASES OF THE Bladder Anb Kidneys For Debility, Loss of Memory, IndistHwit n )n Lxertion ra lu-aine-H, McimtH i,t fa I roiibled with TIiuukMh of r. '.M-afe, B u V lMon, Pain in the Ime!:, C.i, .,t, aud Hea Rush of lllnod to the Head. IV.e Couutn i i j ami Dry Skin. j , Jf tllee " '. allowed tnifonn, veiy ,roiiie..tl l.jnl t'i'iuiandOllnHUtnptiiin fo'- I'lW. lll, .. .,1 .1... t.. I . , - " ucvt'iues mieuwii Hre'ii.e.- e id of , n invioratinif inei'icipft to ,i.eii-l en ..nd t. .u it up the gyste.n which ' KelmI)oIrs Buchu DOES in EVERY CASE IS UNEQUALED Vnry remedy known. It i prencnbed lf the ninat euiiiieut pnyMriai, all iter the worhl Rin untif-!. Spwiaatorrliosa Weur-tjgi, Kervousuesr, . Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation i p ,n , ... Acaea and Paias, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, Liyr Complaiiit, Nervous Debility, ' Dpi epsy, Had Tr ublep, Paraiyrip, ? . . n, Geneiaiin-Healtb. Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decl.ne, Lumbago, Cat rrh, lVervnus Complaint reniaJo Complaints, &c. Headache Pain i the Shoulder, Couv-h, Dizzinee bo.ir Stomach, Eruption, lia.1 iaate in the Mouth, Palpitation of the heart, Fftlll in t.l.u ru,.i,. .. .1. I I , ' nam other (lainiul yniptoiu, are the oft-mrin of Dyi-peisia. 1 Helmbold Buchu Invigorates (he omaeh. And ttimulate the tonid Liver, Bowel, anil Kidney t) healthy action, in cleansing the tlllMHI Of nil imnnnlU i ... i- and vigor to the whole system. ""Kie Tiai win tie quite sumnent to con vince tlie mMt lintin,.'.... ..f I 1.1 i- 1 : ..v....o.45 v, ib vuiuuuie reme dial qualities. PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE Or Six Bottles for $5. iivtred tti any address free from ob i ii. t'atieiita" may coneidt by ter' receiving: j suuie atteLt.on aa by ing, by answering billowing qt eationsv '. Give jm.r i.ajme and pont-off.ee address, uty and iSUte, and your nearest express ice ! . Your a .v.-ind ex? 3. Occupation i. Marriid orMrgle? . Hci-l.t, wtig. t, new and in health ? 6. How lung have you been aWJc ? , . Your couiple: ion, color oi hair and eye Have you a stooping ur erect gait ? 'J. Relate without re nation all yon know tit your case. Lnc'..e one dollar a con- , , Ynt-i letter will then receiva our attention, and we will give you the t.a- ..j.i ...seaee tnil mr canuia vpuiiuu .-eriiiii a cuie. mpi tent phv: cian atttend to corresjion k . All lett.' - should be addressed to' Dispensatory, 1217 Filburt Street, Fhiladel .wia, . II. T. JIt.MIJOLL, Druggist rnl Chemist, Philailelphia, Ta. SOLD EVERYWHERE