The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 21, 1879, Image 5

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    jlTf AMD COUNTY.
Fin wether.
Blackberries are ripe.
The river i falling tluwly.
The couuty jail U uninhabited.
The street tprinklor hM startod.
The Xiutb itreet bridge ii completed.
Chew Jackson' but tweet navy tobacco.
Many vuitoii have been in tow a the past
Mi Mary Hill has returned from a visit
to Salem.
The printers of Portland will hold a grand
picnic on the 19th of July.
Social Reuuion of the Eutnxian and Laur
can Societies this evening.
We are under oblations to Master Grunt
Ojborne for some fine cherries.
A number of our citizens attended camp
meeting at S.nithlield last Sunday.
We invite correspondence form every part
f the county. Send along the news.
Ceo. A Dorri has returned from Eastern
Oregon, and reports having a good time.
Subscribe for the (Juard. Thirty col
umns of reading matter for 52.50 per year.
Win. Scott, Jr., who has been at Olex,
Wasco county for several months is again in
towu. 1
Services will be hel l to-morrow niorniii',' and
evening at the Presbyterian Church, Dr. Geary
NVe notice Mr Gnnt, of Yamhill county,
formerly of the firm of Lynch & Gant, oil the
Preaching in the M. E. Church to-morrow
at 11 A. M. and 7:15 P. M. Sunday School
at 3 r. M.
Miss Ella Welch of Indiana arrived here
last Tuesday on a visit to her nne'e, Mr. L
0. Adair.
Fourth of July one week from uext Friday.
The B:vriie' eerie) of school books have
been adopteJ.
Tramp Hazlett, the "Pilgrim," gave lis
a call last Thursday and ws "Bred" him,
and don't yon forget it"
Win. Pro3tou hai jint waived the best
lot of bncksin gloves ever brought to Eu
gene. Ua and see for yonnulf.
. Mr Lynch and Jas. F. Amis left last
Tuesday to at ten I the meeting of the veter
ans of the Mexican war at Salem.
Mrk E. L. Bristow came up last Wednes
day to visit-relatives and frieuds, aud attend
the exercises of commencement week. .
The AdventiHts claim that the world is
to come to an end July 11 th, jiixt about the
time when early caulillowers begin to head
up nicely.
We have received a conipliuwitinry ticket
fron P.M. C. Gimlt, secretary of the W.
O. A. S., to attend the July inuetiug on the
3d and 4th of July.
X. Joe Levinenn, traveling agent for the
Oregouinn, gave as a pleasant call last
Thursday, fie was here reporting the coin
lueuce.nent exercises of the University for
tha Oiegonian.
Business men should not forget that
blank notes, bill-head., statements, letter
heads, and every description of commercial
printing are neatly and promptly executed
at the Gi'ard cilice .
The TrusteM of tlia Willamette Univeni
ty have decided to otter Rev. R. Beutly, D.
P., of Sacramento, the Presidency of the
University. It is not known yet whether
or not he will accept the position.
Attention farmers! Great reductiou in
prices. Meals and lodging can be had as
cheap at the Astor house as in Iowa, Wis
consin or Minesota thirty-five per cent
cheaper when the locality is considered.
Mr. Barclay, who has been conducting a
tannery here for several years past, has closed
out business and will remove to Portland.
Mr. Barclay has made many friends during
hit ttay, who will regret his departure.
The Postmaster General urgently retpirat
everybody who sends letters and papers
through the mails to embrace the county in
each address as well at the place. The
great increase of mail matter makes this
At the Portland city election, held on last
Monday, the Democrats elected the Police
Comnissiuner, Treasurer, Assessor and two
Councilmen. The Republican elected the
Mayor, and two Councilmen. The tint
gnu of 1SS0 for the Democrats in this state.
Rememlier that the St. Charles Hotel is
the only first class hotel in the city. Meals
served in first-class style for 25 cents, also
lodging far 25 or 50 cents, according to the
room occupied. Board and lodging per
week $5 or (7. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Give us a calL
E. de Jongh the eelebra'e P'Professor of Op
tics" will remain only till Monday noon, there
for people troubled with defective sight should
avail themselves of this opportunity, (which
may not occur again for years), to have their
sight rectified by the scientific adjustment of
proper glasse Toe Professor can refer to the
majority of Portland's most prominent citizens.
Office, Astor Hoime.
Again hat the State University sent from
her portals another class to represent her
ame at au edncatinnal institution. Tha for
tunate ouet who have thus passed the re
quired ordeal, received their respective di
plomas from the bauds of Hon. Matthew P.
Deady, ou Thursday night last at the com
mencement exercises. As the exercises were
lengthy we can give but a brief synopsis
of the proceedings The spacious chael
was filled on the occasion with the beauty
aud fashion of Eugene and vicinity, it beii
estimated that nearly one thousand person
were in .
Rev. J. H. Cornwall delivered an impres
sive and appropriate prayer after which the
choir rendered "The Turf shall be my Fra
grant Shrine with pathos and effect
Was the subject of an essay by Miss Mary
Hays. In every soul there is an innate desire
which is continually persuading us upward, and
almost insensibly lifting us to higher plane ol
thought and feclinir; a desire for a life and
deeds better aud nobler than any we have liith
erto lived or achieved. The human mind min t
have a standard of muns kind placed before it
to which it is unceasingly striving to lift itself.
Our aspirations as leaders do not stalk ninjes
tic ou before, turning neither to the right or
left, nor even gl.mcing back to see if we are
following, but walk ever by our side or but
lightly in advance cheering aud aiding us,
guiding w through the roughei-t and most rug
ged places still encouraging us to strive and
never retire from the field, although victory
may seem hopeless. As the sailor ever keen
the twinkling beam from the lighthouse iu
view to gui le him clear from the rocks and
shoals that ever beset his course, so our stand
ard mast ever be held in front and aloft and
never be allowed to sink or become obscured by
matters vivial or of less importance; once let it
become thus, and like u ship without rudder
or compass, we float helpless at the mercy of
wiud and waves. The goal of our hopes can
never be attained by listlessly waiting with
folded hands. We must work with a n.ind
that dreams not of failure with a strong and
settled purpose. A man can make himself sov-
ci,-n if he has but the purpose and aspira
tions; without them he will descend lower and
lower in the scale of humanity.
We regret that lack of space and time com
pels us to givs to Miss Hays' eiay only a pass
ing notice, as gems of thought were scatteied
through it iu rich profusion.
Was the subject of an oration by Mr. John
McQuiuu. He carried his auditors back to
the nineteenth century wheu a party of adveu.
tures might have been seen just below the
Cascades gliding swiftly down towards the
sea; at evening tliey pitched their camp, ou a
beautiful isle that projected far out into the
eddying current. Here they drank iu the
miigiiificuut scene that was spread before
their delighted gaze. Mount Helens and
Hood robed iu their snowy and virgioii man
tics of white reared aloft their regal heads.
At their fort rolled the magostic Columbia
gathering the strength of many a league.
1'lie silence was unbroken save by the yelp
of the coyot, tiie lonely hoot of the owl,
or the hislied splash of tne oars of the dusky
savages as they silently passed iu their light
canoes pausing a moment perhaps to view the
pale faced stranger.
Half a century passes by, the curtain rises,
aud we behold a diminutive steam boat clear
ing the placid waters of the Willamette.
I'ne fertile prairies are dotted over with the
rudo cabin of the pioneer and tho golden
cereal lilts it head where erst the savage
pitched his wigwam Again we leap a quar
ter of a century passing over the wars with
the savage the privations of the early settler
who took their lives in their hand and push
ing through the wilderness established the
foundation of our fair state. The vast herds
of game that roamed at will over the vast
pariries have given placo to the domestic
animals. Ou spots where the smoke from
the wigwam curled upw ard cities have arisen
with tUcir busy marts of trade; halls of learn
ing arise iu stately magnificence wliere once
the Indian hunter wrestled iu tho sanguinary
conflict. The morning sun now smiles uhmi
a happy ami prosperous people and a state
that having scarcely thrown oil' its infant
garments, ulready takes a fair rank with her j
sister States.
Prtparatorj Dcpnrtuirnl.
Oa Weduosday evening last the large and ;
crusade, A fierce desire (or glory iu arni aa4
a longing to feel the wreath 1 1 chivalry on their
brows spurs them on to noble deeds. But that
ite has oaued awv ami wliila we cannot now
x.'intyouto men storming castles to prove spacious auditorium w the University baud.
.!lr.!,4V",nrl'flT0f "."''If'il'1- '.'tingw" crowded t. its utmost capacity by
can thow you the secret springs of action run
ning through th nobler channels of the liu
uiau heart
Was the theme chosen bv Miss Carrie Cornel
ius for au essav. She said: At the iireat Un
lets of rocks and carvings of the irlaciers are
leaves iu the great volume ot natures reieva
tions. wi man in his windimi Dathwav leaves
sculptures and us by winch we may know
where and what lie may have been.
Although our paths may run side by side our
life from the world's life is singled; for no two
individuals will evvr experience the same cir
cumstances and fortunes. '
In childhoods happy hours we wander mid
the vales ol liles bright sunny niorniu ; every
Class Tree Exercise The second
annaal cbwt tree exercise was held yester
day at 4 o'clock, and the asual programme
was followed.
Lfcttbi. Hon M. C.George of Portland,
delivered the annaal address before the Ea-
MisxJulia Adams chose as thesubjectof heressny
aesthetics whiuli she defiw-d its a knowledge of
the beautiful. This ii- a topic upon which
great minds have ever dil'iVivil for each in turn
Huds new themes hose praw'K they are never
weary of sounding uud new forms of beauty
which they insist contain the eweutials; one
beholds it iu the dew drop uud the tears glean
ing in the foituiing spray of yonder sheeted
waterfall; another eatuiisn gl.mpsrs of her
splendor mirrored forth by the gorgeous tints
that deck an autumn slcv as the last rays of the
siulkiug sun fall across tha white ocean toam; a
third views it in tho symmetry of ad the ob
jects of the material universe as they perioral
their alloteu I mictions with ever recurring regularity.
.New beauties throughout the universe are
ever revealed to the admiring eye. A child
may run its bands through the sand on the sea
shore all ignorant of the clieuii.-uJ couio,ition
ot its particlts; but let a magnet sweep through
and lo ! every minute atom is gathered in a
cluster about it; so a nature keeuly alive to the
beautiful will draw food to satisfy its cravings
from every day an i hour of life.
The ri-b man cannot monoolize It, for how
can be deprive the humble beggar of the pleas
uie of beholding the beauty ot architecture or
enjoying the rare fragrance of his cW-e exot
ics. The philosopher with his clieu.ical an I
mechanical aids multiplies tiie beautiful a
thousand fob, until he is iu the mazes of
won.ler and loveliness. In the hut work of the
Creator's hand wt find the highest perfection
the triune beauty of bo ly, min i and spiut
Heed well ltt we be so dulled by the glitter
of the casket that we forget the givatut of all
beauty spiritual an 1 intellectual.
Alias A lums' treatment ot her topi: showed
de.-p study, and a yinptuy wiu the tueme
engrossing her thoughts.
tut hpihit or Cni.VAI.RT,
An oration by Mr. Harvey Condon, wis de
livered in a forcible anil energetic manner.
Each gr-at achievement of intellect he said,
each victory in arms sends through us a thrill
admiration, while we depl.we the thoughts anl
deeds that do not strike a rcsionsive chord of
harmony with our own sentiments of justice
and honor. One of the mmt remarkaliie ri-o-U
of the worlds history woe when tiie spirit
of chiv!rY attained its greatest splen-iors.
Poets have embalmed it in verse, philoso-
thing around our path has the frrshnea of
morning ami ol .Ms v. 1 lie trials of life are vet
before us; those hills rising in the distance In
come difficult as we advunce farther on in lifo
yet we know those 1 ills lie in our pathway, and
that we must surmount them. Ve concentrate
every energy to the same point and soon we
reach the summit aud there obtain happiness
ana rest. At last suiming on the side of the
hill that ireutlv slopes downward to the sea.
the shadows of our path grow deepi r and gent
ly the day drawt to its close standini; ou the
snore we serenely await the moment
"When the mint ofGallilee. seen on the iti-und.
C1..I .. . . . . .. '
ouvicnes over the water a welcoming hand.
An oration by Mr. Joel Pearcy betokened
art-fill study on his Part and convinced the as-
semuiage tliat, though young tn years, his
thoughts were rilie and matured. He said: It
is a matter of great interest to note the varied
means which men employ to pave the huhwav
to sucees. The mlitician,lv means with which
all are familiar, seeks to influence the popular
mind, and the merchant in the dusty recessesof
his counting room seeks to increase the store of
his wealth. Before the tribunal of public opui
ion must pass every aspirant for honor This
is the dignitary that hasstainjied Amerigo with
the imputation of deep dyed villainy and cb
vited Columbus to the front rank of explorers.
That has decreed to livron the favor of suc
cessive ages, and to a thousand minor poet the
glory of a single day.
I lie favor of the piilrfio is ettreintdv difficult
to actuiire. AU are aware that it taken month
anil sometimes years for the ni-wt valuable in
ventions to come into popularity. Even Edi
son who seemed suddenly to rise to celelrity
laid the foundation for Ida eminennt hv
of hard labor and de:p S';iuitifb rescearch;
stiil the seeming slowness of popular apprecia
tion is really a token of its sagacity for iu the
mi ik ucuisious are in me main just anil irre-
The iHditician lost on the storm v ocian of
political dissension wiil if he maintain his in
tegrity be submitted to the scrutiny of success
ive ages as an object worthy of praise and imi
tation, while if he betrays the trust reposed iu
him a stain will cling to his name as long as it
is retained on memory tablet Tlioiolyp a coral
maker gathers the lime of the sea and moulds
it into the beautiful coral: after his death the
work is taken up by his colahorers and carried
completion forming the magnificent island.
mis the opinions of any community are made
i) of the nirreirate wisdom of individuals
lunished by such hindrances as ignorance and
.Mr. Pearcy had been selected bv his class
mates to deliver the valedictory, which he did
ir. well chosen words, expressive no doubt of
the heartfelt sentiments of his colleagues.
Hon. M. P. Deady delivered the address to
the uraduating clas, giving them wholesome
advice on the duties of life which devolve upon
them. We shall probably give the address iu
full to our readers next week.
Miss Carrie Cornelius and Messrs. I'catcy,
MoQuinn and Wills rendered a song entitled
"Chiss Farewell," and with this the cxeroisos
And thus toe collegiate year of the State
University for 1879 closed. In raviewiag the
work of the year the friends of the institution
may find great pleasure and satisfaction. The
Faculty and Regents are deserving of especial
commendation in their efforts to nuke this as
it should be, the leading cullegs of the State.
We believe that with the year just passed it
has overleaped all obstacles, and that its future
success is certain and assured.
Another Laborer.
Bishop Morris has secured another clergy
man for Oregon in the person of Rev. D. F.
Macdonald, D. D., front Vallejo, California.
The Pacific Churchman, in giving the names
of the new vestry at Vallejo, says; "The
resignation of llev. D. F. Macdonald was
tendered at a late meeting, he having accept
ed a call elsewhere. Resolutions expressive
of our appreciation of his undoubted ability
and talent as a minister, and of our regret at
our inability to retain him amongst us were
unanimously adopted. The Doctor will pro
bably leave about the 15th for the scene- of
his future labors. May God bless and pros
per both him and his dear wife wheraver
their path iu His wisdom teems to lay."
Dr. Macdonald it expected on the next
steamer. He is to have charge of ti e work
in Southern Oregon, with his hcadipaarturs
at Eugene City. Tha Itev. Mr. Wells will
be cmiaecteil with the Grammar school next
term. "Mr. Wells has made many friends
since he came among us anil we are sorry at
the thought that he is ty leave ut. We wish
Mr. Wells much success in his new position.
Exi'F.LHrjit. The following students of
the Preparatory Department of the Univer
sity have not l"3t live minutes time in the
forty weeks of school Ewing Walker, John
Hcmeuway aud Mary Potter; thirty-eight
weeks Anna Patterson; thirty-six weeks
Minnie Scott; thirty weeks Martha Green;
twenty weeks Mae Underwood, Walter
Eakin, R. W. Clark, I -aura Farow, Thomas
Auberry and Edwin Potter.
Good Move. We understand Mr. J. B.
LTnderwootl has started a subscription to
raise money to build seats around the park
in which is built the stand for the Eugene
City Band. I bis is I good move aud we
hope uext week to be able to annonnco that
"our folks" will not have to stand np while
listening to the excellent music furnished
gratuitously by the Eugene Band.
I tUtk titii,!id .! ..... i . t ,i.. :...;i
. v.. i 'i uiiiiijr ineuiia ii lam mawiu-
Uou, to wituess the first exorcise of the
third commencement of the State Uuiversity.
The exercises consisted of the third anuual
exhibition of the Preparatory Pepartmeut,
uuder tiie excellent tupcrvison and control of
Mr. fcipillcraudMu Lizzie Boise.
The ludy pupila were each dressed in
white, aud the gentlemen in the convention
al black, with the usual button hole bouquet;
and exactly at the appointed hour they
inarched into the room by couples, the mem
ber of Mrs. Spillcr ' room from the West
and thoso from Mis Boise's room from the
east end of the auditorium, each keeping ex
act time to the music of the Eugene string
band The first part of the programme con
sisted of calisthcuio exercises, in which the
pupils marched and couuter march, being
governed by the music alone. The graceful
movement and exact time by each pupil
wot perfectly splendid, and showed that
Mrs. Spillor had spared no time or pains in
.killing them, aud we are satisfied that tho
calisthenio exercises alone would have amply
repaid the audience for the easy walk to the
University. The remainder of the exercises
cousisted of tnrgi, declamations, recitatior.t,
and paper consisting of original matter by
the members of tho department.
Wo have not the space to notice each ex
ercise separately aud it it almost impossible
to distinguish any marked difference iu the
manner iu which th participant acquitted
themselves. Rich and every one acipiitted
themselves with honor, and they may well
be p.oud of their efforts. But we cannot
refrain from making enpecial mention of the
recitation by Mis Mary Dorris, eutitled
'Kentucky Belle," the recitatieu entitled
"High Tide" by Mis Anna Peiigra, and the
declamation' of Joseph Whitney and Mas
ter John Homenway, each of whom cortoinly
have more than ordinal y culture and attain
incuts as elocutionists. The recitation of
Miss Mary Dorris and Mis Anna Peiigra
were ummistionubly the gems of the even
ing, as evinced by the hearty encore and
shower of handsome bouijuet from the audi
ence that greeted tho close of each. The
tluce original department papers, edited and
read by J. McCornack and K. Potter,
Misses E. Cummins and C. Walker, and
Misses E. Cogswell and Mae Underwood,
respectively, displayed a high degroe of
literary culture, and several of the articles
possessed great literary merit, and were
worthy the pen of more advanced ttudeuts.
The tolo, rendered by Mr. Heineiiway was
heartily encored. The success of the even
ing' entertainment was due iu a great meas
ure to Miss Mae Underwood, who besides
taking an active part iu the literary exercises,
presided at the piano during the several
songs, and only her music alonu conducted
the calisthenio exercises. Altogether the
entertainment may bo pronounced a com
plete success, and we think Mrs. Spiller and
Miss Boise may well,J(ecl proud of this their
third annual entertainment, and the manner
in which their pupils acipiitted themselves.
has been largely increased and we can show as
iianotom a line of ready mails goods la
As eau bt found In the country, and at prises
that cannot fail to satisfy.
is well filled with a splendid assortment of all
leading style and fashionable shades of goods.
Plaid, Plain and Opera Flannel of all colors.
nicarlifil & UnMi'iiolii'd Cottoa Finn
Ladies' and Gouts' Underwear,
Trunks and Traveling ftttchels.
HATS AND CAPS in the leading styles.
OIL CI.OTHS for floor aid Ubl use.
W would ealt special attention to eur stock f
Mens' and Boys' Han Francisco Boot.
Which w have told for a number of year with.
great satisfaction. Everyeair warranted.
A complete steV ef
And all choice FAMILY GROCERIES a
astonishly low rate.
Highest price lor all kind of produce ui
Robinson & Church.
Best Selected Stock In Oregon
at the LOWEST
Cable Chains,
Olass, Putty,
Tabl eand Pocket
lUftntiug Powder, Tackle.
Etc, Etc.
.Ws invite au exam
ination of our ynods,
oontuleut that ear
price will suit tht
O 3d 3L. j&l 3F1. MAD
Dealers in General Merchandise, and examine the Celebrated
The best and moat complete of all, and sold on tho most reason-
able terms.
Important Surgical Oprrulion,
Some time aijn Dr Sharpies was called in
consultation iu relation to the ciie by 1):.
Smith, of Ilalsey, (the family physician) ami
after careful examination of tho p.ttioiit and
from the history of the case, he concluded it
was a case of ovarian tumor, and that its re
moval milit bo utto.n;td 1 with considerable
success. After due co isi lerati m lie explain
ed to the lady the great risk and uncertainty
of the operation and on the other hand that
the tumor if not removed would in all prob
ability destroy life. Several other medical
gentlemen also stated to her their candid
opinion of her case which fully coincided
with that of Dr Sharpies, and in tha expres
sion of which they fully represented unto
her the diflicuity and dangers of the opera
tion. The lady, replied that her tulTcringi
were so great tout she had concluded to run
all risks uud would at once submit to the
operation. After duo preparation aud at
tention the opsratiou w n pjrfonn 1 1 by Dr.
Sharpies in this city last Tuesday the 17th,
lint., in the preface of Drs. S.uith ana
Rice of Albany; L--e and Farrj of Corvallia;
uud Drj Osborne and Hemenway, of this
city. Two tumors which weighed over 19
lbs were extracted. The patient is a lady of
great fortitude and firmnet and intelligence
and bore tho opjratiou admirably, and at the
time we go to pi ess she in doiny well with
fair prospects of lecovery.
A HUNT, Proprietor.
Shop on Willamette street, 2nd door north
el liartlware store, r.iigano City, Ur.
I will hereafter keep a complete stock of
III :.', MlrWKS'
Gaiter, Cloth and Kid,
Itatton Hoot,
mtpprra, whit and black,
t'rrark UldNliora.
And in fact everything in th BOOT aud
SHOE line, to which 1 inteud to devoU uijr
esjiecial attention.
Wtrt manufactured to order,
And guaranteed a represented, and will be
sold for th lowest prices that a K'od article
3an lie afforded. .ir27-78tf A. IU VI'.
Sithlaw limit.
Our correspondent at Sinslaw, under date
of June llith, lends as the following items.
The work on the .Sinslaw and Cottage
Grove 'wagon nmd i being poshed rapidly
forward again. The first subscription was
not sufficient to complete the road.
Misiet Lizzie Ceorgc, Emma and Jessie
Coleman are teaching school in this and the
adjoining neighborhood, all of whom are
growth of Siuslaw timber.
The prospect for a large-wheat yield has
never been so fluttering in thui valley a at
A perm ut nt nrgnnizutiu tor holding, a
neighborhood fair this Fall was perfected
last Saturday. Your correspondent not be
ing present is nnablu to give the name of
the officer elected.
taxiaa and Uu rein societies yesterday even i ni ; phers have exrwjr.dei its prinaMes. and min
There was a large audience present. A' we go ' "rei have soan ied iu js-auws in every cuiiie.
t I . . . . -, ! It will ever remain a choice theme for the nov
to pre early we cannot jive any detwls nuti j eliit ,nJ . u (jr tUe mUt
next week. ; In the midd.e of the fourteenth centiry a
, . I band of knights oiiht have been n bemre T it
. - ..j , uiC wmum ut a - iiig uu tue ipinicrv Of LUC II' I V
th Engene City Bras was a complete uc- j knd; preparation are hastily made on botli
tne opposing parties are engaged in deadly et-
us stop and au wcy these Zi-
Hall's Hwatic Kiso-is the liver
remedy in tUetuukt It rare Billio.nnes,
Headache, Confiti pation, Jaundice, Dyspepda,
and all duease aridng from th d;rn ,vmnt !
ot ui important organ, whicl lM fcen c,. c (. - ,
LlVH-TuednUofthLiei. k. it ,.' Hireryll have temporarily -
pcmlevt tawing lumber antu mey sen on
E. W. Whipple Bros, also the Ijirch Broa.
have contributed lilicrnlly to the Siuslaw and
will guarantee every bottle, or tn nicy ref ju led.
One ef our citizens made a motion to
take np a collection which wat carried, and . counter.
top an
the rant of 0 realized. Th boy. are buil- rol?a knignU should be fighting the pagans
...... ; ao fiercely on the shore ot Asi? Above lb
oing a Dana sUod. wtuch, wben eompleted, rtrife of the conflict cr,n
ill cuet si wot y-JOO, aod think the cita-
ieeos ahoald jrirs liliernTIy to the etwtrpri.
a err "r'uht Ut
the love of your bviiea and the freedom of the
holy sepulchre." Here thru im the kv to
their aitiofl aod in tint Inng "tnilrt iA tb
i . . .i i : i :.. 4t.:. I
j hum Hivy nave vu nanu ui innr
Bit; Dam.wjbk The Chinese who ha-1 their
Walrha nnd
Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc
Watches, Clocks, and Jswelry renafred and
warranted. Northwest comer of
and Kighth street.
If you wish to buy your goods cheap, you must
go to th store of
They keep-on of th largest stocks of
General Merchandise
OutHiiU of Pnrtlnnd, and they sell gooiJs cheap-
.. .. I. i i i .i. i,.;i
er tnan It can o ciiikjii anywner in uu it u
lamette valley.
Th firm l Lurch Boos. oonsUt of Aaron
Lurcb and lien lairch.
House Furnishing Goods Generally
Wells Driven Promptly
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Willamette Sti-ctt,
Eugene City, Oregon
A Large StoA et
HiKhsit asarket price paid for all kiad e
18 THE
Ttnt.T. DO WrnT CIIEAPEB Uisa aay other
II simp la o.
With new nwterwl, all ronnJ. Raettiaf old shone
Ti ( en.
All warranted te give atlalarlloa.
Shop oa the Corner cf 8th anl
Olive 8.
L all kind at inside ficitr-n ly
nil nw nric;. J nt ro iri nr
n , .,. t t'l'lll
; n. r iiir.,ii'i, i
X. tetliwawkH, attksloMtprv.v
Ha taken possesion of tn
Luckey Livery Stable,
And will oarrr on a .,, '
j Hone fed and Wnled ij tli week er dT..
Eugene City Brewers
-ri--r. I bow prtpwed to AlliirWfM
Cum n wMt for yanrnll A food ariifl f4
vio, to the citizen at Eileen City antl;
vkinitr inta
mw miking mm
Intorporatfd, Jnaf, bl
Uggifie atUWhed hj Slieriff Nunlen fur r-' Vicrj;ia.fs.-Tlie Veterans tA tlte- Mexican
fusing to paypiill Us, are about to bring soit war met at .Sa!ia on the Idth ami elected
f?r damage t the ainnnut f flOO.O'.XJ. Tb tiie fallowing ofEoers: President, General
bagae i worth aboat i2j aliogi-tlier. Tiie Jofpli Lsiw; Vii President, (ien Jolm F.
Sberitf will see that the poll tax i lil . Miller; Secretary al Treasarrr, Hew J F
. , , . . , Pin sinrvT . A. U Tatd. SrciirrAT A-
Vfm Tredton ha moved hie hanies tbop Xod.l Ii.nciuv-J. P. Gill, J. YT.
to tbehnilding fomtlv. nctopie'l at a sa-' Jackson, T..S..RndmHaut;h, A. L. Todd sod A.
loon one door ninth of Dam's brick (tor 1 T'idd.
wbr he will He giad t -t hi old canto-1 pnnciil office for sal of stork at J .IP. G
mtrn. l 'i ili'l r, pwt-ifTii. btuWini;, Enjne,