The Dulles Fire. The Mountaineer gives ibc follow iriR account ot tlio tiiu by wlucli s lur0' part of lliu bumnesH portion ot tho Dalian wi 8 dtintroyeil: At uboul 4 o'clock VVt'ilneMilny ul'ternooii our itizu8 wer thrown into intunnu ex citement by tie ringing of tho fire bell, which was quickly answered by the fire department and an immense throng ot citizens on Second street, from whf nee startling cries of "Fire Fire I!" proceeded. The Pioneer hotel was completely enveloped in flames before the engino was got to working, and it was ascertained that it was usoless to attempt to extin guish it. The engine withdrew to Third street where it did good ser vice in checking tho advance of the flames in that direction. A stoady win 1 frutn the went drovo the fire over to First street, taking in its des tructive path tho Walla Walla hotel and stores of Hoc-how, Damn, ltucli and Vozt & CallouWrg. iSy the tirao, tho flames hud reached Moody's corner, on rirst, the wind had veered to the south, which, together with the efl'octive service of a volunteer bucket brigade, kept the litmus from crossinc Washington street. First slroct was overlapped, and the old Empire hotel was soon ablaze. Thus was tho width of tho two whole blocks fast being reduced to itshes The wind continued to change, coin- inc.' to n slaun at southeast, and every, building from Washington to Union street, bctwoon beooml and the river, woro burned, excepting a. v. JMoody r and Huld win's saloon, which two es caped with but little damage. On the west side of Second street all but tour were tukuu, and were ler riblr scorched, i ho post oflicu had a most miraculous conpo, the front liaviug buen burned to a cusp. I lie office of the O. S. N. Co., though s great distanco from the main fire, was consumed. It is thought that ait in cendiary did the work. Ol five hotels and two boarding houses, but otiu ho tel aad one boarding house remains. Many families uio without lunies, and the churches ulloid temporary shelter lor many who were yesterday in good circumstances, but to day destitute. Goods ot every dcsurip- lion are piled up in prumiHuuous heaps along the streets and on the beach. The loss will amount to about $300,000 on which there is about 1187,000 insurance The commercial interests ol tho Dalies is greatly re tarded by this tornblu calamity. A Terrible Hailstorm. 4 y . . . i ... t j corresponueiii oi mo oiamiam . . . gives a graphic description ot the l,.!Lt.. . 1 ....... c.l iJHiinvuiw lliuv I'linnuii viui uuiuill vii .1.. 111)1 11 llIU 110 says. Yesterday at 0:30 1. M. this lilaco .a ii :i.i.. i.,.:i.. was visileu liv a lernlilo hailstorm. lasting about half an hour. Its ap proacn was heraiiied or an iininense cloud ot intense hlmkness, in a north easterly direction, iicconipaniid ly loud peals ol thunder and vivid liht uing. Tlio huiiian voice could scarce it ue nearuaoovo mo noiso oi inc hail, whiuh Donred in torrents in siviu nearly as largo as hickory nuts. The trcoi wore Btrippetl OI nt least hall i. ci;,.. ...i i: i frUU 11M1I1L1C. lb Of ll-IIICll b lill urapes. oherrieiaud oilier small h ints are all des'.rovod. The trees loo ; ns thonrrh vimtad n. n.irm fiNnnml-. " --n - - - j una l lift air lor some limn nilcrwards . , .. . was filled with the aroma ot the bruised and torn llioRroiin l WHS 118 While OS tllOU-Ml covered Willi newly fallen snow, and in some places i. . l.n , . ' ,. i ., the hailstonei woro piled nearly a toot deep. 1 he Scene Was grandly, fear u t sub me. and ono not w t nesiud pronaoly more than once in a life lime words (ail to describe tho awful roar and confusion of tho ele monm. When tlio worst ot the storm passed over, tlie sun sot clear, in a perfect blaze of golden splendor, and after sinking in ihu west, lelt bril liant tinges of j,'old and purple on the face ot cloudlaml, with the azure sky howiug in the far beyond, making snnxot .t. all tin Noonovon in I !,i J nnu..l iw.l olloii nu.m I . a ' hi...-"- v.v., ,,, . . , Mir t , if I una oi Leaimitii stiiii-oi skies, iieavv . flIOWerS ItStet all Illt'llt. llll.l water I .1... I. - ... .. iuuiri iiii tiui;ii tin bvi rri n, nn uvur ii river bed; all the skylitrhts, incliidin'; the largo one m the cspitol hiiililing were broken in tho first few minutes of tho storm, and the gutters bccoin ing filled, deluged many stores, ruin iuggooils to a large runout. .1. V. ISrown'snew house was luuuli injur ed by water staning tho ceiliims, and thadamagoto shrubbery mid house plants is btyeud estimate, taking an other year to repair. From all that can be learned, this placo and immediate vicinity only wore visit! d bv the liaiUtorm. Lute Savage had 150 acres of wheat six or eight inoes high, Hint is probably des troyed whit h will involve a loss ot $4,000. Dexter Field who has n garden east of Salem had nil his Let houses brokvn and plants destroyed to a large amount. v; Tlie Jacksonville SSonlini'l nayii nn Oilier niagnilict iit liiiiCBUnie cava lias been dmcovcreit in Joeluue county, on a branch of Clmrry creek, m-arfy outh ot Wililervillf. A partial ox (iloralion rcveala one of the pramlcat cbamben f.oru lh ceiling; of which ar mitiicndctl the most Lrilliant tal aotiles and crystal that rtlct the flaaliicj lorchei and iiijcest tho won derful grandeur of the prottD where Aladdin wta imprinoued. Some of the R)cciinnB bronchi out are very beautiful, and as accept ia not difli- cult, a party will toon make a more V7!lt a , m extended ex uloration. i ZTZ, T . 'llln 1 grow An excursion party filling four pnNHengcr cars went from lioseburg to Albany on Thursday last, and re turned the following day. (Jain Davis, living near Hoseburg, drove into n stream to wavh his wag on, got into swimming water was thrown out and drowned. Uody not recovered. Dr. J. C. Dell, of Jacksonville, who has shown signs of lompoary aberra tion, was sent to Salem Monday in the hope that the care of friends may le storo him. The Jackson county tracheis' in Miim will bu held at Jacksonville next week. Ample provisions have been made to entertain tho teachers free of expense to ihomselvcs. E. G. Ilursh, Esq., a popular bache lor attorney of Roseburg, was married Wednesday evoning to Miss Laura Little at the residence of W. J, Slrnno, Judge J. F. Wntson ofliciat-in?. Tho condition of Mr. Moller of Jackson county, who was injured by tho caving in ot a ledge, is unproved, and hopes are entertained that his l'g will be saved from amputation IIu is receiving tho best care from the Odd Fellows. Independence is prospermia Sever al new buildings aro hcinsr put up and work on ti e west side railroad depot Ins commenced. The saw mill at that place is making ready to saw tho tin bers for several bridges and buildinss. One brick will bo put up It us summer. Swallowing Catarrh is the limit prevalent nf any known disease. Jt in insidious mill generally pro nounced to ho incurable. Swallowing, wli 1 -asleep, thevicid secretions of catarrhal colds, poison the lungs and from thence iim It-riiiiiiun iv.-ry function of Hj-Btoiix. The senses of taste, smell, nml hearing urtt impiiiieil, the breath Iweoiii'M disgustiii t.iinil breathing through tho nostrils is rendered impossible, Scrofula, Heatness, Prom-hitis, 1', nml Con sumption iu the natural li -';n ii n. Spurts of l.ntiiil mucous iipnn tliu tonsils or from the nos trils, crackling in the bend, pain at tho sides nt tlie nose or over tlie eye nml pressure with in the cln-Kt, are experienced when neither the cause nor the feurf nl consequences are ilreuiueil of, The discovery of u real cure for (,'atarrli nml II :iy Fever hy Dr. Wei lie Meyer of New York, in second in importance only to the dis co vury of a pievcntitive of smallpox. The I in tn nml prools ol the work licing ilium liy Wei lie Meyer's Catarrh I Jure nro sot forth in a mm liltt, wlucli ih lorwunleil gratis to any aitdretm. Tho testimonials therein contaiiu-d nra uwiiiestionnbly the most remarkable iium ineilicul record. Cases of live, ten uml twenty .u' ....... .ii .. .....n ......... .:..t.i -""k, i" :" i the treatment. One package w ill cure any or- dimity case of Catarrh or J lay Fever, anil two packages cureH tlie oiliest unit worst ciwcs we Mr. KuilA (.. IfmviM- 3!) West Vaslilii,tn 'l,lure N- Catarrh) yum! wiwoure.1 hy two piickuueH. riAM l. IIkskiiii'T, .III., Ilenenicc liriM., Jewel em, 70!) Itiniulwitv, N. V., Hiiyn: "lino puck- Rh'e cureil a niemliir ot my liunily of t utiuirli I uml one lutckuKC curnl n lady li-ienil of liny I'ever. K. 11. llit.wjf,3:i.) Cunnl St..N. Y. C'nturrh 11 yniiH; liwt Ht'iixe of mnell; cured hy one iiiiika,'!'. ( I.. lilU KIi; 'lent, tiiiswohl it Kel- o'i,', 44 llroitdwrty, rs. .-Uniihl neither "''" '! Ur.diie t uUi-rhj one w. a. 1'mkoan, iiKrclinnt, 47 NaniumSt., N -cured oi nilluenwi in the head. Hkv. Wm. Anhkiwi.n, l''ordhuui. N. Y V...... I.... I I '..,......1. Olt .. ....... . .... II... I. Lire. '!kv- l'"- .'oxw, Xew lirinliton, S. I. l ? yiur" " time iiniKiiwilile to iii-tuLi'ii. --,iii.i iihi. rin,.i worth ten time th ...... cunt." , McKklvkv, (ioveinnieiit IiiKpector, lueutlie thro.,Kli my n.wtrilH; tte ml bi.i.11 kouo; my hroath wan bo iiIleiiHivo iih to render "1U a", 1,1 JtLt ,','( '""""''K ' i"t Afwr 4 yearn iiiilencrilutlilo autleriu, I wo cured by l)r. Wci j,u M,yeril TvlZw. it i over i year h!uc, and 1 hav had no return of ft ca " ,m y'l'i"i. K tl. lll.ArKliniN. BitltKinim. with Lonl laylor, .- l'iiml of Catarrh by one puck- re. J.. A. Xkwmas. tlie laru'i'st lunt iii UnNiklyn Ct0."i l''nltun St.) Clinn.le i atarrir , yeam, any: "1'liyMtian L'ave me little hope and the variou i-einedie tried were I without avail. After two week' una of vonr reiueuy 1 wiw wouilertully ivhived. and hi no.' eniuviy cureil, u A. kwma.n. ic, Ac, Ac, &!. Thi'heidllictedwitli uny kind of imnal diseajieii ro invited t. wiid for Pr. Wei !."""!',llVt' t'"1 yrti. ularly to inf.. 1 'o .Meyer a -"i - jhhii uniii. vn iiiuiniuii m Me r,,,,,. , ,,., i. ...,. i,.i ... . ii ri i -r 1 1-y IT s n ure. , , venu ut si.rm -i,.,.i.. ..v., ..... ... . .-, .-., ur'.'"' l-l"eral tern. to the trade. ''. iWY (D.Holo A,'U.4u leySt.N.Y. Centaur i emaiir i.iniineiiu nro the invar. Mini ex- tr.n-tii:j reniiilie of the world. Tlie nale of lliein l.t Miiu thiin; imnieiiHe. Theiv i no nain. aweinntf, "or aorencn wlin Ii they will not idle iiih-, nun inn tew wnii li lliev will not cure. ',-1 -i - . .. ... j ue ime in mr rami v iiw. am! tlio ,-iinw tor Aniiiink rr ltheumatic A If ectioim. niraiin, sun jiunl. woundu, (falls, skin erup- nous, h.-ii, wraum-t. inirn. sc.. t u v are quick, thorough ruid certain; mHithiiitr, healing ami riiioiiieut l,.-. .1 ,.,, ... i inner a i asuina is enixxialiy ailapttil to i ini.iren. nen tlie clnl.l liaa health the Mother can rest t'asturia ia vegetable aub- iiiiue hit nauseiHia I aj-tor (Ml, and the le- PCI ISO n Cmoeii i.'U-ri.iiis narcotic Sj-nqia aumetiluea iianl. I'milaiiiini; neither mineral, morphine nor al ciliul, it h tviviveil the endorsement of phy sicians, and its sale ia constantly and rapidly increasing. It wfiiu to lie nature's remeily for assimilating the food in the stuuiach. causing r"wr dijiestiim, and preventing amir cnnl, vi'Uiiting, wind colic and diarrli, Tfci. jnes natural sleep, i astona u not nan-wtie, It is aa plivisaut to Like as honey. It relieve the stoinarh ami destroys worma. It illm . atjKllBTB i 'TlT. rtu.'"uIff.'Muk Krer fat uism IVt ri. OLD, TRIED, AID TRUE. f auiil art fetttaf iulntl-ua Uiom wbo M lol ouht to b with th wondirfal Mrl oC itt TMt merlon Kemtnljr, tlx MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, FOR MAN AND BEAST. Thli liniment Terjr nutmnlly orlRlnnted In Amcrk e, whore Kntura prorliln In her Inboratory uch nrprlilnK nntldoto for tlio mnliullit of her chil dren. Iti famo ha been tpraadlng for 85 ju&n, until now It enelrclei tho habltablo globe Tho llexlcau Mustang Liniment la a matchleu remedy for all external allmenU of man and bead To dock owner and farmer It I Inraluablo. A ilnglo bottlo of ten tare a human life or re atorei tho tuefulncM of an excellent hone, ox, cow, or sherp. It curet foot-rot, hoof-ail, hollow horn, grub, crew-worm, ihoulderrnt, mango, tho bite anil atlng of poisonous reptile and Ineet, and every uch drawback to tock breeding and buah life. It cure every oxtemnl troiiblo of horei, tuch aalamcneaii, crntche, twinny, apraln, founder, wind gall, ring Ikiiio, etc., etc. Tho Mexican 3IustBiisI.lnln-.ent I the quickest euro In tho w-irti for aeeldent occurring In the family, In tlio nbicnco of a phynleian, uch burm, tcakli, tpralni, cut, etc., and for rheuma tlim, and tlffnen engendered by expwure. Par ticularly valuable to Miner. It li tho cheapest remedy In tho world, for It penetrate the niutclo to tho bone, and a alngla application In generally Mifflelent to euro. llexlcnn UuaUng Liniment I put up In three (lie of bottle, tho larger one being proportion ately much the cheapest. Sold everywhere. HAVING Just Received a OF RILL HEADS, LirrrKii iikads iSTATKMENTS, ll kinds of CARD and :'::.. I Xtws)iiicr, W-V Book ond f Job Office. tl WilUinrtte St, I Eugene City, Or. ROOK Papers; tc. we are pivj)areu to uo Job very LOW Rates. W rk at i ""I l llvllicn atan'l thornngh Mnod.piirlf-lnir r'-per-i: I)r. l'li ri-i 's (iolilen Meilleal I)l'over; on f..-Ji! iii.J.i... rvniion. iii n tirlal lUrf-an-, 31,i.(-rul I'ol-oiiN nml their 'VrnTM S tiiU TlgopiiH In ulili and a sound rnmlltutlon estal II he'l. l.rrsltK-la, fudt-rhcam, Fever Sort. Seal or, bLln, In sliorl, nil eaiinert l.y tad I loud, are eoimui-rH by llils powerful, purlfybig, and liivlRomllnff liu'illi'lno. . . EiK-el.-illy limit manifested Its potency In curing Trtlcr, 11 ia IwlU, CarbonHra, Boro J.jea, (.-rorulou Bfin and IVMta HwcUUirs iM'Iru or Thick Ncf-k, nml titlnnrrd llaada. ir you f-i'l dull, ilrowy, iliMliutnl, have sa'low color if (.-In, or j-i Il iivUh-linmn fi"" " f"e ,r IkhIv. fiii:inl or iMilm-M, ImJ tnie In i;:i.i,ili, luMiuil In it r elillls ultenintril with Hot flii.liei. low plrlK .nul Klm ui) rorclioillnj Irn-Kiilsr n-ii.i l III-, tll'f ImiKUe riisleil. Toil BID SttflerlnK from. Turn'il Uvcr, or JJIilvuaaw. Iii many eases of I.lvr t emplalal " onlv part I t!n symptom r rr in rli iu-o I. Ai a r im :y fi r nil suili cases, lir. Mi n-r's (iulildi JU-dlcnl Ilfsrovery has On equal, a it rlfect tv-rlnl aril rvllral i-urrs. In llie cure of llraaclilila, IV rim Coach, snu tho early sluei'S of Consumption, It luif anlolimll' il tl'O i ii flreil larully, ami einliii nl physicians pruiioenre It lln- eri-atist ii 1 - it I ry of Hi" a-o. V lil'o It t un ihi-w-vi r-"t rotij lH. Ii i l.i nirtiii nn tliesj sum ti;i I purlli-B tb bluod. .11 liy iirui.-jr1l. it. V. i'i::i: r, i.. i'rui. Wwui'i di ipcnwrj' aud Invalid' 11.. U I, lliB:..lti, ii. Y. Of rams, o o o o o o Koiiio nf t.i!.l:- Tie I r-r. r-v:ls .-. "i"'";.''-;' I , .... i ei i . i, ,;.i,ji ' .- ' .';iVi-' I ' r$!fi imi.ti nl rtt Al I m , i. llir.!i,',. r iSwUn-'M fioro the Mpmiv-lt siad Tasti lo I' o irt'.. J ' lo-n V'f i'r ! ,.'.'3 or KlJm i.i. Ini.r: ill 1 rr; float.! fi-l-l..iff u'MU I'll-unu t rurB:illV3 ri.Iii O','1!'," ".' of in...... l-io-iMilv- l-i Ii-.t or r Hie '..i.-Vr,:!...;,'.;..!! mavlrt 'l'l l!i"t L-liori B"on Oil onlmul ii-oaotiiy l unlvirwil. ant a olniiU or lwe ruvrlna ticlr ruiuuuvc iripr""; m. . i. . .'- . rli ir til. si' I . Ai:u 11' I-. ooi'H ll''. n.t;ii.r '-.'.- i " i-" - ,-,.. ', .; tlii Ir vl'rtu, s"l-hi lh-rei-y pre-r-eil unliopi Irnl 1 S.r .1 .....1 m iio.1 111 l' ;i, 1'' i i in, iiisi-ii .ii . ..." . . niir i o: i.'- oi "')' i-ii"i.-iii-,r- "'" , ',,.! ii llall.-. "Thlali not Hi" ea-! l-l . i.i. -.. .. .... i.. u..!,.n fir tiati ltonr I '-on -I. l or ill i!imi where a Il,AH,.,,X1f' PurnallvclJ lllillealiil, tlliao I'".1!'.' 1 i . til--Ifio..( i rfei-t SBll-nu tlim. l. bT 'Bl.i.t 11. V. 1' Kill K. 51. !-. I'noi-i:. V crl..' v ij":iwiry and Invalhlo lluii-i,, . i N 4 Li a U CI I -l EVTIT; M's-i'l-o-iui nt h'-ail. f..i-!....':Uii,..:i ,-r.. Ti . -vr utoi; lff IJ i.ol'irill.ii;i I r. !.,- , ti.iu ry l'l' ; ' - '. i- r.i:-i. lit. ol i U:- In oiliiTF. ilrviir-.:'. i.r , -n ul ' "'-. or ii:I.:u;imi eyes, st MU'lr..:- iii.. or .i - 'rui-li' o, T i.i i iia...n pm roiil i-i urlw Kim ii, rlu.'ii'i' ''i o o",, ile.ifii. lint l i-!i.irlli..!ll'i.i".-.K-' : Vitlcnll' r.-.l. n.if : I I l':.'. I . liii-.v'i: . I 11 v- i . . . , r- i "i m i. i n 'Ate l or total il'-nrivnt 'oil of :r ' of ii. II :o,. l.i .il zinc.,, ir.h:i.l ! K 1 ,.r M r..-'... Ir tier- tlrn, enlU'i.l Inn- lis II' n few of Hi'? i! t v:!i.toniJ arc iw.. caM tl cue liiav. i a ri,ii.t.'i:.ny DR, SAGFS :ata!iTiii ,i.l.i.-i i imvinni fi.ll.-i I run i .' llie Tvftrjv! of Cr.t.irrh, no main r ol' in. 1' m-1 i:i Ii , ' I' i1"" ri .u '.y rmv I- iiii-il;.l.. r I' 'ti r ap.-Hi-l ) !! ' Hbm-iM l.'.ii' li -. Tin 1 1- H '- .:') f nn.ol hislru in, -, v.-t i-ii.-iit, 1 v. ,,': v-lil-.-'i Pol i i leltu-tan I mi., i ii" i a I i". :.i t:.. ii.v Ai-i-i.":i In all rarls of On- :. "n o I : i ! rat'l th- .,.-i or i. i' !'!' : "' ' i-- .1-' " S'.n-i. .in 1 ':'-iv. ' i i i.M, II... ,".l . .-: il . ..I'll:.. i ii . I:. .,.! fr.--. , i":. II- l- Is i!i-:.'; ot nntl , lui'liTt-Kln, f.'t . . ... -i . ...I immi'IiI. ' -. in ri:,-.-tl- firr'i It' lii'-. i'.". ' " ' 1 "'" ' ' '" '! '" l.v a ( v . ) .t ;,-fi!". it Is l-'O . u 1 I n, .0.'. it ii.i i.t r. .n ,.r i- Hi' I- -if iMrfv i-.v r-ii.iirii !;. ioi-.a-mi I ! ! li.-sU '-t fy-r l. It. V I'll-.lir: " ! I. V I' . M. IV. I r-.i l fin" . KAY'S KIK'iyiC JIKIUd.M, TRADE MARK. The Croat Kiil'- ADS VK. V Pali lteinedv.Au Cr niifiUllliPiireliir Si'ini'ml Wc:u lii'KH, Spei liiiiti u i hi ii, Impoti iii-.v v, Mill 1111 IIIMI-ilMCH V; that follow s iiW.vivVTV ni'iim-lueiif.-Vl!'-,, 's,'. Aimse; nu iisa After Takasc. Mi'iumy, Universal Lim-situilo, Tain in the luick, DiiiiiifMi of lMoii, 1 ri'iiuiture old ni and many other dim-ams that lead to liisunity or ciniiuimiitiiin nun a premature inave. J Full partiiuilars in our pamphlet, which we di'dire tu Kend fire by mail to every one J lie Siecific .Medicine in wild by all di-iu;-i;itn nt Si per parkae, orix packages for tC, ur will he sent me liy mall nn receipt of the llioney hy ndilrciisim,' Tl 1 K (1KAV MEDCIXE CO., Xn. 10 .MechauicH' liluck. Dttniit. ilicli. Sold in Kiih'i'iie City ami everywhere in the I! nited States and Canada, by all whole- Brlu and retail ilni.' 'istn. I). C. t'llKUH 11(111. J. a l'.NI)F.RWO(ll). t0 US.Us-H tVUUi. UjiwO. GENERAL JillOKEHS in-y ami m:i UOl.D.f S1LVEK. Cl'UKEXCV AX1) FXCHAXCK GO F.COTI ATI. I.OAi. And the Sale of RI-cVL ESTATE Particular Attention Given to Collections. . -ACKXTS- - rnnnrrtirut nu t New Zealiird Iiiur.inrf-Cominiea. - AiiCNTH WELLS FARGO & Co. t.nsonr itj, ... Orrjron. t!IP IIH 0 Chas. Fw.. Horn, PHACTIC.1L C, UXSMITH. ix crxs, i;in.Ks, Kisliini; ' Ta.-kl.-a . Jf Hi iK.irin,' dune in tl if anilw-airanted. Sri and materials, the m-atest style w inu' ln.-u -liinc. Safes, Links, etc, rejiainil. Guns loaned and ammunition furnished. Sl.f.p on Willamette rt, opposite Astor Hi,n War has commenced in Europe! R. G. CALLISON isAr.AixATHisci.DHisoi.DSTAxn J on Willamette Street and havin the ittfp.Mt ..f VI T ill .1 . . ii. I . . r. ... ... ..1'i.iniru in viie iinn hi i am- i son It tMiiirn, is prvur.1 to furnish all who may give mm a call with ti;e l-st imalitT of everv thiiu- usually kent in a firt fJ:is mnn and prini-i. u st.rv, s'.n h as SI i, l;s. TKAS, OlKFKK, caxxkimunihs. T(nAi't i t'ICAJiS. CLASS AMI ol KKNS WAKE. Win .XI WILI.t'W WAIIK, at riaaonal le rat,- for I ASH tr I'KOlil'li; Cive me a call and are what I can do for yon Th.l-lkflll f. ltt lu.lht 1 I. i',. Kwr. i lls iktiirerrd tfany iri of thrcitv free W- KU. t'AUiSuX. 1 size r A. (? IT ' A Tl I . H V - Ih. Sl (12 UK" qni.---l HtW ii u,v iii-.... Tl" J p!U lin'Mini n Hit i-onslli'illoii. fid t. or in-ii.t' ill-ti. r'lr JonntJIee, Ilraduch", C.n.t!p..tlen. '; M Money Oeposit LYNCH, In Dorris' Brick Building;, HEALEH IN Groceries Provisions. Will keep on hand a general assortment of GrocerieH, I'rovuioiM, Cured Meat, Tobacco, Cigara, t'andie, Candle, ,Son, Notiuu, Ureen and Dried Fruit, Wood and Willow Ware, Crockery, Ktc BuaincH will be conducted on a CASK BASIS. Which mean that Low Prices are Established Goods delivered willionl charge t Buyti ALL KINDS OF PROT'JCt WAMIL For which 1 will pay the i'heat (sricemarket A. LYNCH GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. eradicates All Locat. Skw Diseases; permanently beautifies the Complexion, Prevents and Remb dies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Injuries of Tiir Cuticle, and is a Reliable Disinfectant. This popular and inexpensive remedy nccomplishes the same results as costly Sulphur Baths, since it per manently removes Eruptions and Irritations of the Skin. Complexional Blemishes are al ways obviated liy its use, and it renders the cuticle wondrously fair and smooth. Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds, Burns, and Cuts arc speedily healed by it, and it prevents and remedies Gout and Rheumatism. It removes Dandruff, strengthens tlie roots of the 1 lair, and preserves its youthful color. As a Disinfectant of Clothing and Linen used in the sick room, and as a Protection against Contauious Diseases it is tinequaled. Physicians emphatically endorse it. Prices-25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. andSl.M. N. 1! Sent hy Mail, Trenail), on receipt ofpnea, and 5 cents extra fur each Cake. "HILL'S HALR AUD WHISKES DYE, Black or llrown, SO Cents. ) CS.Crittenton, Proper, 7 Sixth lv. S. Y. ONLY ONLY $2 SO FEU YEAR. Jioh WoR'k to Order. INSURE Against Los by Fire IX THE L I V C I (J U Li 1 Gi I U W i n INSURANCE COMPANY. Chas. Laucr, Ag't. NOTICE. milE TXDEIfSICXED, WISHIXC TO -H no K;iNt, will Ki ll lit a''ain three inurM. one horse, one '2 rear old stallion. St. 1 jm-rvn lilooil: two act of harms, one 1 irmi al hn. elini; or farm waon. The wnon ban a .1 inch (inline) si, ive and foliliii' bed within. To be .en at Ihimias I, utters. X. S. Chadwick. mu:t f .rTlieXati,iii:il(inl,! Mi- ill was awanleil o Bradley ,V itiilofmn fur flii- t I'lmto.uTaphs in the United States, and the n ulla .Medal tor the best in the wmld. 5124 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, NOT FAIL to MnI for or IftlnloKiir, 1 1 contAiiif p r lrs and isrrlrf Ion of iiiotit ery arf Iflft In ffn rrnl la valunblXo A?i I'llKKOK rontrinplnt Ing Hir parrliAnrof miy nrtirlr for Jr. rnsissis wB iiihhiihihi MMmr, ft nt a inrtt tritiie tlii- niiai mnnnn In thf rfmoli imrta of tlit TrrrliorlM. and havr. nlfh few rirrutlons. firrfd. e4 the ? Mtfioii of Hit pnrrlinttrr. RimT riitiininK 10 nnvo mnun m MVinff W Iff mw lirr ri-ai, niftll IHMA rI.H.I Tit AM V AUIIRICMA. IKKKslCOM Alkkv14 ATIO. Urli ur K(Hde. fo all mankind at wholtwalo price in qunntiiiei to ulf. Ktjfercioev MORTfiOMERT WARO I CO., Orllnal cirmsisre Supply Hauo, WatMUk Ave, CHIra, 111. i: WADSWORTH, ( anaiMiu' agi-nt for the Pictorial Family Bi bli-. a luK'k fur the times, anil irives uninnuiJ Ail.lresa the AA-nt. .Monroe. iH-nt'in cuumy, I'n-nn. Eugene City Foundry MACHIIMF QUnP M WnllMt OHUr, -y J V T T t Li'0UCll i)m hrOWTl, XTOP .9. 1TE Ar.E XOW TKEPAKKD TO EX- ? f ecnte all km-.'s of maclniic work : to build and t- reiair all kinds of machinery-. 'astin.-s of al! kimU furnished sn Miart antic of in-n. Israse, 111 metal, etc. We also manufacture toorler, steam engine, water wheels, saw mills, flour suills, etc Lihs given to artie wanting such work. EOCENE CHARD HTHEIJBOLD'S COMPOUND Fluid Extract S'liJ PHARMACEUTICAL A Specific Remedy for All DISEASES OF THE l'"iir Debility. Lobs of Memory, Inlinpoaition tu Exertion nu IniMiieiM, ShortneHS of Jireath, Troubled with Thoughts of Dineiue, Dimnms VMim, Pain in the buck, Client, and Head, Hu h of Itlniid ti the Hoail. Pale Countenance and Dry Skin. If thee HvmituniH are allowed to en on. verv fii!i;in-iitly Kpiletic l'itu and Consumption fol low. When tlie constitution becomes affected it ri'ipiiren the aid of an invigorating medicine to utrcnirtlieu and tono un tlie svtem whicH Keliiiljoia Bwctu DOES IN EVERY CASE IS UNEQUALED liy anv remedv the moHt eminent physiciana all over tlie world in Rhntmatism, bpermatorrnoea Neuralgia, Hervousues3, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, -. Constipation! Aches and Paina. General Debility, itiancy diseases, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head Troubles, Paralysis. General 111 -Health. otiaiica, Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, i Nervous Complaints, Female Ccmplaints, &c. Headache. Pain in Hi Slmnl.lwi-n I'mmli. DizzinesD. Sour Sftmiai-h. Kniiiti'.iii. liml Taste in the Mouth, Palpitation of the heart, ruin in the re.'ion of the kidney, and a Thou sand other painful symptoms, are tho offspring of DysiH'iwia. Helmbold Buchu Invigorates the Stomach. And stimulates the torpid Liver, Bowela, and Kidneys to healthy action, in eleansinir the blood of all imnurities. and imnartinu' new life- and vigor to the whole system. A single trial will be quite sufficient to con vince the most hesitating of its valuable renie- inui qualities. rillCE 1 PER BOTTL Or Six Bottles for $5. Deu'vereil to any aldiesHfre.from ob tion. Patients" may consult bv ter receivmir the same attention as bv in?, by nswerinir the following questions: 'v 1. Cive your name and iogt-o(fce .-i-iremi county and State, and your nearest eipres office? ?. Your age and (ex ? 3. Occupation i. Married or single ! J. Height, weight, new and in health ! IL flow lon have Ton Wn sii-k ? 7. V'our complexion, color of hair and eye ? 8. Have you a stooping or erect gait ! 9. Relate witHout re-ervation all yon know about your case. Fjicloee one dollar as con sultation fee. Your letter will then receive our attention, and we will give you the fu ture of your disease and our candid opinion concerning cure. Competent physicians attteod to correspon dent. All letters should be lilresed rn IHsi-ensatonr. 1217 Filburt Street, Philadel phia, Fa, II. T. IIE.MnOLD, Drngrjist and Cherni',, Pliiladelphia, I'a. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Bladder m Kidneys