THE EUGENE CITY GUARD. I ntttnl Elwloral Fraud. In a lecture before the Iron City Tilden Club of PiusbuSh. Pa., Mr. EU"WE CUT. OREGON. BATtTRliAY. MAY 3. 1679. j, ir0jkin. ,lrongv "d Mr.' 1 ildcn i the Democratic Presidential 7 VHEATIVHEAT! The Veto. faiif1lil.'if iv tL'lii.ili mttt A I rem AttlAtia I JVesiJent Iijii bai nbmitftd flpuuit, Th lolloping dvipatch !. -..M i - .1. - ;ti t .tl..- 1 r.EVTI.EMEV HAVivnn sold your Wheat ! If not, do at vm-w biiu men can 'at liinuelt for one. to ill., will of tlif asiead: VM- PREISTON'S, "stalwarts" aod vetoeJ the army ap kw York, April, 1879. And purchase your HAKXEsa He has on prapriatioo. In LiJ veto ha iceist To tit Lecture Committee of the Iron n,,-.t'inn .ith in Oi..iit. Finih. w,i,. that under tlx law now on thtstatult Citv Tildcn Club. I'itUburah. Pa.: "?..1'A!R .or PHce- "V ,UrK' ,tock ' . , , . . . ... " nirs direct irom ;ew i or. beoke that tht army cannot be used Pleese communicate it yur club CARDS, CURRY COMBS and BRUSH for eleetien purposes vet vetoes a bill rav tha!;La for their invitation to at- E,s. I" !5'-!?1?f"a . " , ... I - " ' " - I A1MJ LvJjUAIVj fcl.Bt will Hi ny KDu all that only provide! that troope may tend the lecture of Mr. Hopkin. M1"" ui-h uc .em, io polling piacai to inn- ihonii niy engagements render it owoat raas, ariujoo, aauero, midate and influence election!. He iiimossihlii to lis nro.pnt In 1 ft7fi And in fact evervthinz a Farmer reauirea. objects to the political clauie forbid- tho Demur, .ov .lii..iwt v-;,.ii-. ...SADDLES of all Kinds on Hand and din? the Made to Order. uhi.-K mM r...nrJ Hall and Fv.iminP Rofnr Rnulno-1 n''VI-f '5t.??f.'V,,,0,n o'-wvation. " .--, ......... .Kiiiib inu nuLici ur mill. VMM I..U.A a... I U.M...M I... .1 . t . . I IP.HUn I Vau. Mnnin. L. -Z . .1. - "w puna... as uur jno uovernnient, in opine and euu tht Republican 0 ingress the atnuce as well as form, lo the benign administration ol Johnstn, and that character in which it was created by he was forced to sin the bill under our patriotic ancestors. 'IVy wire protest by this same c!a?s who now diilrud..d nf th I'miia rih i txercise their powers on a president, ry by a fulae count et the electoral who baa lost their confidence, and on t. 'I'i.,.i whtm they hart ,;.,d t... most bit- ..eration the re.pV.ibHitytif a I.JT.H2J,Jf5 ter CenSUreS. The Crush in the meS- ,.r.,nlurn I,.,, Tl. ...... I. GOODS, an l are rereiviuir vr month new Elsewhere. Lane County MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION ASTCNS liNG CURES! Of Nervous ) ' lity, I an hood, Paralysis. Exhausted Vitality, Impaired Memory Mental Diseases, Weakness of Reproductive Organs, ic, Etc., by the e .. atjJ E rglish ' Remedy, SCI ASTLEY CDCPER S HAL REST J TAT I VE! Horsemen Look to Your Ictietstar s .tht: imported percheron staJt.ioW It rentom HEARING and treii),'tl)rn the EYESIGHT. It ii not a GlJAf.'lC NOS- TRUM. ecU are permanent. It hail no eflnnl. il... . UTni rrt ivt vim tv'ii' II W HLINHI 1 i.U V I .1 VII 11.1111' ANT, but it will d the work tliorougly and welL nn vivtii? jt m 'a ..t . . t " " - I 1 ! . Ul.TrCIW 111 .11. above complaints in largely due to the uh of thii wonderful medicine. fnoe3 00 per bottle, or frur time the tantity for HO: aent secure fioa o'aervaUun, xm RECEIPT OF PRICE. Vnn cmnninti witlmiit ti itimatiiH t A P. MIVTTF Mn Phriiciani aa theae truudlea cannot be cured. The VITAL RESTORATIVE and Dr. Min tie A Co.' Spcciiil Treatment testify positively that they can. CONSULTATION FREE. Thorough examination nj advio, includiu analayit $5 00. Addrew DR. A. E. MINTIE & CO. "-,u janerimoii me respotixibMity ot a fa- L a Urg. and varied ortment of FRESH PR. A. E. MINTIE St CO. ter censures. The gush in the mes- eater question. TI.egrest duty is JXT'' (GrWt. f Imvereity of r,.nnsvlvau, d tage in regaid to his desire lor h.uesi )o vindicate the rights of the people &od .re -.Id low and PbiuKPa! e"' Mt' '"" Hwpit1, lections is not worth tht paper on . i. ..... 1 ?1"1 3os 'si!4 wh h be wr ot it Tht hough s o . "'f " AT ONE PKICS TO ALL ! at wiiiou ua rot it. nit mougniso' bversin tf the tdec'.ivt system . ,t t lb means oy which lie attained Ills proves successful and prosperous And PKODITE TAKEN AT THE HIGH ofKo.hnnr, lii,. . ... n . . position ahould have closed hi. mouth ar , )0wer may "count E 'm eYwforlrchasinV. m it w no in regaraiononttelectioni; the taint themsulves in at every election, aixl '"'" toliowamida and irivepncea. apl that is npou bis title sheuld ever re- prolonjr th.-ir domii.i ..i in l.-finitelv. mind him. that cmotr ascervations Simli n,iout;,.n ni,i . i. ,i;-..i I TSUATnnrjaiuo of r....t f.,r J,n....- r TENV DRUG STORK OX WILIjAM MEN. FLEURY WILL MAKE THE SEASON, BEGINNING ATRIL 7TH Avr' T end n Ju v lHti: Al tl Liwra Stj.1,1. ..( Il.,lt IJ.i.i Vi U '.'"AND Tueadayw nnij Wedncwlnye and 'J liurmlaya at the Livery Stalde of H. Uaiiifhiuan Jnn'.Jlnl Cityi and Fridays an, Saturday, of each week at the Livery Stable of JmXmphr v? gene City. It is a well known foot that there never has been a stock of honws that has h suchailABKEDlui'iiovi!iii:Monthecoiiimontockof the country as tin Percheron. LJ . 7 ' farm and team ee. Every busineea man l.uows that a gotni, ' large well formeil ttJn. Jm alwavs bring a good price. win GEN. FLEUIfY wm scWte.l 111 FrilllfV hv Afp C Elillini.fn 1.A .... I .. I Lewis Napolkon the firnt of thw stock that came west of the AlleL'hanWtM., "'r"", ?.ut ,f thi. I.r,. I ,...... vr. t? .l.. u. i a.'" ""I'ruveutne VU,J years exueuniMM aitk n.:. i of the breeders ol thiV (Treat value of thii bree t in o ir ejnntrr. j tock when he brought out Gen. Fleury and purchased from one race in r ranee. ;ie nos proven a Ao. 1 breeder In this State. Terms, 25 Dollars for the Seasorn. augl7-yl v vi uviiciij vi sivuiiuuB i ui everj perxonai 8)eci. lliel . . willonly meet with the bitter scorn wrongs to individual, Ihwomih i.ii. AlKort .liL-ervr. Ariie4 wnion they deserve. The tendency lo uificaat in c?mp:irisn with the crim. Take, rhot-rapln, Gema, Cards, Cabinet PUUG.S i.1 etee Street, near Ninth. DS!,r.U 15 ttOlralization Wb ell Dndar tht Ilepub flffai,.Kf. I .....I... ..rin.. ft... and Ufe Sue styU and finish equal to any , . . , , " i - I--. v ji. i worx uoim in cue niate. rncei reasonaiilr. Iican party haa been ro. fesltred, and eriitnent, and all tlm best hopes ,, LiALLKUY-Willamette street, E.ene protected, shoul 1 be fought and de- L,.,.i...,l . t -p.... r Mrt Jackm's Milliner, 1UlE.ll tf, I b t ' , . protected, shoul 1 be fought and de- manliind. tested by all, who wish to see our government remain en the basis en which it founder built. Soldiers io I'mgrtsi, On the subject of "soldim in oon- Sress," the Plnldelphia Chronicle ir..i.i r . i . . ..... '. u a reu'-ni uaie says: We regret to sit that tht republican or gans are drawing invidious omnari tons betwesn tl.a ei-oon federates and The Pittsburgh Telegraph av: The blaeks are Leling impulpes not r 1 I ... e i .... ui, uiu ci iree men. Tbet are cons iiieiitly aj iriugt.t a greater independence t.'ian can bu hud in old commtiniti s, vh. r'oornpeii' on keep- down wages, and were prejudices an against thcp -siiiuii in life which ok really free me:i they desire, In a r-e.-ni l ter (Jenerni Shermai - w w i,ra etlMl ' .! iim iiiwi in x-union soldiers in the senate. Tfcey of himself as occupyin g the iarnes8 Saddles, Bridles, Spui hioe because there are nineteen who l'0Ht o Cmmander-in Chief. " Sec- !,rnslxe8 Coml,s' WibS, Dressi ore the gray and only four who t'n 2 of Article 11 of the Constitu Deef rl 1 iAi ile !anict ' APd In. !!. . T in . i .iHj.iii.1.. .1... . i. ii i . R ft. ex wl .wore the (?rav and ant m 4 . m.mj iuiii n llv w vviinn u , wore the blue L .gsa, Plumb, Burn lio" Provi.l that the President ahull aim ivenogw. Logan was a uo vommnn.ier in unol or the Army, gotd, if no1 a great soldier. Burn '""l Sherman probably alludes. tl, Llucago limes suggests, not to the theory but to the lact. Tho Sher mans are Commanders in Ci.iol oi ih President. t'HKMIUAlJJ, OILS. PA I NTS, CLASH, VARNISHES PATZrjT MEDICIWES, &o. Brandieo. Wines aid Liquor OF At L KINH.S. I In fact, we have the best assortment of article I iiuiil in ITI Pil'IWT ICC ht)l-. i.i... .... owned hv 1). I? 1 .oliin ).. M.nfn purchased by A. C. Urings who is refilling the V. wmni .11 . r. , I assortment of si. t.:.T r " "' L ' . atienuon is eiUlvl trt our Stock of Store. dee 13;iira I VTKW NTOCKllF IIATM-The best L.1 ani'est ever Dm'i ;ht ti I'.ii.' VKlEMiLY'S A. C BRIGGS, SUCCESSOR TO IIHE HARNESS SHOP PREVIOUSLY M w M 1U. ml jml 4L4L4k Ml. XJL HAS ON HAND AND MANUFACTURE HACKS AND SPRINC VAGQNS, IW W aide never inflicted any oyerwhelra log damage on the cicuty. Kellogg was Kellogg in the army as he was outol it. Mumb was a head devil m me army con ract steal. There Is LaGran.le merehanU pay 'JO cents pcrdoi. now in the sen te ilocmnent room a 'or eggs. committee report shows what Th 'y of Wm Cook was found fiWimr U . . uoar i'niinor ana iloccntly buried. that, is it fair to blan,. ,VTJ?0,, W ,l!rou1' "" wason auiuu uij. ilium un iiuuniem vauey to Astoria. from Coos among her cnateT Penn !..!-I... i.... i.. . 1 . K "rn'J:T! Su1"' j u te w itiaiii iimis i fiia es i. a iiniiej w irn iiiiiiiuia sm i .. . - aklkltlatit.a a I - I IiImSI nf ti .....!. . 1 . S . senate, and Ler arjt TV,- C " . " . . , r1,""' I'aiaengora by the tireat It ... - u v,u.uU, a ins II Who I )"'" "I a letter to the Oregoiiinu, laying: that ... .. wml ll roproienution as tuna. t . f .. i.': . V""a vrcu cannot be den ad that 1. r.piscoMi c-nurch there aenrl. rt . l. . ."uut' and that in .r rvpreieillS'ivel, eiormtant price, were charged Un. It is all true that tl.. f"rfoH'-. reatanrant ii named wheri it arnl.ti.- . t .u . ? asscrte.1 that the keeper actually refu,ed arntativt men of tht south were in the five dime. fr a half doUir. itating " , Efi"KC PI COnleLerala m. v. , on that he never took h wnii is ilUL IIIIIII V AT I .1 I ... -nil them .kulk.rl Im. ...... , 3. ,l,,J ' eu,eut publicity, ... vvii..i(4 in - ;- 'I'lMini, mniugn wa canuet but .. I rlnnlr Hiam i. .1. i ... i my contracts." : ; , A i """,e "oul 1114 charge . ,..,.. ... n.vuiiii unwell inn iiiur uutiii mny insiancei wnntover, shop with a Urge assortment oil Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Spars, Dressed s C o. And in fact everything usually kept in a ' First-Class Harness Shop. I roiose to sell a, C ! EAP as :uy or.e eke in the business. Give me a call liofnm linv!n. .luurh... V. member the old stand, first door north of F. Ii Dunn's Store. O K Market . B. C. FEXMuTON, Proprietor. Three Doors North of Ihs Astor House, - Oregon Perfumerv at.. Toilet Articles. As we boujht our goo s von We can coinpote with any ertaMisnment in Ea 8. no v ny m mce ana accommodation. Buy your goods where you nn gt the beet and cheaiwst. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED ! At all hours of the day or ultfht. IS ItoMcnblaft a tn Vt btiLM r.v GEXERAL MERCH14D1SE, At the old stand Southwest corner of Eighth and Willamette streets, rcuoKJoc city. or;:oo., I I am r repa.ed to Male to ortfer Buggiss sntiWagnns. As My Facilities are equal to any Establishment in tho State m Frcmfse tfy Patrcns First-cta s Wert in every Respect a:v vmveh aue thu lowest lv the statjb rowMieAa theIgIeTIty flouring m.lls. TOTHfTADE Kisses Kolloway a Under reKSS!: It N fnviv n, on . . . . - "wvauu y .i ka a i r m w r i - - ten a,Nirtniinr. i im -a o t "io f vt'llbM inr Wra IT T T:il t I ii ' ' v xx BL ni!nhni Bit F lJ"? ta.Kl,t free and a t f .T - AITERSON. 1ST. f.?- i.hi, ini''nent is given to in 1 troduS, t1,eonV'U'iS,Vi!nt0,n I 1 ersivm nriulim. ;i .1 l.i.:. . . "" memselves of IZnSL Zn d0 to eall at their' Tor Cnnl. Tht LoH al oflioer holJers wbo ex- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .acttobe turn.d.ut,.d ihe army TVAMpq TT t t f o-ntractors wl o ii. lo.lm, O II ALL. lest their occupat.on, will rally to a ThUrSdaT Evfi Mi B I man to welcome with fu..m. J "U"UB IIiVC mJ 8. tio him. who mad the civil service Fir"t ,TfrIR w S' th. telebmted or the United Statet a tench in the RerrtPr ramllii Hlf. no.tril. of all decent men. Gran, "m',y E,itC P3" was an able Anil a.iiiAsjatetif'sil I AND - --vv.roiuiBU.UHfl-. Hit military serviocs were important, SOL SMITH RUSSELL but they have been Daid for .;.J ..... .u.1 pontic,! ,Br bl8h,r pecuBi8. ryrtwarJ than were the servics. ol Ivlss an rlhlttM a" i tixili T,ti.,,j I CARCASS, (eort?e . V..I,1 ! r, . . tiii.iui.hed Cornet Vlrt,, V' 'V - . a.viii urint i l i " s'iim r.LLat i KEEPS ON HAND THE BEST BEEF, VEAL PORK' AND MUTTON THE MARKET. IN Have the most complete stock of General Merchandise In the city, including Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crocker;,', Ebi.ilc. And in fact everything the market demands, Which we are selling at BED-ROCK PRICES. Paid for .11 kinds of farm produce delivered at our Store. S. Rosenblatt & Co. hnillinViTf . I ) Y. " " " tllelr gffingesUblishinent, LUMBLni LUilIOLIt! i have established a LUMBER VAIi'll all tin,!. V r """"iy on nana lumber of lS and fence posta F. B, DUN N. D '. T. W. f HFLTON, I M. Wii.k.m BEN RUSH, THE ' pLACfCSIVIITH, still at the old stand and is prepared to h BEN RUSH. roa SALS IT TBS QUARTER, 0 AT - - ...... w mi tuff rollutitn ihe mob of Doliti.-a mere, who threaten by their presence n tot i at I.o Coast te make Chinese immigration std the sand lot orators resptoteblt by contrast. Sexstob Voosdies baa started an iovestigation in which the petple of 'niry, u not tbt politicians, are interested. It is to discover what means are observed to prevent fiauds ya revenue in conned ion with good in bonded warehouse. Th r...ln lion sboutd bt made to apply to to iortstifation of frauds in connection wita all manner of revenue. Tht peo fit tr tus country pay rercnots enough to maiaiain their government in tht most atntcely state, but the leaks between the taxpayer's band and tbt U. H. treisurr are cnor.nous. Ihe Most Elfgant Entertain raeni inAmer cn. LAI. Y OHCHRSTIU ladles silver Cornel jnud Cenu 'tu "rL" ' . "''". . 50 Executors Notice. L.1KD, S,iUS.iGE, DRIED ME,tTS, IIEID CHEESE iii ETtryHI fertaiiiij ts i FIUST-CLASS MARKET Always on .S'anl rROFKSsinvii later and Hi Cresser, ! Succesar to Frank Harr nrton. SHELTON VILKINS. Pracfeal Bnipfs fi Chemists, UNDERWOOD'S BUILDING. Next d-r to the Gr.n?e Store, Willamette street, Eugene City Oregon. ' Hare just opened a full tin. f.k Orugs, Medicinss & Chcmicafa Also a fine aasortmert of I Fanrv and Tniin. DiiNN & STBA ATTHK OLD STAN'D OF F. B. DUXX HAVING ASSOCIATED WITH ME IV businese Wr. HORACE F. STRATTOV e nave just received . .,,. , " ? aw uu WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, lecuuty of HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL AG1SICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.'.. H e deiiir t. . . - sav that 7 BO k"""1 nourish, but aV ft, Uen' come n' Setting ' ANYTHING THEY MAY WANT ' u n buy them as good term. S3 5 t ' fattt XTOTICE IS PFPrnv o..... iwVirrn Jv-rr rfu' cty wu.i.T, ciaia of lhwn J..IL maa. and hii.nJ i. i . . I . . . of Anril IH.-0 ..i;f7 7'"" ww i.ta rtay owwner bom but the rrrr a.ZS,;i9L"dt hdul7-U kTkith. H.arr and Tl arin.t aaiH ...... LHvr" ""n. du 'le. aent the aame tol l T"7 "'uw P" ., .. -L""l"". OB of aairf ia u7. r,?: -V. Give .Had m.n ,V. J .. . w.UlUl UI n. .U 1 . . ' . rtna ue flaU 4 this aotios. I " i m quauiy Br pnoaa. tl ttua Uth day of April, A D . Irx J JL THOMPSON GEO. R I.fKI T. (J. 'fEXI.KIflfst r u iifw MUM. ih'ni'pvr BTPFvxTxr 1 I: i id. urn all hxds or Paints, lead, Oil, amis i. Uriah,, WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY " UK M V""1" "U """"able terms. Vvr,r,w Hvn to Pbjairiaa-s Pre enpiiou. LA BCI.I Htfinv i VntfVthi.Kr.a01' " ' G. HE.NpRiCKS. . v u-r.iii-Ka We have a full Hne 0f FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRYGOODS, FAXCY nnnna LADIES' AND f3Fvr. r.,.,., GOODS. MEN AND EOVX nirnrvn HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AXn KHOFcs . a L A A STRATTOX CITY KILLS. KfflMjf. LEAVE TO f ITY MILLS, and arepre eral milling businese. Will storaw at lowert terms, and Meats deli rrd to all parte W the dl i .N It snnm . . '"m lartorr. H. FRlEVm.V "fc tojrcdHors. of thewjrf u,frpont1 Ad ythrcorTPAiie.. AH 7 - ma- -Utearn1JW,1,n eUi th funun heat ground. i th." TnWi.r the owner.. Parrd tn -n m. I o ... make tif 7i """" lowt t .il "" ' Wheal ail jma on hand. JXOUR and ALL Krvni mIut. adpyth. nri.t.u,. Hifihest Cash Price for Wheat. PATTERSON", EDEIS GRAY. (jMtlllll-IMk,., sbb um "tihob of bonw.p,. T.G. HEXDklCKS raso o . irt A;'nr-:itrtrT. II f-casWhr T.G