... .i moles of inio"i "'"Fi""" - . m,r IX j M AND COUNTY. University Apparatm. J The apparatus for the State University UEUOVAL. Tb patront f tin Guard will take notic thi lfie has removed to the Mm croM tin hall, from itt farmer place. oft on''' " nw U" th" jr'"'8' t"''' BRIEF ME.VriO.Y. Circuit Court meets next Monday. t'w Jackson's Inst iweet navy tib-ioco. Co ami try ihe Dutch saner kraut at the jjtnr Hiue, I n:.,i, Kuffler it a fortunate man. Twins aboynJirL Prof, Condon has moved to the house re eiitly vacated by Phil Miller. . Congressman Whiteakcr has favored with mine public documents. No ti vice at St. Marys Church ou Sun dsy, but on Friday lervico as usual. "To the victor) belil'ig the spoils." but it jometimes don't always go that way. Messrs Crouch & Brown have mauufactur eJ a stoain whistle for their foundry. The brass band contemplate having an ex coniim eu a Steamer about the 1st of May. The We blondes of San Francisco will -!iit Pertlaud. Bald headed men will take notice. Ttreuty-niue have joined t'le Christian Church during the last four weeks at this plac. Mr. J. N. ftiiudexter is securing leuown, by speakiug at "Anti-Chinese meetings in Portland. - There are fonrteen perfornerj in the Hyer Sisters' Combination. They will per form here but one night The uuil service from Harrisburg to the Willamette Forks has keen iucreasai from weekly to a semi-weekly. We acknowledge a call from Mr. C. L. Packard, of Portland, formerly one of the proprietors of the Bee of that city. Great reduction at the Astnr House iu ' lodging and meals. Go ami see for yourself, and remember tin reduction will continue 'during the whole year. Mr. Charles I auer lias arrived at New York City. We are informed that he in tends to return to make Eugene his per manent home. Remember that the Hyer Sisters' Combi nation will give one of their nniipis, and pleasing entertainments in Eugene, at Lane's liall, on Monday evening, April 23th. Dr. Geary will deliver a discnurse on the subject af baptism on Sabbath evening April 20th. All arc cordially invited to at tend, and hear an impartial statement of acts. The seat of Congressman Whitcaker has been couteite I by crazy McDowell of Sa lem. He received, we bslieva, one rote, aud we suppose that he cast that for Jiiwself. ''Of what is the old man thinking," is the title of a pretty little ballad with old Eng gliih word -i, adapted to a popular Spanish ineledy. It is for sale by D. W. Prentice A Co., Portland. M. T. Skiff, advance agent for the Hyer Sisters', came down from Roseburg Wednes day. He informs us that the troupe will not visit I'oseburg, on account of the lack of accomodations at that place. The Spring fights commenced last week. Thecity recorder elect was the first to offend the dignity of the lnwand was mulcted in the turn of 2 and costs. A day later another knock dewn occured, but no arrests were made. Win. Preston hns put up a hawbome sign in front tf his harness shop. The "lmy" recognizing his enterwisi presented him with some useful articb s and souvenirs on the occasion. His response was lifting an 1 was appreciated . "Mamma, it looks ncgligout to see your little children in the Spring of the year with their faces all broken out in filthy sores. Tell husband to bring home a bottle of Plunder's Oregon Blood Puridor an I give ihe little pets a dose every morning, and you will find-their bappy, healthy, blooming checks the envy of all the neighborhood." "My dear little Tommy looks so pale, and it seems as though that nasty sore on his meuth will never ro away ! Now just look at that little Walter of Mrs. Brown's, the little child is the very picture of health." Walter is a good little boy and takes hi i dose of Oregon Blood Purifier, and his papa gives Jliii) ten cents a week for doing it has arrived, and the prefossors are engaged in unpacniug and placing it in position. The instrninenta obtained includes all that isiiec- essary to disclose to the student the myster ies of the heavens, and of the forces that iur round us upon this globe. The matheniati cal instruments consist of one complete coin biued trausit, and leveling instrument with the necessary accessories; one solar com pass; one barometer; one portable transit with a throe inch object glass, and 3J ft focal length with exra tripod stand, move ments in attitude, glass micrometer, etc, etc. One sextant; one astronomical clock of great beauty aud perfection; a small vernier com pass with chains pins and ranging piles. Theso instruments are of the finest finish and workmanship, and have been subjected to tests that prove their complete accuracy. I The cost of this class of the apparatus was $2, 19t 25. Abundant apparatus for the illustration of chemical change, and effects have been provided, and the student of chemistry will bj co npjlled no lander to rely on the lure description of the text book. Magnetism and electricity have for their il lustration all the apparatus requisite to con vey to the inquirer a knowledge of those silent, yet potent forces. For all the branch es of natural philosophy provisfou has been made by securing the articles necessary to illustrate those laws that govern our uni verse. The entire cost of this apparatus will be about 81,000. The Stats University now offers advantages to students that no other institution of its kind in Oregon pos 83sses; with a competent corps of teachers devoted to their w.irk, with apparatus suf ficient for all material illustrations, it will beconn, as it deserves to be, the center the educational interests of Oregon. Firb Firm We are informed that the fund set apart by the city for fire purges now amounts to about $S00. It is proposed by some to use this money to pay ofT the city indebtedness. If the city had any appara tas sufficient t protect the city from fire there could be no objections raised to such appropriation; but unprotected as we are from fire this money should be used for the purpose for which it was collected. The business men, who are most largely interest ed in having mum at land to check a fire, should protest against this mal-appmpria-tion. This fund however should not be al lowed to lie idle, but should lie placed at in terest antil sufficient accumulates to pur chase on engine. Rerioked. From the council proceedings jt will be seen that Mr. J. R Underwood of Yered his resignation as a Councilman. We regret that Mr. Underwend saw fit to take Jhis step, as he has been one of the most ef ficient andt energetic of oat council. The Hie Hyer Sisters. The Hyer Sisters' Combination will ap pear here at Lane's hall, on Monday evening, April 2Sth. This company comes to us with the highest enconiums from the- people and press, belore wliom tliey nave lately a pcarcd. From the numerous complimentary otiecs bestowed oil them, we extract the followiug: The S. F. Call says: "They are even superior to cary or Kellogg. I lie Inter Ocean, Chicago, says; "there is iu their fun a mirth and charm, that no miu strcl troupe no matter how accomplished its members are can impart The first per formance last night was attend! by a good- sized audience, and every one present seemed to enjoy the occasion with great usto ami heartiness." The Keokuk Con stitution, "the music of the singers was poured forth in strains of rich, ana entranc ing melody, and enraptured ull hearers. Tickets will be sold at $1 00 each, and can be reserved at Crain Bros, music store with out extra charge four days iu advance. ' Junction City Items. - We had a knock do-.vu Monday. C. D. String has completed his new meat market The China house canght fire last Sunday morning. Chris and Frank Wortman have returned from San Francisco. It appears that some of the young boys of Eugene liavebeen in tho habit of stealing a ride on the cars to this city and thence back home again. Tuesday three of them under took to ride home on the top of the box cars aid were "fired ofT by the conductor. Moral: Boys, take it afoot through the world or pay as you go. An enthusiastic meeting of the Blue Rib bon Club was held last Wednesday evening at the church, ar.d speeches were made by Messrs. Lafferty, Meyers and Miller. A committee was then appointed to solicit signers, which resulted in 17 new names being added to the .roll. Following is the otfiecrs elected for the ensuing three months: President, J M Lafferty; Vico President, Mrs. Bundy; Secretary, E l Houston; Treas urer, Miss El.'a MoClurc. Council Proceeding. CocniU Rooms, j Euueni City, April 14, 1879. I Council met pursuant to adjournment Present President Dorris; Couuciliuen Dunn, Sloan, Edris, Hendiickt aud Under wood, and Recorder Alexander. Avsent Councilman Cooer, and Mar shal Farrell. , The proceedings of last meeting were read and, approved. The finance committee reported the follow ing bills correct and ordered their payment: Johnson & McCready, $7 50; S A Ogden, 17 50; Ellsworth & Co., $2; Win. Chris tian, $3. The judiciary committee reported by re ferring the petition for reduction of salaries of ofliees back to the new Council. Same action on the part of the committee appointed to examine the books of tho mar shal aud treasurer. The report of the president and recorder on election was read and filed, and the new officers were then sworn in. The bonds of the recorder, marshal and treasurer were approved and filed, aud the president appointed the following commit' tecs: Finance Church, Sloan aud Underwood Judiciary Dunn, McCluug and Edris. Printing Edris, Church and Sloan. Streets McClung, Underwood and Dunn Fire and Water Underwood, Edris and Sloau. The petition for reducing officers salaries was referred to the judiciary committee. Underwood offered a resolution which was adopted fixing the salary of night watchman at $(0 per mouth for the first six months from this date, and $70 per month for the balance of the year, and requiring him to sig uify his willingness before being sworn in to serve at the will of the council, and be re' moved from office for cause deemed by it sufficient. The follow ing persons appliod for the posi tiou of night watchman: Win. Withrow, George Fletcher, Alex Burgos, Nels Rooney, George Miller, H. B. Miller, T. M. Ilamil ton, 'J. II. Brown, S. A. Og1en, D. M. Mc Creudy, Joseph Niehoff and Ah Sin. Joseph Niehoff was elected on the third ballot. A resolution declaring that no per diem should be allowed the marshal on the day o' a meetinc of the council if said marshal was absent without an excuse was offered and adopted. J. T. Witter was appointed fire warden, and J. E. Atterbery, street commissioner. Reports of officers were read and referred to the finance eommittee. The following bills were presented and re ferred to the finance committee: B. H. James, SG7 55; P. II. Farrell, $40; O. W. Kinscy, ?18; A. Lynch, ?S; It 8. Bean, $4; Osburn, 88 cts; Campbell Bros., $3; Har- 1 riiiL'ton Cook, $1; Wm. Christian, $3; P. ! H. Farrel. $58; E. J. MeClanahan, $8; F. W. Osburn, 64; P. H. Farrell, $19. C The finance committee was instructed to consider the propriety of applying the fire fund to pay the city indebtedness. JThe recorder was authorized to assess . the city. Mr. Underwood offered his resignation as Councilman, and the motion to accept tho same was laid ou the table for one mouth. Adjourned. The Siihluw Wagon; Road. Clean Wheat. The following letter has been written lo the Portland Board of Trade by the leading hippers aud buyers of wheat iu Oregon: Portland, Oregon, March 25, 1879. To the Board of Trade of Portlaud, Oregon: Gkntlemkn In August last your Board issued a circular to "Farmers and Ware honor men" as to rlionixir u li.vit the rosult ot wineli has I won not only improvement in quality, lint shippers have been and are now payillL' higher iirii-.-s to the nroilucura for clean, pure wheat, so that the farmer has gained and will continue to grain iu the fu ture much lietter p.iees by selling nothing but clean wheat. Another evil, however, has arisen, which must lie checked that is. selling wheat iiutorn, dilapidated and second hand sacks When these damaged sacks reach the English market, they are accepted subject only to a prert reduction in price for iinniages, and as necessary consequence a heavy loss ia entailed on the shippers or o iiers. i ne captains or masters of vesseli coining to Oregon have in consequence bee instructed iiy thoirtiwners not to receive, and will henceforth refuse to put on board the ships at Portland or Astoria, any wheat which is not delivered to them iucood. soun sacks, well sewed, or if delivered iu dam aged sacks they will not sign bills of lading wmiont aililimr. "Not rcsnotisi e fur torn sacks;" which clause prevents the sale of inese wneat shipments to hnglamt at the market price, and compels the shipper her in bcii wreinin carcocs in rjii! ami ai a loss: and the reputation and value of Oregon wheat is affected, and irrcat loss has resulted. and will result to the snippers and producers oi Oregon wheat. The cron of 1877 was shinned iu such dirty condition that the reputation of our M'l...t M.na b. ..I .. .A' f.. A.'- ociltillSlv UMfl'tVU. IN IC1, O IIOIH'U was give by the Board of Trade that simmers would not receive and ship any wheat that was not clean: as a aonseoucuce last var. the wheat crop of Oregon obtained from 5 to 7 cents per cental more than California wheat in tho huroiieau markets. Una result has made shippers unaminons iu their determi nation to receive none but clean wheat and they havo resolved: 1. Aot to receive any shrivelled, smutty, weeviled, damp or musty wheat which will be rejected, and if iu foul condition, will be cleaned at expense of sender. 2. That auv unsound, torn or badlv stained sacks received at Portland are to be replaced with good new sacks at the senders expense, including labor. S,H, FRIENDLY, HAS JUST OPEN ED FOR THE SFIU.NU AND SUMMER TRADK THE LAG EST STOCK OF GOODS KVElt BUOUHTTO EUGENE. Blue Ribbon Club. The Bluo Ribbon Club will meet next Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, at the M. E. Church. Th followiug is the pro gramme: iMusic. Prayer. Music. Address Music. Essay-J. Farmer Hill. Music. Recitation Ruby Spiller. Music Volunteer speeches. Circulation of pledge. By order of Executive Committee, Mr. Paul Schooii, radical piano maker and tuner, will visit ingene City about 'May 10th. All those ishing his services will leave orders at rain Bros. AH work warranted. To M l'titroiiM. Being in urgent need of money I am com pelled to call on all who are indebted to m, call and settle before April 10, IN!). Dr. G. W. Ohkll. Deitrr Items. Our correspondent, under date of April 17th, sends the following: The prospects for bridge over Fall Creek at this place is good. H. S- Moore wants to sell his farm and g to the bunch grass country. The saw mill in Lost valley is running day and night. Our farmers are nearly done sowing grain. Miss Ella Ward is teaching the district shool at Bush island and Mr. H. Dillard at Lost valley. S. Black and C. Williams have located a logging camp near this place. They will run the logs to Springfield during the Sum mer. For SI:til-Va!ru. Ai ;ong the numerous applicants for the position of night-watch, the heathen Chinee represented in the person of Ah Sing, imi tative as ever, occupied a prominent posi tion. Here is bis proposition. lugeoesity, apl 14 1 879. to the houorlable the common co jnsil lugeno ity me vely mutchee like to get nite watchee me vely big man, heep strung but no likee hard work me like watchee sura of th site and sleepee the other part of the nite roe, will do nite watcboe for 4 bitee one nite. Ah sing, chinaman. Exccbsios. Th Odd Fellows, of Harris burg, will celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the order on the 26th, by ou excursion to !,; nix. Thev hare chartered the steamer improved condition of our treeta, alleys and cjty of SlielB w;u Harrislorg at jidewolks, and of th public quare, ore due ? M , aad leave here on the re in a great ineMare to bis vigilance tan) trjp t half post three So doubt the ' Bnr.ra W. H. Abran, and wife, fraternity of thi. city will receive them in a W T runnhelL and J. W. t horrv came Decerning uubikt. uic picnic -u. - w- Wildcat Crkek, April lo, 1879. Editor Gcakd. Mr. II. C. Perkiim aud surveying party for the survey of the Sius- law wagon road roache I Mr. T. C. nale s on Wednesday, April 9th. Here they were met by the viewers, Messrs. Hill, W Hamilton and S. MeConnell. Notwithstand ing dame nature's indisposition, we pushed out into the pelting rain and commenced the work. We arrived at this camp on last Sat urday evening, having surveyed six and one half miles of the road. This camp is situated at the junction of the Chickahominy and Wildcat creeks, and is 2 miles west and two miles south of Eugene City. Below the junction of the two creeks the stream is called the Wildcat, and it unites with the Siuslaw iboat five miles southwest of this place. The camping equipage aud provis ions have been conveyed to this camp by means of pack animals, but forthe remainder of the trip the viewers have concluded that it can be more expeditiously dona by taking a canoe down tho Wildcat thence down the feiuslaw to the terminus 'if the survey. The canoe haa been constructed and will lie ready to move the camp tc-day. The trip thus far has been very disagreealbe on ac count of the rain, but at present fair weather aceiiis to be dawning upon us. In reaching this point, from the Willam ette Valley, Badger Hill, on the east side is 1,207 feet At tne top of the hill which is hree-qnarttrs of a mile distant fron the bottom the height is 1,475 feet aboVo the sea, making an ascent of 3l6 feet per mile. The grade ou this side of the hill is equally as gradual The route from here to the Coast is a gradual descent down the Siuslaw river. Tuia route according to what is now known of it, is by far the most' favorable of . i - any yet known lor a wagon roou across t ie Loast mountains. J lie una along me route thus far, is m.sstly timbered and of a Horehoun, ,n.j Tl Ifood qoahty. The bills are sloping and the one bott,e of tIli, Thus: who take pleasure in being dunned may expect to enjoy a full measure of the luxury by neglcctingto settle at once. A, I. Nll'KLIS. Insuruiire. Underweod Bras, aro representing four of the most popular and reliable Insurance Companies on this Coast to-wit Conneticut of Hartford; New Zealaml, of Auklaud; Commercial Union, of London; Hambcrg & Bremen of Hambcrg; representing a capital of over $29,000,000 gold coin. "Dont wait till the horse is stolen before you lock the stable door." Ladle' Attention. Berlin Fashion Patterns at Dunn k. S trot-ton's. OUR STOCK OF CLOT IIING has been largely increased and wo can show as handsome a line of ready niade goods in MEX'S AND BOYS' BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS As nan lie found in the country, and t prieos that cannot fail to satisfy. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is well tilled with a snlendid assortment oi all leading styles and fashionable shades of goods, EMPRESS CLOTHS, MOHAIR, ami AMERICAN DKESS GOODS, Pluid, Main and Opsra Flannels of all colors, nicarlu'tl A rnlileiielii'cl Cotton Flan Ill'lx. Ladies' and Gonts' Undorwoar, SHAWLS and SCARFS; WOOL BLANKETS, ALL COLORS. Trunks and Traveling iiatchels. HATS AND CAPS in tho leading stylo. OILCLOTHS for floor and tabl us. BOOTS AND SHOES. W would oall H'cial attention to our stock l Mens' and Hoys' h'an Francisco Boots, Which wo havo sold for a number ot years wit. great satisfaction. Every pair warrant!. A complete stock of HARDWARE, PLOWS AND FAKMINQ UTENSILS. CHOICE TEAS, CANNED GOODS, And all choice FAMILY UKULi.Ilir.3 at ostonishly low rates. LIVERPOOL & CARMEN ISLAND SALT. Highest price lor all kind of produce aud WOOL. ii. ria i:dly. Robinson & Church, I K A I.K ItS IN SllELFvV HEAVY HARDW ARE IIAVK tiik Cest Selected Slock In Oregon TTA list th LOWEST Kates IKON. STEEL, AXES. ANVILS. NAILS, ROI'I Cable Chains, mam, Putty, Tabl eand Pocket CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOl.8, AMMUNITION, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Blantinir Powder. FishiiiK 'lackle. Etc., Etc Wo invito an ot.au tnatjon of our foods, confident that our price will suit th times. .A. IS A. O 3Ln 3L.A 3R. XI BEFORE PURCHASING, GO TO A. V. PETERS & CO., Dealers in General Merchandise, and exuniine the Celebrate WHITE SEWING MACHINE, The best and most complete of all, and sold on. the most reaaon able terms. I A. HUNT, Proprietor. Shop on Willamette street, 2nd door north of hardware store, l.ugene I ity, or. I will hereafter keep a Complete stock of l.4.dii:n missi:1 -AND- CHILDREN'S SHOES, dial (era. Cloth and Kid, RiiUoii llootsj, Sllpi'r, white and black, fcnuUnU, Frrnrh kltfNliora. MEN'S fc BOYS' NI AND DKAVr BOOTS & SHOES OF ALL KINDS, And In fact everything in th ROOT and SHOE line, to whieh 1 intend to doroU my ovjieeial attention. MY GOGDS Were manufactured to order, ARE FIRST GLASS And guaranteed as represented, and will lie sold for tli lowest prices that a ood article oan be afforded air27-78tf A. II I NT. A Woman') Logic. "It is umlexs to take medicine. I shall feel better to-morrow Besides, I need tho money to get that lovely new hat My old one is such a fright, and ieople will look more at my bonni't then they will at my face. I will wait till I feel worse before I end any money for medicine.'' The new bonnet is purchased and fifty other fominine necessaries In the form of ribbon, lacej, brooches, etc. Meanwhile the lady's face becomes every day paler anil thin ner, and her body weaker, until disease has i;uined so firm a foothold in her system, that the most thorough, and ofttimesalonir and ted ious, course of treatment is necesnary to retoro her to health. Ladies, attend to your health before you even think of apparel A fr(h, blooming face iu a plain Ixiiim-t is u.uch hand somer and far more attractive to your gentle men friends, than a pain-worn, diseaxed face in the most elalxirate ami elegant hat your milliner could devise. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription la everywhere acknowledged to be tho standard remedy for female complaints and weakness. It is sold by ilrngixU. bottoms of considnrablo extent and leveL It is well watered by numerous small streams, but not cut up by deep canyooi The bot toms are ad.ip.ed to the production of all kinds of vegetables, bay and the cereals in the most abnndsnt quantities. It is want ing in one respect, ami that is a meaus of opproacli. It l hoped that a road that will give it mean of communication with the ontside world will be built and thus A SrNnioi.r Ladt. Not hng since one of our-priiioipal physicians was called on to visit a mtient who was siitferin from a severe cold, an 1 which had liecome seated on her luns. He continued for some time prescribing eipen sive prescriptions for the lady, and she, poor tiling, gobbling down tiie nauseous prepara tions, with no improvement. At last she was i induced by her uncle to try HalesHoiiry of ami before alio hul usea underfill medicine, she could see a decided improvement, and three bottles cured her. Cost inly SO cents a bottle at all druggists'. Depot, Critteuton's Patent Medicine Warehouse, 7 Sixth avenue, New York City. The dollar size is the most ecomi cal for Ktneral use. I'ike's toothache drops cure in oue minute. What i Enjoy Lli. truly beautiful world w live in opeq tbU fertile part of our county to the j Xature give ns grandeur of mountains,! pioneer and ewigraut. 1'SAllt. gen anil oceans, and thousands of means for I enjoyment, ve can neir no oeiier wnen I r.rJ .fTk.nl. ! ' perfect health; but how often do the nia- 1 lira 01 loan. I. Monty of people feel like giving it np di- ! heartened, iluconraged nd worried out with To the people of Eugen : We deair in disease, when tliere is no occasoa for this thi tioblic manner to express onr eincere feeling, as every sufferer can obUm aatisfac latitude to th rood people of Eugene for j 7 V'" "'I ' their kiidoe and sympathy to n ia the hoar of our affliction and aad bereavement God blea yon-all. In heartfelt gratitude, J. 8. MiCaix. ill hen ' ... . tr 1 . ...n mm fn.lll HllMU AM born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint is the direct cause of wventy-fiv per cent of ouch maladies a Biliousness, ludiin-stioa, sick CRAIN BROS. &&M&f IDLERS IX- Watrlid and Jewelry, Musical Instrument!, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, (locks, and Jewelry repaired and Willamette warranted. Northwest corner of and Eighth streets. febU-tf If you wish to buy your goods cheap, you must go to the store of iURGH BROS., coTTAorc oitovrc. They keep ono of the largest stocks of General Merchandise OuUlilo of Portland, and they sell goods cheap er than it n bo bought anywhere in tho Wil- lamette valley. Tho firm of Lurch Pro. Liircn and Urn Lurch. consists of Aaron POSITION 14 THE LIFE OF TRADE ! SLOAN BROTHERS WIM. 1)0 WORK CIIEAPEB thn soy other bop lo town. HOUSES SHOD TOR $150, With new maUrial, all Mon l. Besotting- uM shoe 73 rents. All warranted ! ;! salUlactloa. Shop A on the Corner of 8th and Olive Sa. CKICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of all kinds at inside figure r T. (J. HENDRICKS. and low prices. STYLES Jnt recived br S. H. Kit IKS' PLY. tub bust noi: tvr.R uRouonrrro, Incorporated, June, W, l to U mrlwi. It U lowmt prrrm t, T.U. IIONOIIICKR. I . B. F. DORRIS, DKALEIt IX stoves, Itnngf, l'UllllM, PI pen, Mcfnl, Tinware AND House Furnishing Goods Generally Wells Driven Promptly AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Willmiirftc Ntrers, Eugene City, Oregon JUST RECEIVED. A Larue Stock of DIIY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, HOOTS AND SHOES, GKOCEKIES, YANKEE NOTION! ETC., ETC., AT REDUCED PRICES. Highest market iirlc paid for all kiaoW PitOUUCE, HIDES aud h Vliti. A. GOLDSMITH. ALFKEI) HLEU Has taken possession of th Luckey Livery Stable, And will carry on a GENERAL LIVERY BUSINESS Horses fed and boarded by th week or day, HORSES AND BUOCIES FOR HIRE. Eugene City Brewery MATH I AS .Ui;iJ.KIl, Pro'p, Is bow prepared to Sri sll orders far LAGER BEER OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY, G;mttnifuryt-r;j A good articU (U , T ESPECTKULLY OKKERS HIS SER J V vices to the citizen of Eugene City and vicinity in the NKW" IIIkTaN OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, OGN Capital Stock, 1100,039, upon' th Oregon which sailed from boa, probably b Franaac on th 16th, i nr9r- FrK Ees. Two room suitable bald at aom place, near thajficeo, patoir ia Underwoods Uric. I at Exprs Ir. for of Apply 8. D- Coats, who lire eight mile sooth of OITKICKRa I Headache, Costireneas, Nervons Prostration, 1 Eugen City, ho a lot oi fine, Merino bncks, JMj.wr,H - A. L. Todd. 8rcs.rr.vRt-An Dizu f the Head, PalpiUtioo of th both par bloods aud grilles, for sal very i relina Tlt DmrcToiuv J. P. Gill. J. W, Heart, and other distressing symptom. . u, wouy jQ welJ to faction, T. S. IEodabtSh, A, U Todd aad A a I KMlu. poa him hrfor leokinj farther fr J Princi oB flr ,j j a j p Gm tck, 3w ft yins img store, Poeteffic batMing, Eujerte, Three Aum of Angust Klower will prove it , weoderful effect fsampl bottles, 10 cent. ' Try it.