gingUeople of ttoOoaao, In wrapper for mail CITY AND COUNTY. REMOVAL. The patron of the Uuabu will take notice that the office has .been removed to the tvia acros the hall, from its former place. The oflioe is now aber the Grunge store. IIKIEF ME.VTIO.. Slieiiff Eukin is convalescing. , C'l.ew Jackson's bast sweet uavy tobacco Herbert MeCoruack is iu town visiting frieuds and relatives. -A part of the apparatus for the State University has arrived. . Horace Knox hns boeu commissioned a no tary public by Gov. Thayer. The Brass Band will play on tho St. Charles balcony this evening. .. . -r. i .:., .i.ii. (iO TO X TCHUm CAUuimo u. Buuuiua. They aie the best in town. Firemcns election next Monday niglit. A full attendance is desired. Mr J. B. Underwood returned last Wed nesday from a visit to California. Home, Sweet Home is not complete without lUle of Pfunder s Orjgon Wood I'uriher. $140,000 have been subscribed towards the Springfield and Oregon tity uarrow gauge railroad, ntv election next Monday. Beware of the candidate, as you value your peace of uiiud. Dr. Sharpies has left Salem, aud came hack to Eugene to engage in the practice of Jiis profession. Win. Preston has some of the finest and Ibest of harnoss; all made of first class materi al and by good workmen. " It is estimated that 1200 passengers came to Oregon on the recent arrival I of the steamers Oregon and l'epublic. Win. Prcstou keep on hand a large stock of bi idles, collars, whips and in fact every thing belonging to a first crass harness shop. The Brass land was out Thursday evening serenading. Messis Lncky, Dunn and our ef ficient drayman McClmahan were the reci pients, Frank Harrington will sell at public auc tion to-day, iu front of the old Arcade saloon next door to Titus livery stable, his house hold effects. Hon. J . M. The mpson went to Salein last Wednesday, and was one of the speakers in meeting held there to reccoimueud Cape Foul weather for the proposed harbor of re fug!. Business men should not forget that blauk notes, bill-heads, statements, letter heads, and every description of commercial printing are neatly and promptly executed At the UCARD omce. We have a pn.pnsuion to advertise ladies' .skirts and stocking suspenders, taking our pay iu the alxiyo montioned nriic'as. lies pectfully declined. Cos why. Cant wenr them em-self and have got no lady. The steamer McCully took down on her last trip 210 bblsof Hour, and 1000 sacks of wheat. She leaves Po-tlnnd to-day bringing .a considerable amount of freight for eiur merchants and will return Monday. A Mr. McSarley was brought dt u from Cottage Grove, Wednesday, and was lodged iu jail. He had been bound over iu the sum of 2.-0 to keep the peace, and failing to se curs hoiidsmou wi brought bore and incar cerated. Col Hogg, superintendent of Y. B. k C. R. R., and Dr. Baylcy of Corvallis were in town this week agitating tho question of the proposed harbor of refuge. Their efforts are directed toward securing Cape Foulweathcr or the harber. Mr. L. P. W. Quimby of Portland wishes to purchase 20 or 30 young horses that are sound and of good weight He will be at Cottage G-ove next Monday, and at Cress well Tuesday. Thoso having good horses to sell will do well to see Mr. Quimby, as he has the cash to pay. See Ad. At the meeting of the Blue Ribbon club Wednesday evening, Dr. Harris delivered an Address oiitbnneutatiou as it takes place in the manufacture of liqnors. In treating the subject the Dr. confined himself te the ques tion as considered from a scicntilic stand point The meeting lacked the enthusiasm that has manifested itself at previous meet ings. AlexOsburne has been appointsd super intendent of the dairy department of the coming state fair; Jaeper Wilkins of Willam ette Forks on equestrianship; Mrs. M. B. McMorry of Eugene on baking and needle work by iriisses nnder twelve years of age; lf li. f Kiiialaw. on wool and aW Geo EeW.w of Eugene on the several classes of horses. To Horsemes. W. C Myers noted as the importer of the Perchereu stock of horses into Oreeon.has consented to bring the horse Geo, Fleury to this place for the coming nmmer. This horse was imprieu France. Mr. Myers may be found t Jas. Humphrey's stable next Friday and Satur day. Fob PtLnrst Mr. M . C. Felch, who has erred as night watchman of this city for the past three years has resigned in and will before long start for the great Pa loqse. Mr. Felch by his devotion U duty, and his genial and social qualities has made many friends, who will witnese tia depart re with regret. , A Statmiest. We present to the readers of the Gpaku this week a supplement con tainina & aUtement from Mr. II. C. Hum phrey and )L S. Wallis concerning the Spanswick Kern embroglio. We accord then, this privileged the Urt ma par., rJ ). ,lr made a statement in i Spans - iameof the Grain defending Mr. wick. Real Estate Tramaitlodt. The following real estate transactions were transacted during the month of March: S Steiuheiser per assigneo te Joseph Bach- man, lot in Kugcue; consideration, 81. Matthias Lewi s to Thomas Vinson, KiO acres; consideration, $.500. T A Davis & Co to J M Harris, 10 'acres; con, ?-.. U 8 to A G McDowell, donation Willamette Real Estate Co. to Junction City, lot in Junction; con, $23. C S Potman to Moss Green, 327 acres; cou, jow. U 8 to O V Tedrow; patent Willamette Real Estate Cn tn f! W Vali burue, lots in Junction; con. 8250. r ui rge Leasure per administrator to T J Kearney, lot in Kiijene: con. 83.V Estate of Win W ood to Win Durant. lot in r.ugene) con, U0. U a to llios Howell: natent. Willamette Real Estate Co to Marv E Shuts, lots in Junction; con, $73. BC Van Houten aud wife to Adah L bhelton, lots in Eugene; con, $1)30. i L Strange to 1'resly Comtgys, lots iu Eugene; con, $1,250. Ilios Vinson to 8 Hand-inker, 1C0 acres; con, ?,i.)0. Jas II M.iFarlaud to D G aud J H McFar land, 80 acres. F M Blair to James McClaren. ItiO acres: con, $1,000. R H Hazleton to M 1) Bedford, lots in Cotta 'e Grove; eon, $25. T J Kearney and wife to F B Dunn, lots in Eugene; con, $2,000. Margaret Pearce to Win Durant, lots iu Eugene; con, $7G. R 11 Hazleton and wife to Whipple Knox and McKarland, 2 acrei; con, $100. St John B Skimmer to O R Bean, 133 acres; con, $5,000. E V Wyatt to Alfred A Bogus, 5 acres; con, $125. R II Hazleton to Harry Thompson, lot iu Cottage Grove; cou, $40. 8 VanSickld to Malinda Hoddens, lots in Springfield; con, WOO. W Rhea to Milfred A Rhea, U in Eu gene; con, $1. N L Packard to Amanda J Skinner, loti in Eugene; con, 500. - J and M C Hoosier to A J Cruzan, 20 acres; con, 20. Jury List. The following is the list of jurors drfcwn for tho term of the circuit court that con venes en the third Monday of this mouth. J F Ionian, far.ner. Allen Bond, farmer. E N Calif, farmer. L S Coryell, farmer. C W Borcn, fanner. Eli Perkins, farmer. A W Stowell, clerk. Benj Rush, blacksmith. A J Harlow, farmer. C B Sweet, farmer. M Wallis, farmer. J V Ball, fanner. Jno Shield i, farmer. - J M Andrews, farmer. Juo Tait, farmer, Craig Hayes, farmer. Geo W Ebert, farmer. Jno Bailey, farmer. Levi Harper, farmer. S M Titus, stable keeper. Ira N Baker, farmer. Isaac Darui'l, farmer. Jas Barger, farmer. W P Gardner, carpenter. R S Hyland, farmer. S W Gay, farmer. 11 B Spencer, farmer. A C Jones, farmer. G B Powell, farmer. J S Montgomery, farmer. Got bis Satisfy. The following conversation which occuerd between a Webfoot and a fat foreigner from Ohio, on the steamer Elder, is published in the Inland Empire and is well worth preser vation: Moody our Moody of course has got back from Sau Francisco, with his new stock of Spring goods. He went down on the Elder with "Honest John" Whiteaker, and saw tho old gentleman seated in the Whitehall boat that pulled him to the ferry in time to catch the special train. A fat man who stood by said, "that's a h-1 of a looking old stall to send to Congress." "Pity they didn't scud you iu his place," re torted a bystander. "Me ? I don't belong to Oregon, not much. I'm from Ohio." "Well, then," grunted the Yamhiller, "it's a pity they didn't semi you to Congress from Ohio, for if bowels were brains, yeu'd be the most intellectual looking man on the floer of the House." The fat man walked off sud denly to cogitate upon the fact that the av .raw Ore'-nnian carries a sharp tongue, afld : . oil f.ntiilious about dress. So the la ll"v fv ... multitude goes. Dcxtrr Herat. mail is carried on Monday and Thurs day to and from Goshen, y'a Pleasant Hill. Thomas Barbre is the carrier. This route -i .i.i i.. tn Biff Prairie 23 miles BNOUIli " r. further. There is a number of good farms it this point, also on the high prairie adjoining; the UUcr is .. elevaU-d that it ., neccary l.b lum tnseeme v- oi" foot deep for near two months the past win ter, and considerable stock died. A well known citiienof Big Prairie dngup $11X10 a few days ago, that had been buried at , u fof ,g y HEOULAK. Blue Bibliia Club. The Blue Pfcbon Club will meet next Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, at the M. E. Church. The following is the pro- gramme: Mulie. 0 Prayer. Moic. Address Prof. Condon. Mnsic. Fwxy Miss Lizzie Gi ay. Mutic lteatttion Mr. Wasa. Music Volunteer speeches. Circulation f pledge. Jly order of Execntive Committee, 8. C. Tucu, Chairman. Girls', how cm you expect to find a "hub- j from your face! The Oregon Blood Fmm. will doit Port of Refuge. Whereas, The people of Corvallis in Ben ton couutv. iccinil the need of a Harbor of rafuire at Cape Foulweather, has made an ad dress to the people, and passed resolution! herein set forth, in relation to the same Therefore be it Resolved, That we the citizens of Eugene, iu Lane couutv Oreaou at a meeting held ou the 1st of April 1870, iudorso aud fully concur with our sister county in her enter prise, and join with her as a county of the Willamette valley. x F. B. Dt'NS, T. G. Hkndiiicks, D. C. Undekwood, J. G. Gray, J. "R. Cami-bull, H. C Peukiss, 8. M. Titus, C W. J. M. Thompson, J. J. Walton, Jb. J. Robinson, I'hos. Condon, II. F. Downs, K. G. CallisoN, .V. L. Packard, Fitch. RESOLUTIONS. Whereas, The construction of a harlxir of refuge at some point between San Francisco and Puget Sound is and absolute necessity for the shipping itterests of tho country; and WhoreaS; During tho last year many valu able lives were lost and much valuable pro perty destroyed for the want of such a har bor; therefore, be it Resolved, That we respectfully recommend Capo Foulweather, on the western line ot Benton comity, as tho - most available point on the coast, from the Golden Gats to the Straits of Fuca, for a harbor of refuge. Resolved, That while a harbor can be con structed ou the north side of Capo Foul weather for the sum of $656,221 20, to con- struct one at Port Orford will cost over three millions of dollars. Resolved, That as tho report of Col, Wil son shows that the principal injury to ship pina is caused by southwest winds therefore Cape Foulweathcr would be of any practical use to the shipping interests as a harbor of refuge. Resolved, That the admirable report of Assistant Engineer Robert A. Haberasham shows that there is a natural harbor on the north side of Cnpe Foulweather, and with the expenditure of less than one sixth of that it would cost to construct a liarlwr at any other point ou the coast, a safe aud con venient harbor can bo constructed at that point sufficient for nil purposes. Resolved, That we earnestly call tne at tention of the board of engineers, who are to select the point at which the appropriation made by the last congress is to be expended, to the natural advantages that Cape Foul weather possesses over any other point on this coast for a work of this kind. Resolved, That we will not allow the pat- ant facts t be parvorted or turned aiido that Foulweather is tho most suitable in its losition on the coast for the purpose intend ed to be accomplished contiguity to a large agricultural district; its cheapness of con struction, as well as its capability of being rendered immediately useful, with tho smalj means appropriated for the purpose, all indi cate with unerring certainty that that is the place designed by naturo as the harbor of re- fnrn. Resolved. That wo will place fairly, truth-" . u fullv and prominently the facts of its favora ble surrounding before thoso having this great work in clwirge, not doubting but they will lead to the desired end and secure mo penditure of the money in the right place. Resolved, That we look with profound astonishment npnn tho far seeing policy of the Portland Board of Trade -seeing ad van tages in any place rather than the one ot home. Resolved. That we accept this expression nf the Portland Board of Trade in ignoring entirely the bay north of Cape Foulweather as a sincere but unwilling testimonial of its fitness and importance as a harbor of refugo. Resolved, That we cordially invito ine people of the Willamette valley to unite with us iu presenting the Bimple facts of this work. Resolved, That we do not look upon the conduct of the Board of Trade in this mat ter as friendly to tho interests of tins valley, and fiat we do uot believe any portion ot ine people of the valley will look with favor upon any effort to rivet tho shackles and bind permanently upon their backs burdens now borne by the trade of the valley. Resolved, That it is onr hope that this conduct of the Portland Board of Trade does not fairly represent the sentiment of the good people of Portland, but that in case we become satisfied that Porthnd is hostile to the development of the natural advantages f our coast and outMs to the ocean, we will laW with determination and unceasing vigor to iuduce our people to unite ami trade directly with San Francisco, and sk the aid of that city, which we hope will be able to see and appreciate our natural advantages. JOHN BURNETT, JOHN it AY, F. A. CHENOWETH, Cmn. Church Notices. ri.lrJ P M Jcorkle will Breach at the Brick Charch on Sunday, April 0th. Morn inn and evenina. at the usual hour. Sunday ScIkSJ at 9:45. Service at St. Mary's Church on Sunday at 1 1 A and 7 r m; on Wednesday at 5 t m and an Good Friday at 10 A M and 7 pm. Preachinz in the CumlerlauJ Prabyte rimnh tn-momw at II AM. Sab- bath School immediately after preaching Preaching also in the evening. Preaching in the M. E. Chnrch to-morrow at 11 r M by the pastor, Pu:v A Atwood. Sunday School at 3 r. ., L. S. AUir, so perintend. Evening aerrioe at 710 P M. Services at the BaptUt chnroh to-morrow morninz and evening. Moning subject, "The Trinmtyof C bmtian Love, r.vening aubject, "The Closed Door." a. 8. at 3 p , j B. F, Dorris supt ... I Fo Kest. Two rooms lor fices. npstair in Uuderwoxls brick. Apply at Expres i office. mm 8 3 u&Ee eur(,cd. V I xttX(Cv.'Whole No. days r 9 e o ? n a 8 S S S S S I attendance. J oxieKSx Whole d'ys ah. ig;i$4 Av.diuly attend- ' tabcoi x' ance. ss : x l-i!i'.'s'w'olAv. d'y absence, w t t x-S!' 0, belong- w j is w se i"g. m j ji f5 .S jt SE Per cent attend s ance. No. cases of tar- o.wtiEaasK dines A Rkittation. We have received a com muiiication from Pino Creek W. T., that seeks to correct any misunderstanding that may havo occured through a letter from Mr. Lemly, that appeared in tho Guard a.ew issues sinco. The writer thereof says that ou two different times only, did the themo meter show 6 degrees below zero, while Mr. Lemly represented it as coutiunuiug that low for about a month; he farther says that at no time during tho present winter has the grass beeii covered with snow, so that stock could uot feed, for a longer period than 24 hours. Pine Creek is in the Paloiuo couu try. Junction City Items. Farmers sowing grain. Mumps is what is ailing the Ood people of Junction at the present time. Two Chiiirnien made things lively with each others cues last Monday. "The Chi nese must go," On Monday a little boy of C. W. Starr's was playing with a pocket pistol, when it went off and lodged the ball in tho palm of his hr.nd. Dr. N. L Lee cut the ball out and now that little boy wauts nothing more to do with pocket pistels. Of en Air Conrrrl. The third opeh air concert by tho En- gene City brass band (weather permitting) from tho balcony of the St Chrrles this evening at 7;30 o'clock, sharp. The follow ing programmo will bo rendered: 1 Quickstep, Skidmore Guards. 2 Galop, Helter Skelter, by Faust. 3 -Quickstep, Little Footsteps, by Abt. 4-Polka, Twilight. (SWaltr, After the Opera, by Frodiric. 6 Quickstep, MagKie. By order of the Band. At Spriuirfield station, of typhoid fever, Lena May, eldest daughter of W. I. and Mary H. Henderson, aged, 3 years, 6 months and 8 days. For City Recorder HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF AS a candidate for City Recorder. J. It. CAMPBELL; For City Marshal. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF AS a candidate for City Marshal. U. 6. VAN HOUTEN. For City Treasurer. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF AS a candidate for City Treasurer. DAVID HYMAN. For Sale. Frank Harrington offers for sale his dwell ing house situated on Olive street, together with his household furniture. As Mr. Har rington wishes to move within a couple of weeks, this property will be sold cheap. Call and see him. To My Palrou. ' Being in urgent need of money I am com pelled to call on all w he are indebted to me, to call and settle before April 10, 1870. Dll. .(. W . UDKLL. "I'.al.v Mine" linn imnroved no much iiince I commenced giving her the Oregon Plood Purifier. It is so nice lor we nine ones i Those who take plea sure in being dunned mav cxnect to enloy a full measure ol the luxury by ireglectmg to settle at one. A, i. nimui, Insurance. Undcrwsod T.res. are reprencntina four of the most popular and reliable Insurance f 'mnnanioa on this Coast to-wit Conneticut of Hartford: New Zealand, of Aukliiid; Cr.inrnfr. iiil Union, of London: Hamlieru Bremen of Hamlieri; ri'preiteniing a capital of over .n,000,OJO gold com. "Hunt wait till tke horse is stolen belore you loc vne stable door." A Ilrllnblc Inuranre rolu- We take iilcannre in commending to our readers a thoroughly 'e ami reuaoie ins in miraupe ' enT, whone fnn'ln or amieU are inex haiiKtililt-. It in a iito:k company operating un Hit the Joint title Health. Life policie are iaKtied in the form of Dr. Picrce'n (iohlen Medind Dincoverv and Pleaaant PclU-tU (which, if taken an directed, iimire the syntem againxt diea;) uK)n payment of a very uniall lee. AU me pnnciMt.i uruggitwi rc (jiii!n.ivu' ted agenu. Ladle'. Attention. Berlin Faihion Patterns at Dunn & Strst- ten's. Knjoy Mfr. What a truly beautiful world w live in Vatnre eivea ns erandeur of mountain. ! glens andoceans, and thouands of means for enjoyment. We can deir no better when in perfect health; but how often do the ma jority of people feci like giving it op dis heartened, diseonrajred and worried out with dinejvs, when there is no occanon for this feeling, as every infferercan obtain satisfac tory proof that I reen t Annxi riower wi makathein as free from dineaae as whe lxm. DynpepKiaand Liver Lomplaint is tne i j seventy five per cent of such maladiM a Biliouue, Indigertion, sic Headache. Cotivene Nervous Proatration, Wizinea of the Head, PalpiUtion of the Heart, and other durtremiing symptnras. n Three doses of Aaut rh'wer wiij prove it . wonderful effect Sample bottlss, lOceata. ! Try it HAS JUST OPENED FOR THE THE LAGEST STOCK OF GOODS EVER BROUHT OUR STOCK OF CLOT HI NG ' has been largely increased and we can show as hamisouie a line ut ready madt goods In MEN'S AND BOYS' BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS As oan bs found in the country, and at prices tliat cannot fail to satisty, OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is well filled with splendid assortment of all leading siyles und fashionable shades of goods. EMPRESS CLOTHS, MOHAIR, ami AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, Plaid, Plain and 0ra Flannels of all colors. Bk'uchod it Unbleached Cotton Finn net. Ladies' and Gonts' Undorwortr, SIIAWI and SCARFS; Robinson & Church, DKAI.Kltrt IN SHE Li A. HEAVY HARDWARE IIAVK TUK est Selected Stock In Oregon IS A. O Xji XjuOl 3R. XtflC A. X 352 Z BEFORE PURCHASING, GO TO A. V. PETERS & CO., Dealers in General Merchandise, AVHITK 813 WING MACHINE, The best and most complete of able BOOT AN SHOE STORE, A. HUNT, Proprietor. Shop on Willamette street, 2nd door north of hardwaro store, Eugene City, Or. I will hore.ifler kt'cp a complete utocV of L.IEN'f MISMLN' -AND- CHILDltEN'S SHOES, tinilrra, Cloth and Kid, Isiilton ItooU, KIIior, white and black, Nmutlala, French kldNhor. MEN'S & BOYS NK AND HEAVY , BOOTS & SHOES of all Rinds, ml In lact evervuniiK in me SHOE line, to which I intend to derote my eiecial attention. MY GOODS Were manufactured to ordor, ARE FIRST CLASS And guaranteed as represented, and will bt old for the lowest prices that a gnmV article oan he afforded. anrJT THtf A. HTNT. GRAIN BROS. asms DEALERS - in Walthn anil Jewelry. "OS Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, (WW, and Jewelry .repaired and warranted. Northwest corner of and Eighth streets. feb9 tf If you wUh to buy your oods cheap, you must go vi tue autre ui LURCH BROS, COTl'AOK OROVR. They keep on of the lareit stocks of General Merchandise Outside of Portland, and they sell good cheap, er than it can 1 bought anywhere in the Wil lamette valley. .... Thenrm of Lurch Jin, consul ot Aaron Lurch and lien Lurch. ' POSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADE SLOAN BROTHERS rtni.I, DO WOHK CHEAFKIl tl aaf otner It if m town. HOUSES SHOD TOR ?150, With WW maUrial, all rouaJ. Eewttinf old hoe 7i enl. All warranteal ! civ aatlalaetloa. Sliop on taa Corner of 8th and Olive S. a ilRTCI'LTTRAL IMPLEMENTS of f. all kind, at inxide ft-snr )r X T. G. HENDRICKS. TARKSH COO DM -NEW STYLES 1 Jn low price. J urt rorivH hr . H. KRIKNOLY. T'lIK Hl.Vf kHOi: EVER BROL'OHTJTO to thu msrbol, at tbe Invnt prira at, T.O.IIVNIUIICKS. 8. V. CoaU, who lire eight miles south Eugene City, ka a lot of fine Merino backs, both pnr blood and grades, for sale very cheap. Sheep maers would do well to call i Mr wouia no weu lankiair further for ttt swk.' 3 SPRlNii AND SUMMER TRADE TO EUGENE. WOOL BLANKETS, ALL COLORS. Trunks and Traveling Satchels. HATS AND CAPS In the leading stylss. OILCLOTHS for floor and table use. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ws would call special attention to our stoek ( Mens' and Boys' fc'un Francisco Boots, Which ws hars sold for a nuudwr of years with great satisfaction. Every pair warranted. A complete stork of HARDWARE, PLOWS AND FAKMINO CHOICE TEAS, CANNED GOODS, And all choice FAMILY GROCERIES at astonishly low rates, LIVERPOOL & CARMEN ISLAND SALT. Highest price for all kinds of product and WOOL. ii. ri.ii:iLY. HAVE FOR sale at tin LOWEST Rate IKON, STEEL. AXES. ANVILS, NAILS, ROPK Cable Chains, Glow, Putty, Talil earn) Pocket CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Blasting Powder, Fishing Tackle. Etc., Eta. Ws invite an exam ination of our goodt, ooiih'dent that our prices will suit the times. and examine the Celebrated all, and sold on the most reason terms. B. F. DORRIS, DEALER IN stoves, llnngcs, Pumps, PJliea, 'J'lnwnie AND House Furnishing Goods Generally Wells Driven Promptly AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Willamette Street, Eugene City. Oregon JUST RECEIVED. A liarue Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, JiOOTS AND SHOES, GHOCEItlES, YANKEE NOTIONS ETC., ETC., at PttTmppn PPTrrrs I AAA MUiU IfXiAr A ABAUAa I PRODUCE, HIDES and FU1W. A. GOLDSMITH. ALVUKiy DLEU Has taken poMwion of th Luckey Livery Stable,. And will carry on v. GENERAL LIVERY BUSLSES8.' Itone fed and boarded by th week or day. HORSES AND BUCfSIKSFOR HIRE. Eugene City Brewery. II I'I'llI IC SI D I I -ll I. ... 11111 lllilO iS IjUiJl,iy 1 III I Is now prepared tn 11 all order, lor LAGEF BEER OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY. Com anrl to for yoirw A good urticU I dr 1 OSEBURU ANl BAN Jl'AN MSI1 r f..riwltv T. W. HENDRIf'KSbfM, S. Hcmenway, M. D. RESPECTFl'LLY OFFERS HW 6ER viue to the citizens of Kugena City and vicinity in the PHACTICE MEDICINE AND SUHCERT. When not alent nn irnfe.Ri(iuaI duty can he found at his rvsidrnoe. erwr oT Oat and of ; ' " office hours from 10 to II a. m., and S to 4 i r- fcBB4Ii fflEHCHASISB o P lo T.C. HENDRICKS,