THE EUGENE CITY GUARD. EUWNE CITY. OREGON. 8ATUHUAY. MA.ll. in, 1H70. Country Trm. The kandurdot Match 8th, dis courses as follows on ilio trial, and tribulations of t!i arerago editor of a country nswspaper. Tony haa had the axperiuncc, and is a competent witncsi. "We havtt lately ami a clipping eoing tbo routxlsof tlio interior pw etliug forth the many dillicultics of publishing a country weekly papor. WtiU there was a great iloul of truth id the article referred to, we think that ii hardly told the ' whclo truth." There was no mention of the many disagreeable accidents that happen among the compositor, the lack of tvee. and tlio non-arrival ol the at ' source of most editorial ideas ex changes. In small towns everybody knows everybody, and ten chances to ono everybody is ihitod to every body, directly or indirectly. A first class shooting scrape occurs, the edi tor sharpons his Fuller for a full ac count of it, "influential friends" of the belligerents come to the snimtii .. and announce that the item must bo sup pressed. What is the poor editor to do ? To persist m heralding to the world that Jack Buckshot severely wounded Bill Bowio would rrsult in the influential" men taking their "ads" out cf the paper, and in their going about from store to saloon, get ting their acquaintances to stop their subscriptions. He must meekly com ply, and blunt his sharpened pencil with a hackneyed editorial on "The Resources of Oregon." All subjects of pubho importance must bu coquet ted with; for ns all such questions have nt least two sidrs, to bo found championing any one of tliiin would be at tho risk of making enemies of all tho readers t( contrary opinion. K farmer Barleycorn guts a local pufF on his big turnips, farmer Pom medoterro grows green with jealously and forthwith stops his paper, The editor of a country paper scarcely dares mention a dog fight) through fear of hurling the sensitive feelings of cue or both of the canine propria tors. Ho must esuhuw everything that is susceptible of a diiVoiur.oo ol opinion and throw nlMiis talent into ediliorials upbraiding Hayes for veto ing the Chineso restriction bill, or artioles on his county's fertility nnd universal pre eminence. Struggling against such obstacles to journalism tho journalism that publishes all news within reach, treat ing friend and foo alike, and having opinions, dares maintain them it is Indeed a wonder that our interior ex changes oio ns truly interesting ns they aro. Stripped of their taut items, circumscribed in their editoii- al limits, to malvo ttieir papers nut only roadahlo, but rrlUhahlu is a mir acle for which the country editor is deserving publio recognit o-. W have experience ! tho arduous duties of publishing a i.oiueommittal week ly paper, (in tho local dcpnrtinout) and would rather a hundred liuuM odit a daily of the most virulent type, taking all tho risks of lawsuits nnd black eyes. The nverngu renders docs Hot appreciate the groat dif ficulties under which such an editor laboss, and if we have said a word that will make those hyperciiticnl geniuses who abound in evuy, vill age, a little more charitable in tin-licensure wo shnll feel that we have at least been of some little good to our unappreciated brothers of the country press." A Nolrwurthy Matirr. Tlio two Senators wlio now rejiro eat Connoctii'iit in Commits are Democrats. They both htooJ linn in advocacy of tlio Kill ! rtstriot Chi neae immigration. S n tor K:iton hat boen steuJfii't on the ri:;lit si.le ior the last twelve years. Tho pres ent Legislature ( that State is ll.vli cal, The Uailical House tins ailoptuil ri-soliit'oti to the i-HVct Unit the utt-CuiiK-e Hill lieloro Congress is flagrant violation ol a cacrol nnJ honorl)lo Treaty," ninl that its ro visions wouM "ilisgrace onr national eUtutes." No Domocratio homo has ever done any tiling of that kind. The fossil, that directs the Ore yon inn, is almost bmstin with envy because some ntltciilha has ltvo paid to Iloa. John WhiienLtr. Ku- crusted in his cynicixm, and lading every g nmous iniijise, this dr'veler, and back biter is cit:!nly a object or the ity of all henest nun. fonlcmnliliie. The figure head of tho Otcyonlon, that improves overy opportunity to beliltlo everything, nnd everylody, that aro not in perfect accordance with bis narrow and contracted vis ion, goes out of bis way to slur our representative in congress, lion. John Whileaker. Tho editor of the Ore yoniun, having secured honors, nnd riches only by his wallowing in the slimes of political prostitution, cvi deutly thinks that an honest man is of no imiortnico In the councils of tho natiun. Congressman Whiten kcr can point with pi i Jo to his ser vices in this State, covering a period of over twenty years, and can say that during that time his honesty has met with no question. Can tho edi tor of tho Oreyonlun Bay as much ? Wo think not, for if rumor bo true, his political dealings have been dark, and of a character which all honora- blo men gladly eschew. The only sympathy that n large portion of the community has for Senator Mitchell, has been formed by the unceasing, and bitter attacks of the Oivoniun upon hi-t honor, an I ability as a rep resentative. By persisting in at tacks of this nature, that oijan ia surely losing the respect of all right minded citizens of this State. (Iticsliotis Yet to be Answered. (S. F. KxaiuiiiiT.) The officers of the Wenti-rn Union Telegraph Company hnvo confessed that a trunk full of the dispatches which passed between tho lending Radicals North, nnd those who went South, to manago tho frauds in South Carolina, Florida nnd Louisiana, wns burned by order cf Orton. Why did he order them to be destroyed if, as the Radicals engaged in sending them now assert, they contained nolli ing wrong, or which they would fear to have exposed ? And why did he tireservo nil tlio dispatches on the Democratic side ? Had he been hon est, he would have either buruod uH, or preserved all. Inasmuch a fraud was perpetrated, ns lionot Ridicnls themselves admit there was, and the Democratic dispntches show what other event have demonstrate I that the Democrats did not commit it, the presumption, us well as the absolute proof, is, that the Radicals lid. Our Srliools. Ki'tiKNK City March 2d, 1870. 1' n. t .. IMUIOItS lll AI(l 111 IIIH ViVlJOHMH ot Alarcii IV, there appears it column mention purporting to come f'-uni Kugene, ami citaeking the inana'i, inenl of the publio school of lliiseitv. The writer I hereof shows himself to be one of those barnacles, that in fust every community turning, andoppos ing everyining thai may tend to elo vtttu and improve the condition of so ciety, lie kits that the city has built nu 'extravagant" school house, and thereby proves himself unreliable, nnd I. I - : . t. ..." i.-n-kiniii venieny. u IS Well Known tho struct urn that has been erect d for school purposes is no more than adequate to the number of scholars in tho district. The teachers employed receive but a fair salary, .....I ..... I . ".!. ! f dim nu- v.-tb-u ITUWIIl'U Willi pilpllS III their respective rooms. Jhelactis, that the writer of the communication is one of thnt class, who would slop n ! . .. ..! uii Miiiiiu, ami thrill through fear of having to payn paltry ' Jfsrit k. The Mrliilirny'i ill Jlirliignn. From the Citizen, a journal puldishod in .luikson, Miihigin, we learn that the Mc- liihmiy family wcio there rendeiing their iuihir "song service" un tho S:h tilt .. car. rying nil hearts hy storm. Tho Kalamazoo Teh'gniili says ef their recent sacred cop cert in that city: "Over twelve hundred lenpl. were in I'uioii Hall last evening to hear the song service of the MoUiU-uy fam ily. Everything passed olf in tho most sat isfactory manner; tho selections, both Vocal aud, were in yiod taste and Ap propriate. The sweet songs of tho little ones, and tho heautiful harmony of their singing nnd playing, delighted every one. It was tho iiinst lelincd and delightful xacrod service ever listened to hy many present last evening, and it adds not little to tho inter est that nil feel a'ter having mice heard them, to know that they aro relined am Christian fani'ly, und Worthy of the respect and esteem of nil." 1 he ChinmuflD. One of our citi.en owed tlie Chinruaii mo iiou.irs ami a nan ior uun.iry bci vices, and he had Iweu deviling the ion of Slicui hy pretending to have no money. Yester . i ti i . . . day morning the Chinaman entered in i toworin; piiii.m. "Meliean man," he j el lid, "yi u no paynire, me sheotee, staVe, killee, dam quick, all iunee," And then seizing kirn by th coat-collar, h fairly howled, "i-omee longee to d pnatotruve." This was the only government institution that he knew aU.ut, an.l he was going to have him taken there. Tka Cent Ionian finallr id the Chinaman, and tie deiiarteil greatly mollified. For Rest. Two rvomi suitaUe for of tics, upsUini in I'uderwooda brick. Apply at K'xpirss iiffice. ; NEW ADVERTISEMENT.": Public Examination; milK rUHLIC EXAMINATION OF X teachers for certificates to teach in the county will be held in Eutfene, Thursday, March 27th. AppUcanta will supply them selves with pencil i n 1 pajwr. R. (J. CALLU 0T, Sup't. Election- Notice. OTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT there will he an election held at the Court House in Enm-iie I ity, Oreiron. on Monday, April 7th, lhT'J, for the election of a President of th Common louncu of suul city, Rnd three t'oiincilmen to hold their offices fur the term of two yearn, and a Recorder, Marshal and Treasurer to hold their offices for tho t-rni of one year, roll" open at 9 o'clock A. M., and clone ot 0 P. Al. of said luy. J. B. ALEXANDER. City Recorder. Administrator's Notice. TVTOTTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1.1 hy nn order of the County Court cf Lime County, Orwon. duly wade and enter? of record on the 10th day of February. 1H7U, the underlined was duly uppniuted Hairiinin trator of the estate of John Rhea, deceased and that all persona having claims against said estiite aro hereby ru'iuired to present the same with the pror vouchers, to the undersigned at Junction City, Oregon, within six months fr-mi the ilat; of this noti.-e. Dated this 13th day of March, 1870. TIloM VS A. MILLIORN. Thompson & JVm, Attorneys. Xoiicc to Creditors. vroTin: n hereby given that JLl .les e ;ox l as hcen duly appointed AH limn tialor of the t4utu of WIIi:iiili. Allen deimsi d. hy the County Court of Laue C'oun ty, Crc-jon. All persons holding claims a iunat sal I est it-.' are notified to present the Jim: to h:.M .1 cniee Cox within six months from t'.i ; (!;'.. hcra-.f. JESSE COX. Administrator. Mardi 15, l:-7n. r::oi'icssio.vAL Barber and Hair Dresse G'.icc2sscr to Frank H.irrrgtcn it , ti ti "5 i l e 5 ftt m ti 5 M J H vi s u z, y WHEAT! WHEAT O ESTEEM EN HAVE. YOU sold y.iur Wheat ! If not, do so nt on. si and then cull ut WM. rVRlilSTO.TSr'S And purchase your HARNESS. He haj on hand an immense stocli on which ho defies competition, either ill Quality, Finish. Work insnsliip or J'rice. Also a large stick of v ii I I Milireet trmn .New- i ork. CAItDS, CintKY COMliS aod BRUSH ES in nhun lance. AlsoCOELAUS that will lit any and all Horses. Sweat Fads, Bridles, Halters, And In fact everything a Fanner requires. SADDLES of oil Kinds on Hand and Made to Order. Call and Examine Before Buying rjsewnerr:, A. C BRIGGS, SUCCESSOR TO D. I. XjATCIN". milK HARNESS SHOF I'REVIOUSLY J. owned hy I). It. I.akin has recently hcen purchiised hy A. C. Brin who is rifilling the suoji wiiu a i.irge assortment ot Harness, Eaddles, Bridles, Spurs Brushes, Combs, Whips, Dressed Deer al s, addlo L'ankets, Robes Etc. And in fact everything usually kept In a First-Class Harness Shop, I liroiMwd to sell as CHEAT ft snv miA pldi. in uiu iiiiniiii'.sH. (live me a call More huvinir elsewherv. H. inemiier the old stand, first door north of V. U, ininn s More. lioseiiblutt A; Co., llF.At.RIM IS GENERAL MERCII.VMHSE, At th old stand. Southwest corner of Eighth aim it uiaim-lle streets, KUU1CXK C1TV. onuoox. liars th most couilet stink of General Merchandise In the city, Including Dry (loads, (tioccrics, Hardware, Crockery, Etc.,ete. And in fact eiervthin,' the market demands, ftiurn e are selling at IIED-IIOCK PRICES. Paid for all kinds of farm produce oenverea at our btore. S. Rosenblatt & Co. ASTONiSHING CURES I Of Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Paralysis. Exhausted Vitality, Impaired Memory Mental Diseases, Weakness of Reproductive Organs, Etc., Etc., by the Cclebr sttd rfiliih Remedy, SIR ASTLEY COOPER'S VITAL RESTORATIVE! It restores HEARING and strengthens the EYESIGHT. It is not a QUACK NOS TRUM. Its etfects are permanent. It lias no eijual. It is neither a STIMULANT NOR EXCIT ANT, but it will do tho work thorougly and well. Uli. MINTIE A CO-'Sereat success in the above complaints is largely due to th us of this wonderful medicine. Price 3 00 per bottle, or four tiiues the quantity for f 10: sent secure from observation, uon RECEIPT OF PRICE. Non genuine without the signntur of th iirnnrietor. A. E. MINT1E. M. D. l'hysicians say these t.oubles cannot be cured. The VITAL RESTORATIVE and Or. Min tie A Co.' Seciul Treatment testify iosiuely that they can. CONSULTATION FREE. Thorough examination and advice, including anulusys, to 00. Address DR. A. E. MINTIE & CO. (tlraduat of University of I' '--ylvania, and late Resident Surgeon, Or I jpo. ic Hospital, .Fhiladelihia. Reasonable fe for fipeji.d Treatment at No. 11 Kerney street, Kan Francisco. Office hours 10 a. m. to 3 p. m., daily; 6 to 8 evenings. Sundays, 11 a. in. to 1 p. in. only. augl7-yl fr CO. CO'S EW DitUG S'JW.R ON VILLAM- eteo .Street, near N in'.Ii, DKU.R.1.1 I.N DRUOS. CHEMICALS, OILS, TAINTS, VARNISHES PATEPsT MEDICIWES, &c. Brandies. Wines and Liquorr OP ALL KINDS. In fact, vrt liav th best assortment of ai-ticl found iu FIRST CLASS DRUG JT0RK. V warrant all our dmia. for they are new and Freh. l'articular attention is called tn our Stock of Perfumery aw Toilet Articles. As wt hav bought OUR(JOO':S FOR CASH W can couiete with any estaHishmcnt in Eu gene City in price and accommodation. 15uy your (,'oods where you can get the best and cheapest. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED At all hours of the day or ni'liU OSl.UIl N & C O K larke B. C. PE5SIMT0J, Propriclor. Three Doors North of (In Astor House, EUGENE CITY, Oregon KEEPS ON HAND THE BEST BEEF, VEAL PORK AND MUTTON IN THE MARKET. KOB RAl.t IT THI CARCASS, QUARTER, OK AT - R B T A I I.. L.1KD, SAUSAGE, DRIED MEATS, HEW CHEESE, inJ ETtrjlLin; Ptrtainin; to i FIRST-CLASS M vkKET Always on Hani I butcher non but th vr ft 1 1 . t.-k in th country and ell nmie but No.1 artK-le. Cii me call and oo will ,.;.k i. i:. aiointed in qnality or price. M AbfWireml to all parte of th city fre o R C TEXNINGTON. KJW JLJ21 XJ Lf,- JtJL. HAS ON HAND AND MANUFACTURES HACKS AND SPRING WAGONS, I am Prepared to Mate to order Duggies and Wagons As My Facilities are equal to any Establishment in the State, can Frcmise Fattens First-cia:s Work in every Respect' MV ruiCES AKE TUB LOWKST is the state. FACTORY NEAR THE EUGENE CITY FLOURING MILLS. hisses Hoilcvay & Lindcr ro A ;ents for Mrs. M. L. .liUmm's im- iircvcii chart for cutting Dresses, Sacipics, liasques, Wrappers, Childieiis'tlnthiu:,', etc. All this will be taught free and a set of .it- items pven. I his inducement u given to m- troihice the only icrfect system. Persons wishing to avail themselves of this opportunity will do well to call at their millinery an I dress-making entahliihmcut, 'Willamette street, near Ninth I HAVE ESTABLISHED A On the corner of Eleventh and Willamette streets, and keep constantly on hand lumber of nil kinds, seasoned flooring ami ruaic, fenc ing and fence posts. i 15. DUNN. jlyll-tf Dlt. T. V. SlIELTl.K, F. LI. Wii.uim 8, Practical Druggists & Chemists, UNDERWOOD'S BUILDING, Next door to tho Grange Store, Willamette street, Eugene City Oregon. Have just opened a full lino of fresh Drugs, Ksdicines a Gtiemics's. Also a finu assortment of Fancy ami Toilei Articles. A 1. 1. Ki.-vim OK Mixed Paints, Lead, Oil, Varnish, Brashes, WINDOW GLASS and PUTTlf Which they will always sell on reasonable terms. Careful rttlcnlioii given lo Pliyskiaa'j Pre irriplions. T A HIXU '. T MiON-I am the soli I J agent for tlr.a celelirnted v.-n ;on (i. HENDRICKS. qMtY IT ! Tlf E T.C.. KKXtmifKH .':P..ANj 1 ofMil. for sale only bv T.i. Hnxr.RtCKS A. I NIC KLIN M. D., DHYSICIAN AND U. S. EXAMINING L Surgeon fur l'eusions olfei-s his service to tli citizens of Eugei e City an 1 vicinity. I1 ferine di e spec alify. Residence orn-rof Willamette and Tenth streets, u eno t ity, tlngon. A ,S. HOFFMAN, M. D. IMIYSIUAX AM) sntiiKOX, Wishes to inform !iis patrons that the ru mor that he has removed from town is false. He may I found at his OFFICE-Judge Ria bmjfornier residence on High Street. OOTJ -airiiHOKS-CALiFOr-iJnia hand ami machine made Boots ard Shoes. A new lot direct from factory. . S. H. FRIENDLY QKOCUIIICS-Isliail kespon afulluf GROCERIES & PROVISIONS And invite the tention of honxekeciiers. T. G. HENDRICKS NEW IDItlAN OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, OGN. Inrorporalcd, June, 157S. fipiiai Mock, mim OFFICKIiS : PBSsmrxT-A. L.' To.M. Sn-im.T i... relius Tmlil Dirkitobs J. p. (;;uf J, S. , , lkOU"'ign, A. U Jo.!d and A. 1 odd. rrinciil office for sale of stock at J. P. Gil k Son' drug rtore, Postoftice building, Eu.-ene. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. V-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i.1 by virtue of an order of the Conntr t ourt of the Sute of Oreg..n f- the county of i't111,, " th January term, I will offer for sale at tmhP wi Bignms ohiuer at the Omrt Hou loor 1?v.,,,'aD Ore.n, on the Sjthdayof FetTnarr, 1S7'., Its No. ft. f, 7 . and 10. in bl,' No.' 2, Sh.-'s aec' ond ad,hth.a to Eugene Citr. Lane Countr, V11- " l7 e ouutanding claims against the Ut of lhini,.l .lTTis dcce.L Term of le: ( h half d.wn and half on sii moath-ecnred. Sle to commence at 1 chick r. m., of said day. P.r onir i the (Vmntr Cvirt. Mas. DANIEL NnRRIS, A Jmini-tn trix. JT AAa A 30(1 stationery Store. POST OFFICE BUILDING KUGENK City. I have on hand and am constantly receiving an assortment of the Best School an Miscellaneous Hooks, Stationery, Blank Books Portfolios, Cards, Wallets, Blanks, Portmoa. naes, eta, etc. A. S. PATTERSON;. BEN HUSH, -THE- n LAGKSMITH, still at the old Btand and is prepared to d kinds of general jobbing, horse-shoeing, rt iring, etc. Having seemed tli serrieri t r.exjM rimced hi nd 1 will make th repairins Al.M MACHINERY a speciality. BEN RUSH. BONN & STRATTON AT Til K OLD STAND OF V. B. DUNN" HAVING ASSOCIATED WITH MI 12? business Mr. HORACE F. STRATTON, we have just received a new, larg and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, Making a specialty of HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL I AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. We desire to mak no grand flourish, but im say that farmers can come nearer getting ANYTHING THEY MAY WANT at our store than at any other establishment m towu, ar.d they can buy them on as good terms. We lmvj a full line of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRYG00D8, FANCY GOODS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING" GOODS, MEN AND BOY'S CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHO E8 And are continually adding to our slock t' meet the demands of the public. DUNN STRATTON. EUSEfiS CITY MILLS. mm-: undersigned beg leave to .J inform the public that they are the owners of the EUGENE CITY MILLS, and are pre pared to do a general milling business. Will receive Wheat on storage at West terms, and make satisfactory anangements with farmers who desire to have their own Wheat ground. Have at all times on hand, FLOUR and ALL KINDS OF MILL FEED, and pay the Highest Cash Frice for Wheat. TATTERSON, EDRIS k GRAY. Lane County EHCAHTILE ASSOCIATION mHIS ASSOCIATION HAS ON HANTA X a lar.-e and varied assortment nf VRKSir GOODS, and are receiving every month. supplies suited to this market. loXHls are sold low and AT ONE PRICE TO ALL f f And PRODUCE TAKEN AT THE HIGH- EST MARKET RATES. live us a call before purchasing, as it if no trouble to show goods and giv prices. apl EHOTOCRAPHS. Albert Jackson, Artist, Takes riiotographa, Gems, Cards, Cabiast and Life-Size, style and finish equal to any oik none in me mate. 1'nces reasonable. (JALLEKY Willamette street, Eugene City, On-sou, over Mrs. Jackson' Millinery dee 156a A GOOD FARM FOR STALE ! A Well Improved Farm ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY 0F, acres. Situated MM half nnrtknrf of Eugene City. . The m.rovements ari alj New. A fine young erehard of the Choicest Fruits. TEUMb reasonable:. Iniire f J. B. UNDERWOOD, or on the it-"'-. S5T. JuUS SKINNER. VIMTIS6 CARDS-TerraMt-atts , . 6CA&0 orrici. abscrlh for the Gram.