.siinnltt aanoeacemento of births, mai w2sVll be inmriM without .han,.. 7"V,tfcei iU be aberfed tot at Um nu of 10 Aaia DOT .'ErW.n. ' . . . '""" CITY AMD COUNTY. REMOVAL. natrons ( the Goard will take notice that tin offiice "J rm0Te 10 treoni across the hall, from it former place. Ihe office Is now above the Grange store. BRIEF If EXTIOJf. Read "notice of final settlement" , c),ew Jackson's best sweet navy tobacco. Mr Kobt S Bean, anil H C Ilumphery re turned from Portland Thursday. pr. Pari and Mr. Fuller the Harrisbnrg dwarfs were in town the fere part of the wsek. See the dluolntlon notice of Lynch k Oast Mr. Lynch will centinne the busi neu at the old tanL Mr Frank Belknap, of Monroe, while chop, ping wood cnt his foot qnite badly. It will lay him np for some time. "For good dentistry at reasonable prices w recommond Dr. L. M. Davis. "-J. W . Laurence, Alice Macy, K. Fisher. If yon want a substantial hack go to Wm. Irting for it Mr. Irving, also manufacture te order, wagons, and buggies at prices that defy competition. Soe Ad. Mr W V Henderson has vanished from our sight. "Vern" will probably locate at As toria. In the meantime, Lon Cleaver will play a lone hand in the tooth business. "Old Tom" has turned np in Junction. VThen last seen here he was wearing a blue ribbon on his coat tail, and had engaged quarters from enr accommodating night watcfi. Business men should not forget that Wank notes, bill-heads, statoments, letter heads, and every description of commercial printing are neatly and promptly executed at the Gcakd office. A good paper pays its subscription price dozen times a year. Something will be seen (a it that will stve money, give information and pleasure. He that reads a good paper does good to himself. He thatSuds in its cireulation does good to his fellow man. - Or "Epubne." A correspondent of the Oregonian, writing from this place under the Nom de Plume of "Eugene" complains that the Eugene papers did not do justice in their rsport of the lectures delivered here by Pr Watts. We admit, that we did not cull at tention to several of his highly colored, and eiaggerated statements, for, attributing them to his enthusiasm and mania on this subject, and not wishing to oppose in the least, any movement favorable to the tem perance cause, )w e remained silent. We do not however, fesl the least aggrieved at the remarks of "Euirene." as we recojmize his identity nnder his assumed name, and knew that he is no exponent of temperance principles; wing that term in its general sig nification. If the temperance movessent was Intrusted to his care, blue ribbons would be .counted by units instead ef hundreds. We advise "Eugene" to vert his spleen through the home papers and assure him that the columns of the Guard are afways opeu to a .free discussion of leading topics. Another Pioneer has Fallex. Rev. J. A.CornwalL father of Rev. J. IL Cornwall of this city, died on the 2d inst, at his resi dence in Ventura county California, at the advanced age of nearly eighty-one years. He' was born in Franklin county, Georgia, A. D. 1798. Lived in the South and West till the Spring of 1846., when he joined an emi grant train, and crossed the plains to Oregon. Passed the site of this city, in the Spring of 1847, while Squire Skinner was building the first cabiu. He remained in Oregon till 18G3, when he moved to California; was a minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian church fifty- three years. Oeficers Installed. On January 3d J C Church. D D O if., installed the following newlv elected officers in Covenant Lodge, Sherrill. N G; Z T Scott. V G J W Lakin, R S; J P Schooling, Treas. Also on the following evening he in stalled the following officers in West Point Lodge, No. 62: James Armstrong, N G; H L ThomDson. V G: Jasper Wilkins, R S, Melvile Tavlor. Treas. On the evening of the 11th, the following officers of Oasis Lodes No 42 Junction Uty. I K Zumwalt N G: R M Mulholland, V G; Jas Colwell, Sec; J W Starr, Treas. T.as Cnnc-iT. CharitV Grange, No. "6. met at the trranire hall on the 14th inst and elected the following persons to fill the van ous offices for 1879: J O Donthit, M; Ada C Bradly, G; Miller, L; Hugh L Thomp- nn. S. John Cochran. A S: Amos Gunham, C-.SD HnlL Treas. s Jasper Wilkins, Sec 'nida Wilkins. LAS; Sarah Simmons, Ce ra; Etta Wilkins, Pomona, Eliza Pnnhem, Flora: George W Vanghan, G K. instaiia tion to take place on the second Saturday in January. SncTDR. The wife of Mr Charles Banton, who lives near Monroe on the farm of Mi Alfred TTnmKherv. committed suicide on the morning of the 1 1th. She got breakfast for the family as usual and he went to plowing lint w soon called to the house by the creams of the children, and found his AA Kli ha.1 hum- herself and was down by hr little daughter. She a husband and five little children to monrn a mother's los. Council Proceedings. Council Rooms, ( Eugene City, Jan. 13, 1879 j Council met pursuant to adjournment . Present Presideut Dorris; Councihuen Dunn, Hendricks and Sloan, Marshal Farrell and Recorder Alexander, . Absent Counvilmen, Underwood Edris, and Cooper. , A quorum not being present on motion, the Council adjourned till Jan. 14th 7 o'clock r. m. Council Room, Euueni City, Jan. 14th 1879 ( Council met pursuant to adjournment Present Conncilmen, Dunn, Underwood, Hendricks, Sloan, Edris and Cooper; Mar shal Farrell and Recorder Alexander, the re corder in the chair. Absent, President Dorris. The proceedings of the last meeting read and approved The Finance Committee reported the fol lowing bills as approved, and the Reeorder was instructed to draw warrants on the treasury for their payment, to-wit : S. A. Ogdeu, 23j Lynch k Gant, $30. 7C; B. Alexander, $.10.50. Wm. Christian, $4. . H. Farrell, $6. P. H. Farrell $23. J. W. Skaggs $3. P. H. Farrell, $24. E. J. Mc Clanaham $S. 50. The petition of J. B. Rinehart for a side walk on. the west aide of Peail street, from the south side of Ninth to the north side of Eleventh street was received and on motion, the prayer of said petition was refused. A proposition was received from J. B. Rinehart to paint and put up boards with the names of the streets at all the principal street corners in the city. Referred to the Committee on streets. J. B. Underwood presented a bill for $11. for meney paid by him for work on sewers. Rules suspended, bill approved at.d the Re corder instructed to draw warrant on the Treasury for the paymeut of the same. The following bills were presented, and, on motion, referred to the Finance Commit tee, to-wit: P. H. Farrell, $16.50; P. H. Farrell, $23.20; Geo. Fisher, $3. B. F. Dorris, $6.50. On motion the Council adjourned. Bine Ribbon Club. The Blue Ribbon Club will meet next Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, at the M. E. Church. The following is the pro gramme: Song Cogregation. rrayer. Music. Address Mr. Fagaiu Music. Address Mr. Adair. Music. Address Mr. Price. Music Recitation Miss Lulu Dunn. Circnalttion of pledge. Dr. Watts is expected to be present, and if so, some modification oi me cramme will be made. 1 ... 1". ' 1 A .. By order of liaecuuve vommiuw, S. C Price, Chairman. Home Manufacture. To the enterprising mechanic, who will fill the demand for articles that nave nereio fore been furnished from the East, a liberal ries of religious mestings in the Court House and substantial patronage is due. A vast en Thursday, 23d inst., aw. r m. amount of wealth has flown in upon the peo ple of our young State, but from lack of home manufacture, the drain has been enor mous. In the matter of wagons, hacks, and busies hundreds of thousand of dollar, have been sent from here to enncn .... This state of affairs is destined ' .. , , . i t . j li : Li;. to underco a radical cnango. jjr. tbas Uiueroners ior aaie ais oweumg ' . ..... 1 . II I . .1 . 11.- . C 1i f l.nUnn. ,n tha state wno wm ""i'i-v nnase ana 101. auo u ., hi. demand we note Sir. m. irvmg terms reasonable. Appiy to nr. vuaa tu... this place. Mr. Irving, nses none but the best material in hi. vehicles and can success fullv compete with quality of work, and prices, ment in another column. if. cut leave. Eilcrtnlnuifui. Th Laurean and Eutaxian literary socie ties will trive an entertainment at Lane's hall this evening. We caa assure oar read ers that the performance will be a meriton ous oue in every respect The following is the programme for the occasion : r-AHT FIRST. Opening Chorn. "Tne Turf .hall be my Fragrant Shrine," Eugene Choral Society, Declamation "ThVBattle of Bunker Hill," 6. W. Condon. Recitation "Drifts That Bar My Door," Miss Anna Pengra. Solo "Counting Seeds," Miss Lulu Duniw Essay "Right, of Minorities," H. C. Condon. Trio "O Restless Sea" Miss Carrie Cor nelius and Messrs L G. Adair and C. M. Hill. ' Scene Front "The Merchant of Venice." Portia, Miss Ida Dunn; Antonio, A. C. Wood cock; Shylock, C. A. Wass; The Duke C. M. Hill; Bassanio, E. E. Burke; Gratiane. E. P. Geary; Nerissa, Miss Nellie Stevens. PART SECOND. Declamation "Cataline's De6enco,n E. P, Geary. Duetto "Hope Beyond," Miss Lulu Dunn and Mr, E. E. Burke "Elder Sniffle. Proposal" Miss Julia Adams and Mr C A Woody. Recitation "Maniac, " Mis. Minnie Lockwood. Base Solo "The Old Grave Digger," C S Williams. Comio Oration Great Uuion Speech, T C Powell. Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. V., the proprietor of Dr. Pierces' Family Medicine, and also of the Invalid.' and Tourists' Hotel of that city, has recently been elected to Congren. by the very flattering majority of nearly 3,000. He has already served his constituency as State Senator, and this re- newed endorsement signifies that hi. scr vice, have been biirhlr satisfactorv. His extensive practice in the treatment of Chronic Disease, will aot we are iuformed, be neg loctad or suffer in the least when the tima arrives fur hiin to take his seat in Congress, it being intruxted to his brother and other experience! medical gentlemen whohavoflong been associated with the Doctor in the Med ical Department of his celebrated World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel Itesides. as the Forty-sixth Congress dues not couven. until December, 1870, Dr. Pierce', patients will uot lose his personal attention lor Mime months yet Ladle Alteitlon. Berlin Fashion Patterns at Dunn k Strut- ton's. Church Notices. Rev. Paul Smith, of Salem, of the Uui- versalist Church, will preach at the court house Sunday eveuing. Preaching in the Camberland Presbyterian Church to-morrow at 11 A. M. and I P. m- Prayer meeting on Thursday at 7 T. M. We have just received from the Eastern factory, direct a large stock of wiudow shades al wall paper ; among the latter are many very pretty styles embracing Drained Pannels, Embossed, Gilts and Lace Patterns. Satin and Common Blanks, all of which we sell cheap, and no charge for trimming paper. DUNN 4 cVTRATTON. Robinson k Church at the Hardware Store keep the largest and best selected stock of wall pajier and border in Eugene City, comprising in part, Brown, Blanks, Satin, Gilt and Emboss ed ier, which they purchase direct from the Eastern factories ami will sell as cheap as the cheapest All paper trimmed free of charge. Dr- Mln tie's Vegetable Nelhretloom Will cure all diseases of the Kindeys, Bladder ami Urinary Ormna. Hundredi have been cured after all other remedies had failed. His English Dandelion Pills have no equal In all cases of Diseased Liver, Dysiepia or any Billions Derangement Many of your leading citizens of this city will vouch as to their virtues. To be had by all druggists T thi wnoi.1 Hihtort or MEDICINE, no prlaratiun has ever performed such marvel lous cures, or maintained so wide a reputation, as Ater's Chkrrt Pectoiial, which is recog nised as the world's remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its long-continued series a e JJUSTOrKNE THE LACEST STOCK OF GOODS A &AL4 ft HAS JUST OPENED FOR THE SPRING AND RUMMER TKADK EVER BROUHT TO EUGENE. 1 " i sa OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING has been largely increased and we can show as Handsome a line of ready mads goods id MEN'S AND BOYS' BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS As can be found in the country, and at prieea that cannot fail to satisfy. OUR DRESS GOOIW DEPARTMENT Is well filled with a splendid assortment of all leading styles and faslilimalile shades of goods. EMPRESS CLOTHS, MOHAIR, and AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, Plaid, Plain and Opera Flannels of all oolors. IMeacbed Js Unbleached Cotton Flan nels. Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, SIIAWLS and SCARFS; WOOL BLANKETS, ALL COLORS. Trunks and Traveling &tchels. HATS AND CAPS In the leading styles. OILCLOTHS for floor and table use. BOOT'S AND SHOES. We woutif sail special attention to our stock el Mem' and Hoys San Frs.iclsco DooU, Which we have sold for a number of yearswltk great satisfaction. Every pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE, PLOWS AND- FARMING UTENSILS. CnOICETBAS, CANNED GOODS. And all choice fAMILY GROCERIES ai astonishly low rates. LIVERPOOL k CARMEN ISLAND SALTi Highest price for all kinds of prodaceand WOOL. Robinson & Church. DKAI.KK8 IK S1IELF& HEAVY HARDWARE HAVlt T1IK BcslSeledcdStockltt Oregon V 1 '.' of wonderful cures in all climates has made it universally known as a safe and reliable agent Services at the Baptist Church to-morrow to employ. Against ordinary wilds, which are . ... ... tha forerunners of more sonousdisonlers.it acts morning and eveuing. Evening .uuject, Mieeda vanll ,llrei v, always relieving suffering, "Fidelity of Character, with some remarks and of ten saving life. The protection it adonis, on the Value of the Temperance Pledge.' '" Xchildr. makes it an Invaluable rem. Sunday Scool at 3 P. M. Communion alter to be kept always on hand in every home. mnminir aarvica No person can affonl to be without it, and those morning sen ice. jt Myn Ffiiln thrfr Preaching in the M. E. Church to-morrow knowledge of its comiiositinu and effects, Phy- til a m and 7 p m bv tha pastor Rev sicians use the Cherkt Pkctobal extensively In til A. M. and 7 P M ny the pastor, itev vnutioe ,nd clergymen recommend it A Atwood. Alonung subject: "ine une Thing Neeilful;" evening, 'The Offer of Life and Death." Sunday School concert at 2.30 o'clock, consisting of sneaking singing. . ..1 . , !.!.! . L and other utercsting exercises. A collec- ror consumption. oroncmM., iH...n LU. imi HljABBiisi Alan aatiMmliAt nn tion will be taken for the benefit of the Sun- pennant CUre for general debility, dyspepsii day School: L G Adeir, suiierintendent and all nervous affections, by a simple vegetable ' ' I i;t,.. wl.w.ti onn.il a VMirrahla miiwidliarv IIUC...1.W " . . - - - - Physician who was long a rident of Syra aud has opened up a large store at tins pla ce with w lH)cj(i0 to thousands of kindred sufferers a large stock of dry goods, notinos, and fancy with the greatest possible benefit, and now he articfes. Mr. K.hn ha. put price, down to M .S.!Si wieir piW;!, liv. ..v.bj ...vu - It is atisoliitely certailj in its remedial effects, and will always cure where cures are possible. For sale by all dealers. ' . A Fit EE (IKE, BEFORE PURCHASING, QO TO A. V. PETERS & CO., Dealers in General Merchandise, and examine the CelebraUOl WHITE SEWING MACHINE, The best and most complete of all, and sold on the most reason able terms. articles. Mr. Kahn has put prices bedrock, as may be seen by his advertise ment in our columns. Store, under Winter's gallery, on Willamette str.et Located. Mr Geo S Washburne, lately admitted to the bar, has chosen Portland as the field, ia whleli U pn-nr his chosen i.rnfasaion. Mr Washburne. wa. on last r Wednesday, admitted to practice in tne v S circuit court at Portland. Union Meeti.nus. In compliance with an invitation from the ministers of Eugene City, Dr. J. W. Watts will commence a so others this wonderful invigorating remedy, and will send FREE the original receint amnpiete, with full directions, to any peff ou enclosing stamp for reply. ' .; G.L.TB.OC.l8TEAC;, Tn Kktiirm. Dr. A Sharpies well known in this city as a surgeon and medical practi tioner will soon return to this place and lo cate making it his permanent home. Far Sale. INSURE Against J;Oss hj Fire IN THE Liverpool & London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY. Chas. Lauer, Ag't. NEW IDItlAN OF DOUGLAS COUNTT, OGN. Now is the Time. The new year has the East in regard to just commenced. Improve your opportunity I .. i . See advertise- and commence it by subscnuing lor (it'AKD. the Thomas H. Condom. -From the Koscbiirg Iridepcndent of the lltb, we clip ..m . i. .n.nnMiiwnt that tne ine: 'me sMiut P.. Thmas a. tonuon win u ... . J . Jnnnakhl IM- 1.1. deliver one of n is one lecvu. uu. ... .:.f the Teachers' Institute "". Died. Mr. John Khea died Thursday near Irving station. He was buned yester day in the Masonio cemetery of this place fine building let. for Incorporated, Jane, 1878. Capital Stock, 1103,000 OFFICERS ParsiniNT-A. L. Todd. SeceitaT-Au v T U '111 T W WKu lIKSCTunn r. a. "in, ... kson, T. a Kodabaugh, A. I lodd an a. relius ToiL Jacksi Todd. Fo Sale. Two Enquire at this office. Principal office for sale of stock at J. P. Gill k Son s drug store, f ostoince nuuuinf , ugu. certain to attract attention. Mr. Condon is a I Settle Up. Mr. Jas. McClaren wishee all who are la- ,A.nt in the complete sense of the wort .v .,, Mr. was. ai.v. He has studied nature oj . iett, Those herself. A traveler one --- -- ,A IW. Le Conte. a California gwlogist, at D. T. W. 6HEl.T01f, r. m. WH.IIM, that he has trusted should call and square np their account By thi. means they will save more serere measures as he must have mon ey. All who are owing hint will do well to heed this notice. K5S?S5SS,,,,''H,' MA It It I ED. DIEM. the Cascades, and asked them what they had been doing. Rev. Condon rsplicd . pointing to the surrounding mountains. We have Wn reading from the great volume of na ture." Bound Oveb-A half breed Indian boy, ( f about fourteen years ol age, aa a,.. -- i8;8i by the J'ev. Xboe. h tarns, this week, charged M Alexander Looney to Mary E. Mays, L , j, I .ii i ... Tm rini't Inacnnntv. Ore- ith burglarizing tne store o. ... S - The articles stolen, some jewc.j ----- s-,. -!..; nr. found npon his person, and no ""- - . n. .as bonndoverto await the action o. vU. grand jury. IA!s.-A man giving his name as Da vid Miller has made himself conspicions in ..l.Mtba nresent week. His insanity :. .J . mild time and is a religion, mania. He waa arrested by Sheriff Ukm on rnoa, and a medical examination hL Me was oe clared insane and an order issued committing him to the asylum, Meeting. Elders McCorkl. and Waller j u. ri,;.t;n nnrch commence to- Ser SH ELTON WILKINS, Practical Dnipls & HAVK FOR sale at the LOWEST lUtee IKON, STEEL, AXES. ANVILS, NAILS, KOPB Cable Chains, Olaas, Putty, Tab) eand Vfaket CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, AGKK'ULTTKAL IMPLEMENT'S, Blasting Powder, Fishing Tackle. Etc, Etc. We Invite an exam ination of our goods, confident that oar prices will suit tbe times. L IS A XtzX BOOT AN SHOE STORE, at HUNT, Proprietor. Shop on Willamette street, 2nd door north i i . i.' n: n- 01 naruware BHire, cugeue vivj, ui. I will hereafter keep a complete stock ol LADIES', MISftjEft -AND- CHILDREN'S SHOES, Gaiters, Cloth and Kid, Batton tie. Slipper, white and black, Sandal, French kid Shoe. MEN'S & BOYS VINE AND HSAVT BOOTS &, SHOES OF ALL KINDS, And In fact everything In the BOOT and SHOE line, to which I intend to devote my especial attention. MY GOODS Were manufactured to order, ARE FIRST CLASS i .J ....n.l u ntitwantI. and W1U DS nl.l f!.r tha lowest nricee that a (rood article - "- - . . ..... . . ... San U afforded. aprr-THtl A. ssivna. B. F. DORRIS, DKALEll IN Stores, linage, Piimpi, Pipes, Metali. Tiuwar AND House Furnishing Goods Gengrxlly Wells Driven Promptly AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. HHUmelte Street, Eugene City. Oregon CRAIN BROS. ft "?A. DEALEIIS 'f IE O nki ' urn sa Watchct and Jewelry, Mut leal Instrument., Toyt, Notioni, etc riorVs. and Jewelry repaired and . - j i : 1 1 ... feb9tf warranted Northwest oornsr ol and Eighth streets. UNDERWOOD'S BUILDING. If you wish to buy your goods cheap, you must LURCH BROS., COTTAGE! GltOVK. Thev keen one of the largest stocks ol General Merchandise Outside of Portland, and they sell mis cheap er than it can be bouttht anywhere In the Wil- The firm of Lurch Urn, eonaiswoi Jiarou Lurch and lien Lurclu JUST RECEIVED. A Lares Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTION! ETC., ETC., AT REDUCED PBICES. Hlk'hest market price paid for all khade. PKODUCE, HIDES andi UltS. A. GOLDSMITH. . Next door to tlie Urange city Store, Willamette Ortgon. street, Kugane Have just oiened a full line of fresh Drugs, Medicines & Chemicals. Also a fine assortment of In Eugene City, December 28, 1878, Ine Lizzie, daughter of James and Annie Mc Claren, seed 7 months and 2 days. In its innocence it has been called to that ..l i on.. t.tm "Hotter little children to come unto me." The grief fjUlCf fllld TOlICt ArtlCICS of the bereaved ones is assuaged ty inongnva of the happiness of the one that thus baa gone before. Oil, AstonMiin? Success. It is the dntv of everr person who has used Bomhee's Germa.1 8vrr to let its wonderful qualities be known to their Ineeds ALL Eis 1X1 OF Mixed Taints, Lead, Varnish, Brushes, WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY Wliich thty will always mW ofl wtoiiASU Urmc vice, wifl be held every evening daring tt. i.cnringompt . fjTM Ii Plflldll'l ttt i bm. vimiii, ucuiirinu, u Habdsome Dosatiok. The eommittee ppoinUd to take action in the matter of constricting a narrow gauge railroad from Salem to Springfield, in Lane county, has commenced taking sucriptions and the Salem Flouring mill company Has headed the list with subscription of four thousand dollars. coming week. throat and lung disease. No person can . . 1 iu it witWit immliala relief. Three Mowet Okuem. The number of orders ie-1 i, .nA consider mmI from the Junction CitT post office for tha d t ii Tn. us.t. to recommend it .i . nri.n.nt Ia LV Konerde- to the tmordvinff ennsamittivt. at least to icriptloii. posited for nunc, 19,872. fT8,M- Poet office fees, Cbowdeo Oct. Owing to a rmsh ef ad vertiaeme nta, eonnderable amont of. our matter has been crowded out this week. trv one bottle, aa 40.0110 dozen bottle, were old last year, and no one ease wnere n failed was reported. 8ach a medicine as the GiUMA 8rrf cannot be too wi.lely known. Ask yonr Druggist about it Sam die Bottles to try toll at 10 cents. Eegalar ie 7 J cents, For sale by all Druggist.. CPPOSITION 13 TBE LIFE OF TRADE SLOAN BROTHERS TirnX DO WORK COIArsa tliaa any etaer T T shop ia town. HORSES SHOD TOE 60, With new material, afl rooal. Baetttlag old shoas 71 teats. All warrasue ! rive saliaiaeuoo. Shoo oa the Corner of 8ta anl All fli. UUTB D'B. AGBICULTORAL IMPLEMENTS of "''.teDBICKS. ALFKED BLEU Hastaksn poaseaslon of th. Luckey Livery Stable,, And will earrvon a GENERAL LIVERY BUSINESS. Horses fed and boarded by the week or day, . HOUSES AND BUGGIES FOR HIRK. Eugene City Brewery. MATHIAS MELLEll. Pro'p Is now prepared to ill all order, fa . LAGER BEER OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY.. Com And v for fvnrme )f A (ood trtitU p6m -TVRF.M Inland low prii GOO DM NEW STYLES J nut receiver! by 8. H. r KIr.ri I'l.Y. Sals of Ecal Estata by Sofores. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ' by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court a the Ktate of Oreipm, for the county of Lane, . a. de at the regular .November trm,l , ta ta -mii wherein C. C. Miller is plaintiff aa4 Henry W. Miller t al are defendant, direct lux the unilersit,'ned referee to sell the real ee tate lielonginz to aaid parties. I will offer fesr sale to the biirbeet bid.k-r at the Court Uones) door in Enerne City, Lane county, Oregon, S. S. 1I0FFMAX, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Wiahesto inform hi. patren. that the ra Boc that he has removed from town ie false. He may be found at his OFFICE-ie-We Ria dnn's former residence ea High Bsreet : - ; on the 30th day of December, 1878, the fol- HF KTs3MOK"OCintro lowing premises, to-wit: Commencing at the Utbwket,atUUprw. at, enmer of the donation land claim 0 J.-.V. , WI K . -; George Miller and wife, claim No. 53, rnnnlm "f : n wkn lives eit'ht mile, south of i thence north IV 69 chains, thence west 100 17 " . , . . . ,v. ' chains, thence north 9 60 chains, thaace wee E.gene City, has a lot of fine Monno boeks, Uience w M rhmiM Atmm both pare blood, and grade., for sale very 58 chains to the place of beginning cheap. Sheep raUer. would do well t call JJ M 38 acres In Lane ee-.ntv, Of- enesp. grrn. Sale to commence at 1 o clock P. Me ' apon him before looking further lor nae Terms ol sal. h. gtok 3w., Joa T. Gilit, Sole Beferee. f S i ' i : ! n i i