K ft il. J. Ji liJ . 11J mLj i MJaI -Li JJi ' XjaL jJ JJ. fjssjin.-TiriinTsrV;"ii i "fiiT"Min 'in' ' i ' " ; " : ' Z'S . T"i . "" -,-- a -- ' 7T ; t. ; ESTABLISDED FOK TIIB DISSEMHiTIM OF 1FJ0CR1TIC PRlICIPIES, 1JD Tfl EAM AS HOXEST L1TISC IT THE SWEAT OF OCR BROW. SHOliENO.583. KUGENECfTY. OR.; SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1879. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE. t in &nm city uara. CAMPBELL BROS., - Publishers anl Proprietors. FFICE-In ' Undsrwood's Brick Building, t ovr Grange Store, ""-" ' OUR OSt.T frtA-riff"! OF ADVKKTiaiNO. Advertisements inserted a follows: . Ons square, 10 line or lew, on hmrtion IX: act subsequent inertion JU Cash rquired in finiTwlf ertiten will b cuarzed at tli fol ds' ..hrc months. ; f 00 If " six month....:; 8 00 " on yew 12 00 Transient notices in local column, 20 cent )r liu for each insertion. Advertising bills will be rendered qunrterly. v All Job work fntwt b PAtn for um ligi.tvr.KT. POITOFriCK. Hears -From T a. m. to Tp.m. -r Hun'ars rata 'w r " , u.h ...... frum ttusotlMi snl la vtnw no'th 1 m rriiM from tl. am-th m .' !." i' "' ..tkatftl . m. fV :'. -.mi.ii'ari.t Uidi Tj. !"' " W4rSf lm'v..l- villa, Camp firs u( lion!'. i' i i v Mtr witt brilv f-(5einct'. i,.lOJV-' I .rival f iua. 1-ett.nH-mll i. VII. ft tl.o j ... k.or iwwr. nun. iiv. A. O, PAT fEllOJJ, P. M. ROCIKTIEL ....... li.w.. Ho It. A. f. an I A M UnU lint ani tliird W.ln!ar in a.ath. ...... n.TTB ri Vn a I. O. jSiO. T. MBtoerjrToe1ayeeninir. kiMU . the U an 1 4tU Wluw4r-m mU mottth. CLEAVER &. ODERSOH, DENTISTS, a. ' ;EuEoneCiy, Oregon. - OOMS OVER GRANGE STORE, firU a i; door to th ritjlit, up itair. Fonnorly A i C. W. FiMi- Kitrou Oxid.Ga for palnlea extraction of teeth. J. C. Bolon, 33 2S2 23LT '3? 2 iS 27 . BI!CrHSI)ll TO VVRrSII & BOLON. OFriCTS -Ninth it., oppoa-t Oie St. Oiarlwi Hotel, up itairt. Nitroiu Oxi ! Gal for pihi'et eitwtiont of th. 3 1 ri 1 1 DR. L. M. 'DAVIS, HAS LOCATED PERMANENTLY IN Eujfiie. Office 6rtt bui!din:: r.orlh of the Ator IIone, up i'.airi. Ciiiraren i iuan abl and all worii WAiran'.eJ for live year. No2:tf T. W. SutuTOH, M.D. T. W. niaum, JL D. Drs. Sheltori &. Harris, rmsicuss & srnEoxs, TC ii Bn City, Oregon. A. W.PATTERSOX, PHVSICIAN AND SURGEON, a Nlntle Rtrcet, eppoall Ih St. Cbarla Hotel, an4 at llealateaee, "KaOICNK CITY OHWJON. Dr J. O. Shields OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SER Yiee to the citizena of Eugfii City and urroundiiu conntrr. Special attention jfWen t all OBSTKI'IUCAL CASES ai l UTKlt INK DISEASES tntnute 1 to hia car. Olfic at the St Charlee HatoL J03EPII ? GILL C AN BK FOUND AT HI'SOFyiCIi or r idenc when not professional enjgL Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Reaidcnc on Eighth street, opposite Presby terian Church. Dr. F. M Walker. TTAS LOCATED IN EUGENE CITV, . Orejfon-oHic at St. ChsrH llotl -rill treat the following di.ews: Cou-itnp and will treat tlx tion (Phthiiii I'ulinoTiHli, Urimdn i, ngitis,llri?ht'ltiHVMi:ttic fc-lutr. -tr.y. Ithaumatiam. PiTitoni'.:, Jv-v.;; !. i'V'.!r ria, liysp(.;. Xa-l t 'al-.ivi. . and otii-r ti' ease to tiiimi'i's t.'-o ! v.' .m. fiatisfaotinn CJir tc!' -t 'r .t p Oct JJ, 17H : GEO B. DOUUIS, ATTORNEY &. COUNSELLOR at LAW Offie on Willamtt atreet, Euecne City. MARK ET -m BOYO KILLER, Proprietors wilt KIEP COXSTAXTLT OX HAT D. BEEF, TEAL, PORK A!D MUTrOX. Dri4 llsaU vf all kia la Tarl, Tallov.eta Will II M a skaaka froa I to I mats. JEWELRY KSTAIJL1SMEXT. Sa nauru err bEAt.CR IX 1 Clocks. Watches. Chains. Jewelry, etu Kejiainng iTomptly hx rented. . ' CaT All Work W arra !!. Jff J.S MKKF.r, KHwnta A Co. 1 brick, Willamette Street, ' 1 TRIXT-NEW DESIGNS OF STAN . J. 4aH braads at 1C.J izr t a ntlEKPLYS. EUGKNR CITV USINESS 3DIRECT0HY. ALEXANDER, J. B.-Jnstic of the Pc South Etigen Precinct: office at Court Houh. ASTOR HOUSEr-l'hM. Bak.r, prop. ' Th only Brat -class hotel in the city-Willamette street, on door north of the post oflie. ABRAMS, W. H. k BRO.-Planing mill, mil, door, blind and moulding manufactory, Eighth atreet, at of niill race. Everything in our line furnished on short notio and reasonable (ermx, . BENTLKY, J. W.'-Privt. lKrdin) hou.e. aouthwett corner of Elrenth aud lVvl ita. BOLON. J. C.-SurKicland MechanicalPen. , tisW-Niuth St, opjionit St t'barlit Hotel BOOK ' STOUE-One door eouth of the Aetor "aT;ndVncy.'t,,Ck ' i)YDMIIXER-MtMTt-lSf,'ml, 1)YD. MILLER mutton, pork and MnlWillamntta .itrett, tk-tw.vn cmntii nj Auitn. CLEAVER, J. V. General Tarity k tore and avnnult JPil implcmcntii, .utliait corner of Willamette and Seventh trU. C1TRTSMAN, SOori'-Truck, hv V and ev p'ocatren. All n: I'll pMQiVtly fclUu.lf.l ti !?) l tir i,l:"t. . TvMVWIOL- nir in .l..!it. W,!..-- l.'c!;. and M .! i l n:.; -'. .1 ti,-Mt;, :.-U,150N. il (, ri.ti ''., ooiinti'T n.-o,: f '.'.iler in .rH'-ll, t.ru i:w c-roBT Willsin t. t;.tiw..-rv. ou ndyihSr. DORRP, B. V. waiv Vi) ;v. ! and E:k'!ii1. It. .'Il ! II. !!.' It AN 1 VM.--.M.U Mrkt l.ef, r. .rV. rei! mi.! mutton i.'inlaoilv u;i iund Nili'.l; strct, bi'twi'cn 1'isrl and lliijh. ELLSWORTH ft (H). DruiVU 'and dealer in paints, oils, et". W illamette street, be-. tweon Ki.'.th and Ninth. FRIENDLY. S. H. -Dealer in dry frood.. clothing ami geurrul itii-M!,anHt -WiVani. ette street, botirp-n Eilitlt and Ninth. GUARD OFFICE Naav- iiapcr, book and joh printing office, comer Wiilauiette aud Eitj'h h streets, up st.iirs. GRANGE STORE Pcii!rs in paneral mer chandise and proiluco, corur Eighth and Willamette "trccta. GTLL, .7, r. l'hvician, Suireon and Dnv ifit, PoatiiiTic. V'illame'te s 'est, btwii Sevt'nth an i Kiijl.ih. HENDRICKS, T. G.-IVhIsi in j.-neral tnrr- chan liar northwest onruer Willamett and "'.nth 9tmu. H0DE'', C. Liij.vr b or. liriori, e'gnrs ai: 1 8n! pioii liole table, V iljuii;; ;t Jlrn !, fee t?f hvl'.th and Ninth. IIARRINtj'i'ON, F!!ANK-r.arlr. Hair di sr and ha h rooms, aiu.t i'uU Vi'ili.ouctte kt. , ';oiid door north of ,S!S ( 'har'w JJot'l. Hi')HN, CH.-vS. M. -O.io.raith. Rilles' aud al'it-jfiina, bweidi and rmir.rJeloaJar., for "air. Jlcji.i'riiiif di ne in the neatest style and war ranted. Shop on Stl' 'trrct J AMES, B. IT. 'itov", nnd mniifart'irar of I'in nl ly'. Mcu -w..;. v,'i!aiot'U th-i. i -'-r. -p ;i.V ,-.. IV KI.-ToEY, J. (). - ' a-i., Uiu-'a and Avv tory, window and dojr Irani, nioii!dn?t, eta, Klftjin and ylaw ruttin.i: dime to order. LYNCHf A.--Gro.w:r. prfl.'iioua, fruits, Tey 0tabli9, tr., V iil;ii,-tt ftrf't, first door sooth "f PostofHw. LAKIN, D. R.-SaMli-ry. Urnw, .MU tr-s, wbip, eV,, Will .in-it. tri, bfn Eighth an 1 Ninth. LUCRE Y, J. S.-Watohrn':er and Jrw.-r' keeps a ti!i" to"V of goor'a in hia line, Willam ette strest, iu Ellsworth' drug store. MiCL A KEN, J A MER Choice, wines, liquors, and c?:,'ars WiUaiuette street, between Eighth and Ninth. MELLER, M. Brewery Lej?cr ber on Up and by the kej or barrel, comer of N.nth and Olive streets, OSBURN A CO. Dealern in ditia. medlcinea. chemical, oil i, pain's, etc. W'illauiett at, opposite S. Charles Hotel 0. K. BFER HALL Jo Theitner, pro. Ci- jars, Wines, Star Beer (l'JJ eta. pr. pint), and all kinils of liquors. Near O. K. Meat Market PATTERSON, A. S. A fin stock of plain and fancy risitinj crde. PE'tKINS, H. C. -County Surveyor and aril Engineer. Residence on Fifth a reet PENNING TON, B. C.-AuctioneerandCom miision Merchant, corner seventh and High streets. PRESTON, WM.-DJrrin .wldh-ry, IT-ir-new, CMTia Iritu .-.ji!,;a, tc.--i !arat f'.ivet. uet. n-fA $tjii.t'i 1 E.'t:. PO T OFFICE A n"w stock of st.ndard i school books just received at the poat ollice. RUSH, BEN. Horaeshoeini? aud general lob bing M-ickauiith, Eighth street, between Wil lamette and Olive. REAM, J. K. Un lert.-.Vr and building con-trvto.-, t-'ni -r V. ill..7i;i tte and Seventh tr E'lSnNlilAVTA r -eerie and -u-i n: ii'T 'A IIImi -it i CilMiLE- fr-w. ';'. 'i i'r" i..tv. on.T VH flij:'1.1. .!. O ' ' y'.'N'i., clnthin-', v.l in'-i. i',ir. iis, atntLafsl k-;! t'l.'i.'.j streets, i!--i LT. '.fr- A. T?,v ; i 1 ' v .: I Alt- II- A i 1.', i:v--i, i: 1:: 1 iov.a. te.-'-' ' :' ' '-" 't SCHOOL SCP'LI!'.S-A hp," .and virhd Mirf;ue'i of l of nil ai-ea.nnit q"aiiti'.l' of s! it- .md il i'." bio':. l'hr' diairs no th of t'.:e expr-ca of if. TH' ''.IT'S- )N A i;EAV - tt-i:-iys . T--. WiiUmert. s!?c't. be -.' B t'-viirh and Ei:hlli. , WALTON, J. J.- Attom-y iM w. O'Tce . Willametts stieit, botweea Seventh and Eighth. WITTER, J. T. Bu-kaHn dres-inr. Th hiiet price pa'd t-t d.-e- s' in, EV tk t, at I'.ri ! UNDEH'.ViKID, J. P.- i'rl br.4 :: buiin and acnt f..r !.e Cion-eiciit In (uranr ('ompai'V of Hartford Wiilamette street, between Seventh and EitfhtL. ELLSWORTH - CO., DRUGOIPTSi "flTILL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS in 1 all ita braudie at the nl 1 stand, o'ferin? increased indiictmruU to cust.tnr, old an;l , . new. Aa heretofore, th ru'tot n a a , o :: Careful attent,-n to Prescriptions. 1 : FAR! I'OK KALE. A WELL IMPROVED FARM OF thre. b.iBdrl su'l r.m acta, hi r.c-.er uiuvatton: an nn-ier in- na i-e hi wt, . 1 ' j . ill it, -.11 .i. haipun. and on th nxart reasonable terms, fcit,iat,l Kt will. afMitk of tAara. and has a i (wrtr.Bg, fnr tnk. A rr'y t tf- "fltsa ) Sconrgio; a Naked Wtmin. . fNew York Hera Id Kichmond Letter. I 1 he bell ran j, the outer door ol the City Jail war opened, and at twelve o'elook h. id 61d the aixteen yrio tiers, quota of the 1 ohm (Jourt on Monday mohim. Amonj llieae were three colored women, two of whom run nimblr to the "top lend inir to the range of rw) Is in which ft iti alt iri(.ncrs are eenfineiT. The ih r l 'reinainvd 'below iu the yard With her sim akimho, wifllully tyt intj a atom hrowri pom about even feel in height and three feel in cir- eiimlert'nce. lln woman was Juancy Lj'K " oM fl-n.l.r. and the ob M rhtKf"0"y waalhe whipiin poat. Xtiitm-r i" a thniaui'li specimen ! in iron (leorilnl type ot the fe in-le ne;io thiol and vugrant. She i lilmk, ineditun eizrd, with the flat no", thick Iii), kinky hair, and aemi mil.'.' i iniiiii peculiar to a olasa o! in r i i f. ot an ul'i jnil bird, ' n'u v s"! to Mn vi' twenty ;.c '.i(i'h ttwijv, lur vicuiinij-iron i I a 'ill I If ('l:(--:ij)e.-.k- llllll C lllll Hail fo.id Ui'iniiKiiv. ltwia not her first icitiiiiiiiiiiii-e with thv terrible whip I in; jH.it. w liieh, however, she seum i ! i.Vo...i I ili deadly ein.iily. Ail 'I i be jniMHicra hud been - .ii. lii-il ;in.l liii'ki d ii, and nn offici 4I in yard 1I1 n eulled to an at I f 1 1 I . 1 1 1 , "l'luow iiih doivn that lick Ill;" when upon a cow hide about half mii inch in dnnneter 111 the. hint and Mjieiii it-itt n I" 11 jioint va t.onieil niiv I'm h iinl. Nn tic) looked at thin iii't rmiif nt tori lire and n pemipti Me blimlili'i isi i through hitr Iraine. The nllieial then aid, ''Tuko down your cl i lies, Nancy, mid hug the widder." The poor eriniinal turned an imi liiniii look, aud aid. "Muat I Like all oil'?" Yen, hurry up. You know what 1 mi have to do," Nnnev il'o'teded alowly to linbut- 11 1 .i ii !: i r iir. s 111 irinii, nnu 111 a 1110 mem he w.is alrij.)- d 10 the waiat, He tiji'er r.loihinu lallin' diwil fVer lier ! ipg nnl esioMnjj to the j;.iz of 1 lie lew by htai drra a o(my black skin from th elitjiililei to ih waixl. Iler buck iv a ;ioiioly marked with 1'ivvinnH anijiKa, and in a raametil .hit- -in- had einlnaeed llie "widder." a - vl 1 jiieo; jinat is familiarly ... .-.i ' j 11 111. 1. a. h. On the opposite n.le ol be post weie iron bracelet, which are used to fuel en refractory ! riaoiii'19 wl.nf they are whijijied; but N nicy needed Hone of these ajipli .net ;; olie hi Id the jioal firmly, and 111 l thai) thirty ocoiul the uuisli I, rll tt ll illlllCll d. Siie iinppi d the pott, her head turned Ixuard the cflicial, and, a he aicd the cow hide, e tiled to nerve 1,. i. ll'l'.ii the hiahii'. Ax lust na I o.iil, I cotnil the twenty five atrijien acre laid 011. not heavily, but eau'i iiiakiiij' a orrihle white murk on th lilack kin. During the iiilliclion ol the tirxt dozen, the ' victim did not InnL-M a liairV breadth, but a the re inaiuiler desceiuled 111 rapid Miccet Hion, she writhed and twisted in great .loniiv mid, hardened criminal a she was, bewail to eiy, the tears fairly iouiiiitr down her cheeks. When the whipping wan over muiie ot,e 111 the crowd remarked 10 her, "I tiojie this is the last whipping you will (.M hi ro, Nanc)." H.-r reply "I i .h 'i; luijn- dev will send me to 1 ne J'l-n'ti iiii ny i'i li.'e when 1 leare ,iir ,Uee wa not very consoling. Mie wan ihia iiiorniiig indicted for burglary, alno, and will certainly eerve the Stale fur a term of years in I lie P. niteiitiary at he expiration of n 1 iivkenl aciiteiice tl thirty days II j.iil. ' I'ji anJ Djwqs of Furtune. 10 ot 1 In-fr ij lent em of Droad- 4 : 1 jiooi lllctl t U, r, i, r !. a i r ciM-i n tier 1. iii n u i 1 .iii- ex by inarii-h.-.j I-.' : 1 a good -New l.-ik laio iy ami wi ut to Madrid, a In 11 a oiri, w here hvr brother was 1 o: ml. I'nere xhe met and married French eount, and foi aeveral years led a ' iy liie at Pari. Exce ot Mine 1 to . d hei and though a fine iiiii.-ie hi, a jiamier i 1 oil, inietrexs of 1 viiai ijni;ua!4if and elegant ill Coll 1. 1 !,! ;'ic, a ,, i-iiiiie back hotn to l . . .1. iii. ji.nkx and laMoii bouxe ,1:1 ' -n ii'i it .1' !ie can earn and beg ui in. a,. A .1111:11111011 piece IH mn. 1 1 ,i- N''ili river 111 Ho iMiken, iirie ail li-tiijii duke ix Mlak 104 iiiuiie) Iii ejnii a rextaurant. The ..like c toie to Am Voik'aml flonrixh e I in fahiiiidble suicieiy until hi mo ey wm goiie. Tlien h went to a ll"l"k ii rexiaiirunt as cook, finally berauie waiter.an i.iit time, sared iiiim. y eiioii ii u buy out the place ' b n'llie landlord tiled. Ou one oc jci'itui a "iixMoui-iied Italian, whom ,l ieiiiKC li;'l kiiowii id me naiiva ! , w A at tM . Th0 ; propnetir vt ved at suppi-r as waiter but was no I rrc"';i;i-i until, alter ,1. J over, ho came back in , .,., ,,, wll , lisiuoii'l - . . . , aMjf i.n I it Ijnna l h luke serves p dUhe aud l liW rich bache- lor. Scwi ItDM. Burnett, Mai t Taylor's door keeper, is the latest bilk In Yamhill county. . 1 Newsome raised 106 bushels of oat to the acre in Tillamook county, 11H season. Isadere Riee, of Oakland, beat Lozait, the oelehrated foot raoer. at Uakland, on the 2d, MW 'Rodebanuh ha rented the Lucky Queen mine for a year. lie is an experiejcod Nevada miner. John Sambrook kills 1 twelve ceese and wounded five in one sho. at Umjiq'ua ferry one day last week. . . The farmers iu Tillamook count t raise four pound potatoes and turnips measuring sixty inches in cireu infer ence. T. F. Fiord ha become a joint proprietor of the Hoxebnrir Star. It a good paper and he will give it additional strength. Chailoa Walters, while looking for mill site on tho North Umpaua found tho remains oft human boiu;, supposed to be that of an Indian. Mr. J. Williams, of Itoseburu, while at a parlv at Looking (ilnss lent his speech and li.it only been able to converse since at orcnt intervals. Charles Patcheu' house, near Can- yonviile, was destroyed by fir? ou Chrixttnaa night and two of his drl Iren badly burned before they to.il I csoajie. Twenlv-nine deeds, ten mortsiaffes and two chattel inortgngea were filed in the Douglas county clerk' office during December. Eight marringo lisriises were trranted in Dougi s fount v lat week. Sjiring may be the lime for birds to male, but men and women in Oregon p ear to prefer the cdd weather. . W Ilunsak-r's house, near Turner Station, wua robbed e-f (92 25 in coin, taken from his pnula loons pocket, in a room whero there were four young men atdrep. That joke on Senalor Rroeer, jub lished in the Slalesman, siy the Standard, is very "translucent," s pecialiy as (.Jrover did not come to Orpgou mi tliat Indian commission I and as the aiory is told about Dir enTand a Uowerv boy. The following i the trannotioiiB of the TJ. S. Land olfice at Koseburo; for the nasi month: Pre emption fil ings, 15; homestead entries, 14; do nation cert i fieates, 3; cash entries, 9; comprising C30 acres; timber aiipli- cations, 2 The Two Miirjiliyi. A good story is told of comedian, Joe Murphy. It was 'luring the 1 blue ribbon exciiemcpt, aud Joe was journeying to a small town 'in the vicinity el Piliahurg. As the train steamed into the depo', it was boarded by a half dozen men, who, after a hurried conference with the conductor, ap proached the comedian with beaming faces. 'Mr. Murphy, I believe," id ibe sjiokexman, hat in hand. 'At votir service, sir," replied Je. 'Delighted to moet yon, sir. We are the committee appointed to take you in charge," and they fairly dragged tha astonished Joe from the car, placed him in a carriage, and they were whirled swiftly away. "God bless us," thout'hl the exio neiit of Irish jieculiarilies. "This is very kind. Never was in this town belore. A man's reutatioii does travel, and that's a fact." In a shoil time thy had rcftehed the hotel, and the coiriniitee hat ing placed Joe in the best jiarlori suite, prepared to dejiart. "We will call for you afier supper, Mr. Murphy," said the aiokexraan. One moment, gentlemen," said St. Joaeph, as he pulled the bell cord rigorously. "Waiter, drinks for the party." 'Drinks I" shrieked the conelave in a ehorus. "Mr. Murphy, are yuu mad ?" "Mad, echoed Joe; net a bit of il. Name yo ir beverage, genll-inen " "Oh, this i terri'iU bnckliding," Mid one. "Francis Murphy ordering drinks." 'Francis Murphy" repeated the perplexed Jo. "I am Joe Murphy, the comedian." ' They saw it a'l, and rushed wildly fiom the room in srarch of the tem peraace apostle, who was even then toiling painfi Hy from the dejiot on toot, "totiii''" a hue carn-t bag. oth the MurpbTS drew large houses that night. A doj-tnr out for a dy's hunting ! and oil joniiOif hoini complaiue I thnt . , ,, - ,,vti.inT he na III I KI-IO'I atlVllllO'T -mats because TOO didn't attend to your io jgitimttebusine said," his wife. Some Mcd'i Wievt. "I tell you what it is," said one of a small colene of wealthy men who had met in the office of o'ne of their number, "they may say what they please about the use lessiiess ot mod em women, tut my wife has don,e her share in securing our success in life. Kverybody knows that her family was aristocrat'o, and exclusive, and all that, and when I married her she had never done a dav's work in her life; but when W. & C." failed, and I had to commence at the foot of the hill again, she discharged the servants and chose out a neat little cottage, and did her own housekeeping uutil I was better off again.". "And my wiie," said a second, "was an only daughter, caressed and petted to death; and everybody said. 'well, if he will marry a doll like that. he ll make the greatest nusla . of hia life;" but when I ofimo home the fust vear of our marriage aick wit h the fever, she t nrsed me back to health. and I never knew her to murmur ho cause I thought we couldn't afford any better style or more luxuries." "Well genllemon, ' chimed in a third, "I married a smart, healthy, pietly t'iil, but she was a ret tilar blue stocking. She adored Tennyson, loied 011 nyron, read Lmerson, and minted the frut baby Ralph Waldo and tho second Maud, but I tell you what 'tis,' and tho speaker eyes grew suspiciously moist, "when we laid little Maud in her last bed at Au burn, my poor wife had no remem bra nee ot neglect or stinted motherly care, and the lil lie dresses thai still lie in the locked drawer were all made by her own hands." Journal of Comment. Somrlimrs It Will nappe a That Way. From the Burlington Ilawkeye. ''Twenty years ago." said the eas senger with the red ribbon in his but lonhole. "I knew that man whom you saw gi t off at the last station, lie was a young man of rare promise a college graduate, a man ol biillinni intellect and shrewd mercanlilo abil ity. Life dawned before him in all glowing colors of fair promise. lie had some money when he led college, lie invested it in lniines and his business prospered. He married . a beautiful young girl, who bore him three lovely chil dren " - ' The sad looking passenger, silling on the wood box : "All at one time?" The red ribbon jiassetijer: '"No In biennial installments ot one. No one dreamed that the poor house would ever be their home. Hut in an evil hour the young man yielded to the trmplcr. He began to drink beer. He liked it diank more. He drauk and encouraged others to drink. That was only faurteeo years ago, a:.d he was a piosierous, wealthy man. To d-y where is he ?" The c ergyman in the front seat, emnly: "A lot nd a Leggsrr The red ribbon man, disconsolate Iv: "Oh. no. he is a member of Congress and owns a brewery worth 50.000." Soiutlimei il will - happon that way. Geo. Cass anil Job. a Guy. Quy bore a atlicking resemblance to Gen. Lewis Cass, and while he was projnietor of the National Hotel, in Washington, the Michigan Senator was among his favored guests. Guy dressed like Cass, and although not portly, his lace, including the wart, was strangely similar. One day a Western friend of the house camein slier n long ride, dusty and tired, and, walked up to the officer, encountered Gen. Cass, who was quietly standing there. Mistaking hiin for Guy ' he slsiifd him oij the shoulder, and ex claimed: ''Weil, old fellow, l ere I am; the last time I hung my hat up in your shanty, one of your clerks sent me to the fourth story; but n iw that I ha-, e got hold ot you, I insist niion a lower room." I .... . t . The Ueiieral, a most utgnineu ier- 1 11. 1 .1 . 1 : .. sona-jr, laneo annex oy iiu siaium salute, coldly rrjilied: "You have committed a mistake, Sir; I am not Mr. Gov; I am Gen. Cuss, of Mn-hi "in." and augerly turned aw y. The Western innn s.iockcd at the uncon scious outrage he had commiited; but a 4 before he had lecovered lium ln mortification. Gen. Cats, who ha I tassed around the office, coutronted him arzain. when, a second lime m s takinz hira for Guy, he f iced him aud said: "Here you are at last. I have int made a d-vil of a mistake; I met - ... . . . . . old La a and took bun tor von, ami 1 am afraid the Michigandi-r has gone ..ff mad." What Gen. Cass would hare said may well be imagined, if the real Guy had not approached and rescued the innocent offender frrm l!ir twite-assailed and twice -aiigcrcd Statesman From Aiiecod'fk of Viihlir Men hj John Forney. lmcriraa Women Dt;tncra(inj. Cincinnati Saturday Night 1 . . . I don't believe in the women ol our day writes a - oon'ribntor to the American Art Journal. I went to ball the other night, the fust one in five years, - I wanted tosee whether the women inado any progress. I found they have. Yes, and il'a in the wrong way. They formerly painted their cheeks , now they paint their face, neck, shoulders and arms. It was hard to tell niter one of these wrestling matches I bclievo they call it walla ing whether the women's faces or the gentlemen's coat sleeves had the most poirderoii them.. I would in; gest to the "boys" tint they' put on white silk anils when they dance with these powder boxes. I wss introduced to one of them. I'll wager she would't weigh more than 95 pouuds. In a conversation of twn minutes she informed me that she had been twice to Ktiropo, threa times in love, once blown ii in a steamer, twice injured in a railroad accident, and once, alio added, the heroine in a.ical novel, whi h wis too lovely for any thing. At supper I watched here clesfly, she ate twelve fried oysters, a' plate of chicken salad, somo bono turkey, three plates of ioe- it-ream, besides drinking champagne, ' black coffee and ice-water. At 3 a. sr. I left the ball room; she was still, lancing. Her dress (or rather what was left of il) was held together by fifty jins, which she had skillfully inserted hero and there. At halt past 2 a. m, she passod olete by mo snd cripd out: "Colonel, it is delightful!" Next day I. met her father; ho said some' hing about "Sis not being very well this morning." American women, sir, are degener ating I Where arc the families of niae, twelve, or fi teen children of the "once upon a time Y" Where are the rosy cheeked, robust, hale and hearty mothers of forty, forty-fivo and fifty that once graced our land ? The race is run out; they don't exist any more, If an American mother raises one or two oMldren, she thinks it enough. In a tew years we'll be out voted; tin foreign element , will rulo the land."" They iiierease ten to our one; swarm about us; we're doomed. The nothora ot '70 saved our land, the mothers of our day have ruined it. Too bad ! Too bad 1 Women rule the world for good or bad. A Model Tramp. Detroit Fre Pro. A modest ling at the door-bell of a house on Brady street, called tho lady to llio donr yesterday, t") discover tramp, who, to her great astonish ment. pulled off his hat and said: "Mtdam, did a big tramp with on eye, call here to dsv ?" "Yes about an hour ago," she re plied. "Ilia breath smelt of onions, didn't .1?" -"Yes, terribly. " "And ho asked for mince pie and cold beet tongue, didn't he?" "Yes, to did. I never saw a more impudent fellow." "Well madam, I am following him around to tell the people just what sort of a fellow he is. Don't you give him a mouunui net even iii ink of water," ' But you look like a tramp, too," she observed. "Well. I is one, madam, but I don't eat .onions, and never ask for mince jiie. All I wants is a slice of bread with a bone oi it, ai.d if they dips the bono In in?gsr first so much th better. 1 hose ot ns who sleep In tie straw-slaok back here, wants to give fanvliea a ehanoe to get through th Winter, while that. 'ere chap with on eye rushes around and demands the ' .... -f V. 1 . ...... very luxuries 01 iiog' unu iibui-. Dttn't eiicourat'o h'm ma'am; ho ean't appreciate good willies after he git em. One of the wicked Boulevard week lies of England tells an amusing story sbout a lady desirous of socisl distinc-' tion. She aecomianied a peeress to the review of the LifeGuird,in Wind sor Park,snd imparl information lib-, erall v to her companion. 'The standard b.-aier, with furled standard, loliowe.t by a man 111 blue uniform, trotted ny. Who are they? queried lady B. Oh! dial's the doctor; they alwaya wear' dark uniform, and that's his black llag before him. Delightful man, the ' doctor.- We're on visiting terms." Said an officer nir bv: " Pardon me Madam, but the man in dark uniform is a horse shocr." ' Full many a rose is born to bluh ' unseen and waste its sweetness on the desert air;" full m.inyi a pound of Imtter thiisi-em clean is but a billing jdace for yellow hair. Ml'iw old arc yoil,"Mxked a 5ndor- ' tor of a little girt who was trying to ride mi h-tiflare. "lam nine at horn but in the ears I am only six" and a half".