ti:e eu:e.e city guard. EUJKNB C1TT.0RKU0N. 8ATURUAY. JAN. 4. 1670. The lauiilgitloo. Tht Inveiligatinj Com mitten at Salem have made their report on the late State ; Administration, with the sxoepUon of the La Grande Land ot- flue. We shall forbear comment at length upon the report at present ai we have not ai vet aeco the full text. The report discloses aome ugly facte ai to the management, or rather mis ar anagement, of the Slate fun J. Il legal Iocs have been paid to state and co;ty officers to the amount of many thousand dollars. It ia meet that those who are barged with this abuse ot trust confided in them should cxplaiu their parts in these transac lions. Tlie r Democrat' o Wrty has Uken a front stand in this investiga tion of olfiulala that were eleotod by that party, and while the onus of these disclosures will fall heavily npon should not be deturr d by party considerations from meeting out full justice io al thoie who arc final lr proven to have betrayed the trust reposed m thcui. so party can ni- ford to cover rascality and interpose shield between the offender and luatifi. Thu roDort. however, in some iit is not worthy of iho ccm rnitte as they havo evidently allowed personal feeling and (prejudices to creep In and tincture i: with a color, s it were, of revenge and sj ite. They should have confined themselves to the foots and allowed the public to draw their own inturencea and point their own suspleons as to the motives of paniee'; accused. The commiito will resume their labor at La Grande as loon as the cold w athcr breaks. . i ' The Plundering Band S oil J j-- .... i There is remarkable unanimity among the offluials in the Indian Bii rean service, from . Commissioners down to tho lowest In grado, to the effect that the present system should be continued, and in antagonism to the transfer ol the Iiurean to thu War pcparlnient. They arc all in the same boat fighting for their own in terests, regardless nliko of tho inter cstsof thu Government, (f the In dians, and of thu pooplu. They are as so many vultures fastened on the corruption upon which limy gergo and fatlon. It is ox; eeled tlmt thoy will tenaciously cling to the prize and desperntely fight to inninlaiu their hold iipon it. Of the millions the Government annunlly appropriates for the li ii re a ii ihcy appropriate steal, is tho proper word more than hall, and tho robbed and sa indld Indiana wreak their vengence upon tho in ocent settlers and every while person they meet in wild uoun'.ry, n consequence. Under their odmjuis tratiou of tho Dureau it costs twice the sum it mod to con under the old system, and thore are more wars, more sacrifice of life, and fur more disss' isfsotuin on every hand uow than thero was then. If Congress heeds tho self intoroste I, pertinacious demands ol an orgs mud band of sanctimonious swindlers, canting hyp oorites, political corruplionisls, and rascally contractors, all combined and held together y thu coiicsivo power of public plunder, r nd allows these to defeat the popular will which is , strenuous for tho transfer the re creants who so voto will find a dny : o reckoning in duo tune. Tne Army ti not composed of corrupt men Honest men in the present Indian service are almost as scarce as hens ...iL 1 . . 1.500 year, live at the rate of twioe that aum, and annus lare fortunes in 'ft few years. Contractors grow rich in srasoo. And all the way througd there is swind.ing, fiaud, stealing, and criminal practices. So there will be as long as the system is maintain d. It should be entirely abolished 't this session of Congress. No Democrat can honestly voto lo con ttnue it, and there- are honest Radi cals to the Senate who favor tho trans ier to the War Department to carry the inotsim through, even over Iliyea' veto, should the exigency arise. The quicker ihe matter shall ' be accomplished tho better k will be for tho Indians and tho whole conn- tf7" ' The Halloo Courier ui hat it is announced that poliii - will nut Le considered hereafter in appointment! to thelifc saving tt-rrice. I '. The Gi!velon Kern sarcastically remarks that "a Congressman is a geoilenaii sent away on lo Washing ton for the good of hi own Siatc.w Transport the Trampi. The Phildelphia Chronicle makes a suggestion upon the the tramp ques tion that strikea us as an easy solu tion of tho evils inflicted upn the thieves. It says: "Tho Territory of Alaska seems hardly to be of much benefit to the United States, as m li ter stand there now. Its severe cli mate renders it unattractive to emi grants, and wbilu it possession can never do the uation much harm, so fur it hasn't done the least bit of g od But the chill and. barren region ol Alaska may becomo a - valuable poa session yet: Transport the maskod burglars, thieves, murderer', inoen diaries and labor saving machinery sinaxhers to Alaska. There is an ex tremely slim chaiiej of reforming any of them ly any milder handling, and if that does not reform ,lliem, it will at least gel them out of the way. The idea is perhaps less valuable as that of a special cure, than as a pre vention, or general cure. ,The dead of such an unpleasant forced emigra tion would probably drive many of tho miicreiula to honest and law abiding labor. England has transported many of her criminals for a long time, and has clung to this method of justice iii a valuable one for hundred of years. We do not hear of 'tramp outrages in England to any thing like the cxten: to whiuh they are carried on in all parts ol ths United Si fit us. Thu nulliori ties all over the hind assuredly need u great de.il more backbone in deal ing with these eiiomies of law, order and society. An appropriation to es tablish in Alaska the means of reform ing and lead ing thorn to work would ho money well invested, if such a law were universally established and firm ly and unrelentingly enforced every where. Tho tonn of sontono would have to be a long one, far up in tho scale of years; not for lile, but condi tional on good behavior and through reformation, with tho prospect of an ultimate return to this country. Ah i ia peoulisr'y fitted for such a purpose, as eoapu would be difficult. Tli tin ought to be no reason why this plan could not lo niiccethlully carried out. I'ilh. The loaders of the ''reform combi nation at New York," the Hutl'slo Courier alleges, arc in trouble over the distribution of tho efliet ihu Re publicans want mere than their share of the spoils. The Boston W paragraphed thus: The 7)'ans:rift has got its blogdy shirt way on, A newly-elected Con gressman from New York City thinks ot attending an evening school before going lo Washington. Our. dis tinguished Consul to Shanghai still boards in Washington, llu finds just as good cock-tails there as they raise in China. Watlerson hears but two sounds from Washington. These are tho j'ngle Irosu the silver dollar and lliefl.ipof the ensanguined garment. We trust Hon. A. II Slephena will give his whole mind to it. His body dosen't count. Geo Grant promise lo laud in San Fran cisoo year htuce. Those who have faith in a tliir I lu ni and with to put in early petitions tor hi consideration had butler engage look outs on the roo'.a about the Golden Gale to sig nal him as soon as he heaves in sight. The lMiildelpbia Chronicle publish es these paragraphs: Ou the. subject of civil service r.foim the Presidnl wss discreetly il. nt. S. J. T. i what the card playr uow exclaim when he wishes to ssy euchred Two hundred and nine ot the 29.1 members of the present Congress are lawyers Wearing G.iil Hamilton' corset for fifteen minutes would make Hayes backbone tough as a bur of inn Col. Codman was tho Republican coudidate for Mayer of 15 stoi. Cod- man's election expenses csn be set down as another fishery award. Giaulislo vinit. Am, snd anticipa ting a lively demand, onr distillers, are prepari, g to ,ii Urge quantities of Amen'otii rum there. "Gentle men of C ;r -s, Mia. Hayes is i- cidedly opp..,-. io liqu t drinking," might haw luvu iliscnrtly larked to the botto.n of i he I'lesiJent's Mes sage. A Minnesota man eUinia to ave dic sred ft specifio cure tor drunleniu a-. 1 1 1 o is an opporluei ty for Gram's Hivn Is to make him an acceptable Clirutinas present . The London T-ihcs prints a friendly wsm- int. , l.u I i . . . . ... ouoiry, ud, a such a cotirlcsy should not be alio. t A ItBAsl nr. ' - f see.- noticed, we hav insirucleJ ihe 7u,et to warn theQu en asaint il-i,J. denly taking otT hi-r re I fl ,i nr! nuder clethinj in ihe 8j.ring. Be ported Jealontiei. And now from the City ol Chnrchea, even from Brooklyn iho happy, bless ed as it ia with the Beecherian pre sence and Boanerges Talrnage, oomes a rumor that all is not wll with the brethren. It is whispered that since Talinage. made his excursion among the disreputable planes of resort in New York, that the Plymouth Ju pitor has become jealous, almost envi eus, of . Brother Talrnage. What this undersrablo framo of mind arises from is not Caown, though it is bint sd Btf'cher thuiiht' that he ought to have been invited to psrtake i the sig!it.svi ing,rthat he feels somewhat annoyed at the notorial it ia giving Mr. Talrnage. Any way tho rumor is, licit Mr. Beecher felt he must be doing something .is a counterblast, so now he says tli.it ' danuiug is a coin mendablo amitsemont. ' . '.V The Dkacon , AfswxnED. Up.irii New llaini1iire; where ! Ijvejl w.hf n a boy, Mays Governor Noyes,(lhore was an oiii itacoi ; wno wan s,grw. deal m re pious than honest. He was an old hypncriievnd when he had done any ptr ioular' mean thing, If cased his eonc.icnco by going out into a field alongside uf which was a stone wall, and kiioclirii Ik-hS Io it . prayrd tno Lord to tuiiplit li ove.'ou hi in if he had done anything offensive in his sicht. W ell, wo nays louinr it out and one day when we aaw the deaoon making for the wall we get on. in other sido and wait e l, He knell down, acoordiug lo his usual custom and through bis usual fotmula, closing with thu petiiioi; to have tho wall toppie orr it he had done anything wrung. Ami we toppled it. Jump ing out from under tho stones the old man cried out in tones ot mingled ill gust and alarm; ' Good gri";nn! Can': you tell when a man is joking?" An exchange asks: "If there's a place for every thing, where is the place for a boil V It has been said last the bust place for such an ornament ia on some other fellow. And we du,t think a belter location 'can be discovered! The first fifteen minutes following a inariagu cngsgemen mav be turned from ecstatic bliss to bitter gall by the irl remarking that shn can tell a Iirazillian pebble from a diamond in a ring with her eyes shut. A lady passenger once a-kdd the late Captain Jmlkins the naino of a Uttsslng steamer. "I don't know. wis the cruil reply, . "lio and ask the ceok." "I thought vou wis the cook," ake answered. ixt. A courtly negro rerently sent a, r'o ply lo an invitation, in which ho "re greltuil lint ciruumsiancea repug nant to the auqniescenee would pro vent his acceptance of tho invite." The production of coal in Knglsnd was 0 l,f)t)0,()0 tons in 1955, and 120,500,0(11) 1875. Tho total number ot deaths in the' ininwa is upwards ot 1,000 per year. NEW A D VK It T IS KM UN t'S. $10 REWARD. IWfll, PAY flO REWARD fur tho recovery of the follow-1 ilia (luscnhcil animal that strayeil nr waa itolen from my prcmisia five milea below l.ueene, about the latt of Uetober: A orrel horae, about l.t hamta hiirh. with col lur marks plain. KingtKine in riglit hind loot, causing animal to wrlk and trot lame. lui'tw3 JOHN MAXWELL. Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE IS UEKEBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an execution duly ii ited out of the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon (or the comity of Ine, by the Clerk thereof, and to me directed, ou to-wit: ths 2d day of lK-oemlirr, 1878, upoo a juclgmeut and uwree reu,itrei in mid oourt Moveiuber R, 1878, eiiinKt A. W. Wallace and in favor of J. U. Yatot for the mm of o7 in V. & gold coin, together with iuWrwt. and eoeta and die hunnueiiU and expeoees of lale, and iorthe fonchure of the - mortirsirml inniai An- ecribil u followe, to-wit: the doutum nd claim of liir Oimont, Not cUim Jl.in T li K 4 WeO. oouUiuiair. 110.70 im in Lane couniv. Drtvon. Commitudii. mi A lvv UKn and Bull eaij dt-ecribni mcrta-rd ia-i-, pureuant to eaid decree. ' T -1 i- 1 ht'ivlore bv virtue of uid exmitinn'. I Ji.l on the 10th day of Dcormtier, 1878, levy Iipon the above dewribst morV;,-"! immiM, and will evil the him at public auction la the kiirh. eet Idddcr at Uie Court Houm diMir in Kiik-vne iiiy, iJme county, iirravn, n SATCKUAY, the J5th dav of January, 1879, betwern the houn of 9 o'clock in the f jrenooa and 4 o'clock in uie alternoon of eaid dav. Teruu ch, in I'. S. cold coin. a R KAKI.N', JR., Sheriff of Idtne County, Oregon. Eugene City, December 21, 1878. 5w. EUGENE CITY MILLS. milE UNDESIGNED BEU LEAVE TO J lulorm the putilic that thrv are the owneri of the Kl'UKNK CITY MILLS, and are pre pared to do a reneral snillimr buainaaa. Will receive Wheat ua itoram at loweat terma. and make satisfactory anangvatenta with farmers wno ireineato nare their owi heat grouad. Hare at all limea oa hand, FLOUR and ALL KINDS OFMILLFEED, and pay the Highest Cash Price tor Wheat PATTERSON, EDRIS k GRAY. S, S. HOFFMAX,M.D. PHYSICIAN AM) SUIir.KOX, Wishea to inform kie rtmca that the ru mor that he kae remored frn t )wa ta fake. He saay be toond at kie OFFICS-Jif K- ava v orTq.r riieaoe e Mga AcrnNiSHING CURES I f-lM W .... I Manhood. ' Paralysis. Exhausted Viiauiy, impairs , MemJrv Men... Diseases. Weakness of j . .J tfa. I!4.. I aft 4 A ' RancnflUCIUra Uri"l I - r . , . Ku the Celebrate! English Ksmeay, . SIR ASTLET COOPER'S VTAL RESTORATIVE! ' It resinrVs HEARING and stwjrthens the EYK-SIOHf. It is not a QUACK NOtf- 'iU effocte ar permanent. It has no equal. It 1 neither a STIMULANT NOR EClf ANT, but it will do the work thoroutfly and WDR. MINTIE 4 CO. '8 great suecew In the above complaints ii largely due to the uee of thu wonderful medicine. Price $3 00 per bottle, or four times the ouantitv for $10: sent tenure from obeervation, upon UJit'EIKf OF PRICE. None genuine without the ti-riiature of tiie proprietor, A. E. Ml.J( TIE, M D. Phyticinns any these troublet cannot I "'"he VITAL RE ITORATI.VE and Dr. Min tie A Cc's Special Treatment testify p-jeitively tht they can. , ' cbwSULTAltON tKZt. TIiiiro;i?h ekamlnatton and 'advioi, inluvtiu aiialasyt, 5 0ft .'AWres ...... . 1 DR. A. E. MINTIE & CO. (Graduate of University of PennnylvanlA, and ;. late Reilent Surgeon, OrthopajJic Ilojpital, Philalelpliia. " Reaacnahle fee for Special jTreatmrnt at No. 11 Kerney street, San Frar-:kco. Oflioe bourt If a. m. to p. m., ilnity; lo 8 eveninLi. suntiajs, ii a. m. u i p. iu. i n ). :'.;l'-yl S. Ilcmcnway, 33. i). RB3rCTFULLY OKKKiiS HIS f-EU-vioea t t!te ottiMiis of Jiagone Cily an J vicinity in the PltACTICE or MlWm AHD SUBSERY. When not abient on profeuional duty can be founJ at his n-aiJenoe, corner of Oalc and Fifth ttroeti or at Dr. Patteitoa'e ollice on Ninth aired OIRos hoara from 10 to II a. u., und 3 to 4 P. H. N EW DRUG STORE ON WILLAM etee Street, near Ninth, DSut.lS m CM KM I CAW. OILS. PAINTS. 1 l i LASS, . .. VAUNI.SHL.S i.. PATE:J PWELISiri3, c. . Brandie . Wines and Liquor OK ALL KINI'S. In tact, we have the belt assortment of articU ; , ... . . .foun I in FIRST CLASS HRUI. dTORK. We warrant all our (lrur, for thev aro nsw and Kj-i'h. Particular attention U called to our Slock of .n . ! ''Perfumery aim -Toilet Articles. . Ai we have bought OUR tlOO 'S FOR CASH Ws can compete with any estaTilithmcnt in Eu gene City in price and acamuiiwh'.ion. buy your gools whrre you can i,et the best and cheapest. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED At all hours of the day or night OS HUH N &. SADDLERY. Saddle & Harness Shop ONE DOOR NORTH OF DUNN tt STI'A'f TON'S, Willam'tta Street, Zugcns City, Ogn. Can b had everything usually kept in a well reflated HARNEHS SHOP I Ute the BEST of material, and do mi- wrk well Come and see me before purchasing else where. WVle my harness cannot be excelled. 1 attention is called to . MY SADDLES. TheLAKIN tree is acknowledged thkt on the eoaat, and when riirtred by myself, pvee entire satisfaction; having the three requisites. Deauty, uuraliiiitv and comfort Pit O DUCK TAKEN. DR.LAKiH. aa w . v c CJ ltUSI'll Ulilll tSt 1, Oa. PKALtRS IS GENERAL MERCIIWDISE, At the old stand, Southwest corner of Eighth and WillametU streets, KUOF.XK CITY. OltKQOX. Hare the moat oomp!et stock of General Merchandise la ths city, including Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware , Crockery, Etc.,etc. And m fact erenrthiog the market demands, which we are selling at BED-ROCK PRICES. Paid for all kinds Of farm rtrAWa delivtrad at our 8tort. S. Rosenlilati&Co. NOTICE. irvnFnsiOKED. Wl ..,XT1 M tTIHE UKDERSIONKU, Ko Eaet, will tell ata bargain three mares. -M. --" --77, u. I one boree, one 2J year oiaetauion ofcx--.-- Wi0' vim w imiua - . -m ... rr 7t :3"jn, bed witun. td. ieenatThoma. Butlera' N. a CaaDWIcE. 6o5:tf I GOOD FARM FOR SALE ! A Well IflisravedTarm sv nxv trrrvnKF.n AND THIRTY K) acree. tituated one half mile northwett of Eueene City. Ths Improvements are all wow. A fine young orchard of tht Choicest Fniits. '.TKUMS RKA-ONANLli Tnn,,i nf J. n. UNDERWOOD, or on the prenutea ST. JOHN SKINWER, O K B. C. PEMINCTON, Proprietor. Three Doors North of thr Mor House, EUGIKE CITY, Oregon KEEPS ON HAND THE BEST BEEF, VEAL PORK AND MUTTON IN THE MARKET. -TOR 8ALIDTTHI- CARCASS, QUARTER, OK AT 2 EJ 37 jGl. X X LARD, SAUSAGE, DRIED MEATS, HEAD CHEESE, And Everything Pertaining to i FIRST-CLASS MAUKET Always on Hand. I butohr nono but the vry falu's. and ht-:i stiM-k in the counVy an-i note but No. 1 articln. . Giye me a call and you will nsithcr be die ippoiuted in quality or prices. Meats de'ivered to all parti of the cky free of charge. B. C. PENNINGTON. Real Estate Agent, Gollection Agent, and Notary Public. ECO EXE CITY, : OREO OX. T0 THE LADIES. Misses Holloway & Under (Are AponU for Mrs. M. L. JihWs ira j rovrt chart for cultin !rvws, Sarques. I lqn, Wrappers, Children' clothir.gr etc f.A! this will be taojtht froc and a set of pt gtrrns Riven. This inducement isiv.-n to in t .trrilltd ill. nnlv .f.-... ...... ...... K , nrriiii. i 9 .. : V : . . . . . ji ! ' i-i.-if - v avuii tr,em!icl.-c ofa V!'V. "Crwunity wi.I woll to cail at their m:.!T.cry an 1 dr.-sis ni.-ikin esubiishmt-nt. ... ... ... . . -. Lane County MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION rpHIS ASSOCIATION HAS ON HAND j. a tarn ann varied uairtm.n n rui ju X'l. and are reeemn; every month new supphee suited to this market. Ooods are sold low and AT ONE PRICE TO ALL I I HAVE ESTABLISHED A LUMBER YARD 0 the onrner of Elemtl. ..4 w.-n St !!LW??"tly kad lumber of aU kuada. Seasoned faering and nrtie, feno in aad fence port F. B. DUNN. JMi-tf Market ! DUHH & STRATTCn ' .; v AT THS . ' i...., OLD STAND OF F. & DUNN. . HAVING ASSOCIATED WITH MK IN busineee Mr. HORACE F. STRAITON,, we have just received a new, large and WJ3LL SELECTED STOCK Olf GOODS, Making a specialty of HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL i and ' . . ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMFJtTS, ' ' Ws desire to make no grand flourish, but' it say that farmers eaa come nearer getting ' ANYTHING THEY MAY WANT . at our store than at any ether establishment 1 town, ar d they ean buy them on as good tarsaav Ws have a full line of " ' ' v .; FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRYUOODSf FANCY GOODS,-, v, KA.DIE3' ' AND CENTS' tVKiitSUl'SKf . , . ... GOODS, . MEN AND BOY'S CLOTHING, "' HATS AND CAPS, " " ' : ' ' ' t . BOOTS AND SHOES AnJ are continually adding' to 'our stock tV ' meet the demands of the public. " - "t. a DUNN A STB ATTON, .INSURE-",1 Asiinst os by Fir IN TIIE Liverpool Lcr.dcn & Globe INSUKANCE COMPANY. Chas. Lauer, Ag't. Da. T. W. Shbliok, F. Si. Wh.siss, 8 HELTON VILKINS, Practical Druggists & Chemists, UNDERWOOD'S BUILDING.' Next door to the Grange Store, WillametU street, Eugene City Oregon. Have just opened a full line of fresh Drugs, Medicines & Chemicals. Also a fine assortment of . . :j .. Fancy and Tollci Articles. . ALL KINDS) OF. ' ' ' Mixed Pa ints, Lcjcid, ' Qih Varnish, Brushes, ' - .-.r WINDOW GLASS and PUTT? Which they will always sell on reasonable . terms. , -i' Cartful Bllcnlion given lo Phyiiciu'i fn icriptioat. Nrcw IIRIA1V OF DO'JGLAS COUNTY, OGN. i ' inrorporatfd, June, 1578. rHpilnl Mork, ,100,081 OiTKlCKKS: Pkisideni - A. L. Todd Secbctaiit A reliu Told. Dikcctors J. P. Gill, J. W. Jackson, T. S. Rodahaugh, A. L. Todd and A. Todd. Principal office for sale of stock at J. P. GUI & Son' drug store, I'wtolhce building, Eugene. pORUKNKHtt. jnERrHAHIPI) Ti c- HENDRICK8 V11T1M C A It DS Very neat-atthe GUARD OFflCK. I.OR BUENA VISTA STONE WARBgs to T. O. HENDRICKS Bok and Stationery Sto'rer POST OFFICE BUILDING, EUGENB Citv. I have on hand and avm eonstani'T receiving an aasortment of the Best School and, Miscellaneous Brki, Stationery, Blank Books Portfolio, Cards, W allets, JilanVi, Fortmoa naei. etc.. eta A. S. PATTERSON. QHOrEHIEIiihail krep'on aTnllof"' GROCESlSf & PR0VlStO3 And invite tht Vntion of htiuoekeepe'rar1 T. G. RENDRICKS BOOTS AU hHOES-CALIFOI nia hand an I maoiiine nuule Boots aa. suoea. A new lot dirte A new lot direct fnun factory; H. FRIEN1 DLY EHOTOCRAPHS, Albert Jackson, Artist, Take Photographs, Gems, Carda, Cabixt and Life-Size, style and 6nib eqnal to any work done in the S ate. Price reasonable. GALLERY Willamette street, Eugeae City, i (re-on, over ilrs. Jacksoo's Millinery tt"re- dec U.-6ca BEN RUSH, THE BLACKSMITH, I stilt at the old aland aaJ ia innand to all kinds of general Jobbing, bwe-eboeinf. ( lirinff. etc. Ha vine- smuimI theaerrics nf n erperienoed haitd I will snake the repairing FARM MACHINERY aapecialitv. . B EN RUSH. T A BELI1 TJ ftfaOX-I aa a sols A-J agent far tbia celebrated a n etirvnimf 1 U. tLtVtUl-KO. 1 ', " T'RY IT! -THS to. HKsrkicrawi fMltl. rstialeasilrke T.CHtHDUCU. I Xla!BwTertfI.hri)ht to Ktaal FRI1NDLTH ROSTBURG ANU BAN JT7AN UVl fw ens by T. G. R 1NPRICKS.