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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1878)
r. -Norte, fllmplt nnmncnMnU of births, thkr. Mna dnrthswill b lnrtsd without cUrjii. k'ttfsrr ' U I ekrK1 fur st th rU of 10 . iati par un ' .taMamsns responsibility fur Ylews tiprtmed ' f correspuadents. .m tfiaUMpiMrtli0Din,1awMpDn 'far null M, biT b obtained t this office. CITY AMD COUNTY ; BRIEF MENTIO.Y. Happy Nw Years. . TliomM AiidJeremialr. Go to Raf Kobinson's Wthftit sVinfc'tff 'ihJt red hut candy. ilou. Job a Kelly and Hiraih Smith came up oa Thursday' train. Mr. Hubert M. Say, of S.tlom, i in 'town viiiting friends and relative's., IIuli RxljaM his returlied frb:n Califor- nia rJUga icons as natnrri as a onun, i Ben Boydseu, Well kticrwu in Springfieltl, 'died at Lucca, California, on the 12th iusb . Mr. R. M Oiburn anil Mr.' F. M. Hall, of this pUca, are attouding medical lectures at Portland j - The Ltna Cmaty MjrjiSiilo Ai.ibciitiou hare increased their capiWl'it'ock from J 10, - '(WO to W,000. Mr. E. P. MoCoruacfc, :ftcrkof the board of school land Comnlfassriiers, is visitiig 'friendj and relative's in this city. . ' .At a pfotrttctt'd meeting held, in Springfield JJuyEiVi Erlvsr and TJnkt, of the M. E. Y'hurr, "thirty -eight parwui united with the kchuftk ' That terrible disase, "awearoffaftornew year," is now raging iu Eugene. Fifty-oue .new case). Young ineu are tho principal victim. ! The January uumlur of Vioks Floral rin'iiln U at hand, and tvDOL'ranhicallv snenk- i.L U a beautiful ai the flower to which it i devoted. The Guard has just roctived a new sup ply of job material and we are butter pre pared to turn out first class work than ever before. Give us a call. A double niarriag was celebrated at Junction" last Sunday. Tho high contracting parties wore Peame Starr and CVrie Tharp, and Silas Tharp and Emma Starr. The Firemeu ball Christmas eve passed off quietly and was a success in every way, except Hmncially. Wj ualorstand that there will ba a small deficiency.' Who ia the noxt mi l that will go East to 5 t married! Youn uicu, romeinber (J roc ley's famous saying, and stay West when 'ou oontemplate this important atup. The hoodlums of Junction are raising a lircly nckot by stulH;i gunny sacks down chins flue and intoferhiK with private rJiidenees. So ay the Junction RcpubU !an - We lwa jut rjcjivod a no and boauti lu'l song by that popular author, Goo. May lard, with music arranged by Lonis Bmlock er. It is for salo liy I. W. Tri'iitice ft t o., PurUaiHl. " ; Mr. B. K. HenAson, one of the "prints" oi the 'irtl:uid Staildii'd, is ia town vi-siting rjhtirsJ a'l tAnU. Wj jtitf3 tliat Kin?' mustache has departed, and conso cincntly bftsuo w for mustache dye as ho n?ed to of yaro. A Ud waginacertaiucollegj, one morn ing, real a theme of uuusuul merit. The president, Iteinf wtsptcious, asked pointedly if it was original. "Wby, yes sir," waa the Teply, "it hl 'original' over it ia the lapcr I took it from." Mr.' Jeff Smith and Wiliic SlciuhilseP, of Eugene. ' Jeir is fast aiming ldena.c ; Lronortion. while Willie has brought bin.. prnnortions, w self 4wi' to fighting weiglit They re turned to Portland Thursday. CoN'eiXDKii. Thp trial of J. K.Mercer for the murdor of A. C. M Donald in Port Lind wa concluded at that place during' "'e present week. Tha jury stood eleven to one c mvictioi f r murder in the second do grecj and as the single juryman was in doubt and wavering, the counsel for defense, with tho consent of the Court and District Attor ney, withdrew their, plea of not guilty f manslaughter; The penalty of which is ini prisoinent in the penitentiary not los tbau one or more than fifteen years. Died. From the Roseburg papers we learn that Wm. Glover died at that place a abort time since. "Bill" as he was familliary called was well known here having tended atock and "drove" stage for the Overla id Stage Co. before tlie advent of the railroad. With all bis faults be possessed a generous natnre and the mantle of charily Jisy well lie spread ever the departed. Curistma Among the jy of childhood, the Christmas tree occupies a promineut position; around it cluster many joyous anticipations. Two public Christmas trees were displayed in Eugene Christmas eve. one at the M. E. church and the other at tha Christian church. Both were well filled and presented a pleaiug appearance, ?uc TrairEiu!cE Mektho. Dr. J. W Waits, Hit popular temperance lecturer wi!) be in Eageo city to lectare on that subject oo Xew Year evening: and a the Itoctor uses thvti to. ill astral hi pohiU tlie meet ing ha been retnom! from the Methodist church to the court hoeae. Niw Hau.. We are infomed that com mar has been formed fr the Durprae of w . - . building a kail ia this city for public par pose. The contemplated edific will b a abatairtial, roomy, and elegant structure. SncuL DmrTT.-rJoh H. McClnj O.J -byCW.CT. Dunbar. A. lodp viH probably h urguuMti at tbU t a . P"0 -- TaUJW, Kr. C. H. Wallac viahca U rvtark lhaols to th pp1 of CrMeH aad Ticinity forthChstaMreseat o . arw Mit el tVt flia!f i idrea;ff fcis 1 Bloodlm. Htm. From the Statesman of the 24th intt., we extract the following: "About noon yester day a quarrel occurred in the rooms of the Investigating Committee, at the State House the principal! being William H. Watkinds, formerly Superintendent of the penitentiary. and Hon. John M. Thompeon, Speaker of tho House of the hut Legislature. The af. fair caused considerable excitement as it be came known. It appears, from, all that we can learn, that Watkinda had bwn sutn moncd before tbecommitte to toll what he knew about the management of the peniten tiary, and while he was in the committee room Thompson came 'in, holding in his left hand a large which he handed to hauled to Watkinda with the remark, "I want yon th read this! Ic's my opinion of you !" At -this instaut several gentlemen wh.) ttt.iod near; discovered that he had a tisfjHh Lis right hand, and before he could hrtve used it had he so desired it was taken from him by D. P, Thompson, ami fur- tner flemoustratioii prevented by tlie prompt iutorferouco of the gentlemen in the room. The pistol, which was a small nickel plated revolve?, wa, loaded, cocked, and ready for inimcAuate use. Mr. Thompson was shortly "aWr arrested by Marshal Minto and taken bufore Recorder Bowie, being defended Cy Messrs. Lord and Shu w, while Mr. Watkiwls was represented by Bouhani t Ramsey. After hearing the evidence the court conclud ed there was nothing to show that he in tended to do injury to Mr. WatkimU, and ordtred the discharged of the defendent." We understand that this report of the af fair is not altogether correct. The committee had adjourned, and Mr. Thompson stepped up to WatkimU holding out the envelope, saying at tho same time, "This is my mes- ;438e for you-" Mr- WatkimU did not take mo cuvuiupe, uiu uciu uis nanus irom mm opeu, and implored the protection of the committee, saying that he was unarmed." The immediate cause of the circuniutauce wax, that Wat kinds had written a letter to tho committee, tilled with insulting personal alluiions to Mr. Thompson. Al... , 1 l 1 1 1 I 1 l . . Cliurch Notices. There will be services in St. Mary's Epis copal Church on Sunday at 11 a. m. ami on Friday at 7 r. M. Sunday School at 3 P. M. Services at the Baptist Church to-:ilol'row morning and evening. Morning subject, "The Healing Waters of Rcthesda." Even ing subject, "Om Personal Freedom anil Re sponsibility in Religiou." Sunday School at P. M., B. F. Do.ris, superintendent. Elder J. P. McCorklo will preach at the Christian Church Sunday morning; subject, "Justification of Faith," and in the evening, "What Must I do to bo Saved." .Suudsy School at 9:lo o'clock a. m. A Si'lUUMAUK. Ono day this week two tfentlcnien, over whom" J ' Aiany v ilirers have passed leaving them white and silvered, met uh.uu in a llelit ad joining town and procee led to discuss, wit!i fijts, the question of which was the better m.'.n. Tlie only one that has appeared on the streets since, claims that it was decided iu his favor. His friends, however, on his first appearance wero laboring under tho im pression thai he had been put through a Ibreshiug machine. " Elkctiox of Oiticehs. Wimawhala en campmciit No. (i, I. 0. 0. F., elects tho fol lowing oliieers for tlio ensaing terai. T. W. Sht!;u), C. ilai:ii!g;o:i, H. I'iS S. W. i. R. I .akin. J. W.; I. '". '' oti,ce, , ocUocther wilii tilosd of Hpccer Butto lodge No. 9 UK (A F, Mill be public ly installed by D. U. M. Church at Odd Fellows hall on Thursday January the seventh. Nor 1'.ii:on. We iiave b-je.i i:iforin.(l that tl.o Governor did not pardon tlie man .Luce from Line county, but he only re mitted the sentence so far as confinement iu the peniteutiary is concerned but did not re store him to citizenship, and this action was based on the opinion that the man is really insane and that if he need confinement to prevent injury, ho ought to bo sent to tho insane asy.uut. tiatesmaii. TlIB ExiTliSIo. AlxiUt one hundred per son from this place went to Portland last Thursday on the excursion. On a small cal culation the expenses vt each person going ill average fifteen dollars. It would be good policy, to spend your money nearer home, Instead of jiounng out your loose change into the lap of some other own niunity. State Taxes ok Ease Co. The taxable property of Lane county amounts to 47 V 0!Ki. The State has leviot a tax oi si-en mills, three mills of which is to cover out standing warrants, aud the remaining four mills for general fund. Lane county will pay to the State $-24.:25 as her share for the year 18T8. Payment t State Taxes. Mr! J. ( Gray Treasurer of Lane c mnty, went to Sa lem last Thursday taking with him $S,000a the first installment for the state Uxes of this county for 1873. Lane county has tlie friable reputation of commencing the pay imnt of taxes among the first, ami finWrUtg her liabilities in the same rank. Ax ArTHofttiw. "True BIut" is the ti- tIeoft7 book written hy Mrs. L C. BelL f tha eft; ami published by Lothmp 1 Co.. of Braiao. 1W Sui Fnacisco Port waMplimeota the aatba Vj saying that. Thi is a delbtfas stnryr ami promise to ""' Afct o oe- MaIHD.-W. an creilitably infonntd tfiat tnt fellow townsman. Will H Abrams, took nto limIf a Chnstma present is tb hf U fair daaghter oi' Ere, oo the reniag of th th..' T Auptials Real Elate Trinsoctloni. The following real estate transactions have been made sine December 1st: John 0 Callison to C A Davis, one-fifth iuterest fn 53 acres; consideration, f 104. James Vickers to R Kugley and E Chi cheater, 175 acres. R S Cathey to Geo McGowan, 100 acres consideration, $500. J J Johnson to Rebecca Johnson, KJO acres; consideration, $100. ; Isaac Vandyne to Win Vainly ne, LV) acres; consideration, $4,000. C W Washburn to J C Andrews, 280 acres; consideration, $.1,000. C X Kincaid to Elizabeth Keciiey, 40 acres; consideration, $700. W r Flotcher to B F Kyle, 80 acres; cou sideration, S300. j R B Spencer to B Deadinond, 1 acre; con sideration, $30. ' Wm Funk to M A Vvacb, 320 acres; con. sideration, $700. j J 11 aud Wm Ore to X S and J C Mar shall, 1,204 acres; consideration, ,1,400, J. W. Parks to Seth Simmons, 9ti acres; consideration, $1,000. John A. Stowcll to A W Stowcll, 0(i acres; consideration, $2,100. A W Stowell to John Stewart, 154 acres; consideration, $4,600. ; Wm Stoops to Chas L Williams, 133acres; consideration, $479. ; James Parvin to II S Moore, 321 acres; consideration, $1,100. j John Rhea to Columbus Rhea, 47 acres; consideration, $250. Cynthia Fisk to Z. T Fisk, 15G acres; con sideration, $5. , B M Bennett to Kobt Cochran, 6 acres; consideration, $200. Catherine Connelly to Robt Cochran 242 acres) consideration, $700. O F Kennedy to D DeViite-, 2l acid1, con sideration, $1,000. O 4 C II R to John Cogswell, 133 acres; consideration, $ 1 SO. . Same, 123 acres; consideration, $25'.), S W Miser to Patterson, Edris & Gray, one-fourth interest in tho Eugene mill prop erty. Aaron Lurch to Nathan Mycr, 1 acre; consideration, $1,500. donation r.mijjd. U S to A Wooh idge. T U S to Garrett Bogarti U S to M C Barger. U S to J G Davis. U S to J C Riuhardsom U S to J M Warner. U S to A Goodpasture. U S to Jeremiah Dodsou. US to G Richardson. U S to James Parvin. U S to John B Hanua. 'Court Prjccfilings." MKPOHTKD BY THE LVINU IIEPOBTEH ENtiMiKO KOK TUB m -"! ' " Tho coiifodnded court of thia city, tho vag abond jidjt p.-jiiJiug, cjaveju.1 at the Court House last Wednesday for tho pur pose of administering justice to Ebeu Stuart. The prisoner wai brought into court and tho indictment read by the pusillanimous clerk, to which he entered a plot of "not guilty. Tho attorneys were selected on account of their cviisuimunto r.ucdity. A jury of scal awsgj who were not expected or supposed to be aide to render ft just verdict were tum bled into the jnry box. Of all the witnwsos called not one of them but showed an otter disregard for truth. We shall modify this list statement by Making ono exception; that of the evidence of a gray haired gentle man coiicuraiuir widows. A verdict of guilty wa rendered by the jury and tho prisoner was sentenced to "Setup" the "Tom ami Jerry" for tho c.-owd. The fine was paid, and the prisoner discharged. Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., the proprietor of Dr. Piorccs' Family Medicine, and also of the luvalids' ar d Tourists' Hotel, of that city, has recently been elected to Cougre-ss by the very flattering majority of nearly 3,000. He has already served his constituency as State Scuator, ami this re newed ndnrseimmt signifies that bis sop vices have been highly satisfactory. His extensive practice in the treatment of Chronic Diseases will not, we are informed, be ueg lectd or suffer in the least when the time arrives for him to take his seat in Congress, it being intrusted to his brother and other experienced medical gentlemen whohave'Jong been associated with the Doctor in tlio .Med ical Dtpartmcutof bis eelcbraWd World's Disijcnsary aud Invalids Hotel. Besides, ax the Forty-sixth Congress does not convene until December, 1S7!, Dr. Pierce' patients w ill not lose Ids personal attention for some muni s yet. S;ier.iV Bale. The store "f Luic'.i Bros., at Creaswell, was sold umkr shciif s sale yesterday. A H. Spare, of Cottage Grove, bought in tlie stock for $3,133. Si ilo'iw. The Tuldic schd will resume studie oext Mombiy and the Cniveitity on Tbnrsilay. Pask-Time. When the other man holds the four sovereigns and oiwspot ithio his grasp. fooir to llw Ccmefr Ctinn has established th rule that the closing of tlx year is th time to square up. In this spirit James McClaron invite hi delinquent costMiwr to settle try their bill by the first of tW year. Tlse lmtebUd will take ootic aud pay Bp their account Fo8I-T fine budding loU f salsv Laiiiirat this office, Mtnmrn. At Gobn, Decen.ber 22, 1878. hy J. Handaker. Mr. V. B. Emmons, of Goshen, and Mm EUa E. Gry of Baker City, Cr- STATE M'.WN. Dr. W stta is lecturing on temperance Albany and Salem. Tho Ashland trustee have passed a Is requiring boys to be at home after 7 .n'clnc I . M. The principal ollico of the Willamette Farmer will U moved to Portland after January Ut. Mrs. C. A. Moffett has been elected X G. of Columbia Hebekah tfegre lodge No. 3. I. M. O. F. of Portland. On December 4th Mrs. B. M. Miller liv ing a few miles north of Ringo Poiut, Clack ma county, committed suicide. Cause - bail health and depression of spirits. The steamer S. T. Church has sunk in the Willamette below Salem. Sho had a cargo of about 240 tons. Kinney Bros, had $10, 000 worth of flour on board, the greater part of which will prove a totid loss. (Jraxt as tiik "C'omixu Max.' Tlie imperious lladicnl Ion lor of tlie St'iiato, Conkling of Xcw York, li;u como out univsieivoillv f"r (Jrant Uiy (.' i now ibereloK llio man beyomi tlioputf, whom the H.iiliials must run for I'lfsidt-nt in 1880. Unt tho Democracy liavo a voicu in the lection, nml that voicu will be po . . , . i . . , , . icnuni. urani will never n"ain occupy the Into Hoil-p. TIio Deinociais will choose its oceiiiKint. I' litre is ti rattlesnake in this cellar llie placard a Florida man has over ia iloor. Burglars don't trouble him SoiuciiiiHx for the Xom Vcuri Tlie world renowned success of Hostetter Bitters, and their coiUmni-d unnularitv for n quarter 01 a century as attoiKacliic, Is scarcely more womlerful than tho welcome that greets me ttnmuti nppeanmce 01 nostel'-ers Almanac. This valuable medical treatise is nulilLihdd hv Hostetter'sjt Smith, Pittsburgh l'a., under their own immediate supervision! Afinluyiiig 80 iiamis in mat department; Jen tylmrter printing presses, 8 folding nlachiiiei, S job presses, Aa, are running about eleven months in the vear on this work, and the Issue of same for 18,'J will not be It1 a than ten millions pi in ted in the English, German, Frenuh, Nor wegian, Welsh, Swedish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish languages, liefer to a copy of it for valuable and interesting reading conoern Ini; health, and numerous testimonials as to the efficacy of Hostetter's Stomach Bittci's, ainutio tHi nt, varied information, astronomical calcu lations and Chronological items, lie., which can be depended on for oorreotnes). The Al mauac for 187'J can bo obtained free 0 cost, from druggist and general country ualei in in all parts of the country. ;- A Sensible lady Not Ion? siheo due of our principal physicians was called on t t visit a patient who was suffering from a severe cold, and which had become seated on her liimrs. He continued for some time prescribing expensive prescription!), and she, poor thin?, gobbling down the uauseous preparations, with no im provement. At last she was induced by her uncle to try Hale's Honey of Koruhouii'd and 1 tar ami li.itwimJT-iftnr ciuai Hcff a decided imiiroveiueiit, aiul three, , s,, eiv"' )'r (Ust only i'O cents a bottle at all druggist. Depot, 'Critteiiton's Patent Medicine Ware house, T sUtli avenue, New York CHy The dollar size Is the most economical for general use. Pike's Toothache drops cure in one min ute. Ladles Attention. Berlin Fashion Patterns at Dunn k Strat um's. " We have just roceivod from tho Eastern factory, direct, a large stock of window shades and wall paper among the hitter are many very pretty styles embracing Grained Panucls, EniliosBod, Gilts and I ac 'Patterns, Satin mid Common Blanks, all of which wo sell cheap, and no charge for trimming paper. . DUNN & STRAITON Robinson i Church at the Hardware Stoic keep the largest and best sclwtod slock of wall paper and border in Eugene City, comprising in part, Brown, Blanks, Satin, Gilt and Emboss ed paper, which they purchase direct from the Eastern factories and will sell as cheap as tho cheapest. All paper trimmed free of ehargo. Dr. Mintio's VeKotablo Nol'hrotlcnin Will cure all diseases of the Kiiideys, Bladder and Urinary Organs. Hundreds have been cured afVr all other remedies had failed. His English Dandelion Pills have no equal iu all cases of Diseased Liver, Dyspepsia or itny l)..ruii,'.iiiii nt. Manv of vout1 leading oitiiwns of this City will voueh as to their virtues. To be bad by all druggists IX TIIK WHOM! HlSTOIir OK MF.OICIXK, 110 preparation has ever performed such marvel lous cures, or mninUined so wide a reputation, uu Aviu'h Ciirimv I'KCTOIIAI.. which is recog nised as th world remedy for all uisrnsesoi the throat and lima. Its long continued series of wonderful cures in all climates lias made it universally known as a af?aiid reliable agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, which are the forerunners of more seriuus disorders, it acts speedily and surely, always relieving sulfcrinif, und often saving life. The protection it affords, by its timely use in tho throat and lun: dis orders of children, makes it an invaluable rem edy to lie kept alwavs on hand in every hom. No .-rson can afford to be without it, and those who have once used it never will. Frmi their knowledge of its composition ami ohVcts, Phy sicians ue tlie ClIEKHr l'WTOU.M. extensively in thvir praiti)!. and ('h rVnicft recommeml it. It in a'M'iluMy n rliull III lis reniuomi iukm, uri'l will always cure wnifw tuic For sale by all dealers Liver 1 Klnff. Th Liver is the Imperial orjan of the whole hiiuiim system. as it controbi the life.he.ilth and happiness of man. Vhr it is disturbed in iu proiRraction.all kinds frf nilm- nts are the Batu mi r'sult. Theili.'ction iff food, the movem-nU of the heart ami blond, th- action f th brain ami ncrvems system, are all iiriinwliately con neeted with tho workmj,- of the Liver. It has U-en successfully ITOve.1 that Crecn's August Ftowrr i nn.:fmallil irt rurin all persons af-flic-Vd with lyepra r Liver Complaint, and all the numerous symptoms that result from au unhealthy om lition of tlie Uver ana niomaen. Sample bottles to fry, 10 oenU Positively sold K all town on the West-rn Continent. Hiree d-s will prov that it is just what yon want A FBEE run for consumptum, bronchitis, asthama, catarrh, .Lt .n,l loni Aiienntx. Also a sure relief ac. permanent cure for ivneral debility dyspMi knd all nerrous affections, by a simple veUble sadicin which cured a tcneraUa misniomiry l . fit Svn&atiil f," ,, who h?rly gives tl. 1 ,a- specific to thousand r kiodrjd sutftreni feeU it hi. sacred olirHlio duy Vr Ir.pArt to I m hen this wonlerlui mvirav-nx j will send riu6istHui r.. ! .tamp for replr. mm lull oireowoni, w muj r " " w- riKV.r.A'Rlt A ROBBI.V. Gsrrur Btocr, Snia'-fef, V. Y. , p. o. Btx a H FMEtlDLY, HAS JUST OPENED FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE THE LAC EST STOCK OF COODS KVKtt r.RuCHT TO EUGENE. OCR STOCK t)F CLOTHtT(l has been lar,rely increased and we can show as uauusnnie a imeol ready made goods in MEN'S AND BOYS' BUSINESS AND DKESS SUITS As un lie found in the country, ahd ,t prices OUR DRESS GOOIXS DEPA R'i'M KNT is well filled with a ,,1..,.,K,I . r ..,i leading styles and fashi.mable shades of goods. r..Mi'KKSS CIOTHS, MOHAIR, and ' AMERICAN DKESS (JOODS. I'laid, Plain and Oiera Flannels of all colors. deaeheil it tTnl)leaciii'd Cotton Flan lick I Ladios and Gonts' tfndorwotirj Ml AW US ami yCAlU'S; Robinson & Church HK.VI.KIIH IN S1IELF& HEAVY HARDWARE IIAVK TIIK WSelccfediStocKIn Oitroii IS 3G O Xm 2Lj. 3F1 BEFORE PURCHASING, GO TO A. V. PETERS k CO., )ea!ei's ill tienoral Mercliaiuliso, Willie SlsWiN Hie Wat nut inosU)tiiplete of fiblo 00T Al SHOE STORE. A..IIUNT, Proprietor. Shop ilil Wiflnmettc street. '2ml door north of hard.Warti storo, Eugene City, Or, I will hereafter keep a complete stuck of jl, i-t.R - i I Ot 1 1 rjTvrvrvVN n nrlUI'jn, ' ni(er, CjMh and Kid, ! ItllllOII ItOUlN, ! SII(loi'M, white and black, , S a nil It I h, 'iiliLilSlio MEN'S cVc1 BOYS' KISK AND IIKAVY BOOTS & SHOES OF AU. KINDS, And in fact everything in tho BOOT and SlllK line, to which I intend to devote my ccpecial attention. m goods , : Were manufactured to old' i'', J ARE FIRST CLASS And v'uarau teed as rvpresiiMi and will be sold for the lowest prices that a 'kmiiI article aan be atfordeiL BIU'27- 7Ktf Ai III AT. CRAIN BROS; DEALERS is t Wutrlim and Jewelry,! IVJuslcallnstrufou.-.lo, Tc'3, No'.loni, Watches, Clocks, and .Jewelry retired and H...Hi..l Kr,r4liu.i.Mt roDii r of iilu'fiKf I' nd KiL'htii streeU feh!l-tf i 1 If you wish to buy your k'wmIs cheap, you must i i0 to toe store oi LURCH.BRdS., illOVK They the largnst stocks of Merchandise Gener Outside of and they sell iforsls chfap- rr th'.n it lit auvmbe're til the ll- lamette valley. The tirm of Lurch I'ro. consisU oi Aaron Lurch and lien Lurch. IMPOSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADE SLOAN BROTHERS WII,f. Ill) WORK CUE.vri'.Ktl other hop ill ton. I HORSES SHOD FOR $150,! With nrWnuOrU, all f.Hio l. Resetting old sli' 73 enl. All wnrrnnte! t sir ntlletlH. Shop oa the Comer of 8th and Olive Sb. AGKKVLTl'RAL IMPLEMENTS' of j all kind, at inside fic7.r by T. i. HENDniCKS. ( j Dstt Lti :MIIli- WW ytTYLKSi K . J 1 J,,.t retired U ndlwpn Jrirrp.!:l.n Y 1 " r.n,r-lV 'I'lIK BUST IIOi: Lcii riui.uiii."l X to tlumait. " i"""' T.). llfMIHCirKH'. o r. r...... -i. .id, milM sirtith (A o. v. w, e Eagen City, has a lot of fin Menus Unck., lrnth pur bloisls and cral-V for sa! My , c. : i,i ,i .n (n e.!I caesp. citwy ii v. p. nneep ranr wml, u. w w v- opon Vim Wor Wng further mr "n iirthihd, tan be Iphu ,fk WOOL BLANKETS, ALL COLORS. Trunks and Traveling Satchels. HATS AMI) CAPS In tho leading styles. OIL CLOTHS for floor aud table use. BOOTS AND SHOES. We would vail special attention to our stock of I Nfens' and Hoys' Son Francisco Hooli, j Which we have sold fur a dumber of years with ; great satisfaction. Every pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE, PLOWS AND FARMING ! - UTENSILS. ICHOICICTEAS, CANNED GOODS; ! And all choice FAMILY GROCERIES ul aatonishly low rates. j LIVERPOOL CARMEN IS LAN 1)1 ALT'. Highest price lor all kinds of produce mid WOOL. . ii. ri:ii:iiAv UAVK FOR sr at the LOW ESI Kates IRON. STEEL, AXES. ANVILS; NAILS, ROPE Cable Chains, Glass, Putti, Tabl rami Porket CUTLERY, GUNS, riSTOLS; . AMMUNITION, jUiltlCULTTJJAL IMPLEMENTS. , Blasting PowdeK Fishing T'acklr. . . Etc.EU-; , We invito ah exam ination of our good, confident that our prices will , suit the times.. A. XtflC A. !t trw and examino the Cflchhitwi - o afAnm all. mid sol.l mi tl' n.f ,..... terms. B. F. DORRIS, DEALER tk Moves. . Iaus('s' I'ilM'M, r 'J'iiiwaii AND , House Furnishing Goods Generally mm, a Wells Driven Promptly AND Halisfaclion Guarunleed. lVillmiioflc Nlrorl, Eugene City. Oregdrt just receivedA A Large Stork of DKV GOODS, CLOTIIIXU, HATS, HOOTS AKl) SIIOKS, GttOCKItlKS, YANKEE NOTION'S ETC., KTC; AT IlEDUCED PEICES. Hiifhest market price i.nid for all kinds RODCCK, HIDKS and fVllii: a. goldsmit: m I Ta1(Ml pOMACKMUfh of til' Lackey Uyery Stable, Aiur will carry on (itiswyo. LIVERY BUSINESS. Horses fed and boarded ,by th week or dsy: HORSES AND BI'OrilKS FOR HIRE. . Eugene City llrewcrj. f 'MATIIIAS MKLLKK, I'lo'lf I o irejred to Bll all urdtrrs fi I rv-i) i a r- r n r p- o en Lrtutrt d c c- rw OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY. Anne u 1 ? U,i t : A good mrtuU riW ho wl!iin-iittii' Salo of Zeal Eata by Lefkree. oTIf'E IS HEIiEr.V r.rVEX THAT X by rirtne of ircm of th Circuit Court of the State of Orv")). for tlio county nt Lane. ma-!at the reilar N.mUrt.rm.lp. In tb' JJf ' Mills- i.lsa!aUtT m4 Henry W. Midrr et al are d. fn lants, dirtw- irw the nodrrsiirnH rrfrree to sell th md - ll'mln? tosaid parties. I will offrr for 10 ' bi,'!"r ,be t'"" llna ,),, i r.nerw, rtr, Un emmty, Oreg. ft'. tne ,thdarof loeniUr, lft7. th f.d iwith premises,- to-mt: tomnrncing at th S. Ii n Tr of the donation land claim of M.;e Wilh r snd wife, claim No. bo, nnnitf tbeaoe eiih 19 5B chains, then west 100 1. , t-i, north Mchalna, thc w w ,JX thenc oith 28 57 ehains, tbenc ; ett 17 M chains to th plao of banning. i oontainiin 3ty M acre in ln county, yr- j. , to w (nmEmx ,t , p. f 'nw "f lnb. J' K T. GnriT, fy-!e Pfr. IT. j 6 ir. - . - ' !eIbraa us fwry, w rwii