The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 31, 1878, Image 2

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,1 .
f I:
ike mini city guard.
BATTJRliAY. AUO. 31, I87S.
BUSINESS. MatUri of personal
character charged for at regular adver
tising rates, to be paid Invariably In ad
The Folanietn. v
Whilo the volunteers from thU val
ley were eist ot the mountains pro-
tenting the settlers from the ravages
ot the Indians, certain papers down
country indulged continually In wit
less quib9, over Oen. Brown's shoul
ders, at the men who had the courage
' to undergo the hardship, dangers and
privations ol an Indian campaign.
The JVuclua, reforrin-f to the con-
tsinptible and disreputable course ot
these journals in this regard, says:
"We notice that tome of oar exchanges
ar going after Mart Brown, while he ii away
protecting the citizeni of John Day valley in
their livet and property from the incursion of
. . i. ' 1- Ti.:. ...i if tnil.l.
11)1 DNUie DW1IIWKI. A w w iu ..'
ly, a mean, low, degrading, contemptible
ivi nf linaitimu. Mart Drown and the gal
lant boy under hit command, that tacrificed
ikair business interests and cheerfully volun-
XT-4. ".T the theatre of danger, riskinn
their health and Jives to auccor tlie people of
our border settlements beleagured by a mer
ciless foe, are entitled to the earneat gratitude
of every honest, upright citizen in the State
of Oregon and will receive it too. A man's
moral judgeinont and natural intuition of the
honor of men must be far below low water
mark to attempt to caricature Jtnd decry the
motives of earneat well-deserved merit, for
the temper of public opinion will surely put
Its foot npon such baae and wanton purpoaea
and tread them into the duit out of tight and
consideration. It bat alto been hinted that
this company will not roceive any remuner
ation from the State to reimburse them for
their time and expense while terving in thit
capacity thit too we conaidcra ttill boru
innuendo, at oar next legislature will make
pruvition for this expenae and meet It like
The Siatesman was notably con
epiouoiM for tho frequency ot thesu
sonrvy flings, and for no reason that
we can conceive only that Geo.
' Brown was a Democrat. Tho volun
teers tailed to capture tbe Indians for
tho very same reason that Gcir
Howard and his regular troops did
not accomplish the same desirable
result. IJutore tho volunteers arrived
in John Day valley tho Indians had
divided up tmo small squads and re
treated into lie mountains wlicro
neither voluntcors or regular soldiers
could bring them to bay, - Hut while
the volunteers remained and sooutod
through thnt country, (ho peopt
were secure from any fresh Incursions
of tho savages. The people, of that
country ami nil Eastern Oregon pa
purs are unanimous in rendering a
full ineaNiiio ot credit to I lit brav
boys who left their homes and bus
nos and hastened to protect their
families from tho murdering savages,
But we presume that such terms as
"sago hen" and . ''juuk rabbit war
riois," and other ohoicu epithet
don't ctusQ lh boys to loso any
' sleep, when the sourou front whence
they camo is taken liitoootisitloralioji
Grant. Postmaster General Try
nor has just returned home from Eu
rope. He reports that ho hvl sevcra
interviews with leaders of tho Grant
movement, and they report that they
are in earnest in punliing him tor th
presidency. Aud that they have
concluded to give General Key the
' second place on the ticket. 11
won't do. Grunt and Ky sound
too inuuli like Grant and whisky.
There is a flavor ot old Bourbon about
it that would kill at onoo. There is
oo doubt, however, lb it there are a
parcel of tools who are trying to
bolster up Grant and run him a third
time. There are a number of tin
thinking people who are wonderfully
taken with the idea, as they are with
every new scheme that can be broach
ed. We very much mistake; though,
if they make it wiih In any measure.
The editor ol the Benton Dttuocmt
gous after a numerous clan of critical
nincompoops thus: "He stands in the
stores with his lack to the stove and
tells how he could run a newspaper;
haw he could be as independent as a
hog op ice, and call things by their
ri-lit names ; how he would expose
corruption iu high places; how he
would write good common senso and
none of your frivolous, try-to be funny
tuff. Then he criticises other peo
ple's methods of conducting newspa
pers, and just wishes some one would
give him clmncu to show his jour
nalUtiu , biiity. The way to cure one
of these chsj a is to get him to irrs
to wri'e a sensible article i-very day
for a week. B'ure the wet k is out
he is suro to bo pumped dry, and will
gape worse for an idea than a chicken
does with tho pip." Hit ui agin.
Tho only trouble with President
Hayes, the Burlington Haicvye
in ok, appears to be that he it an
ij.'iH iuch him ?n a four fao. nortisc
The Standabd Dollae. A Wash
ington dispatch of the 20lh lost., says
that during tbe past month the treas
ury has paid out over one million
standard silver dollars, and has orders
tor about a half a million more. This
amount has been put in circulation
through the agency of the national
banks of publo depositories, to which
it is sent free of transporation. A
much larger amount would have been
disposed of if the number of institu
tions of this kind 120) bad been
larger, or it the department could,
under the 1 iw, furnish the coin free
of transportation, direct of individu
als. Another drawback has been that
the banks cannot obtain from the
treasury an amount larger than their
securities. A bank baviog a security
with the department of $100,000 can
not, of course, order from the treasury
an amount beyond that. A number
of them having drawn to the limit of
their security, have requested the de
paritnctit to let them have it in ex
change (or one and two greenbacks.
This hai' been invariable refu'6d,,a
tho treasury does not desire to de
rcase the number of small bills in
circulation; does not regard that the
placing of one million silver dollars
among the people in a single month,
with tho order on hand for a million
more, are indicative that it is im
possible to get that coin in circula
tion, besides, the lime ot yeir when
there is the greatest demand for small
coin, the seasou lor moving crops
has not arrived.
It is stated by a Chicago authority
that 80,000 boys and girls of Chicago
are patrons ot drinking-suloons, and
many of them are drunkards. About
0,000 of these tippling children are
arrested annually for drunkenness
and one species of crime and another,
and many of the saloons could not
exist if it wero not tor these juvenile
drinkers. There was a city ordinance
prohibiting the sale of liquors to
minors, but this was declared invalid
throuuh soino influence. A com
mittee, ot the Citizens' Loaguo now
call for a restoration of tho ordinance
or the pasengn of another one still
more binding, to save 30,000 of Chi
cngo'settltn from Intemperance ana
its resulting yiovs. The number ot
little drunkards who ought to bo at
school makes some notion tor their
benefit worth while.
Gram did not knowlho methods ot
some of theso "distinguished men," re
marks the Utioa, N. Y,, Herald. They
never told him how at a dinner in
Washington the proposal w g -put to
a prominent Uepubliuan, now dead,
to support the movement for a third
term. Mis deeidud negative whs
followed by the question whether he
would not favor Gen. Grant forl'resi
dent tor a third term, in case ol a
foreign war, or of fresh und aggra
vated outbreaks at the South. Nor
was the iudignanl protest of tho brave
man reporte.1 to him. "You ak me,"
said tho true hearted Republican ''it
you stir up a foreign war, or if you
kindle again the flames of civil con
flict, yon can drive me into the sup
port ol this plan. Let mo tell you
ih it tho nig next ion of such methods
of creating an apparent necessity for
your movement wilt deceive no one
and will weaken rather than stienirih
en you. No poliiicul scheme enn
succeed which needs to start it an
unnecessary war or tho aggravation
ot civil strife."
The Pendleton Indt'jwulent says:
W e anticipate troublo from ihe Uma
una ana uolumtia Kiver Indians at
an early day. They aro growing more
and more lestlcs every da v. The
annuities of the Umatillas cease next
April,., Tkey wMi to get a renewal
of fsvors.- To do it they know all
that is necessary is to kill a few
whites, and the Government, uinlcr
the internal peace policy will act them
up in business. They meet our citi
sens aud tsntalixo them in every
shape. The whites will not always
ubmit to these indignities. Some ol
tho Indians will be killed and then
trouble will begin.
Tho aulmad version of tho Galena
tanner on Gsn. Robert E. Lee does
not sur'priio the Owensboro Ilrami
ner. He is incapable of measuring
the mind of such a man as Lee. He
does not possess the instruments to
take the altitude ot his mind. He has
groveled in a lower moral and intel
lectual sphere, and his limited vUion
fails to take in the grand proportions
of the man he attempts t- critici.
Lee's military reeord is known the
world over, and is the heritage of the
world. It rests on solid rock which"
cannot be shaken by the idle breath
of -rh a ehanpi Til a nrattJtowsrd anarey ar l rrrht!n.
Sbtridai ill Great Soldier.
Genera! Grant, ssys theS. F. Ex
aminer, is reported to have expressed
tbe opinion that Lieutenant General
Philip II. Sheridan is one of the
greatest soldiers of this or any other
age orcocntry. At the sarao time,
he pays fair tribute, from his stand
point, to the greatness of the late
General Albert Sydney Johnston.
Were it not that he does this, the
reader would be led to tbe conclusion
that Grant's idea of great soldier
was that he should be, shit-fly, a great
monster a barbarian scourage like
Allile, a savage like Suwarrow, a
butcher liko Mouravieff for it was
of such "greatness" these noted flends
of war were alone possessed. The
red handed warrior who chucked at
utmost consummation of his threat
that he would so devastate the fertile
valley ot the Shenandoah that the
crow which flew across it would have
to pack his food for the flight; .the
relentless incarnation of hate ond
revengn who denied to the ahos of
the pure Johnston, he that was ever
so chivalries) fro and so magnanimous
a conqueror, the last sad rites which
even savage tribes observe to the
dead; and the reckless, infamous
slanderer who characterized a whole
people as "banditti" ho who has
dono all this, nad wore that is atroc
ious and fiendish, is not a "great sol
dier," nor is he worthy ol being great,
except in the category we have in.
stiiBccd. Furthermore, Sheridan's
habits, his shocking profanity, his
blasphemy, and his utter want ol
every ennobling attribute and refin
ing quality, 'alike forbid that ho
should ever be ranked with iho great
and good in the noble profession ot
The Detroit Frtt Pi-ess says: The
amount o! demagogism and ignorance
represented in tho so called ''Ratio
nal" movement is simply enormous.
Day alter day and week after week
.he self elected leaders of that move
ment, in the press and ou the -plat-lui
m.enunciate propositions so stupid
ly lulse that if their hearers would
but take the hast pains to inform
themselves, they would turn from
paper and speaker iu disgust.
The Springfield jiepitbUcah" says:
It is uo more business of John.Sher
mail's whether one of hiscluiks tries
to dissuade another from subscribin
to the Uepubliuan campaign tund
than it is whether the same clerk
discourages the collection ot con
tributious to circulate Bob Ingcr.-oll's
lectures agniust hull, or convert tho
It isn't true, the Cincinnati Com.
mtrcial declares thut the one man,
power is noedod. It isn't truo that a
strong Government is required. It
isn't truo that there is uo national
salvation for us except under Grant
It is contemptible and corrupt . to
assert the existence of tuch emcr
genoies and necessities. ', '
Suppose of course it is all non
sense to suggest such a thing, and we
hardly know how it came into our
head but suppose Grant should take
a notiou to change lis politics and go
over to tho Democrats, would the
Republicans have any body left to
run for President in 1880.
It may devolve upon the new House
of Representatives to choose the next
President f-the United States, thu
St. Louis Timet thinks. Very certain
it U that the j ob will never be let out
again to an Electoral Commission.
Thereloro it becomes to the Democ
racy of all the more villi Wportaoco"
that it secure absolute control of the
Forty xixth Congress.
The Dubuque Jkrald saysvThe
Republicans are in their regular
monthly flurry over tho report that
Tilden is engaged iu activo work iu
the political campaign, with a vie
to promote his nomination in 1880.
Their frights over this spectre are ss
regular snd as ohen as the full moon.
(en. Shermin says that the conn ,
try is in peril again, but dx-s not '
specify the cause of the lnnger to ;
American institution. Perhaps, sug- j
gests tho Chicago Time, it is the ef ,
fectot the Bill which failed to pro-'
vide forage for horses which he didn'lf
' 1 t
The Utioa Jispublican says: While
Hayes is frittering away his lime and
energies on petty schemes of ambi
tion, to buide np a personal fallow
ing by purchasing adherents with of
fice, tbii whole country is zraritaiio?
Cel. Grant Foreigner. '
- A correspondent of the Rochester
Union and AdoertUer raises tbe truly
alarming issue that "Grant is now,
and tor several years roost remain,
ineligible to any eleetive office under
tbe government ot the United States
or of any state.
iToit will remember," be says,
"that in the year 1877, soon after the
close ot bis second term, he left the
United Slates, and has since been in
Europe, and is now there npon an
extended pleasure trip. Upon his
arriviil in England he was the recipi
ent of many honora from the people
and tbe rulers of Great Britian, among
which, and to which I call the alien-
lion appointed, as by the laws of
London, wbich be accepted, ana ny
that accept nee and presentation he
thereby became a citizen of the cor
poration of London, entitled to a
voice in its government, and eligible
to its Lord Mayoralty. Upou such
acceptance, and at tbe timo ot us
being couterred, he signed his name
lo the charter, or such instrument in
taw as tho corporation provides for
signature npon admission of , new
citizens. That he also took the oath
of allegiance to such corporation,
which is but another form of natural
ization under tho laws of Great Brit
ain. That he is now, in tact as in
law, a subject of the queen, and. by
such fast has ceased to be a citizen
ot the United States, and is therefore
ineligible to any position under our
laws until he has iasseit the requisite
term of years alter his return, and
has been through the agonies ot nal
urabzalion a term of years, that bars
him trom the canvass ot ldoO, it not
for all lime, aslo the presidency of the
United States. I submit this nut lor
our republican triends to crack."
Grant has had enough ot power,
remarks the New York Sun. The
people have had enough ot Grant
Liberty and Grant do not go to
gether; and liberty without Grant
is better than Grant without liber
ty. Enough is already known lor a
cert.inty about Grant lo make it
not worth while to nscertaiti ex
peiimentally any more.
Mr. Justus II. Schwab, the great
Communistio leader, holds a high
opinion ot himself as compared will
such men as General Butler. Hu is
reported as saying that "Butler
couldn't get in with us it he wan'.ed
to. We want justice, not Ben. Un.
Albany Democrat: Last Tuesday after
noon the Corvallis stage npset on the grade
about a half mile below IUinwnter't, and
rolled down over the embankment for several
feet Strange to say nothing was broken but
the tongue, and none of -tho passengers were
hurt The driver .brought the stage back
here, and procuring a hack at one of the liv
ery stables, went Lock and gathered np his
passengers and got into Corvallis in good
Albany Democrat: The llydes, at liar
riaburg, received a letter from parties in
Eastern Oregon last Wednesday, dated on
15th, which stated that ai soon as the Linn
County Rifles left that country a band of
hostile came to Hyde's ranch on the head
waters of the John Day snd completely des
troyed evertbing about tbe bouse and killed
thirty head of cattle. Stockmen are badly
scared over there and are afraid to commeuce
branding calves.
Aa Undeniable Truth.
Yon deserve to suffer, and if mu lead a
miserable, unsatisfactory life in the beautiful
world, it it entirely vour own fault there is
only one excuse for you, your unreasonable
prejudice and skepticism, which hat killed
thousands. Personal knowledge and common
reasoning will toon show vou that Green's Au
gust Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint,
or Dyspepsia, with all its miserable effects,
such as sick headache, palpitation of the heart,
sour stomach, hihitual costiveness, diuinest of
the head, nervous prostration, low spirits, Sc.
Its sales now reach every town on the Western
Continent and not a Drurcist but will tell vou
ol lis woundertul cures. 1 ou can buy a nam
le Bottle for 10 cents.
Three doses will re-
ieve you.
Incorporated, Jane, 1573.
Capital Stock, $190,000.
Pirxmrvr-A K TVvl.t Sm-vr.
rebut TodL IhRKcroas J. P. ttill, J. W.
Jackson, T. S. Kodahaugh, A. L. Todd and A.
at eon s drug store, rostomc building, Eugene.
sin,. ii m
- - s.
(Lard braadt at
rk!H.vii.v I
X taUsavksl,ttttofewrt pnmat,
jj. Rosenblatt & Co.,
At the old stand. Southwest corner of Eighth
and Willamette streets,
Have the most complete stock of
General Merchandise
In the city, Including
Dry Goods,
And fa fact everything the market demand,
which we are selling at
Paid for all kinds of farm produce
delivered at our Store.
S. Rosenblatt & Co.
Against Loss by Fire
Liverpool & London & Globe
Chas. Laucr, Ag't.
X State of Oregon, for :ie Uountyol ume.
Llnnie E. Horn, Plaintiff,) Suit in equity for
vt, divorce & custody
Sidney Horn, Defendant J of minor child.
T- C : . 1 . TTam. .1. - .lino, JatonAant
In the name of the State of Oregon you are
hereby eummoned to appear in said Court and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff, gled
therein, within ten days from the date of ser
vice of thit summons upon you, if you are
served in Lane county, or within twenty dayt
from service on you if you are served in any
other county in said .State, or if by publication
of summons, then by tlie nnt Monday in No
vember, 1878, that being the first Oay ot trie
term following the expiration of the time pre'
scribed bv the order of the Court. It is ordered
by the Hoi
on. J. F. V atson. Judireof said Court,
dated July 2ltli, 1878, that service of summons
in the above entitled cause bo made oy pubir
cation of summons in the Lit.enk Citt uuahd
for six consecutive weeks, ami if you fail to
answer the same, judgment and decree will be
taken against you for the re.ief prayed fo" in
complaint, namely : A dissolution of the bonds
of matrimony existing between you and the
plaintiff, and that plaintiff have the custody of
the infant child, Middie Ethel, and such other
and further relief as to tlie Court may serm
equitable and just, and for the costs and dis
bursements o! suit. lr. li. J 'UJUtlS,
602.-OW Plaintiff's Attorney.
. ALLAH'S Asn-r at Is the sTFtt remedr Ibr Conw
ttncT. II Is Diirelr rentable snd nerft-ctW hsrmli'U.
It sets on the food in the stoins. li, pn-reniW Mseoiw
version Into rat. Tsk. n acrorlln to tlln-etlont, st
n placing imt renwiir ociora tne public as a p.. I
Stre cur for obeilir, we do so knowing Us abllltv lo
wiu rvaaa !. mas M SMMa wsrlk
lire, ss attested br hundreds or testimonials, of
which the foUowlns from a Isdjr In Columbus, Ohio,
Is a ssmnls: 'Ocntlenwnt-Your Anti-Fat was duly
nceirvu. j umm ii ac coram? u airecuons and II
Seduced me St pounds. 1 was so tinted over tlie
suit thst I Immediately sent lo AcmilllAN'S drus-
ttors ror tlie second bottle." Another, a blivilolun,
wrltlnf tot a patient from Prol,lence, K. U saylu
"our botilrs have reduced her welglit from IW
pwirnis to in pounds, ina were is a tvneral Improve
tueal In hralth.'1 A i-entleiuan writing from Bos.
t. ..Htm. ajirviM cimnn or attenuon to
fllvL IWO bOttlf. of Allan' Antl.kll M.llta.1 n,A fnt.m
and one-quarter pounds. Tlie well-known Whole
Cra .I uani.ia, ojiii n, uuilitils a eumi, or uos
n. Mat, write as follow ti Allan's Antl.Fat hat
miiccu a iar in our ir.y senen pounds In three
weeks." A fcnllemsn In SU Louis wrltesi "-Allan's
juurai reiuceu me twelve pounns m three i
pourois In three weeks,
uu aiwiRi-iiK-r i nave nn twenty-ore noMRits since
commencing Its use.'' JleMrs. I'owiixft Hlimftom.
WhAlM.L, TtHtMUl. A ll...T.I V V I... T
rut rsorniETOiit or Allax-s An'ti-Iat: lientle-
Ben, 1 ne following report Is from Uie ladr who used
Allan's Anti-Fat. It tllw AnlM at) had (lie desired
effect, mlucliic the fat from two to Ore peuuds a
week antll 1 had lost twenty-lire I bone
never lo refnln what I have loaU' AntlPai It aa
anescelled biuodpurlSer. It promote ilimiloo,
curlnjr dytpcpsla, and Is slsn a potent remclr for
rlMumaUtm. bold by.lnuntUta Ptmpniut oa Obet.
Ity si nt on ireelpt of itimii,
B&TAMC iltDlOMi COsPlOTItt,Bufl!alo,N.T,
By ta hnmente mrrtre et tlie TTorld-j DUprt
tan and lnvajidt' Hotel, luv Inf tn niej niniyiW
Sand cates of tliose UIjcjjcs k-cull:ir to woman. 1
have been enabled to pTlvcisuoatpoknl and uosi
Uve irmcJy for lot-ee dlt- awa. '
To ikslfiiaii! Ibis natural specific, I bare named tt
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Tl term, howerrr. Is Nit a fWe expression ol
any nltn spprerlMlon of Us v.ilu , luard u m nrr
soaal otvtrr.atloii. 1 lMr.w!ilietnettnir'lu t .1
tjve reaulu In the 1 1 eaats In. I.h ut to tlie
orvaalMn of woman. hi?l-1 It out as IW ellaaoa or
twwwiasT Saa T aaj saedla rtnwet imll.uerlta,
as s poaiuve, safc, an I tUo lu-il n nutlr (or thu ehiss
of diseases, and ooc llial will, at all II : and nudc r
sil elrcurostinre,act kln.!ly, I am willlns to stake
fir repiiutlon as a phr.kl and so am
I thai It will aot dlppolnt Hie nioet nn?nlneex.
pecuttmsol a tlnrle luv ili.i Lt lr wiH uses It for any
of Uw aliments for wM h lrcr" 1 1 1', t"- 1 1 C-r
and sell H under A IOb1TIVK tl'AKAXTEK. (ios
lltIom, are pjmplikt wr'ppu l-oltU--
The S41 wine are smoni IIkc diseases la which
V Fstealtai llamilaO kit w..rted earev a. If by
r'X Tl!'"1'1". V.urorTlMr' Eiee-silve flowing;
alnful Monthly rrn.Hla, euppns.1.. wh. from
auafic atw witu a e. rumty n.;Ter h f,.. atulor l by
"""' . irrreniariu a, H rik Bark. I'm.
tapxM. or kallmf ot iV- l unia, Anteremnn and
jtrevetsto. B. annr-lowa SenuUona, Internal
Hoat. Nervous IVpiKwiosa, IkLiiity, rkinoBdewry.
Ihrwteoed Miscarriajc, fi.rvolc ( In.
Sasnmalkwaad I'lepnttotinl tlv Tt. ru lmpntetwr.
Barrewaesa, or St. rtllrv. aa.1 Frwiak- Vntm, I
tH nM this sm-II.'.i as a - mihII' bat It
sos BvrArrt apeclSe la all chronic .HaeaM oflhsi
"V!f!'rtUn , It will M rtlaappolBJ, Sue
will II 4o tana, sa snv autr r ensUltbaa.
. ' bo.l.irT rurUrT Information c rhese awb
fvntt Cmosoa Sanaa
Hium At Aov isia, a boo a .ttt tui rnrv. ami.
runutrly of
J" ts tin BaaaVrasrat ss
rwm f liil.slaa aaAt W
B. V. riXK. I. st It. Ptb, Work. a llniassrt
QRtXEBlES-Ii k-rpa..fnlT
Be careful and do not purchase a waabjoe- ma.
chine until you have teen the
Corner Spear k Mission streets, San Francisco,
Manufacturers and Dealers in
Weight. Cords and Pnllei.
Importers of
f 16, 21 and Mot.
r Doors SpeclisUx. -8
a 65 Front strut, Portland, Oon.
all kinds at inside figures by
Albert Jackson, Artist,
Takes Photographa, Gems. Cards, Cabinrt
and Life-Size, ttyle and finish equal to any
work done in the State. Prices reasonable.
GALLERY Willamette street, Eugene
City, Oreifon, over Mrs. Jackson's Millinery
Store. dec 15:6m
and low prices. Jnt received by
It Still at tbe old atam) an1 la tiMruiwI tn-da
r.ll kinds of general jobbing, horse shoeing, re
I .airing, eic naving secured the services oi
an experienced hand I will make the repairing of
FARM MACHINERY a ar-cialitv.
' By Calling at the
Willamette tt, Eugene City, Or.,
Yon will find the best brands of
etc, ever brought to this city.
la Dorris' Brick Building.
Groceries und Provisions.
Will keep on band a general assortment of '
Groceries, . Provisions, Cured Meats, '
lohacvo, , Cigart, Candies,
Candles, Soaps, Notions,
Green and Dried Fruits,
Wood and Willow Ware,
Crockery, Etc
Bushiest will be conducted on a ' .
Wbich means that
Low Prices are Established
Good, drliwtd without tliirgt U Bijti
For which 1 will pay the highest market price.
Kisses Holloway & Under
Are Afrents for Mrs. M. L. JOlson't i
fitved obart for canine; Dressee, Saoqoe
tsasqnta, V. rappers, Childreias'ckithuic,
Ail this wiU be taoxht free and a tet of Pt
'erns liven. This indtiotnent it rives to m
F-r-vllloai thai nail nptv. mlM.
t waning vt avail uemwna'
iiss owiortunrtT will do well to call a weir
niiiinery aa1 dresa-maiing eatabUiWaeEv.
s m-nvtt atrwt. near mth.
X ergO A P. Foraaieotilvbr
1 T O. HE.NI.klCKS