The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 31, 1878, Image 1

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ri tj jy in
$2.50 per year IN ADYANCE.
tot. (guflfttf ity tad.
publishers and Proprietors.
OFFICE-In Underwood's Brick Building,
over Express Office.
Advertisements inserted as follows :
rt.Muare. 10 lines or lew, one insertion S3 ;
Jfc .utoequent Insertion L Cash required in
advertisers will be charged at the fol-
SutUa months .'.WW
u" g months V
i one year ............... " 00
Transient notices iu local column, 20 cents per
for each Insertion.
Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly.
' All job work must be paid gott on DaiVEKY.
,m noun -From I a. m. to 7 p. m. Sundays
fr fLfm'tl'ia afnth anl leave. oinif mirth
Uui "",.. ., ,(,. nnrth an I leave, iroinir
T . m Arrive, from the north an I leave, iruine;
Kith St J:P. "-L. r Orawford.-
luklin and Win
For Crawford.'
tHS.fl.-a. --? - ,' 'at 1 P.y.
''Yl will be ready for delivery half an hour after
f rrainV Letter..houldle loft.tthe offlce
fUI hour ubiip.- PATTERSON. P. M.
V It A P 1 A. V
MmU flnrt nd third Walnetd&ya iu etuh
Unwrw TmiK No. 11 I. U.
( 0. F. Meetaerory Tueatlay evening.
bmUos the !d and 4th Wednealays in earli month.
Tft'J.'! WK w . . Vupi afOkfiTNT nu. D
E. A. J. Ford, M. D.
frictcs ol Women.
Office and residence at Mrs. J. B. Under
tood' near the depot
OlSce hrmrs from 7 A. M. to 5 p. m.
t. W. Sheltos, M. D. T. W. Harms, M. D.
Drs. Shelton & Harris,
Kugrirtel City. Oregon.
Ooice on Ninth Street, opposite the St.
Charles Hotel, mat at Healdeuee,
Or J. C. Shields
ncos to the citizens of Eugene City and
. lurrouridinf country. Social attention K;iv:.-n
totll OBS TETHICAL CASE and Ulfcit
IKE DISEASES entrusted to his care.
Oinoe at the St. Charles Hotel
idence when not professionally engird.
Office at the
Residence on Eighth street, opposite Prasby
trritn Church.
Eugene City, Oregon.
door to the right, up sUirs. Formerly
office of C. W. Fiteh
Nitrous Oxide Gas for paiuleas extraction of
J. C. Bolon,
DBETTI3 '"I? -
OFFICE-In Underwood's brick buildiiw.nwr
he express office.
Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless cxtrictions of
Office on Willamette street, Eugene City.
& KILLER, Proprietor
DrWlleaUof all kin 1. Trd, Tallow, etc
" "f ehanlu from I to 1 oenU.
J. S. LUCKEY, fop
Clocks, Watcnes, Chains, Jewelry, etc
Repairing Promptly Expeoted.
C3M.ll Work Warranted. J&3
J. 8 lu:kky,
."wth i. C.s brick, WUlamette Street
Carriage Painter.
Wen from the country solicited.
- mavXtf
week in yonr own town. $-'
lOutfit free. No risk. Iteader, if
Ffoq want a hnimru at whieli tier-
Soot of . r ,,r,.
other sex can make great pay all the
y work, write for part.cuar. U H.
Co., Portland, Maine;
ALEXANDER, J. B. Justice of the Peace
South Eugene Precinct; office at Court House.
ABRAMS, W. H. ft BRO.-Plainin? mill,
sash, door, blind and moulding manufactory,
Eighth street, east of mill race. Everything
' in our line furnished on short notice and
reasonable terms.
BENTLEY, J. W. -Private boarding house,
southwest corner of Eleventh and Pearl sta.
BAUSCH, P.- Boot and shoe maker, Willam
ette street, second door south of A. V, Peters
ft Co.
BAKER, R. F Wines, liquors, cigars and
billiardn Willamette stree one door north
of St. Charles Hotel
B )i'JN, J. C. -Surreal and MechanicalDen
tist, Underwood's brick, over Express Office.
BOYD ft MILLER Meat Market-beef, veal,
mutton, pork and lard Willamette street,
between Eighth and Ninth.
COLEMAN, FRANK Wines, liquors, cigars
and billiards Willamette street, between
Eighth and Ninth.
CLEAVER, J. W. -General variety store and
agricultural implements, southeast corner of
Willamette and Seventh streets.
CHAPMAN, E. F. Gunsmith repairing
promptly done and work warranted, Eighth
street, between Willamette aud Olive.
CHEISMAN, SCOTT-Truck, hack and ex
pressman. All orders promptly attended
to. Otiice at express office.
CHAIN BROa-Dealer in Jewelry, Watch
es, Clocks and Musical Instruments Wil
lamette street, between Seventh and Eightlu
CALLISON, R. G. Dealer in groceries, pro.
vwions, country produce, canned goods, books,
stationery, etc., southwest corner Willamette
and 0th Sts.
POIIUIS, B. F. Dealer in Stoves and Tin
ware Willamette street,' between Seventh
and Eighth.
DURANT, WM.-Meat Market beef, pork,
veal and mutton constantly on hand Wil
lamette street, between Seventh and Eighth.
ELLSWORTH ft CO. Druggists and dealers
in paints, oils, etc. Willamette street, be
tween Eighth and Ninth.
FRIENDLY. S. H. -Dealer in dry foods,
clothing and general mercliandise Willam
ette street, between Eighth and Ninth.
GUARD OFFICE-NewHimper, book and job
printing office, corner Willamette and Eighth
streets, up stairs.'
GRANGE STORE-Dealers in general mer
chandise and produce, comer Eighth and
Willamette streets.
GILL, J. P. Physician, Surgeon and Drug
gist, Postotfice, ' Willamette street, between
Seventh and Eighth,
HENDRICKS, T. G. -Dealer in general mer
chandise northwest corner Willamette and
Ninth streets.
HYMAN, 1). -Variety Store and dealer In
furs and skins, Willamette street, between
Eighth and Ninth.
IIODES, C Lager beer, liquors cigars and a
fine pigeon.hole table, Willamette street,. be
tween Eighth and Ninth.
HARRINGTON, FRANK-Barber, Hairdres
ser and ba h rooms, e;ist side Willamette st,
second door north of St. Charles Hotel.
HORN, CHaS. M. Gunsmith. Rifles nnd
shot-guns, breech and muzzle loaders, for sale.
Jtepa;rh)g done iu the neatest style and war
ranted. Shop on Oth street
JAMES, K H. Stoves, and manufacturer of
Tin and Sheet-iron ware, Willamette street,
between Eighth and Ninth.
KINSEY, J. D. -Sash, blind and door fac
tory, window and door frames, mouldings,
etc., glazing and glass cutting done to order.
LYNCH, A. Groceries, provisions, fruits, veg
etables, etc., Willamette street, first door
south of Postoffice.
LAKIN, D. R. Saddlery, harness, saddle
trwa, whips, etc.. Willamette street, between
Ei ;hth and Ninth. :
LUCKEY, J. S. Watchmaker snd Jeweler;
keeps a fine stock of goods in his line, Willam
rtt street, in Ellsworth's drug store.
MvCLAKEN, JAMES Choice, wines, liquors,
and cigars Willamette street, between Eighth
and Ninth.
MEL1.ER, M -Brewery-Lager beer on tap
and by the keg or barrel, corner of Ninth and
Olive street. ,
MrOLANAIIAN, E. J.-Truck and Draying;
all orders promptly attended to. Head
quarters at liobinson ft Church's.
OSUl'liN ft CO. Dealers in drips, medicines,
idirmicals, oils, paint, eta Willamette st,
opposite S. Charles Hotel '
PR H KINS H. C. -County Siirveyorand Civil
fj, 'incur. lieKidenoe on Fifth s reet
PENXINUTON, B. C Auctioneer and Com
nii.sit.iii Merchant, corner seventh and High
rn i.'Tnv wf TWIi in Raddlerv. nar-
m-ss. f'arr'inife Triniminirs. etc. Willamette
street between Seventh and Eighth.-
i HT'SH, PEN. HoreshoeiBg and geheraljob-
bing bltcksnntli, Jiigntu street, oetween t u-
lamette and Ulive.
.T If. Undertaker and buildinsr con
t.nurfc(r. corner Willamette and Seventh
wnsjF.vni' ATT f0. Drv irooils. clothin?.
groceries and general mernhandise, southwest
corner W illamette anu oirccw.
SHIELDS, J. C Physician and Burgeon
.i .1 T;iL -1 . -1 . Ao.. ' i Sit
nomi SHie illlLU .vreeb, uioi. uw. to. v.
Charles Hotel
STEVENS, MARK-Dealer in tobacco, ci
ears, nnt candies, shot, powder, notions,
etc. Willamette street.
STEINHEISER, a-Dealer in groceries, pro
visions, vegetables, fruits, etc--Willamette
street, between Eighth and Ninth.
THOMPSON ft BEAN Attorneys at-Law
Underwood's brick, Willamette street, up
VAN HOUTEN, B. C. -Agent for the North
British and Mercantile Insurance Company,
Willamette street, at Express office.
WiT TflV J. .T Attornev-at-Law. (MB re-
Uw. unco-1
Seventh '.l.
Willamette street, between
Eighth. ,
WITTER, J. T. Buckskin dressing, i
highest price paid for deer skins, Eighty
at Bridge.
UNDERWOOD, J. B. -General brok.
buiiness and agent for the Connecticia
mirance Company of Hartford- iluu!
treet, between Seventh and Eighth.
j bnndred aud sixty acres, 100 acres n
ion all under fence and the irn--.
in mni order, which we wi'l e:r '
.nJ n th iTHait reasonalle ."
1 SitnaUd hve milea south of town, I .ml
' e-vxl outran? for stock. Apply at Uuspmce.
. l. at work r
I I t Mythug elM. Capital tpt Jf
I I . ' n io dav
: U quired ; we wui "vi yvu. i j" -
. by thj8 indnstriona. Men,
d yirli nDted everywhere to
for I Now u the time. Costl out-
fit wd term. free. AddiM TM .
i Aoguita, Mn'
The Backbiter.
There's some one living in this town
(Maybe you know her name.
And maybe should I write it down,
Yeur own might )ve the same),
Who, when you say He's good," will cry;
" Indeed ! you think that's true ;
. " But," very confidentially,
" You wouldn't if you knew.
One says t " What protty girl goes by!"
"Oh, horror! you don't think
So! since we're you and I,
I'll say, her parents drink.
And she well, I won't tell it out,
Though I've no doubt 'tis true,
Yon think she's nice and protty, but
You wouldn't if you knew."
If one sings sweetly, " How she 8ats!"
If dressed in taste. " What style!"
Supremely "vulgar, all her hats,
Her drosses simply " vile,"
And when good Beacon Bugbee failed
(A noble man and true.)
She said, when we his lot bewailed,
"You wouldn't if you knew."
Let those admire and love who can
This malice breathing dame,
Who seems to think a prosierous man
Must surely be to blame.
That beauty is a mark of sin ;
That goodnoss must be crime,
She sees but thieves and rascals in
The heroes of the time.
Sometimes she doesn't hesitate,
To tell us what she knows,
And in nine cases out of eight,
A lie is all she knows.
For virtues sake I hope to find,
One good old doctrine true,
Some heat for such I should not mind
You wouldn't if you knew.
Judge Crate of New York was a
very eccentric man. Ho was very
wealthy, and was highly ivspcted ior
liis pubhu and private virtues, espec
ially ior hi h charitableness to the poor;
but he always dressed in a plain garb,
and would hardly ever wear an over
coat, whatever might bo the state of
the weather. .
On the morning ot the day in which
the court "was to begin, the judgo set
out beforo light nnd walljod slowly
on, through the hail, rain and snow,
to the appointed place. On arriving
at Poughkeepiu'e, cold and wet, he
walked to a tavern, where he found
the lar.dlady making great prepara
tions for the entertainment ot the
judges, lawyers, etc. T':e judge was
determined to have some ttpoi t, and
in a pleasant tone addrcBsed the land
"I have no money, and was obliged
to come to court, and 1 have walked
through this dreadful storm more than
twenty miles. I am wet and cold, dry
and hungry. I want something to eat
before ttie couit begins."
The landlady put herself in a mag
isterial posture, and put on a counte
nance of contempt.
"Very well, said she, "1 will give
i. i :ii
yon some cold vuiiais, n you wm go
into the backyard ana cut auu spiii
three armfuls of wood, and bring it
into tlio kitchen, where the servants
want to make a good tire to dry the
gentlemen's great coals hn they
come; and after you gut your vituals
I want you to go away."
After some ti oublethe judge secured
a cold bite, and then the landlady told
him to be off, as she needed the fire
to dry the gentlemen's great coats and
umbrellas by.
'And among tho rest," she said,
"we expect Judge Crane."
"Judge Crane," said the judge;
"who is Judiro Crane?"
"The circuit judge," sai'd she; "one
of the supreme judges, you old fool!"
"Well " said the iudje, "I will bet
a goose that Judire Crane has not had,
and will not nave a great coin, on u
back, or an umbrella over his head
i bin da v."
"You old goose," said sh, "I care
i.nthino- ibi vour bets. Eat and be
off, I tell youf Judge Crane is to be
here, and we've no room tor you."
I don't care," said he, "one rye
straw more for J udse Crane than I
do tor myself, and it has got to be so
late that it he has to come at this time
of day. he would be more likely to go
direct to the court nouso auu naj
uniil dinner time, than to go to any
tavern; and if business were very urg
ent ho would be likely to stay away
from dinner. I know something about
tbe old codger, and some people say
he is a rusty, crusty, msiy oi.i iuge,
Trelty talk, indeed," said the laud
lady, "about the supreme juuge.
"I tell you," said the judgOJudge
Crane is not the supnmie judge; ami
; ,Werj(L.Uja.Jio, more fat to
ia.rrf1 '"
' toe
on ne.t
. her
,wr .... .4..-u. -
.K- would seo that he did not disturb
., ' .1. .,1 (,. ...I.r.a al.oJ,.( hn m.nnr tn lirinT 111 in
.fc . ... . .
might put up mere; wiiiie orae vi me
girls declared if he did come, ihty
woul J use some of his own expressions
which he used respecting J udge Crane,
"Let me aee, tatd one, ."rustv,
"Yes, and frsty o'J fudge," tayt
A hen the dinner was announced.
tne court, not Doing thronged, was
immediately adjourned, and the day
being stormy and cold, the judges and
lawyers poured intd the sheriff's tav
ern, where thev were sure of rood
fare all except Judge Crane who
walked to a store and purchased a
valuable shawl, and out it into his
pocket on the inside of his coat, (hen
he walked quietly to thfl tavern.
While he was thus detained the land
lady entered tho dininifrootn and
earnestly inquired if Judge Crano had
come in. The answer was:
"Not yet, madam, and perhaps he
may not come."
Tbo landlady, who was anxious to
pay the highest respect to tho supreme
judge, retired to the kitchen not a lit-
llo chagrined and disappointed. In
tho meantime the judge had arrived,
and being at proper times very social
and at all times fond ot cheering the
minds of those present, he l)egan to
make some pertinent remarks, and be-
gan telling some lively anecdotes, cal
culated to convey good morals, which
kept the whole company in a contin
ued roar of laughter. At this instant
oiio of the waiting maids entered the
room to inform the gentlamen that
they might sit down to dinuer. She
did her errand and hastened back to
her mistress with the tidings that tho
old'fusty fellow with thebroad-brimed
bat on was right in among the gentle
men, talking as loud as ho could, and
all the judges and lawyers wore laugh
ing at hire.
"Then go," says she, "and whisper
to the old man that I wish him to
como directly down to the kitchen."
1 ho errand was done accordingly,
and the judgo iu a low tone of voice,
said to tho girl:
"fell your mistress that I have a lit
tle business to do with some ot these
lawyers, aiii when done I'll be off in
the course of two or three days.
1 ho girl returned and faithfully re
hearsed l ho message, and added that
she believed the old fellow wasdruuk,
or ho would not have said: ' As soon
as my business is done, I'll be off in
two or three days."
"Well. Beltv." said tho mistress,
"go back, and when tho gentlemen
begin to Bit down, do you stand by
the head of tho table and whisper to
some gentleman that I wish a vacant
olace left at the head ot the table tor
judge Crane, and then do you hasten
Betty again repaired to her post at
the head of tho table, and softly iu-
formed a gentleman of the request of
her mistress.
"Centainly," said the gentleman.
Betty then hastened back to assist
John. Thu'gentlemen now sai down
to an excellent repast, and after a
short j;race, delivi red by Judge Crane,
in which he adored tho lather of all
mercies for feeding all his creatures
throughout tho immensity of space,
invoked a blessinc on that portion ol
earthly bounty then before them, and
supplicated the Uivine mercy mrougn
the merits ot our Redeemer, the gen
tlemen began to carve and Berve round
in usual form.
As the judge was of a singular turn
it almost everything, and had taken
a fancv that if a person eats light food
at the same meal, and that which is
more solid aud harder of digestion,
that the licbt food should be eaten
first, he therefore filled his plate with
sdme pudding made of milk, rice an;l
egg, and placing himself in rather an
awkward situation, with his I ft el
bow on the table, and his head near
the plate, began to cat according to
hi common custom, which was very
fast, although he was no great eater.
Some of the gentlemen near the
iudire. followed his example as to par-
taking ot tho punning Deiore iuu
meat, of course a large deep vessels,
which had contained that article, was
uearlv emptied wnen Mary approach
. . . . . .1- V. . U ..
ed with her two additional tureens of
gravy, according to tho command of
her mistress, and as she set down the
last near the judge, he said to her in
an austere manner,
"Girl, bring me a clean plate to eat
salad on."
The adrupt manner in which he ad
tiresseu uer, nun nur uigk
in!? him there in that position, so dis-
consirledthe poor girl that she did
not observe that any one except the
judge had partaken of the pudding,
uer did sue know wnai ne meant oy
salad, but she observed that the large
pudding pan was nearly empty, and
then hastened back with her utmost
speed to her imstiess.
'Why, madamc, that old fellow is
there yet, and he is certainly crazy or
drunk, for be is down at the table,
and he harf eaten all the rice pad ing
I already and his now is right down iu
a plateful' now, shoveliug it in bko a
hog, and he told me, as it he was lord
a clean
, ... . . .1.1 l!1
I. ate 13 eat saht.I on. nu t me,
whevecan we get salad at this time
of year? The gentlemen have not
done carvinrf, and not one has b-g"
i .
to eat meat, much less a tubful of
"Aye, he'll ect a clean plate," sayi
'Martha, "before gtntkmcu waut clean
"I'll clear him out," says the mis
tress, and starts for tho dinning-room,
burning with indignation.
The judge was remarkable for not
giving unnecessary trouble to Any
body where he put up. and coneralfy
ate whatever was set before him with
out any remarks, and seldom mado
use of more than one plate ot a meal,
but at this time'he had observed near
him a dish of beautiful raw white
cabbage, cut up and put in vinegar,
(which the Germans at Pontrhkecpsle
called "ccld slaw," and which he
called salad), snd ho wished for a
separate plate to prepare some of it
for his own iancy. Tho oarvina and
serving was not yet finished, when he
expected tho clean plate, and when
the landlady arrived at the dcor of
the dinning-room, determined to drive f
mm out. one advanced with a farm
Blep to tho door, ane fixed her keen
eye nrmiy on the judge, wnen lie
turned his eye that way, and observ
ing her, said, mildly:
"Lanlady, can I have a clean plate
to eat some salad on?"
"A clean plate and salad!" retorted
ho landlady, indignatly. "I , wish
you would come into the kitchen
until the gentlemen have dined; I had
reserved that seat lor Judgo Crane."
Tho company were struck with
astonishment, and fixed their eyes
alternately on tho landlady and on
the judgo, and sat or stood in mute
suspense, when tho judge grace-fully
raised himself up in hm chair, care
lessly folded his arms across his
breast, and then, putting his head
awkwarkly on one side, remaiked:
"You reserved this seat lor Judgo
Crane, did you, landlatuly?"
"Iudeed I did," said she.
"It was very kind," said ho, in an
ironical tone, "but if you will step to
the door and Bee i he is coming, or
send one of the servai ts to call tor
him, with your permission and the
approbation of these gentlemen, wi'.h
whom 1 have some business to do, 1
will occupy this Beat until you shall
hud the Judge."
"Fin4 tho judge!" said she, ,vih
emphasis; "go look for him yourself,
not send me or my servants. I gave
you your breakfast this morning for
chopping a little wood, because you
had no money, and 1 expected you
would go away quietly, and keep
away, and now you, must come hcie
to disturb gentlemen at dinner."
Here the whole joke bunt upon the
minds of the gentlemen present, who
fell into a loud fit ot laughter. After
the tumult had a little subsidod, the
judge said mildly:
"Did I chop wood to pay tor my
"Indeed you did," said sho, "and
said you had no money." .
"I to'd you the truir., said the
judge, "but I have a beautiful shawl
worti more than ten dollars, which I
just now bought, and will leave it
with you in pawn, if you will let me
eat dinner with these gentlemen."
Here thfe gentlcmou were biting
their lips to keep from laughter.
"How did you buy tho shawl worth
more than ten dollars without money?"
"I bought it on credit," said he.
"And where did you find credit to
that amount?" said she.
''That's a likely story, and somo
tiling like your abuse of Judgo Crane,
this morning "said sli.
"How could I abuse the judge if
ho was not present?" said he.
"Why," says, she, "you called him
a rusty, fusty fudge and old codger,
and said you din not care a rye struw,
more lor him than you did "lor your
self." Here the whole company were in
an uproar of laughter again. As
soon as it had a little subsided, one
ot the gentlemen asked the landlady
how sho knew that tho gentleman
she was addressing was not Judge
"He looks more like a snipe than a
crane," said she.
Here tho loud laughter burst forth
a third time. After a little pause,
the judge said:
"1 rau-t confess that I am a bird
ot uot very fine feathers, but I assure
vou that I am a crane, and a crane is
often a very useful instrument
saw a very good one in your kitchen
this morniiiL'; nnd sometimes an in
strument called a 'crane,' is of incal
culable use, madam."
Before she had tune to reply, some
of the gentlemen with whom ne
was acquainted assured her that she
was talking with the presiding judge.
Aslomsi cd aud confounded, she at
tempted some excuse, and hastily
asked his pardon for her extreme
The judire had by this time, unob
served, taken from his pocket the
beautiful shawl aod folded it at ful
length one way, and in a narrow? form
the otter, and it beins of very fine
textuie, appeared more like an ele
caul sah than like a valuable shawl,
Then he arose with graceful dignity
and with a half smile he advanced
few steps toward the landlady, say
It it not my prsvince to pat Jon
but to judge; and I judge that yoil
and I shall hereafter be friends, and I
judgo that you will, without hesita
tion, receive this as a present, if not
as a pawn." So saying, he gently
laid it over her shoulders and across
her arms, Saying: "Tako it, madam,
and do not attempt to return it, font
was purchased on purpose for a pres
ent tor you.
She hastily retired in cocfusiou,
hardly knowing what sho did, and
took with her the shawl worth twelve
dollars instead of ten.
And here ore three parties who had
each two good things. The landlady
had a good shawl and a good lesson
to meditate npon; the gentlemen had
a good dinner and a good joke to talk
over; nnd the judgo had good inten
tions in the joke, and a good will and - -ability
i. 'i'.ii. r icmuu given.
A New Way to Carry the Mah..
The contract fir carrying the daily
mail betweeu Yuma and San Diego
has been intrusted to Gaskill Brothers,
of Campo. About 100 miles of tho
road lies across the California desert.
Aoross this stretch mails and passen
gers are soon to be oartied by steam.
Messrs. Gaskill aro industrious inven
tors, nnd have obtained a number of
patents. One of their last inventions
is a steam-wagon, designed more
particularly for tiaveling level and
Bandy roads. A working Inodel, has
been mado which fully demonstrates
the practical value of the invention.
One of tho brothers has just pur
chased a suitable engine and boiler,
at San Francisco of about two-horse .
power. Tho wagon wijl be made in
their shop at Campo. It will have
two driving wheels of seven feet
diameter and twelve inches width of
tire. The whole apparatus will weigh
about two thousand pounds, when
supplied with fuel and water, and
ready for business. It is intended to
make, an average speed of eight or
ten wiles per hour, carrying five or
six persons nnd a moderate weight oj
baggago and mails. It will consume
about ten gallons ot water per hour.
Thcro Is plenty of fuel in the mes
quit groves on the desert, and among
the willows and cot ton woods on New
river and the Colorado. One man
can manage the whole thing. Messrs.
Gaskill propose to have the new
machino making regular trips across
the desert by October 1st. Their
well known energy and enterprise
makes it very certain thai their ex
pectations will be fully realizoJ.
Yuma Stntinel,
The Milwaukee Sentinel, Radical,'
says: The old Grant, the Grant who'
made the Senate "ring" his only coun
sel, the Grant who invited political
wirepullers, personal friends and
relatives to deal in spoils, would be a'
burden too heavy tor the Republican
parly to carry. If the politicians suc
ceed in nominating him on the plat
form they have proposed, ho will bo
defeated, as he ought to be, and the
Republican party might as well begin
to look around for a convenient grave;
Iu the Louisiana and Florida scan
dals the witnesses are Republicans,
and yet it is tho fashion among Re
publican newspapers to denounce -
tl.em as perjures. Die conclusion is
irresistible, in the estimation of tho
New York World, that if all tho Re
publican leaders in Louisiana wero
knaves, as is now claimed by their
Northern associates, tho preteneBcs
upon which they overturned the
actual vote of the Slate were tho
shameless devices of fraud.
Tho Philadelphia Times says: If
Iayes cannot .make a speech let him
decline, or pray, or tako up a collec
tion. It he persists in this sort of
thing, a long-suffering publio will rise
in ill might and demand a third term
for Grant, who mado no -speeches, or
ook out for a socond edition of Andy
Johnson, who spoke all the time, 'and
was always entertaining if not always
"Breasts," says a fashion item, "art
very much used this year for hats at
the seaside." BreasU for hats! What
in tho world does this mean? Wheu
we were in the habit of spending our
summers at the seaside, young ladi. t'
always removed their bats when they
reposed their heads on that is, wh n
they reclined their beads against the
breasts of the young men. Fashion
changes, we know, but this is a depart
i re we don't thiuk much of. Xorris
town HtraU.
"John Sherman has saved in eigh
teen years from salary of 43,000 an
estate valued at 12.000,003. Who but
an accomplished Radical could do
that?" asks th Indianapolis fkntintf.