(ni- B,mP,e "nnonnoeinenU of births, mar. ri-emuid death will be inserted without ebarve. tJbituary notice will bs chaiyed for t th rate of 10 f,au par lm eMiinwnornpomibilitjr for Tiewi txpnmed fey eorrwpondeuU. Dlonle eopiM of the Oou, In wrappers for mail pf , mar be obtained at Uiia offioa. UfT AND COUNTY. BRIEF MEXTIOX. The Firemen have been improving this mdi iu the way of white-washing the truck bouse On Friday evening, Aug. 23d, Bishop ''Morris will preach at St. Mary's (tipiscop.il) Church. . J5. Eakin, Jr., is erecting a neat reai- 4uacou bis lot opposite A. 8. Pattersou't nlwvlliug. ' Mr. S. A. Ogden has our thanks for a fine let of "roasting ears" brought in tho fore part of last week. There will be no service or Sabbath school 'I at the Baptist church noxt Lord's Day, on ': Account of repairs being done. ' Yon want to patronize Lome industry by calling on Crouch & Brown for castings, etc. $oe their ad elsewhere in this issue. The Lane County Mercantile Association have just completed a very ueat store room a Eight street, back of their store. Daniel V. Reed started from Boston ou the 12th inst., to walk to Sau Francisco. He expects to reach there iu about 150 days. If you waut a rii-st-clais washing machine, ,call on H.Q.Davenport, who is ngent for the Northwest Granger. See bis ad in another column. 8. H. Friendly started to San Francisco yesterday. He will be back again iu two weeks with the nobbyest stock of goods ever brought to town. If you want to see something nobby, jtnt go to Hodes' new bouse. If you are a tem perance man you can get a glass of soda, and it is worth a bit to see theinsido of his house. Divine worship will ba conducted iu the M. E. Church of this city to-morrow morn ing aud evening by the pastor. Subject, morning, ' God Declared by His Son," even ing, "Wickedness of the heart." . ., , . i i ' Tr v.n want. tIia lirtuf fafturiiifr mnmiiliA ill " j ; , tne marKet, can upon umy uuinigsworiu uv the Star Bakery and buy one of Wilson's Ifo. 8. It will sew anything from sole-leather to the thinnest fabric manufactured. If you don't believe our "jaw" go, and see for J'oui selvcs. The Pretty Primrose schotticlus by Owen, it the most bewitching piece of dance music imaginable. The melody of Ptiiauti's song, "Welcome pretty Primrose," is introduced ; and, as the arrangement is very good, the piece will undoubtedly becomo all the rage. The price of the piece is 35 cents, which can lie had of Sherman, Hyde i Co. T. O. Hendricks, Esq., n member of the Board of Regents of tho State University, laid upon our tablu, this wek a pamphlet containing . the address of Judge Deady, President of the Board of Regents, a poem by T. J. Chesher, and a list of the graduat ing class. Also a pamphlet containing a list f the faculty, students, text books, course of study, etc., during last session. A young man named David Brasfkld was shot and, killuA at Umatilla ou Saturday evening last by a rough character named John Knott. . There was a quarrel among several men who wero drinking. Knott knocked Brassficld down. The latter ob tained a revolver but was too drunk to use it with effect. A friend of Knott's hande d him a pistol, when bo fired on Brasfield with fatal effect. Knott wag caught after a chase of twelve miles into the country. For the last six months wo bnvo been saving nil the "poems" and "essays" we have received froaj different ones until we now have about awash-tub full We want to fct just three hundred and ten yards moro r in the next four weeks and then we will publish a "poe'.ical edition." We want all poetically inclined individuals to put i:i all their spare time for the next month, for after that time we propose to give all of our ''contributors" a rest for at least six months, anyhow. The Gi'AltD office turned ont, from editor to devil, last Tuesday afternoon, to see a blast at the foundry of Messrs. .Crouch & Brown. The castings were all small, but were perfect. This firm has commenced a business which will supply a want long felt by the farmers of Lane county. They are prepared to fill all orders for the repair of farm machinery immediately, and it is not necessary now for farmers to send to Port land or Salem for tho repair ul machinery. We cheerfully recommend the enterprising young men to th patronage of tin people uf Lane aouuty, and. will r"icli for the honesty rf their work and business contracts. THAXls.-Mrf M- E- Walker tenders tlujnks fa the members of the Eugene Hook k Ladder Co. and to the other citizens who responded P pitnntiy to the alarm cf fiion the 9th inst., and by their efforts to saved his prop erty from the flames. EgcixtUncJe Billy Osburn lias, in ad dition to the drug business, gone into the Jorse trade. Tnesday he paid $50 to boot n a horse trade, anl if Bill Hill haJa't come and claimed the horse there would have baea money in it As it is, Uncle Billy is ont . f7 C8J. Back Aoajs. Johnnie Hwsen, who, for the past ten months has been working at his trade (tailor) with R. J. Graham in Albany, etarned to this place last Wednesday, and . bought H. f. Baker's shop adjoiuing Frank - iUrringtMi, Johnnie informs ns that he ifl gq below next Monday to lay in a stock pf new goods. - .XorMrtn. The apiritual bilk threw his go the breeze here last Tnesday evening. The1 "cow counties" are not his best holt as probably awire of now. We referred kirn to Gee. Lawson and Mother Dunaway. And, "by the way," Eng?n is abont the lowest and least remunerative place for -hoe .hows en the coast, but if there is able-bodied showman loafing around the coent : . , :n J a dolW-and a-half . dar. 'and board! to Couucll Proceeding. CocNftL Rooms, 1 Euuknk City, August 12, 1878. j Council mot pursuant to ordinance rrescnt President Dorris j Councilmeu Hendricks, Edris, Dunn, Sloan and Undur wood, and Recorder Alexander. Absent Councilman Cooper and Marshal Farrell. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon tho following bills, except the bill of P. ; n' arrelli wnicli, on motion, was curtailed IT -! v w a pur report ox nuance Committee, to wit: S. A Ogden, $6.50; P. H. Farrell. $42.50: E. J. MoClnjiahan, 8.50; Duuu 4 Strattou, 571.24. Ou motion, the Wardou was instructed to examine all the la; js within thcoity limits, and report any defective Hues, and to whom they belong, to the Committeo ou Fire and Water, within one week fro:n this date. Ou motion, it waj ordered that the property holders on the south side of Eighth street, from Willamette to the ally between Willam ette and Olive be required to build an 8-foot side-walk the sills to bo 4 inches square and tiie I.irn er t bs 2 mchoi tl.lo i, and from the said ally west to Olive street, the walk shall bo C feet wido and tho sills four inches square. On motion, the proporty-holders on Fifth street were required to gravel the street in front of their respective premises within tho city limits. On motion, the Committees ou Fire and Water were instructed to immediately tako steps to prepare a suitable place to storu the city oil. On motion, the Recorder was instructed to draw a warrant on the Treasurer in favor of Louis Behreus for watering trees iu public grounds, for the sum of $27.b'S ; aud to pre sent the bill for the same to the County Court at their net meeting for re-imburscmcnt. The special committee appointed to specify tho kind of fence to bo built in accordance with the contract made with tho county, made the following report; EroENK, Aug. 12, 1878, To the IIos. City Council : Your committee to whom was referred the matter of arranging for the style of fence around the public square in front of the prop- i u .. ..c I ...... .1... loiy iuuseu limn iiiu i-cuiilv ui ajuiiv umi buc ... J . .. UUy Uouncil jointly, would respectluliy re- j)lll t MtA r(.c,ineiul that the tcuce be con structed as follows, to-wit I The fence shall bo six feet high of planed boards six inches wide, sot perpendicular, with facie on out side, four inches wide, aud can tliroo inches wide, projection to be ouo inch ou front, nil planed aud painted. Further, posts shall be set not over eight feet a part, of good cedar. Painting to be of two coats good white lead and oil. Further, that it shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to superintend the work aud see that the fence, when built, shall be uniform in style heighth ai d general construction. Provided however, that where parties wishing to build one story building), the Street Commissioner may allow the front of said buildings to become a part of the. fence specilicd above. Side walk shall bo six feet wide, built of two inch lumber, with sleepers, (three in number) tour by four iuches square ; and further, that all persons desiring to avail themselves of tho benefit of the lean referred to, shall comply with the requirements of this Council oa or before October 1st, 1878. J. B. UNDKRWOOn, T. (j, IIendkicks, t'oiumittpc. Ou motion, tho ordinance in regard to ped dler's license was so modilied that the Re corder was authorized to issue license to ped dlers or itenerant vendew at So' per week or ?20 per quarter. The following bills were presented, aud on motion, referred to the Finance Committee : J. W. Christian, ?4; T. O. Hendricks, 03. CI j B. F. Dorris, 83 75 ; S. A. Ogden, ?13 ; Sterling Hill, ?4j P. II. Farrell, $29; J. B. Underwood, 7. 15. On motion, Council adjourned. Tkamts. Says the Statesman: The bold est event in the tramp lino recently, was the way three covies came from Portland on Charley Wilson's freight train last Wednes day. At Portland they by somo means ns. certnined that a certain car loaded with mis cellaneous freight would come through to Salem without being unlocked. Secreting themselves iu tho car they were locked iu. Upon arriving at Ralom aud everything being still they tiled off tho clenched ends of the staple that holds the clasp, driving the sta ple through aud liberating themsclvos. They were aceu getting out of the car by a person who informed Mr. Skinner of the fact and npon examining the car ascertained . their mode of egrois as above described." It is very likely that they are the three bummers that have been laying around this city for a day or two past, as they came be;e the same way. They eeV gta,'les and other out-houses and beg their meals wherever they can gat them, or stop cituens on the street and bog them for "two bits to get a meal with." One of them got us for break fast . money yesterday morning, before w knew which one of the boys he was, saying he was hunting work and was broko and hungry. They are all young, nbled-Mied men, and whenever they enter anyone s ,,n.fhk tn lie introduced to a bull dog or an old shot gun tilled ith shingle Arrested and Escafeu. The Indian that recently shot at SheriiT Eakin near this place was arrested at Gervais last Tuesday by officer P. K. Mnrphy. It is supposed that he has a horse aud gun secreted in the poods near by, as he paased Brooks with those articles. After being arrested he made his escape, bat was recaptured after a long chase. He was ajain incarcerated but suc ceeded in barning a hole through the walls of the calaboose and again giving the officers the slip, since whiah time be has not been retaken. DIEU. At Martin's, on the McKeuzie, Augnt 10, Maggie, daughter of D. C. and Sarah L'nder wood of this city, aged sixteen months. The parent had started with others to the Betheada Springs on Monday previtins, but ' on arriving at Martin s, the chM was ue Tery sick. She lingered till Saturday n.ht. -k- Haath relieved her suileriuz. There-. nu.ns were brought to this city and buried i Religious Colony. As far back as 18(iG, says the Walla Walla Statesman, a religious oolony was founded at the foot of tho mountains, distant about nine miles from Walla Walla, of which, up to the preseut time but little is known by our citi zens. Tho founder of the colony is W. W. Davies, a pleasant gentleman, who is well known to many of our business men ; and whoso word iu matters of trado will go as far as that of any man iu tho country. At tho date oi tueir nrnval tno colony seemea to ue poor ;.but they settled down on a small piece of bind obtained by purchase ; and by steady, Untiring industry they have grown rich, or are at least in comfortablo circumstances. The houses are built in a cluster ; some of them of brick, and all of them neat and tidy in appearance. The women and children are all scrupulously clean, and seen anywhere they would bo taken as representatives of the better class. About the women and girls, of whom there is a goodly number, wo noticed nothing peculiar. The men and boys are all distinguished by wearing their hair long. Mr. Davies. the fouidw of the colony, and head of the religious organization, is a man of line personal appearance, mi Englishman by birth, aged forty-five years, and, as stated above, is an excellent business manager. All tho labor of the colony seems to be under his direction, and an air of scrupulous neatness everywhere prevails. The (arming t rrange meiits arc ou an extensive sealo, uud all of the latest and most improved agricultural machinery is brought into use. Ample sheds are provided for the cattle, and even the hay is keiit under roof. "Order is heaven's first law," and order is tho rulo that governs tho little colony that nestles nt the toot of the mountains. As far as possible this organiza tion is self-supporting. Bread ami meat they produce in ubundaucc, and of wheat aud oats they raise a large surplus. An exten sive field of sngar-caiio attracted our atten tion, aud next the machinery by which the cine is manufactured into sugar and molasses. The hemp plant is cultivated quite exten sively, ami from it they manufacture all the rope aud cordage required on the place. They also raise broom-corn, and during the winter season, many of the young men are employed iu making brooms. They have no idlers in the . camp, all being employed in some useful industry. A feature of tho settlement, and the one that more especially led to out visit, is a print ing office, owned by Mr. Davies, and occupied exclusively in umting tracts, hymns, aud other matter in wlncu .Mr. Davies sets forth his peculiar religious views. He is not a printer, but his printing office is organized af ter a style that would put to shame verv many professional printers. The rocui is well lighted, the stands neatly arranged, and the presses bright and clean, just as they came from the foundry. All the work in the printing office is done by Mr. Davies' three sons, bright intelli gent boys, the oldest not over 15 years of age. ithout previous training under a practical printer, these boys set typo correctly, and "space" their lilies with a regularity that would put to shame the "blacksmiths" that infest country printing offices. Our visit was made in company with -Mr. Samuel Robinson, of Sau rranciseo, .Mr. thanes Jiuvell, who although a neighbor, visited the colony for the tirst time, and Mr. Tom Ticrny, who had out one of hia crack tenuis, and put us over the road in fine style. After a goucral inspection of the premi ses, tl e party was summoned fo an elegant re past, and what with the drive and the pure air of the mountains, we were iu excellent condition to do justice to the bounteous dinner. All this time wu have omitted to suv that the men of the community W'jre busy harvesting tho crop, and that the hum of the header and the rmh and crash of the threshing midline wu cun stantly 4iuuig iq our ears. After dinner was over, the writer i company with Mr. Davies, took a rjde in the header wagon, his tirst experi ence of that kind, This over, and a general lo-ik at the farm, the party bade Mr. Davies and his hospitable lady "Good bye," aud started lor Home well satisfied with tlieir trip aim most favorably impressed with the character and general appearance of the settlement. In conclusion it Is proper to correct an im pression that these people affiliate with the Mormons. This is a mistake. At one time they lived in a romota quarter ofa Utah, where they were persecuted by the Mormons, and in humanly treuted. They then removed to Mon tana territory, but not lilting that country, thev finally found their way to Walla Walla valley, where they have prospered and grown wealthy. Si.t.l.li'in ill t.hni ti:lrt. of tlm Vnllf'V K!Kuk of them as good citizens, and say that when occasion re quires, they are always ready to lend a helping baud. One article of their creed is to help tliu needy, and the destitute are ulways hospitably received and kindly entertained. Of the pecul iar religious views of these people we know but little; and if the reader desires information on that suore, he must seek elsewhere. A religion that makes the relief of the poor aud distressed one of its first conditions starts out well ; nnd whether it is destined to take the place of older creeds, is a question not necessary to ho con sidered, riestied tar up in the mountains the members of the community have pleasant homes, and are enjoying a degree of jiro.qierity that brings with it a feeling of contentment that fully realius the ideal of rural felicity. A Double Mnrdrr, The Standard learns that on Wednesday evening last one of the most horrible affrays took place in Koiehiirg, that we havo been called to chronicle for many months and wo sincerely hope it will be many more before ngain performing such a task. Living in Uosehurg was a respected citizen named Wooilworth, who had reared up a handsome family of children to their majority, a por tion of whom wera married we believe. One of the daughters some time since was married to a young man named Dilley and started on their journey through life under the most favorable circumstances. Everything went well for a time until by somo means dNieu tion crossed the threshold and the young wife returned to her father's home. The husband became enraged against his father imlaw and bro h r-:i:.'aw, blaming t iem with having induced his wife to leave bun. The trouble grew apace with the lapse of time until the final tragedy occurred on the i-treet of Roseburg at lift o clock on Wednesday evening, ho many dif ferent accounts of the meeting and who was the first to commence the trouble, that our in formant, who arrived on the Tot a few mo ments after its occurrence, could not give the exart fact. It seems by the hit aiith-ntic itii"st, that the men ni -t an 1 Dilley charged Wood worth in a very profane and abusive man? ner with h win ; coixcd his wife to leave him un.ler gross misrepresentations. The geiitlem iu denied the charge in mo-t emphatic t-'rms. 'Hie quarrel U.m? very heated when Wood worth drewaknie and sUblied Diily. The fatally wounded n.au "prang bark, as be did so, draw ing a pistol, lie (iryd, the ball d tin doadly execution, both men falling at alsmt the same instant. A Urge crowd ou gatherd at the scene and the wounded men carried ti their home. DiLly lived but half an hour, aad two hours afterwwd the spirit of Woodworth fol lowed acrom thai trark'em d-.i which roll Ik-twei-n life and ek-rnity, The entire com munity is thrown into deep mourning over this terrible rerult of a family inUunderklaodiug. The Indians, in their raid in Umatilla county, viaited tlx raruh belonging to E. H. Vinson, oa Butter cstk. Some of the deviltry they rptrated at this ra K-h seems to hare a spice of grim lio.nor in it One tiling Ihey did was to kill all the h"g on the rsnah and put a nice chee under the ; . .... Overtaskiux the Kucrgie. It is not advisable for any of us to overtook our energies, corimreal or mental, but in the eatjer pursuit of wealtn or fame or knowledge, now many tniiigrvss tins salutary rule. It uumt he a matter of great importance to all no no so to know now thev can regain the vfyor so recklessly exjiended. The remedy is neither costly or dilticult to obtain, lluitet ers Stomach Bitters is procurable in everv city, town and settlement in America, and it eomiHjiisuti's for a drain of bodily r mental energy more effectually than anv invitromnt ever preserilied or advertised. Lnhoriinr men, athletes, students, journalists, lawyers, clergy. IIK'U. ll)lV!tiii41t.4 nil lirt.'ir t.iMtimntiv t.i tu untiiv V renovating nowers. It increase llu. eapaiulities for undergoing fatigue, and conn teructs the Injurious etlects upon the system of exjiosiire, sedeutary habits, unheal! hy or weary jug "vocations, or an inslybrious cluuatt, and is a prime alaerative, diuretic and blood deiiur eut. Ladles' Attention. Berliu Fashion Patterns at Dunn & Strat um's. For Sai.K. First-class second-hand safe. with combination lock, will be sold cheap ior casn, or ou time. Miquiro at express 011100. L'NDKRWOOU 15ROS. uool:tf . Robinson & Church at the Hardware Store keep the largest and best selected stock of wall paiwr and border in Eugene Citv, comprising iu part, jsrown. lllauks. Nittu. Uilt and Umbos- ed )uiper, which they purchase direct from the Ivntem lactones and will sell as cheap as the cheapest. All paper trimmed free, of charge We have just recoived from tho Eastern factory, direct, a largo stock of window shades and wall apcr ; among tho latter are many very pretty styles embracing Grained Pannets, Embossed, Gilts and l-aco Patterns, Satin and Common Blanks, all of which we sell cheap, and no charge for trimming pajn-r. DUNN & iSTRATTOX. Nasal Catarrh and Lung and Bronchial affec tions, nnd all discuses arising from an impure state of tho blood, positively cured. Dr. Sout vielle Mathiou, the eminent French physician and surgeon, and inyentor of the Paris Spirom eter which lias given relief to thousands suffer ing from those terrible diseases in Europe nnd the United States. This wonderful instrument was invented by Dr. Souvielle Mathiou, for the treatment of Nasal Catarrh, Lung aud Bronchial affections. 4The National Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley Rulofson for the best Photographs in the United States, and the Vienna Medal tor tho best in the world, 429 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Dr. Mlutie's Vegetable Nenhretlenm Will euro all diseases of tho Kindeys, Bladder and Urinurv Orgnns. Hundreds have been cured after all other remedies had failed. His English Dandelion Fills have no equal in all cases of Diseased Liver, Dyspepsia or any Billions Derangement. Many of your leading citizens of this city will vouch as to their virtues. To be had by all druggists Ail l'uleniublc Truth. Yon deserve to suffer, and if you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life iu the beautiful world, it is entirely your own fault there is only one excuse for you, your unreasonable prejudice anil skepticism, which has killed thousands. Personal knowledge and common reasoning will soon show you that Green's Au gust Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all iu miserable elTeets, such as sick headache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomach, hibitual costiveness, dizziness of the head, nervous prostration, low spirits, ic. Its sales now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a Druggist but will tell you of its wounderful cures. You can buy a Sam ple Bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will re lieve you, a fki:i; run: For uonsumption. bronchitis, asthama, catarrh, throat and lung diseases. Also a sure relief and permanent cure for general debility, dyspepsii and all nervous affections, by a simple vegetable medicine which cured a venerable missionary Physician who was long a resident of Syria and the East, and who has freely given this valua ble specific to thousands of kindred sufferers with the greatest possible benefit, and now he feels It his sacred christian duty to impart to others this wonderful invigorating remedy, and will send FREE the original receipt oomplete, with full directions, to any person enclosing stamp for reply. DM, CLARK A. BOBBIN, Gueklet Block, Svhaclsk, N. Y. P. O. Box 70. will ruin roNsi.tirrio. To all suffering from the following diseases a ray of hope is offered through the kindness of a missionary friend who has sent me the formula of a purely vegetable medicine which has long been used by tho native medicine men of Hin dustan j for the jiositive and radical cure of Consumption, Hronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, T hroat and Lung difficulty, Gener al Debility, Loss of Manhood ad all Nervou Alfeotloiis, its power has been tested ill hunt dreds of cases without a failure. I note feel is my sacred duty as far as imssiblc to relieve hu man misery and will Bend the reciiie Fiikk of I'HAluiKto any person who may desire it with directions for using. Sent by return mail by addressing with '.' stamps naming this pajM'r, Dr. O. li. Brigham, Drawer 28, Utica, N, Y, September 'A 77-ly. In the wiiou HixToiir ok Medicine, no preparation has ever jwrforined such Mfcrvcl. Ions cures, or maintained so wide a reputation, as Ater'8 Chekky Peciokal, which is recog nised as 'the world's remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its lung-continued series of wonderful cures in all climates has mads it universally known as a safe and reliable agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, which are the forerunners of more serious disorders, it act speedily nnd surely, always relieving suffering, and often saving life. The protection it affords, by its timely use in the throat ami lung dis orders of children, makes it an invaluable rem edy to bs kept always on hand in every home. No person can afford to lie without it, and those who have once used it never will. From their knowledge of its aomixwition and effects, Phy sicians use the Cimum i'r.ciouAI. extensively lit their practice, and Clergymen reoommend it. It i absolutely certain in its remedial effects, and will alwavs cure where cures are possible. For sale by all dealers. War has commenced in Europe! AMI R. G. CALLISON IS AGAIN AT1I IS OLD HISOLDSTAN D on i.jametie Street and having bought the interest t W. T, Osburu ij) the firm of (,'alli son k Unburn, i prepared to furnuh all who may give him a call with the best quality of every thing usually kept ia a first class gruoery and provi-wn storj, such a SUGARS. TEAS, COFFEE, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO It CIGARS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE. WOOD AM) WILLOW WARE, at reasonable rites .ir CASH or PRODUCE. (five me a call and see what I can do for you Thankful for past uMromtge I invite you to call again. G1 delivered fi aj.y part of the city free of charge. R. G- CALLISON. 1XIOTS A.Mr KIIOKM-CALIFUl I uia hni' I and machine made Boots and Shoe. A nar Lt iltrwt from f.tctirV. n. H. FRIENDLY KOSEBURG AND SAN JUAN LIME for sale by T. G. HENDRICKS. rTMIE BUST MIOi: KVFB BRwl'GHT TO L to tiu mi ket, t lit loe prtmmt, T.ii. rO.VUUICKS'. LOK bMtBIL .ntllflltJDhlill, T.C. HENDRICKS, S. H, FRIENDLY, HAS JUST OPENED FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE THE LAGEST STOCK OF GOODS EVER BROUHT OUU STOCK OF CLOTHING has Wen largely Increased and we can show as handsome a line of ready made goods iu MEN'S AND BOYS' BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS As can be found in the country, anil at prices that cannot tail to satisfy. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is well filled with a splendid assortment of all leading styles and fashionable simile of goods. EMPRESS CLOTHS, MOHAIR, and AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, Plaid, Plain aud Opera Flannels of all colors. Hlenclii'il it Unbloncliod Cotton Flan nek Ladios' and Gonts' Undorwoar, SHAWLS and SCAKFS; S. Robinson At Church, . DK.VI.KKii IN SHELF& HEAVY II VKDWAKK IIAVK T11K Rest Selected stock (..Oregon IS A. O ZLn 3Ln j&l 3FS. DC! BEFORE PURCHASING, GO TO A. V. PETERS & CO, Dealers in General Merchandise, nnd examine, the Celebrated WHITE SEWING MACHINE, Tho best and most complete of all, and sold on the most reason able terms. WAGONS, HACKS AND BUCCIES I ON HAND, AND MADE TO ORDER OF TIIE BEST EASTERN MATERIAL. As our Facilities are equal to any Establishmet In the Slate, We can Promise our Patrons First-Class Work in every Respect. RErAinmo done ojX short notice. GIVE US A CALL BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE, AS YOU WILL FIND THE PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Factory corner Olive and Seventh T SHOE STORE. A. HUNT, Proprietor, Simp ou Willamette street, '.'nd door north ot Hardware store, r.ugene t ity, Or. I will hereafter keep a complete stock of iYimi:v, .MISSICS' AND - i iinltrrM, Cloth and Kid, Ititttou ItootM, MlpiMTM, white and black, Knndlll, I'rritch liidMiofM. MEN'S & BOYS' yiNK AND HEAVY' BOOTS & SHOES QF ALL KINDS, And In fact everything in tho BOOT and SHOE line, to which intend to devote my erpecial attention. MY GOODS Were manufactured to urder, ARE FIRST CLASS And fruaraiteed as repremmted, ami will lie sold for the lowest prices that a good article aau be afforded. aprl7-7Htf A. IU VI'. CRAIN BROS. DEALERS -- vjl'lorku, j Walrlifi and vjSS1 Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Wat'he, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Northweitt corner of Willamette and Eighth street. feb'J tf If you wUb to buy your good cheap, you mimt l(o to the store of LURCH BROS., COTTAOK OKOVK They keep one of the Urgent stock of General Merchandise Outnide of Portland, and they sell good cheap er than it can be bou(ht anywhere in th. Wil lamette valley. The firm of Lurch lima, oonnUU of Aaron Lurch and Ren Lurch. Ainu:i) hi.ku Ha taken jxaweadon of th Luckey Livery Stable, And will carry on a GENERAL LIVERY BUSINESS. Hores fed snd boarded by the week or day. HORSES ANDBl'COIESFOR HIHE. TO EUGENE. WOOL BLANKETS, ALL COLORS. Trunks and Traveling Satchels. HATS AND CAPS in the leading styles. OIL CLOTHS for floor and table use. BOOTS AND SHOES. We would call secial attention to our stock of Mens' and Hoys' Sun Francisco Hoots, Which we have sold for a number of yearswltU. great satisfaction. Every pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE, PLOWS AND FAKMIM UTENSILS. CHOICE TEAS, CANNED GOODS. And all choice i A.M1LV UKOCt.UlJ'.S J astouishlv low rates. LIVERPOOL & CARMEN ISLAND SALT. Highest price lor ull kinds of produce and AVOOT. ii. ritn:iiA. HAVE FOR aW llat the LOWEST Rates IKON, STEEL, , JlXKH. ANVILS, NULS, ROPE CnJilo Chains, Glass. Putty, T'abl ennd Pocket CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, AM MUNITION, AGKICULTTKAL IMPLEMENTS, Blasting Powder, Fishing Tackle. Etc., Etc, W invito an exam ination of our goods, confident that our prices will suit the times. Streets, Eugene City, Oregon. Kinsey & Page. B. F. DORRIS, DEALER IN Moves, Pipe, Metal, Tiimnte AND House Furnishing Goods Generally Wells Driven Promptly AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. WlIlHiiif'lte Mreel, Eugene City, Oregon JUST RECEIVED. A I.urge Stock of DKY (iOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, HOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS ETC., ETC., AT REDUCED PEICES. UMiAHt market price paid for all kind m PRODUCE, HIDES and FURS. A. GOLDSMITH. OPPOSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADE! SLOAN BROTHERS mi.I. DO WORK CHEAPER Uuui any other Y V .hop ia town. HORSES SHOD FOR $150, With new material, all round. ReMttinf old hoea 74 Cent. A II warranted ( aatlnlactloa. Shop on the Corner of 8th turf Olive Sb. Eugene City lircwerj. MATH I AS MKLLEH. Pro'p. I ao prepared to 811 .11 ocler for LAGER BEER OFA SUPERIOR QUALITY. Cvne n! fe for Tour:!'. A rood srtHe ! i o rcuBimeii'Utioi. ''Kk-straw." oa Monday last.