THE EUGENE CITY GUARD. KUi'KNE CTTY.OREUON. SATURUA.V, AUG. 17, 178. BUSINESS. Matter! of a personal character charged for at regular adver tising rates, lo Lie paid Invariably In ad- vance. L S. 8E.Y1T0R.' There lias boon a great deal of speculation throughout the State in regard to who will ba thu U. S. Sen atiir to nowed Mitchell, and certain profreJ Duinooratiu papers in the Statu li;ive shown a dipoition to ar bitrarily dictate to tho Legislature tth') hhonlJ bo Senator. The Moun tain Sentiml and the Jiedtock Ikmo cnit iiumI their influence, bo it little or much, to defeat tho Democratic ticket at the Juno election, and prob ably the responsibility for the defeat of a portion of our ticket rests upon their head. Yet, these papers alter Laving contributed to tho extent of their ability and influence to the do lent of u portion of the Democratic ' ticket, "lfavo ttio InaiiflVraMff Impu dence to dictato to a Democratic Lcufisluluro (elected in spilo of their opposition), who bhoutd bo elected U. S. Senator, These two papers bhhuiiio that there is an irrepressiblo nntajroiiirin between eastern and western Oregon. Thin bit of demagog iieUm is too flimsy to merit a serious answer, nnd theassiiiiipliuii that men whooecupy a position suflicieiilly prominent lo be seriously spoken ol as possiblo can didates tor Senator, are utterly igno rant of the wants, necessities and in terests of eastern Oregon, shows a degree of unsophisticated innocence rarely preserved by the hackneyed journalism ot the present day. So far as the Jkdrwk Democrat is con cerned, it has proposed no candidate, but Shep. has carped, growled, whined and blubbered at everybody ; but McUomas, of the Sentinel, after doing all the devilment bu could dur ing thu canvass, and after skirmish ing around ever since, and ligli' ing everything Democratic, lias settled upon bis candidate, and will bo sal isiied w ill) nobody else. MeUomas' nominee, Judge MoAr thur, we believo is a good selection, aud as o representative of the peo ple of Oregon in tho United Slates Senate would acquit himself credit ably and lailhfully guard thu inter cski ol his vonstilueii Is. Hut there is a slight obstacle in thu way ol Judge McArtliur's acceptance of the Sena torship, in thu shapo ol a constitu tional piohibilion. When Judge McAtlhur v,ih inducted into thu of lieu ol Judge of the Filth Judicial dis trict of the of Oregon, he took mid subscribed the following oa.h: "J, L. L. McAithur, do solemnly swear thai I will suppott the Con hi it in ion ot the United States ami the Constitution ol thu State of Oregon ; mi. I that I will laillilully ami iiiipnr. tin II y tliselisreu the duties of a Judge ol the Supreme and Circuit Courts id nahl Slate, according to the best of my ability, ami that I iril not accet tiny other office, exert t Judicial ojfi- cat, during the to in for which I have (Mil (Will, The abovo oath is plajn, terse, nnd cauuol possihly bo iiiisundcistool by the most Molid ichoolboy. ll Judgo Me Ai thur t-hould consent to be a can lidat for the Senate, alter havinsi takriii tho oath abovo quoted, it would bu a sufficient eauso lor every honcii n-picscnlalivu to voto against him. We wilHiave something more to say in reg ud to this matter next week. Professor Trent'iss ol Cornell Uni versity, has estimated the annual crop reed pro lin ed by single plants ot some ol our common weeds. Me finds that tho dandelio'.i produces 2 OIK) ; the ox eye daisy, lll.OoO ; dock, 13, WO; burdock, 14,0o0; nnyweed 40,000 ; red poppy, 60,0Ui. The tirant unvemeul is tho natur al reaction of the !epuhlienn party ugaititt the insipidity and imbecility of the jiresint aduiinistialioii. It is tho yearning (or a man of iron to tike the rf a nun ol Uraw. Thai's the way the Si Ixuiis Globe- DtMOCTOi puis it. The Mountaineer : "One Jay Ust week two Indian Moiling to tin) Warm S.irin Iteferrstic.u, kuowu u Sisirfacel C'hvli-y and Captaiu John, nMd a wo rn in at tbc ful of IWhottxi lull on tit rppoite side of the river, ll apwars tlit the w.-aisn was left in t barge of ths trad. Wij," n while Lr husband drove ths main wiym up tli Lilt, and while waiting tit r.'turu of her lu.lan.1, tli two Indians cam along and compelled her to giv up what money she had in herpiMail.u. Ca t Smith we learn that fa baa ordered t li ar reit of tht Indiana, and tlut be wiii turn th'-m over to tb civil autLonties at tun at he jt'-U them." These are twine -f the pious l..ij- utvUt ('apt J"Lu. j COuBESPOXDEME. Simmer Lake, July 29, 1878. Ed, Giard: Left homo on tho 23d and ot here yesterday distance 200 miles. No Indian excitement here. Tho Klamalbs, I am told, are willing to deposit their arms at any place designated by tho whites, as they will furnish lrom 100 to 200 of their warriors to protect tho settle ments at anyplace in this county where they Icel themselves in danger. In my judgement there ought not to bo any uneasiness fell on the part of the settlers here. I think there is not the least danger in travelling from tho valley here or from hero there. I'eoplo are busy baying hero and many will get through this week. Stock looks well, but immediately about thu bouses and on tho thor oughfares tho grass is all cat off and the country looks quite bare. I don't know when you will get this, as the mail facilities for this sec tion are not of ths best. Mail from the valley comes hero cither by the way of lYiiicvilb and the McKcPzie roule or by The Dalles; or by the Lakeview, Linkvillu aud Jaoksauvillc route, and thu papers are usually lrom leu days lo three weeks old bo lore received here, but I suppose it is the best that cun bu done at the pres ent. I expect to remain hero from one to three weeks, and may bu home before ou get this, but nevertheless I will send it w hether you use it or not. There is nothing lurther woith wining. W. By Hie People anil for the People. From tlit) Peoria (111.) Journal. When our revolutionary falhcrs sought to lay the louudation of a new empire on the Allanliu shore they enunciated the truth that this is a gov ernment of the people and by lie people and tor the people. It is a lie. Whatever it may have been original ly, it is not thai now. It is a govern ment of tli o people, by the capitalist and for tho bondholder. Aristocracy has for its essence distrust ol the peo pie. All its powers have been found ed on this Idea.- And this is the idea I lift has gained prominence nnd ha ruled the country for ten veaiv. The people have had no voico in control! ing the publio land. It has been granted away lo railroads, This is the rrisloeratio spirit crysialized, bo lidihYd, and put in practical operation. They have had no ear lor the jniuci plo "for the people." Tho old aristo cratic spirit has dominated. It has dominated the bonds, a sort of moiiled aristocracy, made hereditary so far as in tlieni lay. The same thing was demonstrated in tho financial policy of the nation for the lust ten years. Tho broad and democratic- idea has been shelved. Tho whole system has been shaped to shelter and favor a privleged class. Tho banks havo been protected. Kvcry measure cl reform has hciyi thwarted on the plea that it crossed souio vested right. It has been tho era ot coi positions. Tho re sult has been to separate with a wide line tho rich nnd the poor. Hereto fore no such division has hem noticed or feared. Tho lich were thoso who by superior talents or by nipcrior in dustry had risen from tho mas'. Men looked at such ones, nnd said they sprang lrom tho people. What they are 1 can be. Their example was at once incitement and encouragement. Uui 11 the lnvs uvss unctjually, this idea is lost. Kichcs has hecome a synonym for luck or rascality, This is tho doctrine preached by Jim com ninne. It is all the mote dangerous, oecauso ii seems to have a strata ol truth to rest upon. Men forsake the slow gains ol indusliy, or the houest toil of li e mechanical arts to ru.di into speculation, or to try their lor turn s in tome hazardous enterprise. -i i- .i i- i i tiivaiii in mo luiiivmuai uas ix-en to acquire wealth by some sudden means. Accordingly uli the aenii"S of middlemen have been crow ded w ith pewons trying to make up iu sehnn ing what they lacked in skill. Disap (Minted i l their hopes, tl ey descended to equivocal means, and recruited the ranks ol rascality. Tile daily papers have teemed with the details of the misadventures of these individual who descended by iinnereeiilible do. tiroes lrom sharp practice to knavery. That this result has been possihle at all, shows how de ply the evil of bad legislation hs descended; aud how its fulal poison his rorrunlcd all trades and classes ol society. It aiises from lorsakmg geneial to legis late for a particular interest and for a class. Thm W no rrmllal arrnt that u .fn4n.ll. mfr-u Ui nmrb.d and otfeniv prrKrati.. to hkh m man rt ar liahl a. a warm halh m hHk Ulrua'a Huhdmr tsn H intnt d by I h. bathrr. 1 U. iltwaa U uts a cun tituthwal nn. and n4 runliniml in r...l rt M ill. body, it i. f.H.n.1 to I rvli. rrlt.-f Cimr ri,1irti raa ).nj Usit. To prrt m tr.l.irl. t.lriia Kiilj.hiir Soap ia CntU m..n', 7 Suth itmx Sew V.k. S-M K druyi-t. Hill'. Hir and 1 Military Ariitotrarr. Those officers of the United States urmy who desire that the army shall continue in existence, would do well the Baltimore Gazette alleges, to get General W. T. Sherman declared a lunatic and placed under charge. A few more such specdies as thu aged warrior made conserving Mr. Ban ning, and the American people may tako .seriously tnder consideration the question whether or not it is well to maintain a military aristocracy to insult tho people. Representative Banning,' who was elected to Con gress on a rclicuchmeut platform, and who was the Chairman ol the Military Committee, and therefore acting in tho line of Lis epecial duty in suiting down tho extravagances of military expenditure, has incurred tho displeasure of General Sherman, who, by way of being as scornful and contemptuous as possible, calls him "that fellow Banning, who hasn't got brains cnoimh to bo a dry-goods clerk." Doubtless General Sherman considers a dry-goods clerk a con temptible creature, fit lor nothing belter than to work and pay thu taxes which support tho magnificent swells in the army, who draw the big pay, ride the tall horses, and do the tall talk ; but it would bo well for him lo keep such opinions to himself. Tho dry-goods clerko may not wear the gold braid and buttons, but they are among tho people who pay the bills and who voto the supplies. In other words, they are General Slier man's masters. Sherman's handsome uniform is his livery ; they pay him wages, and can stop paying it when ever they choose; and they may come to think that keeping so inso lent a servant as General Sherman is an expensivo luxury which they can dispense with. Who is. General V. T. Sherman that ho should use a dry goods clerk as n synonym for contempt. He is a man who was educated at the expense ol tho people at West Point. Pcopl who work wilh their hands at plough and anvil, as well as people i i the dry goods trade, pay the expenses of that iiisliuuieii. It turned oul iu old t ines some nolle men, and may do so still. But w hen the General in Chief of llio Arm v sots such mi ex- auiplu as this, it is hardly fair to ex pect much lrom the subalterns. The n'ltl.ors of the Bill of Rights, the signers of tho Declaration of Inde pendence, the fruitier of the Consti tution, all left on record their aversion to standing nrmies in limo of peace Thoy saw that the habit ot absolute comm iiid begets iu military men an impatience and contempt of pieced tire bylaw; that military men lend mil u rally toward an aristocratic contempt for labor aud trade; that soldiers make a virtue of obeying orders rather than obeying law. So, when the Revolu tion was over, Washington resigned his commission; the army disbud led. Thu soldiers went back lo the plough, the am il and di v goods business. This is not Gcucral Sherman's plan at nil. He draws his big pay, and seems to consider that he holds this country up by the tail, nnd thai if ho were to let go the whole thing would go to smash. Ho said ai a banquet not bug ago, Disband tho army and this Government is a mob." Ho do aerved to uo eourl maitialed aud cash iered for saying so. It is true that he denied allerwards that he said so; but number of people heard it, and it is quito ehaiaetei istio of him in every j I..., .... way. no iiiniKs mai the country can not exist without the army, and that the army cannot do without him. He may somo day be rudely awakened from thoso illusions. A Raker City corn-spondetit of the On gonial! aium up the present Indian status thus : Have not heard of a man U-ing killed nor an "Injin" capture. I in a week iu these parts. This is going very slow- uh a thoitsiuid or more trmw in the field, scouts out iu every dinvtioa. Indian allies iu the field, and so on ! The latest is that the Malheur agency Indians having heard that W. V. Kim-hart bait rosigned, w ere not I ing to emno to terms until next spring. Their stock of am munition is short, too, and it is hard to p t it from I' tub just now. History rex-at it self. First a pow-wow ; tlieu a "solemn" treaty j then comfortable lodging and homes for the h 'Atile, au I then peace for a short cascm; thin an iiicoiniH;rnt nrnt j then another outbreak with all its heart stVkcu ing details-bloo,1y mnrxler, nddM-ry and for-giv.-mi. Theu iuetlicirnt g. iwrals and inv lvile giirvrnon. The result of all of which is that Uncle psys a big bill j the de fcuarlcas pioneer who' takes his life iu Ins hand to enrich th cofTcrs of the natioa by hrtterutg his owu condition, is riddied, if not murdered ; and ths Indian has added to his wealth of scal, stm k of horses, and store id blankets and prorisioos, aud ability to run over the country in another rai.L Hits Orrsipall (.oar. Had th Arkanaas "doct." that "tappr I'' the fat (uan, Uiibkitur h ha.) dmtr. U.t hud- in nn water linonn.Tl it ".lrr " litl . to day, h wool.l, bit. Mbrllo, n t U o rn." fur Allan's Aati Kat, a p.rrlv ivuU ft uieil V. safeiv. but lxltlVr!v. at fr.n three to six r-n pr I -k. Nd by Hr.e.-ci-ts 4 FARMERS -AXD- Ito careful and b not purcliiwe wanliing ma chine until you have aeen the NORTHWEST GRANQtR. II. O. IUVENTOKT, Agent Summons. IX THE CIRCUIT COUKT mr. State of Oregon, for the county of Ijiue. t) (' Millnr. nkintilf. va. Heurv W. Miller, Eliel U Miller, John li. Miller, Joiah Miller, John U Mill r,(Jeo. C. Miller, Geo. T.Miller, Uachel lintler and J. M. Butler, her hiuUtid, and Iaiuli Hurt and Sarah Hurt, hu wile, ue fuTw'ltlltk. To Henry V. Miller, Eliel I Miller, Jonn It Mill,.r .liuiuh Mill.-r. John L. Allller. lieo. !. Miller, (Jeo. T. Miller, Kachdl Butler anil J. M. Butler, her husband, and Sarah tlurt ami Irfiah Hurt, her hunband, tlie auove naraeu defendant : In the name of the State of Orcein you aud each of you are hereby auniiuoiied to aK!ar in said Court and answer the complaint of plain tiff filerl therein, within ten davn from the date ot nervioe of thia summon iinm you if you are nerved in Lane county, or within twenty days lrom ncrvico you U you are seryeu in uuy other couuty in said State, or if by publication of summons, then by the fitnt day of the term of the Court, following the time prescribed by the Court for the publication of summons, which is the first Mouduy in Novemler, 178. And it iu ordered by the Hon. J. i'. Watson, judge of said Court, and dated Aug. 12, that service of summons be made by publica tion in the Ei'uknk City Gcard for six consec utive weeks on Eliel L. Miller, Henry V. Mil ler, John L. Miller nnd Josiah Miller, and if you fail to answer the same, judgment and de cree will lie taken for the relief prayed for iu the complaint, namely : A sale of three hun dred aud eighty-seven seventy-five ono hun dredths acres of land, being a part of the do nation land claim of George and Elizabeth Miller, notification nuinlier 0.5.V.I, claim num ber fWi, iu sections lti, 17, '20 and 23, T. It), S. It., 3 W., in Eane county, Oregon, more par ticularly described as follows : Commencing at the southeast corner of said donation land claim, No. 55, ninniii:,' thence north 23. IU chains, theuce west 107.&8 chains, thence south 23.13 chains, thence east 107.58 chains to the place of beginning, containing 387.75 acres of land iu Lano county, Oregon, and tliat the pro ceeds of sale, ufter paying the costs and dis bursements of this suit, be distributed equally among the heirs and owners of said land ac cording to their respective shares, and for rich other ami further relief lis to the Court may seem equitible and just, und for the costs and disbursements of tins suit. JOSHUA J. WALTON, Attorney for 1'laintitT. O'Mfr'Vai'WW 'HUIHSBBSWrit M.S. TO i HE LADIES. Misses Hollo-way & Under 'Are Agents for Mrs. A. L. JilUmsiiii ppl-oveil chart tor ciIHini,' Presses, fiat-ipies, jjliasiiues, Wrappers, Childnns' clothing, etc. 'All this will hi" taught free and a pet of Ftrodiiee the only perfect system. H II Persons wisliiu; to avail themselves of? terns L'lven. 1 Ins ltiiluccuicnt is l-i von to in rthis oiirtmiity will do well to call ut their Mummery sn i uiVHs niuKing unumitnincui, "Wilhmie'te street, in:ir . tilth. Eugene City Foundry MACHINE SHOP, Crouch y- Brown, Prop's. te are now ri:i:rAi;i:i) to ex- TV ecuteall kiu.'s of machine work ; to build and to repair all kinds of machinery. Casting of al) kinds furnished rnohort uotic of iiiut, brass, lull metal, etc. We also manufacture to order, steam endues, water wheels, saw mills, Hour mills, etc. liibs fiveu to luirties wantiii'; s;ich work. ckuucHAr.nowx. Dissolution Notice. VniTICK IS UKI5EBY CIVEX THAT Xl tho coi.irtneiship lu-ret'ifoi-e existing lw tween A. V. and 1. K. l'eters is dissolved, by mutual consent. All persons knowing them selves indebted to the firm will come torwanl and settle ut nn early day. Either party will receipt tor money ilue. A. V. t eters wjll con tinue the business nnd invites a coutimianw of trade from old customers. JulyS-', W7S. NOTICE. milE HOP ! ROWERS OF LAXE county .1. aiv reoucsted to meet at the Court House on next Wednesday (the IMst) at 1 o'clock to consult on business of uiiportuiK-e to every grower cit Hops. Hy reiptest of a m.-ntber of lop (frowers. A. A. Smith, Pres't Hop (iroweni Association. ASTONiSHING CURES I Of Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Paralysis. Exhausted Vitality, Impaired Memory Mental Diseases, Weakness of Reproductive Organs, Etc., Etc., by the Celebrated English Remedy, SIR ASTLEY COOPER'S VITAL RESTORATIVE! It ictorr HEAKINU and strengthens the EYESKiHl'. It is not a Ol'ACK XOS TIU'.M. Its i-lfects ar. peniiiiuent It lut r.o com iL It is neither a. SI I. Ml' LA NT XtIR EXC1T ANT, but it will do the work thorwigly and well. DR. MIXT1E A CO.'S great suoi-e-o in the aliove oomplainU is largely due to the tine of this wtuid.rfol medicine. Price ?J lJ jxr bottle, or four times the quantitv-for s.-nt sivnn1 from observation, um RECEIPT OV PRICE. Xone genuiu without the signature of the liropriet. t. A. M1MTE, M. 1. Physicians say these troubles cannot be The VITAL RESTORATIVE and lr. Min tie 4 Co.'s Scial Treatment testify siuely that they can. CONSULTATION FREE. Th.-mugh examination and advice, inejudir an alas ya, C K Address DR. A. E. MINTIE CO. (Craduat of University of PcnnsTlvanU, and Utr lUwident burgeon, Orthowlic Hospital, Philadrljihia. IVanch OfEoe. No. 15S. corner Srrond and j MKTia strreU, Portlaoi P. O, Box MM, Or 11 Kernry street, San Francitfn. thfu - e hoar 10 a. m. to S p. m., daily; to i evrningn. Sundars, 11 a. m. to 1 p. lti i t!r. " augl7 yl I'K Bl'EXA VISTA ST1K WAKKeo I to T. ti. HEM'KK Kb . S. Itoscnblatt & Co., DIALERS IS GENERAL MERCHANDISE, At the old atand, Southwest corner of Eightb ana viuamei) EUOENK CITY, ORKGOX. Have the most complete stock of General Merchandise In the city, Including Dry Goals, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Etc.ydc. And in fact everything the market demands, Which we are selling ai BED-ROCK PRICES. Paid for all kinds of farm produce delivered at our Store. S. Rosenblatt & Co. INSURE Against Loss by Tire IX THE Liverpool & - London & Globe INSURANCE COMPANY. Chas. Lauer, Ag't. Miss E. A. J. Ford, M- D.. EUGENE CITY. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO JaHscatts ol Women. Office and residence at Mrs. J. B. Under wood's, near the depot. Office hours from 7 A. u. to 5 r. M. Summons. TX THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE L State of Oregon, for the County of Lane. Linnio E. Horn, Plaintiff, 1 Suit in equity for vs. divorce ft custody Sidney Horn, DefendautJ of minor child. To Sidney Horn, the alsn e named defendant In the name of the State of Oregon you ire hereov summoned to atipear in nam Court and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, gled therein, within ten days from the date of ser vice of this summons upon you, if you arc served in Lane county or within twenty days from service or. you if you are nerved iu any other county in said State, or if by publication of summons, then by the first Monday iu Xo- veinber, 1M7K, that betiifr the hrst day ot the term following the expiration of the time lire scribed by the order of the Court. It is ordered bv the Hon. J. F. Watson, Judjreof said Court, dated July '"Jtli, 1S78, that service of summons iu the above entitled cause lie made by luibli cation of summons in the Eucene City Ouakii for nix consecutive weeks, and if you fail to answer the same, judgment and decree will In1 taken against von fur the re.icf praved fo-in complaint, namely : A dissolution of the bonds ot iiutrimoiiv existing between you and the plaintiff, and that plamtilf have the custody of the infant child, .Midi lie Ethel, and such other and further relief ns to the Court may sectu equitahle and just, nnd lor the costs and dis tmrsenients ot suit. tr. 11. 1KK1U3, 5ti2:tiw l'laintiil's Attorney. FARM FOR. SALE! 4 WELL IMPROVED FARM OF 44 J:. acres, situated about a half a mile south west of Eugene City. For further particulars, inuuire at tlie UfAlll) ottice. llOCUIIIliS-Isliall keepouafuUof GROCERIES & PROVISION And invite tin tontion of housHkceiH'rs. T. O. HEXlllUCKS h hi Weekly Herald ONE DOLLAR A YEA'S. The circulation of this impulnr newspaper lias more tlinn trcliled iliinng the past year. It contains all the leading news contained in tho Daily IIkkalu, and is arranged in handy ueparimenw. me FOKEIOX XEWS embraces swcial dispatches from all quarters ol tlie globe, togetlier unliiassed, faithful and graphic pictures of the great War in Europe, I'nder the head of AMERICAN XEWS are given the Telegraphto 1 lespatches of the wees irom an parts oitnetmon. Ibis feat ure alone makes THE WEEKLY HERALD the most valuable newspaper in tlie world, as it is me cneaest. Every week is given a faithful retwrt of POLITICAL XEWS, embracing complete anil comprehensive des patches from AsniNfiTON. iucludimr full re jsrts of the oechcs of ecinent politicians on me quest .ons oi tne Hour. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the Wekklt Hkrii.I) gives the latest as well as the most parctical suggestions and discover ies nlating to the duties of the farmer, hints for raising Cattle, Poi ltiit, Uhainh, 1'rke.s, EorTAiiLW, c.. Ac, with suggestions for keeping Ouildings and farminif utensils in re lair. This is supplemented bv a well edited department, widelv cipi. ct, under the head of THE HOME. giving reciwi for prantical dishes, hints for luaklnu clothing and for keeping up with the latest fashions at the lowest price. Litters from our 1 aris ami Ixndon correspondents on tne very latest laslnons. ihe Huns Depart ment of the r.FKLY Herald will save the house wife more tluu one hundred times the price ol tne paper, OXE 1K.1LL.VR A YEAR. There ts.a tijL-e devoted to all th l.t phases ol the Imsinexs markets, Croj, Mer chandiie, 4c, tc A Talaable feature is found in the specially rvwteil prices and conditions ol THE PRODUCE MARKET While all tlie news form ths last Discovery of Stanley are to be found in the WtEELT Heb- aLD, due attention is eiven to SIMRTIXU NEWS at home and aluuad, together with a Stom every week, a Servo bv some foiinent divine. Literary. Misk-al, DRAatTirt Perso.xal and Sea XoU-s. There is no inner in th. wnrl.l hich contains a much nw. week as the WrrsLY Hnutn, which is sent, portage free, for th lWUr Y. ,u scibe at snv tiov. THE NEW YORK HERALD ID a wnrklv f.Tn, OXK lOLLARAYEAR. I apers. pnblwhimr this prcirtus without beins- authorued will n, aecesaanl, recrirt aa eschaogfL Aildrrnw, ctv ioik Ifcralile Proadway k Ann St, Xew York. pimT-NEV DEMONS OF STAN a dard K-t.e ! at Dissolution Notice. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT1 the partnership heretofore existing be tween Lakia & ltooney was diasolved, by mutual consent, on the 15th day ol July, 1878.. The business will be carried on at the old, stand by D. It Lakin, who will collect all debt due the firm and settle all debts against the, firao. 1. it Lakhc, J. T. RoONEY. B. C. Van Houten is authorized to receive, and receipt for all bill and aocoount due the, old firm. . 1. U. La IS. JASQN SPRINGER & CO., Corner Spear & Mfcaion streets Saja. Frcicov Manufactures and Dealen iu. D90RS, WINDOWS. BUNDS Weight. Cords and Pulleys. Importers of GERM A!?, ERESCH A5D KXGLILH WI5D0W GLASS 16, 21 and 26 02. r noons m Specialty. t SEXD FOR CATALOGUE PRICE LISTN NO. C5 FliONT 8TKtKT, FoRTUSIS Ou.N. THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR SHELTON VILKINS, DRUGGISTS. A' ORICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of all kinds at inside figures bv T. O. HEXDRICK.S. PHOTOGRAPHS. Albert Jackson, Artist, Takes Photographs, Gems, Cards, Cabinsi aud Life-Size, style and finish equal to any work done in tie State. Prices reasonable. OALLERY Willamette street, Eugen City, Oregon, ovor Mrs. Jackson's Millinery Store, dec 15 Kim D UV.SS GOODS-XEW STYLES and low prices. Just received by S. H. ERIEXDLY. BEN RUSH, -THE- BLACKSMITH, Is still at the old st-ind and is tirenarrd to da idl kinds of general jobbing, horse-shoeing, re jiairing, etc Having secured the services of nn experienced hand 1 will make ths repairing of FARM MACHINERY a speciality. BEX RUSH. By Calling at the O K TOBACCO STORE, Willamette st, Eugene City, Or., Yon will find the bet brands of TOBACCO ES, CiUARW, riPES, NOTION'S, NUTS. FRENCH AND DOMESTIC CANDIES, etc, ever brought to this citv. N. KONE.BL.4TT. LYNCH & GANT, In Dorr's' Brick Building. DEALERS IX Groceries ni Provisions. Will keep on hand a general assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Cured Meats. lotwcco. Cigars, Candies, Candles, Soap, Notions, Ureen and Ih-ied Fruit, Wood and Willow Ware. " " Crockery, Etc Buaieess will be conducted on a CASH BASIS, Which means that Low Prices are Established" Goodi delivered without charge 1 Ujtr ALL KINDS OF PRODUCt WANTFD F-w which 1 will pay the highest market pries LYNCH ft GAXT . n. OAKEI., MERCHANT TAILOR. rj.liionable tailoring in all it. mini braochet executed with dinbOi ami mti. fv;Uon guaranteed. Baker's Solution, Which ly reason of it alteraaU (joaditw, ia sure curw for rbnmati. i.u,k. cs, pimples, sunburns and h rati ache. It also stamts minvalexl lur cleaning ladies and ftvli wearine atnareL Shon mo Jm mtk f Harrington's barber shop. 55 tl TRV ITf-TRITd nrninrr.tiiivt. - - ----- j -.. i'u.v ac onm. w ofM)AP. roru'eOTtlrsT TKIINDLYS. - T-t.EESDKJCFi