ar i1 irrn EmBLISIip FDB THE DISSEHfAT10X,OF DEMOCRATIC FRIXflPLES, ASD TO EARN AN IIOXEST LIVING BY TlfE SWEAT OF OUR BROW. yflOLE NO. 563, UQENE QITY, OK., SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1878. $2.50 per year IN ADYANCE. r Tin c jIl.jLl Publishers ai$ Proprietors. urflCE-In Underwood'. Brick Buildup, over Express OIKce, 3" " OUR OXL1 rtATK O' ADVKHTI91NG. rK.,rL.nintiiiherteilw follows: - n . litre 10 lines or less, one innertion ?3; K'nt m-ertion Sl.. Chwuid in 'advertisers will be c1,arCed at the fob liirinjt rates ! ..i . 0 square three months V,. " six month .1 .n. VAHI- ..,.Jffl'00 ... 8 00 ... 12 00 Trwient notices in local column, 20 cents per trriSSl'wiij hindered quarterly. POSTOFFICK. .(.JrfnUiir-From J . m. to 7 p.m. Sun lay. ?J;Mr?vTroPratl'ieotli ant north ra Arrive, from the north an I eaves (J-mur .7i.rtl31p.m- For Biiiislaw. franklin ant Umg ?jfri." .-o We lues lay. For Crawford. . 'rumnCreek anl Brownsville at I rSilitarealy for delivery half an hoar after , S3T3 rini! Utter. .UouU be left st the utllee hour before '''5'p'r;XF.ttSOf, P. M. MOCIKI'IE r- .. 1 mtnv Kn 11. A. F an! A. XL r.iTiir.nh "., , . j i . .Meets' Brstiurl third, Welntlays luWh msntu. iLVUf rms' r.n ni'i.r. ... -. Sfife. f. F. MecU every Tuts lay evening. u r.M,v v.. i. tr. WlHAWHAI.A KNrAMPMFST No. J, .t.on the Mau l 4th Welneslay. in eseu moiun. V. Shei.tos, M. D. T. W. IIauhis, M. D. Drs. Shelton & Harris, finsicms & SIKGE0XS, Eugene City. Oregon. GEO. B. DOlllUS, fTTORNEY & COUNSELLOR at LAW Office on Willamette street, Eugene City. r A. ir. PATTERSON, PIIVSICIAN AND SURGEON, (if&ta Xnt1i Street, ppoalto the St. Cbarira Ilot, t'll "t UeMdenee, BiJGKNK CITY OKKOON. D: J. C. Shields 0 VFER3 HI3 PROFESSIONAL SER- vices to the citizens of limine Uty nnu itirroundin,' country. Special attention given t.ill OIWl'Kl'lUUAIj UA.- ana uiua JSB DISK.VSKS entrusted to his care. OS at the St Charles HotoL DR. JOSEPH P GILL (IAS BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idtuce when uot professionally engaged. Office at the POST OFFICE DHUG STORE. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby foriin Chnruli. 1)0ST OFFICE BUILDING, EUGENE City. I have on hand and am constantly receiving an assortment of the Best School and Miscellaneous B(.oks, Stationery, Blank Books, Portfolios, Cards, Wallets, Blanks, Tortmon nan, etc., etc. A. S. PATTERSON. CLEAVER & HENDERSON, DENTISTS, Eugene City, Oregon. ROOMS OVER GR'ANGE STORE, first door to the risht, up stair. Eonnerly ofhVeof C. W. Fitch Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction of CENTRAL MARKET BOYD & MILLER, Proprietors in KEEP CONSTANTLY. OH UAXD, BEEF, VEAL, rOKK AND MUTTON. Jrif4M.taofUkin1s Trd, Tallow.ete. Vill ( a ehank. from 3 to J cent. J. C. Bolan, 5$ El 3Sj 27 3C S3 "317 - HI'CCESSOR TO . VELSII & BOLON- OFFICE Tn Underwood's brick building, over Bpresljfnce. Sitroui Oxide Gas for painless extractions of teeth. ' I JEYVELUY ESTADLISMKXT. J. S. LUCKEY, fop DEALER IS Clocks, Watcnes, Chains, Jewelry, etc. Ilepairin?; Promptly Exocoted. CT All Work Warranted. J. 8 LUCKKY, IUsworth k Co.'. briclc, WUlamette Street E. B.McWILLIAMS, EAXCT Carriage Painter. SHOP f SEVENTH STREET ONE West of the Enwormal Church. Or4en fmm V- - . 1: . I ' ' mY!id-. (Jl M n wee in your own town, to If. rl nUl,tfit No ris" Reader, it 1 . Reader, if at which per - t pay all the na lL e. W Jj(,w vaot a business at which rer of other wi can make great pay all the iney vnrk, write lor particnan 'tt ! fnrtland. Maine. K VtWflTArK nv hits n,. Ut j aJiltl? 21 ' T,eab"t jonk and Stalionery Store and iarrat ever brozht to E !?., at UttKNK CITY EBUSINESS iDIRECTORY. ALEXANDER, J. B. Justice of the cac South Eugene Precinct; office at,Coiirt'Ilouse. ABRAMS, W. H. 4 BRO.-BVining mill, sash, door, blind ahd moulding manufactory, Ljghth Btreet, east of mill race. Everything in' our litis furnished on short notice and reasonable terms. BENTLEY, J. W. -Private boardin;? house, southwest corner of Eleventh and Pearl sts. BAUSCH, P.-Boot and shoe maker, Willam ette street, second door south of A. V. Peters & Co. BAKER, R. F Wines, liquor, cigars and billiards Willamette etre one door north of St. Ciiarlcs Hotel. BOLON, J. C.-SurtricalandMechanicalDen- tist,. Underwood's brick, over Express Office. BOYD It MILLER Meat Market-beef, veal, mutton,, pork and lord Willamette street, between Eighth airl, Ninth. ' i - COLEMAN, FRANK Wines, liquors, cigars and billiards, Willamette street, between Eighth and Ninth. CLEAVER, J. W. -General variety store and agricultural implements, southeast comer of Willamette anil Seventh streets. CHAPMAN, E. F. -Gunsmith repairing promptly ilono and work warranted, Juglith street, between Willamette and Olive. CHRISM AN, SCOTT-Truck, hack and ex pressman. All ontcrs promptly attended to. Ollice at express office. CRAIN- BROS.-Dealer in Jewelry, Watch- r'l i I nr..: 1 T.- w:i lamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. CALLISON, K G. Dealer In groceries, pro. visioift, country produce, canned, goods, books, statihhery, etc., southwest corner WJlamette and 9th Sts. ' 1 ' DORRIS, B. F. -Denier in Stoves and Tin ware W ulamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. DURANT, WM.-Mcat Market beef, pork, veal and mutton constantly on hand W II lamette street, between Seventh and'Eighth. ELLSWORTH & CO. Druggists and dealers in paints, oils, etc.-'-W ulaiuctte street, be tween Eighth and Ninth. FRIENDLY, S. H. -Dealer in dry goods, clothing and general merchandise Willam ette street, between Eighth and Ninth. GUARD OFFICE Newspaper, book aid jub printing olhce, corner lllanjette and Jflgluh Btrrets. up stairs. '" GRANGE STORE-Dealers in general mer chandise Riul protlnce, corner tightU aud WillametW'streets. GILL, J. P. Physician, Supgeon and Drug gist, Postomce, Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. HENDRICKS, T. G. -Dealer in general mer chandise northwest comer Y Ulamette and Ninth streets. HYMAN, D. -Variety Store and dealer in furs and .kins, ulamette Btreet, between Eighth aud Ninth. IIODUS, C Lager beer, liquors, cigars nnd a fine pigeon, hole table, W Ulamette street, be tween Eighth and Ninth. HARRINGTON, FRANK-Barber, Hairdres ser and ba h rooms, ewt 'vk. Willamette Bt, Bewnd door north of St. Charles Hotel. HORN, CHAS. M. Gunsmith. Rifles and shot-guns, breech and muzzle loaders, for saie. Retail. ivg done ia the neatest style and war rante.L Sin j) oi . sjr'ejt. ' " "' JAMES, B. H. Stoves, "and niauufacturer of Tin and Sheet-iron ware, Willamette street, between Eighth and Ninth. KINSEY, J. I). Sash, blinds and door' fac tory, window and door frames, oulflings; etc., glazing and glass cutting done to order. LYiTCH, A.- Umuvies, provisions, fruits, veg etables, etc, Willamette street, first door south of Postolfice. LA KIN, D. H. Saddlery, harness, saddle trees, whips, etc., Willamette street, between Eighth and Ninth. LUCKEY, J. S. Watchmaker and Jeweler; keeps a fine stock of goods in his line, Willam ette street, in Ellsworth's drug store. McCLAEEN, JAMES Oioiee.wincs.liqtiovs, and cigars Willamette street, lietwten Eighth and Ninth. " ' MELLER, M. Brewery Larrr leer on tap and by the keg or barrel, oyflsrof Ninth and Olive streets. McCLANAHAN, E. J. -Truck and DrayiiiL'; all orders promptly attended to. .Head quarters at Robinson & Church's. OS BURN k CO.--Dealers in drugs, medicines, chemicals, oils, paints, etc. Willamette st, opposite S. Charles Hotel PEKKINS, H. C. -County Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Resideuce on Fifth . reet. PENNINGTON, B C.-";"uctioneer ad Com mission Merchaiit, VOrner seventh and High streets. PRESTON, WM.-DeJ r jn Sail.llery, Har ness, Carriage Tiiuiiiiing; etc. Willamette street between Seventh and Eighth. RUSH, BEN. Horseshoeing and peneral job- hing blacksmith, fcightn street, oetween i n lamette and Olive. REAM, J. K. Undertaker and building con tractor, corner vt Ulamette ana oevenin streets. ROSENBLATT & CO. -Dry goods, clothing, groceries and general merchandise, soutnwesi corner Willamette and Eighth streets. SHIELDS, .1. V. Physician and Surgeon .l i -:-tl. ... Ar.,.r muit 'if Kr. norin si'.e ii.lh oiv, ...a. ..-- " - fharles Hotel. STEVENS, MARK-Deahv in tobacco, ci gars, -nnt, candies, snot, pow.icr, nouuus, etc Willamette street STEINHEISER, S. Dealer in groceries, pro visions, vegetables, fruits, etc--vi uiameiw street, between Eighth and Ninth. THOMPSON & BKAN-Attorneys at-Lar- Un.lerwood. brick, li:.".TieH9 sTreev, u. stairs. VAN HOUTEN, B. C. -Agent for the North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, Wiljan.ette street at Exjiress office. " WALTJN, J. J.-Attorney-at-I aw. Office Willamette Btreet, between Seventh and Eighth. ' WITTER, T. T. Buckskin dres-in?. The highest price paid for deer .kins, Eighth st, at Bridk-e. rvriF.RWOOD. J. B. General brokers? lminMU and went for the Connerficiit In surance Cflinpaby Hartford- Willamette Btreet, oetween aeveiiW ana tiijiivu. FARM FOR SALE. WPT I. IMPROVEn K1RM OF tfiree hundred aud sixty acres, 100 acre" nnder cultivation: all under fence and the improve ment in (rood order, which we wi'l Mil at a 1 Karvain. and on banrain. and on tff. Bvt rcaaonalil aide terms. tZ AUW office . I Hcan nuke money faster at work fr n. 1 l.hiul lt anything ek Capital n.-f rr y . ,e wiU ,Urt yotL f yi Jay ,t borne nude by the indastHonv Men, 1 . .A mrl. r.n.H vervwhere to women, boy. and girl, wanted everywhere to r . a rha r AST I V f'T ' work- ""w -" J w.k- . fit and term, free Addrea. 4 fa. A Pl'IL BACK. A little Pull Uiu-k sought one day The 'gates of Paradise; St Peter wiped his Bectacles, And rubbed hi. ancient eye., And throng of female angels came With curious gaze the while, Intent, as ladies always are, To see the latest style. The Saint put on his glasses then An observation took. "What! What!" he .aid, "this traverse. The law of musn't look." " Tied back in front ! Piled up behind ! 'Twill never do, I fear! The thing is too ridiculous You cannot enter here." What did she do! My curious friend She got behind a tree ; "' And in a jiffy she was dressed, As angels ought to be. St Peter kissed her then, and said "Pass in, my little dear; -; But mind you musn' introduce Such naughty fashions here. wnanwaMa www. THE GAMBLER'S END. From one of Rev, Mr. Murray's stories. 9'Von.l tilt' bnliam ticket the gainlilcr maile hi xlnnri. Cuifon, tin-di'leetiyc, wns in full iumiit; ns lie burst tlironoli iliy balsam lit-found hiilisolf within twenty feet of, liis nnlnnonist. Both liit'if (loo.l tor nu iustaut, cncli with a iist! in hisliHtnl, each looking lull t tin other. Bmh wi re ixju'its. Eftch knew; the other. ' "You count," snid the gambler, coolly. "One, two," said detective, "three, Kite!" One pistol nlono sounded. The gambler s had (ailed to explode. 'You've won, 3-011 needn't deal again," said the gambler. And then ho dropped. The red stain on his white shirt front showed where he win hit. "There' some lint r.nd bandage," said tho detective, nnd he flung 1 small package into the -rambler's lap. "I hope you won't die, Dick Kay mond." ''Oh, it was all fair, Carson," said the other carlessly. "I've held ft poor hand fron the start " He paused; for the detective had rushed on, and he was alone. rods further on, the detectiye caught dp willi the trapper, who was calmly recharging his piece. On tho edge of the ledge above, the haft bree ' lay dead, the lips drawn back from his teeth nnd his u.rly onuntenanco dis Jotted with hate nnd rnce. A rifle, whose muzzle smoked, lay at his side; and the edge of the trapper's left ear was bleeding. 'Tvs shot Pick Kaymond by the balsam thicket." said the detective. 'I'm altaid lie's hard hit." "I'll go nnd see the boy," answered the trapper. "You'll find Henry fur der tip. There's only two runnin'. You nnd he can bring 'em in." The old trapper saw, as he descend ed the hill, the body icelining on ti e mosses at the edge of tliP balsam ihicke. The enrt,h gave back no sound ns he advanced, nnd he reached the canibl r, and, wns standing almost at his very feet, ere the young man was aware of his presence; but ns the trapper passed between him Ami Hie shining water, he turned his gaze up to'tlio trapper's face, and, alter study- inir tho crave lines for n moment faul : "You've won the gairje, od man.'' The trapper for'a moment made no reply. He looked steadfastly into the young rpan's countenance, fixed tnseyeson the re.1 stain on the ich breast, and then said : 'Shell I look at the bole, boy?" The gambler smiled pleasantly and nodded bis head, saying. "It'" the natural thing to do in jhese' cases, I believe." Lifting the hands he tin buttoned the collar, nnd unscrewed the soltaire st ml from tho white bosom. Tin trapper knelt by the young man's -i.le, and laving buck the linen fro-n the cl.est, wiped the blood slain with in. cent linltromine wnnc sKin, and carefully studied the edges of the wound, seeking to ascertain the direo tion which the bullet bad taken as it penetrated At last he drew his lace back, hud Ji ted nimself to his feet, not a shade in the expression of his face revealing his thought ' Is it tn v las', deal, old man J" asked the gnrn)ib r carelessly. "I fi ve seen a gnod mapy wounds," answered the trapper, "and I have noted the dir-clion of a good many bullets, and I never knowed a man live who was hit where ye be cf the lead had the slant inward, ns the iiiece had that has gone into ye." For a moment the young man made no n dIv. No change came to his countenance." Ho turned his eyes Irorn the trapper's face and looked nleiisentlv off toward the water. He even whistled a line or two of an old , , balla.t. then lit paused, and drawn h.p- by the rnaVnefism of Uie sieauy K which me rjt-n i mo j (rap,,er jled opon him, he looked 1 ...ain' into the old min'i lace, and - .. . ... . . , . ; VVhat is it. Jnnn Norton ? What is if, John Norlon ?" -iiieronj mr Te,uo, aiin ftIJ H, ;V for for I be sorry for ve. bo v. answered life bo sweet to tho young, and I wish that yer years might be many on arth." "I fancy there's a good many who will bo glad to hear I'm out of it," was the careless response. ''I don't doubt ye have yer faults, boy," answered tho trapper, "and I dar say ye have lived loosely, and did many deeds that were undid, but the best use ot lite to leartwhow to live, and I feel sartin ye'd have got older, and made the last halt of your life wipe out the fust, so that the fig ures for and agin ye would balanced in thejndgment." "You aren t fool enough to believe what tho hypocritical church mem bers talk, are you, John Norton? You dou't believe' that theru'tj any jugdment day, do yon ?" "1 non t know much about church members," answered the trapper, for I ve never ben in tho settle ments ; leastwise, I've never studied in the habits of the crelurs, and I daro say l,hey differ, be n' good and bad, and I seed some that was sariin ly vagabonds. No, I don't know much about church members, but I sartinly believe; vis, I know there'll be a day when the Lord, shall je.lge the livni'. nrid tin dead; nnd the hon est trapper shall stand on omt side, and the' vagabond that pilfers his' skins and steals his traps stand on the other. This is what tho book savs, and it sartinly seems reasonable; tor Hie mat uo oui on mo arm be of two sorts, and t he folks that do m bo of two kinds, and atweon the two, hti Lord, if ho notes anything, must make a dividin' line." 'And when do v'o'n think tint this judgment is, John NortfJn ?" asked the gambler, as it no was actually en joying tne crude but honest idea ol his companion. 1 ho trapper liefi tated a moment before ho spoke, then he said. , "I conceit that tho judgment bo always goin' on. It's a Court that never adjourns, and tho deserter, and the knaves and tho disobedient in the regiment bo always on trial. Hilt conceit that there comes a ay to every man, good and bad, when the records of his deeds be looked over from the start, and tho good nnd the bad counted up ; and in that day he gits final judgment, wheth r it bo for or agin linn. Ami now, noy, con tinued the old man srleinnly with a tonce of infinite tenderness in the vibrations ol his voice, "ye bo nigh the iedgment day. yerstll, and tho deeds ye have did, Goth good and tho bad, will passed id review. "I reckon there isn't much chance for mo if your view is sound, John Norton." And for the first time his lono lost its cheerful recklessness. 'The Court be a Court of matey ; and tho Jedge looks upon 'em that comes up lor trial as cf ho was their l'alli'ert", "That etids it, old man," answered tho gambler. "My lather never sho 'cd me any i.iorcy wii.;ii I was a boy. It ho had. I shouldn't have been here now. If I did a wrong deed, I gol it to the last inch of the lash," and tho words w re most intensely bitter bo cause spoken so quietly. "Tho fathers of the 'arth, boy, bo not liko the father of heaven, for I have seen 'cm correct their children bevond reason, ahd without marcy They whipped in their rage, nnd not in their wisdom; they whipped because ll cv was Etrong, and not Ijeciitiso ol their love; 'they whipped when they should have forgiven, and got what they 'ami tho ha red of their chil dren. Hut tho father of havcn bo dif ferent, boy. He knows that men be weak, ns well as wicked. Ho knows that halt of 'cm haven't had a fair chance, and so he overlooks much: and when ho can't overlook it, I conceit ho sorter forgives in a lump. lis, he subtracts Ml he can Irons in.-evil we have did, boy, and if that isn't enough to satisly bis li elin.a toward a man that might have been different cf he'd had a lair start, he jest wipes the whole row of figures clean out at ihea-kin'." "At the asking?" said the gambler; that's a mighty quick game. Did V jii ever pray, John .Norton.' artin, sartui 1 ie a prayin man, the trapper, sturdily. "At the asking?" murmured the gambler softly -' ".Nartin, boy," answered the trapper, 'that's l:e line the trail takes, yc cart depend on it; "and jt will' lring ye to the end ot th great clcarin' in peace.'! "It's a quick deal," said the gambler, speaking' to himself, utterly uncon scious of the incongruity of his speech to bis thought. I'll'" a q k de:r1, but I can see that it might end as he Bay's, it the feeling was right." For a moment iiolhinj was said. The tripper stood looking steadfastly d 'at the younu man 00 the moss, as he lay with his quiet lace turned up 10 the sky, to whiWe c!or had already come the first shade of the awful white- lies. Up the rrountain a rifle cracked. Neither stirred. A red squirrel r n out urx'D the limb, snook the silence bis chattering;, led eyes lit i , - , Uhen sat gazing with Etartlcd eyes into lraginenta wiin the two men undcrnottli. "Can you pray, old niati?" asked tho gambler, quietly. ":5ar.tainly," answered tho trapper. "Can you pray in words?", asked the gambler again. Fot a moment tho trapper hesitated. Then ho said; '"I can't say that I can. No. I sartainly can't say that I, could undertake it with a reasonable chance of gittin' through; leastwiseit wouldn't bo in a way to help a man any." "Isthero any way, old man, in which we can go partners?" nskbd the gam bler, tho vocabulary of his profession still clung to him in tho solemn coun seling. "I was thinkin' of that," answered tho trapper; "yis, I was thinkin' ef wo couldn't sorter jiuo works, and Oiich help tho other by doin' his own part himself. Yis," conl inued tho old man, after a moment's reflection, "the plan's a good, tin yo pray for yerself, and I'll pray for myself and ef I can git in anything that seems likely to do yo sarvice, ye can count on it, as yo can on a grooved, barrel." "And now, boy," said tho trapper, with a sweetly solemn' enthusiasm, such as faith might givo to 9 suppli cating saint-which lighted his tenturcs until his countenance fairly shone with a light which, ciimo out ot it, rather than' upon it from the sun oveiheal "now, boy, remember that the Lord is Lord of the woods, as well as of the cities; and that ho heareih the prayiu' of the poor hunter under tho pines, as well ns the great preachers in iqj pul pit, nnd that when sins be heavy, and Unth bo nigh, llis car and His heart be both open." 1 Iho trapper knelt on the moss nt the gambler s feel. Ho clasped th.e fingers of his great hands until they interlaced, nnd lifted his wrinkled faco upward, lie said not a word; but the strongly chiseled lips, seamed with age, moved nnd twitched now nnd then, and ns the silent prayer wont on, two great te: rs leave the protection ol the closed lids and roll down the nig ged cheek. The gambler also closed his eyes; then his hands quietly stole one into the other, an I, avoiding the bloody slain, rested on his bro ist; nnd thus, the old man who had lived be vond tho limit ot man's day, nnd the young one cut down tit tho threshold ot m a tu 10 life the 0110 kneeling on the moss, with UisfiiGo lifted to Heaven, ho other lying on tho mosses with his face turned toward the same sky, with out word or uttered speech prayed to the divine mercy which beyond the heaven and tho sky saw the two men underneath the pints, and met, wo may not doubt',' with needed answer the silent upgoing prayer. Iho two opened their eyes nearly it the same instant. Ihey looked lor a moment at each other, nnd then tho gambler feebly lifted his hand, nnd put it in tho broad palm of tho trapper, Pot n word was said. JNo word was needed. Sometimes men understand each other belter than by Salkm Then tho gambler picked the diamond s,tud from the spot where it rested, slipped tho solitaire from his finger, and said, ns ho handed them to the trapper: "There's a girl in Montreal that will like these. You will find her picture insido my vest, when you bury me Her address is insido the picture case, You will take them to her, John Nor ton?" "She shall havo them lroui my own hand," answered tho trapper, gravely. "Yon needn't disturb tho picture, John Norton," said the gambler, "it's just as well, perhaps, to lot it' lio where it is; it's been there" eight yeais. You understand what I mean, old man?'' "I understand," answered tho trap per, solemnly; "the picture shall stay where it is." 'The pistols," rpsumed the gambler, and ho glanced at i,ho one lying on the moss, "I give to you. You'll find them true. You will accepl them?" The trapper bowed his head. It is doubtful if he could speak. For sev eral minutes there was silence. The trapper look the gambler's hand, as if it had been his own boy. Indeed, perhaps the young man had found bis father at last; for surely it isn't fresh that makes fatherhood. Once the young man moved as if he would rise. Had he been able lie would have died with his arms around the old man's neck. A it was, the strength ws unequal to the impulse. He lifted his eyes 10 the old man's face lovingly; uioved his body as if ho would gel a little nearer, and, as a child might speak a loving thought aloud, said, "I am glad I met yon, John Norton," and with the saying of the sweet words ho died. Ciiow-Chow. Chop white cabbage very fine, and to a large bucketful add 10 onions cut small and salt enough to season. Let it remain all night. Next morning sdd 1 gallon of vin egar, sweeten to taste, 1 cup of grafed horseradish and 1 ounce each of cinna mon, turmeric, mustard, celery seed nd white mustard seed. Ked and Uack pepper to suit the tsstc; Loil until tender. 'Rijnh Joy'i Words of Wisdom. liijnh now devotes 0110 hour per day to receiving calls from peoplo in sorrow and distress nnd in need of sympathy and advice. A litllo worcau, with n sharp face and h long, thin nose was admitted. Sho had been weeping. Thcro wns a quiver to her chin as she folded her' tan, and sho sighed 'with n terrible dreariness ns sho took n chair and began : "Mr. Joy, you seo before you tho wreck of onco happy wife", "Once happy wile, but now perfect ly reckless, even about new hats. 1 see, madam proceed," ho replied. 'My husband is out every night till almost midnight," situ continued, ns tho tears came;- -"O11CO lie called mo darling ; now ho refers to tno ns Sarah J a 110. Oucu ho patted my head nnd praised 1110; now I can t como near him but ho wants to know if I havo been eating onions again. It has been growing on hiin for u wholo year, and to-day I mil iho saddest woman 111 Detroit. hat shall I do whnt can I do V" Ho solemnly picked up tho diction ary, lookoa under the head ot for a few minutes nnd closing tho book leaned back ami said : "Mad am, I find nothing in Noah Webster's writings bearing on your case, but I think 1 seo 1L0 remedy, When you get homo give tho bouso a good sweeping, and don't leave nny apple cores or base ball uluos in U10 cor ners. Then put, on n tidy dress, pin a clou n collar around your neck, shine up your car rings, tie on a nice white apron, and ns you hear tho old boy coming up tho paih to night striko up rt lively song mid "ivo bun tho brightest smile you cnu and not in-' creaso tho size of your mouth. That's my remedy, nnd is you'll try it I'll bet you n wooden leg against a pa per of pins that he'll light his pipe after supper, take n seat beside you on tllo porch nnd start out with pet namos containing lour syllables." bho was red in tho lace as ho paused, but she remcniberod that sho hud only two hair pins in her head, ono slice was untied, and thoro were three grenso spots on her dross in plain sight, and sho cooled her tem per and said : "May bo it is my fault, aud I'll follow your advice." '' "lio, madam. Nothing so dis courages n husband ns to come homo lit night nnd find an old corset under the table, n dog collar nnd a boar trap on tho louugo, nnd a slipshod wilo limping around with tho cam phor bottle in 0110 hand and tho bis cuit pan in tho other, and wishing Bomu peddler would como along with cinnamon essence. Hood-by, madam como ngaiu it it don't work." ' Detroit IWe iVtvM. Brollicr Gardner on Extravagant Dress. Brother Gardner made tho follow ing remarks on opening the lust meet ing of the Lime Kiln club: "I has painfully obsorted a disposisshun on do part o' cerling members of dis club to get it head a loutlo too fast. I doan call any one any names, but dur ar' members widin do circmnferenco of my voice who am sportin' slccvn but tons us big us fried cakes, who am wenr'n,' reg'lar cloth collars, wid gen' ooino starch lii dem, who haz der butcs blacked, who carry canes, who haz der clothes made by a tailor, an' who impugn aroun uo streets on Sunday wid plug hats 011! II (ley can afford such things it am all right, but I know how hard de times ar', an' I know dat money laid out in dat way had better bo put out 111 wood for de cook stove, shoes for do chil'cn.or paying-up house rent. 1 know dat it ar human natur, to want good clozo, an' to w'ar do hat slanted on do year, but yo might' call a canary bird an caglo all day long an' you couldn t increnso de size ot his body nor gin him nny moro lung pow er, weizn t called upon to pile up dor.gony nor cord upde latest fashuns; Nobody expects dat we own bank stocks, sheers in do gas companies or hcv rich uncles in Knglum. It will satisfy all men if do black man pays lor his meat an' flour, keeps even with his house rent, uses folks squar' an' hoiief.l, an' 'pears at church wid a clean suit on his back an' reaptc' for dc Lnwd in his heart. Drap dem side board collars! ' Drap dem tlecve but tons! Keep dem lutes limber by de applicashuii o' castor ile or bacon gruese! Usy detn caries fur firewood, shorten up ilem flying ccat-tails, air lake special nolico dul lavender pants doan jino in wid do turiiilur in dis half worf a cent. Nufiia so pleases de real 'sensible tnrtdic ki to see a man steppin' squar out from de knee jint, keepin' bis feet aroun' all de turns without a skip, an' comiu' home uner do wire wid business in his eye an'' lots o' breff lef ' under his jacket. Dat's all gem'len. Detroit Frtt I'rm. Sweet Tomato Pickle 7 pounds ripe tomatoes, pieced and sliced, 3 pounds sugar, 1 ounce mace and cin- ' amon, mixed, 1 ounce cloves, 1 quart J vinegar. The spice must .11 bo grouul. J M'x H"Shcr an I boil 1 hour. . I RIENDLVS Augusta, Maio J ' ,.k ... - ? f . .