Death of Gov., Ceo. L. Carry. iiciV. Gefl. F. Currv 1iirinl liii rei 'dunce In this city last Sunday cveuing, t lifter a lone ami painful illncM. He t'K.unn In Orntron in IRlf! nml lin on cunicJ many postilions ot honor a id trust. He oJitert tho Unit paper that wa ever nubliahed in tho JVrritory tho Ortron KiKctator, aoon after he " arrived in the Slate. He was appoint cd Governor ol thn Territory by Frei lilnnL l'inrcn nnl fllu-.ii-R tnnh nn nr. tiyo .part in llio advancement of our t. :. it i.: i . . ii-rruury. iuring 11 is uu in I II raiiori an Governor, tho Indian war of 1855 '50 occurred, and hi prompt action in aupplying relief to tlio paroly net tled portion of iheTerritory .endeared him to tho pioneers. After ho retired Iroin oflicc, ho resided on his (arm near Oregon City for a short time, and enbecqiieiitly camo to this city, w here 'ho engaged in tho publication ol tho Portland Advertiser, tho first Dotno emtio daily paper ever started in the State. Tli o eiiterprisu was much in ndvanca ol tho country, and at a lime when Democratic papers had a hard strii""le for existence The vuntDre proved unprofitable, altor ho rctirci from this business he visiLed Wash ington where ho remained fur a few .......... :.. icr.a . jvuib, ii-im iimu in iouu. uiim uuuin tukinir ill) liiii ri'siilciwi" nn hi farm III 1871 or 1872 ho came to Portland to rCKIile, - ml cniriigvd in the real rs lato business. Alti rwards liu hud e.l. Uorial cliarjo of the Evening Journal, a paper winch was succeeded by the Standard. He has been conflnol to his rcMdenco lor over five month, and his death was not unexpected. Gov. Curry was a man of excellent literary attainments and as a ooiiverxauonnliNt, had but few ccjua'a in thn State. Ho was a gentleman under nil circum stances and in every place, ollable ami genial in his manners and generous to a fault. During his public life, no ono ever insiiiuilcd a dishonest act against him, and a gentleman informed , us yeUerday that ho was so precise in . his dealings with the General Govern ment whilo ho was Ifeoretary ol the Territory that ho credited the Gov ernment with the premium realized by him from the droits tout out her ior tho Territorial expenses, the ex ichingo being one or two per cent. ' Ho has raised a taniily of childrni, louruny nn. ono girl, tho latter bo in maniod and rcsnin-r in California, while his sor.s arc all hero and were nronnd tho bedside in hi last hours. They nio nil young nu n who relied tho greatest credit upon llu-ir respect ed lather. Tho w''lo and family have . tho sympathy of the people ol Oregon, with many of whom tho Governor was familiar an 1 belov d. A good and indulgent lather, a loving husband and an honest, enterprising citizen has onelohis final homo. I.o: his honored ' remains rout in peace. Standard, Tlio Milwaukro Sttitiml, ILiilical miyii : Tlu- oi l Cirnnt, llio (Jrant who rniultt tl) Souni ring liin own counsol, the (iriint wlio invili-il polnioal wire. iii!ltTH, p.iHoii;il liicnila ami rolmivva to di al iu poiln, H (nil, ,v a biirleii ton licnvy :or lliu Ki pnbiicuii partv li.cniry. " t tlivut t'liiin.-e t i m-ike money. If yi'U can't irrt irnld vmi ivhi ....t I II Kr"'''lU W nee't a H-r.n I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 ""7 1,1 ei'locrip- l Si I'ltiolH fur t).l l:u-- ,.,.nlu.t Hi Tin-; 'i y Eugene Guard, V, ijA icup:iprr, -ly J Book n ml ' V 1 M mtt' V f I Wil!,;m tt.i St , Ovt?V Eu6ene City, Or. V-aK )i i . i pie," " - - - Kill "il l lot li:u,mt.-d family puLlinitioi, th -r.ii. Any n mil liemio uoimiof itl , ,L III U.I ;,mii w..t kit uf art Kivon (rei.'t.i -uu'-ri .im. Ill pi ire i . -.v that alunot j-nryU-lv iJ -riU-s (,, .t rrp.t ma ';. v..,-k. A atf-nt n.i.rt. 1 j ,.vui- 4ik i,U..riUlnl j ,.. ,;,,VSi Aj -.) emy- L .,,.,. (M.t Yn mi, ,4 - ,t uU )-3 U' liu- u thv in mwi,..r nulv ;in UKv u.-.,.li..t Uvv from lioiue over in,... I. l .hi ,,., , ,tt(, w u Mlir j,-,,!! (.. .lir,-.-i-. and t. run fr- Kl.vunt .an I b.i...iii- ii it..- i,.. i . . u. j. i w . ,!! I your wl.liew at OIMV. It -t. n.'Untu- to (ry l, Imvn.w. X.i one who ff " '''"', K'vM v. "TI,, ""'" t.Mirinl." I'.TtUii.l, Mine. ilr iwit.i.3uiin Botaic MedtoBtTCg., Bufftlo.N. V. FLIES in a toon lTVfoJ&y&I HOURS. fi&STte WW' 10 e. Forth f I. W MWl tore lie ff-zYtQ yV,! BEST I'UMiit-M von .mi i t TOOTM to M j ,-r Jav nia.l by any ' H"iirr t.f ,iti.r riJstlt lilu t. rrticulr in.! .;.! I llntirtir t . ... - - .... . . worth .1 fivi ln.fs..v . j..ur ion Itiiif lit ti.u , ; thl.t.u-SBMf AUln-., StI,N 'o VK, K" KMI lit BIE 1 Jin.f. M.,ii,t ' i ostium & cos N' ttt Street, near Ninth, III rmuos. CIIKMICALS, OILS, PAINTS. VARNISHES PATENT MEDICINES, tfce. Brandies Wines and Liquorr OF ALIi KINDS. In fact, w? bar th beat aiwortment of article found In FIRST CLASS DRU. JTORK. V warrant all our drn"V for tlier ant niw ami Knxh. Partii-iihu- atteutiun ia called tn our Stock of Perfumery ai.u Toilet Articles. As we have taiijlrt tUR uoors for (msii We can compete with any ettaullahmcnt in Eu Ki-n iiijr in price ana acoommouauon. Buy your tfoodt where you can get the bent and cheapwt PRESCRIPTION'S CAREFULLY KILLED At all lkoun of the day or night OSUUIO & Ci SADDLERY. Saddle & Harness Shop ONE DOOR NORTH OF DUNN & STKATTON'S, WiUam'ttj Streot, Eugono City, Ogn. ( an lie had everything luually kept in a Well reiriilatml II ARNE8S SHOP Wa line tlin T1HST .f iimtri.i1 ....I .1.. ... work well. Come and see ut before purchaainir elwwhere. While our harnea cannot be excelled, sped attention is called to OUR SADDLES. The LAKIN tree In acknowledged the bent on the ooaiit, and when rlgKed by ounielveii, Kivna enure aaiuuaaion; naving the three re iiinitir, beauty, iliiriiliility and comfort. PItODUOK TAKEN D. R. LAKIN. Lane County MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION rnrfiR ASSOCIATION HAH ON HANI) I . a tone and varied aiwortment of i'K ESH UOOIW, and are rrceivina every month pew implica niitecl to thin ninrki-t. (owU are aolil low and AT ONK PRICK TO ALL! .lveniiacftlllwf..r purchainj, aa it ia no tniublj toiiliow B00.U and g t price. apl LA IIF.I.I1! T7 MiO-I ,m the w.le Si-ntfor lit l li lirated waipm. 'I O. HKNDUICKS. I HAVE ESTABLISHED A LUMBER YARD ... tiKHiivii mini uimilfltp tjYt.U, au, kwp voiifitantly nn hand lumbr of mII L Iii.L U... ...... I al 1.. . 1 .( a ing and fi-nw jMwtn. F. 1J, j)UNN jlyWtf ki.-.'.i.' T-i . i l A V il lit 't.!t.t . t - . u -j a a . ycfi k,, r.'r.:: a:-::clo lu-onipoiiml. '. v,i;!i great it t cm-c. I! iCuVctj avj r.j v. umltxTuI nml ns t ft -, MlTH J ' It ivs'.civs !.: rv or fa.L'il hair to iU ,-(:: hfr.! rl-r. - - - I' ivii: ni l rn::ition!. il.-lnn.r I l:i:ul: uir. It giu the head a ooiiii-,', t; io:l.i:i Kcnsation of great ir.:i" t, t-v t!iC scalp by iU tu-c il it .i :.;to nml clean. Tv iU t io proprrtio it restorer crpillai v ;lanilt to their nuiuiiil vi r vevtMiliinr Ii-,.luri4. nml inak i t.r Hi hair pmv thii-k jiml rtrong. Ai a .heiiiL'. Kithlnjj has been i't in.l s-- t'lltvlicil or lf.iralih . A. Unvo-t. M.D., Si. no Atiajer f Masiai-lnisetl.-t, jsays, "Tho run liluniN jii-c? pure, nitl c.irt Inlly Ke-ivl.-. r. r extvlh-iit v ; ninl I :i-i h'i- it tin l'i:u-.Mt.vTitN or i.i ini.-ii-lo.l piirposea." rrl;e, Oao Dollar. rcn THE WHISKERS. Ti el.ant i-K-p.nsti.iii niav lc ;i i.) t-lian-jo l!ic color t. the ii ir l r: .ni) pray or nnrothri iiihIo;i. t j ..!.;ile, hiunn t.r MneL. at dir. :.;i .ii. Iti-teasily rppliiiljit-injiin i !:. ii:i..i'.:-.a. :i:;d 1u-t kly and ef-la-tu i!!y nikl itji H-rmaneiit ctIor, n'..'.t!i will ik'!:!mi.ub uor wai oir. Winuracturtd by Jl. p. HALL k CO KASHCJU -SOU. W O I-ttrtttj. tU tiUin la Urtita. A Niior.H -f'AI mn . " .l,in mU I! A urn tt dirw-t fnmi fv-t-,T. HUtX " XDLV m I AND SHOE STORE, A. SUNT, Proprietor. Shop on Willamette street, 2nd door north I I i - .1'. .V ill iiaruwaia iwio, t.ugcue , iiy, I will hereafter keep a complete stock of 1YIDIEM', MIftftEtt' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, (.alterx, Cloth and Kid, Button Iloota, Mlffeu, wLite and black, Nantlal, French kid Shoe. MEN'S & BOYS' mi AMD REAVr BOOTS & SHOES OF ALL KINDS, An1 tta AVaM-vtliltir tn k PnAT ,1 lis - vivi itiiiii( eta kaav J-vy A eaJSU 8HOK line, to which I intend to devote my wircciul attention. MY GOODS Were manufactured to order, ARE FIUST Ct ASS And truaraiiteed M renreientx!. and will tx noiti ior ine inweti nncen mat a at artlcli . I a 1 . .J ip s-oii M d Stationery Store. OFFICE BUILDING, EUGENE A. ( ity. I have on hand anl am yntantl receiving an aaortment of the Beat School and Miscellaneoiu ll.okii. Stationery, Blank Bookn, Portfolio, Carda, V alleta, lilanka, Portmon- nai-, eic,. ei- A. n. I'Al 1 KKSiJM. B. H. JAMES, MANUrACTl'BER OF TIX ASD SHEET IROX WARE, Willamette Street, Engciift City, . . Orrzou. Keep con.itantly on hand a complete aanort- meni ui Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, Stoves Ranges, Pumps, etc. Repairing done promptly and in the best U. C. tIKDKHWOOU. J. ft I'NDKRWOJn. UNDERJGOD BROS. GENERAL BROKERS BIT AXO HULL GOLD, SILVER, CUKRENCYi AND EXCHANGE, on XKUOTI ITK LOANS, Ui the 8ale of REALESTATE Particular Attention Given to Collections. Cunmctinit an) N Zeal.H IiuuranceCoiapanic. ALSO AUK.VTS - WELLS FARQ & Co. Kiigciie City, . . . Orcnon. EUGENE jllTY MILLS. rnilK UNDERSICNKD 1!EC LEAVK To widnow ppftr,.,! t(, , a w-nend Milllin luwir jm. w ill reeoi ve wheut on Ntm-age on fa- - , ,, win make lilitriil tern to l'0.e-''ire to K'rind their ill at all tnno keep on hand for title FLOUR and ALL KINDS OK Mil t vn-n ... ...4(U t Dtitj and pay the Highest Cash Price for Wheat A than of the patronnare rwpeetfully aolirit- MJ I'Ari'KIWON k EDRIS Cha3. M. Horn, PRACTICAL GUXSMIT1I, DKALKRIX Ot'NS, KIFLKS, Reiniirin? done in the neatent atyh , and warranted. Sewiiiif inaehiiu-, .Hiii-., i.iK'Kii, eio., repaired. Guns loaned and ammunition furnished. .Shop on Willamette .t, Aator House ELLSWORTH CO., BUUGGIBTS. i J i w""i ont'riiit; mere.ise.1 ndueeuienta to cnatomeri, old ana new. A heretofore, th. m,.t ' CareM attention given to Prescriptions. DUNN & STRATTON ' AT TDK 01.0 STAND OF K. . DUX.V. HAV1XU ASSOTIATKH WITH K I OIIHllutMa l III lt A I 'L- o-iii iv. i. ntvf jit rtKvnml n-w, lr.- and WKLL i.eiti:i SPOClv OK GiXins Mitkiu,- njireialty of HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL! AMI AUKRTL.Tr KIM MrLtMtNTs?. W. ih-Mre to mk, n KTw,d U.Hirwh. but do y tlit fanoi-rt out amw nrarcr gv ttinff A.VTTHIXU TirtT MAY W ANT Money Deposit town, iu d U y cu thrlll M .. te V't br fuI j;, FOKCIG.V AN D DOMESTIC DKYUOODS, r.XCY ;tHDS. L.IDIW AND GENTS' IVKXISHIXU UtHIDS, MEX AND IH) CLOTHING. UATS AND CArs, TOTS AXD SHOES An-i Kr miiiIi'milTTw ..Li: . . ... - t th ik-uua-lt ( th tMil.lic il NX STRATTON. i it i im !' i ilJ','i"lLl U L ' 1 " - " ' ' '. , miemKR mmMcw lrWnmm 'srMtsimn ms&z&iiMs&k: ELWAHD The SIniIrst, tho I'.iiNicst ami flieliost. Tlio LI Ii lest Draft Machine jot Known. iKKcr" Itrcak or Kite out. I'lie onl.v Itiiitler that can he coiiNitlcrctl I'l.KI'lX T. TrlBKer" to Itrcak or Kite out. Tin on I y liiiitler that can he coiiftitlcrctl "riiKFi: T." The Hind can hind nil the lira hi the .Machine can cut. ICvery Fanner can cut hskI Kind his llnrycNt - So "hire hiiiid' iiccchniii'j. UAUI.i:V, D()I)I A CO., Portland, Orgcon. . SEWING MACHINES rOS 8ALX, VE0LISA1I A)TD EITilL, The best and latest improved for every variety 01 wore, including THE FLORENCE, so long the leading Family Sew mg Machine on the Pacific Coast, its superior qualities are too well known to require further recom mendation. THE NEW WHITE the best straight needle Machine in tne market, has a great deal of room under the arm, u very light running and substantial itao, FLORENCE COAL OIL STOVES FOE COOKINO AND EEATIHO, Persons desiring business, deal ers, and all others wishing Sewing Machines, either for Cash or on Installments, should send for cir culars and terms to SAMUEL HILL, No. 19 New Montgomery Street, SAN FRANCISCO, T.lflPrfll tirinOfl n"nm.J r .11 Machines in exchange for new. mm rix UnU'. st GLE2WS SULPIWIt SOAP. eradicates All Local Skin Diseases; Permanently Beautikif.s the Comnexion, Prevents and dies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Injuries OF THE Cl'TICLE, and is a Reliable Disinfectant. This popular and inexpensive remedy accomplishes the same results as costly Sulphur Baths, since it per manently removes Eruptions and Jrritations of the Skin. Comtlexional Blemishes are al ways obviated by its use, and it renders the cuticle wondrously fair and smooth. Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds, Burns, and Cuts are speedily healed by it, and it prevents and remedies Gout and Rheumatism. It removes Dandruff, strengthens the rools of ihe Hair, and preserves its youthrul color. As a Disinfectant of Clothing and Linen used in the sick room, and as a Protection against Contagious Diseases it is uneoualed. Physicians emphatically endorse it. Price f-25 and 50 Cents per Cake per Box (3 Cakes). 60c. and $1.20. N. a Sent by Mail, Pti"Kj, on rectipt of prin, nd 5 rain em ( etch Cake. "HLU'I HUB AJTO WHISXEB DYX," Black mr Brawa, 30 Ceau. a f.J.frittfnton.rrop'r.ISixtHT.I.I. JUST RECEIVED. CI.OTIIIN(;. hats JIOOTS AND .silbltf CiHOCElJlKS. - ' YANKEE KOTIONS ETC., ETC., AT Ii EDUCED PRICES. . riua.UK. Hu. (1x;ja'i l'nli A. GOLDSMITH. IKfllt GEO. Ii. DOKRIS, ATTORNEY A COUNSELLOR at LAW OS. on WilLuurit r iH'ii.c uistt .i,i'Mi iv r iuv SELF - BINDER HARVESTER- Great Reduction! Z u o H z o O O X 03 F R A H K HJTrRIHG TOW, FASHIONABI.E BARBER. -TEU.MS:- Kliavinrf 2.1 cents Jluir tMitthitt " " l'-.tths..., MM Sli:iii)liiiiiir' " " k -Sliup two ( norih of the St. Charles IIoti-1, illaim-tte .street MitrUit OPPOSITION IHTIIK LIFE OF TRADE! SLQAH BROTHERS WII.I. DO WOIli: CIIE.U'KU thin any uthei aliup la tuwn. IIOKSES SHOD FOU SI 50, With n 'W mutfliijil. nil num.!;.. ..i i i 74 Out. All warranted to sire a.-ttlnlanloii. Shop ca t!io Corusr of 8th anl Olive &s, CRAIN BROS.I 'i-A MULCH 1 IN Jl'Ioi-ks. ! Watflifs nnJ TQ ;.J Jnvclry, 1 Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watcheit, Cldi-liK, and Jewilry repuiivd and warr.mteiL Xi.rtliwi-jt eormr ..f Will and Kiirlith utrvetn. fehll-tf I wa aiJii4 pnojl y Jloat'.o.i anj ii mwvj AinvnO homs vjo "l "AV" Il tin "I ana n ; jin'i i:i svii! '.Cj.-i.ujju Uu U nut ratly earned in thene tinnn, j hut it e.m he made it three Mouths 1V anr die rf ai:hpr ...v in miy part of the country h-i is willin- to work steadily at the .K.. ..... t : 1. .... . 1 - ..... ... n c i uruiML. 01) x-r wet-li in your on u.uti. on need not be away fnun home ov.r ui-,-ht Vu caii eiy your whole time to the work, or onl v your .Siri mu.-nte. W e have a-nt who "are mtkr over ,x-r day. All who eWe ,t once Tan reakt- ni..n. y fa,.t At the present time uiune y cannot be made ... easily and rapidly at auy other l.u.ine. It rout, nothing to trvthe hut inc.. 1 erni. t.nd Outfit free. Adilresa at on, II. Ha.i itt 4 fa. I'orUand. Maine. 1). HYjIAN, cRocEmts. rnovisioxs, cnocK j:ry axd w illow w are, C'If.ARS, TORACVO, (' VX MES. XLTS.fAX XE1) I RI IT. ETC., ETC. FULL?TOCK - OF- Toys. Baby Carriage, and Wagons f ntant!r on li.n.t .1:1.1,, .. t'JSll IMID FOR HWes. Furs, Tal!aw AXT ALL KIXS OF (X)I XTRY FROprTE. 'PP' V n i--s,x - - iw e, is it mi IVo KpriiiRK of The Kinder .to "hired ALFKED ULEU Has ta'a-n jiosseHHiun of thn Luckey Livery Stable, And will carrv on a GENERAL LIVERY BUSINESS. Horses fed and boarded by the week or day HORSES AXD BUGGIES FOR HIRE. Misses ililLLilU.1V 4 L1WEB, Milliners and Dress Makers, Willamette st., 2nd door south of 9th, Have just received a large and carefully se lected stock of the latent Ktyles of MILLIWERY GOODS, Which they are si-llift- at a very small advano upon Portland prices. FASHIONABLE DRESS MAKING A KPEC1ALITV. Wllitl.I.SAI.K AM) IfkTAII. 1)1.-11 in in First-Class Family Groceriei C1UAUS AVII'l.tflaiwii KatioDS, Crockery and Willow Wan AI.S ) FINE WINKS AXD L10T70KA For meliml ami family uaea. Ami evcrvthmirclKP liwiltv Vnnt in v; m- FAMILY GltOUEliY STORK I boc leave to infnrm II. a iti.An. ,.t ..j -j ui Kufcua Ii u nuniliiK riitintrv tl.ut I !,. fu. ihtl.n. i -t l.miKM tl.nn auy oilier Louse tint slue of Portlaad Fresh Rupplifs received weekly, 01 tlio very liest qnaliticeoHLY. Mv motto ia Small Profits and Quick Sales. i loaae .-nil and learn my prices before purcliaainf elsewliuie. S. STKINIlELSKIt, Williuni'ttP Street, Kufffnn City. C.-ikIi Paitl for IJacon and Eggs. Goods Delivered to all Parts of the City FH EE OF CHARGE. DEALEU IX Ltovo Hanoi's, Tiller I Tinware AXD House Furnishing Goods Generally Wells Driven Promptly AXD Satisfaction Guaranteed. Willamette Street, Eugene City, Oregon JOHNSON'S Commercial Collcgt lill k 111 31. THIRD STREET, 1st Enildiag South of th Post Office, ST. LOUS. for ladiesTnlTgentlemen. Oien Pay and Xiyht all the year. A'J of tl.ebranrLwuf a Practical Baaia Elm. rattoa tanvKt. lo.le(-nJtBt Department, for th Enfliafc Urnnrhea. . Ili-Li M.tlemati,,, Gennaa anO Roratioa. I inraplij ta(rl,t peniuoallr hj Bail. For a Full Course of Double Entry Hook-keeping in all its Winn with Commercial Cor respondence, etc., . - - $20.00 . , . . - tumuip wnouniii I'oreimiUpTiDC full inform! rwerttf J- ir. jouxsox, il til IHl.SADVKKTIj-tMEXT OUT. Short HanJ Wn'.t;.. .... .1. v n 1 v wonitper BiinuU Kuantnt.!. E'trr Lawyer. ORRIS o twt W ilWtte.trwt. thr i U, ,r1Blinut KWntee.l -- o i - ;. - ji invr 1 rtit In-utnte." f..T a circuW. I uUKDwmrt. Acmnnunt aal J St. L-ui I- I