The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 03, 1878, Image 1

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WHOLE NO. 501.
$2.50 per year IN ADVANCE.
J 1 w 1
si F
ll 41 II
y d, ALEXASDEK, W. U. AbisAA.ut.r..
Publishers aad Proprietors.
(OFFICE In Underwood's Brick Building,
over Express Oifice.
AdsertUeuients inseri.ui a iu.
),, souare. w uues 01 : " "." ', '- '
. I...... .....I ,iiu.irrt.,n !
Wih subsequent insertion 1.
Cash required in
'SadvertUer will be charged at the fol
'lnwing rates : c.,. 00
six months..
I l rmt Vfiar
12 00
Transient notices in local column, 20 cents per
iMni wSl be rendered quarterly.
anU, work must be PAin fob os de,..vkkv.
rf,.r.-From 7 a. m. to 7 p.m. Sundays
('' 'il Jrri.TroV?Ve-.m.t.h an 1 leave, foin north
fc a m At live I mm the uort i aa I leaves ,.ng
j - Iwj lio m For Hiilw. franklin and U n
V jib at ij P- We Inns nv. For Crawfords-
1 it' Canfp Ortek aSJ Bmwnsville at t ,..
1,1,,..illts readv for delivery half an hour after
. ffi7taJ " JftersshouldLleftattho otHee
,.u, hour before ;xrrmiio.-ti.
Fitoknk lx)DOK No 11. A. F. and A. M
Meets ttrnt and third Vlumwrn). iu
Spkncfii Bcrra Ix)iKiii No.
MwUiverT Tuesday evening.
neeUou the Maud 4th Wednesdays in each mouth.
T. W. SHKI.TON, M. 1). T. W. IlABltW, M. P.
Drs. Shelton & Harris,
TCueno City, Oregon.
Eugene City, Oregon.
door to the right, up stairs. 1 orinerly
office of C. W. Fitch
Nitrous Oxido Gas for painless extraction of
.teeth. .
Millinery anil Dress Making.
Mrs. S. A. McCain
Wishes to call the attention of everyone to her
new stock of Spring Goods, such as
Dresses of every stj!e made to order on short
'notice. Give her a call before purchasing else
where. a',lU:tf
tv r f T.1. rP j
BOYD & MILLER, Proprietors.
Dried Meats of all kinds. T-arfl. Tallow.eto. Will
11 Bsf a chunks from 3 to S rents.
J. C. Bolon,
OFFICE -In Underwood's brick building, over
he express otHee. . ,
Nitrf-us Oxide Gas for painless extractions of
Office on Ninth Street, oppoalle Hie St,
Cliarlc Hotel, and llellcn-e,
Dr J. cTShields
vices to the citizens of Kuene t ity and
iurroun.lin'' eountrv. Secial attention given
to all OHSTETRlt'AL CASES and LltK
1XE DISEASES entrusted to Ids care.
Office at the St. Charles HoteL
idence when not professionady engaged.
Office at Uie
Residence fttl Eighth street, opposite Presby
terian Church.
J. S. LUCKEY, jj&M
Clocks, Watcnes, Chains, Jewelry, etc.
Ilcpairin? Promtly Ex'cutt;il.
C"AIIWork Urrt.tcd.-JM
Ellsworth 4 CV'i brick, Willamette Sfcwt.
jnn, where he respectfully offers his ser
vices to the eitizents of that place and vicinity
in all the branches of his profession.
If you wish to buy your goods cheap, you must
go to the store of
They keep one of the largest stock! of
-General Merchandise
Outside "f Portland, and they sell goods ' cheap-
r than it can be bought anywhere in
lamette yalley.
The linn of Lurch Bros, eocutf of Aaron
l urch and Ben Lot s.
ALEXANDER, J. B.-.Iustice of the Peace
South Eugene Precinct; othce at Court House.
ABRAMS, W. H. A BRO. -Plaining mill,
sash, door, blind r.nd niotilding manufitctory,
Eighth street, east of mill race. Everything
in our line furnished on short, notice anil
reasonable terms.
BENTLEY, J. W.-Frivate bearding house,
southwest corner of Eleventh and Pearl st.
BAUSCH, P. Boot and shoe maker, Willam
ette street, Becond door soutli of A. V. Peters
& Co.
BAKER, R. F Wines, liquors, cigars and
billiards Willamette stree one door north
of St. Charles Hotel.
BOLON, .1. C Surgical and MechanicalDeil
tist, Underwood's brick, over Express Office.
BOYD & MILLER. Meat Market-beef,
mutton, pork, veal ai:d lard Willamette
street, between Eighth and Ninth.
COLEMAN, FRANK Wines, liquors, cigars
and billiards, W illamette street, between
Eighth and Ninth.
CLEAVER, J. W. General variety store and
agricultural implements, southeast corner of
Willamette and Seventh streets.
CHAPMAN, E. F. -Gunsmith repairing
promptly done ami work warranted, Eighth
street, between Willamette and Olive.
CHRISM AN, SCOTT-Truck, hack and ex
pressman. All orders promptly attended
to. Ollico at express ollici;.
CHAIN BROS. Dealer in Jewelry, Watch
es, Clocks and Musical Instruments Wil
lamette street, between Seventh and Eighth.
CALLISON, R. G. Dealer in groceries, pro.
visions, country produce, canned goods, books,
stationery, etc., southwest corner Willamette
and !th Sts.
DORRIS, B. F. Dealer in Stoves and Tin
wara W,illauiU street, between SovMii
and EW.lh.
DURANT, WM.-Meat Market beef, pork,
veal and mutton constantly on hand Wil
lamette street, between. Seventh and Eighth.
ELLSWORTH & CO. Druggists and dealers
in paint.", o'ls. ete Willamette street, be
tween Eighth and Ninth.
FRIENDLY, S. II. -Dealer in dry goods,
clothing and general merchandise Willam
ette street, between Eighth and Ninth.
GUARD OFFICE-Newsnaper, book and job
printing olhce, corner V illamette and i.igh;li
streets, up stairs.
GRANGE STORE-Dcalcrs in genmal mer
chandise and produce, corner Eighth and
Willamette streets.
GILL, J. P.--Physician, Surgeon and Drug
gist, I'ostotlice, w illamette streu:, between
Seventh and Eighth.
HENDRICKS, T. G. Dealer in general mer
chandise northwest corner illamette and
Ninth streets.
HYMAN, 1). Variety Store and dealer in
furs and skins, illuinetto street, between
Eighth and Ninth.
HODES, C. Lager beer, liquors, cigars and a
fine pigeon-hole table, Willamutte Street, be
tween Eighth and Ninth.
HARRINGTON, FRANK-Barber, Hair-dresser
and ha h rooms, eat side Willamette st.,
second door north of St. Charles Hotel.
HORN, C1IAS. M.-Gniimith. Rifles and
shot-gims, b-eeeh rind muzzle loaders. f';r sale.
Repairing done in the neatest style and war
ranted. Shop on 0th street.
JAMES, B. II. Stoves, and manufacturer of
Tin nnd Sheet-iron ware, Willamette street,
between Eighth and Ninth.
KINSEY, J. D. -Sash, blinds and door fac
tory, window and door frames, mouldings,
etc., glazing and glass cutting done to order.
LYNCH, A. Groceries, provisions, fruits, veg
etables, etc., Willamette street, first door
south of Postoffice.
LA KIN, D. It. SarMltry, harness, saddle
trees, whips, etc., Willamette street, between
Eighth and Ninth.
LUCKEY, J. 8. Watchmaker md Jeweler;
keeps a tine stock of goods in his line, Willam
ette street, in Ellsworth's drug store.
MlCLAREN, J A M ES Choice, wines, liquors,
and cigars Willamette street, between Eighth
and Ninth.
MELLEIt, M. Brewery Lager l-er on tap
and bv the ker or barrel, corner of Ninth and
Olive streets.
MtCLAXAHAN, E. J. -Truck and Draying;
nil orders promptly attended to. Jleau Robinson &. Church's.
rwitl'liN f '0.--DeAUiL-s iii dnurs. medicines,
chemicals, oils, pain's, etc. illamette St.,
opposite S. Charles HoteL
rKKKlNS, H. C. - County Surveyor nnd Civil
Engineer. Residence on Fifth a reet.
PENNINGTON, B. C Auctioneer and Com
mission Merchant, corner seventh and High
FRESTON, WM. Dealer in Saddlery, Har
ness, Carriage Trimming", etc. Willamette
street, ls tween Seventh and Eighth.
RUSH, BEN. Horseshoeing and t;:iera!joh
liing blacksmith. Eighth street, between Wil
lamette and Olive.
REAM, J. 1!. Undertaker and building con
tractor, corner Willamette and .Seventh
ROSENBLATT 4 CO. Dry goods, clothing,
groceries anil general merchandise, southwest
corner Willamette and Eighth streeU
SHIELD, J- C. Physician and Surgeon
north side Ninth street, first door east of St.
Charles HoteL
STEVENS, MARK Dealer in tobacco, ci
gars, nut, candies, shot, powder, notions,
etc. Willamette strert
STEINHEISER. S. Denier in groceries, pro
visions, vegetables, fruits, etc. -Willauiette
street, between Eighth and Ninth.
THOMPSON BEAN Attorneys at Law
Underwood's brick, Willamette street, up
VAN HOUTEN, B. C. -Agent for the North
liriti.-h and Mercantile Insurance Company,
Willamette street, at Express office.
WALTON, J. J. Attorney Office
Willamette street, between Seventh and
WITTER, J. T.-Buckskin dresiiiu'. The
highest price paid for dter skin, Eighth st,
at Bridge.
UNDERWOOD, J. B.--n-ral brokerage
hntinesa ami arent for the Connecticut in-
sucuice Company of Hartford-Willamette
street, between Seventh and Eighth.
himlre.l aud sixty acres, 100 acr-s nnder
.u.. ..i. fpnm nil the improve
ments in (?oi rder, which we wi'l sell at a
bargain, and on the .int reasonable term.
Situated 6ve wiles south of town, and has a
g-wd outrange for stock. A pply at this ofboe.
can make money faster at work for us
than at anything else, tapitai not re
quired ; we will start you. ill
f 12 per day
t home made ry tne inoosinou".
j men .y, ,,l gjrla wanted everywhere to
-,.rW f. n. Now ia the tune, l.oatly out
fit and term. free. Addms Tun Co., ;
Ausnsta, Maine.
The following is supposed by an Idaho editor
to be about the correct translation of the beauti
ful poem entitled, "Mary had a Lamb:"
A Chinaman gives it
Was gall name Moll had lamb,
Fleas all samee white snow,
Evly ptace Moll gall walkey
Ba, ba, hopee lung too.
The Irishman says
'Bcgorry, Mary had a little shape.
And the vool was while entoirely,
Aad whaiver placo Mary would stir her
The young shape would follow her
The Dutchman thus puts it
Mary had von little slice'),
Its vleece white like vool,
Varever blace vat Mary goes
Dot dam leedle sheeps he been come
A ''Big Injun's" opinion on the subject in
Chinook :
Tgh! Boston clutchman Moll
Had tenas t ileum sheep
Srose okoke clutchman clatiwaw syali,
Tenas lemote hyak too.
The facts in tho ense of MoGliio
vt'isiis llollins, were thesi1:
Uoilins's cow, it nceiiis, while IccJ
inr on I ho common, got tlirouli a
place ulluered by the ileti'iulant to
have been purposely left open in the
jence of AlcGlut-'s garden. She liiil
smiio 'lamue, but was driven out,
and when Mi-Glue reiiKiiiKirati'd with
Uollins about the predatory ami in
eeiidiar.y teiiilencies ol his eoiv, Rol
lins replied with declamatory aud
unparliamentary language. There
upon, McGlne .Weill ,np aud Mied liiin
tor trespass, and rworu to push the
ease to Hie last exirt mitv. jIcGlue s
lawyer, l'oddery went right to work,
ana wiieii.iioiiins nearu auoui it, nu
gct bis 'lawyer, Hopkins, to bring a
eounter uil tor conspiracy to entrap
the cow.
McGluo then told Poddery to open
out a second suit lor damages done
to eight teiice pailino-s aud a past by
Kolliu's cow, and Kollius i lso ni'ule
n tresh start in nnolher sun ngttinst
iMeGlne, in which he claimed tiileeii
dollars for the ruin of his cow's l:orn
bv M - Glue's giai e arbor. This seem
eil to iMcGlue so audacious, that he
ordered Poddery to include in hi
claim the market price ot four cab
bages and a bunch of paisley thai the
cow ate. He said ho would have let
them go as of no aecouui, it Kollurs
hadn't proved himsolt soch a scoun
drel. Ilut this movement exa-peiated
Rollins to such a degree that he went
over and got old Mis. iMuldooney to
make alhMavil that sho saw McGlue
milking llie cow, while it was on his
grounds, in the wash-boiler. Armed
with this affidavit, Hopkins had Mc
Glue arretted, ami he was held in se
curity to . liswer a charge ol petty
iMcG.ue was furious. He got Pod
dery to open out a new sua, based
upon the lact that Uollins's cow had
scared one of his children into tits,
injuring the, constitution of the child,
ami involving large expenditures tor
ine lical attendance, lint just as the
constable was going to serve the
noiice. Jtollius came in and swore out
a Iresii process. agamBi iiuvuue ior
damages done to tliecow by McGlue's
setter pup biting her in the hind leg
just above the ankle.
Poddery then told McGluo that
the time hud ' coin e for decisive ao
tion : that, unless justice was a mock
ery and human rights a hollow sham,
. i l i e
he must settle tins man nonius at
once. So .McGluo ordered a new
suit against Hollins for destruction ol
property, in permitting Ins cow to
rub the white-wash oil" ot the corner
ot McGlue's imsiy. and McGlue said
he would carry the case to the Su
premo Court, it it should be neces
Kollins met this assault by putting
in a Ueiiiami ior compensation i
the hair lol by Ins cow by coming
into collision with McGlue's pigsty,
and, at the suggestion ol lawyer llop
kins, he added a sworn item, in which
he showe . II at ihe digestion of the
cow had been pel mainently ruined by
the latch of the pigsty, which .was so
loose that it tamo ot v. iieii the cow
nibbled it. ard was swallowed
When McGlue called to ask Pod
derv what should bo don?, now, that
eminent la wver was out buying
house with the tees that had a. ready
accrued Irom the great cow case
Hopkins, that moment, was paying ot
an nil mortgage wuli his tees.
When Poddery came in, he sai
that thiii" had now reached crsis
McGlue's clear duty was to throw
himself ill, on Ins country, and to
stamp out this fiend who was pursue
loir linn Willi malignant lury
Alter tslkintr it over lor in hour.
Poddery took out the papers in an
other suit in which McGlue accused
Hollins ot breach ot the peace in per
milting his cow to wake M'- M
Glue's baby in the very crisis of the
mumps, by
another, in
its "mooing;" and still
which 3IcGlue claimed
compensation for the brick which he
heaved at the cow, and for tbe man
ual labor expended in tho effort.
Rollins retaliated by arresting Mc
Gluo for corrupting the morals of
Rollins boy, Jim, by the use of pro
fane and scandalous language while
ho was striving to eject tho cow.
A scon as McGlue entered bail lie
told the nquiro that he would call in
the morning to enter suit against llol
lins for permitting his cow to butt
down McGluo's pigpen.
Rollins overheard him, and at onco
made an affidavit, 6tating that the
s. nek of tho encounter with the pig
pen had given the cow brain fever,
;ind so d era need her mind Mid tin
strung her cei vons system that sho
was now in tho bfebit, cf coming homo
ward, up the hill, tail foremost, in
such manner as to exciio general
The two suitors left the squire's of
fice together. As they passed the
doorway Rollins j stled McGlue's el
bow. McGluo jogged back again,
and llollins struck him. They clinch-
it was an awful combat, and each
was takn route on a Butter and put
to bed.
A week later, friends brought them
together, and made up tho quarrel,
and the suits were all withdrawn.
A fortnight afterwards, Poddery
distrained McGluo for his lees, and
b it an empty house.
On tin same day, Hopkins sold Rol
li..s out, cow and all, and ho had to
begin the world clear over again.
lioih f them think they will be
calmer when they have another cow
A ratlfle Coast Contribution to the Furls
A Paris letter writer says: Much
curiosity hus been excited in the Amer
ictin section for a few days past by a
beautiful cast containing three works
of nrt from California, representing a
value ot over $50,OOU. O:io ot them
is a jewel -ease made entirely of gold
and the gold quartz rock from Califor
nia. Nevada, Oregon, and Idaho, a d
required the steady work of five skill
ful artisans for six months. The cas
ket is about 15 inches long, 10 niches
wide, ami 12 inches deep. It rests on
iiir supports of solid gold, oacli ot
which represents the symbolic female
o-nro ibat adorns the co it ot arms ot
California, with tho bear at her side.
ho figures rtre In tt;ll relict, ami ele
gantly formed, the sides and ends
of thecasktt are composed of solid
labs ot gold quartz, highly polished,
ut in spheroidd, and inlaid in gold
with ornamental surroundings. Ihe
four handsomely wrought pillars upon
the sides are of Roman Dorio style.
ho liKse is ornamented with gracelul
'.illations repealed upon tho mould-
nv's on tho lid. The top is of solid
gold, inlaid with gol.l quartz iu the
('most mosaic work, hundreds of pieces
ein- required for the construction.
Within the cover is a very exquisilive
piece of workmanship, representing a
buffalo hunt on the lilains. Tho trees
are in bas relief, in the foreground
is a railway track across which two
bnfl'alos are dashing, hotly pursued
y In Man hunters. All ot this is in
alto relievo, and great expression is
conveyed although tho figures are ex
tremely minute. This costly Hjou at
tracts almost as muoi) attention as no
the diamonds ot the Queen of Eug
Ian 1. The othur Works exhibited are
nnrte monnaie and card case com
bined, made of solid cold and quartz
rock, beautifully designed, in mosaic
interspersed with gold; and the other
. '.. . , , . i . ..ip mm.:..
is a I dies' powder oox ami pun. iiim
latter box is made of quailzrock from
the leadiiiL' mines ot California.
Idaho and Oregon; its shape is round,
and it is made to resemble a Oreek
done, the tnn or cover being support
ed by eiL'ht columns ol solid gold
rock, polished, and each capped with
pure L" Id. 1 ho cover lorming tne
root of the dome, is inlaid with quariz
rock of varieuaied colors filled with
ho precious metal, find is bound on
the edge with a riru of gold, the inside
belli" lined with the same material.
The body of the box is made from
one lar-re mass of qmrtz rock, bored
out and highly polislnd on the oxten
or. win e the interior is lined with
"old, and rests on an ornamental base
ol otiarlz polished to perfection. The
whole isfiiirmounied wiin tno emou m
. . . i . t ll
ot California, the cri'zly bear, who is
turning with bis usual amiable cxprrs
fiion of couatenance, to contemlate the
inva linir railway. I hese caskets an
others, exposed by Tiffany, make the
Luropeans open tneir eyes.
Murat Hals'ead says:- There can
be no doubt about it that if the lie
publican party were this day repre
seined in s National Convention, the
old (J rant "rings" railroad plunder
ers and whUky swindlers, land grab-
Ihts and army and navy contractors
limber thieves and carpet baggers,
the machinists in politics, and man
szers in elections Jor ihejake of th
'spoil of office would be in possess
Qn, and tbst tbey wcold nominate
- i Grant
From the New York Day Book.
Every "freedmnn" in tho South
generates a trump in tho North. What
a stupendous and awful trulh-.i truth,
simple, obvious, demonstrable, lines
capable, and yet the great mass of "ed
ucated" people sre so utterly blind to
it that they drevn of i "revival of
business," and even tho restoration of
commerce as things probable and close
at hand! True, for five years past
they have seen things steadily getting
worse. Every year mora deplorable,
both in tho number of bankruptcies
and the numbers of poor sulVeriug un
employed working men and women,
but utterly isrnorant of tho Cittsf, in
deed worse than ignorant, tor the
great metropolitan journals invent or
imagino a thousand absurd and far
fetched causes, tho belief that the
worst is over goes on hand iu hand
with the actual increase ami intensity
of the public sullering. There are a
hundred thousand people in this city
who sre not sure of bread for their
children lor a single week, whoso eon
dilion is worse than it was a year ago,
and vastly worse than it was in the
"panlo" year, nnd therefore, tho inkm
continuing mud necessarily bo worse
next year; but ignorant and foolish
daily journals repeat all tho time their
parrot cry that tho "worst is over,"
aud especially when their peculiar
specific resumption or other tomfool
ery looks promising, tho revival of
business is now certain.
What is true ot New York is gen
erally true elsewhere, aud as every
man's experience t-dls him the times
aro worse, havo steadily got woise for
the five years past, and therefore, un
less tho cause of all this bouudbss
human woe is removed mud in the
nature of things get worse until it col
lapses into a tremendous social cata
clysm, the end of which or tho out
come from winch no one it permitted
to see or predict. And that cause, as
we have said, is simple, obvious, nnd
demonstrable as it is' transcodonl and
terrible in its consequences. It is the
overthrow of the industrial system of
the South from which, with the com
merce th it grew out of it, came two
thirds of the annual surplus or national
income from 1800 to 180U Tho over
throw ot the industrial system of the
South recoils in the rum of the indus
trial system of the North, or to in-
Iividualizo it, every "lieeumatr in
the South generates a tramp in the
North ! Of course tfiu enormous
debt and taxation adds immensely to
the evil, ami the holding ot that debt
abroad adds still further to tho evil,
but if there was not ono dollar of
publio debt the Southern ruin would
involve that ot tho North just a-
necessarily and inexoribly as wo now
wilncs. A few brief words should
render all this plain to tho common
sense leader. All ve..llh is the pro
duct orsulplosof labor-beyond what
tho laborer hitiuief! consumes it he
earns a dollar a my and consumes
for food, clothing, etc., ninety cents,
there is only ten coins of noperty,
wealth, capital created. ISut it he
earns a dollar and consumes only ten
cents for food, clothing, etc., then
there is, o' course, ninety cents ot
snrnlus or wealth sroated. Mow, this
basis substantially presents the ill!
. . ... ....
fereuco between tho industrial sys
temsof tho North and South that ol
the former produced tho smallest and
that of tho latter the largest surplus
in Christendom, or indeed in all human
experience, At tho opening of th.
eutury, as shown by a late speech in
Congress, of Speaker Blaine, the entire
wealth ot all the Males together was
ess than hve hundred million dollars.
Hut now, Jefferson acquired Louisi
ana.that vast tropicoid territory adapt
ed to tho labor or servico of negroes,
and from 1800 to 18G0 American
wealth expanded froti five hundred
millions to .(yenlt.xn . thousand mil
lions. Indeed Irom this point this
acquisition of territory adapted to the
nature and wants of negroes, began
not only material wealth, but our real
nrotrress an I tho irrandeur of our
Democratic civilizition.
fho white man north of a certain
latitude noeds all or nearly all bo pro-
luces, thus sbsolr.te despotisms like
Rus-ia and Prussia all northern Ger-
rrany are unable to accumulate wealth
and wrinu trom their object sel f only
a pittance af their earnings. They
must eat, they must have clothing,
and after jarrving their families and
stock through the long winters there
is little left in the way of capital. So
:.. f. . i ... :.. v...., i.., ...I :r ;
VillJKJa, af III i. T ungiiiiiu, at ,
was not for iho Union getting its
firj,t great start in the "slave trade"
and so to a certain extent in the
Middle Slates, they consum d all or
nearly all they produced, for while
they produced much larger, without
taxes or privileged classes, they also
lived vastly belter than a Russian,
etc. But the South proper without
any winter, both sexes working in
the fields, with the simplest clothing,
food, etc., and the planter himself
consuming but little, there was, say
ninety cents ':rplm cn tee
work, and most of which wert .ac
tually realized in tho North. Mr.
Kettel's tables, in "Southern ,W,ea!ti
ai.d Northern UrolUs," demonstrates
beyond doubt or room for doubt that
two thirds of tho actual &ort,he,fjj
wealth camn from this source; but, in
truth, ho left out a multitude of things
whicli would make it larger three
fourths, perhaps. And now think,
great an I mcreilul heaven, think! at
ono fell blow, all this mighty source
of wealth and human well-being is ns
absolutely blotted out, annihilated
abolished", as the poor mad creatures
say, os if there had never been a negro
on this continent. We might show that
pot only all history nnd all human ex
perience demonstrate tho incapacity
of tho negro to bo a producer of his
own volition, but by his physical
organization, which Jtoi bids it; bnt it
is eiiough to say that ho dies out in
"treedom," and ;thereloro does not
produce even sufficient for his own
lite. In conclusion, wo repeat tho
awful at the heap of this article:
"Every freedom' in tho South gener
ates a tramp in the North," and things
left to drift to the inevitable conclu
sion, a few davs. months or years
hence it matters little who aro million-
. i 1
aucsor who aro tramps, ior m
must all bo swallowod up in tho saflje
horrible doom of despair and desola
tion. What tho investigation is doing is
not fastening guilt on any person not
hitherto suspected, or revealing any
Haw in tho President's titles, remarks
tho Xatioit, but lotting , tho world
know what kind of people they were
who had charge of the State Govern,
incut and worked tho political ma
chine from 18G8 to last year. To say
that their manners and mora's, and
stories they tell of each other, read
like a chapter of jail yard gossip, and
that every ono ot thorn ought to le
in the penitentiary, is putting tho case
mildly. It is no exaggeration to ay was an awful thing to havo
left the government of a'civilfzad com
munity in such hands so long, and
lamentable nnd alarming, thit, tup
scamps should havo boon able to palm
themselves off so long on good people
a; tho North s Buffering friends of
the black man.
Tho Hodio StiiiulimUayH that Bisfi
op Whittaker ot Virginia city. 'Las
been paying pastoral visits to tho un
godly towns ot Tybo and Vnrd, Ne
vada. At Tybo ho could secure no oth
et placo for divino worship bill a gam
bling hell. In response to tho litany',
in place of "Atncii," nil excited indi
vidual, with his pants in his boots, ex
claimed "Keno!'' At Ward, a horse
race h id becu appointed for the after
noon, and tho reverend gentleman
would havo been quilo deserted but
that the head men put off the ract
until after tho "preaohin'," in conso
quenoo of which considerate action
ihe Bishop had a good congregation.
The hardy minors enjoyed tho preach
ing very much. -It was to them quite
a Teast, but tho subsequent horse race
was tho dossert.
Tho Procklyn Eagk says: From
the first tho Democrats were tho Un
ion party. From tho timo summary
emancipation as a wai policy was be
gun in 1803, and from tho timo it was
made a condition as in Lincoln's letter
of credence to Greely for G. N. Sai
ders in 1804, tho Republicans were a
disunion party. Retrospect proves
this clearlv, just os the facts sinoo
havo proved that not until tne Lemo
racy returns to power will the Unior,
wmcn tno mi veil, oi a i-uiuu.i j.mvj
lisruntcd iu 1861, be in reality ot fact
and heart restored.
Tho Boston C-'kbc declares thftt
John Sherman stands before the coun
try in this attitude : He mado a cor.
rupt bargain, hired men to corumu s
crime against the ballot, and sinco his
installation in a high and responsible
Government office has paid the will
ing tools which ho used by giving
thain fat places under him. His im
peachment and remoyal from office
should follow the expose ot his crime.
His case is settled. Ho is guilty.
Let proper punishment follow.
It is noticeable, remarks the Chief:
go Timet, tnat tho hurrahing for
tirant is dono entirely in Iowa an4
Illinois, good sized Slates, doubles;
but not enough in themselves to Car
ry a National Convention. There is
no Giant eraze East cr , South, or
muoh ot anywhere, save in the "whis
ky rings," aided and abe'.ted by their
In the lobby of an ion the following
inscription is painted on the walls in
conspicuous letters: "No person will
get credit for whisky in this bouse but
those who piy money down."
It isolated that Jesse Of ant will
soon write t bsc-k entitled "MyAv-
I i