"Dn Code, tun." Ii will be re membered ilm mime dm ago a long, huiigry-lAokinz Hon ot Ham by tbe naraeol Lize l'vle, was arreted lor booting oil' his pistol iriciJe llie city limit. Diiice then, it hai developed that be and another colored individu al, Sam Houston, became involved in ft quarrel n-gitrdiog certain dutky damsel, and concluded to eltle the affair according to the rales "ob do code, sab." Each was the possessor ol in old revom-r, and, stepping out 10 the vara, in the rear of the Lommer cial Hotel, ihea measured off ten paces and atqod tor a hxr moments facing each other, i hen Lice taic : "Is you prepared, sail, for de wmt ? '1 am, most ussureuly, sail, replied cam. ' 0:ie tiro, three, fire ! saya Lige, and both pistols cracked simultane ously. Nobody was hurt, and a couple more slid were exchanged, this time without ceremony, and with the same result as the first. By this time both were getting badly frightened, as the bullets mujj closer by their head than was healthy, and tbe signed a treaty of peace. A few miu hiss therp'ir Ligo , arrested by yepmy ouerin j.upion, ana landed in the cooler, from which he niatiagod to escaped by sawing olfastaple to ins ceii aoor, nail an inch thick, with an old knife, which he procured in some unknown manner. Ex. fa MUSICAL NOTES! GARDNER BROTHERS KE WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL l dealer! in rian, Organs, bheet Music, iin, Aconriooni, iiann'ninuu, and mu sical meivban.lM ceuerallr. Oallan.l. ('ilifnr. nia, hav recently ojwnul a branch store in 8a- GARDNER BROTHERS Personally mierinten'! their busine. In this rttat. a well as f alifm-nia, and will b prompt 10 nuuung gima au contracts. GARDItTR BROTHER 3 Hav already aoM nearly two hundred lustra- menu in this rttat. GARDNER ER0THER3 Hare four authorized wnU teWwg fmm their u.mse in this Mate, lo-wit : A. U .MO V E, Al bany C. IL SLACK and FKA.VK B. MAY, oaiem ; x. a. CAiuti, jenne Oty. GARDNER BROTHERS Puno baa already become a favorite on tbe I f tm I- ..:!! I . L - . 1 I U U-tl to tl.e climate on this t:at, and for iZX (ISS COflHIienCEd 1,1 LUfOpC! iciutiiuiiu in kuuv. in iw mtiMi iuiuua ui inp juviur mvn it ome better. THE Fugene Guard,! JtfWipaprr, Book and Job orfitr, Willamette St, Euren C.Uv " o -, W. s. ti:i.iiillnb:h, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DKALEU IS First-Class Family Groceries CIUARd AND TOBACCO, Notions, Crockery and Willow Ware A 1.83 FIXE WINES AND LIQUORS For mediml anl farailr am. And ererr'hing elee nailly kept in a Firat Clas FAMILY GROCERY STORE I be leave to inform the eitUena nf Enirena uJ iM vurriHindiuK cuiiutrr that 1 bate tvilitiea to ael I -iieaper than icy otlier hotue this tide ot Portland Fresh supplies received weekly, Ot the Terr jwt qoalitiesoiLT. Mr atotto ia Small Profits and Quick Sales. PlesM mil and learn mr Drier faefur DurrhinT i viwwurrv. S. STKIMIEI.SER, Willamette Street, Kuirene City, Cash Paid for Bacon and Ej.'ir. Goods Delivered to all Parts of the City FREE OF CHARGE. AND The Pooh. Mooro was sitting in Iiia office one afternoon, some yean ago, when a farmer friend came in and aaid : "Mr. Moore, I liko your pa per, but times are so hard that I can not psy for it-'' "Is that so, friend Jones? I am Tery sorry to hear that you are so poor; ii you are so hard run I will give you my paper." W no ! I can't take it as a uift," Itr II .i i y en, men, let see how we can fix it. You rai.se chicken. I believe." les, a lew, but they don't bring anything hardly." "Don't they ? Nelilirr does my pa ver cost anything hardly. Now I have a proposition to make to you. I will continuo your paper, and when you go home you may select from the lot one chicken and call her mine. Take good care of her and bring me the proceeds whether in egg or chickens, and we will call it eflunre," "All riht, Brother Moore," and the poor follow chuckled at what he thought a capital bargain. He kept l a . . . . I . . . m vuiuraci airiciiy, ana at the end oi mo year found that ho had paid four pricea for his paper. He olten tens the joke himself and says never had tho face to say that wa u.o poor to take a paper from GARD3JE i BROTHER? Have teveral different manufacture nf Onrana. GARDNER ER3TEER3 Have firat claaa tuner in their employ. All ohlera atu-mbd to by a-JJnminif Oardner urtiinen, ruiem, urrKon. GARD.VE3 BROTHERS Give a g-uaratiU f.ir five yeara, for all Pianf auu urgana, u uexireiL GABDSEa BROTHERS fay their employea a aular-, not a commiwion. GARDNER BROTHERS Would atate, In anawer to many iiiquiriea, that their U ranch Houm in Halv U ill Twrrri imr.t inmiiuuon. tk 'rrti F01I TAB SPRING Jb SUMMER TRADE R. G. CALUSON J 8 AOAIX ATHI3 OLD HIS OLD STAND on Willamette htreet anil bavin boUL-ht the uitrredt Ai. 1. Uoburo in the firm of lalli aon & Ottmrn, ia prepared to fumi-h all wlic mar irive him call with the bent Quality of very tiling unually k-jit in a nit clw grocery auu jirut ii'in i4ire, eiicn aa M (iAli.s, TKAS, rOKrEE, CAXXED (iOtlDS, ToliACCO k CKiAIiS. CLASS AXI) Ol'EEXS- WAliE. WOOD AXI) WILLOW WARE. at rt-ajionaLle rata for CASH or l'KODUCK. Give nie a call and at-e what I can do for von Thankful for Put Patronage I invite von to call agnin. (jiiodi delivered to anr nart of the oitv a i - . ' . . . . oi cuaive. Ii. u. lALLISOX. FA KM FOIl N ILE. A WELL IMPROVED FARM OF three 1l huiulred aud aixtv acres. 100 aerea nnder I i i . x "... " l cultivation; u under fence and the improve ment in (food order, which we wi'l aell at a mtV -ii, ami on the most reawinable tcrma. -iiiiuiwi live niiHH anum or town, ami Ion a oimi outraiii'e tor atoclt. Apply at thta office. lire DEO to Inform ur fHenl. tni tU poSlic JT3V1L, tliat .. it. Ju.t re;v...l alrt (rum baa fctjS& rraacuataadtbebuu-ranttriieta W0! AN IMMENSE STOCK ALFIJED IILEU or ITaa taken poaAeiulon of the Luckey Livery Stable, j And will carry on a GEXERAL LIVKKY BUSINESS. llornea fed and boarded by tlie week or day. HOUSES AXD BUGGIES FOR HIRE. hu he mi v t ine Utioa JCrjmblican, Conklino- organ, says: It Jiea with lW.Um Hayes to end the trotildu, give peaco to the oountry and prevent further injury to butiincsa iiiterents. Ui him reooguiro 1'acltard as the leil ti. ernor ot Louisiana, and refuw to have inv tliini t. .1.. .i xt. i ,, j .u nu Willi mo 1MCU01IS usurpation. Let him do thu same ming in JSotith Carolina. Let him throw i he protecting arm ol tho Uni ted States around tho Returning Hoards, A little boy who went to church waa told to romember the text, which T88: "vXhy ,lsnJ yehor n H' lay idle? Go into my vinevnrd and work, and whatsoever is rijjiit I will pay thee. w J':oiiiiv came hom nn.l asked to repeat tho text. H0 thou ht oyer iuhil, nd then cried out: ' hat do you atand round here doing nufliu' lor? (Jo Into my tarn yard and work, and I'll make it all right with you." Tho members ol tho recent grand jury at Hempstead "know how it is lueu MNvos. niey indicted a lm of Rammers, wlieu tho latter, to "get eyt-n bel'oro the county atlomev and tiled information a,.inMi i,.,.i nn.. , If , , " w VIIU- hair or the iury, charging them with gambling. n,ey t0 brought similar charges a-;niiiHt the county attorney hiuiHclf. And tho sympathy is with the gamblers. The Springfield liymblietin saya : a lire, t x rem j soldiers have got in'o the army, contrary to the peace and k'nity of the Vnit,d Slates. Two I them are surgeons appolniej under Jjrant, aud one Lienleimut appoiute.l "J "ayes, bom more of Tildeu'e wura, oi couise. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS notions, clothing, ST. CHARLES HOTEL EIIfiKXE fiTV nRP:nv r UJIA ISHIJvG G OODS, MRS. A. RENFREW, : Prop If ITfl A V-T- i . v. I l"uo u lAI a. Havinir airain taken ixmuHuinn nf H.- l. 1 weu Known SEWING MACHINES z tzs-isa nun The best and latest improved for very variety or work, including- THE FLORENCE, so Ion; the leading Family Sew ing Machine on the Pacific Coast U superior qualities are too well auiuwn w require lurtner recom mendation. TIIENEWWIIITE the best straifht noaH Marina in tne market, has a great deal of room unoer me arm, u very light running and substantial ALIO, FLORENCE COAL OIL STOVES FOR OOOKEJQ AID HEA1TN3, Persons deairin? hnainiMc era, and all others wishing SewW Machinea, either for Cash or on Instalunenta. should anH tnr .;- culan and terms to SAMUEL HILL, No. 19 New Montgomery Street, SAX FBINCISCO, Liberal nrlxaa allnTf. - -l J iaachinej in exchange for new. MARK THESE FACTS THE TESTIMONY OF THE WEOLE WOELD. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Let the auffering dineaaed read tli following. Let all who have been tfiven up doctors, and poken ot incurable, read tlie following. Let all who can believe facta and can nave fuith in evidence reaJ the following. Know all men by these prenentii, that en tins th Ith dv nf .June. A. I). lUoli. Demoually came juieph Haydock, to me known aa auch, and ing duly iwurn deponed aa follows: That he ia tlie sole ireneral atrent for the United State and defendenciea thereof for preparation or medicine known as Ir. Holloway'a Tills ank ointment, and that the following certificate are verbatim copie to the bert of his knowl edge and belief. JAMIC3 SMIETKK, fL.8. Notary Public. 14 Wall street, new xotk. Da. ITollowat,! takemv cento write Tonnf my great relief and that the awlul pain in my ti le baa ien meal ixat- uianki tu your pills, un, minor, h'jw thankful I aia that I can fret sum sleep. I eaa never writ it enough. I thank yon airain and airain, and am sore that Toil are reallr the friend of all lul- ferers. 1 coiiM not he p writiua; to you. and hope yua will not Uke it amiss. JAMES MYEH8, 116 Avenue D. This is to certify that I waa dichiirl from th army with rhrunic diarrhoea, and lave been cured by lr. Hollowaj s Pills. WILSON HARVEY, new i ore, April 7, 1B6& 31 flit street. The followinfl' is an inbirMlinv mi, nf a man em ployed in an imn foundrr. who. in marina- melted li un into a flank that waa wet, cause I an expiosiun. iu iiiciici iiuu was mrown around an'! on Into in perio't shower, an I he was diewitully burned. he ftillowinztertlflf-util nwn mm hv him about S wteka after the accident: Nw Vobi. Ian. 11, 1875. My time u Jacub ITardjr; I am iron founder, I as twlly tiurn Iit hut Imn in KiivmiIm In uu'iuiiea.ei. nui 1 twi a runmnv sore un my lea that whuI.I not heal. I tried Holluway'a Ointment, an I it cure I my in a few weeks. 'ILis isalltrm anlanybolj can see me at Jai kwm s Iron work. il Avenue. J. 11 A R D Y, 1 19 Ooertb sti-eet. EXTHACTS FROM VARIOT'S LKTTERS. "I hrd no atipetite ; Holloway Tills gave me "no- one. "Your Pills are mirveloi s." "I send for another boi and keep them in the hois-." "Dr. Holloway cured my headache that was chr mic. 1 . "Igave one of your Pilla to my babe for h ileia morbus. '1 he dear little thing got wi-li in a day." "My nausea of a morning is now cured." "Vour box of linllowHv's Ointment curw! me of noises in the head. I rubbed some o. your Ointment behind the ears and the noist n" I -it ' ' Send me two boxes, I want one for a in oi family." '1 enclose a dollar, your price i cents, but the medicine lo me U wortli a 'ollar.' "Send me live boxes of your Puis. ' "Let me huv live boses of your Pills ' y r turn mail, f, r Cin'IU and Fever." Ihavenvir 20 such testimonials, bi.t ' an or space comiHis nie to conclude. PaOPiUETAItv ED dr. cnAKD:.5:r, Lsts Physician to Si. snew Hssp't'h. I . A per v""' 0t "' " earci and .,. pmrtienl ippticHo 1 i . . nni9 of patlntt rw. tMi:m; M.D-i i c prrtrntA lu tit ri- lie tit rlltrinu n mr.itr , i,, , avry ana p opirni, tur tj;, Mr , t.,,; M witearew ii-- i-'jiuhi'iihh 7iuMyt. lesfimwitialir Hit mumllrUnl .ffi-ri... tufftriH? and d irourniml ntiie,r. asM um uhih rcn-ivra rw.irr ami 1 1, mi ..lurm tfti un.. U. tm H rmd eo.ip eiirrd aUiiWHla ami tlnH" Mwulmula. U-Mtick hum brm . Mlu. . . : THE m&tfZl EGYPTIAN E10GD-P2SSHiil J7il IneomrmrabU DKPITJtATTrB u m nmrrrful All URATITE, IltXJc.Di VHETIC, 1)1.1 fUOttKXIV, tJ Afli' i'.VT, enmkinluff rirtumt trhich rrNa" it invaluabl- hhJ imr.famn. Hd . if tenlinw d wsn trill thoroughly trviZ win all dititnet of th flood, lit Hear art of n pnri la karmlrt. imtrZZ f inn, tuo produrt gnt-md from rrmi, Xqiiptiait frovlnei-M, and wftrro tlttr- tm tho tliihl-t mint if d lrn to in Him tw7 tern, it Hirer full in rjieiiiuj lfintoi! through tlm tni:!hrn of tlif akin, am .- prtliH0 it thronyh t!m wmf auU trerlat,. ohatmt.lt of to botfy, t.-trrhy uilmi and, indeti, forrUia ell tl.t jan nil! their proper normal .-at f tvl m rei tl ei t-T tpmo (ril( , , u juitlent msiuy it, of a, utoitittf and tixiiWi rij , let, it oniuj, moot UH-MtM.inZ ELLSWORTH & CO.. L K U G G I P T K TILL CONTINUE TIIK BUSINESS in KOOTS AND SHOES ST. CHARLES TIOTFT . ' " 'V1 ,rauclu at the oM orterin' .o oiiwivj, sri j.. UIIIUjIjO riU i Llii increased mdiicemenU to customers, old ami 11 hli'h uuin i....d fi.n.;.,l...l I I A I . , .. iiitu ni "v- a livilj llilllPIim Clocks, Paints, Oils, Etc., . Helected by our MR 8. KOSEXBLATT which w offer at HKDUCKD PitlCKH. Partim will find it to their adv.n,U to cal and examine our stockmid price befo;. pr baiwlug elsewhere. 1 Hi(liMt price puid for all k:mU of Produce S. ROSENBLATT & CO. and refiltl ia niinr o-ii iue vue reosption ol guests. i nave niieen rmnu u the FIRE PROOF BRICK BUILDING making TiO rooms in all. It is the most commo dious and liest aiirxiinted 1ioum in tl Stj.fi. south of SaUin. FREE COACH TO THE noi'SE. new. As heretofore, the most Careful attention given to Prescriptions. And all eMiptimisol the .km; Djim (Hutment is in vliulile. It diie not he.il eMe n.ll ni.me, i' peuetrateswiih the must searchinir toVla tu in v y root ut tl.e evil. I. JOHNSON'S Commercial College, lit) 4 !U 1 THIRD STREET, 1st Bnllding Sonth of the Poit OiHo. T. Lol ls, FOR LADIES .ANDjGENTLEMEN. Ojicii Ihy aj,d Night all tho year. All of the bran, he oalion taught. 'U lent f... mm In. th Klu- Enirliih . . JAMES, M.l.Nfl'AtTUIlKlt OF TI. AXD SHEET ISM WARE, Willamette Street, Kuxrn Vlty. . . Orogon. Keeps constantly on hand a complete anort mi'tit of Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, Stoves, Ranges, Pumps, etc. Rcpairim done promptly and in the best manner. "in. XalhematU, Bl,u(, hum,,,,!,, UuKl.t peraunally or hy mail I'or Full tmtx0 of hmb0 I'.nlry Hook k.-fjiii j ft jtH lonim with Coiiiiiii'i-oul tor rosponilenco, ytc, $20 00 iiXy"i' Ani'ttrNi. J M'.JOI.VSOXJ CIT THIS AUVtitTIHKjTEX'f OUT Kl.. II.....I . . lv 1 """" fcMoniiiiev t. f.Vfiy K Vit IKnCor. RuMiieiia i i . o Institute," fur a circular. CENTRAL MAUK KT EUGENE CITY MILLS rmiv rvii.i,.... " ... BOYO & RENSHAW, Proprietors will KEEP CONSTANTLY OX HAND, 1ICEF, VEAL, PORK AMD .rJi "!" kin ' T"'. Tllow..te It Utoh chunks from S to i cent. on is not easily earned in these times, inn ii inn us m:iMe in thiv months by any one of either sox in any part of the conntry who is willing to work steadily nt the emuUiviutnt tli.it p (nriiiuh ftiu: per wet-k in your own town. Yon need not lie any irom home over niirht You caii (five your whole time to tlie work, or only your spare momenta. We have agents who are making ...w v-u rr umv, no endive at once can make money foot. A t the present time tnonev cannot lie made so ensily and rapidly at any otlier biiNinww. It cihU nothins to try the bus mess. Term and ,5 Outfit free. Address at once Jl. Uaij.ktt Cu.. lWtUii.l ,.i ill Will If yon wish to buy your K'ods'cheap, you must So the Btore of LURCH BROS., COTTACiK OltOVPl. ' Mia Enlii r A lift IlTSntlt .Mtrklcham, Jcf- l,(K0cUrk,l,.,,,tl..e,,j.ijjJivis. loiofthelnteiior lK.i.n,.r v.... I" .- ! i . 01 Jonn and Jumlolpl,! m JKr vri.,i,,n occa -, fiina. It in eiiiKuiar lait ri-markv tl. it . , 7 , niuras till H.rna)Ur JUtriot, that the loud,. In l . , ,or r;wt.o , to Anwricin vii payment. A I ItI K v " " HE. and all rlJZlrl Uty MiT.fci.sj who mZ LT?lh " tour ..ii nnkniuil mu4 -.-..j. I'K. 0URK A. KOBHIX t.aen n Uukk, Stu. y U Hot ri N ill at all liiiVJ. l -T. .f i .. J hL I.OL II and ALL KINDS OFMII.L FKKD MM U fJignest Cash Price for Wheat, OltOVH Thoy keep oue of the largest stocks of General MerchanHico - - a.ji Outside f Tortlnnd. and they ardl gil. cheap. (reat chance to make money. Ii you enn't jet col l you can pet ttrcenbavks. We need a jierson in every town to take nhscn I turns for the li.r.r..f l,,,.,. and best IlluHtiatcd family publication in the worlil. Any one can Ucom.t successful a-tnt. llie mwt eleirant vm-loi n.' n4 . . . . everybHly wlswibe. One nnt rerte m.t- U kf,C v- ' :...,a!'y "I who enca.'e make ninnv fu v ! ' .1 ii . t , . a ..I, vuu uevrie . .IUII w iue ouainess, or only your spare j , u iireo noi ih) away from home over , " can oo ii a well as others. Full particulars, directions and terms free. Eleunt . 1 . lveV,lntIree- " you want profit ... wura semi us your aililress at once. It cost nothing to try the business. N one who People'. Journal," PortUnd', Maine. aely aimviiu aoiajjns v jo tl I 1 tymtiH ami a 'ma haiul ...i ouue. NIIOKNAUPQi A new L .V.ZZ7:" 'and FKIENDLV CRAIN BROS 1 KV.- jii', IX ffitr'fi surf. Jfaflrr. --. .i. muti illanirtte frltl VISIT. rAHD-V,r,eat-.t th, . 1.1'AKI) OKHCE II i I. f, W V'v J' ) InvariaMy cure t!ie following 1ia.s. . Dls)RrtF.Itii OF THE KIDNKV"5 In all iHsensm aftVtinir these irf o, they se.-rete too mwh or tw little unfr-. ; or whether they he nUI:. te.l i(h t. ne u f.HV.I ie withwhesorpainpiiiettle.1 in tl.e l,..im.,e tie-;e-iriuriiif tlie kilney.tl,ee Pills !.oii!l i tnk-i. . . milling; tu the pimtM di .ei'lums.un I tlie inti... i t annul I lie well iul,ll into the small t the he k lw.1 time his tie-ttment will itive alniLat nun li. ate rein I when nil otlier niei n. .nve fuile.1 FOU S:OMACH8 OUi' OP OKHKR. Vo nieidein will oeffe-tiilly impiuve tl.e t..ne oruestomii-liam these Pills: ll.ey .einuve ulla i'i ly, ooeasiniie.1 either hy iutempei hiiiw ut immune! liet. I hey re-h the )ier an I le-luce it to a heal thy actum ; they are womleituily effl wium in ra. ot spaam-in laet they neTer fail in cunn all disur ilers ol the livem an I str.mach. Holloway'. Pills are the het ieme.lv known in the woildfur tl.e f.-llowiny ilise ,ea: aue, Asthma. Bilious oompHint, hlotrhes on the skin, HowO oirniphunt, (...Ii. , .mutrpntion of the llowels. C.,n "imp ion Del.i ity ,,.,y, U,enlary. Kiy.iivlaa. female lrrri,la uiej. terers of all un .,Vi, out. Hea.ta.-lie In liswition, Inflamation. Junnl ii' SLymVVv"' ,u"," ''lies, Hheuraa. tn.ni Retention of I'nne, Ker.it.Ua or Kimrs Eril ',rii..T ,"Tfl 'eeon.a.ySymptH, lle-Doiilunreux. Iiiin.ini l'i... v.... ' i;... i- .,.'. nntx- u..nt l.uillll UI Mil Httlrla UaalrH. t. eauM.fcc. UUui any IMPORTANT CAUTION. None are genuine unlee the .,.,( t tt. Vh'V a. u .1. . it . . i A I - h.T i Ti i ... Lnlle'1 "''stea.siirniiin-hj ho of Pill, ami Ointment. A han twmie reward v awiu ninny miB TIlflHlltliv tiiinh ir.... may lead tu the detec tion , my , ."L".," euunte,teitinthe taeilicine. u7 vemlinir the sam knowinirthenitiiliespu.iou.. eu"ng "", ttme jSold at the manntar t,,. y 0f Professor Hollowat fnl i "'Vr?'1 h,ra" "fwetal.l. Drureiat sn l li-aler. id Tleijirine tlirouirhout the riviKzed world, in i hoxe. at -J ,,., B2 wjt, nnd laws'seT1'''" m''le """" l,Jr Ukin tne N, R Direetinna tnr il...,;i...i , every diwrtler a... ,ed to'each pox llOH. A veiff vriwj mpn'w mf flint kit lOHfiarv mii i aouvtew rrii r vroBerll aoiu, i no oerif aemo of mmmn trtuu.u,. and Vie p oatett dision.y ttit prt,,,l age, i tho t-ratment of ov-rjf oit'aL where tho blood iteelf to prhHurtiw M( tent of tho Uilnn or dlni-.ier, anai M BCM tFULA and the th'uand mint oil oautet that lead to thlt turn bin I'lltitH, of which all rtvlltted umminiuir, met ooanitHMtt for JUblUal Truth hut Of nt. id that tlto " blot of tlm fathert taan olelt evert tint tho third ami fourth m. oration," and to lll:OKl ti-Itt. ny Tn XSFHEBLKIt lOhbUTVTlOHS it . powerful rijuoenalor, taueitttf the teretk of mam oaeo mart to atti.mt the 6Mii form of manhood. for I t TAXI OVS XISrAFTS, VHTX jnr DisoithEus. t onhTieAiim or vosTirasEss, jiilr am Juim? COIUPI.AIXTS, GlSSRAI.Ahb Xlkr. OVS J E H I LIT'. XHEtZiMsj, OLASUVLAH IXLAXUt.nE.M.. J-,!' XUELJO.VATOVS tASCKIl, '..try AWEVriOltB OF THU HO. rt. jniiT ' IENT ULCERS. . mi. FLAINT8 (and to t'.ie crtttU? . .j fl ia a boon lonft tonifht for Iff t-rt-'.i--j-, m,,.. title, and dvlieate frnwl-t, .v .i ..;., ctfreel artlnn tpon their ti-'inf .H'l ALL rORHia Of t M.OM.; A-nl,l JX WHICH THE XI-Vi! Is 3iii nl OF HIE TItOl III F. J ifiVbiuaHr. i ffuweissM with Iti t rm.'s . jjrm- po-ltire ami V"' tnan:i rur- tr CHILLS nnd tKYl.il u..J r..'i X.ii.A- RIAL 101xOS. Thome'tn'Js uf Tnthnonl !t ?;.. flu truth of rtouim. j'rice, fine jjiil.nr, in lutfjv p-j.:,.', 91 si vfif.es, oi DY3PEPSI It ASTRO if i.s a n, fiw'f, .ml ivl. tire CHt-e jirt:nt .unit lt .iv nut a 7 .1 . wunf,ani (rl fcrzr.i-r. irt r." ei 1(1 reeture the a,'jrvt'i'r o.-y..i,.i r.. ai.-r ttrentfthf at.il prumut' w.e ..Wy aetlonofthe icmiu-h tin:! ti:tAt.hu.i. JV' tierroH irrltuh.ni-i t liirrnrtt mud rll per tone trflr'.; fl.;itrtf itt, te opeeditu rem.My.l iV .i.i vijeni. Tie etoinaeh is r. -low! i, nr. tih unit ISeln;, nvleof the tytirn wi'l -nee k,o. t rttfiim in the peroroiw .-('- of lfrt'r. frier, Oiir liotitir, iaiye ottle, or m.m wtttosg era. JRONSHiTiS Hi AT. emh bit! will tr larding and Splniiin BUSINESS CHANGE. TIH,,...OF THIS CITY 11 . , . w""r' nie name or irviii" On. will in future be run under the name of William J.i u J ""W lw 8,,lB 10 "'I'l-'y " entrust- 1 !45!rV TKACSBSOS. A til nil t t-ra!i. I H mIH flftmw j tend to tl tenon eifiph, mrhleh, tmemrei ,o- oi- otitiii irriitrn, rriMM hore Utrt em reMltit mut ereutiutt- in filled saw of BRONCHITIS, or teo' i rre. sK rte..rfly COXSVilMOX. To mH tugrrhf from ssranifl coutHt mud rrmeriieter, TBACHEON ojfrrt a nmt, rrffe, jwrawiKHf relief. It aunmentt ejeivt ration, and en-hie the pati-nt to nyil that terrllht teptie irpotil, whirh, if lilt without Judietm, treutntrnt, mnt em muuicat its pelmon to the oetiemttr stance of the Inn?, degenerating and etioflnij tko)t moet eeenlinl of orient, and ultimate ohIh in an torly and a limely death. THACiliOX ha no eevei, mneh lem a tupertor, and it nte will tut onln t moot the deptit, therein offerdhf great relief, but henl the membnene i leare the patient in poeno o f health lung tittue. . J',riejJF,fV tr bottlo, or te bottle, $8 JO. PILES. ed to my care. April 10, 1877. v M. SK1XTOX I A KIIII IGOS-I am J-J aintfur u liliratl wmmn ine wile T.IJ. HKMikipks triv .t.irth.,. B. F. DORRIS, DEALER IX Stoves, lanitjcs, PuiiipM, Pipes, 31ctal., Tinware AND House Furnishing Goods Generally Wells Driven Promptly AXD SaJIsfacffon Cuaranfrcd. Wlllieu Strre-, E"fi,ene City, Oregon. Tiiij standard article is comiwund pl with the greatest care. Its effects are as womlerftil and as satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to its youthful color. It removes all eruptions, itchm nd dandruff. It gives the head a cooliiif', soothing sensation of great comfort, and the scalp by its u e iKvoines wliite and clean. By Its tonic properties it restores Hie capillary glan.U to their normal yb'or, presenting baldness, and mak ing the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing, nothing has been round sc effectual A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer or Massachusetts, says, "The con stituents arc pure, and carefully se- viixiu-ni quality- ; and I consider it tl.e Best IWaratiox lor its intended purposes." Prica, Oa Dollar. FOR THE WHISKERS. Tins elegant preparation may be : wl"ail5o me color of the beard from gray or any other tindesir. aj.e Iiaile.to broirn or Mack, at dis cretion. It is easily applied, being in one preparation, and cjniclly and ef fc?fu Proltices permanent color, which will neither rub nor wash off, 1 Ufc-Tictirtd by fc p. HALL t CI, KASHTJA, . j y a trtgata, m tu t. n, &iiene, ! GZEXX'S suLrnuit soap. ERADICATES Au. Local Ski Disiasm; Perma.ni.ntly Beautifies th HlALS SotU AND Isjuuu otth CrrncLx, and a Reuabu DlSI.NFICTA.WT. .rIWalar inexpewiTe remedy aompfishei the same iesvlts ai USUI1 BAras- n Imitations of the Skin. COMPLEXIONAL BLEMISHES art ti. thewnde wootWl. fc, ttd lmxxK TtiM f'1"5- "VISES, SCALDi JWMU color. A, a Disisfectakt of pom. and u Piotectio anrt Cowacioos Diseasu it i ne3eT Phyucians emphatically endorse it. perBox(3 Cakes). 60c and SU0 d S ewe cm fee ark Cat. nan Eia AXBWHina m """wnJit. dCri&aki, rr,r,7XiilliT.lL Hemorrfioids. PILO.V Nana ocne tend to produeo 0,1 ph fat and diet retting ttott. Tho blood retarded in itt return i the loo free newt ue of dmttie purgatlret tend to prelate eogetion of the bowele, torpid aot.tn tf the lirer, aud nnmeiout other eamte en the mure-of thi complaint, an hitherto nothing effectual ha been pre, n led tt the public, which would rapidly alletitt tumptom and ultimmtel prow an egret ire euro. In 1-ILOX wo hare m rented which not unlti met almott inttontly, out Vi.1, rtmV 't t'rgeet tumor of the port (filet) bg tborption, and man a hare received vol only benefit, but bte been radical Ig tared, bare been ourei (prior to Htiitj thlt treatment by emi nent turgeoH that tho onlg relief the ever could erncct in life, would be by en Z. j 7 " " mr tacm rrem i V'u. 41 '? rfmV beon hotted with delight, and it now preteribrd tf enang prnctiting phgtlHan, who are tf nionut of it merit-, m tho aula known tare euro fur flLES. 9 for tsb.9 c'Ht ferrakm' ttJS5L S?? .i" A T thorough in the eradication of tho differ 1J"."J. tr""' ""'"die denmnimotei, "1 ' Tf Vtient, tearrhiof, laboriou, and tcientifie invtiiigation, iZ JZL' S s" 0 bear,, jturopo and America. ami If tho ene-iid- rflMii.. n.j Ifi. ",f"", rn, will bear wit nett to the.r rrloj.ro merit,, and eorrtb orat ererg attertion. Where there art mang eon.ptcmtiom of d item re, and p- dctire, UR. CHAXDLhB wM treat bg letter if noeearu. L..Z'"'' mnd trp-auotorg Clreu mflL " rmrH"- left on receipt "ts'JS, ' r mr ' at gear particular dmggitt't, tend order to DR. CHANDLER, 1479 Broadway, wTork Cu JUST RECEIVED. CLOTH IX.;. HATS BOOTS AXI) MiOLS, .KO Kl:ir. YANKEE NOTIOXS ETC., ETC., AXKFLUCEL PBICIS. tnarlrW - I t n i 1 ri.Ul'l CE, HIDLS and I URS. A. G0LESMITH. "POR BCXXA VISTA ST OXK WAKK tt A T. G. EDICJf f