The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 30, 1878, Image 2

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HATUIlDAV.Mill. 30. IH78.
BUSINESS. Matters of a personal
character charged for at regular adver-
titing rates, to be paid invariably in ad
Democratic Slate Convention.
A Democratic State Convention U
l.orebv called to meet at l'or.lanil on
Wednesday April 10, 1878, at 11
o'clock i. M., Jor trio purpose ot nom
inatinir a candidate lor Congress, am!
candidates for the various Stale offices
to be voted for at the election to be
held Jn June next. The Convention
wilt consist of 140 delegates, appoi
tioncd among tho counties as follows:
Linn 14
Marion 1'
falter 8
Kenton 6
Clackamaa, 7
UaUop ,
Curry ,
Jackson ,
Joaephln. ..,
Tillamook.. ,
Umatilla ....
Total number of delegate
It is recommended that, utiles
ollierwiso ordered by tho appropriate
local committees, County Convert
lions bo held on Saturday, March
JOlh, and primary meeting on Satur-
ly, March IMd.
liy order of the Democratic State
Central Com mil tee.
C. H. Helmxgbr, Ch'n.
AT. V. Brow.i, Secy.
DEsocBiTic conn comestim.
The Democrat io County Convcn
lion win meet at thu l ourt House in
Eugene City on Thursday the '4th
day of April, 1878, for tho purpose
of placing In nomination 1 candidate
for State Senator, 4 Kepresenlstives,
2 County Commissioners, County
Cleric, Sheriff, Assessor, School Su
perintendent, County Treasurer,
County Surveyor and Coroner. Also
to select 9 delegates to tho State
Convention to be held at Portlaud,
April 10, 1878.
Tho Democrats of Lane county are
requested to meet at tho places tl
voting in their respective precincts at
1 o'clock, in the afternoon, on Satur
day, the 80th day of March, for the
purpose of selecting delegates to sfleh
County Convention.
The several precincts are entitled
t delegates as follows :
South Eiigen. 8
North Kugeno 8
Camp Creek 1
Springfield 4
Willamette 2
Cottage drive. 4
CrewwuU,. 3
Mohawk 1
Spencer 1
Totals 60
In the above apportionment each
precinct is allowed ono' delegate for
evory 20 votes cast for tho Domo
cra'.io candidate for Rtato Senator at
the Juno election 1870, and ono for
every fraotion of ono-half or more of
such number.
Hy ordi
22d, 1878,
for the interests of bankers and mon
opolists against the people, and let
them remember that all the Itepubli
can papers in Oregon, with one ex
ception. aro in laror of gold coin for
the bondholders, and a depreciated
currency for the laborer, while all the
Democratic papera in the State insist
that there shall be no discrimination
made between the rich man's dollar
and the poor man's dollar, and that
the burdens of the the government
should rest equally upon ull.
Our yErial has been on the wing
again, says the Record, and has re
turned laden with news. He peno
IraUd the Republican Council Cham
ber and was an unobserved auditor
of all their deliberations. Their pro
gramme, for the present, may be thus
stated, and the statement may be re
lied upon :
D. 1. Thompson, ot Portland, is
tho man the Republicans want to run
tor Governor, but they are afraid of
liia record. The whole oi his fortune
has been made during tho last fifteen
years out cl Government contracts,
mid everybody knows what they
have .been mere gifts to partisan
favorites, on condition that they
would one the money so obtained for
the benefit ot the party, llu was
once Governor of Idaho, but finding
that he could eecuro the mail con
tracts for Eastern Oregon bo resign
WHO IS EEsrO.tSIBLE. EeiolDtioni Adopted br the Enfrnc Demo- Vdrov nio0.
1 rrnur 1 mid. j : ,n,f,ivm
m . . . ....... I mi 1 1' IIP HV TH K JUf.niJlU.ll.l'i
lueaavocatea ot the thira party 'I lini 2 mirouThwt of Eugene City,
mMomm t c.-,,. ttw. I 1. That mm ma iToverament hontIr ud ln t iMth u Mrrh 1K7H. one bThorM,
iwuivmvui iu till Ulflic, of j a kiiv I , ,, 1 r. f ? , - . , - vfc" " ' T .ia u Am
Mercury ami eltteiriicra IO far as we fttion to th .vlrainiiitration of juntioe and the huh. saddle and inch mark on back and both
giicvunce, all of which have been laid Iww in authority are prone, and the corrupt Peace, at flii on March 2tith 1H78.
Upon the people by tho Republican corporation, which haa characterized the Na
party. for the very simple reason that t,0Dal l"nitration for the pat seventeen
know recite iha exiatenca of Certain Prvation of uie public peace, ia we oniy no other mark, or brands pen'""'"- Are not Mverua a cure-iuia, uu an .pe
anow, recite ine existence 01 certain (e g,unl .j thaftbiaei of powerto which Appraiaed by J. B. Alexander, Justice of the cjfi jn the dUeaaei for which they are recom-
ICOmiDt Pum. itl'IJi 1.1. Kfiuvh ;th 1H7H. nnilHiL ' . ....
ilia v - - 7
Investigations of natural acienoe have demon
.tr.tA wvnnd controverav. that throuirhont
the Democracy have not had the 2. That we regard the forced resumption of w I the animal kingdom the "aurvlval of the 6tteat"
power to prevent it. oteatribnip u.i.Ha.,y uth.o
" , .. wim'i.ii.. wu m .""n ... . a.I 111 ULlfe tUl ............ - -
deny that the responsibility of these "n Inflation and extravagance ; we therefore VxlI dispatch a iteamer about every are aayi jjjj prosperity of man f An inferior cannot
1:.,. .1,. .. favor the repeal of the act requiring resumption . from aupemede a luperiot article. Uy reason of
wrongs lies with tho dominant party jMnary Ut'( 1879 d ' furtr r. !- Superior merit, Dr. Pierce'a Standi Medidnee
ior me naHt sixteen years, oui proies tion of the currency untu industry andecono- rilllldllLI IU odll rial U abUa
to believe that the Democratic party 7 10 Put'lc na J". piJ na "va fy
Tl.,..- . dueedabaUnctof tradein our favor and de-
,n iiiiiu anjr relopmentot the natural resource! of the coun-
advocates have been making this try sufficient te supply coin equal to the de-
For eomfort, speed and1 safety, patronize the
A 1, Aew iron Steamships
assertion tor months past throughout titlidraw. ' GEO. W. ELDER,
ll,"cuu"; "T "ii iiuu- 3. That the gratuity of near twenty-four
Vlliceil llielliselves that they are tell- millions dollais now paid the National Uanlcs
ing the truth. They have had the b? w" nf "aPlT c tnb-
de .a f '.a . . a a UVC 1I1IUU IfjC UfllUIC laj UVUCIIb UI IUO
ISCUHSIOII tbUS far all tO themselves italUt ; we therefore favor therepeal of the law
and of Course have made' up a very under which they were established, and the di-
nice caae. Now we propose to have rtiue by the Government of currency re-
. .. ' r 1 11 ceivable for all public dues sufficient to supply
wui raj in uim umuci aiiu n c Buuii the place of the present bank note circulation,
make no charge which we are not That w look with distrust opon the two
prepared to sub.tantiate. l3Zmt&'tt
W e assert that the Republican each as equally dangerous to the prosperity of
Captain BOLLES.
City of Chester,
Captain nACKIE.
And the Hiw Iron Steamship,
party is responsible for making the I the oountrr ud the interests of the laboring
greenbacks, when first issued, ooly a 01 ''prve r-
partial legal tenaer not receivable 5. That we favor a' tariff for revenue only.
for cu. to ma thus denretiiatino-t.hir with a gradual approach to free trade and di-
va neat the beginrmig as compared drS
With gold and Silver; and the Demo- erty among the neenle than bv anv other
cracy is in no sense respousiblo for meho$ , , . .
,1.:. , 10. 1 hat the influx of Clunese among us by
I fffllfM.lin Ulu.. " . ......... . I. . . .
0 assert that the Republican dividing the People into the exalted few and
Dart V destro ved the fundint? ni.alit v tl,e 1,w'y mny. spreads discontent and excites
. - . . - 1 .w.t.. ....I ; ... ; :
r CAUTIOX.-Thia ia the only line "E
Running New Iron Steamships.
This line ia the only one authorized
To Carry the United States Mails and
Wells, Fargo's Express.
Coupon Tickets
For sale at the office of the 0. 4 C. R R. Co.,
At Reduced Rates.
For further particulars apply at the office of
Wa outrivaled all others. Their sal in the
United States alone exceeds one million dollars
per annum, while the amount exported foots
r bavmi-aI hundred thousand mora. No
business could grow tosuch gigantic proportiona
and rest upon any other basis than that of
Pteatanl to mi.
Cure ld ortr a period of 20ymn.
II Sal contlanlty inerta.
Cure by it Mild, Soothing Sfiet.
Cure " Cold in Mead" and Catarrh, er
It Speaks For Itself. '
Bockport, Mam., April 2, 1877.
Mr. Eottor: Having read In your paper 1
ig the laboring classes, the Company, foot of F and First streets, Port- port, 0f the remarkable cures of catarrh, I am
ho. I Iw.u.. ;.,u.nll..,l ir; .1 !m . ..11...1.1 j.i.. .u ta .... ...u ul, u, ini;ri,r uu " inaucea w leu "wnai mow aooui cauu-ro,
-.... .v.v. ... . u niuiuri n, hiiu ,iti, awinuciuuj i iua ic:hw oi ine coramiiniiy we lucreiore
bad and the liepublicans aro fearful opposed this act, although in ahoDe- (,enmotte iinniel!!i't abrogation of what is
they could not elect him if nonrnat- less minority. h.K rfZSSS?'
ed. This view of. the case was Ve assert that the Republican 7. That w demand such legislation, State
urged in Council. Ono member party, by subsequent legislation, f1'! National, as will preyent the abuses grow-
.1 . .1 . ... 11 . 1 1 i-i I .hihIa iI.a ......1.1. ! : ,nli 0111 01 compensation mr exttt services and
iiiuugMw iv uuiu inn inaHU iiiucii uii 1 ''iimi-ino uuirm ynynuw in tyj. iu- will limit the pay of officials to I si
fcreiice. ns Ueimblican voters never stead of lawful money, thus adding secure the prohibition of all perquisites: that
inquiioinlo the characters of their several hundred millions to tho al- "u! ' of corniption whereby .theora
1 .. . . . ... . . liensatmn allowed bv in public
Portland and San Francisco.
THE P. C. H. S. CO.
and I fnncv the "snuff" and "inhailins-tube"
makers (mere dollar grabber) would be glad if
they could emblazon a similar cure in the pa
pers. For 20 years I suffered with catarrh.
The nasal pasages became completely closed.
"Snuff," "dust' "ashes," "inhailing-tubea,'
and "sticks," wouldn't work though at inter
vals I Would sniff up the so-called catarrh snuff
until I became a valuable tester for such medi
cines. I gradually grew worse, and no one can
know how much I suffered or what a miserable
will limit the pay of officials to I single salary
.1.. -.-..Mi.:.:. .ti .1.-1
ncvaiu huo i-iiuiuuiMiiii ui an periiuuiws, uiai
fruitful source of corruption whereby the com
candidates, but other members were ready intolerable burdens of the employment is freom-ntly doubled : theelimi
earful. 1 he friends of J. V. Watts people, and that the Democracy op nation from public affairs of that species of dis
.. T . 1 i.!. ..I..: I I 1 1, I honesty known as favoritism, wherebv Donional
;' " . ": .0 i-iaiiiio. 1 fnendxhlDS are rewanlw an, liKrannul 1J1 lira. CBN rDftUPICPn ft DnDTlAMn I . i...i : .1. iJTra'i
l-he of JJeck.nan, banker of " assert hat the Kepublican tio. diharged at the Tene ot the public wn" ' nn,,w,gwu rvn,"u' Anl ZtiZr
"ITTILL HEREAFTER RUN A LIXE being I was. My head ached over my eyes so
If of steamers every five days between
that I was confined to my bed for many success
ive days, suffering the most intense pain, which
Jiii-kannville. Iirnnirlit dim to tlin I fiarlV IS reSDOIIsible for tho net nf do I witliout regard toclHciencv: we further demand
m.iil.aiid plead tho vast advutitairo monetizing silver, and that a raaioritv "??'..i"A"T.tT51 Y.ith the "anagen.ent of
,. 11 ,. ,1 1 ,i n " . . .1 ry luiiua auau use wie same aiscreiion ana
hm money would give him over all of the Uemocrals then 111 Congress diligence ns men of prudent habita use in the rCN Affl
other raildldates. At thh tllO friends Oppsed the act. transaction of their private business. il.HWJj
ot h L Rowland, of Wasco, nowol We assert that tho Republican Li. "L f Leaves Portland for San Francisco
... 11. 1 . ,, I ' III . MraimmiuKoiu UUIU1UI II II II tH M Will no. pre- I
this city, took fire, and said if Mr. party is responsible for the passage elude, by their mengemess, men f moderate Tuesday, Feb. 18. 187.
vowiuiiu nan not so union money as " mo icnmiiiiiiou nci, auu mat every 1 c"b'",u uuairs or enuce ratistauiiJt AUUUMUUiiiOHH UflJUKf asaMJ.
oino otlwra In. ii.Ia ,11. f,.r tin. hw k Ueinocrat n both llouapa of nnnirr,.-, lc 01 ? uy.ln".r proliwion.
. Bv...r ... ...v aivwHS - - - v v v ..-.' i if irinr r llu !.
of it iii honesty, resneotabilitv and voted axainst it.
ability. Watts would mako an in- Ve asrert that the makinff of bonds ''residential contest, are too dangerous to the
, . T . ... j- . . . .. . I liberties of the neonle to ha turniittnl in nu.
usirious canvass, out a poor uov- eu n iron tunoa was mo work illto a preceden ..nd too sVriou wron
ernorj leekman is a bloated bond- P' a JtopnoiK-an Umgress, when there unreimked orwithoutremandinBintoobscuritv
in were not enough Democrats in that n1. dl"Kra?e who were smirched by partict-
la 13 . I Tifkt.tnn in thsatn I
hearing impaired, body shrunken and weak
ened, nervous system shattered, and constitu
tion broken, and I was hawking and spitting'
seven-elghta of my time. I prayed for death
to relieve me of my suffering. A favorablev
notice ill your paper of Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy induced me to purchase a package,,
and use it with Dr. Pierce's Nasal Douche,
which applies the remedy by hpdrostatic pres-
o TW f...i 'i i.i .i. . Tickets on sale at A. V. reters s. Co. a store. I ou" '.' ? '."'-T1!" ."" """"a
ere cheated out of their choice in the last Willamette street
For further particulars apply to
J. ncCHAOCEN A CO., Affrnt.
sense, well Air. Jfcuiwr, it am not cure me
in three fouths of a second, nor in one hour or
month, but in less than eight minutes I waa
relieved, and in three months entirely cured.
mltti.r ami U'ilil.l InuA liiunv Viilmi
' , .1 .'II.'. ll.l'U 1 1 1 II 1 1 . . UkUn lt I 1 .. . I J M V ., I ,.
nnn.n, I.i.t K.. ....... I, I ...L.. - lwidv in mnla a fn, nrnl. pailOU in Wem.
vutini. ill IIUVj Ull IIU ntUltJ IIIUIU II"""; vv ninny w il-vun, piviWOlit
ifond Incentive ; Kowlund is a good ve assert that the Jtepublican
Notice to Creditors.
and hare remained so for over sixteen months.
While using the Catarrh Remedy, I used Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to purify
my blood and tregthen my stomach. I also
ketit liver active and bowels reirular hv th im
V.I,. 1. ;. .,.i k...: i i I IU TUni.min P,. k.. . i I l.:. Di. l. .:.. ui).... if .
. , . - j . . ,. i . n 'lr .1 aj,.uiio ia imv iinviiiu .u uiinieueUDt war- I " .ji.i"m. vu. urto ucru niiuiu,m wi- ui ills i ichniii, i uigan.s i cinw XI WY ea-
limil in every respect, and Would poll SenatO Of the last Lcngresa defeated fare. He cares no more for the buzzing of niinintrator of the estate of Solomon Cox, de- erience will induce other sufferers to seek th
iiuiru vote, iiihii liny oilier mail mo " aci, iur ino reinonetir.ailoil Oi sil- sucn sioncues as u. it. linck. Daviit Howell. i"""" ""' i-uuuw agamat uu i ouio im-nui ui itua, um icnex win nave-
with neceiwary I answered its purpose. Xoura truly
For Secretary of State K. I. Ear craiic House. I?" '? b.u" IV .,nos,lmto oa the bren I nto d T. h in i attn v toZ
I'li-Maiit Kill..
Lost Valley.".,
lmg Tom.....
Hand Dell....
Fall Creek 1 choice oj the Council.
r. XI Hen i
1 hart appeared to bo the' unanimous We assert that a Republican Presi- V. V u , ES,gen 'S'. )
1 choice ol the Council. dent now defiantly stands in wav of ri,('ro are I,,enly ' "-cprobates in the date thereof.
c , . '
tite, at Eugene City. Oregon, within six months
S. D. Remick.
Ed. Hirush. of Salom. fnr Sinta anv financial reform. - the State prison who have crown so
Treasurer, seemed to bo equiilly pop- - We assert that these men who now ("old in their ensspdness that they are
uiar, niiu ui noiiiiiiiiiioa was ucter u ii.iuiicu me wort oi me uepuuiican just that indifferent to public opinion
mined on. part and declaro the Democratic ...
The privilpjjo of naming tho Con- party "to bo no better," acted with tiim Terrible scourge.
grosHinan was accorded to hustern I Hie party which caused all our finan- Fever and ague, and its congener, billious re-
Oregon, and a preference Was ex press- clili troubles. Imittt-nt, liesides affections of the stomach, liver
edfor tho Vmnel sharp as .Mark Wu assert that tl.cse tnen never T m.':L' "Mw"r"d ??
er of the Committeo Fob ir" W0U 1'ul""m ,ev- ll- K. have a word to say against the U.J vegetal.! elixr,indors,.d by physicians; and
i t a m.... uiiiea,oi union county, lion, tieorg. puoiicnu pnrty, out porsmtcnt y de t "'" ' as a remedy tor the
T,A,MSn '"'. '.owever, will grant nonne. and .huso L DemoLti , !& " faA-ffi
' " " I IlilPnilUUI,,,! A f..inm .....I anil uinn...l - A l.M.l.n.- 1....V." .. .. . . ..
t' , icimuiii an uuiua uuu i 'j ' ciiiiiii m iu nvw!papers. ureuinuon, a lorpiti state ot the liver, a
turn sinners to repentance. We asgurl that Itepublican news- ?"nt "'vitftl tainlna, are conditions peculiarly
G. B. Borhis, Att'y.
juarcn , isy s,
BEXJ. COX, Adm'r.
The following named sorties are amonir th
thousands' who have beew cured of catarrh bv
I the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy :
a. f. uowns, JNew uenavA, ra. ; U. J.
Browh, St. Joseph, Ma ; E. C. Lewis, Rut-'
land. Vt : Levi Snrinirer. Nettie Lake. Ohio :
Chan Norcrop, North Chesterfield, Me. j Mil-'
ton Jones, hcfiba, . X. ; J.1S. Miller. ISridirer
Station. Wvo. : j. C. Merriman. LoiraiuDort.
Ind. ; M. M. Post, Logansport. Ind. : J. W.
Bailey, Tremoiit, Pa. j H. B. Ayres, La Porte,
Ind. ; Jessie M. Sears. Ft Branch. Ind. t L.
n r rtm Tn it r mrvniiTmTr I Williams, Canton, Mo. ; W. A. Thayer, Onar-'
PRACTIC.iL G UNSMITII. ?. HI-1 S. B. Nichols, Jr., Galveston, Texas
onos r. Keinert, Monesville, 1'a. : 8. W.
Chas. M. Horn.
Tatriotio John Kelly, realising the ,
DEALER IN GUNS. RIFLES iiu?K'.cf'.RrlanV,w": ' J011"'" VVilliams,
Fishini Tackles and material.; Mrs. 31. A.U
lirrev. Trenton.-
Kenairinir done in the neatest .tvle lenn '. J.- . ..I' hetnr N: 4 i A- C-
and warranted Sewing machines, n ' i Til ,k fc ''T t T' T'
Safes, Locks, etc. , repaired. ft'ir ! Vv "f' llkba' ,Ind,vV
W. II Hysrs, of tho Kosebnrg paper. I.hvo not a word to say , gainst ZZZhyT7't
I lamdoaler, will bo tho Republican the third party, and th s is sufliootit wlli(,l l,y invigorating the vtem an
nominee for State I'riuler.' If elected eyiilence of no understanding bo !" ).twith regularity as well as vigor,
veen them and the Men of this winddrXr.
OVemeill. but a hrat of others to which f.M
Government" a n-w days ago reluo-'rSr " ?!KV7?
tantfy tore himself away thosr-, " , : " i i 7,""n.'vV " wnio- wwr ,iw,ii thatdanu. drug, qui- -rOTICE
j., j , n.w v uuu. uim. us. mi 'v;, oiiu uiot uiu Liiiiieinui moil in ""i .umn-i umaoes not eradicate ma- 11 an
flUOIH dlltV Of tioekelinir Ii a an iii- !,. I .. l... i..:. ,1 I .i!r..i . laria- u'?
- a -- iii .iiuiiii, inn nu uiiu.-u. iiuii vruiu OI I l'' allow una io 00 a fact I i tiouse in
l reventive.
nlend"w: Guns lnanprl
iimv I "a ,lfi,',j win iu viinir. nrovuiea -
a w I. - - -... i - vistiuum uv lit i . " . f
heavy responsibilitv resi ni? unon he won d havu to im t M Wii tween them ami A,,,,..,. , !.: .V ." . lM,"r 'hicn enaou-s it to shop on
hnuUers as a representative of tlinlOIf,;ll(',n. 1 the printing, llu has movement
Henry Haight, San Francisco Cal. Mrs. E.
and ammunition furnished. L i'f'a.Lawrenceviiie, n. y.j w. j.
Iintham AHul Liars i A l Qm (k WawM.-
Willamette st, opposite Astor House hr, 7 L M iLffi m V. t" V,'
City Election.
Sears, Carlisle, Ind.: Dan! B. Miller, Ft.
Wayne. Ind. i Mrs. Minnie Arnaine, 290 De
Jancy Street, New York H. W. Hall: Hast-
T1 Tirppnv nt-Tv ngs, wich. ; Wm. Marston, Lowell, Ma.
IS UhKLliY GIVEN THAT I. W Koh.rtj, Mr!. a,i. . n... a n'
th.Ctn?voWfV,,be heW ,tvthe, iy,Harrisburg,Pa.rira'Co
tlet tyof Eugene, on Monday the Mass.: Mrs. C. J. Sourtin. CarnHnn Al. .
of elect-I Dim V. k'nir 1i'nln'ntt..u. ril.i.. 1 T
ine uusiom liouso at l'ort and. am Ho jmrinvr. has nioro friuids amoni We assert that two vham aim ii. n. imoajm Apru,i,s, for thepunwse
I . . . I ' J" V 1 1 V f iJ L.AIVKIUI.IL . ATIR1 I 'ITUIDKfA I lTlt . il ' ... wasau . auJB, UU-
. . - . ' in , w vaiiiaiii t "a a uci . j.u.iarMiiTii. n, rpiLsiiirair tirin t u i. i." : r i - n
inn km tb. iu..i f -ii : . il... m.. - ' i w-j Jiuuver. r unu in LTion. mil i,ant n: .1
a . I . a
hae been makmi? a vis 1. imba .iiir...M" masses
enttnu-ninn .n.. 11. ,. other man,
a ... ......... -. w ... , 1 . I II . ..I I : . I ....... 1 I .. . 1 .. . mm .un
this City Several tilliei and from tl,. n 1 " " , " , "TT t" ..! ".'T Voted extiv. use, by Physician, in-their'
, , - viiiinii Hing nuuire 11 uecame a male, "r ne i reMiieni wuo was
vuiiiiiiiuvut aim sen ii int. od
Hes of tho people than any Ui'mncratio party favored the repeal Tn-ware the best of all purgu
n mi, I li-iu l..m a .....11. ..I I of llm ruun,,i,.i in.. o, ...l.i .1 .- i use. Thev T6 the tirociiirt of
-.j e a .... wvvss m l ll l 1 1 1.-1 1 I w.v . -'iiill I vii t MIM I1CPD L II 1 Ttl ... J - e I i . .
in the i:,(.,iblieon army ol par.y leaders opposed it, an voted VtXtXTSt
diil' before it became a Stale, for the I'roMdcnt who waa l..1.',.i t and by all civilized nati.m. nrv.
smile and fought tho battles ot tho ptrty m his power and influence anainsl mlA ni0,t e,fec1liml l""vative Pill that
,ei. ever since, without reward. The this or any o. her financial reform. &Erar
facto- Ul'mot,ra' d Iinlepeiidents both assert that the Republican Um'io vJ,,e "nJ e'!tiv lwfrs no other Pills
Chas. F. Kaw, Fredricktown, Ohio; Mrs. Ln-
a U a.. I.' l Yl j-4 ' .
.tive. for family three Trustees,.. ' LMrH ' t r'
Mitoh.ii ...d !;:;'9 "ff7i wiyur EKl,,llhe w of ih. bondholders ttKS iArXi UNDERWOOD BalOS sffSiW Vt&itSTarrlt
but la has roma.UMd steadfast to and that every vote cast for the third "'-ded They keep tli. ivstem L H-"or Momery Ohio; L. Redbrook, Chatham,'
j'finciplj, the approvals of conscience Prty is a vote cast ton lain the bond- ller "! w'tin m healthy action th. whole GENERAL ls"Rf)TPT? w ! ' v Soyi V? i W. W.
the Custom his only guerdon. On the t.rinciolo holders' i.artv in nower. ami ih. ml . "rh'"T'M'. Mild. .easing andeffect- iVilAj JUlVJlt& J"Kh.,UimUn
,,,y of '-hepitho-o who help u, M, ager. of this 'third party 'know ,t. EL?
. vi iB una sironger claims than any o nssen that tho Republican '"'y,!"1" m cure, if timely taken. They
other nun in the Slate, but what I members of Congress from this St-ite hMiVlV i l ,,h-'? emi'Ioy fur
care Uenublicn rim.. f..r r.i!,.l-i. voted a.r.inat H," d, ... I ... :,MVT,.k'nr.1 tution, where
. a . .
tint aavH. I la ll1 a
uv .pii-mi iibuii over ins pins w
for that tho slato has been sstih
rially made up mid ihat
the ring are sa'e.
It is very evident that the Custom his on!
House nngiuiend, if they possi
oan eimerny furor foul means,
control the Republican county con
.'""V" ,ml,u'8 non.,,e.will 1'ell is all they care for-for servioes
- v.i; picugeu to vote lor .Mitch- ren.(eivl, nothing.
'.ea... I . . IV
en tor tinted Mates Senator, if thev l'ving agreed upon their nom
are elected. There is a very consid "iet'8' th nl",,'- l the Council
are witlmut il.. ...
""'"aauon necessa
ry to saccesH'ully compote with
Mitchell's well drilled retainers, and,
consequently will bo bulldo.ud into
KiP. Wait R1..uI,q v v . r f t-i. t..A..
nt-ntfrirwa I llnfMwl Sif than l1!-. T?... f al 1. " . !. CVft, tf UIIUWOU
pledged to -I WP-- U the 13th day of lWl, WAbZ'
City Recorder. ton Four Corners. N. Y. : Geo. F. Hall Pn.h.
- jo. Cal. ; Wm. E. Bartrie, Sterling, Pa. ; H. H.
i. toon, m Penn Street, Pittsburg, Pa. : J. R
I Tl-. t.' I . n . ... ti .. .
l'J vnniu .11 1 .
lo faction of the Uep,blican p ,rty K" n iWT HH;k
rl,i;u. ir i I ,rij els that money must bo raised to
k lo, .Mitchell, but they keep the Ibo? l,,or, (iieenbacl!
lodges running thai-. .Mitchell bad
not "punjrler 0 j,, ,
seoesh concern, ilia
that in ferial
llworxl succeeded
, -0- - ... .ocai, lUllKllll. I Ull. cilWlliai
financial relief and tho Democratic I y tlf'''"-
memiier voted for it, 1
We assert that theso "reform" . . "Utrmm sr"P"
oratora nml Inn.L.r. I l I No other medicine in tlie world
aid b v ll . I Br. i; F ,or given such a test of iu curative qualHic. a.
M by the Kepublican party. ' ft.chee German S,-n p. 1 threeW twS
BIT and sell uii1MB:nl n is. ; oonn Aiegier, larUsle-
GOLD "l'.nug. r a. .lames lompkms, St Cloud,
RTT WT MTr f "t PaWne Cit?l Neb. J
SILVER, aeph T.Miller, Xenia, Ohio; S. & Nicholla.
CURRENCY iTf1."1' H- Lafrd, Upper Altonl!
AND EXCHANGE. GraLam"Fc6oveTogn! '
uolden Medical Discotpi-v
was ever
Money Rece.Ved oo Deposit
. . . . r I -.-.....wm .,r. p. in tnree years two
W e assert that they have ntated I ""'.""' '."" humlred thunwuid mnii bottle of
Aid tit, Sals of
tho suonort f,i.. .,: VriT' ' 'tuocrals to unite
the P.,.. ii y li. puDI.can "gooso would be
the Lu ton, House managers. Will coked. Tl.ia remark had tho desired
ami .uuciieii men submit ? VUl "' "ilver halves and green
Mitchell has shown, both h. hi. bl came forth.
Totesanl speeches during ih- L Jo '"..'V'J'i' ,h?.biS Indian of the
, w Kiaei lllliilii, I '...a-... a
ent aiaainn ,a n . . "",u"" v-hmimh nouse ring, is now
entatssmn of Congress, that he is makimr trio .... U, v.iui ' "
.ii ---- .vvaiiv
liev IO parr
nit .... !.- .
programme. This is
o fanpy sketch. Our JCnal, who is
niureir iruiMiti, heard and saw al
that is here related.
tho representatives of, and attorney
lor tho monopolists, i0J his se
vices io th, S.-nst, ,ro too BCPWM
v ...llr lulrrrsis io 1 disp,.,,,,,! il money ai d chicanery cat, be Th. Cincinnati Comuurviul allege,
uccessfully used to retain l im in his "r rm7 ' much the most cost-
present position. Lei our ereeoba.-t V M orl,, ln proportion lo the
friemk consider thi. mstter a littl- 11? for' ,h "re,,Kth "II
r if,,. rra.r t:
to the Senate again their totes wi'l tft and stars.
cn i n m ibere aaj the responsibility 7 1
ill rest upon them. Let ihen. con- L? ",'!" ih,f .Grra" " Lan
aider that Ure.on'a n.. .vl " ' 1 "V ni X vree wire, sod
- -v.uv..,uo Mw. Children, IwentT aai-.n i
larlas.uoJ,qu.r,!ynpf0r lha in. whom are luin, .1 1 1?.' .'
. . ef
time and again that thev would nm
act with tho Democracy if it awimi
..-.i . l. .. . . . r v
ih.ibo me principles of the thin!
party, nuts showing that their obieci
i. .. . i . . . j
cone a diversion which wi
eieci me liepuhhcan ticket.
U'. naul Ik.. u.
.. v u. mill, iihs movement can
accomplish uothinn. save tha ,lufu..
of the Uemocracv and tho a.iA.... r
, .... --"- VI
ne uonaholdcrs, and tho leader.
Know it.
Wk n
d. W. i enuuigton wi1 remove his tw
market in a few days to the stand formerlv
ocenpied by Wm. Durant where ha inu.l.
aaejniij the beat of verything in his line.
Meats delivered to sverr nartof
I i -i. " - "V
iiw vi vuarre.
- I
To all sutTerinir from th. f..ll,.i.,..
V T " rr,i uirotn we aMatlnnw of a
f her Krpullican Senator an i Hep. i'VV 11,fM,,ilr. children and grand
enutive hu beet, ju.t erratic drtZl?b" ih"
mi,anr fnend who haa sent me the formuC
of a purely veUbl. metirin. which has l,.nT
tn aard by the native medicine Bira of Hin
r me rasitira n.l ..t.l r
r...,.....i. ,z.
.'ns,!, A.inma, laUrrh.
Ih-.ia. 1 hroal an.l I ..... j;.i. '
ii',1"y'iLoMo ManhJ andaU Kerrno,
dmi itbout a failure. I now M it
' 'ar aa possible to relieve Itu-
miaery aod wiU MJ th, wops-Fan or
H l sau, any p, who aaay Uin it wftj,
Jim as f, ng. Sent by return aoail br'
it imFlVl aaming thi. paperV
this mediefne wer,nt..l .. i. I ? V. A T . Ii1 Cl T A m T7
liv Dmirin.t. ir. llii. ... .i . ..i . . I - -a- XJ
with Cn-umption, Asthma, t.un. severe Particular Attention Given to
ougna, fcnumonia and other dincasea f the
Throat and Lungs, giving the American peo- linMIl mat lirimin Mrnin w.l. I 1 r.rv.n
curathent le result haa been that lhnicvisU Pn.ow , , it
iu every town and village in the United K CoBfcl,rut "d w ZlatdI.orncCoa.pni,
are recommending it to their cusUimera. Go to also agents
your Druvvist and auk what th, t, now tar.n I AiTI I Q CADrA 0 a .
t Samnl. 1L...I,. in ".. ",". " rM"W WO.
cent 'ldwil.Xv."' " En-
ntALiR rx
Lane County
Ii Alterative or Btoodltaniinr.
Golden Medical Discovery
Is Pectoral.
Golden Medical Discoverr
Is a Clolagogne, or Liver 8timnlant
Golden Medical Discovery
Is Tonic . .
Golden Medical Discovery
By reason of its Alterative properties, cure
Disease, of the Blood and Skin, as Scrofula.
?fi 'E u-U ! ,Tu,a' v'lrs, or Old SomJ
IJlotches ; Pimples and Eruption.. By virtu
Of Its Pectoral nroiiertina it m,M V.l.:.i
Oregon. Throat, and Lung Affections; Incipient Con
sumption j L,ingenng Coughs; and Chronic
-.jugiua. ia inoiagogne properties render
it an unequaled remedy foil IVilliousnes. ; Tor
pid Liver ; or "Liver ComDlaint:" ant it. T.
ic proprtie. makes it equally efficacious in
curing Indigestion, Los. of Appetite, and Dra
pers rr 1
Where the skin is sallow and covered with
blotches and uimnW or k.M
nloin swellings nd affections, a few botUe. of
V nnv'n.x ldenMecical Diacovery wiil effect an entire
X a large and Taried aaaortment of FRESH . xL JI.!!L T1' drow?T; deWiUt!,
S .very month new ; h 'S'T
dizrinew, bad tarte in mouth, internal heat or
chills alternated with hot flushes, low roiriu
and gloomy forebodings, irregular appetite, and
tnngut coated, you are suf'ering from Torpid
Liver, or tilliourae- I. V.
Baby Carriage, and Wagon. And TRODrCE TAKEN AT THE Htph 1 w,"on:y part of thee symp-
Cc.UnUr on hand, which K. n. .... -sT MARKET RATES. ! !T "7.."IPtn'"cea. "?y for all
-OF- ,
i f . i. .... . ,
I u'M, ana are receiviri?
I TCrjiliea suitel to tliis mattet
uooda are sold low and
Hides. Furs, Tallow
dard brand, at
,-L-Ly. -tfa.4 prorwtor aad
" '-"7 w vmmaf reandMa, mii of which ara
-MD- lrPIIF BEST HHAt rrri nr .-.7.. LM l."?' awork of
AL KINS OF COUNTRY FRODUCE. I to--)' lu H'.'LT T"""i -1 JT "i
I IX I.t W by T. G. HBfDWCM. 1 Worltf , Dispeny, Buffalo, N. Y.