None. Simple announi-ementa of births, mar rinxiaaiid deatluwill b. luiwrtwl without clianr. Obituary nutinw will b. cUrtfed for at the rut ul 10 cent, per lino Veaiuumo no reponibilit for views expressed fcy oorrepinaoU. Hiniri. oopie. of the Oman, In wmppon for null tin may b. obtained at tliiiotttoe. CITY AND COUNTY. miner .n i:ti on. See Crain Bros, now ixl. elsewhere iu to-day's issue. Song service at the Presbyterian Church to morrow evening. Cash paid for eggs, anil produce taken iu exchange for groceries at the btar Bakery, Matt Rood and C. W. Young shipped a car load of fine beef cattle to Portland List Thursday. S. J. Saxon is refitting and renovating the room adjoining his saloon on the east side of Willamette street. Remington sewing machine agency at the Bazaar, corner of Willamette and Scveuth streets, Euceue City. fob2-3m Preaching at the Baptist Church tu-mor row morning and evening by the pastor. Baptism after the morning sermon. R, G. Callison has a line a&iortnieut of valentines, comic and sentimental, which he is disposing of at very low figures. Any person wanting to employ plasterers, whitewashes, painters or 'arm hands cuu he 'accommodated by colli lie at the Aster House. A. W. Stowell has sold the property one door north of the Astor House to Mr. Lock wood, from Douiilas county. We luarn that it will be fitted up for a business house. If the cowardly whelp who shot Frank Coleman's dog would vent his spleen on Coleman himself, and not molest his proper tv. he would be more of a man than a brute. . ' Preaching at the M. E. Church to-morrow morning and evening by the pastor. Morn. iug subject, "Redemption by the blood of 'Christ;'1 evening subject, "The Redeemed in Heaven." The Lane County Council, P. of If., will meet in Eugene City on Tuesday, February 13, 1878, at which meeting officers for the ensuing year will be elected, aud other busi ness of importance transacted. Hodes has purchased from M. Wallis, the property one door South of Frank Cole mau's, which was formerly occupied as a meat market, aud will clear the lot and envt a new building. The price paid was $1,400 for 22 feet Displayed iu the window of Harrington's restaurant are a number of stuffed birds and 'squirrels which appear as nuturid as wlieu living. We learn that they were prepared by Mr. J. B. Rinehart, a texidorinist of CresswelL Died. Ii this city on the 2d inst. Flor ence, daughter of R. J. and Hulda McClau ahan, aged six years. Removal. Thompson & Bean have re moved their Law oliice into the building for merly occupied by the express oliice. Sails. The steamer Elder will sail from Portland for San Francisco ubout the 1-1 ill f nst. Tickets for sail at the railroad depot Steamship. James MeClareu has the model of a full n'TJuA and equipped side wheel steamship on exhibition at his saloon. The hull is about five feet long, and contains all the appliances of a steamer complete, with five masts with full rigging. Paid Up. J G. Gray, Esq., Treasurer of this county went to Salem last Saturday and paid the balance in full of the State taxes due from this county for the current year. Lane is the second county iu the State to pay the full amount of taxes for the year. Homicide. A young man by the name of Marion Fields was shot and instantly killed, at Brownsville, on the 1st inft., by a drug gist named Chas. Williams. Fields, while intoxicated, went into the drug store and de manded liquor, which was refused. A diffi culty ensued, with the alxive result. Body-Snatchino Ever since Barden.the murderer of McMahon, was buried a sns- k picion has been rife that his remains were taken out of the colfiu the same night and the grave filled up again. It is also said that 'the flesh was boild from his bones iu a large kettle and that the owner of the vessel, finding out to what use it had been put, in formed the scientific studets that a new one would be acceptable. Barden's skeleton now evidently ornaments some anatomist's studio. Jacksonville Times. Bolls of Honor. The students whose names are given below have averaged 93, or higher, in attendance, deportment and scholarship, for the first ses sion at the Uuiversity, in the Preparatory Department : k Helen Bond. Eliza Soencer; Addie Zumwalt, S. Bushnell, N. Green, E. McClue, M. Dorris. Jennie Spencer, E. Rowley, E. Potter, H. McClure, JL McCornack, M. Underwood. Maby. B. SriLLER, Teacher. ASSISTANT PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. . The pupils whose names are given below -have averaged 90, or higher Baxter Youne. Boise Spiller, Mark Bailey,' Dora Scott, Frank Stewart Maggie McClung,' Herbret Johnson, Clyde Patterson, Eugenia Johnson, Jessie McClung, Mary Young, - Minnie Scott, Osia Walton. Mary 1'otter, Bessie Day, J. W. McConneL, Henry Day. Lizzie T. Bo ice, Teacher. Ida Hendricks, Several of onr exchangee predict that either L L. Rowland, D. P. Thompson or W. H. Odell will be sacrificed by the Repub lican party as their candidate for governor. These three rockers are probably mentioned ' because of their inordinate penchant for ghmmiag the public leaf Items from Springfield. Our special correspondent at Springfield, furnishes us the following items : As usual, there is no dearth of news in our lively and eiitciprisinii villains. Almost every one, except the physicians, aro busy. Some people are disposed to speak of our quiet town as a:', unhealthy place. If they think that drainage from the grave yard ; or hundreds of rotting logs iu the mill rate; or an almost intolerable stench at times from the largo pig house just north of the grist mill said to have been planned by the pres ent Collector of Customs at Portland ; or that surface-water drawn from wells and used for family purposes; or many other causes would produce sickness, then this place might be classed among unhealthy ones. But time has disproved and demol ished all such old fogy notions, for here we have all these thing, and yet one of the most healthful and energetic towns on the coast. . During the fore part of tho'week, a caae w hich in any other town would have ended in a law suit, "was here settled by arbitration. According to the authority of the most emi nent anil learned yf the "high-joint" arbitra tors, they "sot on the hull thing, and found a verdict in accordance with the facts." The Mill Company are making extensive repairs to the saw mill, putting iu a liew car rhino, ueW frames, Btrcmrtheuinir the frame work, etc. They aro ulso to add a new wheel in a short time. A small boy iu town had tho misfortune to stick a button in liij noso' 1hi first of the week. A physician from Eugene was called and succeeded in extracting it. A large swau was killed just above here a few days ngfc by a man living near Junction. Wo learn that he is to Btulf the 6kiu to add to several other curiosities he has at homo. We learn that Mr. Clark, Univorsalist, is to hold a series of meetings here in a short time. When he comes very likely a lively discussion may ensue. The Mill Company aro fencing ami getting under cultivation peiees of laud iu the cast aud northern portions of town. The town is not very badly ovsrrun this winter, and if one desired he might possibly find a vacant house or two to rent. It look well and shows the accomodating spirit of our people not to live in all their houses, but to preserve one or two to let on reasonable terms to any homeless family who may chance to be stranded iu our midst. Junction City Items. 'I From our Special Correspsndent. A Good article will always sell. Flour of Juuction City Mills sells iii Harrishurg at gfj 50 per bbl, whilo Harrisburg ilour sells at only 6. Win. Driskell, formerly of Eugene City, has located in this city, and is now prepared to pound iron and steel into any shape that is desired. Success to you, William. One of our silver smiths a few days since in passing from tho dining-room to the bar room in the hotel camo iu contact with the door facing, the effects of which was a skinned nose and a black iye. Perhaps too much fluid extract of sod coru aboard. Little Norma, daughter of Ira and Amanda Mltn, nged one year and 7 months, after nil illness of 9 days, died on the 7th inst. with congestion of tho bowels. Mr. and Mrs. Al len have many friends who sympathize with them iu their bereavement by the loss of their dear loved one. One of our country neighbors, who has been in the habit of walking to town every day, came in on horseback the other day. After spending tho day, ho met with au op portunity td riding homo in a neighbors wagon which he accepted. Upon arriving at homo his wife asked the question: "Did you sell your horsfl Jim? He looked amazed and roplied, I will be d m if I didn't for get him! It w as then aboiit dark, so the unthoiightful fellow had the pleasure of foot ing it buck to town through the mud after his horse. This looks rather suspicious James. A cakd: Ed. Guard: I wish to inform the public through the columns of your paper that Eugene has a City Recorder who c:m conscientiously superintend a Sunday S-liool, and who takes up citizen, without any iii:ir;;o whatever bein: made against him; imieach's the te?.tmiony of a white man w ith barefa.wd li-.n of an ignorant Mongolian (but, however, aeeordin',' to rumor His Honor receives quit s'nn from thel'lii imuien of this city each year for loolciu-,' out for their interests), aud fines the citizen ijd for li in( iu the vicinity when some one else tlirew a stone through the window of a Chinese wash house. But as the gentleman, I learn, is very hard up at present he had t' devise some means by which to get ft few scads, ilj's a financier, you bet CntKAN O.iBLltN. Llxt of Letter Remaining uncalled for in the Post Office at Eugene City, Or., Feb. 0, 1S78. Buchanon. Eugene Cook, A li Crubcreek. Nary C Dnnahoo, Joseph Dodge, Freeman E Oemmcll, J M 2 Henderwauw, Mary Johnson, M H Look, Henrv B Lawery, O H Moore, Mrs E Moore, FB Xeff Frank Packwool, Charley 2 Peek, V F Richardson, S A 4 Smith, Francis C Stemlerg, C H Stewart, J H Burlow, G A Crain, Andrew On; teher, K V 5 Downir, 11 P Fox, W W Helldee S B Hall, Anson Linderwood, M M Leavens, f.'oa Mayenard, Thos Moore, Mis Ana Moore, Mrs Klizalitth Uoley, K. 1'ogue Mr Keitz, Charles Hubert, Finley Skouhlis, (Jeorge S-WKT, T J Williams, J B Waiden, Creorge Vnl gnrnore, Jessie. A. S. PATTERSON, P. M. Martyrs To Salt Rheum, Rejoice! The per sistent use of Glenn's Sulphur Soap will cure you. Use it instead of the greasy liniments and astringent washes It is cleanly, safe nd i.eedy. Hurrah For The Blacks And The Browns produced by HiU's Hairltye. J. B. Underwood is engaged in the broker age business. He boys and sells gold, sil ver, currency ami exchange.and negotiates loans, on personal or real estate securities. Ben will be found at the express oliice, and will accommodate all who appy with the necessary collatterals. Ladle' attention: Berlin Fashion Patterns at Dunn k Stratum's. mm b g a i r 3 -352 3 3. " 9 . Bi; a !i es -ti t Nunmber Enrolled, 3 1 5 i : (5 c. X. m ii Average No. belonging. tit Cl v o jj 2 ijS Si' Average daily attend te in k p auce. v wl n . . ? I ? P ? ? Per cent, attendance. se 5 Xo, ut cases of tardi- S 2 SsSSSo J M Xo. neither absent nor g ' U'SZt'd tardy. H a I Mtc - Xo. of visitors. 5 1 c; c. ft T Z9 Can't Afkoku it. A few days siiico we saw a young mauwho "couldn't afford to take books out of the library." Do was well dress ed, and we wondered if it really was possible that he could not alTord to pay fifty ceuts a year for tho very rich blessing tho library ought to be to a young man. Yesterday we saw this same young man pay fifty ceuts for a dozen cigars, which will probably hut him two days, suppose they hist liiiu a week. This would be the same he would have had to pay for the library a year. Xow, that youuir man is what is called a "steady youug man. ''does not drink and has no immoral habits. Ho is spending probably $100 a year for cigars, and other useless luxuries. Unless he changes these habits, ho will never be worth a dollar in tlie world, and should sickness or adversi ty come upon mm, will be a burden upon soiuo Ano Loose. Beechcr & Co. have demolished tho devil's quarters and turned him and his imps loose. The following, from the Tele gram, advertises the old fellow or some of his boys at Walla Walla: At Walla Walla there has been a big up roar arising out of scandal, and two police men have been discharged for their part ir. it. There was a light and some head-breaking, and one of tiie policemen, named Adam Cioisinan, lias been put under bonds of $1,000 to appear iu court next May. The allair grew out of a story started by one David (iunn, who heard something, anil told his wife, and his wife told some other man's wife, and her husband told Charley Davis, and it got to Leet that something had been said about his wife," etc', etc. Aivl all Walla Walla has been convulsed with it; it has caused a couple uf broken heads, has cost one man 00, and will probably send an other to the penitentiary, besides costing tho county heavily by the time all ii dof e. Passengers will find tickets on Bale at A. V. Peters Si Co.'s for San Francisco. A. V. PETERS & 'Co. OcWthtf. We wish to announce to the public, par ticularly farmers, that we oro now selling blue-stone at one bit a pound, cash. OSBURX & CO. i"The National Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley & Rulofsun for the best Photographs in the United States) and the Vienna Medal for the best in the world. 42'J Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Robinson It Church at the Hardware Store keep the largest ami best st leeted stock of wall paper and border in Eugene City, comprising in part, Brown, Blanks, Satin, (Jilt and Emboss ed paper, which tin y purchase diivet fro;u the Eastern factories and will sell as cli 'ali as the cheapest. All paper trimmed free of charge. We have just received from tho Eastern factory, direct, a largo stock of window shades and wall paper ; among the latter aro many very pretty styles embracing (iraincd 1'annels, Embossed, Gilts ami Lace Patterns, Satin and Common J Hanks, all of which we sell cheap, and no charge for trimming paper. DUXX & STUATTOX. Xasal Catarrh and Lungr.nd Bronchial alleo tions, and all diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, positively cured. Dr. Sou vielle Mathieu, the eminent French physician and surgeon, and inypitor of th- Paris Spirom eter which lias given iclief to thoiii.iind suffer ing from those terrirl') i!i- -uses in Europe and the United States. T!.i wonderful instrument was invented by Dr. rouve He Alathicu, for the treatment of Xaid Catarrh, Lung ami Bronchial alfcctions. Uaix'h Vwif.taiii.k Sicilian Haih Hk.vkwkh is a scientific combination of some of tho meet powerful restorative agents iu the vegetilble kingdom. It restores gray hair to its original color. It cures dandruff snd humors, and falling-out of tie hair. It furnishes the nutritive principle by which the hair is nounMicd and suporU'd. It makes the hair luoi.4, soft, and glossy, and is unurpassed as a hair-dressing. Jt is tlie most econominiil preparation ever orlered to the public, as its elfeels remain along time, niauuig only an occasional application necessa ry. 1 1 is recommended and used by eminent medical men, and officially endorv.-d by the State Assayer of Massachusetts. For sale by all dealers. ' Remember Tills. Xow is the tini ff year for Pneumonia, Lung Fever, Coughs, Cold-i, and fatal results of pre- uispnMtion to Consumption and ntluT Input slid Lung Disease. Bohchke'm Gkkmax svbtp is lieeii used ill this ncighliorliood for the oust two or three years without a single failure to cure. If you Lave not used this medicine your self, go to your Druggist and ak him of its wonderful success among inn customers, 1 liree doses will relieve the worst case. If you have no faith in medicine, just buy a Sam pie Bottle of Buschke's r.tKHA.s hyiii p (or 10 cents ami try it. Regular size bottle 73 cents. Don't neglect a c.ugh to save 1- cents. The Parent of Insomnia. The parent of insomnia or wakefulness is in nine cases out of ten a dysjieptic st'ima -h. (jrxKf digestion gives sound sleep, indigestion interfere with it The brain ami stomach sympathize. One of the prominent yiubms of a weak sttte uf the gastric organs is a dis turbance of the great nerve entrepot, the brain. Invigorate the stomach, and you rextore eipiilibrium to the great center. A most reliable medicine for tlie puriKise is Host' iter's Stomach Bitters, which is far preferable to sedatives and powerful narcotics which, though they mar for a time exert a soporific influence upon the brain, soon cwwe to act, and invariably injure tlie tone of the stomach. The Hitters, on the contrary, restore activity to the operations of that all iaijKirtaill or.'an, and their beneficent influence u reflected in sound sleep ftnd a tranquil rtate of the nervous syntem. A wholesome lmnetiu u likew in yen to the ftction of the liver and bowels by its use. T R I VrJt-NEW DESIGNS Of STAN- JL c dard brands st' FRIENDLY. THE BEHT ftllOf M tVEE BROUUHT IU to this BaikH, at tb lownt prim at, T. O. UlkLUICKS'. A Card and Prospectus. Having opened free Intelligence OtnVe, for the pun sue of aiding and sisting newcomers to our State by all possible means at my com maud, where are keot Kirs of all leading news jmeni published in Oregon and Washington Territory, lliave also determined to establish a land lounial, to be called The Orrgon ami Washington LhihI Iirgislrr, The object of which is to bring I.aud Owner and lteal Estate Agents into closer communi cation with the thousands of immigrants who are arriving in this city with a view to the ulti mate purchase f lauds. It will lie printed in regular newspaiier form, eight-page, ll'xlH inches, and will lw devoted solely to the pur (Hise for which it is established. The first edi tion of fl.lHKl copies will lie issued alsjut the 10th of February, ld"H, and as often thereafter a tlie influx of immigration demands. Description of farms and other pioierty for sale will lie condensed to occupy, ten lines ("0 words) or less, and will be chnrg-d for at the rate of one dollar each. It is more than probable that from twenty five to fifty thousand eople will lie added to our population during the spring and suuiuit of 1878. X'early ail immigrant who come to Oregon and Washington Territory land first at Portland, and will reivivo a copy of this paHr, as it will bo distributed gratui tously. It will therefore lie the best posnihle means of bringing lands, mid other projicrty, for sale to their notice. Descriptions of property for sale may be written out iu full, giving character, locution, price, terms of Bale, and all advantages of schools, churches, road, etc., which will le ed itorially condensed to the required space, and the letter numbered to correspond with the de scription, and tiled in mv office for reference. Xo charge will lie made for sales arranged through this agency the only fee required be ing one dollar for each description inserted in the Land IvHiiistku, which must be forwarded with the description. It may lie sent in silver by registered letter, or by postal order at my risk. , Correspondence on all subjects connected with the development of all portions of the State and Territory resieetfully solicited. I keep a register w my nllice in which are en tered the wants of nil parts of the State and Territory for laborers, mechanics, merchants, etc,, which is open to the five inspection off new comers. Notice of such wants respectfully solicited. All matter intended for publication in the Land Kfwstku must be written on one side of the paper only, and be iu prior to the first of February, 1S7S. All descriptions of prop erty for sale will be inserted in the imk-r uf their arrival those coming first on the outside pages. Relieving that this publication will be great ly to the advantage of both buyer and seller, I respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. Address all communications to uie ut 1 ort land Oregon. jano:tf 1). 11. STEARNS. FOII THE SPRING & SUMMER TRADE WE PEG to Inform our friends and the public tlmt we have just received direct from 8ii Francisco and the Kistern markets AN IMMENSE STOCK or GROCERIES, HARD ARE, DRY-GOODS,. FANCY GOODS NOTIONS, CLOTHING, FVRX1SULYG . GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, I500TS AND SHOES, Clocks, Paints, Oila, Etc., Selected by our MR. S. RUSENRLATT which we olfor nt REDUCKD PKICKH. Parties will find it to their advantage to cal nnd examine our stockand prices befoie pur haasing elsewhere. Holiest price paid for all k'.nds of Produce S. R0SINSIATT & CO. SSGAL rOTES GARDNER BROTHERS RE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dealers in I'ianos. (Jrtriuis. Sheet Music. Violins, Accordeons, llaruioniciins. and mu sical merchandise generally, Oakland, Califor nia, have recently opened a branch store in Sa lem, Oregon. GAFJFTFR BROTHERS Personally superintend their business In this State, as well as California, anil will be prompt in makiuu' l'ooiI all contracts. 0ARDSES BROTHERS Have already sold nearly two hundred instru ments in this .State. G ARDNER ER0THER3 Have four authorized agents sellin'.' from their house in this State, to-wit: A. ,. MOYK, Al- Is.ny; O. if. SLACK and FRANK U. MAY, Salem j E. A. HAIKU, Eugene City. GARDNER BROTHERS Piano has already beennm a favorite on the Coat. It is mode esiieeially for the tnele, and is adapted to the cliinute on this Coast, atid for remaining in tune. In its adaptation to the pallor there is none lietter. GARDrJZR BROTHERS Have wverol different manufacture of Organs, giving the public a variety to select from. GARDNER ER3THER3 Have ft first-class tuner in their employ. All orders attended to by addressing (iardner Drotliers, Salcin, Oregon. GARDNER BROTHERS Give a guarantee for five years, for all Pianw and Organs, if desired GAKDriER BROTHERS Pay their employes ft salary, not ft commission. GARDNER BROTHER 3 Would state, in answer to many iiHpy'ries, that their Jlranch House in Salem is ft perms nnt institution. Uct 27tf Administratrix Sale. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the nndersined administratrix of the etate of Ales, Renfrew, il.iwed, under am) by virtue of an or b-r of the Count jr Court of Iaiic Cjmntv. Stat of fh-eon. itulv rotul n.t i entered on the 11th div of January, Ul, will ,-11 to the highest bid.ier, t the ( ourt House ; An, in Eu 'ene Citv. oemtv and Stat afore- on Saturdnv. the 2T.i day of l s7H, ltween the hours of IU o'clock in the forenoon, and four o'clock in the afummn iA aid day, the following deiw-nl-i rremiiii be lonin to said estate to-wit: Tl wt half of lit No. 7, 'rf nmnty suney No. 117, aaid prop erty lieinif witliin the cori'Tate limiu of aaid Eugene Citv. T-rm, ra-h in hand. CATHARINE KENKKEW, Administratrix estate of A. Renfrew, dec. Jan. In, 1K7H St SIMON, SPRINGER & CO., -- Manufacturers and Dealers In SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS; IinHirtcrs ami Jobbers of German, French and English Window Glass, SASH WEIGHTS, CORDS AND PULLEYS, 41 FRONT STBIET, : : : : . PORTLAND, OUIGOH. 4 ' Orders from the Country promptly filled. "6 1 IS X O JL 3C j&. BEFORE PURCHASING, CO TO LI. PETERS & CO., Dealers in General Merchandise, and examine the Celebrated "WTIITE SEWING MACHINE, The. best and most complete of able Robinson & Church, DKAI.KKS IX tflELFS HEAVY HARDWARE IIAVK TIIK Bes! Selected Stock In Oitrom a H. FRIENDLY, HAS .1 UST OPENED l'OK Til E SI'KINU AND SU.M.MEIl TRADE The Largest Stock of Goods EVEU RROUHT TO EUliENE. OUR STOCK Oh' CLOT II I NG lrns lu'i'n hnxely increased and we can show a handsome a line of ready made (jooiln iu MEN'S AND ROYS' P.USINESS AND D II ESS SUITS As can be found in tlie country, and at prices that cannot fail to witi-fy. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT in well filled with ft splendid assortment of nil ltadiii),' tityles and fiiihisnable slunles of (;ooIh. EMPRESS CLOTHS, MOHAIR, and AMERICAN DRESS CiOODS, Plaid, Plain and 0ier Flannel of all colors, llleuclioil it Unbleached Cotton I'lun- Ladies' and Gonts' Undorwoar, SHAWLS and SCAHFS; OSKUISN & COS VTEW DRUG- STORE ON WILL-AM-J.1 etee Street, near Ninth, DRtl.Kitd IN DRUGS, . . CIIKMI0ALS, OILS, , I'AIKTS,' . GLASS, '' ' VARNISHES PATEMT MECICirJES, &c. Brandies. Wines and Liquorr OF ALL KINDS. In fact, we have the best assortment of articla found in FIRST CLASS DRUG 3T0RE. We warrant all our drugs, for they are new and Fresh. Particular attention is called to our Stuck of Perfumery and Toilet Articles. As wt bars boughl OURGOOIVSFOR CASn Ws can comiete with any establishment In Eu gene t.ity in price ami accommodation, liny your goods where you can gel . tiie best and cheapest. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY 1ILLED At all hours of the day or night. OSJIUKN A L OREGON" Steamship Company Will dispatch a steamer about every five days from Portland to San Francisco. For comfort, speed and safety, patronize the A 1, New Iron Kteamhis CEO. W. ELDER, Captain BLLI:n. City of Chester, Captain jtlACKIK. And the kew Iron SteAiwliiii, STATE OF OREGON. CAUTION. -Tills Is the only line t Running Mew Iron Steamships. t Tlds line Is tiie only one authorized To Carry the United States Mails and Wells, Fargo's Express. TJirough Coupon Tickets For aale at the office of the O. A C. R. It, Co., At Httdnrrd ICtr. For further particiil.irn spidy at the ofij' of the (.'oininy, fit of F and r'irt utrwts, Fort laud OK(. W. WKIULKK, dwl3f A-iit A W ELL IMPROVED FARM OF thre iV. hundred aud nxty aTe, 100 aomi cultivation; all under fence ami the nnprove meiits in if -sl ordr, wbkh we wi'l sell at a l'r';iin. and on the rooxt reaMmable tmiut. Sitoatl five niilmith of town, and has a find mrtranrf. for stock. Apply at this oibre. A - . ISflC jQc 23 353 2 all, and sold on the mot reason terms. HAVE FOR sale at the LOWEST I ill ted IKON, STEEL, AXES. ANVILS. NAILS, RURE Cublo Cliniim, (ilims, 1'utty, , Tiibl ennd 1'm-ket CUTI.KilY, 'JUNS, 1'ISTOI.S, AMMUNITION, AO Kiel' LTTIiAL ' IMPLEMENTS, ' IMustini; l'owder, (Tisliiiiu 'Inckle. Etc., Etc. Wej nvite au exam iiintioii of our goods, confident that our prices will suit the times. WOOL BLANKETS ALL COLORS. Trunks and Traveling Satchels. HATS AND CAPS iu the leading styles. OILCLOTHS for floor and table use. . ROOTS AND SHOES. Wo would eall niecial attention to our stock of Mens' and Hoys' .San Francisco Roots, ' Which we have sold for a number of years with great satisfaction. Every pair warrantud. A complete stock of HARDWARE, PLOWS AND FARM I NO UTENSILS. CHOICE TEAS, CANNED GOODS, Ami all choice FAMILY GROCERIES at astouishly low rates. LIVERPOOL & CARMEN ISLAND SALT. Uiglit'ut price for all kinds of produce and WOOL. . ii e i: i i:dba. OBTffl STABLE, Jas- Humphrey, Proprietor. . Lit i:hy atvu vr.v.o staulv, WilliimeHc Street, i Eugene City. TEAMS AND HUGGIES AND SADDLE HORSES TO HIRE. Horses lioarded by the day, wejt or mouth upon the most reanoiiuble terins. May l'J:t, . BAKER'S A,SALOONI One Door North of the St.Charles Hotel, Willamette St, trigone t'lly. Keeps always on hand a choice assortment of WIJVKX, AND CIOAItS. -ALSO A- First-Class Billiartf Tabic. n. it. hakicu. SADDLERY. ) Saddle & Harness hop ONE DOOR NORTH OF DUNN & STKATTON'S, Willamrtta Streot, Eucno City, Ogr. C'au be had everything usually kept in a Well regulated HARN3i:8S SHOP mo unn uio ivii.ii in iiiubfiuti, anu im our work Well. Coma and Ht iim lH-fura iiircliiiiinL' Wm !.- Hli'U'M .. 1...J..1 1 .!.. elm-wln're. While our linrnetui cannot be excelled, apecU attention in call d to OUR SADDLES. The LA KIN treo is acknowledged the bent on the 'coast, ami when rijjed by ourselves, (rives entire sati faction; huvijig the three re quisites, beauty, durability aud comfort. PRODUCE TAKEN LAKlii & ROCHET. RJIOTOGRAPIIS! J. A. WINTER Milken all strbn of ' riCTt'RE, l'HOTOORARllS,' OEM?, REMURANT.S, And the new style "Oil Photo Miniatti e." Pictures eularued to any size and painted, or retoucheil, janl'Af FINAL KiriTIXJIFAT. rOTirE IS HEREBY CIVEN THAT i.1 I. M. Ridon. administrator of the es tate of Enoch Smith, ihwaed, has fileil his final account in the County Court of the SUte of Ont,on for I.ane cnnntv for final settlement of aid est.'lt, and that .fonday, the 4th day of March, 1M7H, aiky of trm of said Court, has n appointed by order of the Court for exam ination and lo'arin of objiH-tioin ti such final acenunt and the iiettleineiit thereof. liv order of tiie Court, dated Jan. 7, IS?!. &nil4 1). M. RIS1M)N, AdminUrator. 4 C 1. all kinds at iiuiile fi:rirf Hv T. U. HENDRICKS.