A Good Coon-dog. Gabo took a wtitewaiiriing conimci iwuvk or two of and agreed to re reive part pay a dog, ft Pp. wfiicli iti owner said, could ouil'Uii'. any dogonearlb. -,- "Am it goo.l on do possum? asked Gabe. . " PoMomr was the reply; ,7B- just try that dog on a possum or coon either and ace." "Di-P d contrsck may be 'aidered Milled," said Gabe, and he went to work, finished tlie job, received the dog, and yesterday, aa there wa no oburch at Gabe place of worship, he took the pup and went to try . Thia morning wUn the man who formerly owned the dog came out of the front door just after breaklait, he found Gabe aeated on the aidewalk, the dog, with him. Hello, Gabe," aaid the gentleman. 'Mornin', ah," replied Gabe, "lee lolched de dog bnek, sah." 'What' the matter V "Oh, nullin. I doean't think I kin 'ford to keep him." "Why, isn't ho a good dog ?" "Good nurTfor de kiiie but it aran't my lino. You iay be am a good cooodog ?" "Ccttaiiily." . "Well, you aee, him and me went huntiu' ce coon last uight, and finally be raise a tremenjue ruckel at a troe, nn' I think he got a coon dead ahuab. What you think I find!" "WlatV" "Nuflin. Den ho barked op anoder tree. What you think dia time?" "A coon ?" "Same aa afore. Don de- dog jte' went crnzy roun' annoder tree an' I link mebbe I didn't v.-stigate the odder onea 'miff, ao I climed up dia one and Icok'all rouu', and de dog ho fly aroun' like a mule in a hailstorm. 1 1 i nk mebbe ita possum, and I took a dead limb an' I tlira.lied away. What you link I find r" "Nothing again J" Mistake again I When I pick my aclf ud offn de croun dur waa about ,. . . . i i i .... V. A . fjtity hornet lakin' de teneue Ob de olo mntf body, an i neuuer leu ao 'ligioua in my lite aa I did jce' 'bout dat time, biit I didn't liab time to alon an' Dray, a 1 thought it waa necessary for de ole man to git back to da house, an' I took a good many callers wid me what wasn't inwited, an' de olo woman 'an Tilly, an de boy won' t be out for a week." 'But what became of the dog?" "Oh, ho war buulin !" ' "He did hunt, did be?" "Yei tar, dat'a what aaved him." "What did ho find?" "Foun' a hole under de barn whar I couldn't git him. I don't apeo I kin all'oid to keep do 'dog, auh, an' I came to ax dat de contrax might bo rewoked." Keokuk (Iowa) Coua;i tution, Old Itun WbiIm mvtf 1 1 1 f . it fmti vaara henuo the people waul Grant aa the presidential candidate be knowa of no reason why he could not cordially support )ii in; and ot Ilnyeahe remark tual ho waa never More to mistaken in a public man. He thought him honest but he thinks so no longer, he even thought that the) people desired him as their candidate, out is of quite a different opinion now. Why doesn't Mr. Wade go a little further and tell, nhal hbliiows to be the truth, thai whether the peoplo deaired Hayes or not, ihry never elected him? nks the M. Louis limes. Tho Atlanta Constitution says: The Hepublloan Seuutuis were of course equal to tho task of watiug even Kel logg, tho vilest as well as the last ol his tribe. They have eated him, but they can not keep him in a Senatorial eeal for six years. As soon as the Sen ate meets alter the 4th ol Mauli, 1879, Kellogg's term will 'bo sum mnrily ended. He will dw-'"'" te kicked (,'' record a it exists. No witnesses will be needed. Wo can stand fifteen months ol Kellogg, when we van see an end ol him and ol carpet baggery thiouithout tho couu :rt. FOX THE KPUIN'O Jt SUMMEll TJtADKJ IKE KE0 tu lufeni Mr IrieaJ and the paMie ' ' iwSmiM iimh Jtl wt. fra rraaunw4 Um aatura auukeu AN IMMENSE STOCK "a). Of GROCERIES, , HAR ARE, DRY-G.OODS, FANCY. - GOODS OTOXSL CLOTSKJ, FUruVlSItlXG GOODS, HATS AND CAW, BOOTS AND SHOES, Clocks, Paints, Oils, Etc., ReWted by our MB. & whLk offer at HKDUCKO TKICiCB. Partis will tad it to tfceb- advrdita U ea! I ad eumin sur (lock and prior, befn chatiag eUrwher. . I I Ilighert price paid for all tnd of Prodoce S. ROSINBLATT & C?. r ACCLLE Vicov.1 .v. u J tml kr ttii. .'.t.l I t. ii. hex dricxsl TAKE NOTICE! MRS. II. A. MOORE'S Scientific HAIR PROOUOER! Mr H. A. Moor,. would announo to th Ladie ud Gentlemen, who deir tb pertonal adornment of (In luii of Hair, tbt h ha K touted her celebrated Hair Keatorar, which i now been Wore the public for a tpae of two yean, and hu in every inatanc jriven en tfrMtiifactkro a to wht H promiaa. Jo miberal or dauwintf aubatanoe 1 lined ill tliii la-epai-ation, and-it is .wantoed to P"'" hair falling out after four application. Well- known cue of longstanding domu been uccfully treated (a per tettimnnialt in rcy poaieuinn). It will product a full Bowing crap of hair on all stage of baldneai, own to It mott pronounced itaU. It will prevent hair from turning gray. .. .. tn. Preparation forwards to all part of the country. ONI BOTTLE, 4; or, THKEE BOTTI.E8. SlO. AddreM, MRS. K. A. MOORE, 1008i, MARKET 8TKEET, Ban Francitco, Califurnla. ACJENTW WANTED. pott UK.IKKtL JQEHCHANDUBHo T.C. HENDRICKS, I'HY IT I THK T (I. HKMMIIl'KS BRAND of SO A P. For tele only br T. 0. llENPMCKH. I Snia hand and machin made Boot and Shoe. A new lot direct fmra factory. 8. 1L FRIENDLY A Great Bargain. In iy ACRE9 OF LAND. 75 ACRES ill of it trood grain land, 8 ton timothy hay, 25 acne of good grain, 12 head of cattle, 5 head of theep, 20 head of hoirt, all for IS lluudreu Dollars. Liberal iermt. Call oon or mitt a bargain, situated at the mouth of Camp Creek, 8 mile eattof Spring field, Lao county, Oregon. O. R. HAMMERSLY. U not easily earned in the time, but it can be mad in three month by any on of either let, in auy part of the country who it willing to work iteadily at the employment that w furnib. ttitj ver week in your own town. Yon need not be away from home over nwht You can give your whole tim to the work, or only your Hire moment. We have agent who are making over 120 per day. All who engage at onoe can make money (tut At the prevent time money cannot be mule ao eaily and rapidly at any other buaine. It cou nothing to try the but inert. Term and (5 Outfit free. Addreu at inert. I arm ana .i vumi ire, wmm onoe( jx ukUm & Co., Portland, Main. Great chance to rnnke money, If you can't get gold you can get greenback. Wt need a perton In every town to take iincrip- tion for the largeit, cheapeit and beet Illuitrated family publication in the world. Any on can become a tuccewf ul agent. Th moet elegant work of art given free to ubtcriber. The pricito low that almoit everybody luWcribe. On agent report ma king 1150 in a week. A lady agent report taking over 400 ubacriber in ten day. All who engag make money faL You can devote all your tim to the biuineu, or only your ipare tim. You need not be away from tiome over night You can do it a wall m other. Full particular, direction and term free. Elegant and txpentive Outht free. If you want profit able work tend n vmir addreu at one. It coeti nothing to try the buiinea. No on who engage fail to make great imv. Addreai "The People' Journal," Portland, Maine. aeg-ly , 1'OHTLAIND CANDY FACTORY mHE undersigned take pleasure to announce to their patrons and deal ers in general that they have lately largely increased their factory and are now prepared to furnish aa good an as sortment In their line as any house on the Coast. Special Inducements to cash custo mers. A LI SKY & HEGELrT. P. O, Bos 01. 10 riral Street. Partorr on Aider Street, between Flral aud Second fclreett, rorllaml, Or egoti, Ktm Ayer's , Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agrooablc, healthy, and ef fectual for pre a erring the hair. Fadtdor gray hair it toon tutored to iVi original color, rith the glou and fittJintit of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair cheeked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Noth ing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glanda atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by thia application. Instead of foul ing the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Ita occasional use will prevent the hair ' from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldnens, J;ree front those deleterious substances which make some preparations dan gerous, and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for A HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found ao desir able. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not aoilVbito cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustra and a gratefai penume. i if JVeparci by Dr. J. C Ayer & Qo. rra! J AMlyttml Clfs ' jiwELL, MASS. , ELLSWORTH & CO.. IDKUGGIPT8, ll-lLLlWiTm-KTHE BMLMSSui til tU braachM at th aid A lurrtaaed tadnotiKat to evstosam. U ul B("r. A beretofor, th ajott Careful ittentionpvcn to Prwrptions. ill MARK THESE FACTS TlIZTZSTIi!O!JT0y TEE WE0L2J HOLLOVAY'O PILLS It tli roffering ditraeed read th following. Ie .11 irKn have been given up doctor, and poken of incurable, read the following. Let all who can believe., fart and can bar faith in evidence read th following. . Know all men by the preDt. that on this th 20th day of June, A. I. WW, penonally came Joaeph Haydock. to known a uch, and being duly iworn depoed at (nllow! That h b th tole general agent for th I nited HUte and defendencie thereof for preparation or medicine known at Dr. HolWay Pul ank ointment, and that the following certificate an rerbatim ooplea to th beat of hi knowl edge and belief. JAMES 8MIETHE, 14 Wall trt, Jfew York. Da. Houowr-I Ukt my pea to wriU yoa of ay rrcat relief and that tb tiui paia la bit no u .n m. .i 1.- iK.i.k, to voar Dill. Oh. Doctor, hw thukfnl I am that I ean et turn tleep 1 a aevtr wnu It eoou-h. I thnk yoa ia iv1 araia, and am tui tluU yon art really th rhead of all tuf- Itreri. 1 eoul'l aot be P wnuna- vt jm.mwimiy ,oa will autUk.it ami-. J AME8 MY KU8 II Avenae D. Thiaittoetrtirrthatlwu dlwharf! from the army witaearoaieoiarrliata, asa aav nnrara by Dr. flollow't Pill. WILSON HARVEY. w lor, April 7, iw. ti rn r... The following it aa interetling rate of a nan env lorl ma inm fonndrv, who, la poorinf melted rna into a Suk that ni wet. eauttd aa pluion. The maltefl I run wa throw iroaiid and na him in a pertot tbovtr, n1 be wt draadfBlly bntntd. Th fi4lowiof ewrtinVsU wu nva tu mt by hi about S wteki after tL aeeideat: Xrw Voai, Jtn. II, lTi. My Bmt it Jacob Hardf; I am iroa fonaJei? I wa Wily Imra b)r but irua ra Novembtr Iwt i my barn btaitd. hot I bad t runninr tor ua my lef that would aot heal. I tried Uolloway' OiDtmeat, and iteurejlny id a few week. 'Hi laalltru ndanybodj can r m at JekoB't Iroa work. U Avtaoe. J. HARDY, 11 Ooercb ttreet. KXTBACT raOM TIBIOCt LBTTn. "I had BoppttiU; flulloway' Pill at I a hearty one." " Your Pill at marrelloa." "I end fur otber bus Bad keep them in tb houe." ' Dr. Hollowty eared my beadacb that wa ebmnie." 'I gav on of your Pillt to my hah tor cholera morbua. The dear little thia; got well ra a day." "My naoteaof a murainf M bow eared." 'Yiwr b uf HullowBjr't Ointment eared me of oniw in th head. I rubbed torn of your tiintmeut behind the rare and the bom ha left." "Head m two uoxe, I want on lor a poor fami ly." "I eneloat a dollar, yosi priee i U eeata, bat the meliriDe tn at I worth a dullsr." "8ead me five boar of your Pill." "!t me hurt Ave boieiuf your PilU by return mail, for I Ml nd Few." 1 have over w ucb reatimoniala, bat want of tpact compel dm to conclude." FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS And til eruption of th tkm; thia Ointment I in Valuible. It do nut heal eilernally alone, but penetrate with the moat Marching effect to the very root of the evil. HOLLOWAV'8 PILLS Invariably ear th following diteate : D180RDERB OF TBI KIDNEYS. 1 all dittatta atTarting the drffant, whether they tecrete too mwh or too littl wter; or whether tbey tie afttHted with ton or travel, or with he or pitin ettlel in the loin vver the re gion uf the krin;. the Pillloald b ttken ae oording to the pnuted direction, and th iutment houl l be well rubbed into the tmall of tb back at bed time. hi treatment will give almoit immedi ate relief when all otbar mean have failed. FOR STOMACHS OUT OP ORDER. No meideine will ao effecttullv improve the tone of the tomwb an the Pill ; tbey remove all aridi ty, oecuioned either by inleiuptimii-t or impn.per diet. I hey reach tb hvr u I rrtoi It to a heal thy artiou ; they are woniieifully effi'wiuu in em of tpaim in laet uey never nil in euimg all 0 Mur der of th liver and atomarh. IIoIIowbt' Pill are the bet remedy known in tlie worm lor tne miiowido; oihkim: Ague, Aithm, Diliou compUint, lilutehe on the tkm, Howti ramplainta.Cnlii, Donntipntio of tlx iwl. Cob umption, lability. Irorv, D)tenUry. Ei yupel, Kemal Irrarulsi itiea. Fever of all UmU. Pit. Oout, HewWht, iBdigeatiuo, InBamathn, Jaun dice, Liver eonipUinta, lmbfto, i'ile, RUeum. tiam, Retention of Urine, Dcrotula or Kin Evil, sore I nraau, btoae a uravel, rieeondarT MrmtrrM . 'rw-Douloareiu, 'inmur, Vleert, Ymentl Affer. tion, Wtitu f all kind, Wtakdeat torn any IMPORTANT CAUTION'.'. None are genuine unlet th tiiroaiurt of J. Kit noca, at ateut for tb United Sitc,nrruBn1eirb boa uf Till tad Ointment. A haadMoit imvl will oemveainanvon renotnng men Inrnripaliou at may lead to the iltteetion ol any part, r rjortie eownrerrviiinr ui m.iiein, or veauiag the tauw knowine tliern to be ipuriuu. 8i1iIbI tlie muufarti,ryof PrufeMorllnLLoWAT t to., New York, tod by all SriperUble Diuirriita ad lienleit ia Medicine thrmiKhout the '-mlBi-d world, la bot at ii mu, K eeatt tad f ei. h Cr 'liter itonidenibr tavmg by Ukia th jaiirer sue. m N, B -Direction tnr the guidaac of pitiontt in every diturder ar amxMt to each box. $18.-SEra MACHINS -$13.J THE jilOST WONDERFUL ' AXD THE BtST. IIIGIIESTAWARDS ar tu ' CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION! Diplomas, Prize Medals, etc. AHHsr-CLAbSIXILOI.F-D SEWING 171 A IIIilE ' , WIT TABLE AND TREADLE. OXLY EIUHTECX DOLLARS! The m.t Bimjlend Comrw t: Th m.t DnraM tnd 1-AH.iiomlcnl ! I A mudol ut cuubmed btmplicitT. btrt-nirth and Beautrl I I . New and Numenmi IVtentel Attachment No eumli,t4 M-biiMy to b eunUh(lr get tilif out iifonler. N euar to learn that a child can ran It, will do alt Jin It of N-winir. lnm the Bnett to th euaraeat, will Hem, Fell. Twk. HrKl. (Wtd. i..ilw- k..i.i.. Ul uir wlr-iliutin atraurlit Bll .11 A .J tllM of (VitLm. bilk Uli TtnaJ U.kl .1.- t Mitch kauwn, th elutb will lew before jb .J, .... .w.uiiti nireci rrom tlM tponl. The machine i bwutUuliy Umahed tad hvhir orna airaud.aad 7 WABRANTED FOa TIVE YEAHS. CAUTION. " PW!,M U-ejod aot U eatka, deal in ot "lT1"? M""M" "hi' " ith oarnee.il, KtHTtif thtthav the new ltBtrVlf-ced Attachment. BBlet tlx mm n nirrhd fnaa tha Compnf,ur their Agent or Ucenae. nd tUnirwd uader our patrnL llewnr of wurthleat Imiutwoa and aiurrupaloa pvtre who have copied uur ,.-lar, a IvertwmenU, etc.. and l.y obli th aiM-hin eaurufietaiwd be a. The wonder i bow tu rl a alarbin can be arid t ao low a prtc."OI.be W bav aa lb Uaehia and eoaaalet it ant-; bu in every rprV'-I raaaonpt. iBdea aAUMMi itteour iwdeia.',-)krhta "fb Machia anind aafelr, w u mar than Pleated w ith it I it d,a all yuw tUim f,.rj tad mora. Wttball cakV tb attrntiua of rdra to it."-t. leui t'briatiaa. "Atbru,blTepoBibl. Coapay. pmw.pt la all their dealt , .d mm that w bb Mtml to arriattrt."-ANtw Yark. Samnl MacbiM with Tabkt aal Tread) kr wanled to aa7 part of lb W arid aa reeetpt Of EIGHTEEN DOLURS. -P, l" lKtwxmBU t male and BMial aawau,ttor kevpora, a, locate rarbm rBart Bwaai fiv. tpe of wwmw, de anptiv otrmbv, auiait Wrwu. wMuBohaaki a tnvme, ., Ml f,M. Ail BKiarr arm n oM fcMly taraia. baf deUvwry at oar ffmaraa- " JI ro-a. Mataakatiuiia, etc. u b ad. wawu Mew reorlea Iknziictri Co.. flyTTMr M0 MP Aniladelyaia, fv ASTOR HOUSE, EUGENE CITY, : : OREGON ? ST. DI BOIS. rrrrUtr. Foruatrly tf St. Cauauta Horn, Aiaast. fJHWHOpl WILL HFJLaUmSBK n!tST nJFS HOTEL I ...I.. G.ld, oUeiTiy worn in ?k. M diTred lln 1170 by tb . .TJCi.'.r. b. Be Lairrew. who manufactured it into jewelry, and for ave r Jd it t. . r.. . , p . ii limld . Ia the letdiB. Jeweler, ol : Parw i for ' f" " muahtetanag ."--JTJ .7limm4 Watelie.. With th- immeaM eapiUl,.Bd imSj maaaer, birVpnt ap oaorted tun pie lot a five. , below, wrurh w. will tell at HCBIS) Utem-lieal-e n-lll Jm7 1M, llli. Beadtbelitt. 60-CENT LOT. . I 3.00 LOT. 1 Mpn 121 XV:,l Sieiv. Butuitieil pric n W-.-l. nrM rmlr On atone bet Beai f Pin " One t ISI Spiral fhirt MtuU, " Oae improvl thipe Collar Button, Ob, heavy pUin Wedding Ring, " i .. . . m m .I ;iKm SO Total .iV -...- H For M emu w will trad abov til arklee pott raud. $1.00 LOT. On pair Rleev Bottona, ton Mtting. On H IS) spiral bbirt Stud. On heavy land F-mmewment Ring. Use tet It) Enraved Bracelet. One Iall' Long Guard or Neck Chain. One engraved Miniature ticket, for the abort. One Oenft Heavy Link Watch Chain. One Lake George Diamond Mud. $2.00 LOT. On Ladiea'Nerk Chain and Charm. On Ladie' Heavy Guard Chain for Watch. me art Pro and Ear Binr. Amethytt. On extra floe Miniature Locket, One Cameo beat King. On very bevy Wedding or Pjiinirement Ring, On Gent' heavy Witch Chaia with Charm. On pair Pearl Inlaid Sleev buttona. On Lak Ueurge Clutter Pin On pair li) heavy ban I Bracelet. K) i.. ..ii mm ,.i tli articlaa in each samnle lot th I. fnr .,;mnla. our SI 00 lot retail foi S 10 00 A SOLID ROMAINE GOLD HUNTING-CASE WATCH FREE, To any one tending u an order for th nbov will lend t Kfcfc on Solid riomain uom jiumuig-va .o, v. i ' "...i.. l t.rr, Inck Mnalleaa well a a 8100 eold watch. Br mail Ti5 "oa" TU U iini ;tlr i. XGESTS, and UVorth . trial, ia the waXalon. willaeUor trade readily for from $20 00 to ;0 00. Gent.' or L-die.' Wntch alone, $7 00 or $8 00, with a Heavy Gent Gold Pattern Vert Chain and Charm, or Ladie Opera Chain with tlidt and taaael. ' ..... ' a- a- a it a- it . T.i. nnlv hnbla irnnd until Jan. lit. 1878. After that time we thall tell only to Jobber and Whole de Jen, and any on wiahing- our good will then bav to pay full retail price. ' Rumainc Gold U th Dert, and, in fact, th onlr imitation of genuine gold made, being the tame ia weigl t, color and BnUh, and all our good are mad in th latatt gold pattern.. W ill guarantee atifaction in every inttanee, or refund money. Send money by P. 0., Money Order, or Regittered letter, AT OUR RISK. o ,-ood ent C. O. D. unlet at leatt $5 00 aocompaniet th order. Addreu plainly, W. F. EYANS & CO., Sole Agt's for U. S., and Canada, tS t 07 Sonth Clark Street, Chlesii;, Illlaolsw WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL DEALER IN First-ClaSS PamilV Groceries . . CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Notions, Crockery and Willow Ware ALSO FINK WINES AND LIQUOKS For medical and family uaea. And everything tlie o tally kept ia a Flrtt Ckua FAMILY QJIOCERY STORE 1 beg leave to inform the eititeni of Eugene and the turroutt'liug conutrv that I have fneilitie to tel ;hpr than uuy other Itouae thi tui of 1'ortUud Frvali miii!iei r"-eivHl wtN-kly, 4M tlo. varv .wat onalitiaaoMLT. My motto ia .. . a a bmall frOQtS ana UUICK saiPS ,r Mjlnn your iiutiinatv n, but vaa Plraae nil and Intra my price befor puiiWw vauroqrl of tlie bvneticial.retuitaed' Via trcnluaat elwwbw. .iO'l1;fort Tonr ciure ia bevond the ivw Biedital S. r5T,MNMIKI.KI:r;i,)kill,-rlriri)'riind'eath hurric ywa to a rre Villfitte SlprH, Kligfti t,(llt-.'.nvxViiwfrav. Full crmr' of treafaneiit $1 Caah raid for Iiaoon and Kafir. rj. , Goods Delivered to all Parts'of the City FUKKPffCHAMiK.' SEWING MACHINES ra uix vsoitsiij in ims, at ic-ica nuia Tit best and lttatt ifflprtrti for ayary rarittj f work, iseladlBf TIIEFLOflEfJCE, M lonf tha letdinf Tamlly Sew UUr Machilia on tha Pacifln rnut. i. ita Buparior qnsiitiaa art toe will -auiBwn vg i-iqaiyt inruu rtjOOB. mendatlon. THE NEW WHITE tt. bt stnlght aMdlo Ktehlnt ia tna market, has a jrwtt deal of room under the ana, u Ten lia-ht-ranning; lad substantial FLORENCE COU Oil STOVES roiooomoAis EtiTna, Persona desiring busest, deal era, and all others wishing 8ewina; Kachinea either ' for Cash or ca Installfflenta, ahoold tend for eir eolan and tarms to SAMUEL HILL. Ne. 19 few MoatgssMry street, aur rauiasco, Dberal prices allowed for old machines ia exchange lor aew. . JOHNSON'S Coimiicrcinl " College, lit k ill .1. THIRD SHEET, lit BiiUiij Sostk f th Port Ofiot, ST. LOriS. Open Day and Night all the year. All of th Branch ol a Kaaiuaa 1LMiM toufht. ladeptadeat SeparttMat for th XnglUk Braarhea. Mifb bfc. thematic, Oman and Duration. Phonography taaght ntttoaally ur pat Bail. For a Full Course of Double Entry Book-keeping in all ita forma with Commercial Cor respondence ...... $20.00 For a Full Cornmeroi.il Course, embracing all the branches of a 1'raetkal Businesa Education ; uftj Scliolarnliip ... $50,00 tbowjud mtmtoJomiM wV seaiama aaoat au laauactaaa. Foe eirrwUr givia tall tafoeatatica eomroruint tiMUeoaru board, roar if raauwruoa, K., ma'W TT. JOJJXSQS, 2L ' Crt THIS ADTERTIStMEKT OFT. nilfraiajojBj a T iieuuvt ant m tw . AinvnO aoiaadns yjo J338 J30VT "T" n rr riwti mm t wi 'nana i, svinxvn JIIIMI!! ISIS, when bit nerof Became ttuwa, von ' '"i;:. nitU of tit.oM.oOO tor tb porpot d ladi' Opera Guard Chain. On. UMetM i. and 'Jrom. MWntifnl In-hM rnrmTlia . pair Band HraeeleU. Oae Gent Twiat Link Veat Chain and Cham. One cair Onva Sleeve Buttont. One art I J) Onyx Shirt Stud. On new improved collar Button. On extra eat Cameo 8 al King. On Arttona Solitaire Stud. One eet Amethytt or Topai Pin or Ear Drop. On lAdiea' Chemit Button. One Plain Ring, ttamped IS K. t $5.00 LOT. ' lOn Ladie' .Opera Chain, with tlide and taaael, iretail pric Si SO.) On Genu' heavy Watch Chain, with Curb ehara (retail pri" ti 00.) On Ladie' heavy long Neck Chain. One elegant Chaacd Miniature Locket for abov, On eet Cameo Medaliun Pin and Ear Drop. On pair It) heavy Cbod Band Bracelet, One Gent' Solitaire Diamond Stud. On Gent t Clutter Diamond Pin. On pair Amethytt or Onx Sleeve Batton. (me aet IS) Stud to match the above. One elegant heavy aet Cameo Seal Ring. One Maniv land or Wedding Ring. One new "patent" Collar Button. On Ladie' Cbemi Battua. 0 Amethyst or Tonal Ring, lextra Anna), ot amounte to exactly ten time tb p.ic w aak for : our 5 00 lot fur M 00. lota by exprea to the amount of $15 00, we Young Men Who mav be ufferinir from th effect of youth' ful follie or indiscretion, will do well to avail ithmelve of thi, th greatest boon verlaid at the altar of lutfenni uffering humanity. DR. SPIN NEY will mi&rantee to forfeit $600 to any caw teminal weakne. or private diteate of any kind or character whitfh he undertake and fail to cure. H would therefor aay to th unfortu nate tufferer who may read thi notice, that yon ar trebling ou danceroua ground when you longer delay in weking the- proper remedy for your complaint You may be in the first itagr; remember that you ar apuroacliiiig the loit. If you are bordering upon the bit, and are mif fenng ome or all ita ill etfecta, iciucniber tli.it if you persist in procraatiiiatfhn thu time nawt come wnen the most tKiliiiii piiyicio can rcn ler von no asitaince: when tlie d;r f l:"le! iwilll-cWJijfiat voirt'wha. :m annl W. MlWfM kf fit! ytKjLMj no relief, W w ild ot tucoom. inert let ot hrl- .-cnn ui'netv uy pwnmT .fnu-r iw cAirrrro, wuu full ile4cr.ition of rate, '.all on r allrea I UK. A. II. M'l.M-.l, 1 Kearney ttreet. San Kmntiiico. tUSENt CITY:. KILLS. TIIK UXDEIlSIUNtl) I.U; LEAVK To infonn tlie public that they lav leaned the EL'UKNE CITY MILLS for a term of yea.., aud ar ii. iw prepared to dn a general Milling Butir ah. Will receive wheat on itorage on fa vorable terms, anil will make liberal term to hnn'trw who drtire to grind their own w heat. Will at all time keep on hand for aula FLOUR and ALL KINDS OF MILL FEED, and pay th Highest Cash Price for Wheat A th are of th patronage reapectfulV aolicit ed. (oc7 PATTERSON 4 EDKIS Carding and Spinning. BUSINESS CHANGE. mHE YAIIX MILL OF THIS CITY X lately run under the name ot Irving ft Co. will in future be run under the name of '.Alliam Skelton. Having rebuilt and enlarged the mill 1 will now he able to aupplv all order ent runt ed to my care. WM. SKELTON Lii.'ene, April 16, 1877. r GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. Aa Local Skin Dimsist ' ritkUMEMTLy BlAUTiriU THI Counxxton, PaarutTS amo Rxarx. Dili RmUMATlIM AND GOUT, Hbau Soais AND Injduu OF THI CVTKXt, AND ta a Rxuajlx Disinfectant, This popular and ineT pen live remedy aecornpliahe the IAMI SISltTI as costlt Soirtrca Batrs, sine it rta. MaNINTIT BIMOTU ElUFTIONS and laaiTAnoNS of th Skia. Comfuxional Buhnsms art ii. ways obviated br its use, and it readers tb catide woodrouily fair and imoota. Soaai, SrsAiNa, Bruise, Scalds, BuaNt, ud Cots are srttDiir hialed by it, and it prevent and rtmcdie Goat and Rheumatism. It buiotxs Danbicff, trti)tlns She roots ef the Hair, and preterm rts youthful color. As a Disinfictaiit of Uotbiaf and Uaea lied ia the tick room, and as a PaortCTiON agaiaat Contagious Diseasu it is incqualcd. Phyiidaiu evphatkall endorw it Prkn-SS and SO Cnts ptr Cakt; prBcx(3Caktsh 60c end 11.20. KaSftl.UFtptMfrtt-tM, s na. rraa hw aKb Cak. nui Kin mnzixuvzx,9 lttluww.MfWti, . aCrlttaUi,lj1r,:SilT.Il. QCBaUKSlhtl kewpaa a Mot GEOCntlKS i PE0V1SI0XS Aad neita fe Wettioo of tcfoenan. PROPIUEfAUi' tVexiO DB. CDANDI.EIly F.R.S.A., jta prcMicum to . Caorr' d $. " m,m , Hotpitik. keadoei ( ur t . Iti. UutcMtha. to. . . j prr aHNirw f fM " wtaw e& B.laa i, mftir ttt emlmnt f 'Ma. nterlr - At or a. ' aa rr r a tut) w'wpcr, y, ... . u w ' iT.t '.(ed U lt lmi U,Hm,nll; th, ...lli-Metl .-r r .f lit. MM '.lr reewl rwltr? 4 tenefi, tViMt lt- .ntMeI Mr, . ) S'eia ZZSlilu, whU ft.. e.M .rtjrci hp M SlMl MttlWM JlhytMlMMJ M iM4M. THE viSEFUL eqyptiam mmumi. IIJEMAU. iMJat imdhmmtiMtrmbt' nrrTTTtATTTK m HZrtul AlrrATTre, SUM, vkmd'uiA iiioHtnt:, mudAvr.Ki.- si iMiM" r: ; it, ftinw I rlt tMi. mU te. of He. inert. (., t wroeJMef. pt tred from rrui, iZZmUatiri'roriiue., mnd wher then ia turn aitfM'aav . J ----- - U li near -if; it ni.-O . iarMO-lb f'u tnetriMiit tkm htn, -ellina i throuuh. IA enon- oint rfi their prop rmal mnd frnMU-nal n. " L.tUl miima it. tf ii ttla. aUuMret riMr " arv.-r - lie yretirlln ,WMI infit m( WMfjMearwn- mrnneee thut ImmI ( (Al If-r4e .jfiirlte, f mhith mU MU4 emmvm.ie mrm wwittaatiil. ff iUUii Truth tu .t'erl 7tM tki "him ( th father thmll trlU Mi thlr mnd fourth men. rUem, mnd t 71 JfOKEA-.W X 1 If MwrMl rrjfnmler, emuung th rrca V( mm i wrt fa mm the Cd-lihm 'roVcvTAKtoraBtJirAir'. niir- AJtT DISOttUBUS, lOSSXIfAIlOM OB tttMfLAISn.OKSUtAhASU Ki XT. OVB DKHILlXr, BUMS MAXISM, eiANUVLAlt XHlAOHMMhXS.KtI. ApfMvrnxa or xur. sohrs. moo- XBXT VLCBBB, tf MM ALE tOX riAlNT$ (mnd f th fntUr m it is m hm htrnrn tmmaht forhy rnMti-eer.nyrf IISI, deiiomf Pmmt, m it tmhe dlreit metlem upem their miintenU) AM All TOMMBOf CHRONIC DIBMABMT IN WHICH TVS BLOOD1B TUB BEAT Or XHM TBOIinlC. it i tnwmlnmblt. A. ammraM with thi remedy wit frym irmnrrKBBT:.,rA7Ar. MtZmnT.'THnimlAUt th. truth f thee elnim: 1-riee, On DoUmr, in. Urge, UitU, f tim hotut $5. mmmt DYSPEPSIA. GASTKO. n.tllTItOVt m t", ineerfw, ci'f jal- Mm . f.trtltat mt devr-emi? - muHle.mndnbri' ftemreocf'remtuinnttrut restore th dluerttr? orynwt tu tiwf pr e- iruttoroVr-Trt..". irritneUt t of liierniv ernd . . hio'iuIha at arcnl ufl I. TV. a. tpetdii rnwwJf mm iht mvrnt. Tm elunuuh U restored Ur he-iHh mnd the mmtomf th ntetem will -tm reey 4m tlte Mrantutr. of Lf-ar. friee, Oit UMai; i large hoMe, mf is battle, B3. . , TJ1ACIIEOV. A 'tight f-emllet eoH wflt efttimem text to u upku evngl, r.iei, i,eanf . .,. badltf t re ted, touet reHft ff nut) erontumt in m oeet.eil onm f ttUOKf MTlBt or tehmt U rv-.. lorifly MS SUM tliOy. 'I oH euferirf from hmroeeme? cufM al trrirn.i.r.c , TUAI-UI-OS olfer m eenr.it, rltle. ir.iU vrrwtutMitl relief. It muymm'e expte -raliau, mm 4 aiiMfcic fi.e iiiiI kI t irft tluei terrill- eeplU deposit, trklrh. if i'(t trifaaut Judicium trmtn-nt, mm rr natiettt tt poieon to the eeeienlter o-o. etmur of tho Imna, drffenrrnlitfj mnd -gtroplnm thnt most ootent 1.1 ' art.". mnd ultimate .mIm in mn tmrly mnd hh fiaaety Otlt. IK AC U ION hm mm oonot, km l uprlor,mnd it mm will ret Mir rmoo iho deposit, thorohu mfordimm mrrea relief, imu m wtMiraaa fMI ses the patient in possession ef A.Jia.r I. HO fiMMe jTtc, nti, hettlt; $3-60. y CuU per oottn, mm mm PILES. Hemorrhoids. piLoar. Xanpeeuoe tend to pre dues fills potek ful mod dtstmsinm stale. Xh hlood im rotmrdrd in it return t th torn fremueut use of mrnttt pnraauwe tenme r trtttrt caiafcaf iaat Cko towels, torpid .cfra th liver, mnd numerous other omueee mrm iho tnurem of this complaint, mnd hilherlm nothing effectual ho keen preemied -Im tue public, which would rapidly mlteoiatm symptom mnd ultimately prooo mn egeet ive (Mr. Ii flLON wo hmm remedy which not .nly ! almost instantly, hut wUlrmoothlaraet tumor mf th pari (fix) hy eihsorption, mnd many whm ham reerired not only henefit, hut harm been radically cured, har keen assured (prihr tm using thi treatment) hy emi nent snraeons that th ney relief they ever enuli expect im Uf, rttfJ ho by ten. operation, mnd remtming it or them from, tho body by m procedure which necessitat ed the hife. This remedy hue been hoiled with delight, and is now proetribtd by many practising physicians, whm ar uisant f it merits, th only hi tur euro for flLBB. frier. If i fly Cent per pmelmyt, mrtim for 9B.M9. w - momm .mretrme ..tmsrsmm A MM thorough in th ermdUmiiou mf th lifer ent mod rarioos maladies denominated, mnd are th result mf patient, searching, laborious, mnd seienlide lurootlgntiou, embracing m period of tmmnp omrt tat Xurope mnd America. If th spotiB direction! dre compiled With, thousands f patients Will bear wit. moss tm their rolmtio merits, mnd rr. mrmt every assertion. Where there mrm many oou.pl.oations of disease, mnd mot. tionis so ofesiro, IB. CUAMDLBM will bo pleased to aim mil iu formation, mnd trout by Utter if umitni, iece4,M ataat biplane lory Cireu tmr mf th mice remedies semi on root. mf stamp, if th i M QtM IB TA M T MBUiViXXS are not mn sale mt y pmrtuiulmr druggist', ond order tm DR. CHANDLER, ' 4tTt Srseiva, Vrw-Terk tStja, i . t. i a. .... - ianl.. tVe. ca Hi th foltit0 rm'lir , IV, tM.W-VTf mwwmw wt r' mnltk f mtet 4i.v f th m, M th treatment Trw dlej Xr IJU Mo U-lf J prlmmrily th mi f th ! r rdrr, tueU ma acnVnr.i .auS th iMam.iiat mnd ... i r ..i .ifin., rrtin i aiaa JUST. RECEIVED. A Large Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, IIATS, . BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, . ..YANKEE NOTIONS : V ETC., ETC, ' AT REDUCXD PRICES. ' HipheH marVet Wric pair frafaU kind of raobucE, iui)iidi'UE3. . A.s(?0lDSinTH.. TBE8a copis-brrr wriM MPKta JOWprtC,, Jnat raotrwd Vr 8. H. FMtjnrLT, T.l. M itiUKl