The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 01, 1877, Image 4

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    London London, Enlaml, cover
n arta of 78.080 acres, or 122 square
miles. When th census was laken
last year, there were 1,500 mil of
streets, 2,000 miles of sewer, 417,707
Inhabited houses, ami a population u,
8 489,428. The inclusion ot htu-en
mile aroun.l makes the PPul""VJ75
23C.C07. There are over 100.0UU
protewionnl men, 211,000 of the
ooiiiinereial class, 503,000 m.-chaincs,
65,000 laborer, and 3o,uuu, wno
" occupation is undefineil. There are
1 633,221 males, and 1,800,207 tema'es.
Of the women, 892,130 are married,
and 226,000 are domestic servants.
There are 15,000 tailoresscs, 58,000
milliners and dressmakers, 27,000
seamstresses and nliirtmakeM, and 44,
000 laundrenses. 29,000 are returned
as gentlewomen. The number of
children reported as attending school
is 314,000. London, though much
larger iu population than IScw Yoik,
is not ns densely packed as the latter.
Now York, in 1870, will) a nonuU
oi'A QO'J hd odIv G.r),044 dwel
lm r houses', and ths average number
ol i.eisons to a dwelling was 117-,
ha nveraco lust year was
S Sl'I anil f Ilia WAS smaller than the
nuuiairo nponrililur to tliO CCnSUS Ol
1870, in either Uiooklyn, Boston, Cin
cinnati or Jersey City.
"Yaas, bredcrvu, and sisterin, der
time is not far distant when der
iirgel Gabriel will bo ulowid his horn
around ver. He'll come round likoa
iliu.f in ili.r niirlit. nil' niM Yr
g..i does on, orBwcdder yer is naked
as brudder Johnson's head, yer'll
havo ler answer der summons and
coinplaintitr." Somebody iu the au
dienco Dut au overcoat ol roltot
uniiio on the suenker's nose. "Dis
ver (iiibriel business will last fur
'Lout two minutes longer den I'm
guiii icr git oil dis box and kick the
KinfVui out 'er tier nigger galoot what
fro wed dnl lermartus," continued the
brother us he took in "eleventhly."
An Arkansas man who had an in
valid wile, concluded to get rid ol
of her. lie loaded both barrels ol a
sliotgun and nttemptrd to shoot her
in bed, but the caps only snapped.
Then he reversed tliu weapon and at
tempted to dash out the hutlVrer's
bruins. The stock struck the bed
post, the loads wro discharged anil
the two charges of shot entered his
lungs. There wero few mourners.
W. II. Vanderbilt is the largest
reouivor of interest and dividends on
stocks nnd bond securities in the
United States, if not in llio world
The total is estimated at 7 000,000
inr Antiuiti. " "I"-'-
mill A.. iVum
from lht New lork Cniral Until
to"- "
rittshuruh has 73 glass factories,
S3 iron rolling mills, 8 steel rollinir
m ils. 7 whiudead factoiies. and 29
oil refineries, ami the coal mines trib
ntary to this market number 158.
One manu autorv of silverware in
this country hus thu credit ol work
ing up more silver than all similar
mauulauiorica in the United King
dom of Great Uritain.
TTTE BEO to Inform ur f.'l.nd. and the puldle
l that w liav. ju.t reeeivml direek tiolu baa
FraneiMxi and the lintel n markoui
Clocks, Faints, Oils, Etc.,
SMectedby ur MU. S. KOStXBLATT
n l.irh w e otter at
r.n tin will find it to their a.lvantac to cal
a-i I exiimln our .took and price before pur-
c iisinj eisew Here.
1 1 iglit'Dt price puiJ for nil k:niln of I'roluc
Fermanriillf Tared n huinbu - bf
ne mouih'i ( or Itr. IsctuUrd'
elrbralrd I -lalllble I'll I'awdrr. Io
niiivm. aulleim thai ti.nw pow leai will Oo .11 w
rUnn tor thria, will b, n 1 tlM-m hy mail, petal
paid, a freo Trial bo. pr. (...uUu i M
tii.oulr Dlir.lewa tliat ha. ever main th a iIimj
a .'ial stn lr. and aa hi oar knowl-l il-iravn l.
liav ls-a prrmanritilr en red hy th u-nf
lh Peadrri, He M ill gaaranlee per
yxau'tM rar in every ra ur refund all
manrr riprndt-d. All uff-irr. .L.ill in
tlia. fowden an early trial, aaj U csaTiaoad of
tlM"ir powe-..
Pi lea, for larm hex, I J iti, or 4 K.tsa for t'O ft,
nt l y mail Ui any part of l'nit-i KiaUa ur I'suaU
oa laveipt bf moe, ot l y tipraaa.C. O. ll. AdOirat,
aa.II jt- nnnnii'
-wa aa,
Wi Fn-Toa fiTatrr, Baooura, N. T,
BOYD & RENSHAW, Proprietors.
PrM Ilaataofan kila
ylt is ctuavi. (roa t to S atau.
Mrs. H. A. Moore would announce to the
t ..I..- r.nntl..nin u-l.n desire the personal
adornment of a tine mit of Hair, that the liu
patented her celebrated Hair lientorer, which
hud now been before the public for a "Pace of
two yearn, and hai in every instance kivcd en-.i-f,.;,.n
iu In it urmniaea, -o
mineral or dmaiiiir sulMnnce i used in this
preparation, and it i guaranteed to prevent
I..;. f..lK., nut ft.i. four atmlicntiona. Well-
known canes of long-atandina baldness have
li.n nraiifullv treated las per testimonium iu
my possession).- it will produce i iuu mrams
. of hair nn all atiures of baldness, even to
IU most pronounced state. It will prevent hair
iruw vuiiuog h'-v ...
Si. preparations lorwarueu w an im w
nvn BftTTT.E. -t5: or. THREE BUllkts. tm.
ban Francisco, California.
l?OIt GKMiUtL flIIlirllANDIISo
muv it
1 TH K T (1. tl ENDKICKs HUA . U
1 of Mill. For wile wily bv
T. C.. HENllltl'KS
I Jnia hind' anl machine ma-le DooU and
4 ,l:ru,. fr.,l.l ffu hirv.
A Groat Ilarfjralii.
- j trnKS ok I-.VXD, 7j ACRES
I tp of it nl (r.tin lunil, 8 tni tituotliy
hay, 25 apreH of gooil ifrain, M neail cil cam
lis Iihh.1 of nheon. 20 head of hoL-s, all for I
Iiimlrpil Dollar!. J.iln-rul Tviiiik.
1 all oon or mina a barijiiin. Situated at the
mouth of Camp Creek, U miles ca.4 of Spring'
tk'ld, Lane county, Oregon.
in not eaailv earned in fieso time
tint it nui lie iiuide in three
months by anv ono ot either ex
iu anv part of the country who
willing to work rteadilv at tli
emiiloynieiit that we IiiiiiikIi. t-Mi
a-r week in your own town. on need not be
away from homo over nii;ht. Vou can yive
your wlioie lime to ine uuiy yourapiire
momenta. W'a havo amenta who are making
over per day. All who eivaxe at once can
make money taut. At the present tune money
cannot be made o easily and rapidly nt any
other busineM. It eosU iiothin;,' to try the bua-
ineiw. Terms nnd ?fi Outfit free. .Ail.lres.s t
once. 11. IUI.I.ETTK i.ti.,, .iiaine.
(ireat chance to make money.
If you can't get Hold you can 'et
ipvt'libaeka. W e need a jierson
in every tow n to take aukiei ip
It.imiH for tho largest, cheapest
and boat Illustrated family publication in the
world. Any one can la'conie a aiicceai fnl n,'cnt.
The elegant wnrka of ni t (riven free to
ttiiluu'rihet-fi. The price is so low that nluioi-t
everylioily'Hiilwnben. tine a'eiit reporta ma
kin )fM ina week. A lady ajjent reports
taking over 4IKI miliscriliers in t. ii days. All
who eiut.uje make money fast. Vou can ilrvitc
all your tinin to tlie biiainew, or only vour spare
time. You need not be away from home over
lUK'lit. You can ilo it as well ai others. Full
parLi'iilars, directiona and ternm free, hlc'imt
able work send us your address at mice. It
costs nnthliiK to try the b.isineus. Noonewlm
enanes fails to make ureat pav. "The
lVople's Jiinrnal," I'ortlund, Maine. seS ly
rflHE undorsigned take pleasure to
announce to their patrons and deal
ers in general that they have lately
largely Increased their factory and are
now prepared to furnish as good an as
sortment In their line as any house on
the Coast.
Special Inducements to cash custo
mers. ALISKY & HEGELfc".
I. O. Box 01. 101 ' lrt Mrrrt.
I'arlory 011 Alder Mierl, lietvteeti
Flr.l aiid.Seroud Nl reels, I'urllHiid, Or
ron, MS..U.1
Ayer's Ague Cure,
l.'or Trver and Anno, Inform Ittont Fovnr,
Chill Fever, Honuitotit 1'ovir, Dumb Acnn,
IVrio.Pcnlor lllliotin Fever, Ao., and imieej
nil too allcctuniit w tilth nnso Horn nialari
oua, in.irjii, or miasuiaUu poiaonj.
Tlila It a rompound remcde, prepared i'h
ecicntillo skill fhun vcuelalile iuttivdieiila, w In. a
rarely fail, to rnio llio men si cases of tlulli
and r ever ami Hie dlsttrder. Such
a iTimily the neccssilicj of llie people in uul.i
rioiu t!!:trMi demand. Ilsi;ic:itii e.ioiily
over any oilier medicine ctiiucovcicd for tlio
curt of lincmiilteiiis I-, Ih it it cunt una no qui
nine or mineral, ami tho-e wlio take It nra ficti
fi-oin Uany.'r of or any injuiioiia eilecla,
and are ai healthy at er u nir it in Pel'ore. ll
hai iK-en eMenlrclv iviiiloj-r. ilurinc tha la-t
Ililrty year, in ihe In .mni nl of lliese ilistre.ung
dimler,and ioiuiv:oyi ik ha Rt it. fuerrM
thai It trained lite tecuiaiiunof lieiuKiafal
Pole, ll cin, Un rol l, e, be s.iloly rocoinnirmie l
at a .lire remedy ami -n :le foi the Frier and
AcimorUio West, ami ( Pills imr! I ever of
tl.e South. counteract llie luiu-nintlo roison
in the blood, and fire, llie -ystcin fioni .1 Influ
inee, o that lever and acne, oi cliilli,
once I mken up by It, .!,. mu uluru m id luo
i!i"Kii ni .vmi roiiii.n ti i.
Tlieriti.rt 'fill oiden nl. h'hirlr!Vm
lljelmuillonof ll.o u .in h s. Ni-iiihIi;!,
I.lielllll U1...I, (, Il.Jil.l. I.e. I.'.iod,,..,
I not h.H lie, I in ui pa, i at irrli. tnllinm, fni.
I'll III. in, Sp'enli .1 1 . t !..-. II V-telle., fa.n
III 111" !! l. ( . IP'. r.rntv.. a,,, I ,1,.11,,,'ii,
l Ua.' Miiiuiii b, all of rtiiieh b'o'iie ii.;cr'.i:.
:.-'.t r If.. ...'. .!, l.m . m r.fU r ll:. a
1 1 1 - A.i i- ft -;r. i ii.v . .ri :l .il.l.',
.:;;li 'roll t lr v ,lc. n ticui lulu:.' : ilici... .V
'. 1. 1.'. I il li.n .. :.-,i e l i CilM.
i. -I
. n:, ,.i ii .:.i : . i,,c . ...! . . .
I o: In er t'.iu,. ';iti, ,.t : r ' i "
li ii i:u c v :! i.t rvoie le , i: i i -. - v
into ho jlthv tt'-t;rit", aa-l ; n .o e- . y . 3 k
alieiuivi uoerc ....t
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Av.-r 1 Ca.,
rrartlv-al and Am.Iiil.l I :.. tul ,!.
tnn rn.. . is.
auLO r an. I'd i 1 1 iir.aa.
d r u c; a i hts.
rIU. Ct)XTIM"K Till." l l'SIM'SS in
1 ail iU
raiuv. t t! . :
hii :
l!l.Tea.'l II. on ti-'l.'.s to CI
111. Aa brrrtoiiHt, the lui A
I Careful Rtiertion given to Prescriptions.
Let the mifTerinir dim-oncd read the followin2.
Let all who have been ifivm up doctors, and
imken of incurable, reatl the followinir.
Let all who can believe facta and can have ,
faith in evidence read the following;.
Know all mi-n by thine prewnfa, tliat on tliu
ie2Uthdav of June. A. D. Vo'Ai, pentonally
came Joseph Havduck, to me known an auch,
anil oein uuiy wurn lu'iwiwu n.u.'wn. t n...
he is tlie sole general a'ent for the United
States and defemlenciea thereof for preparation
or medicines known on lr. Holloway' 1'ilU
anic ointment, and that the following certificiites
are verliatlin copies vn me im-kv m nn mnwe
edge and belief. JAMES HMIE Tl.E,
L.S.1 notary i-uciic.
14 Wall street, Xew York.
Da. IIoi.lot-I nke my pco to write younl my
(fieat r'lii't nt.d that the awlul pain in my Hie liw
left nieat Im-t-tlmiik. to yur pill., dli, Unftor,
li w tliaukhil I am Hint I eiiu t .oine leep. I ean
never write it eimuxu. 1 tlianu you airaimia lairain.
mi l am .me that y.u aie really thefiini'l all ul-
fetei.. I c'tul I nut he p wniui wi yn. u"H"
tuu will uut take it allium. J AM Km M YK1IS,
' in: lnn. n
Thin in to certilf that I wan rlwhaiircl Imm Hip
rmv with ehrnnwliairliira, nu t have iwn
ed ;
by I r. Ilulloway . Pill..
21 Fitt.tieet. I
.ew Vuik, April i, l.o.
The full.iwinir i. an intermi ins fane of a man em-
pluyvl iu an inin rouu'liy, who, in puuriu iiielte'l .
mm into a fl ik that was wet, cuu"l nn enplimiuii. I
Hie melte'l iron wa. thrown arnuii'i anJ on him in i
a K" l't ahowor, ail' lie wan rtreaiiully hune.l.
t he following it'tiHiite waa rven to lue hy him
aliout i wei-k. ulter the Meri lent: l
Niw YoiiK, 'an. tl, 17. '
My nnmeia Janih rfiu-'ly; I am iron foniilei, I:
wna ha lly hum hy hot iion in Novimtr lat ; ny i
that woui I not heal. I t.le.l IMI.iwny'a Ointment,
nnl it eu. el my in a tew we.k. 'Ihia wall Hue
mm I ihii at .liiekn'in I' on wo! kv ; '
21 Avenue. J. ll.VKI'Y, l.J Uoeien iiifei.
rxTBUis rnoM vniors trrrKas.
"I had no appetite ! llolio ay' 1'ilU tfava m a
tii t y one."
1 Your Pill, aie niaivellous."
"I sen I for another box and keep them in the
" lr. Holloway tuieit my headache that vaa
"1 iravc one of your Tills to my lull lor chulna
nun has. Th -dear little tloie irot well in a day."
"My nausea ot a moruiui; is now I'lircd."
''Your hox of llollowity Ointment fined 'me of
noise, in the heu I. 1 lulila-d .oiueof yourOiutmeut
iK'hind the ea. aid the noise ha. 1 It.'1
"send me two uoxes, I want une tor a ptsir faniU
"I enrlosn a dollar, youu price i. 25 cents, but tin
me Heine to me m woi th a dollar."
"Sen I me live Isixe. ol your Pills."
'1 et. me have Ave Isixes of your Pills hy return
mail, for i 'hills and Fever.'
1 i ave over 2is) .U"h testimonials, but want of
spice compel, urn to conclude."
And nil emotions of the skin; tl i. Ointment is in
valu.lile. 1 1 lue-. n it extem illy a! me, hut
IK'netiates with tlie must en-uin iirccls to the
vsiy visa ol the evil.
ii L i, tv a v.s i i i.i.y
DHoitnKits or ".in; kidxkys.
Ill Itll (llHI'llnfH lllff't'tilllf llHMt! Oljf iTIs, wlltVl'l
t!u'V M'fifti" tou niM'li or tN httltt w;itiT;
(ir wlit' hfi tli")- K' iililn ti' I with nlnfiP of irmvel, or
w ilti uil't'K if i.iiin ft lit-1 in the Initm ovi'i th- ie
tfioii i if tin ki 'ih'm UiVv I'.IU liMtil 1 it t.iV n
I'Mitlmir to tli( h Mtti l til l ei, nn t tin intint iit
uli-nil 1 U) wt'Il in'-l c-l into tin- HiiniU ol I'lchiik ut
I 1 timii liiit tu'utmi'Ttt ull iriVH iilnnt innut'li
itte it'll- f wlii'n all olVM nu iiih Imvi' tmlf 1.
FOR 8 lOM AOH.N irr u OH DKR.
Vo nu'i 'fint' m ill mn'tft' In illy inin ov. tht nw
of the Mtoian hx it-4 thtu t'ltK ; tl.ey ifinuv nil n- i -I
tv, (H'cunioiit'l oiiiM r t inti'iiijM -tni H in- imp fT
li't, lirt ien li t:ie livfi' an I io oie it t.i
tliy iirliuii
M i Wull It'll u'ly v'M
l'Iill HI i-)lr
VV '" ' ' H til cm tit,
111 lllH.ll
.KMH nl I In IIVc K ill I MT'illi I ll.
Ilulliirtiiy 'n 1MU ti 'c tin- It! HMiii'-ly ktm-Mi in tl.e
wuiiiin vc niiiimih . Mit; A wile, Aftlilhl.
PllldlH flllllpUiiltM,'.'eJ (III tl,e hVih, jinwil
ipltlillN,! mh 1. uli-til. tlnft . ttit li.mi l,. C,,i,.
Piltlitlnll, Itfhll ty li't.p-y, l-i.'lll 1 . K jxjk,
l-'i'Hi tip lnthJulil itlfH, I'rTcr. of nil kill), hit,
(tout. II.-u lii- l.i, In (nnMinn, hiftiii:.iln.n, .Inini
li.(, T irt'i (tinil ! tnii, .uinln.i, I'tlri, KlitMinu-
liMii, Ht ti'fititiii i, I i in.', N'H.ttiln ol- Kiiiir h Kvil,
Nun I lii'iuitrt Mi '11 iV t.ivt'l N'l uii In- ynnifu ,
IV-PullI'Min-MX, llltiHtl'p, I'lrfu, Vrri'Miil Atr-
tiniiM, Wtcina of ail ItihiU, UimLiks lioru uny
I'liikfU, iVc.
None me ireni line nidi ss the siriiniiie ol' I. ITw.
OOi'K KS H 'flit In- tlie I'llite I "'iilis Sllrloun 'se.l Ii
I10X of Tills sti I IliiitiiiriiT A i in .Mm,p 1 t'U ill I villi
lie iriven to nnv on. nn V in .11. 1, ml.un nii.m
lii'iy liu I t.i ll.ii li'teliun ol hut pit) or uils
eoiint"! leitnu the me In mi's or vinlirnf the mine
klumni' th.'in to ls h, 11- ) ns.
,.-.ol I nt I lie 111 nun 1 , , y of IViiti'ssin ltni.iiww
I'd , ew Vo li. nn 1 ly i.ll ie.js- Ilmir-ists
nn I lieale in Me In uu t'l'i.u.'h.iiit rl.e eiviluel
mul l, 111 !ioe at J n rit i, d ' ie.its mi I l eie h
M I I'i'i o i. eollsl leniNle Kivinit I'T tlktnit the
luttfei sizes
N. II lli e tiims Inr the irui Inn. of intiints in
eveiy ilisoHev ae mIHi. fw ..',. i .,,v
$:3.-sswna kacltb - $:s.
AM) I II K l;lv-iT. I
n Tim
Diplomas, Prize Medals, etc. j
A r'lltSr-t'l.AH- KI I.I.HIKI) I
om.y i:i(;iin.i: ixm.i.aks!
Tlie Sirni'l.. hii 1 .
an I K.i.ih'iiii.'iil : ! a in,
M i iil'I Ii nn I P.-iuitv ! ! !
iil'i t: I 'is most Iii'al'le
l l ol eollll miil .-,llli:irlt j,
New mil N'iiiii ioih I .t -Ht
' Alt i
(n l oll.l II. i.ll I !:,. I. ll,.
ti'uir ..ut ol oi S r.
to I,
oc.i.y to ii IV il a . l il I
i.ll !. ot .' e .ii . I. ti, ti.i
i.n Mm it, will il,
- em. 1.11. 1 ii. k. It . I, t ;, ..'.', I -i,i '
te , 11..'. s 'It it ii -! .ti i i- i , .... t' ,,J
fc t I'oit.'H, e 'li .in ' , i, , , ' " i. . t , . , ,. .
vt li In.u n, h! . i.ll. ti . .:
h ill t ii, im s 1 1,.-1 : 't t '. n i ,. . , i (
niai'ton.. i. i.-,.ii!,:u::y i.i,ii,i i ;, : '
inente I an I
'.VAI;RA.nir2 I'OI TIV2 'JAR 3.
All p."in a'e .siiitiii,. n,. t0 ni iVa, in or
Uw.aiiy N in Mii. li.ii,', 1, , sew iti,.rliisslle
sli I llio It e Il-I!,,,,. ,-,,,,l,r ,.t h, m,. ,,
I it. iu M-I ,s. I Att i. .iii"i,t. ,ii,l.-- tl.e .me air
l'UielisM I titun tl,. r,'ii,,n).i llir-r in. r
Li.t'iliMS., ,ih l aittniis-1 lllileiour (stl"lll.
"'iirm. mni .ti., in nn 1 litis.-
aie. n lie Colli I our n ni t . it I v.. i. ... .
u ! I oy nui ,r mii liiii,. in.tMUIii. tu.v I ,y oi.. '
111.-. n l,.i ia,u a.i Mii liiiu. mu U
aol-1 SI an lua a p ni "- li..l-
iVe hire seen llie M lone nn I cnsi 'et it flil
UIUeriy Hflast. ' -llHIOMIi.t
"Weiin 'eet.nuiiiul It loom lea-lei. '-Cliii.titn
In!.., V. Y.
I he Ms.-liine an ire 1 atfflv
e aie tn.iit tlmn .
lileas.. I a itti It ;
II li-a all t,. ii , -l.ttiti l.o il .n I in., iw i ral!
tl.a atU'litioU ol it :tr.a to it." t
I iiui. I'litlslian. j
"A tbo oiii'lny Company, p ..mi in
all .It-all ia, an I t.n t,.,t K ru .Miumen I to '
uuriralri.. .Ut Shi Voik j
Ntinplr Mail.iii.a ailli anl Triple for-,
aanled to ai.j rst l ,.l n.e Vtuil Iuu ist-i of
Lmnau collars. ;
SpriI ta'Bi. an I ntn m lo-t-rarnta ta nule an I i
frmale airruta, aloir kir ., ae. toiiBty luflila
irtvn l. uta B . nti-l.- ..f a .ny, iiw 1
eiii'tiva rin ula a '-..i.l ..n.t.- l n-, l- -l rrir'..l" .t-'
' ?in.-. .-, ..-nl I Ait i L, , J',rt
oti -r M. nrj ... I, ., i :! , f ix j,.
IWily at-u:a. at ileLt y ut our fU euaiaa
tee I
All ot-Va,
ll.aarl I., li t
levies JTit- Pa
,., T ... . S3. it, fliuilflu, Pa.
Ill llOh, Prorit lor.
F.imie.-!)- ( Sr. Cm u.i e l'.'t ti. An im.
Tn;s n.-ri: win.
C .nt" ' aa a
L'omaltie fiold, wexUn.l.ely wo.n 1.. Pa.i.,
tJ- I...I M..H. ll it" I.nm. . I in maniilai-tinei
the l..ln, jeweler, of for K.,lld .!. I.,
niauitfai tiiiini jeweler, miai-iniioi a .... . i-nr.
niauulai i.i.n.itlluiiialne Wold J e ry and of niuel.iiie.y th; y ;e eahl.,l to ,. o
! than tlie ei .1 ol rutin uoi'i, " iiuiiiii
tHt-i.leteitit ''"'':,.. .
Have mirni mr ri
!frtl.elel all r.l iuanutaetuie.1 Hon. tl...
I manner l,avep..ti.p m,.ih1 .n.ple l..ta
' ... . . . . . . .
ibe retail value uaiu j.iiu.ii
' One Oenf. Wateh lliain retail p.iee II 00
' One pair Knaiavel Shve llutton,rcUil p.Jee 711
' I l.i. kl.JI. I'lll f"
-nn.. m Uniml Khiit Ktnla. " " 7
f One improvel almr foliar lliitton, " "
, One heavy plain Weitling Itiuir. " ' -:'
For 4(1 cent, we will unJ above .ix article, post
VUi' $1.00 LOT.
r One pair Sleeve Put torn, atone aettiny.
tine .el rptnu ruin mu m.
One heavy ban 1 Fiw.iirement Itinir.
Ilnnu.r ri. Vniriavel lhaielet..
t l.'ne lliin' I.nsTtli.ani or Neek fhain.
k One enireave-l M niatu'V l.oc ket. lor the above,
P line Lent . Heavy Link Wat. h aiain.
t1 One I -ike tiouige lhainuu 1 btul.
$2.00 LOT
j One Tti1ieV K-k Phnin an1 Chiuin.
r (). T h'IhV Ilouvy Unnvl Cluiin fur Watch.
Pneiua I'm an 1 Kir Hiiiim, Ann'Uiyitt.
Oiih tin tint Miiii:itn:ti Iam ktt.
One fiimoo hotil It'itir.
Onove'y lnvy Wo i lirnr nr F.n'f irnnpnt Ring,
One lii-ut ho:4Vv u t " ..n ;tl. CWiui.
f 'ne ir Pe n I ll
I I Itil.Ul 1 ' UTI.-1U.
OuoP'iir (2 litnvy i hii
' 1 l.u ..t .ii ii. i'd i.l 1 1 tl 1
lesin enrh sample lot
tlie lot; U fwinp.,', urn ?1 li-t roitiui io. f hi im ; oui w iov oi f. w.
To anv one sending in an order for the nlxive
will sci.d 'Kl::; one Solid i:,nnuiuo Hold
wi.rr.mtea to keep perfect tun- and loon eqnallv as wen .19 a siw amu wnioo. 1......
iH.-ti.iid, CO. This is our I.cnJ ITtT lo AUKXTN, ami is worth a trial, as the
wntcli alone will sell or trade readily for from ( 00 to s-,0 m. Gents or Ladies atcli
alum-, s7 HjorVS ml, with a lieavy Gent's Gold l'attern Vest Cham and Charm, or Ladies
Opera Chain with slide and tassel.
It V. II U it i: tl : -This o;Fer only holds rooiI until .Tan. 1st, IS, 8. After that time we
diall sell oulv to JoMaTa mid Wholesale dealers, and liny one wishing our goods will then
have to p.iy fud retail prices. ...... , 11:.. ,1,,
liomaiiie Gold Is the la'st, ami, in tact, tne oniv mnintioii vi .oranr K""i i ' Ii
siime in weij,') t, color an J finish, nnd all our (,'oods are mane iu the latest gold patterns. ill g
....... It. .i'rv itiutiinfi. fir refund lllot!V. n
S-.n l money by 1. I., Money Order, or l.eisteivil h'tUr, AT OCtt PI; K. No goods K
sent C. O. I. unless nt, leant f D 00 accompanies the onu r. noii'-s pii,u i,
W. F. EVANS a CO., Sch Agi's for U. S., and Canada,
93 A D7.Stiitii ljv!t Sts--l, lilcnjjo, Illinois
Ftrst-Clats Fmily Cictciict
Notions, Crtckry and Willow Vare
A!.S )
For iiieiliuil an l tiiinily n.e..
Ami evei y'liinjr else usall keot in a First Clas
I U'jf li'uve to uilniiii (lit oitiiHH f F.n-.'i'lit' ati I
tin mi i nt n lnu fttiMiti y tl.itt l lnm tv ilit tn 1
hcal'iM tliuti wiiy titlitji liuit.Hf tli; hi e ol 1'tntlaii'
lYi!li Miiilif P (V'lViil Wtrk'y,
Of tlit' VIM) .it'flt qurtltlt'fONI.Y.
My iiit.Un in
i-r.t'll Trof.tG nvti duck S:f .
I'lt'iiff oil and IfKin my f it es licluitj (UIm I ism
U'illi.nirtti' S'ii'i'1 h n.o i t'i'j
Caili 1'aitl Cor Iiacon ami K;'js.
Goods Delivered to all Parts of the City
ruKK ok ciiaki;k.
rca tm, rroitriij sir ima,
AI lai-SCCS ti.t. I
Tho best and latest in proved for
every variety of work, including
10 long the leading Family Sew
in j Machine on the 1'aciiic Coast,
itaiupeiior qualities are too well
known to require further recom
mendation. THE NEW WHITE
the lest straight needle Machine
in tne market, has a great deal of
room under the arm, fi very light
running and substantial
Persons desiring business, deal
ers, and all others wishing Sewinsr
Machines, either fir Cath or cn
Installments, should send for cir
culars and terms to
ITo. 19 Mew Montgomery Street,
uoeral jnecs r.l.owed f;r old
lll in r a ttA.-rt1. -
. .'iii i :u S. T1.IRD sti:i:i.t. i
Ut FuuJ.nj Sett!, of tl.e Kt ST. LOI'IS.
Oifii Fay ami X gai i.ll t!,e year. j
All of tie limn Im
t.m jl.t.
ta Eliii'iition
'tl.e i:nj;.h
Iu ir-n Imt 1Vvi tnunt lor
i- hii- i.i-a
II iri.ei Mntl i n-ati e, t.e ninn nn t H,.nti..
l'b..Ui-:;ii,) t-.ii :, t pe.a..iiit,.y oi fe. mni.
Fur it l-'i.ll C,,tiii. l),,t,0
huirv hunk ki t iiiiio in all
It H
l.u nix Mitli Ciiniiiii.( i.,
( III'-
For a Full CmiriM-rcinl Coiner,
i inliini ine;;i! . In .1114-I1, nl
l'r;ii lii Ml l!.iiin Kilm atiop ;
Lit".- .N'!,..!:,M,i. . $53X3
Itt'errnea male to t.. u-n ' of atu 1,-nta
etiaii'Me i uu.c uurii.nt.u t'--iia
F..r ri:. a La -a :nr lull nif,...iti,.n etn..a:a
t.uit to lt Itiai I. ,.f tu
J i: SoiixsTx,
; I "' 1- V P-a. .i'l -oj
AinvnO L'oyns v jo
n:iK s-viuivi'i
flmt aiovererl in l;n by e f'ehrat.'d T
II into lewerr, nn I ra i .- -... .
is . wleen h T' ' - nr.i-e of
.-...... . in,ul. n
Ualrhr . ib tloj . im nei n "
u.eal .he l,tt p.tte "'"'JVe even lor
j sun iu
,.,.. t.mtnnnA t .nada,
. . T ii ,, in the liu t
natal, an. ,1. on e, "'itw-Y'lifLVone-leulU
a. .ven Wow , win h we will kII at olie-icuiu
emu 1 ..... I . I a 1;..
oio. .....
$3.00 LOT.
"me 1 ailirs' Opera Guard fliain.
Hie Jjiiliea Ne. k ' hain an 1 'In.
One heaiitiful I iK-ket. lenginveill.
One pair Hand 'liaeelet..
OneOenta Iwmt l.tnli v est i nam .!."
One pair Onyx Meeve Button.
One et (3i Onyx Mint Mu la.
One ne iinprove-1 Collar llutton.
One extra i lit t.nmeo K ai rung.
One Aiiona fnlitaiie till.
One aet Amethyst or Topnz Pin or Ear Diope.
One Ijilie. Clieiiuae Hutti n.
One 1'laiu lt.U(C, atiuuped In K.
$5.00 LOT.
One la lies'
Opera Chain, with li le and tnaael, !
oa..o .riM f nn
One Uenl.' heavy Vt'atfli Cliain, with Curb charm.
(retail prl e f i no I
Oiielaliin heavy lonir Ne'k Chain.
One eleifiint t'hase l M.niatu.e Lis ket for above.
Onew t Camto Me 'iilmn I'm an l Kir liroia.
One pair t S lieavy Chase 1 Han i Ilraceieta.
One lient . Solitaire liiamon'l Mud.
One (lent a ( luster inanionn I'm.
One pair Amethyst or On) x Sleeve Buttons.
One H"t (.1) Mu 1 to mnteh the above.
One eleiraut heavy set Cameo Seal Rinff.
iOne Massive or Vie Mint lung.
One new ' patent ' Collar Imtton.
One.ljiliisi Chemise liutton.
Illnn lmftl,V.I l.P i'linaX It illtf. (extlH finish.
amo.iiits to exactly ten tiuiestne we aisiur
lots by express to me amoiuit 01 ci- vs., c
Jluntnii; lase HU'n, uei or i.uo j
AV'lio in.'iy lie suJTerins from tlie effeet of youth
fnl folliei or iiiiliseietiim. wiil do well to avail
themselves of tliis, the greatest boon ever laid i
at the aitar of milleriii:,' liiiniamty. tl!. M l.
JiK V will :.-ii:irantee to forfeit t-uOO to any cuse
aeiiiiml weakness, nr private disease of ur.v kiml
: or chiirai i-r n !;i-ii he tiudertakea and f.ii!s to
' c.'.re. J le wniiM therefore say to tie iiiifortu
! ivitc snlfi T"r who limy rea l tl'is iK'tii e, that you
! are t:','li"-T 0,1 di I. renvis .'li'! when yon
Inn.'.-!-.pie v in 1 r. i- r lemeily for
your c..i.l l.iii t. Yo;i ni'.v 1 ii.e first staye;
n in it;! ier th..t J'.'l me iii,roapliili(; the luet.
If y'.ii ere lsT.h'Viii,' uiion iiie last, and are suf
f rill,' soioe or nil its ill ejects, reiinnilier that
i! you persist ill piO'Ti.-tination the tiliie must
(nine when the n.o-t s!;i!!ful physician can ren-
der you no asif.i:iiee; when the il-mr of hope
wid he elosed inrain.-t yo.i: when au an;,'il ol i
I liiui'V e:..i I -ii 1 1 r you no relief. In no i;u.e I .iii
I tlie Iloijtor fail.-il ot nuew-s. Then let not den
pair wor'c upon your iinu.'innti n, lint avail ,
vo'.u-selt of tiie I -tl--lii-iii 1 re idtsof ) is treatment
j lii'lore your ease in lievonil t'.e reiieh of medical
I skill, or Ik fore (.Tim !. hurries you to n pre
j nn!"r.' ifrave. full course of treatment o.
I Money Py pn-.toilice or.ier or c.pnvs, with
iles' i'ipllon ot 1' ise. I on or a.'i n -s
a. ii. n:i.'!-:y.
No. '1 Ki' ni'V -t'-eet. Sriii 'r.,n''is'0.
Elsies mi fun
mm: rxiKi;."K;.'Ei i.kc t.eavk To
X inionii t'.e pnl-lie tliey Itio'-eil tlie
KI'iiKN K ( I i Y for a term oi yen s,
.in ! ar-lioM-i'p m-'i to ilo uviK-i-iil Millln:
li'.sii ., ill re.vive w!i-.-:.t 1 n -ti i.i;,'e on In il.!.' teniii, tin ! will niu':e l;l.erul terms to
Pit-in. ri who ilesire to riii'l tiieir own ivlient.
iVill at kII times keep on lium! for Miie
n.(.'15 ami ALL KIN1W uFillLL l'EKi,
nnl pay tlie
Cash Frice fcr VIiEat.
A share of tlie ii;itrn:i re respectftil'v solieit
e.l. ik'7 1'ATlKliMiN
Canlhi and Sj innin;.
.1 l.iti Iv run iimler tlie mime of lrviipr ('o.
will in future lie run ninler tlie name of U'illiani
S!;e!ton. 'laviiv; n'lmilt ami enlaroetl tlie mill
I will now be ulile to supply all orilers entrust
e.l to my care. VM. SKLLTOX
K'lj'-ne, April ii!, isrr.
avwv -
All Local Skim Diseases;
Permanently Beautifies thi
Complexion, Prevents and Reme
dies Khei'matism and Gout,
Heals Sores and Injuries
is a Reliable Disinfectant.
This popular and inexpensive remedy
accomplishes the same resplts as
costly Sulpiil r Baths, ince it per
manently removes Eruptions and
Irritations of the Skin.
Complexional Blemishes are al
ways obviated bv its u$e, and it renders
the cuticle wondrouslv fair and smooth.
Sores, Sprains, Brbises, Scalds,
Bprns, and Cuts are speedily healed
by it. and it prevents and remedies Gout
and Rheumatism.
It removes Dandruff, strengthens
the roots of the Hair, and preserves its
youthful color. As a Disinfectant of
Clothing and Linen used in the sick
room, and as a Protection against
Contagious Diseases it is unequaled.
Physicians emphatically endorse it,
Prices-25 and 50 Cents per Cake;
per Box(3 Cakes), 60c. and$U0.
SB. Seal by Mail, frenaiaVoa rweipi of print
M4 $ cerm extra ncH Ck.
"HTT.I1 HUH in U'HiSKia DTX,"
Blark r Brtwia Z9 Ceau. p
QHW Kill I V- U;
ul k-p 4
I I'l.l.'t
Grocrr.r.s & fsovisiovs
And inviu tie Urni. n ti i.ri.l-.I..r
T. U. HE"1 hH KS
Tk) t TT VMt I'll '. '
Uta Phyiirhw ta f . Co".'i ' f
mew Hrnp-t t no.o ' '
ttU iJU.b-ah , 6i.
jrr f"ir of Ihr mnn
trttrrh ,.tl lie-'(!-'
pro lira) ,;ipl.r(i'w i '
,.inH ii f j.Ji'"'-. '"';'', '
..., no pri-si-iUH
lie tin- fullou'tup ""'
.nr.erl Oll'i UWrt'l. ' i? "' "
l. nt.
tli-a lit r" voi i."- ;- I
(rsf iiiio.'lii-'
, Hit .-" :
ll ri rrtitin '' '''''
.iiflrruii fiiicl
..n. ....-Jii vereirrri
,,; e. fcl,.
th e.n:ic yi ynciii.) v.- I. t
. ,.;..'. Trr r,"?j.iT
,tnrn i
rhuic, or. i i-hok ;nv, , ty'i'y'
f:T. rriiiiir
U iranah!t uud ' ( l '?
iU tontlH.d -m thoroughly rmiix
e ,'u ll rfie.,,e, it th JW. l"'
ii,n are of pur-Ill hnrnilm txtrrtf.
Martian ' rrorlncr, end wf.r e
mini, iwier't, t-ee.'i.'l r!t tl" ' '
Virli- proper liol'lloi ' illir.ittiiM
iele proper uoriwn ' "'" V ,
faulted rrliiii'l'tH "Hrl ''i" ' rorw
fire pmprrtlr.3, it btiii'J, " n;.' '""
ably, tlU meri t cf :;!'''".
anil tha (I rutrst Wtneore. oj ... i ';
aoe, in tho t.-utmrni of er.-.-;
"at of the lesl-n or disordn; .-nrh ut
SCK t'V LA. ami '" '
tauir, tlfi Irad to thts trrr-Mc cu ,,
till ri e'fi-eft eoMiiiioi'io t :'0
iii..Hf. for juultcitl Truth Iw.i m-'i'l-that
ihh of '"' '"'-
lit etwrt Miifo ( tli'rtt ir,id fyJ U'"'
,r"tion , a , l to IlltOK I N-JX U .V A.Ii
tTfJ.ii,'; nxsTirVTItS it i a
fto.eeri.1 rtjuvnalnr, eaf.ii i If.f reels
f man once more to wine tin fcud-fifc
. - e .... ...I.... .!
' roi ci tan i tiorwnfn, rnr?i
JRY D1SO It It EltS, t OMbll l-.l
Co ur t, t ISTS, (1 LXL'RA h A K l it V.
O US li E H1L11 1, K II 1 ll A Tl H 3T,
ma sivt. i n rshA itohsiLSi .. i ;i-
THEI.lOVATOl'S t AXCI H, M . . r,
lEtT VLCEttS, 11.MAI.I '--rLAI!C"S
(and to the petilfe-.- vu l t
boon lo7 ouf,.e for bij B'HiiU, ."' JP
lltle, aiirt delicate frmaiee, an ,t tahn
4ireit artlnn upon tlirir ai'.mtr.ty AXI
AhLroKMS or anionic insr tsu
Or HIE J JtOt III E. it it ivaol A.
er.evei c f lfc rrtneilv tr U prove
CH ILLS and fEVEUS and all MALA.-
Thouamlt of Testimonial attest
truth uf thene claim.
Vrlre, One Dollar, in large bottle, or
aim bottice, $3. mmmm
O 4 STROJr il a tafn, tpeeitil; "l po.'t
tlve ea- e for that tmmf deprmslna of ail
ment, a ml abri-ftoursrof trraf t irlll
t ne etrenrth, and promote th htulthf
action of the ftomaeh and iiitiHine. i
Kirrom iwiitahllit'J of litrrartt on
tieeaona ini' ina eedrutnry life.
ipeedity removed by tlii vynt. i'
ttomach is rvtovea io nn.iin ohu hh n..'i
uoleofthe eiinlrm will -nee mo. t rrtpvuil
in the performance vf tabor.
i'rlee, One Vollai; in large bottle, or
Is bottles, $S.
A 'Unfit tn-ealUi eoht irlll cfttlmct
lend to a ner-nns eiiay'i, trhieh, nueartU
. oe bndln treated, mr.ft hnre but aim
remill-ff '' rrextaate In a nettled eat
of HHOSClll CIS, or n liut ii n ine, the
deadly VOXSVM fllOX. Ti ell migerlny
frem hmmnniiia cauah and urprnaiaini ,
2KAVIIEOS offers a sound, rtliable, mint
permanent relief. It muyments exfeco
ratian, mnd enahies the pathut to erpil
tnmt terrill i septlo deposit, uhirh, if left
teitknut ju&teione treatment, must com
municate its poison to the ttetleular ana
stance of the Inny, deaeneratiny and e
ttroulna that most essential of a ri .',
UHri imr only in mn evrly mnd un
timely death. T'A CUEOX has no eoiiel,
mneli lens a superior, and its use tc,ll net
anln r- more the depi-slt, thereby efordlna
arvflt relief, bat heats the membrane and,
tenses the path lit in possession of healthy
luny tissue. . ,
j'rice, nflU Cents bottle, er
kettle, $2.50. mmmmmmm
FILES. Heiriorrhoids.
piLOS. .
Many cruses tend to produce thts pnin.
fnl a-id distressing slate. The blood t
retarded in its reliieo; the too freeneni
iur of drastic puryatirts tends te produce
conyrstion of the towels, torpid oct.on of
the lieer, unit nnmeious other causes are
the s.iurc- of this complaint, and hitherto
nothlny effect anl has been presmtrd ta
the public, irhic-t icould rapidly alleviate
syn:pt:iins and ultimately prove an effect
ive care. In 1'ILOS tr Ziore a remedy
trhieh imt, nil I nets almost instantly, but
trill remove the largest tumors of the parts
(I'iles) by absorption, and many who
have reee'ived not only benefit, but harm
been radlea'.ly cured, have been assured
(prior to nsiny this treatment) by emi
nent suraeons that the only relief they
ever could irp'-c' in life, trould be by an
oper it. on, ami feruoWii it oe thesn from
tne body oil a procedure trhieh necessitat
ed the k .Ife. litis remedy has been hailed
trith deliyht, and is now prescribed by
maun pmetleina physic ianm, arAo err eea
uiuiitt of its merits, as tlie only knemm
euro cure fur I'll.tS.
I'riee, tift'j tent per paclage, ortUo
for ti.60.
rnn Arorc nrxr.nirs are
thorough in the eradiiaiton of the differ
mnt and various maladies dcwniii ated,
and are the result ef paticn , s arching,
laborious, and scientific intra ionrloii,
tmbraeimj a peiirt of many ,rar, in,
Jturapc and Anierict.
If the specific directions are complied
with, thousands of patuuts trill bear seit
nems to the r n .a(ir merits, and corrob
orate every assertion. Hhere there arm
many eonipl cations ef disease, and pa
tients so desire, lift. CIIASULhlt will
be pleased to alee alt infuruiation, and
treat by letter if eecssnrn.
Vtsrriptiee and t rplanetory Circu
lar of the a ore temedies set eu receipt
of stamp. If the f Hot HI ETA HT
MEltlCSEi are not on sale at your
particular druggist's, tend orders to-
1179 Broadway, Jew-Tort City.
A Tjkrv-e Stork et
(.nOl'KI! ES,
j ETC., ETC.,
HL-'t ma-V. t price rv4 f.Tall kinds of
n;t)LL"( K, HII K.S au.l ITI.S.
nJ 1 w rHo-. Jnt r. triv. n 1
: . ti. l tii-.