The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 01, 1877, Image 1

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Vm (SugfBf (City uar.
Publishers and Proprietors.
OFFICE In Underwood's Brick Building,
over Crain'l Jewelry Store.
.iWertieemente inaertel as follow :
Ins square, 10 line or Ism, one insertion 13; each
utviequent insertion ll.-Caah renuireil in advance
Time alrertiaera will be charged at the following
Ona an uare three month.... fi 00
six montlia. ,
I J 0(1
ii one year.,
Traneient notice in local column, M cent per line
or each insertion.
Advertising bill will be rendered quarterly.
All ib wo' must In run roi nil hklivkhi.
ifflce Hour -From 7 a. m. to J p.m. Hun lays
fr. m JSfl to S:3fl n. m
M til a.rivu from the south anl leare Kointr north
.... ... ....I- . . . i .ai;., ,.! i i.,n,
1 ,in, dose at 6 a.'h. on We'lnjaiay. Km 0
r.le, OatupCi-eeli an I Urowuivill at 1 P.u.
Utters will be rcnlr for leliv.jryhalfanhou' after
a rival of traina. Letter rimuM lie left at the otHe
na luiiir liefore muila deuikt t.
A. ti. Y ATTtnsOV, P. M.
TliioF.Nr. jonot "o 11. A. F. anl A. M.
Meets first and thinl Welneaday in ewh
moeM on the Muni 4th VV'eltie Uyn in on h monT.Ji
A. CA11D.
To all wlio are Buffering from the enw end
iudiscretiims of youth, nervous wenkness, sc., I '
... , . .,. .... .... i.'i-vi." 1
will eeuu a recipe wini win cure you,
OF C'HAItGE. 'Jliia great remedy was (lis
covered ly misioniiry in Soutli AiuoHca
Send fteelf-Rildrertsed li tter totlie T.EV. JoskpU
T. Inman, station I). Bit J JTme, Ntw Voik.
1 rjT H.vsoressi
Permanently in the Uiidoiwood BrMc, E'.wno
City, and respectfully ""licit:: a kim ' iu" '.be
public litten hv penu'ssinn to J.
H. CaH-ve'il, i'ortland.
a. rr. pa rrnnsox,
"lire on Ninth Street, otiro' :e
:liar4 llotcJ, nrt ! ;:cil e.
Dr J. C. Shislds
I .
vicea to the citizens of En r'ne I ire an I
aurr nun lin eo tntrv. rlp.-ciil "tUt'iit'on ifiyurt
tall OIWl'El'silOAL. CASE'S ani L l.'i
IX K DI.SE V.-ii:S euti'.i.-U") t" hw cure.
0;lice at the St CliatU'n JJotnL
yiileuci; wheu not professionally en'o.L
U.Kce at the
ItesiileTue on liijhth street, opjwsite JVejr
terian Church.
Chas. r1. Horn,
'mil uiiturial. lU-pf.iriiii,' done in
.i . . .... nn.l arr.inte-1.
r,5--- vne neaieni nnj .... ....... -.
L li!Sii. u.',n Uiudiinea. Safe. lX)CKa,
etc., repaired.
Guns loaned and ammuni.ion furnished.
hop on Ninth treet, oposite Star Bakery.
Office on Willamette street, Eugene City.
Purchasing Agant,
Clocks, Watcnes, Chains. Jeveiry, etc.:
Jicjiaiiinu' i'lo.'ill'Mv ..v.r.ile-l
Ud'AII U'ork Wnrraiiled. .'3
.I.S iji K.'.Y.
E'lsTorih k Co. 'a 1
Post office nn !
City. I h..v on h .
re-.t-irinan rt n-'u- : f
Mic-:lln' u U-'i :
PortfoliiM, Car.U, Vu.i
naesf etcfeti A. -
SLOAN 831;!? J"vr.l.l,1.1,..,vw.
TTfiSE5 sncn FIT'.
WitmwateTial.lIro.l. B-
,l J
til w.rr.ale I ! sMi-iarii--
Shop oaZijlth cup.sf Hani
mr- Y'3
dr. jon.v irt:nn:iOLD,
o DrtniVtiTrt KOSillii. -
Tnn. where W re.j-K.tfi.Ur olr n--
U the eitizenu M ttUt pUce and
aI 1 .aA4a md Ilia MlJafemVOsV
"-tz.:Lr:M, L-r h
" Hie lung nf iuutil fr lltt
wi tuner tint of Hit AUonlie. iiuwh
Hiiiiun (KrifiUnl) . OWrver.
The On'.,! ..!.. : . .
""" f'n'plete.1. With iu Sim royal ,,-tuT.. ..aires
and mx hun.ln! i II..-. ... ... "Mrv
. ""' v.iramniinipumiiie Mamtine
ta shorter stone. p,ras, an 1 aketel.ea. etc.. el . ,n
it Iwjiilifiil bin ling nl rel an I tola, it t. the m,t
I'leahl Kifl . ho..h fo, boy. ,) eVer j-u,
the pres. Pri.-, $; in full mlt, Is.
Which ..Dens a itli ' is-a i
an I wry entertaining aerial f ,wn the Freneli, " ',e
Kii.rlom..tllieUrHly," A story alatitel to the
iteKTT Ano,her uf b"rb"'
' BT . I. f ROWBHinor.
author of the "Jaek Tlaiarl Mtoriea," in the Chrtat.
; for the huh lays, an I Borne aatuuishinir illustrations
"r . "'' netiea ae-ial
oi urientai sm t", with drawing by siampwati.ta
"run buy-, of my cnn.DnooD."
no mil I-ml in Huv St. Nicholas fi.r the
CiirHiinaa Hnli.b.ys. . I'ritM. 'JS Cents
Preinir the year there will lie intai-estinirrwtw" fi
"), hy Wiiiaiii Cu 'en Hi vmt. . I, .1,11 ii 'iiU
' 'I'omin Huil.oa, William llowitt, ir. Holland',
" " ';'. ui..rn n. mint, nana u.
t.m. an I otue.a .
. ,"",,e t'";,ket hs and vm of special
iiiuMKi, u iriua, ny n iv mt I'.eH'iitt . y I10--I. Mi
son CmIi lire, Mi an kv'inter K-ll nr.-, r.iijii th Mn
ait Piielpa, l,i,uln AlisAt, l.mictii 1' Hale, (Vlia
Ihiivti'r. M..iy Jlnjiea UoJg", and many otlieia.
Ihei a ill l also
1 iit r or. rnoiTon,
tie t iime". with niirw, allowing;'' Tie sta-a of
K .1 M.,ntli, ' will Ihi liMy to an pas in interest
any series in piipniar m-ien ro..-ently given to the
: FL'V AXi mi 1 WIT V M'ISD'IM,
wil 1 e min rlel aaheietofo e, an 1 T Vii hims wul
i ciiitinue to ielitfht the yun arel gn'e pleaau. e to
j llie ni l. '
To met the defiant for a chiper St. Viriiot.a
Hin-Ii N.k. t.a p.iie of v . Innl II has i-n re.
''""1 1 if'lia'li 1 he three voliKivea, in an eleriiit
litirary iaae, are soi l for tin 'in loll, i.V, an
licit an may irive ihei,- chillen a complete .et.
i tl.ene V-ilMintHc:-utaium'i eat(ia-'tiverniUiial than
1 fifty tlulla. wo th ot y lioa. ) cl:il t'en s lNj,,ks.
j vu iiipiiit. f'la vear. The thive Im.iiii I vol-
nmK an 1 a sui,.TinM,.ii fe this yearonli 12 mii.
j bent 1 wit'n tiie na ct uewn lealer, or aeii I tnency .n
ihc-l.oi P. l. M.,ne) o 'e", nr ,n remsieiel letter,
I to . iiu.sFH ii Co., 713 B railway, N. Y.
A LVU III) liJ.tll)
Has taken ixwaesfieu of the
Luc!c-;y Livory Stable,
Aa.I wi'.! c irrv on &
7 at liv;:!.v r.r-,i"i:
s ! 1hi.lc1.4 hv.. the i-ei-'c or i'y.
A-N'i'v.i;(;iijsr((i: juke.
H 1.
A i :vt :
, I. 3 , u h.
i'..i.m: i ii v, tu.oiux
.1 i
Ha.' n 4 ("'',t 1
i.iwt-.inii of t';e ol 1 in'i
'V. ni.MMaK HOIK!,
W hi'l 'I'lS iliiU IICM'IV f'11-liir.lll'il llll 1 I,
is tll.V 'ip'il (oc tiie r.-;vp(H'U ol Jl.esW.
i him' fii'l '''ii ' O..IHS .ii the
m'i r!,:))F BRICK BU'LDING
niakiu-: ramis in .ill. U U the u.'mt coiumo
ilioao ' '"st .".pHiiii!eii hocse in the S'mU
soiitii ot'tn.
A. kf;ii:w.
Williiuiette Street,
Eugrno City, Oregon.
KeeM coiutantly on hnnd completo asdort
ni' nt of
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, Stoves,
Ranges, Pumps, etc.
Impairing done promptly and in the best
manner. M.
In llie ante room of Meredith &
ami's grei l cotton l.i. toty, iu l'niia
delplua a groiii of yiils w. ie sill d
l:ig i n.-aed iu an animated ill
sii.n. Th y w. ie all, s"""
pr.ny, all"'d neatly, ihoiig'i
ma .v" wore id cIiom-h an I niiliec'iiiing
tin, r'y. ol llica.-, wlm la .ft I a in ck
...t'i ham ali'l bra . i. I. iii"l a ""
j filiin ol J.'l li' lli 1
isiik .In s-, spuk.- v. iy .
iipmi a he it
llip ia n a li
-it i. v
in ' 1 i ri
h arl ot!"
iV' are yoil all
, ;' i-si-l .1 " (I .v
i...iili .
I. ill
, in t I
II ! IMilll.
-) oif! W it., t ha
Fill' " ' '
. V"U or.
. .i mi dri-ie! ill
aiway -Ii- its
d. ed "I Ellen""
. !iel il'V-fii.'"
. . w all kifiw lb'1.
i II I
;. l ; ""'l ''1 '' I' " '
i.nig Lln'M l"es.
"..ill wImI Ii.iS -I '
'. filsed lo -lli H e
... '..r l'ie I "'kai I t''
y Ml. Ilodmi. "
-Ali'l Air. K ' i. ' : " I .rieml ' he- .'
,l "-CO'
I. a :
I I . 1 1
'(.fie .ifsii"ii aj.ii'.-'
' ... . '..i.i. lrns"el tnl
. ,-ir
' . . mr'- fi t.- ri-a' a W
I.. rt iT'.- n a.c ''ini
,,f the II..L
-e, au l 'he r. n
,.r..i tat-toiv re
anjs ; l m
, i ring
l hi-
ii'. 'V
tobuv 1-lv r isnkar n- P"
1,1... II. was. kudly ..Id
sent l"
. nun n
1 ',avs ready to lend . -Ip
ing kind loth-sin-
II army "1 " his control : m that llie
jreople . . ift ol love
( rresenUtlOO WIS reall ft girt 01 lOVO -
tlli n Cluirt'liill Int. come to the
great laoiory two ycr previnim to
tin- tlitte 01' the inilinitiou nu'eiimj ;'
1 he anti n.oin. hii.I Im l risen ta H,e
iHisiiiini of torewonuin in onu ol ilu
loom ro.iina. Shi. was a IiuiuImomiv
g'rl of uhtMit t weuty wlu n she,.,
lor work, and ly t-vt ry ui-iiuii hih)
wonl hetrnyeil tlit 'ait that r'iB Ii 11I
st ppi-d from a Kfl- of rt-tjiifnieni to
1 In- liuicl driisljjrfry of a lauiory hunt.
iit-i low.cvni tone tivtrayed tin- lailv
in ilH wtdl uoosm wonld; ami lu-rsliui,
wliiti liiHhls We no unci' ol toil upon
llifir smooth akin. She was coutte
oils to all who caige into inu'icourno
wiih hi-., Inn imimaiu with n.nif, Sht
hail iinie.l Susy Wliivinit ihioiisrh a
Ion.; p noil ol "contagion, levir, win
niiif t he of that lilt t manli'ii,
ami 1 he mai).ii;i'r noon pin her into
positions of trust till she ducainu loiv
omaji. Heie liff eiliualioii cnalileil
Iut 10 ke tin Imoks iiiiiiiit'.r in ihu
room, thus .ImililiiiL' her salarv.
Ami here was iht ureal jifniiinl vt
i-oniplaint ly hi r cunp inioiis. Ii wag
ivell known thai, the Kilai v ot Kll.n
Chnii'liill was Millieii'iil In warrant a
uoo.l style of living ami l musing. In
toe iireai lioariiing house, where
seventy ol I he iii Is hail rooms, she
cotil.l well allniil 10 pay for the lust,
lo I'onl ilnile to ihu xmilHemelilN ol
(he I1011-1 , anil ilress well, liisleuil
of all Ihi. sin- lived ill the allie. ni.or-
ly liiriiishi'd, wiih a 1 111 v si uve, where
lie ei.oke.l 1 lie cheapest ol looil. Her
in ss was ol llie coarsest desciiolion,
111. ule b her oa ii h.iii'ls, an '1 no oina-
in. 'id broke iis severe simplicity. Sin
never speri money in any ileasuie
m ekinr, nor joined iu any of the
p:iei in. 1 1. in. 'lit iu the house. lint
crow inng enormity was t lie ro
! . al u, coiiiiilmie to iliu silver tank
aril. The I'xciinl itinp in tliante room
lisp. isti. I lor th.' .lav, waikiui; Imnie
iu I he twilight of the Seiit ember
t vi niiig, and slid liny talked ot the
nii.i;; oie'vomuu,
'Tin-(pi. si:ou is." said Mary Leigh,
v li'i ll.l I b. en feiviiiiisl II tin; ante
i ii ntst lis. ii.ii, hat i'.ji she do
Villi li.'i' money 1 ";lie net er puis any
in lie- I .c t'ty sat iligs hunk ; she cer
laii-ly -1 ..-ii. i t:: i it I iiii oa inT . llivs.
W, lei.- I- it al!, III. ii?"'
''i't-i li.ips she mi j .(i I s her par
euls?" "L'-'lh li ad. I lime hen I I. vl sa
"Ai ll. I dole say Mr. Ki.iltiui.
wmi'i II. ink her i) mi- sn. h a p.ti.inii
,i i.e li.i- 'lin. Wt" ii He niissiS hel
name Ii .mii . lie subs -l ip' Ion U.K. "
"And AV'.iiler I'mimim wiii pinb
ably ft sen the iiimiIi lo his fa' her."
'I ller. was an exullalinil in the lone
nl il i-l.i-l remark, init ill enno ale. I.
Waller Kodinau the only child d the
ii. .'.' . wh- in llie eotiniiiij; linns.'
nt tin1 tactmy, wiih eveiy piospecl ol
sunn bi-i'tiliiiig a partnei. A man
pisi lie ha I nu n iu the eiuplny
o. M. rc'.i'h & ou, troiii a lid ol 14.
mi. I had saved moil V bom a hand
smnu saint), w.lh the avowed ioii ti
lion ol piiii hasing H place iu the tii'io,
upon I he Mil if pati d ri lin inenl ol
oi l Mr. M'-rediih, who w ih known lo
lavoi the iuieuiioii. Aim iig all ihe
clerks and workmen in the great lit
loi v, there was no onu so hiiuds.iiiie
as V alter Kodiuan, none so quietly
refim d iu iiiatiin r. nolle so great a la
toi.te wiih all. Hill he had gone
through .'JO years of fiuiory life, fancy
free, until li'.lcll t'llilivlllll came to ihe
Th re waa soinelliiiig iu li e noble,
r. fin.-l face of l he young it'll that
ira. le l Waller lin luian Ir.nn Ihe
tiiM Thai there was hiiiii heafty
I rouble broniling iu the sadn.-ss ol
In r iltik e)e In- never doubt el;
bat il etr purity and g in be-ss w re
pielurnl tu IniMiau rniinienance, I hey
were iu EH. uV I'loiii his talht-r Ii.
. ii
ii ' I iiinen oi I ne new i o nr., !
alaplobil ly -)i ' showed for wmk Iv n.w In her. oil he allioist
iliue brain that"! In T s. i j
..II I" lake ct
iimi'I ..I Hie I. .nn r.-om.
wheie over a
hiiiidr.d girls w re al
U ork.
Of her anlecedelits' he kil.-iv 'iil
, , h bVoiighl a I. Her I'.'lil l'ie
eleft min "I h.r puisi, ill a SUM. I
Ne- Voik Slate. I itat "he i
.. a-a woin in of ctilliir.' and r ho''
t :het could see nr llie ll-ele.
i; t U alu r Kodiuan, n .
k and I r a 1ns I er.rl in-ir
....... ac'slio ! 'Led Eoeo I .r
I ... . r ll... -1 id i.l ii.'.
f ' ' ' T . . tv..i
mv l. I IT llie. t I'll'- HI
I . , ...I.. .. I. .m ..
a i"ii, she altauc"! I'oble a.i
views, In r h"le t) le "I
emi'lniia in an e-ei" i
.'. X eell
HI Hill II
..I l.r on-.
i ell lit iug "p "" r '''r "
1 x
; n . . HOI II llld.'.l I' n
c li'i ny, bill saving p.1. ."-!
1., i. v. a- a lni.'jl -.list air !V "
... . ! I1"' ..I .' clerk a -llili
it i.. . n lit" I-" " an 1 I"- tear )
... ... i i.' . I
,,.,,1.1 II ll'" iri! ,"'
!f.' (- ItliMii iMMIHf M.ti If
. - ...-. ..-I.. ... r.-liifsinsf IO
1 III ' ' I " l - -
h' ?r? .i-'ffi
dressing me o.ij ,. "v ' '
i eOC him 10 lliO SSUie BJI
l u
And yet, one hour with Ell drove
awny such thought" -
Tne low, soft voice, always tinged
by her Jmliiiual sailruss, conveyctj
such a minor ol a pure, lender heart,
a cultivated mind, a inrtile soul, that
Walter forgot the coarse, menu lr..
the many ilories rife in the faetufe
oi ciiei, Ktinginess, and knew he
loved her as he hail never bufore
loved any woman.
liul .wfi.rn the silver tankard was
presented t., Mr Uo.lmau, and Elleii'n
.1,... . . j
name was not upon tim ML r von
irilinioi'H to ihe gilt, Waller expert
eneed a sharp pang of disappoint
nu'iit. lie knew thai his tai hei 's r. o
oiiiuieiidatiou had gained Ellen her
hrsi place in I lis factory, that she had
found a firm fiieml iu him, ami owed
her rapid advancement to his interest
and iidliieiice. Ami yet she hail re
Insed her rcite to tlio "gift that tesii
lied ihe good feeling ol her fellow-
workers iu the faclorv !
Father ami sou had long been con
lideiiiial friends; and on llie evening
billowing the in cm, illation the latte
opeuud his heart ami told all his
ibnibis and fears. .Mr. Uiiiluian lis
lene yui.ily.
"Vei vou love Ellen." he said.
'I five her," replied Walter, "but
I fouM never be happy wiiha iniserlv
"I'onr Ellen, how lit tin she deserves
that ifin i i h!" said Mr. Uiidinan. '1
shail violat.1 a confidence rvpnsed in
ne, nalier, when I tell vou Imw you
misjii'gi her, bid I think I van trust
"Has she told you her secrci?"
"No. I heard the Biorv Irom the
clergyman of Lenwood, her native
village, who wrote lo niu b.'fore she
came here. He is ail old frienil ol
mine, asd k"ew he could conti le in
in u. 1 will tell you what he wrote lo
me. Six years ago Ellen's mother
died, leaving in h'.-rcate a sickly step
blolhel'. then -eleven years old. If I
own lather had lell Ellen a pretty
collage, and she had a imall iiienme
from the fruit and pnultry on the
place, while she made a sulliei. ni liv
ing by ieaeliim inusio and. davjn
h- organ in ihe church. When her
in. .iher died, leaving S'epli.n (Srinly,
her si i p In nil ei . an orphan and pen
nile.-s (lor her n. father before his
deilh Npiaiideivd all her mother' bi
ne t.iriiinu). E leu promised in rui e
lor Ihe hoy. Weill. 'iubcr, liu was bill
ixleen herst'll. though early earn had
in unit I hef fir bey. 'tnl her actual
"Ihe hoy grew like his fit her,' reck
less 1 evpeiiilit me, loose in juincipl ,
vet .ii, brio his sisl. r niothi r, and
i.lle of i hose loving capegiac's who
always in sum.' good woman' d
v. .linn. IIu won Ellen's. She though)
herself bound by her promise to her
mother to make every sicrilice foi
Mepiieu, and she faithfully tiled lo
lead him away Irom the companion
and evil intliii'iioa that were ruining
his liie. Three year ago a friend oi
Mrs (.'lady's took Mepheii into his
untuning house Here he was to learn
ihe book keeping, ami for a lime he
wonlen steadily. Then the bad com
pany lhat had ruined bis boyhood,
again exerted an etil influence, and
he learned lo gftinble. Iteniember,
Waller, he was but 14, ami Ellen but
6ve years older.
' of his accomplishment! was
the power of io.itating hand riling,
and by ihe persiiaiou ol some oldei
heads, he forged a check lor two
I 'lou-and dollars on the firm he was
with. The check passed the bank
undetected, fol ihe cashier was in tin?
habit of paving over large sums lo
luady. liiil when II was returned lo
the tii ill the forgery was discovered
an I tr iced In Stephen. Then Ihe
lull h came "Ul tint he had gambled
uiw.v i lie eiilire iiiniUiil. and llie two
on u who had urged the crime an I
pocketed ihe inmii-v, had fled, leaving
llie lad lo It ar toe onia. tpieuei . n
wasanesled, and repentance ca
uh n hesa the lull vousctiueiics oi
his acts.
Ii was i hen that Ed. n proved her
sell ihe inline wo.iian I b. Iteve her lo
I.e. Mie was sail' ring already lor
h. i bio m i's ciimc, having bt hel
.l.n e a- tug'"'"', and I " "
U,l having b-ll le r. U.sptle ah
.he vtnil Milhe linn m l pleaded
. . i. . ,...i
I Hie i a I. ller eimj e.
I.; ,utI i irnif I II II"
II I I I. I'll p.- c-
c.;p,. s. cut.-, l.tll 1 alio I be "
I le itl
i he town, au l go 10 "'-
-i... W is Wldnig In give m" '"
in .1. in a v e.t. rn cny
ll-inaik Mil'
I p iy tlie I '.'
, . W4il.-r-Eil.-l1 W.I..I I p.V 'I.e I'..
. I ,l,.iliA a.,.1 in.KiisI si'fi.i'
I I i.-rtie. i ' -
I'" teais
k.llii. till birtool the t-l's.
i" reb ate I and a.-ol
..rnibei, W le re lie i d II g
Eli"" tell lir bnoie " ! '
i..ipmg Inr l.igtu r s i." 4
.ol I earn in i.e' " ' '
k.i'.wmg .ill, a ! ' b- ' "
, y way. M 'U'h al' er
d i' i"g h- I". It ev-r l-t.ig
b..r si n.-ees.'tri s !' I '. "
i.i, 1 I.e
U . .--..I'l 11 '
I., r . ... 1,111 s l-i W.I.ei'.t h
. . a .
dwi.atsm.esfe.e.sbei.a.p.i.r.b.p.ed.he policy of pe. ..'-
1,1,1 nl ; !. ii'.u
scrlT Labiu.,ilil,iU Ja.1 insuilmvul being
1 . ,. ........ - ..j!,,,,,,,. liui' ao
E SwiiT
U I..I..1 . . . . ' .1
woysneoouid not taku syeti a few
tlollars to subscribe for a present to
wiimi iieu you the two years
expired on the very day when the
lasi hundred dollars was received.
Now, Waller, you kiiftiv Kllam'.'
secret. Judge fur yoiirscll if she's a
"She is as noble and sell -sacrificing
as my 4... 1UJ-. t,,l ,UL. hc WIW
i si,ii) nl appearances j ! j Val-
ter, warmly. "Tn morrow I will see
it sha can ever return my love."
"Not lo morrow." said Mr. Hod
man, stn.ling. , "Ellen went home
this atut'noon, her task finished.
Out of the sum I paid hvr for the
last week of her t..ll .1.. I..... I
my acecplunoe u the copy ol L,ng.
iciii.w upon in. tabb. be.i le you,
..or..uijr, mo in neiifM'.Hu was gialetii
lor all my Kindness in her. Iwt in eHj
a lui lo from lo r long atraiti ol sell
sacrifice and toil, Walter: ami then,
:i i . . . ... . ..
ii you van win nr love, x will gladly
give her a daughter's place iu my
neai i.
Winter had come and cone, and
Siuing sunshine w-as making all
nature glad, when, one cheery morn
ing. Ihe Irani through Leu wood h it a
single passenger at the village
stai on. lie was a lull, handsome
mail, dressed well, without foppish
ness, uml he impurcd or a iti.iu ai
the station for the residence Oi Mius
'''I'iic first while cot t ago as vou
turn ihu sec. uid
street from here,"
was ihe reply.
It wa soon found, and at the gate
the traveler halted. Thu windows,
shaded by a white verandah, Were
open, an. I he could sue ihu laslelul
parlor. It ear ihu window stood a
ha, ids, mie woman, trailing a vine
oyer a net vv 01 k- of string. Her face
was part, y averted ; but ihe stranger
111 1 I Si-eihnl nil the pallor and sad
ness of the pa-t had gout'.
l pon the gracelul lignre was a
Inss of fleecy uniNliu, laslifiilly
ninie, ami Iriuiuii'tl Willi soil iauw
.. .m . ... .1 ....1 1 - ...
lull. en 1 ' .mi..-.. ...... 1 I
II chosen oruainenis. JMiuueniy
some inner sense seemed to lell Ellen
she was watched. She turned and
saw Waller Kodmaii, looking earn
sily mid wisilully al her. A quick
Hush crept, across her check, and her
eves lighted gladly us she came for
ward to greet Inn.
May I come 1.1 V ho asked, open
ing the Unit) gale.
"I am ver glad to web o ne you,"
she answered, and then extended her
hand as he. sprang lightly up the
... . . . 1 1. .
It is not lair 10 repeat 1 vers- isis,
Suilicu ii that beiore Waller left the
liitle cotlago to take 1 1 to return
train, he had won the dearest wish ol
lii.i heart ; an I whea Summer had
bloomed, became the bride of
the junior partner of Meredith tic Co.,
the ne (inn ol the lactory whuro
she had worked so faithfully.
Living on id Pant Reputation.
The dei'cnerate son of a noble sire
never wearies in dwelling upon his
illusi roiis parentage. Steeped in
crime, living iu poverly, and dressed
iu rags, the rotton ami decayed
sprig fives iipou the past history of a
proud ancestor. The Re publican
par y, r.uiliutcd by ihe Amvicao
people, seek to prolong a precarious
existence on US paai repuinuou.
l'luiig' tl in profound gloom at the
pros,"it of certain deieat in the
l niu re, and ihe ineviublj destination
.. thrir patty organization, the old
party leaders, like llie oneieggon
soldier, s louldi-rcd ihe crutch uml
show how bailies once were won.
They poi'it lo ihe past reptitaiion ol
ihe R. iitibiican party as proudly and
1. ..lien as llie prodigal sou points to
the fame ol his lather ihe rich lands
1 owned. Ihe palatial residence
he once occupied, ami the well stored
l..rd..r it contaimd. As power re
I. 1 mi 11 iln ir grasp, the Radical
.emi-ans. wlm have so long taite'.e.
up hi pul'bc pimi'ler-, led us lhat their
party has challenge.! me auiiiirniiini
.,! llie civil, vd world by il achieve
in. ills, an I wove, as chaplels tor Us
email, Ihe fai led wreath of liber
t y I h 11 it made the boiidmcii tree;
l. 'made ciliie. iihip and schools
auiwr-al; ll ab.-li-h.-d ihe curse of
lavrry; preserved the Union Imin
m t' liinal ions and traitors, and lhat It
ui all Ihe pa-l pale In iore ihe ben-
licieul 1 II q 'ivkelled Slid
.lamed. And now liny lell us,
, t, ...o. and sighs, lhat the party
1 ,4i e-..iupbslie. thi-e grand results
:. ...... ned 10 sniii, and that
,, win. wvurrd these- Iriuinphs,
,, . . .1 of sharing the love ol the
ajlni.e ime'e-IS they vlvsni!
;. i, in. ir services are to be l'juilfd
.'b ingraiit ide lhat diiv.a ihem
Ail tins la irue : iiu u
11... re.ult of a bitter, relentless
IK, I 1 I.e liVuuI'licau
p.rly Isseii gemmus and inignini
I I .ai' iMeii .11,. war i no i '
ttd by Andre
, eucuiUou
icoutuialwu lusugura
$2.50 per year IN AOVANCE.
cratio party lor twe vo ver n,.l
now embraced by Hayes; and had
ij.u in put.. .can nariy at I ho siine
tunc administered tho governmsnt
honestly and would
have controlled the" history of the
nation during tho 'present century.
The South, at the close of the war,
was ina condition -to bo won by
kind la-e. ami iniii-imnimity. Our poo
plo wero iiiipoverished. They knew
no politics, save a dua .f.,.fid
their shattered fortunes and to forget
ni iiatreiia vngeiiiiered by tho war.
Hul 1I10 Repuhlicsn party, in its vin
diclivencss, entailed upon them great
er calamities than the war. They
filled ihe south with eHrpct luggers
a plague worso than the locusts ot
ligypi innl olhcers elected by tho
people wel'O deltosed by thu bsyonct
ami thieves placed iu "power. The
wealthy ami intelligent taxpayer
was ii)st'.i,:N0( ',.om ,)e p0g
.inii, nit 1,'iiiiiiiinins. i ir. blaCKS
were arrayed against tho whites In
deadly hatred. Lawlessness, anarchy,
sectional h it red, and a dwbt of three
million entailed upon tho Southern
people were the fruits of this policy.
More than a decade has' passed into
history since the last guu was fired,
the last rebel sword was sheathed,
and the last flag was furled in frater
nal peace. Twelve yoars have has
tened by sinco Republicanism roach
ed iis grand consnmation, ami it had
but to rule in integrity and magnani
mity to gather for yeara to come the
ripened harvest of what it had sown.
Hut there canio sinius upon its crown
and blots upon its lair columns as
the placeman advancod with his
groveling ambition and tho venal ap
proi'.cht'd with his insatiate greed.
Thu mousing owls burrowed into trio
foundaiiotia of thu grantlent monu
ments of Republican achiovuient, and
bent its comely shafts ami disjointed
its exquisite trophies. The mercen
ary and tho plundcrct crawled and'
climbed into its sacred places, and
where was 01100 tho sweet song ot
patriotism is now heard the tuneless
onuuia mo aabMUCUS,
1 ho victories, tlio 'grandeur of ilia
past. There would have bum no
solid truth if thu itl'iiit hat ntw, bun .
made to impeach' Andrew Johnson
for attempting to do what Hayes has
done, ' and which the Demooratio
puny tins long advocated. Tho world
will ever remember IJenediet Arnold,
not as the campaigner against Que
bec, and not as the broken-legged
pai riot of tho revolution silting
astride of bis euunoii cheering on tho
rebels, but an the betrayer of West
Point ; ami the American people will
remember ihe Republican party, not
lor the great achievements about
which its lenders boast, but for its
persecutions of thu South, its sec
tional ha re Is and its corruptions,
which have become a stench in tlio
land. If the last years of Radical
rule could bo blotted out. and all
their misrule, hatreds, plunder, de
bauchery, ami shsine, in places high
amf low in authority, could bo oblit
erated from our history, there would
bo some justice in tho lamentations 01
tho Radical leaders over tho down
fall tl a party whose achievements
have becu great. Hut whon degra
dation has rulod In Ihe teinpios 01
powor, and venality has deformed
the statutes ' and officials of tne
nation, and poverty and thriftless-
liess have become the iruus 01 lie
publican administration, the grand
eur of another decade only blackens
ho demoralization of tho present.
It may be sn unwelcome truth lor
Ihese lugubrious parv leaders, who
are mourning over irie reuiains of
tneir defunct organization, but tho
sooner they learn that il is tho sec
tional hatreds which they hive in
spired and inculcated that has brought
lliem to ruin, the sooner will they
learn how to submit to their detest.
The Republican achievements iinJvr
Andrew Johnson and U. S. Grant,
and not under Lincoln, nro thoso
which stare th. people iu tho laoo.
Memphis Appeal.
The I'hiladiilphia Inquirer. Radical,
savs: Had President Ursnt's policy
lasted longer it would hive been the
cause nt a color war which could have,
had no other tc-minitioii than the ex
tinction of the Southern blai ls. its
chief fruits t ere llie licensed robbery
of the Southern people, white and
black, by hordes of polilicarcarpet
badgers," and the continued oppea.'ion
ot the blacks ly the whiles.
The St. Louis Times says; ITulike
Bob Svhenck, Mr. John WeU is not
familiar with poker, and unlike Ed
ward Picrrrpont, Mr. John Welsh
imlulj es in no "boast of heraldry" or
other snobbishness, but he is a Chrif
tian, a patriot ami ft gentleman oovcr
llieless, and hi confirmation as our
Minister f St. Janu s would be some
thing refreshing to chionicle.
It i n"ted as eurions fa. t I y fir
Samuel Raker tl'' a "e-jro biS
never been ki.owi to tamu ao t's
J pliant or any wild aoiS.a!. - -. ,
ia a3 the branches his pnto"-