The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 27, 1877, Image 2

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8ATURDAY.Oirr.87, 1877.
BUSINESS. Matter of a personal
character charged for at regular adver
tising rates, to be paid Invariably In advance.
Eastern dispatches inform us that
the Goyernment seems at a loss as to
, what disposition to make of Joseph
and his band, now that they are
caught. We are a little curious as
to the result of the deliberations now
going on in regard to this perplexing
question. It 5s claimed that those
Engaged in tie original outbreak and
who committed the murders of citi.
zens of Idaho, were all killed in bat
tle. If this is true and the govern
inent still persists in pursuing tho pol
icy adopted for the last few years, it
is probablo that the prcce lent set in
disposing of the Modoos will be ful-
v lowed with tho Nez Perces. As it is
sail all who participated in the mur
lcr in tho 6rt outbreak are dead
and none left to be hung, the only
thine to be done now is to mildly
rebuko Joseph and the other leaders
who are left, and who have been try
in? for years to incite tho murderers
. to do their bloody work, and then
remove them cast of the Rocky
Mountains, set opart lor their use
large scope of the finest country that
can be selected, double their annuilic
and leave them to the worship of
iho Yankee admirers of their heroic
Distibation of Wheat.
Tweed anil Shepard.
Tho peculations of "Doss' Tweed
havo been a trump card for Radical
newspapers ever since bis rascalities
were unearthed, and they are never
weary of flaunting Trced's mindeeds
betoro the country. The investiga
lion now going on beiore trio com
missioners of the District of Colum
bia bids fair to develop robberies
under the "Boss" Shephard Babcock
Grant dynasty that will eclipse the
petty thieveries of .Tweed and his
gang in New York. A Wahhington
correspondent of a Boston paper
The District Commissioners have been en
gaged (or some weeks in examining and re
vising Hie assessments Bgainsi iinvai prop
ertv made bv the board o( public works dur
inothe Shciiherd rccime. The discoveries
fuTlv sustain the'accusationa of fraudulent
overcharges made iy we press at me time.
The revision of the assessments for seven
squares on Pennsylvania avenue, east of the
capital, illustrates the method of robbery.
The net amount 01 overcnarge ior tne Beven
squares is $51,003, or about 16 jier cent, of
the whole sum, wiuen was set uown at goi,'
4.18. The overcharge consisted in the pur
chase or brick twice, dressing curb twice,
man holes twice, partial payment of contrac
tor twice, and nearly all tlie uctnus 01 uie
contract This ratio of overcharge on all
work dono bv tho lxiard of public work be
tween 1871 and 1874 would amount to about
three aud a half millions.
The death of the distinguished
Catholic v archbitdiop oi Baltimore
says the Graphic, recalls to the mem
ory of thone who remember him in
li s youth, the romance of hi early
il'o. When he decided to leave the
episcopal ministry, for which ho had
been trained, and study for the priest
hood, he made sacrifices that few men
aro called upon to endure. He gave
up at once, not onlv his social posi
liou, but the great fortuno which hit
uncle, Mr. James Roosevelt, after
whom ho was named, intended to be
queath him; and worst of all to some
hearts, he renounced the woman
whom he loved
famous belles that New England ever
The best authority in all Euglaud
on the wheat crop and its probab
distribution, says tho Boston to,
Mr. James Csird, has recently wrft
ton a communieation to the London
' Times, in which he has given to the
general public his views on tho sub
ject. Ilia conclusion is, after going
over tho entire ground, that "if the
war in Turkey continues, tha vast re
sources of tho United Stntes and Can
ada will be severely taxed to miiko
good the wants of Grsat Britain and
Western Europe." The war has cer
tainly continued long enough to make
certain the remainder of Mr. Caird's
prophecy. It is therefore of the first
interest to this country to understand
what amouut of wheat is likely to bo
required of it abroad and what amount
it can supply. Western Europe, with
the. exception of a portion of Spain,
will hava to buy wheat Instead ol
having it to sell. So that we may
on being summoned to supply in gen
eral at much to other countries than
Great Britain as we havo usually
done. Eleven million quarters, or
eighty-eight million bushels, is what
Mr. Caird estimates Great Britain
will require in addition to what she
i mm on her own soil. For the last
lour years, she hat taken from the
United States and Canada 51 per
cent, of her total foroign supply;
from Russia, 10 per cent. ; from Tur
ley and Roumtnia, 3 per cent. ; 'and
from other countries, 24 per cent. At
tha same rate, America would this
year be called on for 47,520,000 bush
Iu round figures America will be
oallod on for fifty million bushels and
(he Blauk Sea countries ior twtnty
millions. But tho deficit of the 1st
' ter is estimated to be one half, which
would imposo on us tho necessity of
supplying sixty million bushels. For
the past six yeart, the average wleat
exports of this country has been tmr
ly 64,000,000 bushels. At Chicago
the entire wheat crop for this year is
cstimatod to be 323,000,000 bushels,
against an averago of 277,742,123 for
the past eight years, lint it is x
pucted by competent authority that
the demand of Great biitain on
America will be more than 88,000,
000. Some authorities put it as high
as 00,000,000 bushels, or 12,000,0000
quarters instead of eleven millions as
before given. That was what Great
Britain really imported last year,
The fallioz oH'in tlio Black Ssacoun
tries may as likely as uot be more
than the estimated ooo half, while
there may likewise be deficit in other
countries than those contiguous to
the Black Sea, and Western Europe
way make a still larger demand,
without counting in Great Britain.
It is not probable that we shall pro
Jueu much, if any. over 300,000,000
bushels of wheat in the United Slates
this year, while it is altogether prob
able that our donmlio consumption
of it will bo much iucreased. For
the past eipnt years it has averaged
213,000,000 bushels. The surplus is
ai certain as can bu to be taken by
Great Britain, whatever Canada may
additionally tuppTV, which in no case
tin extend 3,0Oo,d00 bushels. Merc
a a bios'lbaMS for legitimate trade,
I d v. shsll ceru:iily l st it.
Republicans aro in the fog as io
the causo or causes of their terrible
defeat in Ohio, and each one has a
theory of hi own, scarcely any two
agreeing. An exchange puts it this
Nothing is explained aud nothing is gained
when we say that the Republicans staid
away from the polls, or that the ltepublicans
voted the Workinguian'i ticket ; we are still
compelled to answer the question, why did
the ltepublicans stay away from the polls, or
why did they prufer another ticket to the
Republican ticket I What new element nan
entered into the contest within the past year
to change so many minds and to influence so
many votes ! What was it which created
dissatisfaction and alienation, especially after
a victory which had been especially valuable
to Ohio I A citizen ol Uino nail ueen eiecieu
to the Presidency, another citizen of Ohio
had been called into the Cabinet, the good
fortune of tho sons of Ohio had passed into a
proverb, vot within a year after Ohio had
gained all theso good thing.! by one victory,
the ltepublicans throw thuir victory away,
abandon the Held, and give most emphatic
and uiimistakablo expressions to their discon
tent. How did this como to pnss f
Thore is no other explanation of Republi
can dissatisfaction except the plain and pal-
. . ... ... .i i i i
pahle tact mat llio Atiuiiiiisiraiioii mm uoi
fulfilled the legitimate expectations of those
who had raised it to power.
ALEXANDER, J. B.-Jimtice of tha Peace,
South Eugene Precinct; office at Court House.
BENTLEY, J. W. Private boarding house,
southwest corner of Eleventh and Pearl lU.
TtATTCir'TT P ,'.', .V. m.l Will.,.
ette street, second door south ot A. V. retort
ft Co,
BAKER, R. F Wines, liquors, cigars and
billiards Vt lllamette street, one door north
of at. Charles Hotel.
BOYD ft RENSHAW Meat Market-beef,
mutton, pork, veal and lard Willamette
street, between Eighth end Ninth.
COLEMAN, FRANK Wines, liquors, cigars
and billiard, Willamette street, between
Eighth and Ninth.
CLEAVER, J. W. General variety store an
agricultural implements, southeast corner of
V illamette and Seventh streets.
CHAPMAN, B. F. Gunsmith repairing
promptly done and work warranted, Eighth
street, between W illamette and Ulive.
.wi... . CRAIN BROS. Dealer in Jewelry, Wateh-
JUO VI tlie ... f',l,. ..,! f; I-af-nmWil.
fB, VIIIVKB m.U .UWIVHl Jlinw uuiwm ....
lamette street, between Seventh and Eighth.
nrnrlnnfd u' Mim Julia Beers CAl.i,l3U, K. u. ueaier in groceries, pro.
produced was juibs juua .eers, vil)i()nf)i country pr0(incei canned g00(ig( etc.
daughter of Judge Beers Of Litchfield, southwest comer Willamette and tlth Sts.
rniiniM.iiniit llni-lno- tha first thiitv DOKKIS, B. . Dealer in htoves and lin
LonneUlCUt. UuriOg the tirst ti ll IJM wareWillamette street, between Seventh
years ot this oentury the law sciiooi and Eighth.
of Litchfield was considered the most DURANT, WM.-Meat Market beef, pork,
d.Blin'jrUtHhed institution Ot the Kind lumette street, between Seventh and Eighth.
iu the country. It drew to this bleak EBFg, -gXt-fl
New England village the young men and Olive.
of the best families throughout the ELLSWORTH & CO.-DruRBists and dealers
. in paints, oils, etc. illamette street, be-
country, and ono of its most honored tween Eighth and Ninth.
teachers was Judge Beers. Ilia FARRELL, P. H. Marble worker. All work
..... I in ins iiutj exccuuiu hi uhj ocbi. luuimci. ii.u
daughter was a beailtltul blonde Ol the street, one door east of Willamette.
rarest type, with waving hair of pale FRIENDLY. S. H. Dealer in dry (foods,
' 1 . clothing and general merchandise illam-
gold, large blue eyes, and a figure re- ette street, between Eighth and Ninth.
markable for its tail and slender crace. GUARD OFFICE-Newspaper, book and JoV
. , - , 'i priming umoe, comer uiuiui-bv uu x.iuiii
Added to lheo n. tural gifts, slie pos- Btreets, up'Btairs.
sesscd a fine voice of remarkablo pow- GRANGE STOREDealcrs In general mer
.... ,i ebandise and produce, corner Eighth and
er anil compass, which ewusunj Willamette streets.
improved by traininir, while hor fine GILL, J. P. --Physician, Surgeon and Drug
1 ' . ' . . gist, Postolfice, Willamette street, between
natural powers oi mum weiw i;uiiiyo- Seventh aud tiglitli.
nf odiK.!ition. HOFFMAN. S. S; Phvsfcian and Surgeon
. ' . Willametto street, between Seventh and
ami at twenty hve slio was a woman Eighth.
. xiuware
House Furnishing Goods Generally
Wells Driven Promptly
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Willamette Street,
Eugene City, Oregon,
)regon Steamship Company. 600,000 Successful Treatments 1
I N Issues 1 New C.urea !
For San Francisco, Direct. As annroved bv the celebrated Suecialist. .
Carrying the United States Mails andlJJJX. Jt Liil X HlXV X
Wells, Fargo's Express. ; Of London Private Hospital Fame. '
I Lata from Nur York ntv lc Anartalla. $7 50 ...Steer-e $3 OO PRACTICAL PHYSICIAN FOR
Through Tickets, at Reduced Rates, for CHRONIC & SPECIAL DISEASES.
aI rum nml'iiliilild iiiHcinal ion. HENDRICKS. T. G. Dealer in general mer-
vi.u.u : ',, ... . ,. .. ,
, , . , . , I cnanuise nortnwesi corner uiiuueiie uiu
At tills lime during a suu.mi'r pieas- Nillth gtreets
nro t rin. shn rent tho VOUliir Enisconal HYMAN. D. Variety Store and dealer in
t.i . . ' ' furs and shins, Willaii
Kiglitli and Ninth.
clergyman, and the two became en
af 0(1. The llev. Mr. Uaylcy was at HODES, C Laser beer, linuors, cijjars and a
. , m i ' i j - fine luiieon.hole tame, v illamette street, oe-
mod a strikingly handsome twee'nWhth and Ninth.
The Kkxtucky Ub.vudkd Gikl.'
There is a girl in Warren Couuty,
Kentucky, aged four years on the
20tlioflast month; sho weighs 100
pounds, measures 18 inches across tho
chest and is four feet eight and a hall
inphes hiadi. Thero is alhick'gr0'1'1
of hair coveiins? hor whole body,
whilo her faco is covered with beard;
TTnr mnnpii iir Ht i-i-tinrt I, lit nstomsliinir-
- - a - a
ly great, and she can carry 1ir ten
year old Bister under her arm with
eaao. The growth of hair camo dur
ing tho last eighteen months, am:
just previous to its appearance tho
hild wus troubled by an olrensivo
and profuse perspiration, making
dark stains upon her clothing.
Tub (Jkovkii Case. A Sow York
dispatch of Oct. 20th contains the
following: "Tho WoiUs Washing
ton special says: llccauso of Moitou'i
illness, tho committee to examine into
Grover's caso has not been able to
report. MoMillan, of Minnesota, has
been preparing a report, whioh it is
thought will bo signed by all th
mouthers of tho commilteo and whie
will completely exonerate Grover,
Tho report will not be submitted unti
the December session.
this period a striKingiy nanusome tween Kwhth
limn, possessing qualities Ot heart IIENKLE, K T. -Barber and Fashionable
" I I lna.a n-.iut aula IV 1 1 1 nmatta grrOAT
letween Eightli and rinth,
with whom he was btoUL'ht ill contact. HARRINGTON. FRANK Barber and Fash
l . ,t.. i l i . t:k ...
Tt . i j ,.lU man lntiaUie Xiair-reBlT, eiWl muo nuiiunnu:
iney wi'iii, niuccu, a i iium ....... Btr(.et, second door north of St diaries Hotel
ami woman who met in that lonir JAMES. B. II. Stoves, and manufacturer ol
... 1 .1 .l. L.l imWltl niimuwi nnic, iiimiiiv.n bv.vuwj
past Biimiiiur, mm "iiv, wuu iiau between Eighth and Ninth,
ndlferetit to a hundred adorers listen- KINSEY, J. D. Sash, blinds and door fac
. 1 ,1...,. fnn n,nl,linni
. ... . . .1 3 , . .1 LlirV. WIIIIIUW Ullil .ivf. l.m.ivn, ...u...iiik
ed Willi pleasure to mo au.iresm.'s oi ctc;;,.iivzintf ftnd kI cuttins done to order.
a man who fi It that until now he had LEWIS, C HAS. -Painter, glazier and paper
. ... v ...,.i R., T.Aur. hansrer illamette street, one uoor soutn oi
liovr mil, imiiiiij man. ' l'" J. W. Cleaver s.
Hi fnl as love miirllt be in ail oriianiza- LYNCH. A. Groceries, provisions, fruits, vee-
I , t i i iiTiil ii. -i s !!.., ,1 -
.1.. Kb., l.l. tl. l...,oMf nl,inn etal.ies, etc, iuaiiie.v0 ..r
uu.i imu mo, i. iv ....,.... j B3uth of I'oBtorhoe.
conviction was Still dearer to llio LAKIN & ROONEY-Sacl.Uery, harness, fad.
l r., .1.. ..,.., .!.nn.n sn.1 me tree,, whips, etc., Willamette
iii-.ii vi , tween Hightli and Aintn.
niter his transference to Ilagerslown, LTICKEY. J. S. Watclimalter and Jeweler
I . . ,. i 1., xi'MI
M. . , ... . r. keeps a nne biock oi goous in ins line, n mam-
.1., where he met the present tar ett8'8tri.eti in j;iL.worth's drugstore.
linal Mc.Closkcv.Mr. Havlev resolved McCLAItEN. JAMES-Clioice.wines.linuors,
1 I ... inn ... i 1. ..1.-V-1..1.
Tl I anucit?ars vv umuieue street, uoi-wl-uii x.iyiuu
... Vi..H,
MELLER, M. Brewery Layer beer on tjip
and by the ke or hurrt l, cirnerof imt!i a:i
Olive strei ts.
MvOLANAII.YN, E. J.-Tmrk and Irayin.
A Missinu Man. The Oregon City Enter
prise contains the following account of the
nivsterions disapiwarance of ayounu mauWt
as ho was returning to his home after an
alisenco of 14 years; "Aliout four weeks g
yesterday, a man named Chas. Miller, brothe
of Buck Miller of Molulla prevint, got oil the
cars at Hubbanl station aud rlo out to
Stubbs' store with Mr. John Stewart. He
told Mr. Stewart that he was going to visit
his father, brothers and sister, whom he had
not seen for U years. He said he had Wen
living in California durini: that time. II
iiiirvhased a bottle of whisky at the store,
saying the old man ned to like a drain, and
he would give him a treat; and then picked
up his satehel aud started to walk to hi
brother's place, which is almiit four mile
from the store. A little after sundown
man ainwering to the dt schption given by
.Air. Mcwari stiippo.i at mo mow jiu ksou
and imiuirud the way to Buck Miller's, and
the Kiino evening he tipcd at Mrs. llarri
son Wright and alo iiiiinred tho way to
the mine place. Mrs. Wright says she gave
him the information, and the man patl out
of the gate, but she did not notice w hich w ay
he went, a she was busy at woik. This is
the laot place that any trace can be obtained
Willamette street, between
kja u aiSilll Va&lVlll
First-Class Family Groceries
Notions, Crockery and Willow Ware
For medical and family nsca.
And everything else molly kept in a First Claw
I be lcare Ut inform ths tritittna nf Pn.. .j.
the surrouDtlinir countrv that I hats facilities ta sel
cheaper than any other house tins side of Portland
Fresh supplies Teceived weekly,
Of thi very beat qualities oxlt.
My motto is
Small Profits and Quick Sales.
Please call and learn mv Drices before nnreiuu
Willamette Street, Kugene City.
CaBh Paid for Bacon and Eggs.
Goods Delivered to all Parts of the City
Tlie undeisbmed offers his farm lvine imme
diately west of Eugene City, for sale cheap,
and upon easy terms, it consists ot va acres
well unproved, 80 acres in cultivation with a
young orchard of 300 choice fruit trees. '
sale at Railroad Office.
r..s GEO. W. ELDER.
IU.19UK lomuiiiiitr,
Will leave the Company's Wharf at Footof F street (Except bis Nerve and Blood Remedies, and
f,lU,ln,ai.lnn 1 -.1 A J T .. .
Has permanently located in Portland
The Lame Walk! The Blind See! The DcafLW.
No Surgical Operations Performed t
fur the above pi.rt on
Saturday, October 27, 1877.
For Freight or Tuauee apply at the Offlco of the
Company, corner r and rront streets,
other Approved Ireatment, with-
out Mercury.)
"nCE I Over O'Connor's Store, corner of
Washington and Front Btreets.
Uthce Hours f rom 10 A. H. to D r. n.
Suit in equity
to forclose
io become a Catholic priest
a a
ileeision wus a ilenth blow to Miss
Bui'i's. Sliu hersi'lt, i?rsiittiIoil !y her
hvfi. I'liibracoil llio f.iith of llio Cl'iiri'li
t i , i i ., ,c... . all orilers promptly attended to, Patterson
of Home, nml lor a while took n-fu-e nJh o sJmitk
iu II convent. This depart IHO of one OSHUItX & CO. Dealers in dnii. medicines.
. . , . . . l i. I eneniicuirt, oii., uauiui, biu. .? iiiaiiiL-bu e
i.ui:n iv a i ii,.i.,v,,1. n. t..i s..r... ... .. op.Hc S. Charles tloteL
cloister nrodiiueil a creat sensation pekxtvo TON. B. C Auctioneer and Com
I , . .!.... .L ... 1 TT:..l.
,i . I' ii ,l,.. Uiissum juercnant, corner sevcn.n aim uigii
nmoiiir tho tashionuble circles ot that ..,,.
day, anil when, after a brief period poiXDEXTER & KUSH-Horneshwinj and
ul 1 ..I a ,.,.,.i;r Hi'.'"-' .iMksiiiiths, Kighth street,
i " "" """" l'v hetween Willamette and Ulive.
roiuanee. Hod from tho convent aud rpKSTON WM. Dealer in Siwldlery. Hnr-
. i . ,. ii , r , nees, Carriatre Trinnninat. etc. Willamette
reuirneu to ner irienu, nu hoi is ui gtwet lH,.wetn SeVt.nlll aml Ky.t,,.
suecilltion wel'O Set slloat. For .1 few REAM, J. It. Undertaker and htiil.Uns cfn
jears sho bad a lite of retirement ot wra,T
her homo in Litchfield, and then fell ROSENBLATT & CO. Drv Roods, clothins,
. vi,..i.n trt rnnsmnnl i..n nnd iiprhnna xwries and K-neral wivUndiw, southwest
l ' corner illamette ana r.ii;iitu streetn.
to a broken brui t. SHIELDS, .T. C.-Phyahian nnd Surgeon-
nnrth side Wmtll street, ht uoor east oi M.
Charles Hotel.
Another granger case has been do- STEVEXS, MARK Dealer in tobacco, cl -j
,.Mni1 l. l,n TTnit...l Silnt... .nnroni. Rars, n.iw. can., es, notions, etc.-v. uiauive
v...v.. v street, between fcujhth and ?intli.
court. The Chicago. UlllTin'lton it STEIXHEISEIt. S. Dealer in crrocr-ries, pro'
n..; ... 'u.f.r0l, viMon. veUlilw. fruits, etc. -Willamette
v4,...i, ""' "v..., j v. ...... street, Iwtween Ewhth and Xintli.
jilantitrs in error, and they contested toWKIX, W. II Biwt and shoe maker,
rnri.tit ill innnlil f ll.o r.-iilrr, ,d law illamette street, opposite Astor Mouse.
the niisaiiik; man, and it is feareil that he
Wat foully dealt with. It is only a little
over a mile from Mrs. Wright's to Buck Mil
ler's pltco, and the road is plain and open,
and there was not any chance of lusiii): the
road. The people uf the iieiulilMirhoml have
ol Iowa. Tho decision is against the
company. It atlinns the right of the
Slate to fix freight and passenger
rates, unless prevented by tho terms
of the charter. Thus the general
principle has been Inlly established
that the several Stales can, if they
will, exercise complete sovereignty
over the railroads within their respec
tive jurisdictions, aud prescribe what
ehall or shall not be charged.
The following from the en of Calvin R
McDowell, Em., at one time Editor of this
paper, now of the Oakland Transcript, eviden
ces tlie fm t that Mac has lost none of his force
aud elegance of style. iStatenmiin.
Who is Calvin B. "McDowell ?"
Indorsed hy the Medical Fraternity, popular
in evrry circle, found every hen. tiiK.NN's
Sulphur Soap is undoubtedly the imwt popular
puritit-r, muedy for skin dieasea and iniuriea
and complexioiial be.iutifier in America. Sold
hrall Druiita. Hill's Hair and Whisker
Dye, .Black or Brown, SOc
XoTHiMQ Short. Ot nnmintakable benefits
conferred Uxn tens of thouaan.l of tutferera
could originate ami maintain the reputation
which Arch's SAR.iArARil.LA enjovs. It is a
compound of the hint vc-.TtaUe alterativea,
.1. I I : I ..i : I 1 I
... . - m I W IVtl tllO X'.UIII-V IM I I'MHIUIII IHI in'Bi MIU M
made tf.oroujcli si-arch f. the .missing man on , Ue m,t (ffvt,llU (f M fr rfKs,
l nifonulv snc-
two oiTAsuina, uut cannot niui any trace oi n,.,,,;.! i,i,.i .li.u
bim.. It is not known whether he had any i owaful an.1 rtain in its muediat etfwrta, it pro
nioner on his person or not Mr. W. H. duces rapid and ei.mpl.-to cures of ScmfuU,
VaUL'Iian. from whom we obtain our infonna-1 Surva, lU.iLi, lluniom. 1'iu.plw, Eruptions, JSkin
tion savs there is no doubt but what the man Iiea and all dinordim aruinu fnm impurity
... .. ' . V. . i , . i 1 1 : . . : : . : .1 .
was ma.lo away with in some manner, rrom ; w. ". y iawipnWiK
tl.. ;.,...i..,.s it i. nn..l a.mii always !beve aud oU cure Liver Conv
i . . ... . . .
i i .i i-. w-; .i.t ' luainu, rrmai
m-wyim . - - "TV". ".. " . and i. a r-.u-nt renews of viulitv.
ami imvuuntieii.
.... ,... ... i- i . I .... , iihi li li'WBl irnrwww tiumiit. fur pun-
Miller s; mil mere u noi in. si.iiie hub to f - ... it . BO i tk.
Uie perpetrator. The father of the missing ,,,. rwtoree and pnwr. the health, and
man showed Mr. Stewart an album contain- i,rta ti-or and energy. For f..tty year it
ing a photograph of L is ton, and he at once hu been in exteniv use. and is the
identilied th portrait at that of the man t the most available roeJiHne for the eutTrring
who nile in lis wagon." ' skk, everywhere. Fur sale by all dealer.
TlIOMrSOX A BEAN'-Attomeys at Uw
I'nderwoml'a brick, Willamette street, up
VAN HOUTEX, B. r.-A'jit for the Xorth
l.ntisn and .MorcuiUn1 Iimiirauco C ompany,
Willamette street, at Express ollice.
WALTOX, .1. .I.-Attorney-at-Uw. Office
Willamette street, between Seventh and
WITTER, . T. -Buckskin dressin'. The
hi, -lii's t price paid for deer skins, Eighth st,
at Bridge.
WELSH & BOLOX-Surp'cal and Mechani
cal Di'iitisti, Underwood's brick, over Crain's
Jewelry tore,
UNDERWOOD. J. B.-C.eneral brokerage
busiiitKs snd aent for the Connecticut In
surance Company of Hartford Willamette
street, between Seventh and Eighth.
State of Oregon, for Lane county,
S. F. Chad wick, Goveruorand
Secretary ot atate, and A. M.
Brown, Treaeurer of the State
of Oregon, " Board of Com
miseioners for the sale of
School Lands, and the Man
agement of the Common
School fund," Plaintiffs,
W. G. Eaton, Charles Eaton,
J. L. Eaton, .lames Hull,
Martha Huff, John Harper,
Amanda Harper and Isaac
W. Miller, Defendants.
To the above named defendants, John Harper
and Amanda Harper s
In tlie name of the State of Oregon you and
each of you, are hereby required to appear in
the nlxive entitled suit, brought against you Dy
the above named Plaintiffs, in the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon, for Lane county, and
answer the complaint of Plaintiffs filed therein,
by the first day of the next regular term of said
Court, to be begun and noiden on Alunony me
5th day of .November, IHi, at Eugene City,
county and State aforesaid.
The defendants wilijtake notice, that u they
fail so to appear and answer said complaint of
Plaintiffs, as above renuired. that Plaintiffs
will apply to the Court for the relief demanded
therein, to-wit : Xhat l laintilts nave judgment
against the defendant, W. G. Eaton, for the
sum of $730, with the interest thereon, at ten
per cent, per annum from the 1st day of July,
1873, in gold coin of the United States, less the
sum of $118, paid as interest on said sum, and
for costs and dixbnrHcnit'nts of this suit. .
That the usual decree may be made for the
sale by tlie Sheriff of said Lane county, accord
ing to law, and the practice of this Court of
tlie mortgaged premises described in said com
plaint, to-wit : Commencing at a stake on the
south line nf the donation claim of W. G. Ea
ton, notification C53ti. T. 1!) S. R. 2 AV., 24.15
chains east of southwest comer of said claim ;
running thence east 22.82 chains, thence north
95.71 chains, thence south 40' 6", west 69.58
chains, thenco west 8.40 chains, thence south
7.58 chains, thence east 18.29 chains, thence
south 21.87 chains, thence southeasterly in di
rect line to place of beginning, except about 60
i i ..l !.- if I.V. i : itu
acres uerueu w f. m. x.uu'U, iraviug no avrce,
more or less.
Also commencing at a point north SO east,
distance 10 chains from the 8. W. corner of the
donation claim of Caswell Hendricks, notifica.
tion 6521. T. 19 S. It. 2 W.. thenco north 50.
east 10.27 chains, thence north 28', west 20.40,
chains, thence south 50', west 10.27 chains,
thence south 28, east 20.40 chains to the place
of beguimng, containing 27 acres, more or less,
in sections 20, 21, 1C and 17, bearing? from be
ginning corner to section corner of Bald sections,
north o east Also beginning at the southeast
corner of survey 142, being the southeast corner
f 1 I t: 1 1 -1 .Y li if .
oi saiu uonauoii laiui claim oi i osweu nn
dricks j running thence north 40" (P, eat 10
chains, thence north 28', west 26. 45 chains to
comer in an'le of survey 142, thence north 40,
eait M 26 chains to northeast corner of survey
142, thcrce north 49 52', west 181 chains,
thence south 40', west S5.!M chains to the south
ern southwest ccnier of said land claim, thence
south 511'. east 28.ii3 chain to the rdace of be-
gmnnig, ronuing l.jn acres, an uie anove
described premises lieing fn an id T. 19 S. R. 2
V.. Ijino countv. State of OrVKon.
That the proceeds of such sale may be applied
in payment of the amount due upon said prom
issory note to Plaintiffs, for principal, Interests
and the costs and diaimrseuicnts ot tins suit,
and the exienses of making such sale ; that the
the cure of Chronic Diseases and cases'
given up by the best Physicians and Professor
as incurable, and although over 27 years a grad-'
uate of a Medical College, his method of treat
ment is peculiar to himself, as he belongs to nV
XI ...II 1 L!..l U I.. f.K... Plan. aK.'
Meilinul Si-hiuils. Creeds, ( linues. Clans. Scho
lastic Dogmas or Straight Jacket Impracticable
Medical Theories j but he belongs exclusively
to the Medical Profession.
His practice is based upon the most strict
principles of science ; and there is nothing mi
raculous or supernatural about it ; it is in har
mony only with all Nature's laws. Many emi
nent Physicians of the various practices' not .
only acknowledge his superior method in cer
tain cases, but receive his treatment for' them
selves antl families,
By this treatment it requires buta short time
for inveterate cases of almost any curable chron
ic disease ; and few diseases require a second,
treatment, 'except i n Paralysis of Longstand
ing, Suppurating Tumors. Bad Curvatures of
the Spine, etc., etc., and theso cases are Cued.
The followimr are tfte Diseases which yield'
most readily to his peculiar treatment, to-wit :;
Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout,' Neuralgiay
Paralysis, Hysteria, Convulsions, Headache,'
Nervous Irritation of the 15ftm, VvaKeiuiness,
Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Liver and Spleen, '
Irritation of the Stomach; Chronic Diart-hoaa,'
Kidney Diseases, Diabetes, Gravel, AmenSr-rlm-ji,
Chlorosis Ulceration'and Displacement '
f the Womb, all kinds of rexual Weakness,'
ieneral Debility. Nervons Depression, Weak
Spine, Lous of Appetite, Asthma, Conitimp-
tiou, Loss of Voice, Bronchitis, Diseases of the'
Heart falpitation, Ju-uptive Diseases, Dinicuiu
Hreatinir. with Pain in the Lungs, Coughs,.
Weak and Sore Eyes of every description, Gran
ulation of Eyes, specks or Opacities of the Cor-'
eno Amarosis or 2s rrvou Blindness, Deafness
Noise in the Hi ad, DiscWgee from the Ears,.
Tumors, Piles, Swelled Neck (or GoitreA, Svph
ilitio Rheumatism, Ulcers, Epilepsy or Falling
rits, etc, etc.
The following are some of the Diseases ia
which his certain Blood remedies are sufficient
in connection with his treatment in order to ef
fect a speedy and Radical cure, viz :
Scrofula, Catarrh of the Head, Throat and
Lungs, Skin Diseases, Cancers, Syphilitic Dis
eases, all Blood Diseases, etc., eto.
Taps Worm. He guarantees to remove Tape
Worm, in every instance, in from two to four
hours, with the head. When tlis head is not
removed the worm will grow again. No money
required until the worm is removed.
Nasal Cataksb positively cured by one treatment.
Dropsy cured without Tapping.
Gravel (or Stone in the Bladder), dissolved
and removed by two applications of a perfectly
harmless vegetable liquid.
Charges moderate and according to circum
stances. No charges for a second treatment.
Cured at Home, Write a full statement of
the case and treatment will be sent.
Address, Dr. J. FlattemY,
Portland, Oregon.
Estray Hotic
L living about seven miles southwest from
J uncti.m City, one small sorrel mare with white
soot in forehead : no other marks or brands
perceivable. Siippoted to be 4 or 3 years old
and very breechv, and appraiwd at thirtv five
dollars. ' JOS. GREEX.
Said aninial was posted Oct, 5th, and ap
praised by me Oct 221, 1877.
Final Settlement.
Xl D. C. Underwood, administrator of the
state ef Lydia Uudcrwoo.1, deceased, has filed
his areount for final settlement of said estate,
i . i. . . . ... .i i .f I IWll
Hid I ii. I .iioiHiav, Mir I ui ,uv 1 utiiiiw;, -. t,
has leeu art for hearing the same. Bv order of
the Court D. C. UN DEKWOOD,
C W. Fitch, a Adniinwtrator.
AU'y for Estate.
defendants and all pcn?pns claiming under them
or any of them, subsequent to the execution of
said mortgage, to-wit : r-eptemlier 10th, li A,
either as purchasers, im-uinberanees or other
wise, mav lie forever barred end foreclosed of
all right, claim, or equity ofieduniption, in or to
said mortgaged premise.?, ai.d every part there
of, and that l lamtit:s have execution against
the Defeudant, . (j. fcaton, for any deficiency
which mav remain after applving the proceeds
of such sale, properly applicable' thereto, to
the satisfaction of said judgment, and that
rlaintifia have such other and further relief in
the premises, u to tho Court may appear just
and eo.uitable.
Jjy order of linn. J. t. n aurnn, Judge of
the 2,1 .ludi.-ial District, and of the Circuit
Court of the State of Orvgnn, for Ijtne county,
hearing date the 1 Ith dav of September, 1877.
Nrnce ot tins M millions is made bv publication
in the Eugene Citv Gcard. a weekly newspa
per published at t-ugene City, Jjine county.
buteoi invgon.
Attornevs for Plaintiffs.
Dated September l!Hh, LS77.
J. dard brands at
A New Deal.
TTA3 JUST RECEIVED from tha East a
We bare jnst received from the Eastern I XI line of fine and fanhkmable cloths, such as
fact'iry, direct, a large stock of window Has never neiore oeen brought to hegene, con
shades and wall naiier : among the utter are ming oi
many very pretty stvlre embracini; Grained
PanneU, FjiiUmaed, i.ilu and Lace Patterns,
Satin and Common Blanks, all of which
we ll cheap, and no charw for trimming
WE BEG to inform ear Meade and the eaMfa
that we hare just received direct from 8
F.-aneiaco and the JKaitera uarketa
Clocks, Faints, Oils, Etc.,
Selected hv our MR. 8. ROSENBLATT
which we offer at
Parties will find it to their advantage to cal
and examine our stock and prices before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Highest price paid for all k'.nds of Produce.
P.ale Goeida,
Cesllais, la all Graiee,
4 Flae Teetlaca.
R.C. CRlHtn.
hundred aud sixty acres, 100 acres under
cultivation; all under fence and the improve
ments in good order, which we wi'l sell at
barvain, and on the mint reasonable terms.
Situated five miles ermth of town, and has a
gnl outrange for stock. Apply at thia office