... . j , f 1i i:; i ; W . JU HJh JLL-dx. l i vJLL JL X V' ' " r i t r - ESTABLISHED FOR TflE DISSEMJiATlOS OP DEMOCRATIC r&IXClrLES, AND TO EARN AS UOXEST LIVING BY THE SWEAT OF Oil BBOW WHOLE NO. 519. EUGENE CITY, OR., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1877. ! I .A $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE!. HIT ii 1 it Zht (5uflcnf Cttu, Guard. x. ALKXAKDBH, W. IL AJ.EXANDKH. ALEXANDER BROS., Publishers and Proprietors. . -.. OFFICE In Underwood' Brick Building, over Crain's Jewelry Store. HUE ONLY ' RATES OF ADVERTISING. AdverUsemenU Inserted a follow; )m square, M lime or lew, one insertion ; each mVquent Insertion L Cash required In advance Time advertisers will be eUrged at "the following rteJ a. .quart three month... -- .ixnontlia J J"J " oaeyear " 00 Trnlent notice, in loci eolumn, SO oent per line r each liuertion. Advertising bill will be nendored quarterly. All lob wor mart be r a roa on nnjvKat. POSTOFFICE. Office Hour. -From 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sunday, from . to J:S p. m. , Mail arrive, from the soft' h and leave, going north 10 a.m. Arrive, from tlie north and leave, going ruth atlJS p. m. For Siaiclaw. Kranklin and Ixmg Tm, rWoe at a.m. on Wednesday., kor Orawfords wille. Camp Creek and Brownsville at I r.u. Letter, will be ready furdehvery half an hour after .rival f train.. Utter, should be left at the oliioe aa hoar before, mail, depart. ' A. B. fATTEllSOS, P. M. 80CETI,ES. , No 11. A. F. and A. M. MocU Brat and third Weluesuay in each month. mvwc. Bpkkcfr litn-r ido ho. w . . JV TjO. F. Meets every Tuesday eveuing. jL&-" WwttMM .tKeuaumr No. 6, aneeU eu the Sd and 1th Wedntwlaya in each month. V- a T f LON CLEAVER, iDB WTIS T 00M9 OVER MRS. JACKSON'S Mil linery Store, . . WILLAMETTE STREET. Tf DK. F. WELSH HAS OPENED DKNTAJLi KOOMS Tennaneutly in the f ndervrood Brick, Eugene City, and respectfully solicits a hare of the 5' mblic natronax. liefers by permission to J. . Cardwell, i'ortl&nd. A. TF. PATTERSON , PHYSICIAN AND. SUUGEON, , ce on Ktnth Street, ippoaltethf St. Charles Hotel, and at Ke.ldence, . KJOKNK CITY OREGON. Dr J; C Shields VVFFERS HI PROFESSIONAL SER J rices to the oitteons of Eugene t lty and inrroumlini? country. . Speeml attention piven oall OBSTETRICAL CASES and UiMi INE DISEASES entrusted to his care. Office at the St. Charles Hotel, ,DR. JOSEPH P. GILL - Ci AJf BE FOUND AT it IS OFFICE or res yidence when not iirofewaonally engaged. Offica at tie , POST OFFICE itUVG STORE. , Residence os Eighth street,' cpnoaite Prey- Aertah Church. Chas." Li. Horn, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. y tvp-aT.EUIN GUNS. RIFLES, nd luateriaid. Rearing done in SS? the neatest stjje and Warranted. ' Sewing Marines, Safes, IkU, etc.. reuaired. Gunsioaned and ammunon furnished: ' hop oa Ninth stiwt, opinio btarXiaKery. GEO. B. D01UUS, iTTOMW AV8 CODSSElLtm AT IAW, , Office on W'illaraetto street, Eugene City. Oamkaiiflll - Aflallt 1 ST. NICHOLAS, " Tht king of all publications muni for (Ac young oniuher lidt f li Atlantic." South amton (Knglaod) Observer. The third volume of thi Iuiyitu parable Magaiine i. now completed. With it SOU royal octavo page, and six hundred ifluatrationa, it. splendid mrials, iU shortc, stories, poems, and .ketohe., etei, eto., in it. bfKiitiil binding oi red and gold, it u the moat splendid gift buuk Air boys and girls ever iasuod from the preas. Price, M ; in full gilt, 5. ST. NICHOLAS FOR 1877. . Wnoh ojien. with November, 1876, beirin. a short and very entertaining aerial from the French, " 1 he Kingdum of the Oreody." A story adapted to tlie Thanksiriving season.- Another aerial of abaorbing interait to boys, ' HIS OWN MASTER," BV t. X. TROWUKIIK1C, author of the "Jack Haiard Htoriea," in the Christ mas Huliday - Niunlwr. VesiiUi. wnal .tone., Christmas storles.lively skeU'-hee.poeiu. and nirturea for the huliduys, and aume aatonishiuir illustrations' oi imentAl enurts, ivitn drawings ny hitimptwnrtisu. hie ciiRiKrMAH holiday number of B'f. NI8U0I.A8, superbly illustrated, contains a vert interesting pu'pur. , "TUB BOYS OF MY CHILDHOOD," By WILLIAM CULLIK BitlAKT. Do not Fail to Buy St. Nicholas for tbe Christmas Holidays. 1 rico, 23 ucnts. Durinir the veai- there will be Interesting pa per. for birys, by Willam Cullen Bryant, ohn ti. Whittier, Thoma. Uuirhcs. William Uow'tt, Dr. Holland, Qforge MacDouald, Bunfurd B. Hunt, Frunlr B. Stockton, and others. . There will be stories, sketches and poems of special intercut to irlrls, by Harriet Prescutt Spofford, 8- aan ty ilKlge, Nirnb Winter Kellogg, tliJIetn Ptu art ljieliM, Louisa Alcott, Lucretia P. liule, CilBV lhaxter, Mary Mnpe. Ikxlife. ana many ouiers. There will be also " TWELVE 6KY PICTURES," ht pnor. mocTOB, ; the Astromer, with map., .bowing "The Star, of Each Month," will be'likely to .urpuas in Interest any aerie, in popular science recently given to the Pu!'lir;. 1 . 'J... AMUNKMCS V A n if WnuUtUO.l, WllU FUN AND FROLIC, and WIT AND WISDOM. will be mingled as heretofore, and St. NicMola. will continue to delight the young and give pleasure to the old. GOOD NEWS FOR BOYS AND GIUL8. To meet the demand for a cheaper St. Nicholas Gift-Book, the price of vol.. I and II ha. been re duced to (S each. Tlie three Volumes, in an elegant library case, are sold lor IW (in lull gut, suj, so that all. may give their children a complete set. These volumes nintainmnrealtmutive material than fill v dollars' worth oi orillnufv children's book.. , . 8uliription price, Ma rear. The three bound vol umes anil a suUwvo: won lot tuis yearoniy in. dud scrilie with the neaiost newsdealer, or send money in Check, or P. O. Money order, or in reiristered letter, to ScaiiuiKB & Co., Hi Bioaaway, N. Y. ALFRED BLEU Has Liken po8C8nii of tlie Luckey Livery Stable, And will carry on a , GENERAL LIVERY BUSINESS. Horses fed and boarded by the week or day. HOUSES AND BUGGIES FOR HIRE. . ST fiHARLFS HOTEL EUGEXE CITY, OREGON. MRS. A. RENTREW, : . Pr II a vine again tnken possession of the o well known ft" " ST. CHARLES HOTEL. Wiiuh has been newly furnished and refitted, now oiien foe the reception of guests. ;. I havi fifteen roouis in the v-i .FIRE PROOF BRICK BUILPING rowing 50 roouis in alL It is tlieuost coiiuno- (Jioas anil liest .aj'lHiiuieu uoiisb. m mo ww south of Salem. . , . , FREE CO;CH TO THE HOUSE. ," A. HENFBEW. B: H.JAMES, MAHVrACTVBKR OF TLI AM) SHEET IRON WARE, Willamette Street, KuKdie City, ' -v Orga. Keeps constancy on naiid a complete assor . meul of " ' ' ' y Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, r Stov'Ss, . Ranges, Pumps, etc"- Repairing 'done promptly and in the bust manner. COKSUAIITIOft Positively Curcl. All si'flerer from this diswise that are anxious to bo cured, should try r. Kl.aner'a Celebraf H I'nnsumnllve Powder. These 1'owdurs .M ..nlvtinTAratinn kuuwn that will cure CBli sumption anil all aisease. oi me .urua.auu I, u ail n -indeed, so stnwg i. our faith in them.and tlt thev an no humliutr. we will forward to -very i.fferer, by mail, pot pwd, a fre Irtal Box. . ., We don't want your money nntil you are perfectly satistted ot their curative power.. If your me is worth saving, t delay in giving vow a-ww . .. .ul l,r will surelv cure Vott. Pric, for large ous, a. wi, "ni" i i- United mate, ot urnaoa uy mu iv- A ash Roninxs, t 10 Fclij Stomt, BaooaLfK, N. T. FITS EPILEPSY, .OR FALLING SICKNESS on mount's ' r Ir. Goulard' i"lebrtrd Infallible Vi Pouder fo envmre aotfi-rer. tlat tlieae jsiw.lcr. wdl do all we forth, we will wndthem bymaU. poat paid. a. froe TiW)ol.. ytT P""?ir L:...i....n herm madtW.di MMi''i ..A. ...ibrnir knowlrrtir. tbowand. fD HTjn. nr.t . i , . . Uie Powders, we w ill guaranire a wr mTnVns cure mevery . or refund you all " " l.H Alf iervrs shiaild rirt fowderian tiT tmi, and be convinced of JaoT I art of Vmirt Kt Canada ' . ' ' l f ra ii AlilnMd irjwip - r" AftH 4c BOBBIXS, SG Fcxto Stmet, Booi, N. Y. rn CENTRAL MARKET BOYD & REKSHAW, Proprietors rill KEEP CCHSTAJfTLY OX HAKD, BEEF. VS7 4I " ,uo" :?trfOK. TW Mat. of an W.a. JUo.U. -.11 Iif a chuaks from to 1 ala. - ri:im.TI'KAr. iMri.f.3it-i.-) A .M 1 .1.1- al intliw ni" T ll jiiiSkl.JsIt'KA THE DEAR TJABT. The hand that rocks the cradle ' ' .' Is the hand that rseks'the world,, ..' But the man that wakes the baby. ' , ( Will get hi ear-lock curled. At nrk Jfmil. .- -The man yho owns a baKy, , If he's any sense at all; v Will himself arise and soothe it Y . Whcii it first begins tmmiuulL . . .Vnr Tort Tlie man who rocks the baby ' . -On very squitlly nights, (, . Is he whose wife s a lady ' ' That shouts for woman' rights. ' ''. -Vhilaticlpkia Frit: The man who wakes the bnby ( ; ; Hy blundering hi at night, ' Deserves a squally lecture ' On the text of getting tight .Vt ra. The man who wheels the baby In its coach around the square, Is a very model husband. So most of wiyes declare. Jlaltimori Town and Com fry. The man who alaiw the bady, When tint little tiling's uuwll, Raises then and there believe us, A sort of merry h L . 3iellefiHtulHt H alchman. Tin' man who droits the baby -'Kerchunk' upon the floor, - To Surprise hi little lady, Had better hunt the door. - -Columbia lltrald. The man who loves the baby The darling little pet, .. Wilt take it trom the cradle, ' i And dry it when its wet , . -Tilttburf Glob$, The man who holds tlie baby .... At night when its got the "sk'tters," If he's a Judge, will soon find but That "all's not gold that glitters.' I'Mitadtlpkia idemotral. The man who owns a baby. When he doesn't own a wife, la in a sad predicament You may bet your life ! ,, London i Ohit) Timet. The man who puts his baby . . ' . With such a dog'rel set, ,. Should never have another,ij ' ' And never will, 'Yon beWf - W . W. Cnion. Tlie man who gives the baby ' , Its own ungoverned way, ) Needn't be surprised : ' If it slap his jaws some day. . mom oub bpkcial coKiwruNiir.sT. LETTER FROI .1VASH1SGT0N. r Wy ix.D. C. Sont.23 '77, - r )fticu building in wbicIT ork connected with the jt of Interior is porformod jtq. squares, it measures 453 .0111 east ta west, 331 ft"', from to south and has 9' Uion . 75 feet. ThO 4"'- 91 and costs abr- l'he buiKliuir wa .'1837, 1 1rtM tArvt Four halU oi pass the whol Ml i vast building and ha . on exhibition every modul of evorv Datont issndd since r 830, both foreign and American niimbennrr about 1G0.000 njodols, , a . , . This part of the building is vt'.bat is nnllod atul Lnnurn nil tba mnsmirJl models. About eleven o'clock an unusual column o noticed over the ' west wa arising from ono of the chimneys when son thereafter the cry of "fire" was heated all over the neighborhood. The firci department did not respond as promptly as it might have donci something more than fifteen minutetA having olapsed before the fire engine bad arrived. This was stationed on 0th street between r. and G. streets, and about 12 o'clock the first stream ot water commenced its play. Tb fire originated in the attio that rv just uudur the root along ninth st' front which has boon used as room for something near 35,00l jocted models, and some thirty draw ings and specifications. Tbe flames were carried with tbe greatest rapid ity all along the whole side of the building, and at about 12:15 tbe en tire roof over the west ball fell with a most tremendous crash. At this time the fire had its own way in . the mod si room where It spradi-.with the greatest rapidity. Columns of fire arose and threatened all buildings in the neighborhood with immediate destruction. The large and sxten sive offices of touis Uagger & Co., one of the most prominent Talent Agencies in the clly of Washington, located right opposite the Patent Of fice, bad their entire stock of models rcmoyed for sate keeping, and the h&t was so intense in their offices tbatiru workman employed in re moyitfiib books, files and articles at Tai Aljelongtng to inventors, ex- po4a-fd,fV. greatest difficulty in wmi. injw ci.r, i t -, . i to the southeast ind the-daifgt" ttl ii l Ti...'.;. l.-Li'.r.'i the destruction . .' ... ..f.-.-.f. , jthI.eJr'i;-!-difig a rt-move.i i mr Afc 1 .M,.w..- 1 l.l-f - .' . il. .1 i lire cjl jwJ w iue pmvinvi TV. fioe building, which .with this change ofwuidwas ontiroly , covered with tho exception of the south hall. In the meantime, ho wetcr, sevoral en gines were playing with marked f feet poa the root of the south hall aud succeeded in giving it and tht many valuable aud historic relics Icept there such as Wasliiugton's war swords, presented to him by various foreign potentates, his plates and dishes, the cane willed to him by len Franklin, his military uniform, Franki liu's printing press, ect.' The original Doolaratiou oi Independence was also saved, . :. -r-. ;.'; ' MARKOtt' ISCAPK." "" ' AugiMt lVtersohn, of the firm of 0 A Snow & Co., l'atcnt attoruoys, wac one of the first on the scono of disas ter and whilo attempting to enter tho room where tho fire was first discov ered, with one of iBaboock's fire ex tiuguiHUui-8, came near being killed uy th falling of the westoru toof. Jns. Nwrrisj of No. 5 "engino was nearly dragged iuto the fire at tho same time as he fell down suffocated with smoko. 1IALTW0RK KKXDKKINO AU. When it became apparent that our fire department was iiisuflicieiit to oopovwith the devouring elemout, Secrtary Schurz telegraph to the Mayor ot lialtimore tor Help, luo BaUimoro firo department responded at once and tho. first engine arrived soon after oue o'clock, having made the run from Baltimore to Washing ton in 32 minutes. 80LDIKR3 ON G 17 AUD. Shortly after 1 o'clock a detach ment of U.S. Marines of about 100 men were placed at various points in and 'out of the building, to guard the povernment property. I he model room, or the upper part of tho build, incr contained perhaps tho finest col lection 0t models iu tho world, which it is imrossible to replace, as many ot them date back to the early days of the Patent Oflioo. There was aUo on this flo&r largo numbers of maps and valuable drawings. These all being in wooden cscs, the fire spread rap- id v from ono to mo outer. Aim floors of the building are on brick archi'S and consequently tho lower lint of the building waa.o reache v tbe fire, but the water played sad havoc with the books and papers be low. . . t ' ' ' TIIK OU1GIN Ot THK FIRE.' .Many reports as to tho origin ot the firo were circulated. The one that was generally credited at first was that the firo started iu the Green House, on the top of tho roof, by tho rays,, of tM buu coming through tho lasS rofjf which made a focus aud 4griited some cotton which was placed around a valuable plant.' Another theory more generally accepted, that the fluo for heating the Green-House communicated , tho firo. Tho most plausible explanation was, howsyer, given to your co-respondent by Mr. W:lson who was at the timo the fire V first 'noticed, employed lu storip j old files, and the first one r . a the alarm ot fire, and slated 7een 9 and 10 o'clock a wood had been lit iu one 1 offices on the basement flo' west wing, the heated air tr the first smoke, was visible" spark from tho chimney, i' boards which were place' to kei. tbo spout of tb positi' VJJ9 OM 11 clock le scene Hi- jorrespor ot the fif Dave .Hf i than tifty'v.y ire tho fire o.li issio outline vf .armed as witlr curling, hissing, d then there, lakin but devouring et rach. From eao dows on G and there were sheets wards until lost u swept away by tb ' were opon the si. roofs of adjoining; men were frantic! stay the surging I satci:s or o Eight y.eight cs containing- mod bottling, baths at bolts,- nuts, rivel casting, dairy, fl chard, grinding, ' manufacture, hi borse shoes, meta ing, (7 classes), j pius, ores, plow; railways, (4 tla pianists, sLictt I ing, wire, water" wheels, wire-wo ik::.g. I I in the north Ul of i of bridges, bruJn . - ... j..,.,., .1 - Ol..i..,. ... a nng. carpentry, n iai-.vn, draulio engineering, iournals, bear ings, irmsoury, raoohanicnl powers, pnving, presses, roofing, stouo. lime and bemeut, trnshtng and tobacco. . r U.WEUA, The Great frluit cf the Age. Tho treat crime ot tho times is tho thellot.lho Presidential ' olHoe. We properly submit to it lor tho sake of u'aee, and in cotulcilce that by tho virtue and wisdom of tho peoplo, the Wrong will bo redressed without the Jorrihle soourgo' of wUr. But, as you justly say It can never be torgottcu or lorgiven,and never agaiu wiuoe suflerod by tho people of this country to occur. iNol only bus the moot atro- cjoiis traiid nceu practiced, Out tlie Constitution has bocu overturned and derided. The Supremo Court, which was the great salegunrd of tho rights ot the people, onshriui'd iu "their alloc- Hons lu'canso they believed it was, as tho Constitution1 intended it to bo, honest and impartial, above all party intluonees, has becii torn from its holy place and a majority ot its members submerged in party crimo, until now, tho country lonifies it, and no man confides iu it.-- Not content with this desecration, the thon President, Ulys ses S. Graut, by an act, than which neither Cromwell nor JSapoleon ever perpetrated one more atrocious, sur rounded tho representatives of tho people, while silling in tho discharge of ;lholr duty, with cannon, and by terror compelled them and thoir Judges to go through tho humiliation ot seeming to adjudge and Vote iaii iy, while all fairness was forgotten in utter disregard of tho . Constitution and tho rights ot , tho ropresontatives of tho people, to whom tho Constitu- ' ii i . i ,i.,i.i lion WlnUly gBVB llio puwui vi utuu- ing, and llieii eluoting tho Presidenta The act by 'which Mr Hayes ao? quired office and powor onu never be approvod, for thereby tho chutige 3u the Constitution would become per manent, and'the republic at an end, Tho accidental President of a Junta, headed by a militnry dictator, will bocomo the acknowledged President, . atl .....I. ' li.t nt.1 .4 Ilia rt 1, l lt 1,A Ulltll, W Ifcll HIO Ull 111. wiiuiiuii. nw shall make his office perpetual. We now live, therel'oro, uTidor a military, and not a Constitutional, republic; and so tho General of the Army au Mr. llayosuudeisland, for rcceuli' a diniior by tho Chamber pf merce in M ew York, Gen with unoxamplcd ellVo' presence of his chief, r the Kopresontfttiy allow tho army to a lawless war f declared that country woul not capabl' City of N invasiar the ar only in honest heart, uttered tho cry of siren: "We ' aro all Federalists and all Bo- ublibans," and the sorgeant majors all '-'cried, "Fall in, men;" but the Democrats found to theircost that in -practice "We are all Federalists" was tho truth', and -they fell out of tho ranks and rallieT under thoir old flag upon thoir oldj principles. So it will bo again, unless tho Government con- . tinues to bo "what Grant made and Sherman proclaimed ' it, a military Government. llieve will betmuxl be, , political parties. Wlu'n they coniSj', tho calmness of despotism w ill sue- coed, and Czur Grant, or C-wr Hates," Czar Morton, or some other misera ble imago of a Czar, will rub us. Not only tho beef but the only safe party division is tho old ono of Fed alist'and Democrat, then called lie publican, founded upon constitutional' constructions, but concurring as to the main great fabfic. Tho old Fed ernl'iHts, such lis the Adamses, llamil-' ton, Washington, and Marshall, wero not only ns honest and patriotic' men as evor lived, but thoy were" ardent " , and fearless supporters of the rights of the States, enemies of a consol idated Government and a standing army, which they all opposed mid denounced. Thoy ditlered from Pat-' rick Henry, tteoi'go Mason, Elbridgo Gerry, JetVerson, Madison and Monroe only iu this, that they favored a more i ! . ....... .. .i. . i :. .. iiueriu nuei pieiiiiioii m niu vuhkiuu- tion m favor ot the r ederal tovern- ment, because they toarod that other- wiso the centrifugal tendency ot tt.o Constitution might bo too strong lor the centripetal. In replying to Mr. -r. Henry, who thought the uovornmeni , too strong, too anti-democrat ie, nir. . Marshall said: ''The gentleman is mistaken; wo all idolizo Democracy." . Let our parties be again honest red- eralist and hoiusl Democrat, wo of. Tammany Icing of tho Democratic , right wing; and let our mown uo, in tho words of Cnmbronno on tho field of Waterloo, "Tho Old Guard knows how to die, but not to surrender." Wanted to gel en the Jury. Prijacutly tho stillnr room wat inK"-' of a muff' i t. ..j '( k ; - t ''. d ' "I u