Hone. Simple announcements of births, mar tlateeand deathawiU b inserted without charge, abituarr notioM will bs charged for at the rate of 10 sata par line. 1ft assame no responsibility for views expressed kf eorrespoauenu. Single eopies of the Qcabd, in wrapper fur mail mg, may be obtained at this office. CITY AND COUNTY. BRIEF JMESTIOX. Brigham Young died last Thursday. Cash paid for Wheat at Dunn k Stratton's. Work on the new school house is progress ing rapidly. EJriitRioe shipped one of their mid dling separatora to Harrisbu.g this week, W. R'Abrani k Bro. sold their steam saw mill to parties from Corvallis last week. Miller k McComack sold out their hack and truck business this week to Chrisuian k Blaehley. The express team got into a yellowjacket's nest near the University, last Monday, ran way and flayed smash with the wagon. Preaching at the Baptist Church next Sab bath by Eld. C. VV. Rees, at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock T. M. Also Sabbath School at 2 o'clock P. M. All are cordially invited to attend. Everybody should bear in mind that the celebrated artists Messrs. Able A Welsh will not be with us always. This is the best chance ever offered the citixnns of Eugene and surrounding country to obtain really su perior pictures. Bear in mind also that they are only transient and will remain but a short time longer, as their engagement in other place makes their time positively limited. Wilton Troupe. This well known and always popular troupe will give an entertain ment at Lane's Hall to-night Jewish New Year. Next Saturday, the 8th inst, is the Jewish New Year, and all the Jewish business houses will be closed during the day. On Monday following, 10th inst they will also remain closed, it being the day of Atonement. Sloped. The irrepressible Jack Fogerty 0nt nn a lAinfmmA thia U'pplr and If prnrrltp I Fagan gave him a street cleaning job. But when the Marshal's back was turned Jack started out to hunt a more prolitable job and ha not come up for his grub yet Died. This wek Arthur, aged 8, and George, aged 10 years, sous of Mr. Geo. 1L Murch, died with diptheria. This is four children Mr. Murch has lost within two or three week with this dreadful disease. Mr. John Hollis also lust t child this week with the same disease. Can-Can. This gang performed here on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The Standard fetches them exactly when it says: "Their performances are Somewhat of the va riety stamp, mediocre in character and not so Immoral as their advertisements would lead people to suppose. This is merely a dodge to mislead the pnblie and a sort of catch penny business to obtain full houses;" They're a bad lot Passing Confederate Monet. Last Mon day evening a stranger walked Into the ba zar owned by Miss Rankin, and purchased a necktie and some shirt buttons, and pre sented a ten dollar bill of the Confederate State of America. Miss Rankin thinking it was a gold note, paid him seven dollars and ten cents in change back, and after the fel low was gone, discovered the loss of her mon ey and goods. Let business men look out Bdrnfd Out. Mr. Slocum, who moved front here to Palous this summer, had his hotise', whith everythiug it contained, de stroyed by Ore some two weeks ago. Mr. S. had jiiat completed his house and moved iu, when by tome means the grass on the prairie was set on' fire, and the flames spread so rap idly that he and his family barely escaped with tbo clothes they had ou at the time. The house, with its contents, together with a new wagon, harness, etc., were entirely destroyei' DipthtoIa. For the last month this ter rible scourge has prevailed to au alarming ex tent in different part of thia county. There have been nine cases in the family of Mr. G. H, Murch, fonr of which proved fatal; at Hon. R B. Cochran's one case, died; at By ron Murch 's ane case, died; at M. Wilkins' two cases, one died; at John Hollis' two cases, one died; at S. P. Lowell's, in town, three cases, one died. Beside these there has been one case at Sam Holt's and three at Geo. Ebert's, all of which are thought to be oat of danger. These are all the case we have heard of, making twenty -two cases and nine deaths. IETTEB FROrt PEHKI3V StB. YKYIXG PiKTI. Waoontire Mountain, Aug. 21st, 77. We arrived here at 7 o'clock last evening, liaving been over seven days on the road .since leaving Prinesville. When seventeen miles from the latter place onr wagon broke down, causing a delay of one day. At the Mad Springs we stopped and inter viewed the mines; the mill is up and every thing ready to give the mud a fair test There seems to be considerable doobt in the minds of the proprietors a to the success- of -the enterprise, aa the mod which has already been pot through the mill did not contain ilver in paying quantities. It has been as certained that the dirt immediately underly ing the mod is richer in silver than the mud itself, aad one shaft has been sank to a depth of forty-two feet with the intention of con tinning notil the bed-rock is reached in hope M I 11. . 1 m Bier results. Ajiogcwex oar impression j of the mine was not very favorable, if there is money in them we fail to see it We are now camped on ot creek and will besin work in earnest to-morrow monunz. This being oar last chancei i eommonicatin ' with the oataidc world, d-fing oer stay here, aS the boy are making g"Vi aw of the time. W find the heat lea inteiwe than was ex-1 pected at this time of thenar. T. ' Summary of AsHoasiuents of Lane DESCRIPTION OP PROPERTY. NO. 1876. no. Acres of Land Improved Land Unimproved Land ... Railroad Land Wagonroad Land. Town Lots Improvements Merchandise k Implements.. Money, Notes, Accounts, Shares of Stocks, etc . Household Furniture, Car riages, Watches, etc. .... Horse and Mules Cattle., ; Sheep Swina. Gross value of property Indebtedness. . Exemptions....... Total taxable property. No. of Polls 433,093 5,3M 13,235 34,0ti2 0,233 ?i,33t.t09 321,755 Personal. L G. Jackson, of the -Statesman, came up on Thursday. T. G Hendricks and wife returned from San Francisco last Monday. Dr. L, L. Rowland, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, passed south on the train Monday. Our friend, T. C. Judkinds, who has been engineering the Journal for several months past, started last Thursday for 'Frisco to have a little "run" till school begins in the University. From East op the Cascades. Jerry Luckey reports a pleasant trip over the Bar low road with a drove of sixty-nine beef cat tle for the Portland market. He came up the valley on board a small sized donkey, al most all the time within the buzzing sound of the farmer's machinery, and frequently iu hearing of the carpenter's saw and hammer upon some farm house or barn. Called at the grounds of the State Agricultural society where everything was bustle mechanics repairing old and putting up new building, laborers clearing out wells sparing no paius nor cxponse in giving the place a cheerful and homelike appearance. Ou the race course is Messrs. Bybee, Pleetner and Crabb, fitting up some very fine running horses. J. J. Welsh is at the river side track with a num ber of fine trotters, and Mr. Lnzey at Reeds ville is said to have fast stock for the Fair. Don't fail to go and see the big pumkius. Emerson l Coming. This world remown combination will givli their initial performances in this place on next Monday and Tuesday evenings. The Emersons have been playing at New Market Theatre, Portland, during the present week to crowded houses. The following extract is taken ffom last Tuesday's Oregonian: " It has been repeatedly asserted that Billy Em en on would not bring a miiMtrcl party to Portland. The citizens of thkt out of the way place, lis hod been led to believe, would nut patronize amusements liberally. He and his party were finally persuaded to play in Oregini's metropolis. We belieo"the audi ence that presented itself to Emerson and his party fully satisfied them that Portland woi'Lli turn out when they knew an enter tainment was a good one. Emerson's min strels bad a reputation and that was sutlicient guarantee, of to packed house, and such it proved to be Jast night The first part opened with the usual introductory vocal and instrumental music and the mirth pro voking sayings of the end men Emerson and Hart. The selections were entirely new, in troducing J. M. Davis, tenor; J. Harris, basso, and Wash Norton, alto, in ballads rendered satisfactorily, while Emerson and Hart sang comic songs eliciting loud and pro longed applause. Cogill and Cooper followed in song and dance executing many ditlicult movements, including acrobatic feats of sur prising character. They received two en cores, an evidence of the satisfaction given. Hart in the act of the 'Wrong Man, was simply too funny, his droll remarks aud awk ward actions being enough to make 'a horse laugh.' The appearance of Emerson in song and dance was the signal for an outburst of applause, and it was well deserved as he did all that seemed possible in neat song and dance business adding, upon Jtmg recalled, imitations that were positively natural. It is not at all surprising that he has become a great favorite in San Francisco. Later in th) evening he personated 'An old clothes dealer' in capital style, winning fresh laurels, fully deserved. ash Norton,' in his char acter changes, was certainly, the best ever seen here. He changed from a plain dress suit to that of a French officer, and in quick succession to an old man, Irish .woman, old maid and girl of the period, each change be ing executed without leaving the stage, in full view of the audience. The most wonder ful part of thrf transformations was that of the change in hosiery and rlioes, which was done without an apparent effort The sketch of 'Mistaken Identity" cloned the perform: ancc, with Hart as the lea ling figure. To say that his uncouth apjiearai ce and dr ill sayings were provokingfy comical would be drawing it exceedingly mild. Karl Stem's performance on the violincello, we alirtiwt omitted U1 mention, was Very line. All in all the company is a good one, and with fre quent changes in the programme may be as sured large honses." The price of admission has been fixed at 50 cents for general admis sion, and one dollar for reserved seats. A CARD. Editor Guard In the Oregonian of Aug. 25th is an article written by the Eugene cor respondent of that pajx-T, which my friends say was aimed at me. He made three aawr tion: First that I doctored my own child. I will give him a long credit itiaik for telling the truth once. I am thankful that I live in a country that gives me the liberty to do so. All four of my children were sick with the worst type of membranous diptheria, and we were anfortnna: enough to lose one, but, I ark, w hat per cent are the doctors saving in that disease? As regards the two last state ments of his, .they are both unqualifiedly falte. Tie cuiiin was mode .in my shop by Mr. I Mm McCrady, to my order. "Barreling with the sexton," at such tune, would have been 5RARLT as mean as writing fulse statements a't one's neighbors, without signing a re sponsible name to them. But I understand that this anonymous scribbler has been a ha bitual slanderer H the people of this city. Mr. McCrady .and Mr. DuJk-y, the seiton, both resident of the city, will testify in re card to the troth or flaity of the matter. fi. P. Lowell. Robinson k Church at th Hardware Store kep the UrgKft aad hot tefiti stock of wall par-r and h"n!cT in Eurn City, eompivinj; io part, Brown, Blank, Satin, Gilt and Embodi ed paper, which they purcLaae direct from the Eatrs factories and will srll as ctVap aa tl cheapest All paper trimmed fret t rha"r. County for the jeraj'lS7-'77. TOTAL TOTAL Avl. I AV'u7 VALVE VALVE VAU'I VAI.Vi 1S7& 1 1877- 1 1H76. 1877. $2,013,166 $1,!W5,6"2 1 4,633 $4,665 "'SAW, ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; 283.0KO y.KS.HO 250,730 359,!U6 1.U5.9J5 1,180,792 306.210 184,857 8W.M7 Z$?M 42,221 42,057 87,2:VJ 82,228 fl,5K3 7,042 0,8S7 45,381 1,784 1,168 16,31(7 16,323 1,775 1,732 4,605,235 4,GM,1W) i,(i.V2,5t'vi 'i',718,467 2,i&!,87i 2,!ti,M3 1,485 1,474 1877. 425,616 5,440 U.bY.2 3i,0i2 w,424 ,804,175 324,232 We have just received from the Eastern factory, direct, a large stock of window shades and wall paper ; among the latter are many very pretty styles embracing Grained Pannels, Embossed, Gilts and Lace Patterns, Satin and Common Blanks, all of which we sell cheap, and no charge for trimming paper. DUNN k STRATTON. 1 Your Life Worth Ten Cents! Sickness prevails everywhere, and everybody complains of soma disease during their life. When sick, the object is to cot well: now to say plainly that no person in this world that is sunenng with Uypspeiwia, l-iver Complaint and its effects, such as Indigestion, Ooatiyenesa, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, palpitation of the Heart Depressed Spirits. liiliousness, etc., can take GitKEX'g Aigi'ht I Flower without getting relief anil cure. If . you doubt this, go to your Druggist and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it Kegv lar size 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. I A very rapid, safe and easy wty to make ' money, is to procure territory to introduce the latest useful invention that is wanted every day, by every one, everywhere, who lias a fam ily, a full sized sewing niaoliin", with table and i treadle, for only Eighteen Dollars, MANlTACTUItKl) BY THE PEEKI.E8H MM. CO. OK PHILADELPHIA, does the same work as a machine you would pay efchtv dollars for, rapid, smooth and firm work, and muke a seam so strong the cloth will tear before the stitches rip amrt Agents only need show them in owrntion to sell iu every house-they enter. Thirty dollars and upwards cleared daily by smart agents. No such ma chine was ever offered at any such price. HIUHE3T AWARDS AT CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION. thoi'saps or eamilies USING THEM. Demand increasing every day where they be come known. Ministers, judges, lawyers, ed itrso. tailors, machinists, Ac, recommend them as perfect Rights given free to first applicants. If there is no agency in your place write for it or buy a machine for your family or a relative; there is none better or so cheap. Machines sent to all parts of the country, on receipt of price, $18. Read advertisement beginning $18. SEWING MACHINE. -$18. What a lovely flowSr is the lily of the valley, and how closely resembling it in purity is the complexion which has been emliellished with Clean's Sulphur Soap, that wholesome aid to beautv. . Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, Black or Brown, 50c. We sell S. H. Kennedy's Hemlock Sheep Dip, the best and cheapest I)ip known, and will send valuable book to sheep owners on applica tion. J. M'CRACKEN & CO. Portland, Oregon.' ! ... . . . -I BOOTS AXD SIIOES-CALIFOb-nia hand and machine made Boots and Shoos. A new lot direct from faetorv. 8. H. FK1ENDLT sr. KW NTOCK OF HATS -The best and largest ever brought to Eugene, at I KllMiL, S. Pit Y IT I -THE TO. HEKDRICKS BRAND L or SOAP. For sale only by T.O. HENDRICKS. TUB BEST MIOi:S EVER BROUGHT TO to thia market, at the lowest prices at, T. (i. illNDKICKS'. s. sTi:iftii EisEit,' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN First-Class Family Groceries CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Notions, Crockery and Willow Ware AL83 FINE WINES AND LIQUORS For medical and family uaca. And everything else usally kept in a First Class FAMILY GROCERY STORE I bc(f leave to inform the citizena of Ewrens and the urrouudinK country that I have facilities to ael cheaper than anr other house this aiii ot Portland Fresh supplies received weekly, Ot tha very lieat quilitieaOKLT. , - . My motto is Small Profits and Quick Sales. Please call and learn my prices before purchasing elsewhere. S. STEIN HEIFER, WillamettP Street, Eugene City. . Cash Paid for Bacon and Egg. Goods Delivered to all Parts of the City FREE OF CHARGE. SADDLERY. Saddle & Harness Shop OXE DOOR XORTH OF DUNN & STRATTON'S, Willamette Street, Eagcne City, Ogn. Can be had everything usually kejit in a well regulated HARNESS SHOP. We uw the BEST of material and do our work welL Come and arc ui before purchasing tlwwhere. While our barons cannot be excelled, iecial attention is called to OUR SADDLES. The LA KIN' tw m acknowledged th; lt on the oKt, ai.d when riwfd tiy oiirwrlves, gives entire natii-fv-ti'Ti: having tbe three re quiiritt-a, beanty, durability and comfort. PRODUCE TAKEN. LAKIM & ROOHEY. ruonff Amu; tMtorth UrU.UmUJ,iJ th o avi Uinf Oirrwrv P til of th Khme, Ob the nwiiiha( Off fvtoa IWht. Old km hark, K tut M'jQfifsurw, Nir arm Fsvlla, Newport. hrt?, Vinf V, hU rv, f!Rw Koro, Amf-Tv-aa Kniit, Tier t CUm, Cmum the Dtiiahr-. mlm. fcnllwBt tvUOirMBOsi. rsm Uar-k or wtuU kmiou, &orl imbm ntrrU.OTD dm.j fr-buul ent, wtrntmrnrj, mV9, Mark fTuntvl ptiwi; svisv, frames ru4 artfiW iprplw mt T7 I pnm . ranKviri jrw. liimnmivf lata , Vrt? ( r-ij of atamp. n4 t $ m rsutrkt. 1 i. LAI HAM : CO., 4y Waokiartua M. KmfuM, fccaiaarVra for For fa ab4 Aarmia Hiniaxaw Wagons, Hacks, A large stock on ban J-and I will to ordor-of the Best Eastern Timber throughout ALL WORK WIRKIXTED IN EVERY RESPECT, at Fair Trices. Repository and Shop Corner Ninth and Oak Streets, Eugene Cut. Please call and see for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere Blathsmithin, Wood Work io Robinson & Church DEALERS IX S1IELF& HEAVY HARDWARE HAVE TUB Best Selected Stock in Oregon S, H, FRIENDLY, HAS JUST OrENED FOK THE Sl'KIxa AXl) KItIV TMirvn "w.....i,.lfc lOAUlt The Largest Stock of G-oodd s .vr. UKUUilT OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING has Wen luiyely incri'.vwl and we can show aa haiutsonie a line of ready made goods in MEN'S AND BOYS' BUSINESS AND DKESS SUITS As can be found in the country, and at jiriees that cannot fail to sututfy. OUR DTtESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is well filled with a splendid aiuwrtnicnt of all loading styles and fashionable shades of goods. EMPRESS CLOTHS, MOHAIR, and AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, Plaid, Plain and Opera Flannels of all colors, nicauhed A Uublenched Cotton Flan nels. Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, SHAWLS and SCARFS; Brick Store, ror. Willamrlte k Eighth Sti,, EUGENE CITY. A. V. PETERS & CO., Are now ia receipt of a vary larga itook af NEW BPUING GOODS, Beleotsd witk miurh oar from the brunt ana best importinf souus in Han FraaoiKo. Our Stock of DRESS GOODS la nnnanally lar and attractive, ami eomprltea ths very latcat atylea and novelties, and of all (raUea nil prices, ao aa to meet the view of all. WHITE GOODS. A larf s aaaorrWnt of Miring and lnaartinsa, saw and beautiful patterns. ' STAPLE GOODS. A large atock of Bleached Munlina ana T.inent, Table I.inem, Towelinira and Ilnaierf; Conw-U, Bamlkercbieft, Ice and Linen Collara in all grades. WE WILL FAT TEE HI0HEST MAEKBT FRICE In eaah for any number yf pounds of , GOOD MERCIIANTABLB WOOL COUNTRY PRODUCE Of every description wankd, for whlck.ws will pay the highest market price. A. V. PETERS 4 CO. i Lane County MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION THIS ASSOCIATION HA3 ON HAND a large and varied awiortment of FRESH GOODS, and are receiving every month new supplies suited to this market. Goods are sold low and AT ONE TRICE TO ALL ! And PRODUCE TAKEN AT THE HIGH EST MARKET RATES. Give us a call before purr-basing, as It ia no trouble to show goods anil give prices. apl for Wool ! THOSE HAVING WOOL TO SELL will pleaae call on tbe undersigned. Advances nuMM on the same if desired. ' A. GOLDSMITH. FARM FOR H U.K.' V WELL IMPROVED FARM OF three hundred and sixty acres, 1U0 acres nndrr cultivation; all under fence and the improve mrnts in g"d order, which ws wi'l sell at a harain, and on the mt reaaonahle t rms. Situated five miles south of town, and has a grd outrange for stook. Apply at this nBos Old Furniture Repaired AND MADE AS GOOD ASKEW ROBERT LANE. SIGN PAINTING AND GRAINING A sjjeciality. ALFRED ULEU Has taken jniimm of tha Luckey Livery Stable, And will carry on a GENERAL LIVERY LlSIXEWi. I hxm M and boarll by the wk or ilay. I HOES F-S AND I'.I'GGI ES FOK HIKE. WOOL! WOOL!! Highest Market Price Bujggies, Carriages. and Carriage Tainting done oracr. . W. W. ESPEY. HAVE FOK sale at the LOWEST Kat.'S IKOX, STEET,, AXES. ANVILS' NAILS, KOI'K Cable Chains, lihuw, Puttv, Tabl ewnd lVkot CUTLERY, CUNS, l'ISTOLS, AMMUNITION, AGKICUL1TKAL IMPLEMENTS, Blastinir l'owder, Finhiiii; Tackle. Etc., Etc We invite an exam ination of our goods, confident that our prices will suit the times. TO ECtiENE. WOOL BLANKETS, ALL COLORS. Trunks and Traveling Satchels. HATS AND CAPS in the leading stylos. OIL CLOTHS for floor and table use. BOOTS AND SHOES. We would eall sjieeial attention to our stoek of Mens' and Hoys' San Francisco Hoots, Which we have aold for a ntimtwr nf vir.uii), great safUfaetion. Every air warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE, PLOWS AND FARMING UTENSILS. CHOICE TEAS, CANNED GOODS, And nil choice FAMILY tlliOCRRII'S at aatomahly lhw rates. LIVERPOOL ft CARMEN ISLANl) SALT. Highest price for all kinds of produce and WOOL. ir. i ieii:iivi. OIHOULAK or nn STATE UNIVERSITY. EUGENE CITY, OR. The beautiful building prepared fur ths State Un- veralty of Oregon being now ready fur theaceummo. datlon of students, ths flrat aeaalon will commence on the 16th of October. Uiera will 1 two eouraea of ituiljr, the Preparatory and Collegiate, aad two termaof tweutjr wavka each. The law provides for ths fres tuition of ons stu dent from sach eountjr and for each member of ths Iglilaturs. Rtudunts wishing to avail themaeWes of tlis benedta of this law should make application tojlhs eountr superintendent of the county In which they reeide. All other students wishing to inks the eollegiate enurat will be required to par a tuition fee of .'0 per term 1c alvancs. All candidates for admiaaiun, to thia department wilt be required to paaa aa sssmsatiua in ths following STUDIES t leading, 'Writing, Oi thographr, Practical Arith antic, Engllih Grammar, (ieugraphjr, Hlitorr ot the United Htutes, Iatlnllrammar, Reader and s Books of Casaar, Oi-eak Oram mar and Reader but for ths present ths sxauilnatlun ia ths languages mar be omitted. The cnrriruleum of studjr in ths COLLEGIATE COURSE Will eomprise, 1st, ths aaual eullegs eourss. U, a eompleUeourat in Bcisncs, Id, a Normal eourss planned with spedil reference to tlis wants of teach ers. All student In this department will b required topayafeeof J to per teiuiln aiUauc fur uwulsa taleipenaea. Ill ttudeuta in th ntEPARATORV DEPARTMENT Will I required to pay a tsitlna of tit in advance. Thia deMrtinent will give etmlnnU tin ueceawry tiainiuir in the atu'lie requhed for adunlaiwe into the Cu)lgite dcpartiueut. THE FACULTY Will eonalat of Pmf. J. W. Juhnan,: Preaidenl, and I'nifpaaum Thuniae C'ondi and Mark Uailer. '1 lie twhen in Ui preparatory depurtuivnt are Mrs. M v ry K. Ipillr, J'rlm'ipal, and Mary K. IHtine.aliae Aasiitaut. JlllIN W. JOUNHOS, rreil4cB of Uairsrslty aad faculty. J. J. WALTON, Scc'y liuard of Directors. SIISTGER SEWING MACHINE. Great Reduction I Tit New Family Sewing; Huilsi wl lioraaftar b aoU at FIFTY DOLLARS I And all other stylet of Genuine Hauler Ma chines at equally reduced phoes. Iliouxh then Machrnea have Wn (rreatly reluced in l'ri. ths UALITV will U main tained at its higheat staudard. , OFKICK-At CVain JJro.'s) ilu.lo Ptorar. . J. JL BItOWN, Agint. June 23, 1877. DEXTER STABLE, Jas Humphrey, - Proprietor. LIVfcRV AND FEED STABLE, Willamette Street, I i Eugen City. TEAMS AND UUGGIES AND SADDLE HOItSES TO III EE. Horses boanled by the day, week or month Olon th most reasoiialile trrui. ilay 12f riITIiU CAIID-Very ae.t-.llU CL AUD OK HCE. .10 It Bl'ENA VIST A STONK WAKK to T.O. HENLKK KS TRIXTi-NEW DESIGNS OK KTAN J. dard brands at THUS MX n. ion nili; I!y Jerry Luckey, 140 acre of Iiwid five miles noith of Eoien Oty, Ine C. ,1 riV'n. Mrt It timbered laud; the very bt of ahitd to the rauirur of irrain, frn;t, vayiahleai in fact, anrtiiinv that m ic' thia diniate. -Oiaal water . 4 bout hfty' K-s iu cultivation. Am preirl t at 11 and ifivs rMin iiurueilwte iy, Incln.KnK crop, fTirrn iiiiplei'xrnU. poultry. etr. Aim a nwl!ni hxM on ml'.auwtte trrrt, E'in Citr. t'nt fnrth-r particular, lrniiir I.. 1.. uma nr ua "rem-a. J1 1 4 tf .Iraki l.i a rT ELLSWORTH & CO.', DBUGGISTSi WILL fStWUR THE BUSINESS in T all its lirantihe at th old stand, offering increaiied inducements to customers, old anil new. As heretofore, the most Careful attention given to Prescriptions A New Deal. . . . r. gHSaham, . it MERCHANT TAILOR HAS JUST RECEIVED from th las line of fin and fashionable cloths, sara a has never bofor been brought to Eugsn, - BiMtiiut of Pants Cioods, Coallnits, 1st all (trad, ' and Ftaa Vcsassagaa. CALL AND SEE MY STOCK. R. G. CIlHlst, FOH THE SPUING & SUMMER TRADE I WE PEQ to Irifc.rm aur friends th pabli that w hare jmt receiveil direct frosi Franoiaivand th Eastern markata AN IMMENSE ST OCK or GROCERIES, HAEDWABE, , DRV-GOODS, FANCY GOODS NOTIONS. CL0TIIIN3, FVRXlSllim GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Clocks, Faints, Oils, Etc., Selected hv our MR. 8. KOSEXLLATT. which we otter at- ItffiDUCED PllICKS. Parties will find it to thsir advantais to sail and examine our stock and prices be(oi pur oliaaiii( eliwwher.,; , , i' . Uighrst price raid for all k'.nds of Troduoa 8. ROSENBLATT & CO. , War has commenced ia Europe! AND R. G. OALLISON - 18 AO AIN AT11 13 OLD II 13 OLD STAND on W'illiiinette .Street and having bought tha inU'at of V. T. Oslmrn Iu ths firm of CalU- son k Oaburn, is prepared to funtiah all who may give hirtj a call with th best quality mt very tiling iUally kept In a first class Krouar and provitmn store, mu h as . nlHiAItn, TKA9, t I't r tt, TANVKI) (iOOIW, TOBACCO k CIUAUH. OLASH AND OUEENiJ- WAKE. WOOD AND WILLOW WARS.' at reaaonubl rates for CASH or I'KODl'CB. (live me a call and sc what I can do for yoa lliankful for past patronait I luvit Tu t call strain.' , , , j ' UikmIs uvliversd to any psrt of thisity frs of chante. B. O. CALL1S0N, ' DUNN & STRATTON AT THI OLD STAND OP T, B. DUNW. H AVINO ASSOCIATED WITH ME IN businuss Mr. 1IOKACK T. BTKAH'OX, we hay just recoived a uw, lare and , WELL SELECTED- STOCK OF GOODS, Making a sjisuiulty of HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL . AXP AQIUCULTUEAL IMPLIMJI.VTI. Ws denlre to tnaks no (trsnd flourish, but say that farluers ana com nearsr Kettlns; ANYTHING THEY MAY WANT at our stor than at sny other tablishmsnt lav tows, ana way aa buy tlitm ob a good I W. hart s full liu of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DItYGOODS, FANCY GOODS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING UOOD.1, MEN AND HOY'S CLOTHING, . HATS AND CAPS, . BOOTS AND 8H0I9, . Aad art continually adding to our lUck is Biect ths deuiauds of the public. DUNN i STRATTON. A FKEE ( I RK. For cnrisumption. bruur hitiii, aathaena, ratarrk, ' throat anil lun iliwaaes. Aim a sur rslisf saS .m,,.af, mtM un.1 .L.l.ill.w .1 J " and'all nervous atfeiiimis, byaaiiupUveKetahU nieiliclns Whicu cured a vinrrald miMionarr 1'hyaician who was hnv a reaidi-nt of Syria and th. East, and who baa freely given this valua-" ble apei'iuo to thousands of kindred suffer ' with the greatest powiihl benefit, and now ha'' feels it his sacred christian duty to hupart to others this wonilrrful invit(uratlng remedy, anil ' win aena tnr.K, th original receipt oompleU, with full directions, to suv tiersvD suciusiair stamp for reply. UK. L I.AKK A. KOJUIIN, UKEU.CT bust, SlMU'l HE, N. T. P. O. Boi M. U. S. ClaimsLands for Soldiers LAND AND 1(1' 'If MIXES FOR SALE OK TRADE. ' T COLLECT SCRIP, INDIAN VOUCH- era. llomitv. New Orleana. and other tiriza ' nioney now dur, and IVlhc rUima ; otuin penaions h orli' r, s'Mlera, aailon,. Wdliniicil, Injured or diical and tli'lr widow, and ehil-' dren; tcnt, Caveata, title to bind and laoj warrants fur folihrni in all wars before ilart-h. M, an ! atf nd tnall hiuinws at Wahinir ' ton. Ii-at timlr laud, col!' si-rip siul h"iri"'l on lands near IortUmI, Oregon, and eSewl.er. Will at-ll craiiherry land with natural vine (rrnwuue on iu I ruine, iwamt. and tinihered Uiii'lf at prices hiwer than unial. Rich plaver gravel bpih and quarts leiluea for sale or trade. Alan, will aril or rent a furnish td Hotel, or aril a ta:n aawuiill rra.lv fur bu-sine-s. Applvt" C. M. CARTER, Utfioa Tliinl and .Maih atreets, a20 , 1'urtland. trei(iin. A CARD. . . Tn all wlut .Ht nM ff ii 1 fn.m iim ..m . I btUacrvti"tia ui yuiith, nrrviHia weakneaa, ic, I will at nd a reel that ill iur you, FREE OF CHAhl.E. lliis givat Mu!y was dis oofird hy a nihwioiiary in S..i:th Ameru-s, Smd a arlf aihlraiunl h-tu r t. the V,t Jufiru T. Stati n !, I'il le II. .w, Nrw Yo-k, i