iiH EJ3ENE CITY OBABO.'Wloln'0lMur beloie tbem, KUiJKNK t'l I'Y.OttKliON. 8ATUIIOAY, AUG. 18. IQ77. BUSINESS. Matters of personal character charged for at regular adver tising rates, to be paid Invariably In ad vance. et'BSIOIKM. The Ohio Democratic platform re cently adopted, pronounces against the granting subsidies by the general government for any purpose what ever. We are pleased to nee this in dication of a return by the Detnoc racy to the ani-ient land marks of the party. Wetliave seen all the vices that spring from such practices on the part ot the govern men f, and cer tainly those who still luvor them richly deserve the name of Bourbons, in the most odious srnxe of that term those who learn nothing from their own errors or experience. It has been rumoted far and wide that a bvgain existed between President Hayes, or at least his nearest friends, and the representatives froin tlie South, that a subsidy was to be given to the Southern Pacific Railroad io consideration of the action of the Southern members of Congress in permitting a completion ot tlio elec toral count. We hope for the honor of Southern statesmanship, and of the country generally, that the statement is without foundation. We hope that the meicenarr principle which Las been so prevalent for some years among northern oolitieiuus lias not infected that section which beret ob re bas been conspicuous for its high tandtud of public honor and chival rous devotion to official probity. It may limit .Ifl&li Where iiiilli ins have been squandered in aid of such enterprise!) st the north, that the pco plo nf that section ahould so suddenly awake to the evils of that system when the opposite section puts in a cl iiin for a shaie of its benefits. But reform never begins too soon, And the longer governments or individuals persist in hii evil habit, the harder it is to discard it. There will never be wanting oi-easions for its exercise or excuses lor il continuance. Admit that the aubsidv is asked in aid of an honest eiiterpiine, we must remember that there are thousands of honest en terprises tliHt can We accomplished but slowly, exempt by goverjneiitalaid. But assist aueu to oim-tourlli of them would buiiknipt the natirn. Assist anon to 11 lew will give rise to a charge of partiality since all would equally claim the public good as their aim and certain lesult. 'Our legislat ors will be besjeged by applications, and where open and honest solicitu tion fu'ls, covert means will be re sorted to. Mt inhere from different localities will tall lo bargaining with eaoh other for support for the schemes deemed most beiicuYiul to their con slituents, nnd front such practices to others still more questionable, the ap proach would be tasy and natural when failure seemed einiueut or suc cess just beyond their grasp. Cor ruption and demoralization in one class of legislat on, will lead to the same result in others, and io time, our halls of legislation would become houses of merchandise, and ollicial in tegrity a commodity, Such has been the result in the past. Human na lure, surrounded by the same i-iraum atanoes and exposed to the same temp tatious, is ever the same. While we jek honest men for office, we must guard them from temptation, that the virtuous may not fall, and the vicious lack opport unity. And to that end a provision in our constitution prohibiting subsidies of every kind, and special legislation generally, should Ihj our first care. The Cen tral Pacific Railroad was an honest scheme, but its projectors did not atop with such assistance as was nec essary for the accomplishment ot their enterprise. But when they bad received all that honest persuasion would obtain, bribery and a corrupt lobby were employed to rob the gov ernment and enrich themselves. It is idle to say we will giia'd the inter ests ol the people and the govern ment lu tuturt by more careful pro visions ami restrictions. The tew that wwe included in Pacific Kail road bill have tailed of their purpose, and ti tough lb corruption or imbe cility of our officials have failed ol en ioreeiiiriit, and that tait corporation, with "impunity, defies all efforts ol the overturn nt l enforce the t-oniracl nnder ahich the subidy vat granted. The eiHoire of the credit niobilier Slid pwitio mail Villainies, lor the time, has mt the American people and the jH.ln.-y of the government against subaiJics. Surely with all the pei 'pie will not suffer revival under any pretense- of causes no bale fill. "Facts ano Fiu"-Tl editor j ol the Statesman has lately developed a mania tor investigating '"lau.s and figures." While his hand is iu let him figure up bow many of Ben. Hol iday's dollars it took to elect Odell to the State Senate in 1872, How much ot that corruption lund he re ceived for standing sponsor for the sayster, Johns. How nany railroad tramps were pun-based to vote for him, and what tramp Votes were worth at that ti;..c. Was he Holla day's banker and Johns merelv a goiiger, or was he goiiger and Johns banker? Were tramps briledto re peat nnd commit perjury to secure bis election, with his knowledge snd ap probation? There are a good many Republicans as well as Democrats in Lane County who would be more in clined In give credi iice to his "tacts and figures," if he could convince them that he was not a ponderous fraud himself. His "facts and figures," and pious dodges will have very lit tie effect in this community until he purges hiirself of the taint which clings to his own political record in this county. Will Wk Heeo tub Lkskon? The harvest sown by the greed ol bondholders and bankers, and walered by the acts of designing ollicial and imbecile law-makers, is now ' being gntbered in riot, tumult, fire and blood, remarks the Walla Walla Statesman. For the past dozen ot veuta capital has st( od with ts heavy hand clutching the throat of every l.uniticHB ctiterpiise and emsliiiiif the very life out ot labor. For the past dozen ot. yean the Government has stood al the back of capital, eneour ing and strengthening in its tiufaii h'liht against labor. In place of aid ing (he industries of I he country, ami leaving their prosperity to secure its credit it has legislated nnd attempted to protect the "credit" of the lint eminent at ft he expense of its iudus in s. It loruol that in the prosperit) of our people, in in Wl.flliv , mnnulacioiies, in the einp..,.,,,,,,. (lt our own labor, was its pi. .V.r ,, wealth, its ability to pay, and iis ifc islalion was in Hie interest of a single class the gold gambler and the bond holder while the iudustii.a. ami la dor ol the ivuiilry have hci-n imidc to pay tribute to these. This class ol legislation has brought l agnation to business, stagnation to business has brought poorly paid labor, idle urse, poveity, sUrvation, and these have brought riot, bloodshed, death ami deviisi alien. Tit IUyonht. O led, ol the Statti man, speaking of the refusal of the citizen mukcrs who are with Howard to do their lub.H'iou work for a beg garly pittance, says: ''O, that U'-n Howard had compelled these fellows at the point ot the bayonet to pick that train." That's Radical doctrine. Use the bayonet upon alt occasions against citizens who reluse to aek nowledge the supreme authority of shoulder straps. This doctrine may suit Odell ami the class of fawning sycophant he represents, but tic people will tell them a different story. They have hud bayonet supremacy I ng enough. Hod. J. II. Mitchell, Oregon' must illui- tnou Senator, is tu the city to-.lay (I winy) and will take the train Satin-dixy fur hi home in Portland. The Senator ha done more for hi State during hi short career in that body thou say other representative ever raited to that eminent position from Oregon. The Senator it here to atceitaiu the wants, withe and need) of the people of Oregon, snd all who can, ihould call upon him and be free to make all suggestion they deem expedient for the wellar of the State, I'laiudealcr. Wonder what tho "illustrious" bigamist promised the Plaimlenler that caused this gushing outburst ot fluiikeyisrn. In giving a list of the States in which eliciious are to be held this Fal. the New York 11-niUl say : "0. the whole list o twenty one Slates tl will be seen that the Republicans are certain at only live Stales, the Demo crats arvrertain ot nine and seven -.1 ...... r..l i i win. rn mtv i"it"inii, mi ine cimiieen at tbia tin, in m.t of them, in Uxor ol the DllllH,r.lt,, Tliia irom a pa- per that has puolp.h.,1 .he ouaiy n..lir. ..I il.. Dtimit-raiif imrlr .mm half doxeti times, and pn-aclietl iis lii oeralasi.llen.isverv :o.l. , - j The mau who can he aud swear to a lie, ami thru wear that be (wore to a lie. and allrwaruswear that lu last weani.g was a Teetigataai lis Oregoo. Eaasuiner. .. . . ... l.s, sua inv men who Disl iarur.1 . .. , . nun up nave ineiiis ive. tu.nw .tp," , and it is gelling mighty hot lof ihi-mt too. riiTWMHiwMBW ab ir-nuiiim. A hastily formed company of forty men, im-rcbuiits, iiiauu.aeiurers, law yi.rH ,, mt.chat,icH, rcmi.rk, ...J Ne(V Y,rk - , . , f . on the 2d day ol August tiom the hor mrs ol mob rule, instantly testored suprrmacy ot law, and broke the! ''stiike"iii8iid around thai i-fiiirw if oiilimtri It u-Mut iniard." It was eall.-d l.v .1... v, r ' III lin.aiipi'll AK.lup an I . . .iti .... 1 tv. lit Lackawanna and Washington avenues were massi-d iIiohmiolIm id men, wild, reveng.-lul, desiruclive, ready lorepeat iuScral.ton ihedevas ly to repeat tu Scrautou ihedey lation which an imbecile municipal Government suffered to fall on Piti burgh. Tho forty good ciiizios were tired on with pistols, and showered with bricks and clubs. They wheeled in good order and delivered a volley into the howling m e rolling upon them to beat and trample tin in to death. In two minutes of lime the rioters scat ered and disappeared. They did not reassemble. Not a sound of disturbance was heard in Scr titon throughout the night ol the 2d. This effective work of forty citizens, volunleeiiiig to maintain order and protect property, is an appeal against the use ol I he Federal army as a police in the Slates and in inieipulities, lhal should utterly sham - those who have clamored tor iis employment. It demonstrates lhal there is no nec si whatever for the inteif. r ive ol i iu Guvirnmelit in municipal aflYim; that i.e..iv Am.oi.-ui. ii.nni.-'n.iliit- - i j .ui.iluiiiH u-illili, tlui.lt tl... i...u .. ..I I.VII I ri. ii " . ' ii.i. .i-i. . . i v ii-'nii l ' i ... . , , riii-iiii'vii"ii, hum n 'uiMitnn com- milllilies pohS. ss the life.Vlgoi nio.!lmt.iUr1V(;11f,""'hi colleagues of the l.e , jturiiin,,' ltiurl are not bein)( proHecuted for amy ami iniieini me lo i.iijiie-i hii v ,. .i . .. i . ' uomlnnitlioiis uhaiever against pi op CUV and .aw. This is the Value and til IioiM of the di mocracy. It can tike car o'iisi lf. It tejmci s in sell government. It repeU piteinal cau and iuicrlf ivnce. So true is this, that it the people, through I In ir n pns. n latives in Congress, should ci nseiit to an increase of the army to be usi-d in l he Suites as a police, democracy in America would be destroy il, iiu-l our Im in nf govertiim nt would devel op into a military dc-poiiMii. Thai act ol Congress would be a surrender ot iVtj prim-iple of sell government. unceasing menace to our po Ifcioal iilM...... ... . ,,le H.iM()).ralil. military oidi-rbas become i,.., Eveiy misloitune ot the count ry is cause ol clamor for an increase of the auny, and lot employment thai rhall make it a perpetual and expand ing institution. An oiiihnak in Ida ho ot lTU cheated, mist talde liuiiane is the sigi.al to the olhcers and then ii III lamiles lo cry o' I ngaiut ihe iuu ciencv of an army ol ii.VOOO men, n crctly and suddenly the Ir ight tram men on tiie ttain lines of railioi l iu st-veral Slates in conceit milt oik- H8 V'Ci wur ttli time wh. n the inlor si vtrai man s iu conu 1 1 ijuh a, m tl)I vMch calIiwg M m i(,h w to the iransp nation business oftlie!nllll'"itHinybethatWellsdUnotUkead- I t , I VMitare of this knowledge, country IS suspended; mismanage i tt i .i, p,K.rti.nity to tr that, so far as uieiit mid I dly induce bloo ly itiid destructive riots. The howling for mi increase of the army ami uc of il lore vcr na a municipal police breaks nut above all the diu on ihe blockaded roads. This mercenary selfishness and uiiiaiiiotic egotism have gone beyond endurance The men who exhiliii il are unmanly. Ot such si till' good soldiers cannot be made. Only place hunters sinecurists can be made out ol that matennl. 1'educe the army lo tec thousand men.. AN 19114 Ml IAL VfcHDMT. Hon. S. J. Mel'ornaek, editor ot the Catholic Sentinel, and a promi nent Kepiibliean. gives the I'ullovniiL' i An i.u juot a.nved from Jjig hole tt'ldlil III the (Iroer illVeetL'ation '"ii'couu of a ternbleUlUe iMiwueu ; Ulouuu ttMuUialid and tlie Ae ieiee. i.u ''.,t' ' kit l"nvei , AUjjUtt tt,li. Oibbou coiu- We linve purposely n frained Iro n u"u,a -tuig iu it meu, 17 ouicet, iw expr. ssi.irf auv op.iu,.n on the in. ri.s uu ,"HC'U"-U v" r. ;. ..' , i. i OVuf ""Hmhis lloiM io utartlie it,i iule u oi .leiueriisot I lie ease bioujjlu lie- u wiuetu. s,., ,v u 0 clo uu tore the Coiumisyion sent out from aiue u'gHhey utovwu uuwu aii me truops, Wasllinylon lor the pin ptise i t invea ia eo.iou ol a lew left to gmud tue iL'atinu' llie'lraii.U sllejj. d lo have iu '7 mb bov Uo" ,0 lne i . . i : .i i .. i lMUu luck kuuiMa ou it.irilole be.-l, perj.etraled III the vl.iiHMi of -,UjUl . N-nator lirover, until all the evnlenee Loot and tlu uail cnots. At day lias been adduced ou bolb sides ol htjunnis iui,ug u, M M hjj by the ease. i tl4" v"'uu ""' m kuU tJiaif " UU"U1 Now, however, ll.at the C-mu.-s sioll li.ia co-ielU-UM i:s l.iu,.r. .tu I in.- ev ill. nee da b-i-n p.ilniMi, -i, r ar ; re,. l( ,ns ,ti,i , ...rni. ler . ... '.. ... -..I .... i .. i i went h.-ii hii .int. hi iiihi " 'e-i jt""' ''""P "."" '" iii.huiIi- Weill H.-ll el iiilllrita.au auaill Whom the I lit ih iii I lit was orjjaiilZed. Senalor . ... J4 , , ,,,,,, M ... .... ,. - v.iv it ti up.ui wli.e leoliiiiouy il I ''..ped lucmvicl bun rre p...v,d llo lie a pack ot worthies tool iadv , j j, ..... ' lu t mum ut any cliari'e in I be b.-tn- tl..t 11.... ....,,1.1 t., .L m..,.. v .,m ..1 "sllrv ll..,.,.!,. ... II,.,!,, MyU-a and a lew inlu r pidilieal pais '.!.. I li..rw t. t .. itt.l t. .l.ivtt ,.., tt. ' " , . " 7. Orei mi li aelually Ulieted thai a . (r (jrv. r to m. ure Ida el.i tirni, i sobeily J.rcuwinjj "the ik w tvl (Tbe whole charge was truiuptU upjiwu." ly "'""viriim of t.MiN, wh.mU ,. iwi"ui. lll-llie resillieil III COVl rill" them will, deserved ignominy, while ,i i.u,u i r.. ,,... purified by the ordeal. I'sitiouu re- vengdM-emed to be the impulse ihal original ed the Commisriou; and, m ,,. ;.,,. ,i ' maiiv instances, the CoininiMOiiiu-ni ,..v Minmwii ui ucuutur uiuverwas themselves seemed lo be iiiiliu. d wiili the i lea that they were prosecuting ...mi. w .pini.vi rt iiiv wl'llllllirplllllt'lB tlie opposite party rather lha lnves HjtigNliutNcawwl aitcaipt.d buliery. import ant In muny cases, too, il.e wi;ue-es iS-i.izen.' gve their evidence with the v., v. o irv damaging the oppohiiioii .any; -re i.. .;...i r .i i . .i i .i. ..i IIIIIMIIII" i-iii- l HIC roion II iiioiiii I saving: "Sumlio, I suppose you are a ; He,,,,!,!',,.,,,, y Oh ! Y es, iiia-a, I'ae a uimhI Ui-iiuIiIu-hu." ' U in .i,.i k' d vote the De.noc.ati'c tick 1,,",?,,,,Jr mlr '"'l piien: - ioii know iiat He Hog lias to' wag his tail to de one dal pba b m de li.uie 1" Like Sambo's vote, some of ihe sweating done during the liro ver investigation was done I" the in terest ol the parly who threw -the bone lo the hungry paitiaii, but, nevertheless, Si naior Grover Hill re lurii lo Washington with the public aosiuaiice that iml many ot his io-so-cialen could go through a similar or deal and i-oine off so vtetoi ioiisly, A tttriTAIION. The tallowing reply, pub'ishe . in the N. Y. llerulJ, of District Attor ney Finn y, ot New O. leans, lo the charges made by the puritans of the Reluming Boaid forgers, I hut the pioccution of these scoundrels was dictated by partisan mallei , complete l explodes tl.ese i-harges : I hett leave to Ask space in vour paper to in- , teit lite tullowin.- r Ply to a Utt. r iknt to your I ....... 1. ii i ... .1... i . d:...i l.a vj ...v imiuixii ,i, biic AIVIUIIIIII aiimiii iu leghril to Ihe prooecuti. n n-untly iiirtitutrd auiimt the intniueni of that late hotly of thit e body of thit m .uy and tilly led throughout which actuutfi reports which have been circiilaleil Mwwuairy aslo tie .motive .11. . .!.... f L 1 I . ... . . neither lieliv nr uniimvi, nnv nf flim I ilu I tiiiA iinweviiiiuii. i nau mane un niv inula io i J - I I - - - - - - uottliink it will do, however, to allow thit uoiiiniuuifation to pas unnoticed. It it true i lirjury nu.i lorgery, but tor "uttering ami pule I lulling a true a eeitain altered, false, forged mi.I counterfeited jmbiic record," thii pul.lic' rei;"rd "ri-dual returns of the election I. 1. 1 . 41... nf XT ...1. . iLi"!' I tl. ... held on the 7th of Novemlier, WTO, in tin phr ih of Vernon, of this Mute. n entirely iiu tiuct ollenc-e, which it puniidiable, however, in tl.e same way and to the tame extent It it equity true that Air. Well and hit fel low are not proeecuted uiKin a baais of an iii-tlii-tnunt or true bill found by the Grand Jury of thit purixli, but uMin an infonuation plea by me at District Attorney uiwn the following recomuiendution: Gbanu Jurv Rooa, New Orleans, June 17, 77. the Grind Jury reieetfuily lequett that the Ilouorublu Court intruct the Li-trict Atti rney to tile tlie pioper iuforinnti n kguintt J. Alar.i son VV'elln, 1 tiom., C. AnderMin, G. (.'a'.enave and Lewis W. kenner, nun btn of the l.te l.etiiriiing loard, for pirjury, forgery and al tering the re tin na of the luniui of V ernon and ott.cr pariahe of the State. JOHN A. O'BRIEN, Foreman Uruu.l Jury." Thit was handed to me on the day of its writing, nud at wh n at iHnwilile thereultur 1 prepaitd and on the 6th of July fo lowing I tiled the infnriuation unn whic-n J. Madmon ttl'e-'.'ltiU'llJi'tfulJiaaTCVuWat' titJJ't"!. Vf,,re triaL ,A o the delay in filing thit information VV ell and his attociatea are more to blame thau any iHMly else. 1 hey and their creaiure re "" i" ie"ijiiiOT toe inn , iw one n i-nil t ,e ii- i i .a. .- . 1 . . .. I..' I .: .1 , . .. . Grand lnoueat of this pant, whe h was tir.-t oegun, ami u is nut now. when t e authority of the 6Ute oitichil i no longer denie i or ilia outed. that WelU ami his accuted brothent to far submit. Wil; knowimr. iwiIiuim. tlm f.. !Pt I if ri1"'''tuc to reoogniie a capias pU t iliii 'itlie hands of our criminal sheriif tor ex.-cution. Unlike the late Keturuing Bar!, o which Veils wan the piesi.,iug orlicer, ti.e Superior Ceituiiul Court for the parish of Ork-uiu keeps notcoret files, an I as the htte I'rtMilent of the O. . it i ... ii , . -iiiiiiujj uu:tru well KIIOWS, Ills coun- i Kiiot, to uk c-mnectel withtituerof the mie iu.unuing iolitu-al parties iu tlds Stuto has hil the leant concern or inlluence in the prociung oi mu phwecutmn. My method and d.mgiin this it simply to brin: guilty m-n to i""1"! ue w rn to, ami none shall es caiie muinhmeut if I imn iiTs.vnt It .n.i .... tiu!oy ',r.t'' iwrpetration of as high crimes im, .mil aim ma accuxeil lellows are clinived with Ueiiectfully, JOHN J. FINNY, DiwtriitA ttoruey IVIIItX tt A It. V get the following account of the late batt with Jcph' land, from a dispatch to tl Oregonian. The first new w as that the lliaiu had captured all the horses, snp. plicsBto., belongiug to the army, bnt this soeiuto have been an error.. Eighty white men sported killed or woundeth Indian loss it cerUnly known, but uppoed to bo very tvy, as there were firty dead Indian found u one part of the battle-field : 1 Lodge, Aug. a. M. W. IL iMi uie m,U.u0euU, " ,," , Ulld- to old-r IU a.fceaa n.e iwljes. but wem puli,u . . .11-.. lime a .uiuUer ( nie 17., " "";" -mm,, ij,, , J" I i.ounsu.ga wumied-oiui, ll ca.g.U Ueiu, ami uiu.g,, ,.i ,""u u lnM " vni lurtiiiwl k tl Ik.ll.U a-SklllllsUaAl sawaaa aVii .y.su p.gieu.g UuSUy nlli. ieiu at il sums us ns"",. ,,,. nueMiUui smIc, Um iuu iut , .o- Ug m tn. l.g.u -V'uWui .j I ,U,;B' ' Vi'i iA",w". il i.... ..... vk ...... . . ...n.ii T' 1 1. .1 1 Lv ... ,3 SttU- ka.u. liMUMHCiiirer iys UiM T I Jjj Uulvd lo vapiBiw lu kiue, U) .. 1 Ju 2( e u U(alhe ur Hayesisni is i-vi Vntly a heresy in ,h" li' I"'1'1''-"'1 r'k,, , K Vrt v.,. T ih eadent -- - - fight shy of li. Tiny look askance Ht j(. Tliev see plainly enough that !( ii ' i- . ,.ti..t. ... n il Haves carries out his policy, a it 1 " . , as ,H """c-,d. ol divorcing me om.-es ol ilu-country from paitv poliiicaand l.riaknig ii, the whole system ol par o,. tlu-irocenpaiion isgoin; , m;, ,,,",,h"'- l",,,,u 1,,e. " m ,V' v,i'1 11 l cm pi llmg the K.-pulr i: ii it ...ii.. .... .1; IH-IIIIB 111 luno UI IIIUVI nil cine nndiliiv i """,',r". - make up Imnibly wry md swear not a lutle r ih. ir lueaih. No Nmvs.-Tr elec.ions iu Ala- ,mma a"'1 Iveniiieky were held on the Gi Ii in-t. and vet we have no news id thereriilt. These States are Demo eralie, In nee this delay. The election takes place in Iowa Oct. '2d, r ml we predict thai in less than ten days af ter the election in .hai State we will haw full returns. Truly, the Ra lcal telegraph is a valuable inlii iilion, A Rkality. oine i t our groi-ery nun will recognize this character: He niters the grocery store, runs his tingirs into ivery sugar barrel nnd lays i,p a i-otiph ounces; lakes a nib Ideal the hack id a herring ; e its a hand ul ol mils, llien goes to the cheoe, uud cuts of)' a slice just to ta-te. ilpn, as :i matter of course, must have a lew crackers, and tier hap betore he inakis up his mind to purei asf a quiinei 01 a poiimi in tea, he huo at. li I he lu ofil a noon 82 woitli ol gneeii s To wind it all up, aMcr l' I nng trusted lor the tm, I M m.n ,. ,, lt.m re.tli8l. B ,irt)fi, i , u , , . , ' I n'J 'illls, tie leave- the Store I in II Nt t.ing a t-oiiiile id tipples. This : .... - i the iuiHgliiatioii. bin a realilv, i xc pt that t'le nilit.hrot ' iinni, ,,f' tt m i I i.... .1... i .. I v II . t . il w II, .1 rtril i-ll I IlilPC H II ll.tri I I Host ol ) eoie wi.o u ed to use greasy aim iiiiiaiiiiun'ory ungenr gnu asirnigeut waihei for eu'ai eou.t eruptions iu vain, have touglit anil louud ivilet in Glrnii s Sulpliar Soiiji, the (,r-nt, on want rpecitic ami com pleionl heuutiller. Sold by druggi-itii. Hill t Hair and Whikker Dye,' lilack or Brown, floe. We tell S. II. K.nnetly' Hemlock Sheen Dip, the Ix-H and cheapeHt Dip known, and w ill nil valuuble book to theep owners on applica tion. J. M'CliACKEN li CO. Portland, Oregon. OHDINANCtt NO- 5 AN OliDINANCE TO LICENSE PED DLERS AND OTHER ITENERANl VENDEhS. Be it DauAisEn by toe Commox Coincil oi the Cuv ok EruENE i That no person tha i sell, vend or retail, in the City of Eugene any gootln, wuren or lut-rchan line, uulesttuch persou shall have tint obtained license therefor in the m.iiiinr provided by the City Laws of the L'!reot'tiry;,'1!i.iii,"e to beimiuedat Thu onliuanoe shall apply only to peddlers anil oil er itinerant vend. r. Any peiwm viol.itmg this onlinance shall, i n '"l' H"ll nil r ill l !,.rj t:l Kcnin ur I. tin ,1 nut ...... si-j . .- i : ' , not exci eilln. oU. or imnriMiino.1 mi avruu.i . I 'IIIV8. . 8 Adopted Augimt Wth. 1877. G. 1!. lHjiilS, rreident. JvoBT. Faoan, liecorder. B, F. DORRIS. To all who know them- selves indebted to me. I have demands against me which MUST BE PAID, and I cannot meet them unless I can collect. If . la I you would save cost Sett e Without nvilllUUl delay, for i must, have mm. Jan. 6. 1877. D. F. 1)01 M IS. 01 J Furnitur repaired AND MADE As good AS NfcU' It OB CUT LANK. SIGN PAIXTLY1 AN6 GRAININ3 A spec ah'ty. ai lk. ... "tu t. AOlIlC 10 laina'Prt "I'tu "NII(sE, lS HVEEY GIVEN THAT 1 1?77' LTari nJ t-inalition wij tt,mH .1 .t Eugene, v aenHnt rolls ff the ofl l iMU'nra , J. W. PAhKS, Aimtor. liAFtDWARE, IRON and STEEL lllllH, rpobt-a. itiuis, Oak, Ash and nitkory PlanK. NORTIIRt P TIIOAPSOV, Poa.LAMJ, . . . oRtUOX. OS II UHIV & CO'S VEW DUUO STORE nv WT ' Fl :L.r"uY . 10.. ON WILLAW. jli "teeoutvt, neailtluth. DKMJLIS is nuuus, t'llK.MlCALS, UII-S PAIXTS, ULA8.-, VARNIsniS PATENT MEDICINES, , Brandieo. Wines and Liquorr . OF ALL KINDS. Iu fact, we Lav die best traortmint of artttl UUJfU 111 FI RST C'LA SS DRUb dTORB. We warrant alt our drugii, for they are ntw aid Fresh. Particular atUntiua it called te ear Stock of Perfumery ai.v. Toilet Articles. At we have bonght OURtiOO' S FOR CASH We can compete with any estaMudimeat fi I gene City in price and accommodation. Buy your K'xxls where you can get the beat and cheapest PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLIl At all hours of the day or Bight . . . Sl.I.MO.N. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THS State of Oregon, for Lane county. William Vaughn, pluintitf, vs. MounterrQlr Fergewin, iltftniiiiot Suit in Equity t correct deed to real pioperty. To tlie above nnrued defendant, Mounterrille Fenemm : In the nume of the Stutu nf f Im. I gun, you are luty required to appear in the bov,, entitled suit, brought H'i.nt you by the I unova inmul ulaiiitilt in Ilia l imiiiiI a a.a -tr above named plaiutilt, in the Circuit Court of the State ul Urtvon, for Line county, and to answer the compbiist riled therein by the tint f - . . .. i. . . ... .. ! day of the next regular term of said Circuit Court, to b twgim and holden at Engene City, Lane county. Mute of Oregon, on Monday te 6th tiay of November, 1W7. The defendant will take notice tliat it h fail to to appear and answer tuiil cinipluint, at above required, the pi liutirt will apply to tlie Court for the relief , wwimi tiriu.m.cu, as iiuiuni, w Wll ; i . l.u. ...... u. r. n..u.. I 1 1 ,: .1. ...l i.. .. j j .IIMI.VllHUUlKra IIMUC, cicvmcu WIU tie livered to ph.iutilf by the defendant, on the ln 1 ft), V l if MiLIV.il iKTlS Ka MfilHWul mvA ma, , to conform to the intention of the parties ' tliereM, by a decree ot sutil Court, so that the desenption of the premises contained in th said deeii, read at followt, to-wit : Beginning at ine J. comer ot the s. J ol section w. Town. to &., ik tfwet; running thence north 54: roils, thenc eaiit 26 rods, thence south 214 roils, thence west a roils, thence north l1 roils, to the place of beginning. Also the S. E. of section 3D, Town. 10 !, R. 3 west Th ajnive escribed prenuse being jiarts of claim No 07, notification 30.7, containing 100 acres, more or less, iu Lane County, State of Oregon. That phiintiii have judgment for the costs and disbursetiitnts of this suit against tLe defend ant, and have such other snd further relief a the Court may r'etm equitable. By order oi lion. J. F. Watson, Judge o add Court, nude and of date June 25th, X87T. r en-ice ol the Siinimon is made by publicatioa in the Eugene City Guakd, a weekly newsta ier published in said county and State. 'IHoMPSON & LEAN, Atty's for Pl'ff. . Diited June 27th, 1877.-30Kiw fwspnprr, Book and Job lirntt Willamette St, .' igene City, O- nJrV NEW STOCK OF HATS -The best and largest ever brought to Knuene, at FKIENDLYU . TAKE NOTJC.E! MRS. II. A. MOOSE'S cienUflc HAIR PRODUCER! Mrs. H. A. Jloore would announce to tho Ladies and Gentlemen who desire th miwinl i auornment of a tine suit of Hair, that she has patented her eeli-lirnt.l Jl ,,V l;t.. ,v.;l. !I"U"",wbeenJf"re.tlie l,ublio ''aspace of two years, and hat in .v. intnnn. tire Mibtioction as to w hat it promise. No. mineral or damaging suustauce is used in this reparation, anil it m ifn,niJ t .nt- air falling out after four application. Well- known cases of long-standing baldness have, been suoewwfiiUy treated (as per testimonials ia my potwewdon). It will produce a full flowing crop of hair on all stage of baldness, even to its most pronounced atatew It will pieveat hair from turning gray. S. Preparations forwarded to all parts of the country. 0XE BOrrtE, 1 or. THSEK BOTTLES, II. Ad'lresa, MRS. H. A. MO0RX. 10U81, MAIJKEf STREET, Sua Francisco, California. ACJKMm WAS lEl). i i"t eaitily earned ia these times, ti t it cam be made is thre io( Dtl. It hi one of either set. in ny fart ot the coustry who ia w.ll.ng to woik steadily at th ' ' miiloVHltnt that himi.k StA per wvtk in youi o n ten a. Yon aeed not b awy tu rn home ovtr night. Yoa can giva your whofe t'me to the orl rk, or only your spar . I nT.B" " are makine; tagige stone can. on.H.mnrT7AC..rorthuid,Mine. Tvct:iil l.i; AND SAN JUAN LIMJ J V for tale by T. (I. HENDKICK3. A treat Largaln. 1 W ArRES " LAND. 75 ACRES a y, 25 a-M of gwd kTi, 11 head of cattle. . . head of thrt-p. Bead of h.vs. all for 1 II itielrej Uollairs. Lilnd Terns. : "ugene Guard, i ' ' 1 1 C J " or mi haivain. Situated at the nth of Camp t'reek, V mile east of priaf Schl, Lane ceuntr, ( Ireim. G. K. HAMfEFSI.Y, T.C. HENDRICKS j