TT T HIT AWIfl c Y n i Li ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSEMmTIDS OF DEMR.ITIC PRINCIPLES, AND TO E1RS IS IKINEST LIVING BT THE SWEAT OF Ol'R BROW 1 1 'j,US I it .WHOLE NO. 510. EUGENE CITY, OR., SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1877. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE. She (gttjjrne (City (Otnnl . It. ALEXANDER, W. U. ALEXANDER. ALEXANDER BROS., Publishers and Proprietors. OFFICE In Underwood's Brick Building, over Cralu's Jewelry Store. OUB ONLV BATK9 OB ADVKHTISING. Advertisements inserted as follow. : ne square, 10 lines or lew,' one iiuertion 3; each aMequent insertion IL Cash required in silvan oe Time advertisers will le charged at the following rate. : - - One suuars three month" IS M " six months .' a oo one year., 13 0.1 Tnuulent notice. In local column, M eenU per line r each insertion. , Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly. , All lob wo" must be aid tor on uklivkut. FOSTOFFiCK. ilfflce Hour. -From 7 a. ra. to T p. m. Honiara fteml:MtoJ:3flp. m. Mail arrives (ram the aouth and leaves wmag north 10 a. m. Arrirea from the north an I leave. KoinK rath at 153 p. m. Fur Smishiw, Franklin an I Ismit T m, close at 6 A.M. on We Inc. lay. For Crawfords- Letters will be ready for delivery lull fan hour after rival of trains. Letter, ahould be left at the office ue hour befora mails depart. A. b. PATTERSOV, P. M. . NOD IK I I US. v Vn II A V anil A V ft riuu.n. ww-ii i -- - Meet, first and third YYelnealaye in each month. ' jisntt Hptiicfb Bmri tanas No. 9 I. O. 0. F. Meets every Tuos lay evemujr. VJjjijM' WlMWHL ExCAMFUKST No. 6, assets on the td an 1 4th We Inn lya in each month. LON. CLEAVER, PE 33J g iS "317 , ROOMS OVER MIIS. JACKSON'S M2 linery Stem, WILLAMETTE STREET. ' DR. F. WELSH HAS OPENED DENTAL ROOMS Permanently in the Underwood Brick, Eujene City, nd respectfully solicits a share of the public patronaje. Refers by permission to J. It Cardwell, Portland. v A. W. PATTERSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, fcfllce on NlnVli Street, opposite the St. Charles llatel, and at Ke.Ueiie, ,KlJOKNK CITY OBKOON1. Dr. J. C Shields OFFERS HI3 PROFESSIONAL SER vices to the citizens of Eugene City and inrroundini country. attention given is all OBSTETRICAL CASES and Ui ER IN E insEASEB entrusted to his care; Office at the St Charles Hotel. i DR. JOSEPH X GILL CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or ros ideaca when not prof sssionilly engaged. Office at the POST OFFICE- f)RUG STORE. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby ierian Church. Chas. M. Horn, PRACTICAL G UNSMITII. ' --a, .DEALER IN GUNS, RIFLES, TOt'T and materiuls. Rspiirini? dune in ftfTT the neatest style and Warranted. Sewing Machines, Safes, Locks, V etc., repaired. Guns loaned and ammunition furnished. GEO. B. D ORRIS, ITTORSEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office on Willamette street, Eugene City. WM. PurcJiasing Agent, . B. SANFltANCISCO, LAKE. PAL. JEWELRY ESTABL1SMENT. J. S. LUCXEY, a DEALER IN It j'S Clocks, Watcnes. Chains, Jewelry, etc. lupniriii!! rrompuy c-xhciiicu. CSrin Work arrantrJ. J. S LUOKKV, Ellsworth 1 Co.'s brick, Willamette Street t B6nk and Stationery S!ore. ajt nrFirE BUILDING. EUGENE receiving an assortment of the Bert School and City. I have on hand am! am constantly Allscetianeo:is iwo nummn, - , Portfolios, Cards, Wallets, ItbufH Portmon aaea. etc. .etc A. S. PAf fERSON. OPPOSITION IS THE TTT717 HI? TR ATAP t SLOAN BROTHERS "tTTILL DO WORE CHEAPER than any other YV anopiatowa. HOUSES SHOD FOR $150. Withaew auterkl, aU ronJ. Bearttinf old ahos t Ceal. All wrsrrstaled im c' aitUfaeHo"' Shop on Eighth at , oppjsi'n Hum phrey's Stable. DR. JOHX II ERR BOLD, irEGIClL IECB1MC1L DEMIST, H,wh.X .9h noes tn the citiienU of that t.Laoe .uotbiui; ST. NICHOLAS, "Vit k'Hgof nil pnhliml inn iuntil fir llit young on e-ilirrmdi nf tin Athmlic." South- saitini (Kny.lmi'l) Observer. The thirl votums of this innmpv-shle Mazarine i now complete I. With it- sou mv.l .t ivi nairea. an i six nun ire i iinut anousiw spimni aerials, its ahoi te" stories, poems. n 1 a'tetchee. etf.. ete. . in ita ueaulifiil hin limr nl le I an I sn ! I, it l the mint aplen 11 I tcilC ito.S for Imya an t iritis ever iiauedf torn tho press Piiee, II; in lull gilt, 13. ST. NICHOLAS FOR 1877. Whirh npena ith Novemlwr, 1S78, bevina a ahnrt anl very eiite'taininir a'ril f'om the Frem-h, " 1 he Kiiiplom of the Ureely," A utory aluntel to tlte 'llituVaitivinir aeion. Another aerial of absorbing interest to boys, " HIS OW.V JlARTER," BT I. T. THOWBUIDOIt, author of the 'Jar.k Ilaunl Sto ies," in the Christ mis Holilay um'er. Itesi lea aenal atu-iea, (.'hrllmuiaturiea,lively aketilie,piniaHnil pirtu ea for tlie huli 1m) a, au 1 aome: aatoninliiiiir illustratiui.a of ilrieninl sportx, with 'Ipiwiiiim ly ianieealiHt', Tim (JlllllSl'M IS HOLIDAY NUilllKK UF SC. NIOilnL As.aupsrUy illuitmtel, oouUins rei 7 iutei et i nir puper. st1 " IHF. BOYH OF M Y CHILDHOOD?! By WILLIAM Ct'LUtS B.irNT. Di nnt Tuil In liny St. Niclin'ss fur the ClirisliDus lliilidiiy. IMim. 'J5 (Vn's. . PuHnir the rer thei-e will l intei-estinir mner for boys, by WilUm Ciil'en II y.tnt, John t. W hiltier, Thoiima Hiiirl.os, NViKmiu lluwitt. Dr. Hollanl, v oive .iiaiaioiitiii, .Nmiorn i. Hunt, nans K. htut-kton. an I others L'heie will lievtoiiea.Bket-hosanliMiemaofapeeiul inteiest to villa, by Hr iet Fnwott p.llfod, aau 0'Kh lire, a'ali Winter KellianTi KliitMh Ftu ait Piieliw, Lmiiut Aloott, l.uuretiu P. Hale, CVha ThaxU-r, SUii Mapes llodjp, anl many otlieis. 'I Uers will im iilao "TWELVE SKY PlfirURES," bt or. FROITOB, the At-omer. with iiiitm, afcowimr'Toe cta- of Eiuih Montli. ' will lie likely Ui an pus in inteieat any series in popular tuieuje recently art van Ui the pultlte. AMl'FEMF.Vr NU IVSTRUCl'IOV, with FjS ASU FKOLlO.anl WIl' AVD WI.SDnM, will l-e miiurlel ahe etofo'e.aul NinioLAS wnl couttnue W delifiht the youu auJ vive pletuu.e to the oil. liOOD NEWS FOIl 110Y3 AND OIRLO. To meet thedemanl for a riie iner Kt. S'icholas Gilt-B.. the priee of T ils. I an I II has lieeu ie dm-el t4iti h. l lietluee Vulumea, in an ele.'iiiit lilimry iwe, are aill for l lln full tfilt, I.V, a.i that all limy give thel'- chilhen a Complete act. I v ilnmeaooiit ilum i eatia tivemtUi ial than fifty 'lolls a wn til ut or Unary ehil hen s Ikeiks. Milviiiptioii niiee. 3 a veil -. The tlnee tiouu I vol- nmea an 1 a siii wiripiioii f.i this yeironly I3 hui aerii with the ne eat neiva Ifttloi , or aen I money n che, k; or 1'. O. Money inter, nr in retralS'el leiter, to Hcuiu.NF.n A: Co , 713 l):oulwny, N. V. - rs.S.A.McCain<1ss C. Ccnnar DRESS MAKING AND FANCY HAIR WORK of all Kinds. WIGS, SWITCHES, BRAID?, WATCH GUARDS, BRACELETS, ETC. Made to oruer. Corner Willamette anl Tenth Streets, ap23 5m EUGENE CITY. ST. CjUSUS H3TEL, EUGENE CUT, OREGON. MRS. A. RL:iFP.LV, Prop Having again taken possession of the old and well known ST. CHARLES HOTEL Which has been newly furnished and refitted,' is now ojien foe, the reception of guests. 1 have nlteen rooms in the FIRE PROOF BRICK BUILDING making 50 rooms In all. It is the most commo dious and best apjiointed douse in the State south of SuLin. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. A. HICNFBEW. B. H. JAMES, UANHFACTfKER OF TIX AM) SHEET IROA WARE, Willamette Street, , Eugene City, Oregon. Keeps conitantly on hand a complete assort ment of Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, Stoves, Ranges,' Pumps, etc. Repairing douo promptly and in the best manner. Positively Cured. All suffers a from tlila diiwiae that ai anxious to len el.ei'iiult ty Dr. Kliiei' Cilcbml ed Cniialinipl .ve I'ou d' ra. lheai Powlc a a e tl.e only p.ewiiMon known tout will en-e Cnil aumplloii an I all 'liaea-ea or the 1 lironl and l.llll:i tu leel, so at onr ia u in them, an I a! u. niiivime you th .t tl.ey ate no hunmur, we willfowa I to ve y -ulc.e , J mail, puat pal 1, a fir Trial Box. We ilou t want your money until yon a-e perfertly aatiahel uf Hieir eunttive piwe a.' If your lire is wo'ih aivinr, dn t -leUy iuyivmr thert PoW derwa t ial, aa they wi I u ely en e yo'i. P. n, for la s-e ., 11 on, sent t any part of the Unite 1 r-tatea o Cua la by mail on of prier Addieas, AMI A itonuixs, JOD FCLTiJI 8TSF.KT, UllOOKLTS, S. t. FITS EPILEPSY, OR FALLING -SICKNESS FrrmauH-inly C ured luinibnx by one in- nll.'a iiniie l Or. Ooiilnrd'a elrbial-dl laliible fit fa der. io nrtiv.n x i-uie ia that t in pow le a win loall ' laimtut them, we w II aen 1 them hy ma I, pom Bald, lre Trial as ir. mmib w.eouly pnyah ian titit law ever ma le Ui'a liN.iar ; ltt...Mj i,, i . u, kn iwie lire tl ihhm la haveieen prrmarrml? rnrtd ly rt.ert! Pow den, Me will nar -nier p r Itiawnt a e in eve y .mar, u relUMd Jou all mol.ej Siperdrd. All aufle ma auuull ve tl.eo Powieiaaa rally Ulal, all 1 M C.BViwelul their ra ative puwe s P.iee, l,f lain liix.H IM, 4 l-iea for !0 f), nt ly mail to any pint o Unite I euiea or -n a ua leceiptof piiw.ur l y eip.eS.C O. l. A-Hieaa, ASH A KOUI1IVS, IN) Frtroa frmrrr, B rT, S. Y. M R K K T ,tM'" - - - - - - ' i BCYO i REN3HAW, Proprietors will KEEP CCXSTASTLT OS HA5D, VEIL. run at'TtOV. Dried Vl. of all i !a l.rA TluW.tte vTill eU Beel ia rhonsa lima I to I otots. ! iCrKTLTUBAI. IMPLpENTS is. -Sut-v'riPTrtR A BIDDEN CIHE. VT EU0KNR J. HALL. A melancho'y woman lay li sickness on ber bed, An I, in a faint and bro'cen Toica, . To her sad husband sail : " Dear D.wld, when my earthly form1 II is tu ned to li.eless cla", 0 wit an weep a tittle wuile, Nor throw yourself away. "I know a woman, kin J an' true, On whom you may depend ; Oh I marry Amanita Jones . She ia my dearest friend." "Yes; Hannah, I have wanted lonjf To apeak o' this bifore J For Amarilla Jones an' I Have talked the matter o'er." " Then you an' Amuilla Jones Hjvo been too sin ut and sly ; 1 tell yo j, DAvid Wilkinson, I'm not a-goin to die !" Her dark' eyes fUshed; her strength re turned ; She le;t her bed of pain ; A week had scirce.y passed away When she was wu.l again. 1IB WAS A VET. He wns an nged vel., it m1 mnn lieiT iiittt inir riinvtiiin u iihllic iiii'mniiiimI trniil ft I lie OliMviiunl. lie iirtd Iok( his K l'i hi uf mi l p.ii l "I liis Icti cliuvk' irviiij imimcIiiVhmih v i 1 1 1 a ImzZHaw; 'I'lii" liiiin iiiil pri'vioiiH to lln' l.'ile vtnr, no linn iliu iniiiiliiieil palriut was dubaiTtMi lite iniviiU'ly ol ti-lu- my; tin the rei 11 fjravcH nl his niicK,' liir liin uliMiH nnil liis tiii H, Uoi nml Ins naiit f IhdiI. That in ull iinaina ry, lor our vol. hml no hIihi's nor (.'rt.'tii fravi-H imr lli'nigs. lit only h clu'i-k l lint liinmed ilie buzz hhiv nn mie ami, Tlif vet. tin lif flMl bflufi' UK, hid a bivaih ruiyjje.s litH nl hull iliijt'Mril whisky He oiiktjil like 1 1V;irl (O. O) uml Hiiii'lleii like Zat li Clianilli-r. Tnu vet. uouhl not u to ilui fii-lil lim ing I In; war. The ticlil woulil mil liavi' him :U uny ptite. lint alter llie cruel war wii8 titer he y n in ihe inosi .'a'lanl manner I lie drain I Army ot iliu Iffpnlilio, ami went imc llio lnisiiieK uf Birewinir flower. One annul anl nno let!i;eil vel 8. were ccaire in tu G. A. U., and so Ihe tew vein t tins fiiiitilalid Wire teinltily eared I'nr, Our Irii iid ut ihe one arm hud a 'Hynii uii'," an lie called ii, Bhnig wiih a one lejined vet', who met with liis cuMiiiliy under an rxprcfM waguu. J3i iwei ii Decoiaii hi dayi I hey did nulhini' ns messeitgei'ii ut the rate ol him niy rite dnlliiis a nninih, and on D uni'iit ioii D;iy it wail ineir duly In aland arniirid will) flowcra and weep while John L)i:in reterred to lln in an I he maimed lint iniim.riiil lieroen ol" the bliiiidy conH cl, Wiih a touching relerence lo the chipot Slate thai lia I a helni ii'.d a man at the helm, and oilier iiiaiililiil and eloijuent tiurev ol fpeech mid flower ol i lietoric. "And now," said the aired and mn I tinted vel., pard. and I are turned out. Alter all our cervices we are lo get up ami iril, and our place i tr" en to two Idoody oonledV, nie ironi Vei 'jinny and the other Jioui Alabama. My pard ia ot this iniinito m il in nl llie loot ol'vourflialina Hhudditi' tear over hin one lejr. want the use ol your lacile pen and valuable journal, sir, lo cxpoKe ibin ihinjf. They call it civil aervico rtTdriiL I call it h I, I do, and I waul it cx-nfril." We prouiim d ihin mutilated aoldier of them G. A. 1!. 10' vent ilui e hi wriniL'H, and lie alnlked out, eitlUucd with hn appeal l!lroiii;h trie press lo an indignant publiu. Capital. Ax En'jli'li bi tter maker of Inrrjrp exe-i n' ,wh now vi-iislliicountry tor lite pui'iiose tf looking over our elneso and butler dairie", gives llie lnlliiw:nr inf'iirinalioii ciincrin'n' a moiludih )racliee among tliu bt'Kt lii i er Duikers nt England, bardeniuii or rendering bailer firni and aolid liiiiiuo; hut wealber: C. ibotmie ot'io r!a and alum are used for this purpose made into a powder. For twenty pounds nf bulter: ond' teasponuful ol carbonate, ot eod.-i and one li a-pomilul ot powdered alum are nlbtiiled eratilife time of ilinrninir, and pill into the cream. The effect of this power ii to make the butter become linn, and lo give it a'clean, awect fla vor. It docMiot filter into the bmler, but ils rti linn ia on the cream, and ii p;im or! with the bmteitnilk. The ingn dim a ol llie powder should not be mixed until required to be uae I, nr at the time the 'jri-aui is in the churn ready lor using. A Solicitor, who was. ri iiurknbte lor the len.'ih an l sharpneoa nf his Hon:', once told a lady that if ahe did not iminediati lv -iile a matter in di-piite. b wouhi file a bill a'jsin.t her. 'Indeed, air," Mid llie lady, "ilifff i no iicaity tor vol flt . lor l am sure u it marp enoU'di already." 'Snobs," sai I Mrs. Snobs to her I husband, ihe day alier thr ball '" why did yn dance with everv '"r "" "fv.w I not iced nie?" "WVy, my dear," said Ihe devoted Snobs, ' I was only prac - I ,.;, hill wv d 8l the uble - re - i erviD2 the best lor 109 last." BOTTOM FACTS ABOl'T Ifll LES. The mule tho fitly animal Noah d.du't lake into the ark with him. 1 have looked over t ho iriirhl list carefully, and could not cee a mule waybilled for any place. So clear headed A man Noah did not dare to lake one on hoard, as he knew he would k:uk a hole ihi'ou;h in less than a week, I don't know n man on whose head you could pour quick silver And run less risk of apil'ing it orTihan on NouhV He was' a dread ful level headed man, and before the freshet was oyer everybody on earth re'iliacd the fact. The origin ot ihe mule is enveloped in a trooddeul ol mvstery. Tradition informs us that when theUlood had subsided and ihe ark had landed on Mount Ararat. Noah was very much surprised in one ot bis first observa tions lo find a good, healthy mule standing on the lop ot an' unjoining mountain', Tho samu ira'diiioii' in forms us thai the mule is the only an imal that lived through iliu flood oil.- side of i ho ark. The mule can bo Considered in a good many ways, thoui;li the worst dace trom which to consider him is directly from behind, anywhere wiih in a radius of ten tort. 1 never con sider a mule iron) that point, unless 1 am looking out thrtnii'li ihe 11 Uu of a boiler, , 5vm captains and .leople who have to do wiih m'ulfis always pay an cxiia rate lo lite insurance companies. A I mule and a bill ol country where yel low lever is nidi-rcnous uciierallV siand lln; same an regards tho ileal Ii i ale. The word mule comes from the Greek, and signiHes "to sloi ," and the mule himsell comes (o smp also. Like multiplied by like produces like. Grasshoppers multiplied by t;rassiiop pers pro. luce Conine, ami poU'.o hugs iiniltiplied by potato bugs produce . rise io the price of yeast. iSut when you try to multiply mules by mules they don1! multiply, and In nee the word mule. Yon may surly your arithmetic, and read iluouyli all ot Tiiiin'a lectures, but you caniml dis cover why this is an, any more than yi u can why a wiuiiau cuunnt put on a luMn-r without Icuiiing up aguuisl sonieihing. Tho muk has one more leg than a inilkiutr. siool, And he can stand tut one and wave l!ic other three round in a many tliff'icnt directions, lie has only three senses, hearing, seeing and smelling, lie has no inure sense of taste l ban a stone jug, and will eal ftKythini! that contains niiiriment, ami hu don't care two oeots whether it be one per cent, or ninety-nine. All he asks' is to pass him along bis plate, wiih' whatever happens lo be handy io md the pantry, and he won't go awny and blow how poor the steak is. He j'l.-t eats wluieyer is set be tore him, and asks" no que lions. Mules are naturally deaf, tint thai supreme wisdom ihul teaches the lit tle boy to wipe his nose on his sleeve, has titled 'the mule out with a pair ol ears thai counteracts in dealness so he can hear as readily as it person when you don't waul him lo. I hese cars answer a double pu'posc a tunnels to pour Sound into his ears, and also, as fans lo brush nny the flies with and keep Irs head cool. They are hung by hinges to tho hides of his head, uml flap backward ami forward like a pair of wet trousers on a boy's legs. In cold latitudes quite a tasty business is, dune in mules' ears, The ears are cut nlfainl dried, and sold for snow shoe,' ami then the stubs are trimmed up and the mules are sent south and sold for horsas. In this way A great many flue horses were purchased lor the army of the United Ssiafeg. It I wen lo have a largo picture of innocence to hang op in my parlor, and I did not wish lo sil for it invself. I lli'iik I should a t a correct likeness of a mule. There is .innocence enough depicted in a millu's countenance lo tit out a Sunday .School clu-s. It looks as guileless as an anzle worm. A miil neter grewa old sir dies. Once Itrouht into existence, he con limit's on lorevi-r. The original mule is n'ow alive somewhere in ihe South.' Mules are chi. flv louiid in tin' South and West. Tin y have been more abused than Judas Iscariot. A boy who would not throw a stone at a ii, uV if he it"l a chance would be con tub red by Ida parent loo mean to raise. The mule is a good worker, but he cannot be depended on. lie is b ible to sink.', and a mute strikes human calculation tails to find out any rule by' wliich lo reckon when be will yd lo aaiii It is useless , , , U M;ll m.,re bea'ing ihan a silling r..ntn carpel. He liss been know n to stand e'eveii days in one soot spoarently thinking nf anmethiii":. and then start off again as though iioibiiig had h ippeued. Down South hen I bey bate a sur plat of small daikiet on the plant 1 lion, they, send llu-m out imo the : ban. yard to ..lay w w here I here is a They always bid tbtifl IIOOStlHIUie. iuctsii good bye when they start out, lor!'rEH,lo up TI,E BlACK HILLS. they are sure Ihe purling will be final This is the most economical style of funeral now in the market. To fuily appreciate ihe mule, one slioiilil listen to his voice. Y.iu never can really know whether you like a mule or nol li'l yoj have heard hi in si ig. 1 nftciided a mnlo conccri al Fort Snelling. The prograinine tipened with a soprano aolti, and then swung into a duel, and then pranced off into a trio, billowed up by a quur lel, and ending with a lull chorus of 150 mules. I didn't hear ihe .thole fh'itig, for when I came to tint regi mental surgeon waa standing oyer me, powerful restoratives, and I heard him say that I mioht possioly gel out aaiu, though I would never ben well man again, I have been t hrinrli the New York Stock exchange, and spent part ol a day in a boib r factory, and have been on ono or two Sunday school excursions tor children, but I never knew what iinine was till 1 heard a lot ol army mules bray. One of the dead certainties about a mule is that he is sure footed, especial ly wiih his hiud feet. 1 1 o never1 mis places ihem. , f he advertises' thai ids feel will be al a certain spot ut a certain time, wiih a sample of mule shoes lo which he would cjII v'oiir in tern ion, you will always tinii them lln ro al the appointed time, He is as reliable as t lie day of jinlgmni;, and he never cancels an eug.igeiiuiit. Every man now 'iviug who drove a mule team during I bo war now draw a pension, ( I never owned a inule.' I came hear buying one once. He was tl tine looking animal ; his cars stood uu like the side spi es on un Episuopal Church. His tail waa truuuied down mi that il looked like a tar luuth leaning up against him. He was stuped oil' like l h; Aim ricun flag, and Uaphacrs cherubs never looked more angelic than did that mule. He looked all innocence, (hough he was in no sense, The O vner sat in the wagon, wiih his chin testing on Ins hand and his elbow resting on his knee. In (he other hand hu held a slick wiih a brad in the end of it. 1 examined the mule and asked the mun a lew questions, and outot mere lot m inquired it the mule was kind, or if hu Kicked? "Kind? Kick?" said the man, and thosH wete the last words hu ever uttered, Hu leached his slick over ihe trout ot ihe" wagon and stuck Ihe brad into that mule. Ii was awlul to see u man sun lied on', as quickly us he was, Ii almost took uway my breaih he wi m so suddenly. 1 never saw the thread ol lile snap so abruptly as il did on that ouuasinu. He didn't have tine lo leave a niea sago lor his family. Thai inulu sim. ply ducked Ids' head, mid then there was a pair of heels flew out behind ; there was a crash, a flying of splint ers, atill that was all ;' and the next moment that mule ami I stood aloiir, my lace covered Willi astonishment two leet tleep, and his cnvcied witn tarl ot mi old In idle. The next day read an accoiiul in the lelegraphic tiews ol u shower of flesh in Ken lucky, I wits' only man thai cm(ld explain that phenorm tton, and I di I not diiru lo I .'Hi I should be im plicated fu the uffuir with ihe oilier mule. I Lave seen deaih in many torr;.s, but 1 don't recoiled ever seeing a tu ncial gotten up ujih less pomp and di-pluy us on that ociasnn. Il I ha i my choice, to cither work in a niiro glycerine bictory or take care ol a mule, 1 should go lor the factory, at in caso of an explosion there would bj mure possibility ol my friends finding some little mementoes ot me, will) which to assuage their iirief. A very small piece ol me would lighten a very big sorrow. I will hunt round, and if I find any ollu-r facts thai belong to tho mule 1 will wiile them down and send them lo you by express, U. O. D. Geo. A. Quimhy. IiEDLCHO Those teat fill Jeicmiahs who' were prophesying vvryihing would go to uicrlastiuti smash in Louisiana and Soulh Carolina as soih . ... as the troops were wiiiitirwn, can wipe I heir weeping eyes. In Louisi ana ihe State bunds have shot up Iroiri CU In 80 cents on dollar, and are still buoyantly riiug toward pur; and in Sou h Car dna the tax rale has tern reduced I ruin i mills lo 7 mills on the dollar. A Young Man applied at i news paper office the oilier day for a s tu ai'nii. IJuve you i ter ha 1 any expe-rtem-e as an (diioi? inquired the newspaperman. Well no out exactly replied the ambitious aspirant, ciiuti (inslv. Hut I've In n cow hided a nunils r of timet, been inaii. d quite a Idle, have worr borrow.d i-loihrs . for ihrei- years, and n vi r had a cent of money. S I thoubl I niiht Wolk ill. He was nigiged. Mold Ox Catsup. To kieoin.iid ' from rising on catsup or t iekli-r, add a lblfpo.itilnl of L'ryUoJ borsciaduh '16 every qoart The other day, wheaa wagon load of bull heads was dumped out in Cua-, ter City, as waou loads had been. 1 1 iiinped out every day before grasa .started, the first roan to weloome. iliemtoihe infant city was a chap live feel high, ami weighing accord, iuirty. There was a blood slain oa his lelt cheek, n scar on his right, and he had rfcico eyes, a voice like a roar, ing linn, and a bad limp in one ot his legs. He was hin ling out a tent pin wiih a big bowie knife as lha wagon dmve up, and pushing lha knile down the back of his neck, ha lifted up a Henry rifle, ran hit eye. over i he crowd, aud called out in an awful voice : " Is lliero anybody irf that crowd looking for Te'iror No, If lyase if there is, hero I am, ami I'm just sell ing in be shot full ivj bullets weigh ing a pound a piece I" No one was looking for him. Soma looked nl him, and somu looked, across the street on purpose not to, see him, while there was a uniform movement toward hip pocket., ,. " I didn't know bin that, some of, von miuhl have come out here from New York or Hosion to pjant mo un. dcr the sweet iessaniiuo or the climb. ing morning glory I" chuckled - lha Terror, as hu listed tho but. of Ins, rifle on t ie ground and fashed up A six shooter tiom his boot leg. There were men Itoin New York and Boston in the party, but the didn't wuot to bury anybody just 1 dmi'iown this tovn," continued the Terror, as he laid his infant ar mory across the head of a barrel; "I. don't own a tool ot ground or a sliara in any ol the publiu buildings, erect ed at the expense of the lax-payers, bid v lion I stand on Washington Square and utter one yell iht wliolfl town quakes. I'm 'ieiror No. 1.. There's one or I wo other Terrors, around here, but I'm the boss- I'm the I'eg'lar deal It's head and cross hones nt the Black Hills region." i d'oie he had ceased speiikiiiir most , of llie new to ners had disappeared, some Inokiuir pule ami anxious, and others heling hhiveis race up and down iheir backs. . Au hour later, when A party of five . strangers trom New England wera making the acquaintance of the infer, mil he venigca on sale in one of the shanty saloons, am) at the same time puiiipiiit; the proprietor about proa-, pects, in walked the Terror. lie looked as tierce as a catamount cheat, ed out ot her dessert, and there wai an awful growl iu his voice at bo called out ; " Five o'clock by Omaha lime, and I haveii'l killed or been killed this, whole iny long Turn loose your pet urizzlies, tinliituh yoiir w hill winds, . aud lei a dozen wild lions come for me nt once I" "Take something to drink, my good Iriciid," mildly replied the salooiiist, " Y'iu am ulways .welcoma) here, but ynn'don't drop in hall often enough. Don't bo a'iraid lo pour out all you want." . "To tell you the truth Steve," said, tne Terror, us be poured out nearly half a pint of ihe worst whisky evci niudu. " I t nniu in here to kill soma one ; but you are a while man clear down to your toe nails, and I won't, taise no row. That's good whisky ih. it is, nm if you wart anybody in, I'uVetjCiiv put under ground, just give mif lus name." Al this moment three men on', horse back came down the street, and, ihe To jor jumped out with a sjreech and shouted : , . , "Here's the hollyhock your look ing tor Here's the modest violet, who wants lo be carved up and fed to the wolves J , ; They werei.'l looking for him, and', they got away on the gallop. The party from the East went out among? the d.ggiugs and were absent a whole week. 'When llit-y relurned to Cus ter City they inquired fur the Terror, and a hotel Keeper replied : 'Yes; tiny did ue to call him the Terror, I believe, but they didn't , know him. lie was whooping around here iu his usual awlul style three or 1'otii days hii, swearing that he must kill smiebndv, when a linsiniih Irorn Dayton, Olio, took his rifle and bowie kui e sway, sjiit tobacco juice, on his hat, and i hen kicked him the whole leiigi It it I he si reel. The Ter ror was an awful coward, g 'ntlemen a regular rag baby under the bed,, and he'll never be seen ia Cutter again." CtiriTEiT. The democracy are, quite content with the situation, and well liny may be. They have, indeed lost their Vrtsident but gained everything else. The rsdicils gaii.ed i heir l'n sidt nt and have lost everv thing el-e. Hayes has adopted and . enforced the democratic pol.cV in lie, Snulhjiud by so doing admits ilccls'n D 'nt the t lectual couiiuissiou was based on taUchood, ami thai be I as not a sba low of legal or luorsl tigtit to to 1 wbere he is. Hi j. ft Si! m ! i'll si Ii ! i i t I a t I'. Hi! ' ; -! ii n i - . i ut U 1 1 : il i ' i 5 1 i h ail the branches of hi prtieaaion. 1 , J. UJ V. m