Attend to Yol'b Oiv.v Bubinkks, Guiith nK'n. IIay'H Culiiiua lin m tnmuft novel jurin Jiclioii, says the V. Y. Dny-Hook. They cluiin to bo the judge as to whother a Gram) 'Jury, in a pariah of a frou Stat, iiu or lias not done us duly in the prose cation of criminals. It would be amusM)" but from the laut thnt there can be nothing amusing in any cir cumstance regarding llio stupi-fidous conspiracy against the verdict of the ballot box, to read that " alter ma ture deliberation the Cabinet had dp cided that there was no warrant for the criminal prosecution of Wells, Anderson. Ke mer, and Casenave." To have arrived at any oilier decis ion would be to tell Hayes, their mas ter, to his face, that he was a fraud. But where did Hayes' Cabiuxt gel their authority to consider and de cide the question at all? Who con stituted tneni a tribunal to lunge as to whether a court in New Orleans hid done its duty ? They have juH as much right to decide in conclave that John Smith or Tom Jones ot New York City should not have been indicted by a Grand Jury ol the coun ty for picking pockets. The Louisville Courier Journal of June 28ih, uses the following lang uage in reference to Generals Crook and Howard: Theniher two Brigadier arc the gentle Howard and the rough and tumble Crook. General Crook is, i firnt class In tiau fighter. Indeed, he is about the only practical, old fash ioni-d Indian fighter left. He dtick bis breeches in his boots, keeps his powder dry, eats hard lack and goes for 'em. li is whispered in the Iron tier settlements as he pauses thai "there ain't no foolishd' alufut him," which remark has reference to the entire absence" of senl'inent in his contemplation of tho Indian question. Howard is jum rhe reverie ol Crook, lie regards,! ho army as a kind of miss ionary society, and he considers him self a the head of a kiud of red freed mans bureau. II..' will inform eviiy redskin he meets that he is his brother, and that brothers should live in peace. The red brother will assent ami will mournfully repair to some unprotected settlement and endeavor to secure a lock ot hu white brothers hair remcmberanee as a Brick I'omeroy is lecturimr in Tex as. At hhermun he remarked ol the local paper, the Register, that lie cared nt thing for its criticism, since he could walk outside of its cin-uls uwn in nan mi nour. i ne ItegiNier liayiuiiy reiorieo : v e nave no doubt that Urick is swift of foot, lie had that reputation during the war, csnooiHily while on tho back-track. We doubt, hi wpver. whether, if h should walk at 2:40 speed from now through all tho ages of eternity, he could ever reach the plane ot decency and respectability." Mr. Totm-roy is . vnus piuccn hi a nitMiivamngc. It he saya anytliing mure he will have to hoot, and lie does not bIiooI, Bhoot, except iroin ins creduors. Ax Jvvioma A Chicago lady, t ,.i i wiiouk cuioren oouciiman is a curious apecimeu of his race, lately observed to some friends that at timet ' the man was a perfect enigma, ' and all hands Were n t a little dumbfounded to l eir the lady's youthful son breakout with the exclamation : Why, of course he'a nig, ma Just see how bluck he U." A gentleman un-t a citiz -u of Som werville recently, and said to him, Tour home is in Sommerville, I be lieve?" "No," replied the Summer Villa man, "my home is in Heaven." "Let me give you a little an vice' laid the gentleman. "You hurry and gel a postal card and write your folks that you are never com ng home." A Mra. Jago, of London, has a tor toiso that ia known to be one hundred and eighteon years old. Ittisva him from a pup, we reckon. An Irish jiidi.'eMiultoacoiid.rri'ed p inoner: " Von are to bo hansel, a.i I I hope it will piove a warning to you." m. i wuYi-r puu unit written ndy rive bo.In for boys, every one uoniuining vuu nn.rHi nun great swarm o lui. I) ki of An Oil City n a recently uu u ol love, but it was love lor The Gr tuber's in w warehouse am' nan, at Kimtbiug, ma uiarly com Lumber! Lumber! I HAVE ESfABLISJIED A LUMBER YARD ln tlie o.rner of Eleventh and Willamette iiL- ' p 00l,1y " h'd li.mlr of U fcuul. NaMned flooriiu; and rutic, ftno- 'S kuw usu, f , n Jjl: JlyH-tf inM.Lr. HU.ovi am th. i "tjrm iut uiu octet irate 1 wacoii. T.U. HENDKICKa B'ethesda Springs, SITUATF.I. 0. THR McKEXZIE. f,w t one half mile from the McKrn.ia bridkf uty luiles east of Kup-ne City, tK-n. Cures diseaM aruuuf from l,.)......i i- ipatioetc k A X. YutJ ha. ererted buy fuith bouse, a sweat house, and swim Ing pooL G,nh1 lrd can l had. I hav a (food U.iy cook.. 1 , o prepared to aduia UUr whatever meilicine is arenwj. od KTUt ran U had a short dJtauM from air. l (iwers. mad eanier, run a hack from JCugentCity to these springs whenever hcaa fet pa-eirrs. C'Lar-e. sr moderate. . , I'li. A. A'. iuLEY. 1 ua 9th, liT7. 1,000,000 Dottlea or tub LlNIMEiVTS have been old tlie last rear, and not one com plaint ha reached u that they have not done all that is claimed for them, indeed, aciuititic km cannot go beyond the result reached in these wonderful preparations. Added to Car bolic, Arnica. Mentha, Beneca (Ml and Witch- Hazel are other infrredienU, which makes a family liniment that defies rivalry. Rheumatic and bed-ridden cripple! have by it been enabled to throw away their crutches, and many who fn- yean have been alllicted with Neuralgia, Sciatca, Caked Hreasts, Weak Hacks, etc., have found perfect relief. Mr. Josiah Weatlake, of Marysville, Ohio, writes: "For year my Rheumatism ha been so bad that 1 nave been unable to stir from the house. I have ried every remedy I could hear of. Fi nally, I learned of the Centaur Liniment The first three bottles enabled me to walk without my crutches. I am mending rapidly. I think your liniment simply a niarveL The liniment cures Darns and Scalds without a scar, extracts the poison from bites and stints. Lures Uliilltiiiun and trohtwl leet, and is very efficacious for Ear-ache, Tooth-ache, Itch and Cutaneous Eruptions. T.. f .. T iw.uvvw Vhim Wn.nM.n is Intended for the tough, hhres, cords and mus cles of horses, mules and animal. HEAD I READ! Rev. Geo. W. Ferris, Munorkill, Schoharie county, N. Y., says: "Mr horse was lame for a vear with a fet lock wrench. All remedies utterly failed to cure him and l considered him worthies until I commenced to use Centaur Liniment, which rapidly cured turn. I heartily recommend it It makes very little difference whether the case be "wrench," sprain, spavin or lameness of any kind, the etteeu are the same. 1 he great power of the Liniment is, however, shown in foll'evil, big-head, sweeny, hpavin, King-bone, Galls and Scratches. This Liniment is worth millions of dollar to Liverv men. Farmer ami those having valuable animaU to cure for. Wi warrant it effects, and refer to anv furrier who nan ever used it. Labaratory of J. Tl. Rose 4 Co., 4ii Dky Nr., New Yokk HILDREH. A complete substitute for Castor Oil, without its unpleasant tasto or recoil in the throat. The result of 20 years practice by Dr. Sam'l Pitch er of Mushaeliusetts. Pitcher's Castoria is particularly recommend ed for children. It destroys worms, assimi lutes the food, and allows natural sleeti. Very -111 .1 ...... I I . tin .. . " eiiieacious in i roup aim ior cniiiiren leethlng. I '..1.1 L-... l-l l: i .. ..i.i.- i ? i tipiim, 4-uvvi iiiiiR-HM, uiiMirtieni oi me Dow els, and Stomach cinnplaiuts. nnthinir is so ef fective. It i as pleasant to take as honey, costs but 33 cents, and may be had of any drug- This Is one of the ninny testimonials : "CoKNWAM,. Va.. March 17. 1874. "lA'ar Sir I have used your Camtokia in my practice for some time. I take irreat pleas ure in renommrndlng It to the profession as a ...r. .1.-..1.1 i i i ,! i. . . nuio, n-imiiie niri liL-reenine meuicine. li is nar. tlcularly adapted to chili Iren where the repinr- mint taste of Castor Oil renders it so difficult to administer. J. A. EM)E1!S. M. D " Mothers who trv Castoria will find that tlmv van sieep nigiiis aim mat uieir uaPiea will be healthy. i i i. " i . .. . . . . ..: J. Ji. Kosr ft Co., New York. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. mad1catii All Local Skin Disiasisi Pieman intlv Ukautifiki the Complexion, Prevents and Remc dies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Injuries Or THE Cl'TICLE, AND ts a Reliable Disinfectant. Thii popular and inexpensive remedy accompluhet the same results as COSTLY SULFHUR BATHS, since it PER. MANENTLY REMOVES ERUPTIONS and Irritations of.the Skin. Complexion al Biemishes are J. ways obviated br its use, and it renders the cuticle wondrouily fair and smooth. Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds, Burns, and Cuts are speedily healed by it, and it prevents and remedies Gout and Rheumatism. It removes Dandruff, strengthens tlie roots o( the Hair, and preserves its youthful color. As s Disinfectant of Clothing and Linen used in the sick room, and a a Protection against Contagious Disrases it is unequaled. Physicians emphatically endorse it. Prices-25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N.B. Sent Wy Miil, Prepaid, an receipt afpnc, and emu tttra for rach Csk. BUT! HUI JJTD WHISZEB STV Black or Draws, it t'eala. a CLCritUntoD, mp"r.7 Sixth It. I. . . JOHNSON'S CoiBinirroial cliche, 210 & 2IJ S. TniED TKI ET, lit BtiMinj Soots of thsPcit Office, ST. Lot IS. Qxm Day and Xight all the year. All ol tl brsmhM vl a Husineaa Elunttina tKUtfllS. In.leivaJrnt rknimnt f th Ealib fbuauirraplir Uutflit wrauuallr ur dot Bull. For a Full (.uro of I).ni.! Kntry Hook ki rping in all iis forms wild Coimuurtul Con resjoiiJeiK-o ..... $20.00 For I Full Commercial Course. rrniriu-iii all tin- bisnc-h s of a I'rm tical Husiness Eiluialion; Life iScliolarship ... $30,00 RefrmK auutr to tboamivla of itndeBts whok e..iXi lrl an.r in luli vrtiua. F.S- rirrulsir4 fiTin tail infuniuitiuB conetraiftf tiait to euaiplrU kMjanI, roars uf intii-Uusi( AtMFM . IK JOILYSOX, rrtL CTT THIS ADVERTISE ET OCT. QUO tUlliS-Lskall kerpistarulluf GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Add iovit th atbntin of hoiivktM-per. IF MARK THESE FACTS THE TESTIMONY 0? TEE WEOLE HOLLOWAY'8 PILLS. Let the itiffering diseased read the following. Let all who have been given up doctors, and spoken of incurable, read the following. Ict all who can believe facta and can have faith in evidence read the following. Know all men by these presents, that on this the 20th day of June. A. 1). ,r,nllv came Joseph Haydock, to me known as iich, and being duly worn deposed aa follows: That ne l tlie sole general aifent for the United States ami defeudencie thereof for preparation or medicine known a Dr. . Holloway' i'illi ank ointment, and that the following certificates re vcriiamn copies to tne nest ot his knowl edge and belief. JAMJSS KMlETkE, L.S. Notary Public. 14 Wall atreet, New York. Da. Hollowat-I take my pen WVrite you of my i eat relief and that the awlul pain ia my file has en, me ai iut uianss hi your piini. tm, doctor, h iw thunkrul I am that I can iret aoioe sleep I mo never write it enouirh. I thank you ainiin and srain, and am sure that yno are really the friend uf all suf ferers. I could not he p writing; tu you. and hop ;uu wm nut vase it annas. iiAlu M TKKB, I IH S wMfina n. This Is to certify that T was di haiyt-l from the army with rhroniii diarrhoea, ami have been rn red uy ur. Holloway a fills. WILoON HARVEY, Iew York, AprU 7, 1H68. litt street. The following; Is an Interesting- ease of a man em ploye-l in sn iron foundry, who, ju pouring; melted iioo into a fl utk that was wet, caused an explosion. Ihe melted iron was thrown around and on him in a pertei-t shower, anl he was dieadfully burned. 1'he following; neitinmte was given to me by him auuut a wevss niter uie accinent: Nrw Yoaa. Ian. II.1H7S. My name is Jacob Hardy; I am iron founder, I Wss Iw lly bum bv hot iron in Novemhar but ; m bums heaied, hut I had a running; sure un my leu; that would not henl. I tried lliilloway's Ointment, and itruredmy in a few weeks. 1 bis is all true au 1 anybody cun see me at Jackson's Iron works, sn Avenue. l. llAUUY, ll Uoercli street. extbacts raoM tabioi s Lrmns. "I had no appetite; Uollowny s Pills gave mi heaitjr one." ' Yuur Fills are marvellous." "I send fur another bux and keep them in the Dense,-- ' Dr. Ilullowav eureJ niv hea'lactie that chrcmic." "I iire one of your Pills to mjr lle for cholera murium, i ne near little tlnnir ifnt well in a dor. "Mr nausea ot a morninir is una i-ured." "V.iiir box of ilullnwity s Ointment cuied me of ikiiws in me neuii. i ruiiiwii some or your t untinent ueiiinn me out arm me niime lias ltd." , "hend me two uoxes. I want una lur a Door fami. lr." "I enoinae a dollar, youi price is 25 cents, bnt th mv urine w me is wui in a uuuar." ".Vn l me ne Ikixw ol yuur Pills." "lt niu hnvo flvn Imxes uf your Pills by return mail, for Chills anil Kevur.1' 1 i.ave over im u.-h restimonials. but want of pace compels me to conuiuue." FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS Anil all eruptions of the kin; this Ointment t in- ViUiKlile. It rlotM not heal exteinally alono, but penetrate with the most sraieliU(f eilocu to the veiy root ol meevii. IIO LLOWAV's i ILLS Inrarialily cure the followinir disi-ox-s . D180HDKRS OF THE KIDNEYS. In alt disease afftx-timr these unrinM. wlietlinr they secrete too tniicli or too little water; or whether they ho atllii'teil with stone or "ravel, or with ai hes or pains wltle'l in the loins T the re iriun of the ki Inevs. theoe Pills shoiil I im u.ken a.- conliwr to the priutel ilneetions, an I the lutment lioul I be well rubbed into the small of the liai-k at 11 time. his treatment will irive a moat miine li st lelief when all other menus have failed. FOR 81'OMACnS OUT OF ORDER, No mei lcine will soefrm tuallv imnrove the tons of the tiimK'lin as these Pills ; they remove all wnll ly, occasioned eithf r by intemneiiinrw or improper net. I hey rearb the livor sn I re luoe it to a heal thy sctiiju ithey are wundeifully olti'wiiiu iu caiu-s ot -in la' t they never fail in curing all disor- lers of the liveis an l stomai'li. lliilloway's Pills are the tint known in the win ll lur tlie fiillowinir diae.uan: Aitue. Asthnut. Uilioiis cunirtl lints. llluU hea on tho akin, hnwil iMmplnints.Cidim, Oonstipition of the Uowuls, Cun KumiitiiiD, ilehility Dropsy, UywuUi y, Eiysipt-laa, Female frreirula ities. Fever of all kiul-, 'iU, Oout, Huiiilai-he. in Iimstiui. Infl iinatuin. Jmin. di, T.fvr ruiiiiiUiiiu. l.iinrUuM. TiU-h. ltheiitnit-, HfU'litiuu of l.'riuo, Hciotala or Kinir F.vil, Sore IhroBta Mime ft Oiavul, Keeon.laiy Kyroptoi s, Tic-Doiihiureux, 'linnors, t'lws, VenenU Alfec. tions, Woinis of all kinds, Weakness from suy cause, to. IMPORTANT CAUTION. Noneaieireniiiue tinhw the siirmiture of J. Hat- Doc s, as airent for the United MiaUs.aurroun Iwh box of Pills sn I Ointment. A hnu Iwime rewanl will beifiven to any one ivnlHi iinr such inforn.ation as may lea I to the ili'tivlion ul anv na tv or turtiiu euunteifeitiair the me Urines, or vcndiiig the same snowinir rnem to lie spin lolls. ,Kold at Ihe MMiiiit.u tiu y of Professor Hollowat Co., New Yii' bv all resnoi'lubla llni,-r;.i. and liealeis in Melinne thrtiuirhout the civitiied worn, in noxes at M ivnts, 112 i-e.its and l esi h L-JT" There is considt-ralils ULviiiir hv fckiiin ill. laiyt-r sines. N, II -Dbeftions fur tho mii lunoe of nitumta ia every disorder aie anixwl to each bux. SEWING MACHINES , ro siu, hhoiicaii Am jxtah, The best and latest iaproved for eveiy variety of work, including THE FLORENCE, so Ions the leading Family Sew tag Machine on tie 1-acind i Coast, itiiupeiior qualitiea are too well known to require turther recom- lueuuauua. THE NEW WHITE the best itraiVht rMAim Voau. in tne market, haa a rreat deal of a wis uuuu iuo inn, is very "rpT runrung and substantia! FLORENCE COAL 01 STOVES FOR C00EH0 ASD HUIIBO. Perse m deairing business, deal era, and all other wishing Sewin? Machinea, either fjr CaTh or on Installment. thonlH senri fnr i- culars and terma to 8AMUEL HILL. No. 19 New Montgomery Street, 8AX FRANCISCO, Jttaclunee in exchange lor new. hi ci Kaaoi to WALTON 4 LYNCH, Iar Darrls Brisk Building Groceries ... Provisions, W ill keep on hand a general assortment of Groceries, IVitrisiona, Cured Meats ToUccr., Cifnlnl) Candie. landles, S.w. Notioa. (jreen and Dried Kniits, Waw and Willow Ware, Crockery, Etc. Business will be conducted on a CASH BASIS, WLii h means that Low Prices are Estahlishtrf Goods dtliTcrtd tiitoDl (,irt ti Bnjtr ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED I Lka I will p.y tha -fcuhM market pric. vJ l huhet market nric VAKOX LYNCU. aJiU.N I V Vl U ' sheiiman & hyde's column CENTENNIAL AWAHD. 4? GRAND TRIUMPH FOR WEBER PIANOS! First Premium over all Americar and Foreign Manufacturers. Copy of telegram received by Sherman 4 Hyde s New York, Rcpt 29. 1876. Received the highest award for avmimtliati.. pure and rich tone, comhined with greate.-' owor, us siiowq in rne inree stvira-iinn o,imre and Upright rinnos which show int. 1- Kence and solulitv in their ennstniH-inn lint and easy touch, which at the same limp .n awers promiitlv tu its renuirpmRntji. tmr.-tl... e&ceuKiice oi worKmunslnp. ii-. . , : . -" A. WJUSEK. $r These famous Pianos are for sale by SHERMAN&HYDE Cor. Kearney snd Sutter St , SAN FRANCISCO. jeU Young Men Who may be suffering from the effect of youtl f il follies or indiscretion, will do .,- themselves of this, the greatest boon ever Ini. t the altar of (iitferiiurhiiniiiiiitv vil XKY will (ruarantee to forfeit eiOO to any cs. "caanms, or pnvateiiisease of any kin or character which he undertake and fails t- cure, ne wouui tlieretore say to the unforti nate sufferer who may read this notice, that yo are treadinir longer at lay in wvkintr tlte nmiwr w luiauik i ou may oe in the first stain I .' . . ' " rememlajr that you are appmachiiu; the last. If vou are bomerimr nixin tin. bi. .... fering some or all its ill effects, remember th if you iiersint in lrocratination tha in,u corue when the uiost skillful physician can ren i r yiai uo assistance! whn tiA i i. will be closed agiunst you; when an ana l o raeivy can bnng you no relief. In no case l.s tlie lctor failetl of success. Th, ! n.. fir work Usn your Imagination, hut avai t.iith ui vue oenencial results of his tratinen . r your case is nevoml the resxh of meiiio. sain, or oeiore grim Heath hurries you to a pn mature irrave. Full mum nf tJlt i-- Send money by postoHi,-e onler or exi.reiw, witi iuuuctui.u nicaw, l ailonorailitrm x. ,;.K A. B. XIMXXEY, o. 11 Kearney street. San Francisco. EUGENE CITY KILLS. milE UXDERSIGNED BEO LEAVE To io uo a general Millin. " five wheat on storage on fa vorable terms, and will m.k. I;i T . . : . - --- Miiviax. Kirua v. uT7?f- ?to Bnd their own wheat " lU U time keep on hand for sal FLOUR and ALL KINDS OF MILL FKED ana pay the Highest Cash Price for Wheat A share of th patconatre rwpectfullT aolicit i oc7 lUriEKSOX JtEDKIS Carding and Spinning. ' BUSINESS CHANGE. rPHE T1RX MILL OF THIS CITY will in future be ran nn.l,-i tf-:n.-- 1. 1 . -.-wujvui ii uiiam -.ll . , tui-ts-U Ul BU111 o m V c' " j r,,. s-i -a.a-iWs - so, ion. PROPMETABir EDICIWES or . DR. CHANDLER, F.B.S.A., Ut PnvslolM to M. Oeofw't M """' saw nospiwa, L fcUnbtth'a, ato. A fit tttmri of the most mborlnut re- 0mnh WI KIM lUtL-'.-W " . . . , . tovrru md p.,perl. tht eBfei mj rwi (esllmonials, tht mHinr T' from nei- eomUnnrd um, out havo beon radical's- euresl of Umtutt and ohronio complaint; which hav oajnog r A4 UNI CMUMTIM jmiratvwH- a- THE WOHDERFUL EGYPTIAN BLOOD-PURIFIER. ILEMAR. TTils ineomparabl VFPVTtAJTVEio VhETlh, ItlAfHOKtriC, ondAtERI. JSNT, eombininff vinw irntcis rrnucr U itmlable ami ntroor.faUlun, mml ( coneintval wss trill thoroughly eradi suirs all dieasM of th Hood. Jit ingr ttiestr srt of a purriv siarmies exiroc lo. turn nrodurlM aathrrtd from rrmoto Egyptian lroolner, mnd u-htro thero io tho olioMtit taint vf dltrnoo in the tyt. m. it mrmr fall in elcollno that disease ikFimnk fwt medium of tho okin, or e- prlllng it through the many mnd varloue onmnnel of the bottg, thmbg allotting, and, inttetcl, forring ail mo organ shiv thrtr vrouer normal and funetional eon- ditlon. A vera; brief epar of time fill mu patient Mttng tr, or ti un doubted reliahtlitif and umndrrful turn- ng, moot unquettion ablg, the oerti acme of onedleal triumph. nd tit a tatett disory tne prttut mge, in tho t.eatment of every dleeaea ovhwo the blood ittelf i primartla the orat of the lei im or disorder, hA aa SCR it'VLA and the th-mmand and one eautn that lead to thl terrible offlietlon, of ujhleh all drill ted eommunuir are eoaHioitnt, fur Ihblieal Truth ha aererf td that the "hint of th falhtrt ehalt Isla hm mma the oration." and to llHOKKN-lU'Wli A MX i intra ana jounn sren ' XX FEE B I.El lOSXITVX10H it i a powerful rejuornalor, eautmg tne erretm of man onto more to aetume the 6od-lika form of munhood. Eor C IT A V I. O VS VIS TA SM, FBITT. ART DISOHItEKH.1 ONoTlPATlOS OB COSTIVEH EOS, M.WEK JBJSIf MXXI'JIHK VO Vrl .tlMa, vnnz.nAMj abu near OVS DE ItlLITT, RIIEI MAT IS ST, OLAKItVtAR ENLARtthMEMa, Jt''J- TUELIUMATOVS tAtiCER, tiHRVT, AhtECTIONS OF THE BOhES. ULCERS. E EM ALE i Oil' PLAINTS (and to the gentler eta it it m boon font tougm tor og eenemve, urrp- title, and Oelienie remote. direct tret Ion won their ailment)' AhD I- mm limn ALL FORMS Of CBROXIO DISEASE IS WHICH THE It LOO D IS THE SEAT OF IHE TltO l I I E, it it invaluable. A perttveranee with thie remedy tr.H Jirfn a pomttve una ' , ' j-' CHILLS and FEVERS and mil MALA- RIAL POISONS. Thousand of Tettimonm atmt sn truth of the tlalme. . .... I-rlee, One Hollar. In large bottle, or elm buttle, $S. DYSPEPSIA. GASTRO. OASTROTT I a tafe. tneedu, ant pott tive euro for that mot depretttng of aiU tents, and a brirf court of tren Intent Kilt rtitor the digestive organ to their pris tine strength, and promote the healthy aetton of the slomaeh and intestines. Ihe nervous irritability of literary and all person pursuing ledentarg lift, it epeedlly removed bg thl agent. The etomaeh is restored to health and the key note of the evitem seifi one moi respond. in ( porformane of labor. frlee. One Itellar. in large bottle, er aim lttlt, $5. BRONCHITIS AND LUNQ AFFECTIONS. TRACIIEOV. A flight to-ealled fold telll efttlme lead to a serious eonah. whieh. un eared for or badly treated, must have but one result tr man eventuate in n eettiea ens of BRONCHITIS, or that is worse, th dead! CONSUMPTION. To all tuffrrina from harassing cough and rtrpeeioration. TRAVUEON offert a tound, reliable, and permanent ret ter. si augmente expecto ration, and enable the pati-nt to erptl that terrUlu sept lo deposit, u-hleh, if left without Judlelone treatment, must com municate its poison to the vesicular sub stance of the lung, degenerating and do- straying vitas moss essenttnt of mna ultimate out timelu death. TH much lose m eunerlor, only remove the deposit, arrat relief, but heal t leave the patient in possession of healthy lung tissue. rrice. Fifty Cent per bottle, or eim oolites, aa.ov. PILES. PILO.V. Slanu er.uses tend to nroduee this rmtu. ful and dttretslng ttnte. The blood retarded in ilt return the too frequent vue of drnttle purgative lend to produce eongestlon of tne bouvls, torpid action of tne liver, ana numeiou otner causes are the enure of this complaint, and hitherto nothing effectual ha been pres uieH lo the public, which would rapidly alleviate tumplom and ultimately prove an effect ive cure, is rji,u.i ire nave a remrdu whieh not mil it act almost instantly, but will remove the largest tumors of the parte (Bile; by absorption, and many who have received tiot only benefit, but have 'and of patluU. Oto. CkanHIrr, AM., M D.. i.ireei i AmtrUm pub. nafdin. MM MOlm IS- u t n an early ana un- o iul. i,mh oi muncular uower. nalnitstina AC U LON hu no ouol. 'I the heart. iiriLihlhtv n.r.. J j. , and it use will not i,,..iJ. . ' . ?!, ' "7? tire 'or iirnerai ireaimeni of the case itself linem (prior to using this treatment by emi- ihe remedies), will be forwarded -H J . a i ' stent (iii-irron Mas the onlu relief thru ...j i u . " .,'a wilbout delav.. eeer tould t rpect in life, would be 'by an, An.Pll.KII . aM.S i. i. . L tne body by m procedure which necessitat ed thklfe. This remedu has been kaileA with delight, and is new prescribed by many practising physicians, who are teg. vtlsani of it merits, a the only hnown euro euro for BILES. Brire, t'iftu Cent Per naelmoe. mvrnLrn for f.60. " ' THE ABOTE XKMFnTrn in lAarwuffli In the eradication of tho differ ent and variou maladies m),- and are the result of patitnt, -arching, taborieu, and sclent iU invonigatlon, embraciua period of suss immrm. im. Eurotie and America. If tho speeido direction are complied with, thousand of putteul wilt bear wit. ness to ine.r man re merits, and tomb, orate every atsertiou. Where there are many cations vf disease, and pa. items SO desire, DR. CHANDLER will be pleased to give all information, and. resit by letter if uteetsant. lar of Ihe uvo ef stamp. If i ifernptv ana J-rplaumtory Clrcu- vsafta sent on B HOB It I ETA RT on reemtm MEDIC. NEd are not am sola mm mmmm particular druggist's, send order to OR. CHANDLER, 1479 Broadway, Jew-York Ot JUST RECEIVED. A Larve Strk nf DISV (JOOUS, CLOTIIIN'K, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, UROl'EI.'IKS. V WICsi'l' vriTTvu 1 A A KhL A OTIOAb,.. ETC., ETC., AT REDUCED PRICES. Hik.'ht'ftt marVt nrirw rvM r n t." i PKoliL l E, Hibrls d TvSA. " th A. GOLDSMITH. 1 COODS-XEW STYLES JLaud low pncn. t - - mm I 11 UI hl?iW No. 649 Clay Street, BETWEEN Kaaray suid Honttfo mrj Strtai, SAN FRANCISCO. DR. DOHMITV8 Largely and Bteaailvfli?-i-resinir Pntctice, which has constantly keDtnats" with the oneximplef Inrreaae and steadv aroirS r ihe Pacilh; Coast Indni ed bis removal from hi lonjr etallihfd and well-known ajnsrtera oath i-orner of Sscnimenlo anw Leidesdorlr street . this city, fo more nimmndiisis and eligibly Iocs is. .iMrtmenis, at Wo. 6 Clay Street,, Wher he has a spacious suite oi handsnftelr fitted asjt. and conveniently arranged Examination a4C solution RiMimi (occuprihg the-whole efftbe' 'wo upper stories) whieh patienU may at1 ill tunes visit, and see only the Doctor and bli a, -isfints. With the most (rratefn! nefltlinentlr ef rerari 'or the libetal patroiiN)re liestnwedon htmforlh nanr thirteen yesrs, at bis old office, DR. DOHEHTY delres to iirform the General Public, and especi al y all those Isborlnjr nnder all forms of Chrnl fomplsltitH, that he can be consulteii at tit Hay atrer-t, on every variety of ftisene of the .iiims. Liver. Kidney, Digestive and Oenito--Urinary Orgsns, and a!i n-' 8PECI4I, DISEASES, if which the list is numerous, and which are' ui -re closely connected with the (ftueral bealtk ' than the msjiritynr people are aware. Uobappv' nvuhdn fory-ar. pen.Ut in conceal inn their coo--miosj (Mm a motive orlmatinif in mistaken del-'csi-y.and sutler In silence until Ihi ir miseries be .met.eiauiteliibe repressed, and mental ni! h' snsl debility unlit- the sufferer (or active" luiiesofllfe. TlilsUttertypenrsmictronmaoifestsS it-eir In the eonrphiint prolesMlonally known as "ypnili.. in all h forms and st(fe?8ninsK "esknesa-.atidan the disTexHing forias-of 8ef. Abuse. or nnanism ; Oon(.irliow,(ileet.8triofnr-J N-H-tnrnsl -nd Diuinsl Knrissim.s, 8en DebinV JH'.LM V,?tnt "d iflit.a. IrnismmaiiM,. or the Bl idih-r and Kidiieys' etc., etc. The nsy lM-r of uerrsms snlti-riug OonY these horrible whrnn tlie liis-tor bas effected. radical1 cure, tan lie counted by the thoiwandiBd'lb rol-f .ii. j i-rrniicuieK in ni pismesslon, received froM1 liens.ii be bus restored to hHltb.aresiioiigbtoat-'-fy all that the ).storsskil1 in the treatment r the- sllections, enables bira to warrant speedy i-iires, even in obstinate canes, and hi every iiiHf uice give relier )i.easea which formerly b ffl-d the medn-al skill o' the moot rearn-i-ii and extsriemed Prsctitinners of the has loir art. sud were regarded by the njiijoriry ef Physicians a utterly im-uraM. now rsidily yield io mmiei u remedies, when prescribed by ft mlei- liltcnl Piai tit er. hi makes the bumaasy it-in. and tlir." specinl nils3euu, his eonskiat stady an.l sulijei't of nlsierystiiin. In no cane is publicity permitted except at the express wib of the put ent; and the Doctor cea fldently trusts that ilia long experience an -lyssfiil practicr will continue insure bin a lib eral share or public ptrimajie. By the practice' fntniiy yeurs in Europe and the (Jailed 8Ule he is enabled to snulr the niMt uu-emmti . dies against dieaes of all kind. He cures without mercury, charge undtrsse fees, treats his p.itit-nl in a cfinect aid aoar Mblewuy.and has reference of nnqnestiogible veracity, fln menot known respectability aid liiuh stsiiiilug In society. All parties who mar consult blin by letter or otherwise, will receive Ik hestaud gtntleat treatnieut. ' TO FEMALES. When a rem.ile is sfliictea with disease,. weak" ' tlasita nf rna Imnki ukJ l: i . . . ,r u miiios. pain in the head.dln uier oisea-es peculiar to ferns es. sh. .hnnM mm ..rwrilestrini-eto I)K. W. K I)OHERTy,lthi ZCtimm --..veryp-lt m. taU rlelicicy prevent yon. but apply ! mediately, and vey.,Urseif fsou, painful tuffer mg and prematnre death. TO CORKBSPuSDESTS. P.itlei.ts (ro .leor fem;,) riain- , "'.';"'""'- ""wever distant, who may dtn. he o, itiion and sdvi.-e of r. Dohexty In their re H., t,ve cases, and who th nk proper to .ubn.t wi.ltcu statement ..1,,,,-h, in pVeierenc to hold" n s jn-isonal interview, are respectfully assursdl that their cn.miini.tion, Wl)j held mortal-. The Doctor j. regular graduate, and mtrW cm ulteil s rth every conBdence lllhe disesse be fully nd candidly described, iwrsonal comin.inicstioti wji( in mwt case, ki." iiumcessary a instructions for diet, ragimwiidi he general treatment of the ca-e itself fiZsiB; """:", ,,;?.?"" " 10 c?"ey idea of U- ' f "- iruri ir Hinw mn tMn. ll.J port of the letlet or nn l . ..." 11..U.U A:.:'rr.. "omeu. v.""1"""" " quire mmed aieatUn- i. on. send ten dollar coio. tbil wlnaHn. nrrei,c..) br Mail, or Well,. .ress.anda p.cksne of mediefne. will be for- Consultslions, at tl,e office or bv tetter FRFI Address W. K DuHEBrr, M raS OPINIONS OP THE PRESS. P R POHF.RTy Is . .uiifi physician and Im. Me unitlein.n. Any .utement he makeet. oupiitient he is sure lo fulfill. That fact i eo. rresti-au-e olhis eminent sucre. in hi. profei 'Z'. . LiM"0""! ,0'"nR h. maryadver. "a - " 'hat caa. be depeid- DR DOHERTrS repoUHon ar . " -' r.uTO lormecnre of he underUkes.- Caiavema fhroni.u laay DR. DoHr.RTT ha. devoted hi. stady i-or. srticnlsrly u. chronic, specific and private prae-! io. si d as h h is now the most auccesslg of aay pbysM-iao in sa Fraucisco'-rree fVesa! 'oihuU,,ERTT? "PWI"ta r ii, . Lh,,'c'" "2 ,h m ehronie and pe nUc prsctire."H,rror. '. nTT.-Pswm,,,,. th. medical ilVl- ,"",,c ,B u,eir ki judemeit be na. inquirer. tiBa-ukUwd physieuwa. and .10 . 1 1 tl ssnst JtdM-al practitioner is ludjred."E.b. ttl?i!L DOH,:?TTePj..Ti . more extensive prae tlcetnai any phy.toan io this Sute."-fcxpre. P. rV The Dnrt. :u j h vu hpe.i.1 D.-,s t .ay .ddress on receipt of sis " . " "J sadress on receipt i r-Uf Ubus. for return THE I-itsa awl Most RelUN. InfWssa tiu tW I tlx ULACK BILLS, i; W""'wr d th (rreai Imlisa Viarwil) .Wst be fosjadm IM I All d-l 1 . V e. sl r- 111 i I'V s,!-. Tl 111 I Ue.rsjad uLnuR PK-rPAPem we Jiawnisnff . nu-i,iaTir. Wvrklv, i i- asv at w. I Tr.l e,tu.l oroaue, i , . "u M,IID8' t,aln ii the bead. dim- & H. FRIENDLY. eta. H. OLA FCK t rablsusw, CWrvmso, Wyes