The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 26, 1877, Image 5

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    A tTkho. Wo oodv this from the
New Ycrk 'Tribune: The widow of
"Stonewall" Jackson enys that uo
' man has becu moro misunderstood
than her husband. 4'IIe is represent-
' cd," she asserts, "as having been stern,
inexorable- and hard-hoarted. He
was just the opposite. Uo was as
demonstrative, an affectionate and
yiel iingas e woman. At homo ho
was tender, playful aud loving. His
whole life hune around his home. He
had no ambition no love of power
no thought of place or pomp. His
Iwirror of bloodshed was instinctive
and powerful, lie Bcrved his coun
i r frnm a Honso of duty. Ho was
tnwslotiatelv dovotcJ to his 'children,
-Our first child died, and my daughter
' wai born only a few weeks before his
death. He never too a days lur
lough during the war, not even to
come and see his child. Jt before
the battle of Chancellorville I took
the little baby1 and went to see him
' Yoa Bhould have seen what raptures
be went into over that little girl's
cradle. I have seen him kneel by her
cradle for hours at a timo, just gazing
into her sleeping? face." It was stig
(rested that the letters to her during
tliu wir would nivo her many inter
esting "points. "Oh, no," sho said, a
charminir blush stealing over her lace
while soft remembrances put a new
.lichtin her expressive eyes, "tlioy
were nil real lovc-lottcrs. He ha
litth) room for anything elso in Ins
letters home. And then he was a
very prudent man and never talked of
Ins plans to any one."
How Uuiiuek Boots auk Made,
2lio cum used is imported directly
tral iluca, South America and ten
America ber that from Central
' African gum is tlp,. lOFt, WJ"' l'w
raw gum, which is iical'"'''. ''I.e
trouiui several liinoa betwct'.?v
menso fluted iron rollers, after wfiVt
it passes through tho composition
room, which process is secret, hut
when it comes out tho gum ha the
black appearanco of common rubber.
Tho noxt process is that ol passing
tho rubber between chilled iron cylin
ders ol many tons weight, which arc
kept very hot and very smooth, -
part of the rubber, intenJuii roi'up
pors," is hero prenl "I'on nn 'a8
tened to long sheets of cloth. V"
heels and taps aro stamped 01
gumoftiie required tlii""e.88, I'IL'
rubber cloth is no- . earned to the
cutters' ror-i where it is cut out and
. ,s4 me bootmakers. The boots
aro mado by men, tho shoes or ordi
nary rubbers by girls, hilo ii.o over
hoos aro made by either. Ono man
will make twelvo or fourteen pair 01
boots a day, and roooiyo twenty live
oonts a pair. An aotivo girl will
make from twenty five- to thirty pair
of rubbers. After the bootmaker is
through, they are placed in an oven,
where for twelve hours they aro sub
jected to a temperature of three hun
dred degrees. They aro then ready
for boxing and Bi.ipping. In ono lac
, tory about four thousand pahs ol
boots, rubbers, and overshoes are
turned out clniiy.
I havo known folks who have never
committed a I hinder, whoso heart
, are as dry ns duHl; nud others who
havo constantly InuisgrcHxed, w hose
sympathies were as warm mxl us (pink
as those of an nn'e. (.Mia Ihirleigh,
i . . . .
1)11. O'COJNMMl,
Cui-os C011S8, WAItTH, MOI.KH, HUNIOXSaui!
inirrowiiig TOK or CI.U11 NAIIJJ
Ho Acid or Injurious Chemlcala Used ItliillT A WAV.
Tun refer to sump of the miwt eiiiiiient I'll YS.
OIASS slid HI IKIKHNH ol the United tUU
disu thai 1 havs tlone woik lor.
Way 11 Im Jori. Nl'.KK, Agi'nt,
fits Ki'iiaorsY,
Permanently Cured- n humbusx-by
u nnlli iiap or lr. , on lard's
4 elrlralel HilMlllble Fit I'ouihri. 'In
: ilivilir utfeisi that then powder will ilu all wi
rlsiin ha- slien, we will w lelUiem by lunil. !
pulll, a freir Trial box. A Ir. (louhtud to
Hi uuly di)'nli-iau tluit has ever ml th's d !
a special study, ami mji to uur kmM Ifhr tl-ianuiudM
kav been IK'rillani'Hll v rnrrf by th useiit
thme I'uuUert, w e ill usrnslrs ci-
lailllt mi iu every rax', or rvlllllU )H all
luonry f xvrilUrl. All siillrims sliiiiibl (iin
tin l'uwdmm un early Uil, aud b euuviwad at
wieir eursnv hiwuis.
I'neo. fur Isnre Ihix. tX IKI. or Ihixm far ill) m.
sent by uuil tostiy pai(of I'mUxl 8ttes or ttuads
o nn-eljn ol pi Ire, or by prow, C U. 1. Adore.
MO Ft'bTOH SrsrrT, Pnoossis, JJ. 1
Ponilivcly Cured
All suffcrsis from this ilirM thai i anxious to
1 ruiwl. sliouiii tiy r. Kluiirr'i 4lebral
rd 4 oiisiiuipllte I'owUer. 'lhnw r, r
ai the only iHi iuiution kiiown tht wtlleur I on.
n m pi Ion ami all Uimum of the 1 hroai and
LUIIK -uidi-eil, soatroiiK isourlaith iu lliera.aiul
also to viuviiiie you tluit tlay rw no hmuhiitf. we
will for til to eviii y sutfvier, by mall, pusl paid, a
srrn rtmt flioa,
Ws ilou't want your numey until you are perfectly
tirll ol their curative power. If your life w
woith Mvim;, il.m't delay m (fivmir thM Paw
arr tiuu, as tiiey w ill .urvly runt you.
I'ru-e, for huye bo, mi, .-it l- any mrt nf tl
i-..i...i tttt . ... i . i ...
i Mum mw ut vaim.aa uy mau ou rewapi ol prn.
, Auuin.,
100 Filios Srasrr, flaocsLts, ff. T.
Mrs.S.A.McCain&Miss C. Conner
FANCY HAIR WORK of all Kinds.
watch cu.vnns, kiucelets, ETC,
HIa.1 to nnlcr.
Corner WillauietU and Tenth Strata,
For Sale at a Bargain I
corner of I.iuix.ln and Seventh strwU
Impure-f ;i;o. V. KIN.SKY,
1,000,000 Hollies
or THE
G i:rAiiit
have been aold the tout year, and not one com
plaint had reached us that they have not done
an trial u ciaiuieu ior mem. , , ,
skill cannot go beyond tho result reached In
these wonderful preparations. Added to i Car
bolic, Arnica, Mentha, Hencea uu anu ivcu
Hazel are otlier ingredients, which makes a
family liniment that defies rivalry. Kheuniatio
and bed ridden cripples have by it been enabled
to throw away their crutches, and miiny who
for years have been atmcwa wnu iiiriSi,
Sciutca, Caked Wt, Woak Hacks, etc., have
found jwrfect relief.
Sir. Josiah WoatUiko, ol Murysville, umo,
"For years my Rheumatism has been o bad
ii.t t lui.m ,Minil to stir from the house.
have lied every remwiy 1 coum near oi. ri
I nf the (Centaur Liniment fhe
first three bottles enabled me to walk without
my crutches. I am mending rapidly. I think
vour liniment sunpiy a miu-vei.
Tlie liniment cures Burns and Scalds without
a scar, extracts the poison from bites and stings.
Cures Chillbhiins and fronted feet, and is very
eflicacinus for Kar-nulie, 'footh-ac!, Itch and
Cutaneous Eruptions.
'Iiltf I t'VT.ll!R l.tNIMPNT. J EI.l.UW r BAn t.ll,
is intended for the toiitfli, fibres, cords and mus
cles of homes, mules and animals.
Rev. Geo. W. Ferris, Manorkill, Schoharie
county, N. Y., says:
'fir lminn wds lamo for a vear with a fet
lock wrench. All remedies . utterly failed to
cure him and I considered him worthless until
I commenced to use Centaur Liniment, which
rapidly cured htm. I heartily recommend it
n v..i-v lit t In .inference whether tlie
case lie "wrench," sprain, spavin or lameness of
anv kind, the elfecU are the same. The great
J t .1 1 !..! :.. I............. ul...u in
Kwer oi ine iioioieinuo,,
Poll-evil, ISig-liead, Sweeny, Siavin, Ring-bone,
Ualls and Scratches. This Liniment is worth
millions of dollars to Livery men, Fanners ami
those having valuable animals to aire for. We
warrant its effect?!, and refer to any farrier who
has ever used it.
Laboratory of 3. 11. Rime & Co., .
4i Ukv St., Nkw Yoiik.
..iiKtltntn fur (Suitor Oil. without
A comnlii',t tiwte or recoil in the throat. The
Jd'cif m years' practice by Dr. Saiu'l I'itch
er of M;mKU''luiHett.-(.
ritoher's Caatorin is pai ticulurly recomuieml
eil for children. It iiestroys wuriiiH, nwmiil'
liih's the food, and allows natural sleeii. Very
elliawious in Croup ami for children Teething.
For Colds, Feverishnesn, di-.ordei-s nf the bow
els, and Stouuvch coliiplaintH, nothing is so ef
fective. It is as pleasant to take as honey,
costs but 3o cents, anil may be hud of any diu
This 1h one of tlie many teKtlmoiilnIs :
"CoitNWAi.l., l'A., March 17, 1W4.
"Dear Sir - I have u.4cd Voitr CAxn""'
mv prautliMi f-'i wime nine. I tiike great pleas
ure iu reconimending it to tho profesxion as
safe, reliable ami agreeable medlciiie. It is par
ticularly adapted to children where tho repug
nant taste of Castor Oil renders It. so difficult to
administer. E. A. ENDEUS, M. D."
Mi i tilers who try Caxtoria will find that they
nan sleep nights and that their babies will be
healthy. ,
J. is, uuhk & t o., mew xorx.
All Local Skin Diseases; .
Permanently Beautifies tub
Complexion, Tkevknts and Reme
dies Kheumatism and Gout,
Heals Souks and Injuries
ok the Cuticle, and,
is a Reliable Disinfectant.
This popular and inexpensive remedy
accomplishes the same results as
costly Suu'iiur Paths, since it per
manently removes Eruptions and
Irritations of the Skin.
Complexional llLEMisiiES are al
ways obviated by its use, and it renders
the cuticle wondrousty fair and smooth.
Sores, Sprains, IIruisks, Scalds,
Turns, and Cut's are speehilv iieai ed
by it, and it prevents and remedies Gout
and Rheumatism.
It removes Dandruff, strengthens
the roots of the llnir, and preserves its
youthful color. As a Disinfectant of
Clothing and Linen used in the sick -room,
and asa Protection against
Contagious Diseases it is uncqualed.
Physicians emphatically endorse it.
Prices-25 and 50 Cents per Cake;
per Box (3 Cakes), GOc. end $1.20.
N.R Sent by Mail, iVjid,onreccittofpricl
and 5 cents citra ft each Cake.
Illaek r Ilrann, 30 C'eou.
f .S.Crittenton, Trop'r, 7 Sixth I?. J. T.
m.iLKix nam:.
Ciituit Court, Ijiue county, Ore),in. Irxi
J.inder, IMhiv l!urt.m. It. li. Callisun,
1 1. . I nllison, .Mnniula .Mel lure, Kate .Me
Maliou and Charity IVuiio, p'.aintiirs, u-
It. M. Civlli-on and .loi n O. Callison. Win. L.
Callison, i'uneliy Caillsou and l.ury Callisun,
minor heir of Win. 1. Callison, deceased.
rviuin-T. i iir.. that by
i.1 vii tue of a decree of tlie Cinnit Court if
the Sute of Ort'Koii, in ami for the county of
itiie, at um April vnn thereof, A. P.
1S77. 1 will sell at imbiir auction, at the cuurt
house doir in Ku'iw City, (it-:,iiu, un th
NINTH 1.VV OK Jl'Nl', K7,
rrtwtii the hiuirs of 9 o!. lc, a. m. and 4 o'-
clocR P. M. ol said day, the followurj," dcscnlwil
real property, to it:
Ia-U N.v'2 and S in block N.v IS, and th
west half of Uts No. 2 and in lllock Nu. 13,
and I'M feet otf of the west side of Iit Niv 7 in
frwtioiial bl.H-k Niv 11 of Kurene City, of
MullL"an's donatinu to ljo('.mutT. cimniene-
itw at the smithwct oonier 4 said It Xa 7.
on Ninth street, th.-n,-e ra-t 'JH fi.t. thence
north 0 feet to Public Siuare. Uk-ik ma
feet, thence south M) furt ti pUce of btyiuninc;.
Jernisiif al-tn thinl rh, in gold coin
l the I niUM Mate, aim th lln.-eon a cred
it of four month. T. W. SHKI.ToN.
Q II OC lilt I IiS I shall Wp ua s full T
Ad'I inviU th tlr,tion li,.ii,-l-rNT.
Let the suffering diseased read the following.
Let all who have been given up doctors, aim
spoken of incurable, read the following.
Lot all who can believe facts and can have
faith in evidence read the following.
Wnnur nil mpfl bv tllMUt M-t-Mentjl- that Oil tlllS
the 20th day of June, A. D. 1000, personally
came Joscim Haydock, to me knowu as such,
and being duly sworn deposed as follows: That
he Is the sole general agent ior ine uuiku
States and deft-ndencies thereof for preparation
or medicines known as Dr. llolloway's l'llla
ank ointment, and that tlie following ccrtihcaics
are verbatim copies to the best of his knowl
edge and belief. JAMES KMIETKK,,
IL.S.1 xNoiary ruimc
14 Wall street, New York.
Da. IIolU) t-I take uiv ticn to write you of m
treat relief slid that tlie awl ul pain in my li'le lis
..ft mo t luat- tluinkn tn your pills. Oh, Doctor,
how tliaukful I am that I ran (ret sume sleep. I can
never write it enmnrh. I tliau yun asin n'l fjf in,
mA ..n mtira lK.Lt Vni, ar leullv the friend uf so Uf
forcra. I eouM not he p writing to ymi, sn'l hope
yuu will not take it amiss. JAM KS M i r.Ki
Tills Is to certify tliat I was discharged from the
army with rbronio diarrnoja, mi nave
by I)r. llolloway's Pills. W1IJSON HABV EY.
ftew X01S. ADlll ion "v
rrl. . . 1 1 ...!.. i.. n jntAfntnv naml nf a m.'lll Sill1
ployed iu un iron foundry, who, in pourinif ineltwl
iron into a flnk that was wet, oaused n exphision.
lh melted iron w:i tlirown around ami on hira in
. ,.ri.., .i,,,wr nnl hn i;ui rlniadfullT humnd.
The folio ui eortill'!iit wiw given to me bj him
alwiit S weeks after the accident: ,,,..
My ntme Is Jamb Ilanly; I am iron founder, I I.v !... (inn in K'rivpmtier hist t my
. w ,nv. jHn. ,1. injj.
WIW l'J i..t. .. - ' .
hurns heaied, hut 1 had a running- sore on ray leg
that would not heal. I tried llolloway's D.nt.ncnt,
n it nn..l inv in a few week. Hs Wall Irlle
and anybody urn w-e me lit Jurkxon's Iron works
2d Avenue. J. JIAKDY, 119 loercn sueei.
"Iliailnoarixjtilo; nollowujf's Mis gave nw
heaity one." . ,,
'I aend fur another box and keep tliem In the
Dr. Hulluway cured my hoadrtche tliat. va
'Imivoonooryoiirr.nnto my imi-o i"r cn.w
Your box of Holloway's Ointinei.t o.-eJ . rne ot
noises in the head. 1 ruhl l .' of your i Untrueut
be nii'l t lie ears ana ine noii ,.,
.. . I wnit ono lor a poor fam
Tl enrloso a Mlar, ymi y; to M u,lt the
medieine to me is worth a dollar.
"Semi me live hoxe of your 1 ' . ,
..T..t mohvev.!lioxesof your Pills hy rctui
mull, for i:hills an.l I'evur." . . . . nt of
1 havo over 2iKl su.-li restiraonial
spaeo compels me to coucllli: "
And all i untioiis of tho skin: this Ointment 'is in
valnhlo. It iIimm nut heal oxteriinlly alouo, hut
peaetrates with the must searching clfocts to the
very root ol the evil.
InvurluMy euro tho following (littPiiaoa;
In all (iftcuHM ufftHtimr these orpniH. whoUior
they incrctt too tiiiudi or tuio little water
or whetliMt llioy lo iililicttHl with atone or Kiavtfl, or
with in hea ormiiiM wttk'd in the loina over the re
ifioti uf tlio kiiiii'tya. tlu'te J'llla nhoiild la taken ao
nn.lin to the pnutcil (lnt' licnn, mi l tho iutmont
rihiHil'l le well ruhliod into the nmuil of the lAck ut
Imd timo. Jan treatment will Rive almost lmuiuJi
uto min t when ull ulhci iiieuun tiuve tiulod.
V, ni"i'1rino will o efffvtiinlly imitrove tho tnne
ol the aiumti'im at thcae ruU; they remove allacio
ty, K!ciiiuiitfi ettiur ujr n.ttiuiHjmnoe orHmprojwr
diet, they reach the livt-rnni miticu it to a heiil-
thy action ; they are won leilully elbciirioui iu eitaea
ot Bptwin in iact they nevar fail in cuiiuj ull disur
dera of the liver ami (.tumm-hi
ilulluway'a 1'illa are the lHtteme1y known in the
world lur the following UiatniMea: Aue,,
Jhliuua rumpl'tiuta, hlotchea on the nkin, liowtl
oum)laiutit,L'flii-it, uimtip;itiun uf t!ie liowda, Ctin
mitiit'tit.n, U'lnlity Uruiwy, Dyiwutiity, Ei vaiMlna,
Femtile Irreifiila iti4, Vcvera uf ull kin-lr, Kit,
Ouut. Ilewhu'ho, iniifrttiun, Jnflinmtiun, Juuu
rtice, TJver eomiilHlnta, I.umUivo, IMen, Itheuinji
Uttm, Retention of Urine, 8rmtula nt Kintr'a Evil,
8or ThrtmU, IStoiie & Untvol. Bocundury tSyinptoi
Tio-DouluiiretiKt iiimuni, C'Mia, Venerul Atfeiw
tiona, Woiiur ot all kiuds, Wuukneaa frum any
cuuae, &e
None are treiniine utihM the aiVHtituro of J. IT at
rxx'K, m Hiit'tit tor tho I'nite 1 Nlntt'M.mirnmu lne.K h
nx nf TiliH uii'l Ointment. A lmn'lome i-ewnrd will
be Kiveu to un)' one reulerin niii'h int'oi tnatinu iu
inny lend t.i the ili te. titin ot nny p:iity or iwtiea
ruuiiieinitiiis( iiio nit' i icj nt1, or veiituutf the aiiiac
knowinir tliHiu to te npm itum.
tml I ut tUr imuiuf tetory of Pruftwur KoMsowat
Si i n., N'w Yoik, mid ly ull roeet4Me DniTfirit
Hid ien:via in Alt' iicine tlirniitrluiiit the cmh.eJ
WtiiM, in Utxen ut 2.' eeiitH. li' ee.ita und II en h
lii7Tlime ini'ciwi lemtlo mviuj ly Ukmg the
rtirf aien,
N, 11. Diroi'tioiia for the ifiii l.uieo of pitienU In
every maonier are auixeti u eiteu dux.
The best and latest improved for
every variety of work, including
so long the leading Family Sew
ing Machine on the Pacific Coast,
its superior qualities are too well
known to require further recom
mendation. THE HEW WHITE
the best straight needle Machine
in tne market, has a great deal of
room under the arm, is very light
running and substantial
tor cooraa and heatinq.
Perscns desiring business, deal
ers, and all others wishing Sewing1
Machines, either for Cash or on
Installments, should send for cir
culars and terms to
No. 19 New Montflomcry Street,
Liberal prices allowed for old
Machines in exchange for new.
S1CI K.V10K Til
la Djrrli' Ericfc Balldicg.
Groceries nJ Provisions,
Will knp on hau.l n-nfrsj nwrln nt of
Groceries, - l'mvihions, Cuml Mt-ftts,
IhIisaw. t i.rars, (n.!i,
tirwa siul rriel Kniiti,
Vwv n, Vffl..w Wr,
(.Wkery, Kta
Cuslafw will he eou.luctwl on
Low Prices are Established
CooJt dclimtd without thsrie la Eojcr
111 ICIIUnC nr DDAfMIOr unllTrn
! ?y ' """" Ut At1 ' tU
First Premium over all American
a' (I Foreign Manufacturers.
Copy of telegram recelVcd by Sllcium
New YortK. Sent 90JK7G.
Keeeiveil the lik'hest award for svmnatlietic.
pure and rich tone, combined with greatest
power, as shown in tlie three styles Uruml
qiinie and t'liritfht FiBiios which show Intel
' yciice and solidity in their construction, a uli
lint and easy touch, which at the same time an
nwers prumptly to its requirements, together
swim excellence 01 worKmansnm.
3 These famous I'iano3 are fjr sale hy
Cor. Kearney and Salter Sis.,
Young Men
Who may be sufTfrii g from the effect of youth
ful follies or indiscretion, will do well to avail
themselves of thiV, the greatest boon ever laid
at the altar of suffering humanity. DK. Sl'lN
NHY will guarantee to forfeit 9500 to any case
seminal weakness, or private disease of anv kind
or character whioh he undertakes and fails to
cure. He would therefore say to the unfortu
nate sunerer who may read this notice, tiiat you
are treading on ihn,'enms irnnin.l when vou
longer delay in seeking the proer remedy for vi iiiiiiik. j ou may ue in tne nrst stage;
n-uiriuuvr ui:k you are ap)roaclmig the laet.
If you are bordering nixn the Ltst, and are suf
fering some or all its ill effects, remember tliat
if you lersist in procrastination the time must
come when the most skillful physician can ren
der you no assistance; when tlie door of hoi
win be closed against you: when an angel of
mercy can iinnir vou no rvl.ef. In no rn
tne Doctor t;uled of success. Tht n let not des
Miir work Usn ymir iinsginatii-n, but avail
yourself of the bcueficial results of his treatment
U-fore your case is beyond the reach of medical
skill, or before grim Jeth hurries you to a pre
mature grave, t ull i ourse of treatment S
renil money by postolhie onlor or express, with
iuu uescnpuim oi case, l all on or address
lK. A. 11. SVlE,
No. 11 Kearuey street, San Krancisco.
1 llilonn tn puhlic that they have leased the
El UEXE CITY MILLS for a term f v..
aud are now preiared to do a general Milling
Uusir jss. ill receive wheat on storage on fa
vorable terms, and mill mak lilrl tn.,.
lanners wno desire to grind tlieir own wheat
Will at all times keelson hand for sale
and ay th
Highest Cash Price fcr Wheat.
A share of the patron- rVspertfunr solicit
ed. oc7 r ATT EK.SOX k DKI3
Carding and Sninnln
X laWly run under the name ol Irrinr k Vo.
will in future b run nmler the nam of U llli.m
;kelton, llavinr reliuilt and FnUrt-H tK.
I b able to mn.lT allor. 7nC
edtoycr. V.L SKFLTON
Eu.-eDe, April 1(1,1. C7. I
.a. a..mi's sod 81. Bsrtholo-
$anl$ of patient'! j,riean pub-
lie the folowlna r-"' iraty of vMeh
eowry quantity of
tftimonlale, the ' . patienlt, rh
Buffering and i9iJf and benefit
have ?JalV Jttituee, but hare 6s
from their "''""'.,. and rirml
rodicallV eurof ntlment .
'" alt al"'i'eJ 11. isriW ertrae-
, Z the rod".rT, g l-ired from remote
A ejecting ' "'
thriuuh II ,e incdlHm of the "'"'
neUlna U ihrouuh the tnn! and rnrtoue
ehanncU "f the boily, thereby allou-Uitf,
ehannea or ',"' ,, ora,int into
ana, ,;,,, Unul
at. in the treatment of f"Uj. 'ea"
tent or the leeum or - ---- --
BCttUi-VLA and the thousand and one
eauVe that lead to thle terrible afilletlon,
Z ' .vide, I all tMllxed eowmmuHee q,re
Vm,lxant, for llibtlcal Urutn
of man end more to assume Uie bod-Uho
a A nisointVitH, t OKSTI PATIOS OR
i, lirisit AJ
(I KSKHA h AKD ti&Rf
LAI NTS (and to the aentler sex it is a
boon lontf soutyht for b) sensitive, SHieep.
title, and delicate females, as it takes
direct action vpon their ailments) Ann
OF XUE XUOVnLF, it is invaluable. A
per neve i a nee tctft this remedy srWI prove
a nomitite and permanent cure tor
itr at. uoruovH
Thousands of Testimonials attest th
truth of these claims. .
i-rlry One Hollar, in largo bottle, or
oiso Domes,
. m . .
"f?"? LX h tfour,e of treatment will
.mv. he digestive organs to their pris
tine strength, and promote the healthy
action of the stomach and intestines. The
nervous irritability Of literary and all
persons pursuing a sedentary
speedily removed by this agent. Te
stomach is rotored to health aud the hey
note of the sustem vlll oncer more respond
in the performance of labor.
Frier, One Hollar, in largo bottle, or
la bottles, $5.
A slight so-called cold trill oftllmet
lead to a serious cough, which, uneared
for or badly treated, must have hut one
resultit munt rrentuate in a settled ease
of BRONCHITIS, or what is trorne, the
deadly CONSUMPTION. To all suffering
from harassing cough and expectoration,
TRACUEON offers a sound, nliable, and
permanent relief. - It augments expecto
ration, and enables the path tit to rrtul
that terrlblil septic deposit, which, if left
without Judicious treatment, must com
munieata its poison to the vesicular sub
stance of the lung, degenerating and de
stroying that moat essential of organs,
and ultimates only in an early ami tin
ttmelu death. TRACUEON has no equal.
much less a superior, and its use will not
only remove tne aeposu, tnerroti ujjvrutng
great relief, but heals the membrane ana
leaves the patient in possession of healthy
lung tissue.
Price. 1
rice, Fifty
Cents per bottle, or si
PILES. Hemorrhoids.
Many reuses tend to produce this pain,
ful and distressing state. The blood it
retarded in its return ; the too frequent
use of drastic purgatives tends to produce
eangestion of the bowels, torpid action of
the liver, and numerous other causes are
the source of this complaint, and hitherto
nothing effectual has been vrcstnted to
the public, which would rapidly aileriate
symptoms and ultimately prove an effect
ive cure, in trims we have a remedy
which not only acts almost instantly, but
will remove the largest tumors of the parts
(Files) by absorption, and many who
have received not only benefit, but have
Men radically cured, have been assured
ipnor to sna tins treatment! oh cmi
nent surgeons that the only relief they
ever eouia expect tn iie, would be by an
operation, and removing it or them from
me ooay oy a pror.eaure which necessitat
ed the knife, litis reined u has been hailed
with delight, and is now prescribed by
many practising physicians, who are cog
nisant of its merits, as tho only known
onre cure fur FILLS.
Frier, Fifty Cents per package, orsise
lr ..
thorough tn the eradication of the differ.
ent and various maladies denominated,
and are tlte result of patient, searching,
laborious, and scientific investigation,
embracing a period of many pears, in
jkurcpe ana jtmertca.
If the speclfio directions are compiled
with, thousands of patients will bear wit
ness to their relative merits, and corrob
orate every assertion, "here there art
many complications of disease, and pa.
ticnts so desire, 1R. CIIANItLKU will
treat oy letter if necessant,
. Iteseriptive and Explanatory Clren-
sar or mho aoovo remeaies sent on reeelfl
of stamp. If tho FROFRIETART
MEDICINES are not on sale at your
yuriHFiwur arnggtsi-s, sews orucrs to
1479 Broadway, Kerr-York Cltf.
A Lanre Stork of
Itiirhest market
;oons-xEv styles
A Jsa-i low prices.
VvlirT.fiKRfl. i? EM ALE COM'
J"t ravivr,I br
s. ii. fkikxply.
t r
'W1 fMto'ig (Its. I
No. 649 Clay Street,
Kearny and Montgomery Stret
Dlt. POHURTY'B Largely and Stetdily la.
creasins Practice, which has constantly kept tun
with the nneximpied increase and steady groktk
ol the I'acilic Coast indm-ed his removal from hit
long esia'i'ixnea ana weu-Kiiown nusrters.nn lbs
corner of flscramenlo.and LeidrsdorS streets. I.
this city, to more commodious snd eligibly located
sartmt'ms, aiuo. isiu. tiny Mreel, when
lie hits a spacious suite ol' handsomely fitted as
mid conveniently amuit-d Kxuniinutinn snd Oo
sultution lt'MiH. (iicciiiivinc the whole of the
two upper stories) winch patients may tt til
times visit, aud see only the Doctor aiid his is.
With the most cmtcful sentiments nf retrd
for the liberal patronage bestowed on him for the
I' tliutcec years, iu Ins old ollice,
desires to inform the General Public, and especi
ally all laboring under all forms of Chmnii
trriilaiiits, tliat lie can De consulHd at 641
Clay street, on every .variety ol bise.iseol toe
l.iuigs, l.iver. Kidne.vs) Digestive aod UsbH
Uiiuaiy Organs, and all
of whii h the lint' is" numerous, and which tr
mure closely connected with the general health
than the majority of people are aware. Uubsppy
invalids for ymis persist in concealing their con
'lltiiin from a motive originating in mistakes del
icacy, anil suffer in silence until (heir miseries b?s
come too acute to be repressed, and mental sod
lihvsiinl debility unfits the sufferer (or actirt
lnt it- of lite. This latter type of affliction manifests
itself in the complaint pro'caslunally known u
Syphilis, in all its form and stsges; Seminal
f enkness, and aH n distressing forms of Self.'
Abuse, or (i-ms3l'i Ooooirba-a.lileet.Htrictnri;
Noctii"1'1 fII(1 Hiurnel Emissions, Sexnil Debili
w. riisesses of the Bsck and Loins, InH.immatioe
of the HUddcr and Kidneys, etc., etc. The nnid-f
her of persons suffering from these horrible Diai whom the IJiK'tor basefTected a radical
cure, uin he counted by the thouaud,and the vol
untary certificates in his pewsession, received from
persons he has restored to heallb,are enough to sat-'
ify all thutthe Doctor's skill in the trestmenlf if
thee uDections, enables bim to warrant speedy
cures, even iu obstmute caves, and is evert
instance give relief. Diseases which formerly
baffled the medical skill of the most learn
ed and e.xricni:cd Practitioners of tlie heal:
Itig ai t, and ircre regarded by the majority f'
Physicians os uitl'rly incdraijle, bow readily ;ie Id
to modern remedies, when prescribed by tbt istal
ligent PiMotitloner. who makes the human ayi
tern, ami these special ailments, bis ConsUOfitudj
and subject of dliservution.
In no case is publicity permitted except at tin
express n-i.-h or the pal ent; and the Doctor cos
fideutly trusts that kH long; experience and ane
cessful prirtleV will continue to insure bim a lib
eral share of public patronage. By the practice
of many yeurj in Europe aud the United Statet",'
he is eiiub'c'd'to apply the most successful reme
dies sgiiiiist diseases of all klhds.
He cures without riierciiiy. charges moderale
fees, treats his patients in a correct and honsr.
able way, aud lias references of unquetioniM
veracity, from men of known respectability an
high standing In society. All parties whomiy'
consult him by letter or otherwise, will receiiethf
best and gentlest treatment'.
W hen a fem.ile is afllictea with dUease.aiweak'
ucss ol I be luck snd limbs, pain in the bead, dim
ness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation"
ol the heart, iiritubility, nervousness, derange
ment of digestive functiiing, general debility, ill
diseases ol the womb, hysteria, sterility, and all
otlier diseases peculiar to females, she should gf
or write ut once to Dr. W.K. D0HERTV, sthil
Medical Institute, and she will receive every poe
ilIe relief and help.
lt no false delicacy prevent yon. but apply lav'
mediately, and stve yourself from painful fuller
ing and premature death.
Patients (male or female) residing in an? part
or the country however distant, who may desire
the opinion and advice of Dr. Doherty in tbeir re-"
iective canes, and whoth nk proper to lubm.te
written statement of such, in preference to hold
ing a peisonal interview, are respectfully assure1
that their communications will be held most se
en d.
The Doctor is a regular graduate, and BJ W
consnlted with every confidence.
ir the disease be fully and candidly described'
ersonal communication will, inmost casta, ke'
unnecessary, as instruction for diet, regimtnaod1
the general trestment of the case itself (iacludinf'
the remedies), will b forwaided without delav.-
and Id such a mmner as to convey no idea of lie'
purport or the letter or parcel so transmitted.
Sliould your condition require immediate atten
tion, send ten dollars in coin, (or tliat value in'
currency) by Mail, or Wells. Fargo & Co-'aEx-'
press, and a package of medicines will be for-'
warded to your address, with the necessary In
structions lor use.
Consultations, at the office or by letter FREE.
Mrtresa w. K. DOUERnr, M. 1)., San Francises '
PR. POnERTY is a skillful phys'cian andbw--orable
gentleman. Anv statement he tnarn t
his patients, he is sure to fulfill. Thst fsct ii ox
great rau.e of his eminent success in h I profes
sion. It is fortunate that among the maryidver
tiding nh.vieians, there is one that can He depn
on." Review.
"DU. POIlERTrS reputation art physicla.
Is a sufficient guar.ntee for the cure of any cast
he undertakes." Calaveras C'ironicle.
"DR. POHERTY has devoted his study to
psrtkuisrly to chronic, specific and private pre-"
tice, and as such is now the most soccesslul of any
physician in San Fraucisco'Frte Press.
"DR. POHERTY'S rennUtion Is second ton '
otlier physician on the coast, in chronic and ipe
citic practice." Mirror.
DR. DOIIERTY Few men In the medical
profession have succeeded in rainine the conl-
dence of the public in tbeir skill and judgment a
u. uas. -luquircr.
"DR. DOHERTY ranks u on of oar snost dis
tinguished physicians, and also. ar l lie most
soecemlul, which is now tht criteriou . atkbtbe
medical practitioner is fudged." Echo. '
"PR. DOHERTY eniors a rnnr extensive erst
tice than any physician in this State. "-Express
P. 8 The Doctor will ser.d. his nsmphletel
Special Diseases, to anv address oa receipt of six
cents in postage stamps, for retura poaUge.
latest and Matt BelUMe Informs
tion about tlie VLACK BIIX.
Northern Wynmisur and tbf rrmi
Indian VL'-w w.ll -. . M fnand SI
th n l l nil oidmt. Irrat. te
K t I) F 11 . i -.,.,.
""W-I OHIW Sl , 1 m I
i i- ohil1 XK finlenn'
1 10 mat. IT i.i i L-.-r r
7 Ml
rllW, Cnereaie, r4