The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 26, 1877, Image 1

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I! I Ml
WHOLti NO. 499;
$2.50 per year IN ADVANCfc
rr -i lT - -, r--i Tn ircai
Skt (Eugene CTlty $uarf.
publishers and Proprietors.
OFFICE In Underwood'i Brick Building,
over Craln's Jewelry Store.
tdrertlMmsiiU inserted as folio! 5
)mi square, It line, or less, one inssrtioe S; each
V4.Bt insertion 1. Cuh required 1 jdnlw
' lime advertise will bethwgei at tk foUoviitft
On square three ientli,....
9 00
IK mouviw. ,
ne yes.,
Transient aotices in load column, M eente per line
for each insertion.
Advertltina- bills will be rendered quarterly.
AUiobwor tuit be rm ron on ukutkit.
i vilce noun -From 7 a. m. to 7 p. .
from tM to 3:90 p. m.
MaU arrives from the south and lee oln g north
10 a. ra. Ariives from the north ana lea. rmu
rath at 1:11 o. m. For Hmislaw, franklin and oag
T .m, close at I A.M. on Wednesday. For Crmwtonla
letters will be reaily for delivery half u ihour arter
a rival of train.. Uttrhould be left at the ofltce
en. heur before "i"ATTKB8oH, P. M.
v...iitMi Wo ii. A V. and A. M
Meet, trot and third Weluesdays to each
Br-EHrr.B Brjrrn TonoE No. 1 1 0.
.70. F. Meets every niesaay evening-.
fcffclfe' Wl4WHLA Ehcampmeht Ko. 6,
meeU on tlie 11 and 4th Wednesdays in each montn,
linery Store,
Permanently la the Underwood Brick, Eugene
City, aud respectfully eoliciti ft share of the
iniblic patronage. Kefer by perm Union to J.
K. Cardwell, Portland.
flee en NltMli Mreel, the
' rharlea Motel, He14eee,
tice of Medicine, oer their professional
erviee to the eititene of Eugene City and the
urroundin; country. Slial attention riven
INE DISEASES entrusted to their care. Bills
due when the service U rendered.
Offices ea Ninth street and at the residence
lTr. Kicklin n Willamette sire,
Ninth and Tenth street.
idence when not professionally enffegecU
Office at the
t Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby
terian Church. ' .
Chas. M. HoYrt,
rand materials. Kermtf don in
the neatest styW aud Warranted.
Sewing Machines? Sales, iiocss,
' ete-v repaired.
Guns loaned arfd ammunition furnished.
Shop on Ninth street, opposite Stlrf Bakery.
Office on Willamette street, Eugene City.
Purchasing An1,
Dealer in
Clocks, Watches', Cfiains.-Jewelry, etc,
Kepairing Promptly Executed.
t-AllWorli WmtXt&'.J&
Ellsworth & Co-'s brick, Willamette Street.
Bonk and Stationery Storer
-amtk nvvirv rtlTTI.nrva. EUGENE
tCity. I have on hand and am constantly
irinan a-ortmerrt of he Bert School and
MieUaneon. Books, SUtionery,
aea, eta, etc. a. o. f
TmiX DO WORK CHEAP EB than nay other
TT alpiatowa.
WhhaOTSsaieraLanrodVl. BesettiBf M ahoes
S CcaU.
All warraaM4 aiw tlafftetl.
Slop oa Elgnta it, opnoslTe Hum-
pnxeyi staoia.
. 1 d Urs-t cer .r
Any khentlcraan vol vill go round
pehint your faoe, und talk in front of
your pack apoiit aomcliugs, vas
shvindler. I heard dot Brown says
voek pefore uext apout me I vaa
benabpeukud haspand. Dot vai a lie!
De proof of de eating vas in de pud-
dines. 1 am married twenty year al
ready, and 1 vi yet no paid beaded.
donl vas oonder fcomo peltcoat
goternments; shtili 1 tinks in vas pet
let h a teller will insult nut bis vuo
Und sot her advices apout someiinirs
or oder.
L'em American vomans don't know
ooirietinp tiefer about his huspautV
peehess, und vben dera harr timee
uomes una not so much nioiiev comes
in de houHu, dot makes not much tif
It'rcnco wit h?r: Shtili sbo moost
have Voiie of dot pull pack in de front
hoop skirt pcttrcoats, m'it verv kind
ob trimmings. 1'ooiy soon dot hus
Eant gets pankrupted all to pieces,
ey send lor de Doctor; und vlieb
de doctor comes de man dies. Deu
dot vomans vas obliged to marry mil
anoder mans vot she doa ttaaype like
mit four or six shildreus, on account
of bis first vife already, und possoba
bly vone or two mudders-by-law
voue second handed, und de oder a
blitep inudder out law. Den she
says mit herself, "I efen vish dot I vas
dead a little."
Now if a Cliermans coes dead, dot
don l make a pit ol tinerefice. Ho-
pody vould hardly know it, except
maype himseit. llis vile goes mit de
peesness on shust like noting has hap
pened to soraepody.
American votnaus and Cherman
vomans vas a lifferent kind ot peobles.
tor inslistinct, last year dot same lei
er. Air. crown, goes (nit mo in de
pucher peesness tngeder. lie vas
American man so vas his vife. Veil)
many time vheu tfery peoblee has got
be panio pooty bad, dat voman comes
to her h unpin t and says she moont
have money. Den sLe goes out rid
irijj mit a carriage.
Vonce on a tiae Brown says to me,
"Bender, I vould n't be henshpecked."
So he vent oh? und got himself, tight
shust pecause his vue tells him
blease don't do 'dot. Den he sits
down on his pack mit de floor, und if
am not dere .dot lime bo never
vould got home. ,
Veil," dot night, me and my vile
had little talk apout soiuetings ; und
de next lay I says to Hrown, 'Look
here vonst I My vue she makes sau
sages, und vorks in dot shtore ; also
my laughter she vorks py the shtore
und makes head-sheeses, und your
vife vas going out riding all de limes
mit de horse car, und a patent-tied-
ack-cardinal elhriped slliockings.
Now your vito ruooNt go ork in de
shtore und cut peefcteuks, und make
sauerkrout, or else ve divide not equal
ly any more dot profits.
VfU ISrowti goes home nod tie lens
liis vife apout dot. Den she comes
pooty quick mil Brown around, und
vehad a misunderstanding apout
somelings, in vich efcrypody look a
bart, including my kcl.'e dog naiser.
Pooty wir np cornel i policesmans
vmi arr"eSts ns for breeches of promise
to keep de pieces, und assaulting de
battery, or somelings. LJen de firm
ot Bender fc Browu was broken up.
I go apout my peesness, und Bro n
go m nn redness.- mj vrre ...
hxifps fn de sniore. Hrs f 1 goes rid-
ing mit de horses cars, and efery
bo mrt hi reesness.- Jtty vrre she
niuhta she vas by de theater,
Vol a de consequences r Along
comes dot Uentenmai paurc voi
Inrocks Brown more higner as two
kites, py chimmirry f Sly income vas
shtili more as my outcome. But
Brown, he goes .found dot shtrect
mit his bands out of his pocket;,- und
be don't got a cent to hia batik.
The Springfield Republican thinks
ihere is great danger in the sugges
tion to cut down the army to 5,000,
eel along- wilh the money still unex
penuea ana so avoiu nio necessuy ui
an extra session. 1 lie reason is: "ii
the country found out that it could
get along nafelr aud even happily for
six months without an army, or with
one oft only 4,000 or 5,000 men,- it
minht insist that Congress should
form the habit of omitting the Army
Appropriation Bill every year, and so
save twetlty or thirty millions to the
tax payers."
Having adopted Democratic ddfi
trines the present head of the Radical
party would gladly seire opon the
Democratic organisation. But Dem
ocrita will remember tbat ii was
through their organization that those
doctrines were impressed upon the
people ubttl tfieir enforcement became
a matter of necessity, and will deem
it their duty to preserve such a use
ful organization intact for fear of ac
A locomotive engineer, just dis
charged, revenged himself by saying
that it was about time he left the
company, anyhow, for the sake of
hia life, for "there was nothing left of
the track but two streak ol rust and
the light of way."
And now comes little George Gor
bam, and remarks "that the election
of Packard was as clear as thatof the
Hayes electors of Louisiaua." No
one will dispute with little Goorgy
about that natter, iforoifto'in bis
life he is right. Paokard has as good
a title as Hayes. The trouble is, Unit
liayes had noue at all. It must be
horribly galling to littlo Goorgy and
mo rest ot las tribe, inoluding the cel
ebrated "eight." to find that niter six
months of outrageous and persistent
iving crowned by the penury ol the
eight, that the man who has reaped
the benefit of that rascality; b$ his
acts shows that the whole proceeding
was an infamous iraud. ho wonder
that Blain's exceesivo anger palsies
his tonguo, no wonder that old lieu
Wade blurts out all sdrts of incoher
ent ipluttorings, no wonder that Wen
dell Phillips rants aud Cameron
sneers, while Chandler is fairly beside
himself with mortification and raze.
They alltiave reason to be incensed.
The wholo pack ot them, one and all,
Iroin Steams and J. Maddison Wells
to Chandler arid Morton, lied and lied
and lied again.
The Returning Boards lied and the
Congressmen aud Senators aud Su
preme Court Judges lied, all for tho
purpose ol not only lying Hayes iuio
the i residential Ulmir, but ot main,
taining the "bloody shirt" iufaniv
aud the carpe't baggers in ollico. Yet
in spite of this Niagara of mendacity,
the man who profited by it, calmly
and sweetly though tacitly admits
that all his kind frtchds wero to say
the of it mistaken.' That, tfa
Mr. Crnggs says, "is putting a very
tine point ou it." But they aro just
ly served. No punishment is tco se
vere, no humiliation too galling for
them. They have incurred the repro
bation of every good citizen, on ac
count of the ineffable disgraco they
'lit on the American name; on
account of the imminent peril in
which they placed the most sacred in
stitutions oi the country. It ii good
to see them defeated, disappointed
and disgusted.
luat tho country satuly passed
through tho terrible danger to which
ft was exposed by their villainy, was
not owing to their efforts. 1 nut was
effected by the good sense of tho mass
of iho people, tho magnanimous for
bear, nee ol the JJctnocralio fart)-,
and tho heroic self depTal of the cilia-ens
of that section, who lor nearly
ten. years have been the victims of
every wrong and oppression which
the malicious bate and malignant in
genuity ot the Radical leaders could
inspire and invent. S. K Examiner.
The application of this term is local
ised in the South. At the close of luo
rebellion, when the Administration
was doubtful about whom it could
trust, most of the federal appoint-
mints for the boulh were from among
Northern loyalists. Ihen there wis a
class of Northern men, hiving status
lor patriotism during the war, who
went South, and, ingratiating them
selves with the colored voters,ullained
elective position. This latter class had
little to lose and all to gain. "Make hay
while the sun shiues'was their motto,
and in many instances they used their
offl Eposes of tho most shame-
h.M No wonJer that lh
. o iolon anJ dii.
obiccts ot suspicion
ike wilh those whom they helped to
impoverish.' hi South .Carolina and
Louisiana they were particularly odi
ous, and it is bocauso their power is
now broken that these Slates are
given up to such wild joy. A few
hguretf Irotu Louisiana will show the
r-rtent of their misrule.
At the cloke of the war the debt of
Che State was 4,0U0,U00. Under tho
provisional government to 18G7 it ran
up to tlU.UOU.uw r rom this tigure
it grew td' 822,430,000. Of this in
crease' of $ 12,500,000, added between
18C7 and' 18 1 r, a correspondent of the
New York Tribirtio say: According
to the statements of eminent bankers
of both parlies, about 0,000 ,000 was
stolen. A people thus r jbb d' could
not be otherwise than restive, Dor
have other feeling for the "carpet
bagger" than hatred atid contempt.
Agriculture, said .Socrates, is an
employment the most worthy the ap
plication of man : the most ancient
and the most suitable to' Lis nature.
It is the common nurse of all person)
in every age and condition of lite; it
is tho source of health, strength,
plenty, and richness : and of a ihuu
sand idber delights and honest pleas
ures. It is the mistress and school
of sobriety,' temperance, just ce, re-
ligion,-and in short, of all the virtues,
civil and military.
lh the village of Ilarboltle. North
nmberland. England, no child has
died during the hist twenty years;
a farmer and his three shepherds have
between tVem forty-seven children,
and during the pat thirty years not
deith has occurred in their umi
. lies. . -
Tlie Disgrace of the Supremo Court.
Nothing can better illnetrato tho
present degradation of our politics,
remarks the New York Sun, than the
fact that tho vacancy on the Bench of
tho Supremo Court ot tho United
Mates is sought after by the partisan
methods and machinery which would
be used in seeking a place of messen
ger in one ol tlio Dcpartriients.
Recommendations' lor at least "5
aspirants, including several Judges of
the vircuit and District Courts, have
actually been hlee m tho olhce ol the
Attorney-General at Washington.
Many others have applied for the
place through their friends in Con
gress; and several Senators have
modestly advocated their own
' Now. of all our miblio oflieos. this
is me one Which should seek the man
...i. r. i . , ... ,
im iiuiii cniiraeier, nui uv. mm iron.
eral qualification is mosi, lit lo fill it.
The Court has declined enormously'
in public estimation. The shameful
bargain by which Rrndlev and Strong
were appointed to sustain the legal
tenders by upsetting a former decision
of the Court and thus saving to the
'ennsylvania and other raihoad cor
porations tho difference between culd
and paper on thoir outstanding con
tracts, struck a blow at the integrity
of tho tribunal. Followed by the
flagrant violation of the Constitution
in the appointment ot iho Electoral
Tribunal, and by the indcocnt ootion
of tho samo two men iu that body,
the Court staggers under a burden
and a reproach which may yet render
necessary its total ro-organization.
And now when another vaeanty
occurs, by which an opportunity is
ottered to , restore tho Court so far ns
tho appointment of one honorable
mid capable man inighl contribute to
its purification, it is huckstered in the
market like a piece of merchandise,
and tinder the system of bargain and
sale which Mr. Hayes calls his "noli
cy,',' it is likely to bo s Id to the
highest political - bidder! Examiner.
Too Muni Moxky. The Argonaut
recently contained a list of over one
hundred names, all citizens of San
Francisco, which it claims own $1,-
00V,0TJ0 atid nparmTs each'. Among
the list are a largo who get tiiu.uiio,
000. The Argonaut insists that they
all take that pf'pei1, but pays them
tho following parting , compliments :
W could n:ime-ji hundred 1"llv
Bohemians who enjoy life much bet
ter ihaiHluso toilers in tho mill finan
cial. We could pick out many n
.inched and sordid soul from among
these millionaires wilh whom wc would
not o.irscif exchange 'ther our en
pacilies for enjoyments in this world
or our hope lor saivauon in juu worm
lo come. They can't oat more 4ior
sleep longer than we do. Their di
gestion is not better than our own;
their dollies aro not us good, and old
Charon will only find under their
tongues the samo six pence that will
pay to lerrv us across tho black river
of death.
A Goon Ckment. A col respond
ent of the N. Y. Tribiino gives the
folloy ing receipt for making a good
cement :
A good cement for mending almost
anything may bo made by mixing to
gether litharge and glycerine to the
consistency of thick cream or iresii
putty. This cement is useful for
mending stone jars or any other
coarse carthenwaro, stopping leaks in
seams of tin pans- or wasli boilers,
cracks and holes in iron kettles, fco.
I have tilled holes an inch in diame
ter in kettles and used tho same for
years in boiling water ahd leed. It
may also bo used to fasten on lamp
tops to tighten loose nuts, to secure
loose bolts whoso nuts are lost, light
en loose joints of wood or irou, loose
boxes in wagon hubs, aud in a great
many others. In all cases tho article
mended should not bo used till the
cement has hardouf d, which will re
quire from one day to a week, accprd-
ing lo Hie quantity useu. i nm. tu
rnout will resist the oction of water,
hot or cold, acids, and almost any de
gree of heat.'
When you see a young man sitting
in a parlor with tho ugliest six year
old boy that ever frightened hiuisell
in the mirror clambering over his
knees, jerking his while lie out of
knot, mussing his while vest, kicking
his shins, feeling in all his poeketslor
nickles, bombarding him Iroin time
to tuno with various bits of light fur
niture and bijouterie,' calling him
names at tho top of his fiendish lungs,
aud veiling incesauily for him to
come out in the yard and play, while
the uuresisting victim smiles all the
time like the cover of a comic alman
ac, you may saftly bet, although
there isn't the sign of a girl apparent
iu a radius ot 10,000 miles, yon can
bet your bottom dollar that howling
boy has a sister who is primping io a
room nol twenty feet awsy, and that
the young man doesn't come there
just for the fuu of playing with her
TrMlinonr laVeii at the Coroner's In
!tirM over the body ol Hcolt Okburu,
. iruiu.r) xu, (Oil.
J. M. Dh'k toatiliod m follows : My name
:.. i . i w i.- i . ....
m tiun-iiiiau m. incit my ago is 58 years
residence. Ijuio countv i occuuatinn. miniatur
mm i. Minor aim siinintiirica a tlirOV(r.
....i t : i i ' " :
i van-may iiiornini!. roll, isu 1 wu
over nt tlio foot of this hilt on my way homo.
1 huard some one. call, at tho timo Jmnca
Storniiint nvurtook Uio, and stated that he
tlimiL-lit Mr. Oblmrn w.-u shut Ho hud
p-utsi-d him nonius tho river; und had hoard a
shot, mid nt I ho S.IIIIU tiiiii; huir.l Mr.
voice wiv, my tiod. 1 caino hack and sent
for Mr. tollman then four of lis went over
tlio river, went to the cabin aud found Mr.
OkIiiiiii there Ho stated that ho was shot.
We examined the place whoro tho ball went
in. Ho stated ho thought. Jack Cogswell
shot him, but ho was not suro. Thoro w;is
two guus pmiited out tlio ontck of thu bouse,
and oiiu oi them wo lii-ud j ho fell, mid tho
dog oiinio fruin liuliind tho Iuiiiho nt him, and
liu shot at tho dog. I was villi him from
about niuo o'i'liK'k in tho morning until ho
ditil about three o'clock ill tlio al lormmh of
tlio same day. Ho nvptustwl us to move
him. Wo m.-ido nreiuirations to uiovo him.
aiid as stMiu as we got a wagon tlu-ro, wo ear.
rien mm irom the ealmi to tlio luuik uf tlie
nver, wliuru lie died. Ho unit in nlmut lif
toou miiititiK sfl-or we got thero, Tlio cabin
i nboitt 'JlKl yards from the river.. Wo did
not see any pernon at tho cabin but Otdmrn ;
ho win lyiuj' in tlio bed. I uxamiuud tho
wouud, found ho win) shut tliinugli tho abdo
men. Ho told mo that morning ho was go
ing over to his claim to hum down some
krui silud iu;ko a fence Ho suvs ho told
tlicni to gi t out of the cabin or ho would cut
a treo nn it Tho cabin is mi the land that
.Mr. OnIiuiu claimed : ho has claimed tho
land since lSll'.l ; his pre-emption papers aro
dated then. 1 found tho ax mid his liat and
blond by tlio tree here ho said he fell, flu
told mo ho took oil' his iitul mid scalih.uil
and laid tliom on a log behind him. I found
tno semihard on tlio l. j, ill. lin k.
John CnlVuinn tcttliticd iu follows ; Mv
iiaino in .loliu Cotlniau my rcnidence with
Mr. Millicau ! ao, III neeuiNttioa. farmer.
1 went over tlio river with Mr. Pick mid
Stormnnt. Wo wont to tho cabin, found
Mr. 0.ihiii-n lying on tho bed. Wo turned
tho clothes oil' ot him, and found whoro tho
ball shot him, and also wore it enmo out. I
akcd Mr. (Miurn, aud ho stated to mo that
ho wint thoro and coinmcuoud chopping on a
tree, nod ho told them he would chop tlio
tree down if they did not get out tho cabin.
I suppose from tho looks of tho tree he had
struck iiliout a down licks ou tho tieo, and
ho saw two lillca iiittod out of tho crack,
and he iiiinid to stop behind tho treo to
screen himself, aud tlivy wore too ijunk for
him shot him mid lie supposed it was
Cogswell shot Mm. Ho says tlio dog camo
out or around tho cabin, ana ho shut at the
dog. CngNwcIl then camo out mid nll'orud to
give him a blanket. Ho said ho did. not
ivaut it, but wautcd intno water, aiid Cogs
yell fetched him some wf hr. He said Cogs
fill took tho pistol from off thu ground
whoro it was lying, and took it oil. Tho
cabin is on tho lilaco Mr. Otdnuu claimed,
Tho tro aIhiuI six pnoos from the corner of
tno plau' WIicio tney snot out.
-' John Cokfman.
Joseph W. Woods tcntiliod iw follow : My
name ih Joseph W, Wood age, 40 resi
dence, lnno county nccupntion, f irmer.
In tlio first iilitcH, wo heard of tl shouting
through Mr. Cogswell, He wantid in nie
and my brother -to go up and look ufter Os
Imin ho w.m in a pretty bud lix j that Ka
uri had shot him. Wo atnrted uii und wo
ni'it llnrvy Kanoll' just below his brother's.
My brother naked Mr. Kauoll' whuro wo
would liud Osburii ? ho said near' tho cabin
lyiutf by p (roe. Wo went nud I'niind Mr,
1 tick and Mr. Coll'mnn there. My brother
axked Mr. (IbIiiuu iihnut tho BliiHitin. , Ho
stated and related tho samo ns the i(tinf wit
uejNes have tenlilicd. 1 was personally ac
quainted with Mr. OmIiuiii, nud tho is
tho body of tlio man that went by the name
of Scott Onhiiru, and is the person w ho made
tho statement. tnsKi'it W, Wmnt.
dames Storiiinut testified ns follows :' J. T.
Stormant agu, ".'I nccujiation, farmer went
over with Mr. Oabiiiu to work help him
fence. When wo went across" the river, ho
went about two hundred yards, and said ho
would en up and tell Mr. Knuotf that he'd
better take iiis tliiiius nut bef'iro Ills road
was closed ; and he had not been gone from
mo more than ton or lifteen minutes, until a
irun llred, and ho also hollowed. He hoi
owed, oh I (!od, ajid then thero was another
f;uu hrcd. I knew there was some of them
turt. I came homo and got Mr. J. M. f lick,
my brother and Colliiiau, and went over
there. When wo got over thoro he won ly
ing iu tho bed. II u wanted mo to go after
tho doctor, ami 1 went alter tlio doctor.
Could not tell exactly whether it was Us-
burn's voice or not. I did not hour Unburn
any that ho would hold tho ranch if it took
powder and balls to do so. J heard a part of
Collmau s testimony, llsburu s hat was ly
iiiL' nil' by a tree, could not any how far. I
understood Otihurii to say that they both
shot him. I might have boon mistaken. I
started immediately after the doctor. Oshurn
had a pitol-a Colts' revolver and a knife
a butcher knifo. I w as ulxnit two or throe
hundred yards from the caliiii when the
shots wero fired there wero two shots tired.
I heard Unburn say that Kanoiriiml built a
cabin on bis place. If Kaimll' held the place
he shoiil'l not keep anything on it any nil
provefnelits. J. T. W Toll Ml NT.
Augustus Hendricks testified as follows
Aii-'iinlus Hendricks : ago, 'Z'. i iKcupation
fanner. Tho brut 1 heard of it, Mr. KhiiuII
came down tho river and cotno into tho shop
hero I was at work, shook bands with me
aud my brother, nud I asked him if (Klmrn
hud nut him in tho river vet. Ho said no.
that ho (O.lmrn) bait bettor lw in the river
or any other place, than Iw in tho condition
he is in. lie started ilowu too TikuI, 1 soul,
you and him havo hail some woriU, have you
He said, well 1 don t know, aud went on.
Cogswell aays (Mnirii wants you to come up
there, and aaked where is your father? laid
U 11 him, (your father) colno out hero quick.
.Said Harvey has shot 0lurn, and Oabuni
wants him to couio uii thero aa quick as he
could get there. Said O.diurn was not dead.
Ho b it water and a blanket for him, and off-red
to t'lke linn iu the cabin, and he would
nvt t". I heard Mr. O.diurn say that he
would have Kanoll olf of thero if he had to
drag him olf. Al'iii'sTl's llKMihli ns.
John Cogswell testified as follows : Name
John Cogswell ; ago, .V ; occupation, farmer.
Day before yen ten lay afternoon I tohl my
wile I would go and get some venison if Har
ry hail killed any. About a mile and a half
above Hrudriek's, saw lK-mlriils watching
for a d.-er. S.iid tho do-.-s were out and he
hailed mi a I wa going up. Stepped out
Into the trail and said tie would hate to hear
of any body doing killed in this neighborhood.
Said I, an Would I,, what is np, baid somej
thing almut Osburn making throats, and said
1 to him, he wautcd to borrow a gun of you
some time ago tfl blow my head on", and ha
said he did, that it Wat no secret, he did not
tell me to keep it It was Caa. Hendrickn
tho ferryman. About a mile above that I
mot Knnnff coming down. I asked him if ha
had killed any doer. He said yea, be bad
killer two yesterday. What is tlie news,
said I ? When I came in from hunting yestert
day, there was a tree across my house, am)
tho roof wis otF and my bed and blanket
were wet Vnid be hod cut the tree off and
fixed it nn airain. and after he got it fixed
Osburn came there, and told him that was
his laud mul ho must leave, and ha' (aid he
was tho one that cut tho tree on hi house.
Said that Oaburn called me a d m black
-b, and said I must leave. Kanoff atopped,
back and got hie gun and told Osburn he
could not call him that agaiu Mid live. Os
burn suid shoot, mul Kanoff said call me that,
agaiu and I will Osburn told him thai
thero whs land enough for them, and il.Jiq
would trade two fortic for two that I had.
l, .ti.fV liim well for it , Told Oa4
burn thnt Ware bail told him that .Hie land
w as vacant, and he would go do n to are
If W are said the land belonged to 0burnK
he w ould go oil' of it He would not assent
to go nt first, but after which he did, said be
u-,.,,l.l im ilown the next day. draw his
school money, pay his and woitM meel
him nt Ware' ollico ot 1 o'ulock to day. We
went back In tho cabin to get tlie ueor. it
was Into and stayed all night In the morn
ing after breakfast wo hoard soinetluiigaf
ii ..( ti. 1, ,.n.. As I looked ud Mr.
VOU VOIIIUI UI ittv - - r -
Osburn stopped in front of tho door with hit
nistol in his hand, mid said omething I did,
in.f. iiiol.imtjnid ilintinetly. and said Et Out
of tho hosce d in yon or I'll hoot you. At
that timo Kftnoff stepisid into, the lloor, I,
reacluil mul got my pistol Naid. Os'mru tcj
Kanoll', 1 iign-cd to meet yomlown at Ware
but I have n posse nf men out hero to bat:ki
mo mid you havo got to gel now iu iumjois
ininutos. Said Cig.iwell had got him up.
thero, hnd hiiid bim. Say ho, be i riroi
cut mul ho is in bore aud yon can ask him.
nd 0burn turned around, hal hi ax ami
pistol in his hand mul said 1 will masn yon
and your house all together, and went to
chopping on a troo, a leading tree, loaning.
over tno ci'.'nn, nnoiu nmr or u "rj
A ho went to cut the tree ho hollowed,,
struck a lick or two and gave another hoi.
l.iur. Hv this time Kanolt Hot A board
knocked oiro wo could soe him, had hi gun
in his liimd si d I saiil'Knnoff don't hoet.
Osburn bad his pistol down by the ide of
him. jviiwn 1 steppwl oui ui nw aum
right at the comer, some ii or aeven stop
from Osburii,' byit iw I stepol to the vomer
ho Ki ablied hif pislol. I said ..look out hell
shoot, .think I said tin twice. .ADonl wa
timo tho lost wonl were out of my mouth, i
n I . - ...!. ,.,! .....thi.rnna. I stoDMed.
ileum i ijiiii nw- y - . .
a soconil. itepiHJtl iHwk mul mot KuffguinC
. . . 11 f .!..' r nut if K
iiiir. iru'incr nm. rstva t. unit av
has his pistol in hist hand i'U sbo)t yeuj
Kannir said hshwl shot him. 1 hen I looked
out of the crock nud sow Osburn a foot lying
over a polo by the ulo ol the tree, nam i
don't go out until you know he la dond or
has not got his pmtoU Bant 1 eon oe nun,
after looking out of tho crook. Say I, you.
watch on that sido and I will watch on tnij.
side. Ho knocked ou" another board. At
that timo Oshurn threw hi hand, out from.
Iichiud tho treo, and say I he is hiirt Then
ri.l.,.M. ....II... inn anil said Al r. Cogswei
como here, I stepped out of the oanin at
tho corner, and ne 1 was going, i inougm, o
il. S:iiil throw, voiir lintol away.
Say ho, I con't shoot, you have killed me.,
Says I it was not mo that shot you. Says,
.. ..... o ... .i .' .....
Iiu, it won that otnor ienow vne" i j"",
I, it was that other fellow. .Thou ho re-
lieatcd for me to come out thefq.pnd threw
his pistol o ho could reach it huii'liiy. 'Bays,
I, thiovf your u'tol further than tiat if yo
waul me to come, for I nndcrstaud that you
threaUmed my life again, no longer than ye:,
tordoy, and 1 do not mean to tie you
chnueo. ffo fearhod and got In pistol ana
threw it alH'iit three teis, I think. I wenl
np lsitwoon liim and the pistol and picked
the pitol, np-theii . asked, liiin, what I could,
do for him. Ho safd get liim some water, .
for I wont live, 1 got him the water, then I
tH)k my mule that was standing near, put
my soilillo on ami vieii ,tuo veiuu u, iu,
thou went Wk tt hiir and asked him whol,
I could do for him; nai'l he wanted to talkf.
sny I, this is no time fnf, talking, I want to,
lot iimlody knoW the riicumatancea. Say
he that i Just what I want you to do, and.
go quick. Said I will go a quick a I can
enys, what else can I do. before I go. Said,
get me some more water and set it so I caa
get it Asked him if I had not hotter help
him in the cabin. He said no don't tir mo.
Then I got a blanket and doubled it and put
it over him, and tbon started and went out,
in tho trail, met Joddy Whitney and won,
on, told Hcndricke' Imys, And told them to
go up as quick aa they eould, and went to
W'oods and told thorn to go np aa quick as
thoy could. I took the f,nstol home audi
found ono ball out and the hammer turned
on the next cap. Kanoir was in the cabin,
the most of the time) did not see Kanoff
shoot him; did not see either one; Kanoff
hail cartridge rillc; no other perou present
that I know of. I could not tell which shot,
first could not soe them. There wa two
shot tired almut together, think one inside
came first One report of a gun came from,
where Osburn tood. My dog waa there and.,
went uu, when I took the water, and smelt.,
and called my attoiition to the blood; did not
see tho dog until I took the water. When I
met Kanoll the day before, Kauoff told me
that Unburn said ono of tDein must go over
hi dead body, ,
Join CoosWKLL.
His Policy. Beverly Tucker s"aysV
Why, sir, Hayes' Southern policy, aa
they call it, is the Democratic plat,
form of last November. It is the ot,
lorances and principles of tho party,
for tho past tort, years being carried .
iuto ellcct. ' How long do you sup
poso Chambertiii and Packard would,"
have remained it Tilden had received
his rights? Not a day, hir. No, not
even until tho inauguration. It has
been just a bono that they couldJ
carry on tho old gaino lhat induced,
them io hold out as long as the
"When Chinamen part they say'
"chin-chin," which means good bye.
That is just iho Jway with cur girls; .
. i r i . . i. .'. i ii- ... i l. '
lliey tnill emu aueui uuu uu uuur uv.
I tore they can get apart.