V14 Prinking Habit. In Halne. Tho . Bronswick, (Me.) Telegraph prints a communication, which, peak ing of residents of the adjoining town of Topshara, fifty years ago, says : In ono family ot fivo persons, tluoo of ' them would cmh punish three pints of New England ruin every day; the otbor two perhaps a little less. VVhy I can be so specific, I was a clerk in a store at Topsham and had them for customors. Another instance we had an old man who was a customer when I went there and was there when I leftwho purchased a pint and a halt of gin every day, and Saturday three pints. He had it charged, paid his till monthly, and never purchased an other article to my recollection. His family consisted only of himself and wife and she an cstimablo woman, therefore ho must have used all of it liimself. The average sales nt our - toro wero at least $10 per day, amounting to $3,000 per annum. There wero five other stores in Tops ham, and I have every reason to bo lieve that they sold as much rum as we did. . Brunswick had thrco times as many stores, besides throe success ful hotels. (Topsham had none.) I think sho must have sold at least doublo tho quantity ot Topibam. "With New England rum at 40 cents a gallon, and the best imported liquors at $1, in almost every ulher family in Topsham thero wss a drunkard or drunkards. The evil became so gnat . that the peoplo became alarmed. Two generations of my own family on both sides of tho house suffered severe- Wlde-Tlred Wheel.. American Agriculturist. This is anothor point we aro protty apt to overlook, greatly to our disad vantage. Wo suffer ourselves to be guided by wagon makers, and tho wheelwright knows very well that he lives by his trade, and that woar and rear is the lilo of trade, lie serves himself when we arc suited with nar row wheil. A set of wheels with 4 inch or 6 inch rims and heavy tires cost considerably more than a set 2 inches wide, but an oxtra price is al ways put upon them. They ore well ivorth it. A wagon or cart with a 0 inch tread will take heavy loads over soft meadows and hardly leave a track, where a narrow wheeled wagon with a similar load could not go at all. On country roads, such broad tread vehicles destroy ruts and act liko rollers, making tho roads agreea ble for light carriages, and keeping them in much better order through ' Out tho year. It would bo a real blessing to oveiy Slate of tho Union to put so heavy a tax on narrow wheels upon heavy wagons and carts that they would beooine quite obso lete. MiUoita of dollars would be saved to the people of each Stato in repairs of roads, in repairs of wagons, and in horso llesh. Thurtnan oa Quo Warranto, In a dobato in the Sonate, February 25, 1875,SonntorThurmao madosoine remarks which may bo made nppliaa bio horcaftor in caso of a writ ot quo warranto about tho Presidency. Mr. Thurman said : ''Supposo a contest of tho office of President. Supposo thai ono man is declared, in pursuance of tho Constitution, to bo President of the United States ; of course, then ho is inaugurated ; and then a contest is begun by quo worranto in the Cir cuit Court ot tho Unitod States ; that Circuit Court enters a deoreo ousting tho Presidont from his office, an ap peal is taken to tho Supremo Court, and tho Supremo Court affirms the de cision. How aro you going to enforoc it ? It is made tho duty of the Presi dent to sco that tho laws are faiihlul- ly oxeouted. How aro you going to enforce that? The Supremo Court has no power to do it. It commands no army; it has no treasury. How can you enforoo ir judgmont ot ouster against the man who is do facto Pres ident bt tho United States and has the army at his back ? Was it ever in tended by our fathers that any such stato ot caso as that should arise ? Ii seems to mo certainly not. It seems that theso considerations abundantly show that the idea of contesting the otlioo of chief magistrate of tho united States in any court whatever is not to bo cutortained for a moment. , Oregou's) Next Legislature. From tlx Standard. Tho Oregon Leginlutnro is com posed of thirty Senators and sixty Houso members. Ot tho holdover Senators thero aro ten Democrats.four ICi'publicans and ono Independent Oiid new Senator is to be elected from oath of the following counties: linker, llcuton, Clackamas, Grant, Jackson, Lane, Multnomah, Umatilla and i am hill ; ono trom Clatsop and Tillamook; two from Linn and three trom Man on, making fifteen in all. Out of these the Democrats are suro ol elect ing the sit from Baker, Jackson, Lane, Linn aud Umatilla counties. I hey havo an equal chanco of securing one each from tho following counties: Benton, Grant and Yamhill, and Clat sop and Tillamook. We shall count strongly on a majority of ten. In the House we hive twenty set en about as cafe as things generally are, and an equal chance lor twelve more. The Iiepublieans are sureol on'y five. The remaining six are in Multnomah coun ty, tho homo of liberal minded mer chants and independent voters. We shall make a mighty racket for their auffrago in favor ofirw government and honest rule. Altogether oar pros pect is fine for patting Hippie into the shades of obscuritv. Ji. card. To all who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretion, of youth, nervous weakness, ta, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FKKE OF CHARGE, litis great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self addressed letter to the Rev. Joseph T. Inhax, Station D, Bible Houso, New York. 1,000,000 lloUlea or tiiS 0 EffTAUIl L have been sold the last year, and not one com plaint lias reached us that tliey nave not uone all that is claimed for them. Indeed, scientific skill cannot go beyond the result reached in these wonderful preparations. Addoit to Car bolic, Arnica. Mentha, Seneca Oil and Witch Hazel are other Ingredients, which makes a family liniment that defies rivalry, lihaumatic and bed ridden cripples have by it been enabled to throw away their crutches, and many who for years have been alilicted with Neuralgia, Sciatca, Caked Jlreasts, Weak 'Sacks, eta, have found perfect relief. Mr. Joeiah Westlake, of Marysville, Ohio, writes: "For years my Rheumatism has been so bod that I have been unable to stir from the house. I have ried every remedy I could hear of. Fi nally, I learned of the Centaur Liniment The first three bottles enabled me to walk without my crutches. I am mending rapidly. I think your liniment simply a marvel.' The liniment cures Burns and Scalds without a scar, extracts the poison from bites and stings. Cures Chilllihiins and frosted feet, and is very efficacious for Ear-ache, Tooth-ache, Itch and Cutaneous Eruptions. Tug Centaur Linimemt, Yellow Wbapper, is Intended for the toirgli, fibres, cords and mus cles of horses, mules and animals. READ! READ 1 Rev. Geo. W. Ferris, Manorkill, Schoharie county, N. Y., says! "My horse was lame for a year with a fot lock wrench. All remedies utterly failed to cure hira and I considered him worthless until I commenced to use Centaur Liniment, which rapidly cured him.. I heartily recommend it It makes very little dhlercnce whether the cose lie "wrench," sprain, spavin or lameness of any kind, the effects are tho same. The great power of the Liniment is, however, shown in roll-evil, Big-head, Sweeny, Spavin, Ring-bone, Galls and Scratches. Thin Liniment is worth millions of dollars to Livery men, Farmeri ami those having valuable animals to care for. We warrant its effects, and refer to any farrier who has ever used it Labaratory of J. B. Hosts & Co., 40 Dkv St., New Yoiik. , IHILDREN. A oomploto substitute for Castor Oil, without its unpleasant taste or recoil in the throat. The result of 20 years' practice by Dr. Sam'l Pitch er of Massachusetts. Pitcher's Cintoria is particularly recommend ed for children. It destroys worms, assimi lates the food, and allows natural Bleep. Very etlicaoious in Croup and for children Teething. For Colds, Feverinliiiass, disorders of the bow els, and Stomach complaints, nothing is so ef fective. It is as pleasant to take as honey, costs but 33 cents, aud may be hud of any drug Kit. This Is one of the many testimonial : "CoiiNWAi.L, 1'a., Maroli 17, 1874. "Dear Sir I have used your CastoHIA in my practice for some time, f take great pleas ure In recommending it to the profession as a safe, reliable and agreeable medicine. It is par ticularly adapted to children where the repug nant taste of Castor Oil render.') it so difficult to administer. K A. FN 1K US, M. 1." Mothers who try Castoria will find that they can sleep nights and that their babies will be healthy. J. B. Ross A Co., New York. OLE NX'S SULPHUR SOAP. eradicates All Local Skin Diseases; Permanently Beautiuks tub Complexion, Prevents and Reme dies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Injuries OF THE Cl'TICLE, AND is a Reliaulb Disinfectant. This popular and Inexpensive remedy accomplishes the samb results as costly Sulphur Baths, since it ter. MANENTLY REMOVES ERUITIONS and Irritations of the Skin. Comi'lexional Blemishes are al ways obviated by its use, and it render the cuticle wonilrously fair and smooth. Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds, Burns, and Cuts are speedily healed by it, and it prevents and remedies Gout and Uheum.i(isni. It removes Dandruff, strengthens .the roots of the Hair, and preserves its youthful color. As a Disinfectant of Clothing and Linen used in the sick room, and as Protection against Contagious Diseases it is unopialed. Physicians emphatically endorse it Prices-25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. anJ$U0. y. B. Sent by Mail, FtpkJ, on rcipl of pnc, and 5 cenii extra ft each Cake. -TATS EAIS JL50 WHISXEB in,9 Black r llrowa, SO t'eou. a C.!.frittcntoD,rrop'r,7SixtlilT.X.T. Irwi'Bl'EN'A VISTA STONE WAEK go 'to T.O. HKNDKICKS. HOC i: K I KSJ-1 aliall krrp ua a full of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS And invite the attention of hoiirfV-etH-r.- T.U. HEN MUCKS GEO. B.- DUKlllS, 1TT0RSEI A.D ronSELLOS IT L1W, Office on Willamette street, Eugene City. TVtF.S WOODS-NEW stvi r Xand low price. Just received bv 8. IL FKIENDLY. VKWNTtK K OF II ITJ-Th. best Xy and feu-grot ever brought Ut Ku.f ne, t KKIENDLYX TKITM-NEWI)E.S1UNS OF STAN 1 darvl brands at FRIEVni.YH riHTI-U CAHOS-Vsrv a.t-i im MARK THESE FACTS THE TESTIMONY OP THE WEOLE WORLD. - HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Let the suffering disoased read the following. Let all who have been given up doctors, and spoken of incurable, read the following. Let all who can believe fact and can have faith in evidence read the following. Know all men by these presents, that on this the 20th day of June. A. i. vm, personally came Joseph Haydock, to me known as such, and being duly sworn deposed as lollowsi inn he is the sole general agent for the United States and defendencies thereof for preparation or medicines known as Dr. Holloway's Pills auk ointment, and that the following certificates are verbatim copies to the best of his know'l' edge and belief. JAMES KMIETKK. 18.1 , Notary Public. 14 Wall street, New York. Da. TJollowat-I take my pen to write yon of my frreut relief ai.d that the swlui pain la my si'le lias eft me at iait-thanks to your pills. Oh, Doctor, how thankful I am that I can get some sleep. I ran never write it enough.,1 thunk you airiiiosml strain, and am sure that you are really the fi ien l of all suf ferers. I coul 1 not he p writing to yon. an'l hope fan will not take itamiaa. JAMES MYtltH, I H Avenue D This is to certify that I was disehaigeil from the army with ahronio diarrhoea, and have Wa eared by Dr. Holloway's Pills. WILSON HARVEY, Ksw York, April 7, 1HCS. 3 1 Pitt street. The following is an interesting esse of a man em ploye I in an iron foundry, who, in puiirlnif melted iron into a fl uik that was wet, caused an explosion. The melted iron was thrown around and on him in a perteet ihower, an I he was dreadfully Imiaed. The following certiniute was given to me by him about S weeks after the arrident: Njtw Yoai, Tan. 11,173. My name is Jaeoh TTardy; I am iron founder, I was Iwlly burn hy hot iron in Novemlwr hut ; my hums heaied. hut I Ual a runnimr sore on my leg that wuuld not heal. I tried Holloway's Ointment, and it cure I my in a few weeks. This is all true aud anybody can see me at Jaekmrn's lion works, 2d Avenue. J. HARDY, 119 Uoercli street. EXTRACTS FBOH ViBtorS LXTTEBS. "I had no appetite; Holloway's Pills gitfe ml a hearty one." "Your Pills are marvellous." "I seud for another box and keep them in the hoiine." "Dr. Hulloway cured my headache that was chronic." "I iravo one of your Pills to my lial for rholera morlius. The dear little thins: Kut well in a day." ".My nauaea ot a morning in now rural. " "Your box of Holloway's Ointment eured me of noises in the head. 1 rubtied some of your I Mutmcut behind theeara and the noiae haa It ft." "Hend me two ouxes, I want one tor a poor fami ly." . "I enelone a dollar, yom price is 21 cents, bnt the melicine to me is worth a dollar." "Sen I me live Ixixes ol your Pills." "It me have ttvu laixesof your Pills by return mnil fur liiilU Mtlil Fever." 1 Lave over 2io such reatimonials, but want of space compels me to conclude. FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS And all eruptions of the skin; this Ointment is In valuable. It dooi not heal externally alone, but penetrates with the moat searching elloeta to the very root ot the evil. HO J, LOW AY'S PILLS Invariably cure the following diseases; D180UDER8 OP TUB KIDNEYS. In all diaeaaea affecting these organs, whether they secrete too much or t4 little water; or whether they tie aillirted with stone or giavel, or with ai hca or riuina acttled in the loins over the re gion of the kilneya. theae Pilla should lis tuken so cording to the printed dn eeiiuua, an'l tne luimeui ahoui I lie well rubbed into the small of the back at bed time. ' hia treatment will give almoat imuiedl. ate lelief when all other meuna have failed. FOR STOMACHS OUT OP ORDER. No mei lcine will so effectually improve the lone of the atomtcha a these f ilia ; tliey remove all acio ty, oeeaaioiied either by iutemporance or improper diet. I hey reach the liver an I reduce it to a heal thy action ; they are won leifully etlicacious in raa of iim-in liwt they never fail in curing all disor- uera ol tne uvera ani siomacn. linllowity'a Pilla are the laMtremedy known in the world for the following diaoisea: Ague, Aathma, llilioua rompl tiuta, lllotchea on th akin, Uowtl complainta.tdica, 'onatipation of the llowels, Con auinption, lability. Drotwy, OyaeuUuy, ErvaipehiS, Female Irrogula itiea Vevel-a of all kind., Fit, tltnit, Heiiitai'he, ltvligeatttia, lufl'tmation. Jaun dice, T.iver coniplaiuta, Luuibiero, Pilta, lthemna tiam, Detention of Initio, berotiila or King's Evil, Sum Throats, r-toue U ravel, Secondary Hymntoi s. TuvDotiloiireux, 'I'uinors, Ulcers, Veuural Affee tiona, Worms of all kimls, Weakneas from any cause, ua. IMPORTANT CAUTION. None r (fonuinp untcM the nVimiure ol J. Hay ixm'K, kh nrt'ut tor the I'uite l HUt-,iunoun'inea-h hrtix nf mi 1 Oiutmt'ut, A hun litoine reward will lw ffiron to ny one irnilvrintf such iuforn'tttion u mnjr Iia1 to the dwtwtinn ot njr rty pr parties odUsitnifL'itiuK tho niflifim, ur Tuutliiig tlie taiue knowiiifr tliBiii to tie (ipmiiiui. ,ti!l tit the maimfiu'tory of rrofwsor Hollo way ft Co., New Yuik, nn 1 tjr all respertuhlo Uru-it and iHttler in Moliriue throtitrhout the civilized ftorM, in itoxe at 2S wutH, 02 w.Hb and $1 eni h t'Y"Ther ia cutuidentble aaving bjr Ukiug the lairt'r imt. N, II. Directions for the ffui'Unce of patients In ererr uiaonier are atnxeu to earn box. SEWING MACHINES rOl BALI, TSOLZCAII AITS EITAHi, AT su-cccx n.c.s. Tho best and latest improved for every variety of work, induding THE FLORENCE, bo long the leading Family Sew ing Machine on the taciho Coast. its superior qualities are too well known to require further recom mendation. THE NEW WHITE the best straight needle Machine in the market, has a great deal of room under the arm, u very light running and substantial auo, FLORENCE COAL OIL STOVES tor coonxo aitd heating. Persons desiring business, deal ers, and all others wishing Sewins Machines, either for Cash or on Installments, should send for cir culars and terms to SAMUEL HILL. No. 19 New Montgomery Street, SAX TRANCISCO, Liberal prices allowed for old Machines in exchange lor new. Sl'CX CSHIIR Ttl WALTON & LYNCH, In Dorria' Brisk Building. DEALKa IX Groceries J Provisions, ill keep on hanj a general aswrtmcnt of C".nrrrie, rmviaions, CureJ Meata. Tlce.s IVars, Can.li.. . Can. Ilea, Naia, Nolixns, Cireva and Iriel Krnita, on.! ami Will-nr Ware, IWkerjr, Kta. Dusiuna will be cnliK-tri nn a CASH HASIS, Which means that Low Prices are Established Coodt dtlirtrti i!honl chute U Biycr ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED or wtKk I will pay the h ie1 narkH pnoa. SHERMAN & HYDE'S COLUMN CENTENNIAL AWARD. GRAND TRIUMPH FOR WEBER PIANOS! First Premium over ail American and Foreign Manufacturers. Copy of telegram received by Sherman Si Hydo :. New York, Sept. 20, 187(5. Received the highest award for sympathetic, pure and rich tone, combined with greatest power, as shown in the three styles Uraiul. quale and Uprnrht Pianiw which show intel- Kine and solidity in thoir construction, a pli lint and easy touch, which at the eaino time an awers promptly to its requirements, together switn exceiiunca ol woricmansbip. A. WEUER, These famous Pianos are for sale by SHERMAN&HYDE Cor. Kearney and Sutter SU , SAN FRANCISCO. jelT rT m . f'1 tl 6l'iillll ih..ul4 IJ.TTTTI know OK Coimnhip. M;r. JCUjLLSEt i;iy.i.nici AHB jUifiiuin, Phi- ROOK ofSECRETSt,?,h"""dM'11" IHlr Wurt tnt rait. Trwti on all lvivt Mnm, fully fiWalninltH.raiiM, nriiiptomt ,d nur lo cure i ft ll lhoiilTIll. cir!illScwnroftlkilid tvn p-ibliih-rt. toDtilm nr.rl. .Ill ,fr. ,d I. BIB,P!,.W ry ptt Bnt br .Mil -urij clrd Hirr.Vixollu.lj.Aii. irrm. Dr. C. A. Hoiunnak Jil:iNiirUl'ilUil. &LLUU14.M0. IWWKilialos;. 1 Young Men Who may be suffering from the effect of youth ful follies or indiscretion, wilUlo well to avail themselves of this, the greatest boon ever laid at the altar of sulf erine humanit v. 1K. SPIX- N'K V will iruarantee to forfeit K.00 to any case seminal weakness, or private dinease of any kind or character which he undertakes and fails to cure. He would therefore say to the unfortu nate sufferer who may read tliis notice, that you mm irramiig i.u unnroua (rrouinl W lien you longer delay in seeking the proper remedy "for your complaint You Way be in the fimt stage: rememner mat you are apiiroaclnng the lat If toii are bordcrimr ninin the huit. ami aro ml. ferine some or all it ill effects, remember that if you persist in procrastination the time must come w hen the most skillful physician can ren der you no a-tsaistance; when the door of hoje will be cloned against you: when an angel of merrv can hnnr mil rm wlif In nn I.B. the lW.ir failed of success. Then let not des pair work iin your imaginatii .n, but avail yourself uf tlie beneficial results of his treatment before your case is be von d tlie reach of metlical skill, or before grim death hurries you to a pre mature grave. Full course of treatment ei Send money by postofhee order or express, with iuu ueKnpuon 01 caw. 1 ail on or adoreo. UK. A. B. Nl'IXNKV, N'ol 11 Kearney street. San Kraneiscx ALFRED ULEV Has taken possession of the Luckey Livery Stable, And will carry on a GENERAL LIVERY BCSTXESa llorse. fed and boarded by the week or day. HORSES AXPJJrGGIE-SFOR HIRE. For Sale. TWO OOO T) , DWELLTNO HOUSES, gu. ,y. rffre PROPRIETABY MEDICINES Of DR. CHANDLER, F.B.S.A., 1.4. PaielM ta 8t. Ceoro.' and 81. Barthole Uli WHo.pit.l "Ld... C-rstor to 8t tUiabeUi s, .to. After wear of the mo wforii M- i ,r ZiJrWmmuti the American put. tovery a. 4. mtteted UtHmonial; from their contlHUrd '." T'l'r'Z tM uuui .uiuent vhuiUlaua o MojteieM. the moet tutiuent phyUiat THE WONDERFUL EGYPTIAN BLOOD-PfiJRIFIER. Thte IneompeiroHe TtF.VXmAJTr VttETlC, ttl A fUOHHTlC, and AtEHl Je"t, eomblnUiO vlrlur, srhW. render it invaluable and nreer-faUixn, and by it, continued vee wilt thoroughly eradl tate all dUea.ee of A Mood. tflenr are of n purrlg harmlrte extrac tion, the pridHrlt gathered "'" KmtPtian froeliteee, and vhere there it tlie ellgMeet taint of dlteate in the eve tern, U never falle in ejecting thatdleeaee through the medium of the ekln, or ex celling U through the mnnu aud variou ihannele of the body, thereby allou-lng. and, inaeea, joreina their proiter uormul find functional con dition, i wr brief epare of time will convince anu patient ueing it, of lie un lire properties, it being, moet uuqueetion- ably, tlte vertt acme of medical triumph, doubted rellaoilHtt ana- nnrr. and tt greatest awwrai ff y age, in tlie treatment of every '" where the blood itself is primarily tho teat of the lesion or aisoraer, turn urn stB'lFVLA and the tlinunand and one) cause that lead to this terrible affliction, of which all drill ted commit nine, aro ehgnisnut, for liiblical Truth hat as'ert ed that tlte "bins of the fathers shall visit even unto the third and Jourth gen erations," and to "UOh ' N-VOV X AAD ESVUHBLVl LOli bill VllOMt it is a powerful rcjuvenalor, tauelug th wreeh of man once more to assume tlie Ood-liko AnYnisonnEitH.tossTit Alios on COSTirENESS, llVEB AM K1DHEH COIUVI. A IXTS', G ZSZltA lAXU Khsr OV DEMLITY, KIlEtllAXISSr, OLAKUVLAR ENLARUEMEll, l-l-I-TUELWMATOVS tAKCER, bit MY, AhFECIlOSS OF XII E BObES. At. DO LENT ULCER, 8, I EM ALE t OSI rLAIKTS (and to the gentler sex it is a toon ion' soutiht for by sensitive, susrep tltle, and delicate females, at it takes direct action vpon their ailmetits) AAD Ahl EORDIS OF ClinONIO mSEASE IN U IV II THE JtLOODlS TIlE bhAT OF THE TROVH1 E. it is invaluable. A perseverance with thil remedy wll prove a pooitive and permanent cure tor CniLLS and FEVERS and all UALA UIAL FOIbONS. Tltousandt of Testimonials attest tho truth of these elalms. JViee, One Dollar, in largo bottle, or tlx bottles, $5. mmm ' DYSPEPSIA. GASTROY. G ASTROS is a tafe, speedy, and poU tlve cure for that moet depressing of ail ments, and a brlrf course of treatment will restore the digestive organs to their pris tine strength, and promote the healthy action of the utomaeli and intestines. The nervous irritability of literary and all persons pursuing a sedentary HJe, it speedily removed by this agent. Tlie stomach is rctored to health and the key note of the system will once mo, e respond in the perfurmunee of labor. J'rlee, One Dollar, in large bottle, or tlx bottles, $5. . BBOHGHiTiOko LUN3 AFFECTIONS. TRACMEOX. A slight so-called raid will efttlmet lead to a serious cough, which, tinea red for or badly treated, must have but one result if must eventuate in a settled case of BRONCHITIS, or trhat is worse, the deadly VONSVMFIIOX. To all suffering from harassing cough and expectoration, TRACUEON offers a sound, reliable, and permanent relief. It augments expecto ration, and enables the putlmt to expel that terrill't teptle deposit, which, if left without judicious treatment, must com municate its poison to the vesicular sub stance of the lung, degenerating and de stroying that tilost essential of vrgaue, and ultimatet only in an early and un timely death. IHACUEON has no enual, much lens a superior, and its use will not only nmove the deposit, thereby affording J treat relief, but heals the membrane and eaves the patient in possession of healthy lung tissue. Price, Fifty Cents per bottle, or tlx bottles, 99.60. mmmm PILES. Kemcrrhoids. PILON. STany reuses tend to produce this poln ful and distressing state. Tho blood it retarded in its return ; the too frequent use of dmstie pnraa tires tends to produce congestion of the bowels, torpid action of the liver, and numeious other cause are the souree of this complaint, and hitherto nothing effectual has been presmied to the public, which would rapidly alleviate symptoms and ultimately prove an effect ive cure. In FILOM we hare a remedy whteb not (; cf atmost instantly, but will remove the largest tumors of the parts (Files) by absorption, aud many who have received not only benefit, but havo been radically cured, have been assured (prior to using this treatment) by emi nent turgcont that the only relief they ever could expect in life, would be by an operation, and removing It or them from the body by a procedure which necessitat ed the k'lfe. This remedy has been hailed with delight, and is uoie prescribed by many practising physicians, who are cog nisant of its merits, as the only known lure eun for FILES. Frire, fifty lents per package, or tlx for$a.o0. rilB ABOTE RrMEDIFS ARE thorough in the eradication of the differ ent and various maladies denominated, and are the result of patient, searching, laborious, and scientific investigation, embracing a period of many ,ears, in Europe aud America. if the speeifio direction! are rem piled wWi, thousands of patvuts will bear wit ness to the.r relative merit, and corrob orate every assertion, tihere there art many eon.pl cations tif diene. and pa tterns so desire, DR. CHANDLER will bo pleased to aire alt information, and treat by letter if hecessarii. Descriptive and Lxplunaiery Circu lar of the aoovc remedies er on reretnt of stamp. If the F UOFMIETARY MEDIC 1 NES are not on tale at your particular druggist's, tend orders to DR. CHANDLER, 1179 Broad wry, Kev-York Citjv OPIUM IWarlUSk ..ad nrTlaPERAi HAbi Mscccd. ilv curad; r-imlm. no puhfichv, at hooe aod wubout inconvwieace. AaatitiOosevvf rIw, in awnta. Sew! soaps fcrpanicaUn. CJL CAJU.IO.S, 187 Waitu pom Smt,Uuu(0. Ii.. UARillAGE ! ". ft pntiu cuwoawior tO ttaf tmi-nrti ftrHs INN GUIDES.- rmc-t m itae Biyrneti aexnfti nroa, KJ sous, mVrM tcuvrnsa tn tt aud aiM tur4 ifeMjaKl rrJ ft-J .nscrx tt; of 1 fm ho to fx'tmr Our m.x. n4 tmpicxtrm. twi T trm MtjCr (euxie is Oe vorO. thtromm b V.L Ti4 lll'Mir Mf If aMHtrTWMi.TOrM Mil san T Of f-mf i'Wsra awfurM in It . m $250: JfOXTH Are.tf vnTet rverv- No. 649 Clay Street, BETWEEN Kearny and Montgomery fttrvala SAN FRANCISCO. DR. DOHkRTY'B Largely and Steadily la, crcaslnir Practice, which has constantly kept pact with the iinenmplei Increase and stesdy aruwth of I lie Pacini' Coast induced his removal from hi ! mux estalilli'hed and well-known quarters, on Ibe corner of Sscrumentn and trldesdord streets, la j inisei eitr, to more rommortloiissndellsiblv located apartments, at Ho, 84!) Clay Street, where he has a spscious suite ol hsiidimelv fitted up and conveniently arranged Examination and On-, Kultiiiion ItiHim (occupying Hi. whole ef tb' two upper storiea) which pstienU may at all times visit, and see only the Doctor and hisis Histinls. With the most urateful sentiments of reeard ( for tlie liberal patrnnsge bestowed on him for ts pat thirteen years, at his old office, j DR. D0HEUTY : desires to inform the General Pnlilio, and especi ally an inoxe ninonng under all lorms or Lhrni Cnmpliiints, that he can be consulted at 849 Clay afreet, on every variety of Disease ol the l.niiUH, Liver. Kidneys, Digestive and Genito urinary Organs, and all ,-SPECUb DISEASES, of which the lit is niimenms, and which are mere closely connected with the general heallk than the mnj iri of iiennle are aware. Uuhanne I invalids for years persist in concealing their coa- 'imiin irom 11 motive oriiiinaung in mistaken del icsey.snd sutler in silence until their miseries be come too acute to be repressed, and mental an' i hisical deliilily unfits the suflerer for active duiieof life. Tliixlatterlvpe of Hffliclion manifests iiselt in tlie complaint prolesRionally known a Syphilis, in all its forms' and stages; Seminal Weakness, and nil the distressing forms of Self. Aliuse, or Onnim ; Gnnoirhoa,(ileet, Stricture; Nocturnal rnd Diurnal Kniissioiis, 8exn-il Debili ty. IMse.isesofthe Rack and l oirs, Inflammation of the Itladder and Kidneys, ete.., etc. The nnm lier of persous suH'ering front these horrible is eases.in whom the Doctor has effected a radical cure, nin be counted h.v the thousand.and Ihe vol nntaty certificates in hl possession, received froa lierwiiw he has rextoredto health.are enough to sit ify oil thatthe Doctor's skill in the treatment of iliere afiections, enables hira to warrant speedy cures, even In ol.siiimte cases, and in every uistuice give relief. Diseases which formerly ii filed tlie meilii al skill o' the most learn ed and experienced Pruetitioners of the heal ing art, and were retarded hy the majority ef I'liysiciuna as utterly incurable, now readily yield . 10 modern remeJiea, when prescribed by the intel ligent Pi uctil inner, alio makes the human sy tern, and these special ailments, his constant study and subject of observation. In no case is publicity permitted except at the express wieh of the patent; and the Doctor con lUcntly trusts that bis lung experience and 10c-i-essfiil practice will continue 10 insure him a lib eral share or nuhll: pntrnnape. By the practice of many ye: ri in Europe and the United States, lie Is eiiab ed to apply the most succeseful reme dies against diseases of all kinds. He cures .without mercuty. charge, moderate . Tees, treats his patient in a correct and honor, iblewiiy.and has icferencea of unquestionable veracity, from men of kuowil respectability and high Mandiiig in society. All parties whomsy e.msiiH him by letter or otherwise, will receive the nest aud gentlest treatment. TO FEMALES. V hen a female is afflicted with disease, weak ness ol the back and limits, pain in the head. dim ness of sittht, loss of muscular power, palpitatioa I the heart, liritabilily, nervousness, derangs 'tieiil of digestive functions, general debility, all hseases ol the wo.mli. hysteria, sterility, and all tuer diseases peculiar to females, she should ge .r write at once to Dr. W. K. DOHEKTV.alhia Medical Instiiute.and she will receiveTorr Pi ible relief and help. Ut no false delicacy prevent yon, but apply ! niedutcly.and save y.mrseif from painful fjuftar nig aud premature death. TO COnRESPONDE3fT3 Patier.ts (mule or feniaie) residing in invpart f the country however distant, who may desire ibe opiniiuiand sdvieeol Dr. Doherty in their re liective cases, and who th nk proper to subm.l iilten statement of audi, in prelerenrt to hold- 11 r a peisonal iuterviow. a-e respectlully assured ihat their commnnicatii ns will be held most se en d. The Doctor is a regular graduate, and may ka cm ulted with every confidence. Il tliedixeav be fully and candidly described. irsonal cominunication will, in most cases, be -ibmresury. as instructions for diet, reirimen and ihe general treatment of the rase itself (including me remedies), will he lorwaided without delay, md in sui ham inner as lo coney nn idea of the itirport of the letter or parcel so transmitted. Siiisild )onr condition nqnire immediate stten (lon.seinl ten dollar, in coin, (or that s!ne in iirrencj) br Wail, or Wells. Fargo & Co.'sEx reas.anda package or medicines will be for warded to your addrcsa, with the necessary in . tractions lur use. foi.mliations. at tl.e ofnoe or by letter FREE. Address W. K. DOUEHrif.M. D., Sao FranciKO, C'ul. OPINION'S "oF TflE PRESS. PR P0HKRTV Is a skillful phy-'cian and boo, table gentleman. Any statement be makes o ns patients he is sure to fulfill. Tht fact is on ,'ift -ai;-e of hit eminent nieces, in his profee-. ( n. ll it r..rtunste thatinvng the marysdrer-i-itig physician, there is out that can be depend-. 011. lleview. "DK. DOHERTT'8 reputation a) physician. iasiiuinei.tguir-iitee lor ti e cute efany case :ie undertakes." Caiaveras Chronicle. "PR. DOHERTY ha devoted his study artirularfy to chronic. speciBc and private wore. imrate Drae- irr. and as stit h is now the m.tst niet-Mlul of an physician in San rranci.t."'Fre. pres., DR. DOIERTY'8 reputation is second to no titer physician on the coast, in chronic and spe cific practire." IJirror. DR DOIIERTTFew men I. the medical pmtetwion hav mcereded in f aininr the ro.6 dence f the public in their skill and judgment as he haa." Inquirer. ''PR DOHKRTYranksssoneofeorBJo.tl'is tinguished physicians, and also ii: Ife tvmt orrttil, which I- now the criteria. . shkttbe medical practitioner is judged-' Echo. DR. D(HKflTTepj-ys a more extensive prac tice tban any physician in this State." fcxprem. P. S. The Doctor will send hi. ptmpbleton Special Dfessea. to any .ddre. oa receipt of six rents in p.tage stamp, for return postage. THE S test aal Mott BIIM Vofnrma. atoot to- KUtCK BILlJt, tbeta WisjtuF and the rtvat lntiua W&r will Im tnmmd la PI I PI fH.le.t, UrtM,tb lEIOKII. fa.WTo..r tuieht im TKilv. na 4,U: III! I A Blh-i0ayer. M-kly. ImU l- tna. tl Itr. I vor.lv lnWeuml ILLu I leceatau H.OLAI-CKE.