rtaieaand death, will U irw thirC ObitoryioMwmbeliiKii6rttlirUof sots per line. We assume no responsibility for Tiews npreased py camauiiuuiw Higgle eople. of the Gcmo, In wrappers for ""'I- Bg, mmj Houwiaw uuf OOOI, CITY AND COUNTY. Willamette Freight. In oar advertising columns will be seen the table 61 freight tariffs adopted by the Wil- Lunette Transportation and Locks Company; Persons interested will examine the table for themselves. Boats will be run to Eugene af ter harrest whenever the stage of water will permit The following preamble and resolu tion was adopted by the Board of Directors recently held: Whereas, The Willamette Transportation and Locks Company are the owners of the locks and canal at Oregon City, and a large nuwuer oi aieamooaia aua oiner property up- on iau nuiauioii nver inciuenuu to the (transportation business. And Whibeas, The managers of the said Wil lamette Transportation and Locks Company -are fully convinced that the true interests of this company are identical with the producers iand shippers of the Willamette Valley, and wai iney snouia mutually co-operate to de- reiop tne resources ot tne state. And Whereas, Said company bavins alreadv 114110 laciuues tor transporting me products w wis iiuuuuette vaiiey at ail times, iwiin cilities if reouired). and believing that the irj iuui vu ureaie auuitionai ia- producers, and the public generally, are en- titled to an assurance on our part that freight 'on grain and flour shipped by said W. T. & iUi boats shall not exceed certain fixed rates ; therefore be it iMTBoivea. 1 n&i ior tne oenoa oi one vear irom tne 1st 01 May, 1877. ireigM on grain m . . . t .... . "u uuur "MAW. or lilttU IUB lUUOWinil rates, via. : Here follows the table of rates, to be seen in our advertising columns. To the above was added a resolution that grain and flour shipped through to Astoria will be charged a ton additional ; also, that S. G. Reed, Vice President of the Company, be authorized, if parties desire it, to enter in to contract with them for any specified time ' not exceeding five years. The object of this last provision seems to assure a continuance of moderate rates of freight for a long and definite period to such as want to avail them selves of the opportunity. About an Engine. Since the alarm of fire on Tuesday, the matter of procuring a fire engine has been discussed among our cit izens, and it is generally considered that an engine is an absolute necessity. Whatever our citizens conclude to do in this matter otigbt to be done before the next meeting of the coutfeft, which will take place one week from next Monday. We do not think any one will attempt to argue that the town does not really need an engine ; every town of this size needs one. Perhaps as good a method as ny of getting this matter into shape would be for the citizens of the town to meet and discuss the matter. A meeting can be called . which will show the feeling of tax-papers on very short notice, and with inch expression as will be brcnght out the council can better act on the matter, which they must do before the next tax levy is made. Speaking asone who has no one interest in the matter, except the good of the people, we do not hesitate to say that we believe an engine should be procured t once. Leaving. Dr. C. D. Thomas left for his Lome in New York State, via the overland route, on Tuesday. Dr. 6. C. Harris has removed with his family to Junction City. Dr. Alverson left on Wednesday for Seattle, where he will hereafter reside, Dr. G. A. Miller and wife will leave for Astoria next Monday. Mr. Skaggs will leave sometime next week for Seattle, taking his stock of books and stationery with him. Mr. H. W. Slocum ia fixing to cross the mountains. He will go to the Palouse country, and will be accompanied by Mr. and "Mrs. John Killings worth, who will return in the folL "Messrs. Odell and Jackson, ire preparing to go to Sa lem to enter upon their new journalistic en terprise. TwMcKenzie Route. Mr. Wykoff.who earries the mail from this place to Camp Polk, over the McKenzie route, informed ns last Saturday that there was snow on the summit for a distance of six miles only, and that the greatest depth was only two feet and a half. Mr. Perkins-' party, which left here on Mon day morning; reached Prineville the next Monday, On Friday of last week a band of cattle ntrrnbering 450 head, 60 head of horses and six wagons started' across the snow. It is not probable the' anoW from this time on w-ill be any hindrance on that route. Losing Trade. The Standard says: "We bear from the Seattle Tribune that $2,000 worth of fine wood work, designed for the State University at Eugene, is being done in Seattle. We confess we fail to see the neces sity of sending orders that distance away from home, when the work can be better ex ecuted in Portland in- consequence of our greater facilities, and we feel assured it can be done as cheaply. Oar manufacturers shoal j investigate this matter and discover Where lies the blame." The contract for fin ishing the University building was awarded tb Messrs. Douglas and Van Alstein, the former of whom Uvea at Seattle. A' "Squaw Mas." -Joaquin Miller, says the Idaho Avalanche, ha lived among the In dians ; ia fact be was a "squaw man," and so far from concealing the fact, has boasted of it Be lived with aa Indian woman as his wife, had children, and was proud of the associa tion. Moreover, he has the "barbaric yawp," which shows him to be a genuine frontier Suobtt Blaze. What might have been M Tery disastroas fire was nipped in the bod oa Taesday by iU timely discovery. The roof of the bailding eccapied by Mr. Espey's carnage maker eaug it from a spark from tbe blacksmithahop ad joining, and had got to be i J t v. .v. coneideraUeofafire before tbe alarm givea. Oasoo Presmteet. This body opened a I ia Bosebars; on Thanday. n r. Koseberg oa Thersday. lv- at thia nlaa. delivered the openinff B. Gary E - Vlv J0,P" 8'. M old resident w of thia county, died at Halser on Friday night of last week in the 73d year of hii age. Mr. Ogle had been in poor health fur several months, ami loft here about four weeks ago intending to travel about and try to regain his failing strength. The remains were buried atHalsey, Goxi Wagner, who a few weeks since opened a small stock of dry goods in Mrs. I Renfrew brick, packed them on Sunday and left on Monday morning last Cogens is not I good opening for new stocks of goods at present State Grange. The following Me the delegates from this county to the Suite urange, which meets at Salem on the 22d inst : J. C. Jennings and wife, John Whit- eaker, and A. K. Patterson and wife. Returned. A young man who left home a couple of weeks since to the great distress of his parents, was arrested in Portland and locked up to await the arrival of his mother. She went down and saw him safely home a few days ago. Dissolution. Messrs. Callison and 0a- burn, grocers, have dissolved partnership. Rufus will continue the business at the old .i.u At mi n. r- n tT.i. v.. I . .... I "e1" Ken cnargeot nis Deer saloon, and wiU op60 Ml baft I Brief mention. The Alleehanians are on the Sound, head- inc tins wav. I 0 Wheat was sold at San Francisco last Sat nrilnir at 13 1.1 nnr nntjil Trout flailing is in order. Cet vour nose weatherboarded before you start The sun is getting red hot Peak's family of bell-ringers have arrived in Portland from San Francisco, and will probably visit this place. The next Annual State Teachers' Institute will be held in the Senate Chamber, in the State Capitol, commencing August 21, 1877. The 0. S. S. Co., it is said, expect from their present information, an average of 1200 immigrants per month, over their route dur ing the Summer season. , New York Tribune: There is no mistaking the willingness of the Democracy to act as spectators if the Republicans choose to get up a big bear tight among themselves. The Coos Bay News of the 25th ult has this: Capt Lanfore, who went to the Shu- law about ten days ago to take a look at the country with a view to its advantages for the establishment of a fishery, returned last Mon day. While there he sounded the bar and found nine feet of water at low title, be re ports considerable good fanning land on the river. For choice wines for family or medicinal use call on Jos. McClaren. A brand of Mus catel is particularly recommended. Also Hennessey and Mortell Cognac brandies. ' Retail Produce and Provlalou Market. The following se retailers' prices : FLOUR. t bbL $6. CORN MEAL Oregon ground, in bulk, 4c OATS-0 bushel, 50. BEANS 1 lb, 6c. POTATOES-60 a BUTTER-Fresh rolls, 25c: ' ' . , COFFEE-Rio, 29; Java, 33Ja CHEESE-Oregon, 20c. CANDLES y box, I4 50.- EGGS-15c. BACON Sides, 14c; hams, 15cj shoulders, 12Jo. LARD In tins, 15c; bulk, 12J, CHICKENS-J&2 503 00 V dozen. FISH-Salmou, hf bbls, $; 501b kits, $1 00; Mackerel, per kit, $4; Codfish, 9 ft, 1215c. SUGAR S. F. R, 10Se; Island, 1015c; crushed, 18c; powdered, 20c. SALT-Carman Island, V 100 lbs, 51 25; Bay, $125; Liverpool Dairy, $2 50; do coarse, TEA-Green, $1 25; Japan, 75c f ft. SYRUP-Heavy Golden, keg, $5. OILS-Kerosene, tl V gallon. The ONLY agency In E lgene for Dr. WAR NER'S HEALTH CORSET, at the Bazaar, corner Willamette and Seventh Streets. apzi am- We sell 8. H. Kennedy's Hemlock Sheep Dip. the best and cheapest Dip known, and will send vaJutble book to sheep owners on applica tion. J. M'CKACKEN ft CO. Jr'ortland, Uregon. J. A. Winter is still alive and engaged in the photographic business. Pictures enlarged to any size, and retouched in india ink or painted in water colors. The undersigned has 31 acres of land lying just across the river at the bridge Eugene City which will be sold cheap. Apply to J. W. SKAGGS, Eugene City, Oregon. Notice. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to me are renuemea to cu ana kiuo u" ;j as I Intend to settle up all my business within the next month. This April 12th, 1877. Robinson ft Church at the Hardware Store keep the largest and best selected stock of wall paper and border in Eugene City, comprising itf part, Brown, Blanks, Satin, GUt and Emboss ed paper, which they purchase direct irom tne Eastern factories and will sell a cheap as the cheapest All paper trimmed free of charge. FOR SALEL IST CMiXC'E. A No. 2 Standard CABINET ORGAN Cost 1200 can be bought for a little over half its u'u nwived from the factory, new, in February. Apply at this office. ' FOB SALE. A comfortable house of four rooms. Newly nattered and ia good condition. Bearing grape Tinea, cherry and plum tree. THIS OFFICE. RtaiesBfcrr TM nf vear for Pneumonia, Lang p-.'.-. r-.nn.rk. Cnl.k. and fatal remits of pre- 1 ' . . . r ,iil nt)ir tfimal iji,.. B.wrnrx's Grsui Sm r ha, bn used in this 1'hborhood fr the pat ' two or thrve yar without a rmi'le failure to I Z If , biv. not o-e 1 this mdHne jmn- to to tout DnrgUt oi ek fcim of its woodf-rf'il soecess anwnsr his owtriT. Thrm dove will relieve the wont ea-e. If yoo nave ' ..IUn liMt buv a rumple gi. en's G r-A Starr for 10 . . u hnttlc 75 oenta. Don't i WJ M ? . . u j arjl-rt a Cough to mr, 75 eeota. Carding and Spinning, busineschance:. THE YARN MILL OP THIS CITY lately run under the name of Irvin? A Co. will in future be run under the name of William bkelton. Aiaving rebuilt and enlaived the mill I will now be able to supply all order entnist- ed to nir care, SKELTON Jiugene, April 16, 1877. ASTOR HOUSE, EUGENE CITY, : : OIIEGON X. S. Dl'DOIg, Proprietor Formerly of St. Charles Hotel, Albany. millS HOUSE WILL HEREAFTER BE J. conducted a a FIRST CLASS HOTEL POH UESKUiL JlaEHCIIANDlSB (io T.C. HENDRIQKS, GEO. J. BUI S, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER KUOENR CITT. OREOON. ' TRY IT t THE T.O. nEXMUCKS BRAND A ofSOAl. For sale only br T.O. HENDRICKS. ELLSWORTH & CO., DR UGGI STS, "WrlLL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS in 1 f all its branches at the old stand, onenng increased inducements to customers, old and new. As heretofore, the most Careful attention given to Prescriptions. Baled Hay, . Baled Straw - and Wood T710R SALE IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT JL by S. H. CHRISTIAN, At the fostnltice. Lis H m 5 r.s W g ell H3& ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has beena ppointed by the County Court of Lane county, Oregon, administrator with the will an nexed of the estate of Wm. Moore, deceased, and all persons having claims against .said es tate are reoired to present them, with the proper vouchers, to me at niy office in Eugene City, county aforesaid, within six months from the date hereof, Hated this 4th flay ot April, 1877: GEO. M COOrER, Administrator. THE BEST NIIOES EVEH BROUUIir 10 to thia market, at the lowest price St, T. (1. II r N ImH'KSv. University Subscriptions. All subscriptions to the State University are no v over di'e. Tlie projwrty has been accepted by and tin red over to the State, and 1 am in- stf.ioted y the projicr autliontios to proceed and c 'Meet all sums at once. GEO. B. DOIIKIN, Altorncy-at-Law. A IlKLLK H A;0.-I am the sole i agent for this celebrated waijon. T. G. HENDRICKS. WOOL! WOOL!! Highest Market Price for Wool ! THOSE HAVING WOOL TO SELL will please call on the undersigned. Advances made on the same if desired. A. liULiUHMll U. Diolutlou. " -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Jji partnership heretofore existing between F, T. Singer and Smith Cleek, in the butchering business, at Junction City, Oregon, is thia day dissolved by mutual consent, and that F. T. Singer will continue the business at said place, wilfaftsume all liabilities of the aforesaid firm and collect all accounts due, and settle all the business of the said firm, ltoted this 13th day of April, 1877. FRAN K T. SINGER, U. S. ClaimsLands for Soldiers. LAND AND RICH MINES FOR SALE OK TKAJJJS. T COLLECT SCRIP, INDIAN VOUCH .rm TtnnntT. Kut Orleans, and other prize money now due, and Postoflice claims ; obtain pensions for omcers, soldiers, sauoro, wninum, injured or diseased and their widows and chil r'h .itl tn land and bind UICII )rimv ijv ( . ( warrants foe soldiers in all wars before .March 3d, 1855, and attend toall business at warning IuMit timlwr Luid. collem scrip and homesteads on lanns near rwusnu, vrcK", and elsewhere. Will sell cranberry land with natural vines growing on it rraine, tmmuw and timbered lands at prices lower than usual Rich placer gravel beds and quartz ledges for sale or trade. Also, will sell or rent a furnish ed HoteL or sell a steam sawmill reaiy lor bu siness. Apply to CM. CARTER, Office Third and Maih streets, . T 1 . t , 1 1 JaZO x oniaiHi, vrrn'""- Notice to Sportsmen. rrfHERE IS A, NEW GUN SHOP IS X Eiiitene City opposite the Lucky Livery Stable between Poindexter's shop and Ladder building. Look for the sign of the big red gun swung across the sidewalk, me i I. .lff An all limit nf renair work with neatnesa and durability; new spins made to order; small bor nflea fur muing grouse and squirrels always on hand, also saws ruined and filed and door looks repaired at hort notice. B. P. HENDRICKS. rUDntlfiQ ArwiU; best chaam of the mm; bnnwniweu 11 th mtw slid tMktat I'hnrfw Falls o the ilhiw. the Kmqanna, us ivmum i.iht rH fttkn BiwkK. Whit atonnUin, Hat ra F1U, Newport, Hrt-w, Vinr n Verta, lt. rire, Vnow Htnrm, Amsrkaa fruit. Pier at Calu, Paa mn rm the Uannla: also, bnllisnt fxllChromns, oa bUik or white mount, floral hoaiBMnirds.MS day -bool etnla, statuary, snottoeat blaik sroona panrla; also, framaa and wrrnU' iipplx 7 hntfm prim. Partlar fr Iilaatratire Cata. .nm nint nf UfflP. Bent fur S3 00 outat. J. LATHAM k CO.. Waahiort. at. ftaua, hewlqaarters far Forfifo sal American Chroma. Notice. AT THE MEETING OF'THE BOARD of Di-ectors of Lane County "Mercantile AaaxcUtioo held lhmxr 13, l7o, H was or dered that the capital stock nf said eorporatwn sulMcruwd prior to Uc 1. 1X76, lie anwiwed sad maie parable at onoe. Tbe stuck Ukra since that dat s ibjert to 50 per enit as u asm tit ; bukhdder. wUl pleas. rponH at O.eir e ! at eonvenieiirsv i- C. JENNINGS, : their earn- I C Secwtary. 11 lit i lid It 31 ii 4 S Wagons, Hacks, A large stock on hand and I will to Ill MRS WARRANTED N Repository and Shop-Corner Ninth rieoje call and sec for yoorselTes before placksmithingj Mood tfork to Robinson &. Church DEALERS IX SHEW HE.1YY HARDWARE 1IAVK TUB Besf Selected Stock In Oregon HAS JUST OPENED FOR THE The Largest . Stock of Goods EVER BROUHT OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING has bees lanrely Increased and we can show handsome a line of ready made goods In MENS AND BOYS' BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS As can be found In the country, and at priees mat cannot tun to satisiy. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is well filled with a splendid assortment of all leading styles and fashionable shades of goods. EMPRESS CLOTHS, MOHAIR, ami AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, Plaid, Plain and Opera Flannels of all colors. ileached b Unbleaohed Cotton Flan nels. Ladios' and Gents' Underwear, SHAWLS and SCARFS; . S. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. AVlNG OBTAINED THE AGENCY . of T. CUNNINGHAM 4 CO.'S Itne of Farm Machinery Which for cnmpfeteitess and good quality of machines is unequalled. I am prepared to furnish on the most favorable terms the following machines, to-wit: The Case Thresher, The oldest and most popular machine in Amer ica, its annual sales beini; over 1NOO. Please to call and examine it before purchasing any otlicr.- Also, Case's Wrought Iron Header, (Tiwulwell's patent) with new and valuable im provements. 1 nines' Inside Single Gear Header Johnson's Combined Reapers and Mowers, Wnv Alison Woods' Eagle Mowers, Bradley's Reapers and Mowers, ADAMS k FRENCH Conquerer Harvester, Twist & Bradley's Sulky Rake, Victor Self-Dump Rake, Monitor Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator. Farmers' Friend Grain Drill, This drill has many important Improvements over any other (hill now in market. Do not fall to examine iu Garden City Plows, Walking, 8ulkv and Gang. Try them and you will have no other; Also many other machine, too numerous to mention. All these machines are warranted. We have on hand and are con stantly receiving all kinds of Machinery. Call and examine lor yourselves. Also agent lor The Newton Vagon, The most durable, finest pahited aud lightest running Wagon rmde.- . JUMa IV.tLtAVfcB, N.E. corner Willamette and Seventh' Sta. i fel7 3ra4 Eugene City, Or. A. L. BANCROFTS. CO., 721 Market tftrcef, San Francisco, Cal. PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN all kinds of - j. BOOKS, STATIONERY, 8CHO0L FURNITURE k APPARATUS, PIANOS, ORGANS And other Musical Instruments, " SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC.. Acen( for the "OWEN" and "LIVE OAK" WRITING PAPERS. Blank Book Manufacturing A SPECIALTY. Ouriroodsaretobe'had of all the principal Beoluellen. jal3ttin ST. CHARLES HOTEL, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. MRS. A. RENFREW, : Prop Having again taken possession of the old and well known ST. CHARLES HOTEL., ttl.lrh baa been newlv furnished and refitted. is now open foe the rectition of guests. I have tiltven room, in in. FIRE PROOF BRICK BUILDING male imr.V) moms in alL It is the most comrao- dion and bmt appointed hou. in the State south of Halem. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. A, RMFHKW CENTRAL MARKET BOYD & REHSHAW, Proprietors. win KEEP COSSTANTLT OX HD, BEEF, VEAL, PORK AUD MUTrOJf Dnad lTwta of all kiwis. Tallow.ata. Will sU IM i. cfcaaks lro I to t srou. Buggies, Carriages. order of the Best Eastern Timber ibrooghout. EVERT KESrECT, at Fair Prices. and Oak Streets, Euoen Citt: porchnsinn elsewhere and Carriage Fainting done order i . . . W. W. ESPEY. IVE FOR sale ; the LOWEST Rates IKON, STEEL AXES. ANVILS NAILS, ROPE Cable Chains. lain eano i wKtt . CUTLERY, GUNS. PISTOLS. AMMUNITION, Aulvll II 1. 1 1 KAl-i IMPLEMENTS, .! ..... ' uiasting rowuiir. FishliiR Tackle. Etc. Etc We invite an exam ination of our goods, continent that our prices will suit the times. SPRING AND SUS1MER Tu mv TO EUGENE, WOOL BLANKETS, ALL COLORS. Trunks and Traveling Satchefs. HATS AND CATS in the leading styles. OIL CLOTHS for floor and table use. Boots and shoes. We would eall special attention to our stock of Mons' and Boys' Sun Francisco Boots, Which we have sold for a number f vnari with great satisfaction. Every pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE, TLOWS AND FARMING UTENSILS. CHOICE TEAS, CANNED GOODS, And all choice FAMILY GROCERIES at antonWily low rotes. LIVERPOOL & CARMEN ISLAND SALT. Highest price for all kinds of produce and v WOOL. IT. FItIi:iILY. OIROU-LAR or tiii STATE U DIVERSITY, EUGENE CITY, OR. Th beaattrul bull.llng prepare.! fur the BtaU Un- versity of Oregon being now ready fur Uwsooummv dstlon of students, tlie first session will oorumeao. on the 10th of October, iber will be two course, of study, tli. Preparatory anil Collegiate, and two terftit of twenty weeks each. Tb. law provides for the free tuition of on. stu dent from- each county and for neb member of th. Legislature. Students wishing to avail themselves of the benefits of this law should make application to'the county iirlnwri.l6nf ol the oounty In which they reside. All other students wishing to take th. collegiate course will b. required to pay a tuition fe. of 30 per term In adrunos. All candidate, fur admission to this department will be required to pas. an examination In th. following BTUDIESl Wling, Writing, Oitlii)gmpliyr Practical Arith metic, English Urammsr, Urography, History ol th. United Rtates, ttin Grammar, Reader and i Book. of Cinaar, Greek Uramrdar and Reader but fur th. present th. examlnat'on in- th. mrnrims;na may b. omitted. Th. curilculeum of study in th. ' COIXEIJIATE COURSE Wilt eomprise, 1st, tlx usual college course, " Id , a complete course in Bclcnoe: M,' a Normal course planned with spechl reference to the notUm(h- All students In this department w.ll Iwranulred to nay a fve of II 60 tier term In ailranc fur juuidnif. tal expenses. All students In tb.' PREPARATORY DKPARTMEUT Will be required to pay a tuition of 111 In advance. 1 tils department will glv. students th. neeoaaarv training In the studira required fur adwitanc. into Die Collegiate department. THE FACULTV Will consist of Prof. J. W. Johnson, President, and Pitifesaors Thomaa Condon and Mark llailey. lh. tearhers In the prrmraUjry dejiartiiient ate Mrs. Ma ry c. npiuer, 1'rincipul, ami Mary e. tMtune, Mia. AssisUut. JDIIN W. JOHNSON, Frealdentof University anl raculty. J. J. WALTON, Bec'y lloard of DliecUirs. Eugene City Ifrcwcry. MATJ1IAS MULM:i, Pro'p. Hi now prepared to fill .11 order, for LAGER BEER OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY. Coma mad w fur ruine1f. A cood article ftetds Thorouhbred A'LSO Bronze Turkeys, O K Pekin Ducks 2nd' Emden Geese. TOOBGLCDBBED JOtTUDOUl SHEEP. TRICE LIST NOW READV. AUo, a rampmei on ine car. oi rwi,-navcuui. (oedinif, disease and their cure, eta, alated eswcial!y to th. t'acincUst; prio 1U cetiU. Adilres., encluaiug stamp, .vi. i:vrti' NAPA. CAL. Please state where yorjssw this advertisement. HARDWARE, IP.OH and STEEL Hubs, tiioLcs, Hlms Oak, Ash and Hickory TlanK. ROBTHBCP tiio.ti rtot, , fOstTLAND, ...... OBEOON. JAS A. STERLING, , Dranesville, Douglas County, Oregon.' , Defderln General Merchandise; NOTARY PUBLIC. Full line of LeptI planks on hand. . Manager of , ... STERLING'S EXPRESS; TO COOS COUNTY. All business promptly attended to. A New Deal. R. G."RAHAM, MERCHANT TAILOR TTAS JUST RECEIVED from the East Ail! has ne Lline of fine and fashionable cloths, such I ha. never before I i been brought to Eugene, eon- sisting of sistinir of . Paul, tiood,' Coalings, Id all Grade., anal Pine Ve.tlngs, CALL AND SEE MY STOCK. R. O. CltAIIAlK. SELLING AT COSTI FOR SIXTY DAYS! Manufacturer and Dealer In Lead, Hack and Wheel XX .A. XL TST 3E3 S ? - Warranted California Leather. SADDLES OF ALL KINDS, BRIDLES, HALTERS, SURCINGLES. HORSE COVERS LASH and ilUUUY WHIPS, COM US and HRUSHES, . HARNESS DRESSING,' ETC., ETC Thankful for past favors I would respectfully solioit a continuance of the same.' Important I Persons knowing tlicniteKes indebted to me either by rtote of account, are requested to make settlement by Jan. 1, 1877, or payment must be enforced. WM, PRESTON. . . FOU THE SPRING Jt SUMMER TRADE! WP. HKO to Iffform .ur Heads and th. paMi. that w. har. Just received dirsot from bla rraaciscoand th. Eastern markets AN IMMENSE STOCK or groceries hardware, DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS NOTIONS. CLOTHING, FUIWIS11WG GOODS, HATS AND CATC, 4 BOOTS AND SHOES, Clocks, Faints, Oils, Etc, Selected hr our MR. 8. ROSENBLATT, which w. oner at ItlCDUCKD PRICES. Parties will find it to their ad'vaiitaga to eall and examine our stock and prices befoia pur chasing elsewhere. Highest price paid for til k ndi of Product 8. ROSENBLATT & CO. . ST. NICHOLAS, "Tin king of all puhlkationt iiiunl for thi young on tilhertuli of tin Atlantic."- Bonth amtoo (England) Observer. s i The third volume of this inenmparablo Miwrailn. is now eompleteil. With it SUO royal oetaro paea, and sis hundred illustrations, 1U splendid serials, 1U shorter stories, poems, and sketches, ete.. St.., la Ita Ixaiitlful biailinir of red etlA rold. It u tlie most splendid Kilt hook fin boys and irlrls ever iisued from th. press, l'rios, II; iq lull gilt, 13. ST. NICHOLAS FOR 1877. Ihirh onens with Novemlier. 17. begins a short and very sntortainlnir serial from th. French, "Xh Kinrdomotth. Unwly," A story adapted to tit. ThankaKivins; season. Another serial of absorbing interest to boys, "DIB OWN MASTER" pt 1. 1. TaoWsuiDor. author of rfe"Jaok Rnsard Htorles," frf theChri.t. mas Ilolidaf Pittntttr. Ileaiile. serial stories, Christmas storiea,llvely sketches, poems and picture, for the holidays, and Some satuaiahins; illuatration. of Oriental spirta. with drawtnffs by hiameae artists, TIIR I'MltlHTMAH HOUIIAY NUMBER (Jt ST. NICHOLAS, lupsrbly illustrated, sontains a vary intersatiuc paper. "THE BOYS OK MY CniLDuOOD," ay WILUSM CVLLtM STT. Do not Fail to But St. Nicholas for tlie Christinas Jloliduvi. Tries, 23 tents. Ihlrlns the roar there will be interesting papers fur boys, by W :11am Cnllen llryant. Jobs O. Whittwr, Thomas nutrl.es. niiiiam iiuwiti, it. noiianu, Oiorre Mscl)nald, Han ford B. Hunt, frank B. Ht.irktont and others. '1'her. will be stories, sketches and poems of special intereat to irls, by Harriet Preacolt Hpumird, 8o- aanlili'lire.Warah Winter Kelliarg, Elisabeth Rtu, art Hiel. Uiuim Aloott, Lncretia V. Male, tlia Thaller, Mary Have. JAahrs. sad many .ttwrs. Then will U alao "TWEnVB SKY PICTUBE3, 1 raor. rsocroa, th. Artromer, with maps, showing "Th. Star, of Kaca Month," will bs likely to suriau. la Interest ny series In popular srieoos noently given to tb. public. AMLrr.Mr.i n n u iinisvi;iiui, wna FUN AND FHOl.IC, and WIT AND WIHDOM. will b. Diimrleil as heretofore, and Sr. Nicholas will eontinus to delight th. young aad give pleaanr. to the old. OOOO NEWS rOB B0Y8 AND GIRLS. To meet th. demand for a cheaper Sr. Nrmm.is Olft-IViok, the price of vols. I sixl II ha been re. duned to tJ earn. The three volumea, fa aa elrirant liln-ary eaa, are sold for lie ia full .gilt, IUI, eo tlial all ssay gire their children a sumplet. art. Tiieas V(dumeaointaiomoreattra-tive material than fifty doHara' worth of ordinary children1, books. Hoham-ipthm price. S.Y a vear. Tb. three bound vol arnee aad a aulasrritioB for this year only $11 dab enls with the sweet aewvlealer, or send money la check, or P. O. Money order, or in registered letter. to ex sisssa a u., iu orwiway, n. I. A Fit EE 1XKE. . t,nl,lti. u.k.n.. throat and lung aiseaaea. Also a sure relief ana permanent core for general debility, dysprpeia and all nervous anectiona, by a simple vegetatd. medichi. which cured a renrnuile miMUnnary I'hvsician'wtio was titg a miitent of Hyria and th. East, and who has freely given this valua ble tpecifio to thousands ot kindred sufferers with tlie greatest pnenilil. benefit, and now b. feels h his sacred christian duty to impart to others this wonderful invinratuig remedy, and will send FREE the oriniud receipt complete, with full directions, to any person enclosing stamp for tvi.1t. Dlt. CLARK A ROBP.IX, UaKU.IT liLCH.1, Sraari Kr, JT. Y. P. ). Hot. 78. AGRICULTIR.VL IMPLEMENTS o' all kinds at ioeiile 6irrr by T . H KM'PirKS. OSEBITRG AN'D HAN JI aN LIME- fursalaby T. U. HL.Mi.IClwS. .