The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 28, 1877, Image 1

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WHOLE NO. 495.
$2.50 per year IN ADVANCE.
Jibe (Sugcof (City- Guar!
CEO. J. BUYS so p,
tdvartiaemsnt inserted u fallow! :
hi qusre, 10 lint or lew, on. insertion 13; each
-abjequent laaertloa $1. Ch required in adranc
Time advertiser will be charge at the following
rate.: . (
One iqure three month. 6 00
' lii month I OU
u " one rear " 00
J Truuient notice in local ootumn, 20 cent per line
tor each inMitien.
t Adrertiiinir bill, will be nadered quarterly.
- All lob wor "nut be rsre roa o dkuvibt.
; i rdsrrt vice. -
Office near -Tram a. a. to J p. m. BunJayi
Vrtm J:J to :.,
Hail irrira from theaarth and lee Tea oinB north
10 a. m. Anfve. from the north and leave g-uinii
fccith at 113 . a. for flinwlaw. Franklin and Ixinif
T im, cIom at I oa Welnea lay. For Crawford.
Vile, Camp Creek aal Brewn.Tille nt I p.m.
Letter, will be realT for delivery half an hour after
.rival of train. Letter, ahould be left at the office
cue hear before mail, depart.
A. a. PaTTEBSON, P. M.
ttiriumi TJo 11. A. F. and A. M.
Meet flra and third W.lnedaya in each
- ajv4?fc Srttrra Bdtti T.odoi Ko. 9 I. O.
Vs - F- MeeUer,T Tueaday evening.
ir;.t'-f EsoAHriiKMT No. 6,
thetiU on the Id an 1 4th Wednesday in each month.
. Xi liaery Store,
has opened
S$ij Dci.tnl Rooms per-
manently in the
t-. Underwood jiricK
Eugene City, and respectfully solicits a Bliareof
the public patronage. Refers by permission to
J. K. CardweU, Portland.
'Office on Ninth Street, opposite the St.
"Charle. Hotel, and at Itealdence,
tice of Medicine, offer their professional
services to the citizens of Eugene City anil the
laurrounding country. Special attention jrfven
INE DISEASES entrusted to their care. Bills
due when the service Is rendered.
Offices on Ninth street and at the resilience
of Dr. Nicklin on Willamette street, between
-Ninth and Tenth street. e2
idence when not professionally engaged.
Uffice at tue
Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby
terian Church.
Chas. M. Horn.
r.J tn.ifo(ala Kpnnirinff done in
the neatest style and Warranted,
k Sewing AlacDines, oares, l.ock,
etc.. repaired.
Guns loaned and ammunition furnished.
Chop on Ninth street, opoite Star Bakery.
Purchasing ' Agent,
- , M7
n HI (r-
Clocks, Watcnes, Chains, Jewelry, etc.
Kepniring rrompuy r.xeeuieo.
C3TAllWark Warranted.
Willa-iette k Eighth St.. Eugene City
' Bonk and Stationery Store.-
City. I have on hand and am constantly
-receiving an assortment of the Best School and
- .i u u. v!(.t;or ItUnlr Hooks.
nucenaneo'w n 11
And in fact everjthiag nniaUy kept in a r-t;
;cla Grocery Store or Bakery, at BED-RIM K
PRICES for ca.h or ready pay. Satisfaction
'wUdeUrered to any- part of the city free
jof charge. '
-rTraf. do work cheapeb iu r
-With aUrU. n ro.nO. Wtia oM
C Ceala.
All warraal4 te lrs Mllalaelf
Eliop oq Eighth iti opposi'e Pam
plircy'a Stable. .
The Naturalists' Agency
Minerals, Shells, Birds, &c
been established at 3725 Lancaster Ave
nue, Philadelphia, for the purpose of giving
collectors of objects of natural History
an opportunity of buying, selling or exchang
ing their duplicates or collections. I lease state
where you saw this advertisement'
Specimen sent to any part of th. World by
mail A monthly bulletin of 8 patre. sent free.
Mr Minera logical CATALOGUE and table of
snecies. bv which most minerals mav be ldentl
Bed, illustrated by over IVHX) worth of Engrav
ings, is now ready for distribution. It is an
excellent check list containing in the price list
every species and all the more common varie
ties arranged alphatetically and preceded by
the specie, number. The species number indi
cates the place of any mineral in the - table of
species, after it wiU be found the species name,
composition, streak or lustre, cleavage or frac
ture, hardness, sn. gr. fusability and crystaliza
tion. Free to all customers. To others on re
ceipt of ten cents for postage, ko.
The large increase of my business has com
pelled me to rent the store No. 37:7. and use it
entirely for Birds, Mammals, Shells, Plants,
Books, Fossils, Mound Builders' Relics and all
objects of Natural History except Minerals.
I nave secured the services of one of the best
taxidermists in the country, a gentleman who
who was employed. by the Smithsonian Institu
tion in South America for three years. I have
a very large stock of Western and Southern
birds on hand. Also, Heads and Antlers for
Museums, Dining-Rooms, Halls and Libraries.
I have now over 38 tons, and nearly 435,000
worth of Minerals on hand. I have sold over
$17,000 worth since the 17th day of January,
when the first box was put into my establish
ment November 13th, my cash sales were over
Ol KAfl 1 1. -' - ' . ol OIA
?i,uw .uu vwm roueiiui over ci,w.
I have the best specjraens ever seen of Ama
zon Stone, Ruby Silver, Samarskite, 4methyst
Brookite, Columbate of Yttria, Zonoohlorite
Chilenite, Chalcedony, Rutile in Quartz, Hy
drotitanite, Itacolumite, Ni'Tm, Green Wavel
lite colored by Vanad;umi Peganlte, Smoky
Quarts, Rock Grjl, perofBkite, Sclirolomite.
Aegente, Fsitl.par, (pink, red, gray, brywnand
(freen), iimbolite, Mclanite, Osarkite, and Chlo
rwtrtfllte, Collections of Minerals
For Students, Amateurs, Professors, Physi
cians and other Professional Men.
These collections illustrate all the principal
species and all grand subdivisions in Dana ami
other works on Mineralogy j Every Crystalline
system ; all the principal Ores and every known
element The collections are labelled with a
printed label that can only be removed by soak
ing. The labels give Dana's species, number,
the name, locality, and in most cases the com
position of the mineral.
All collections accompanied by my Illustrated
Catalogue and table of species.
100 Crystals and Fragments for Ptudy 81
100 Sjwcimens, Student's Size, Larger fi
100 Specimens, larger, Amateur's size 2J 1 J
inches 1U
Collections of Gems. Ores. Earthy minerals,
Minerals used in anv Arts or Airriculture. on
hand or put up to Order.
We sell Mmerals by weight, forth. Chemist
and blowpipe use, at very low prices, as Samar
skite 2bc per 1U, lirookite rure urvrou z.w.
per lb., Rutile pure 23a per lb., Wavellite
25c. per lb., Blende 10c. per lb., Lepidolite 20c,
per lb.
I desire especially to call attention to my re
markably fine specimen of Amazon Stons, of
which I have or have had nine-tenths of all the
specimens ever found. I have made six trips to
the locality, and think I may safely say no
more will 'be found. Good crystals from 15
cents to $1 each.
I have Just purchased the best of the Ruby
Silver exhibited at th. Centennial by the Chil
ian government Thse are the only specimens
weighing less than three lbs. that ever brought
anything like $1,01)0 each.
My TITANIUM MINERALS are me nnest ever
known. Besides th. Hydrated Tetanic Acid,
Hydmtitanite, a mineral recently analyzed by
Dr. Kojiiig, of Pennsylvania University, I
have also remarkably weU crystulized Perof.
skites, Brookites of enormous size, Rntiles gtu
iculated till they form a circle, Sehorlsmite,
Warwickite, to.
I have the mostbeautiful green WAVELLITE
and Peganite ever known, colored by Vanadic
I am selling Amfthyht at far lower price
than it was ever sold at before. Over $2,500
worth sold since the 10th of July.
I have just bought the famous Chilton Col
lection of Minerals and Shells, which have been
on exhibition at Tiffany', for the past two
years. The original price asked was $3,000.
It contained a number of uneoualed things,
among them a Rutile in Quartz, for which Mr.
Clinton was offered $350 gold. A twin crystal
of clear calcite containing J pint of water,
weighing over 10 lbs. ' The only perfect spiny
murex in the country.
My collection of plant is very ne. compns
ing many that are rare, from the far North and
West I haye just secured the Northern and
Middle States (including Va.) collections of A.
H. Curtis, who will no longer deal in them.
I have several hundred volume, of rare old
works on Mineralogy, Chemistry and th
natural science. Among them are many
the most interesting of the Mate and uovem
ment Report. ,
A. E. FOOTE, M. P.,
Prof, of Chemistry and Mineralogy,
3725 Lancaster Avenue,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelrj'
1 X th. public for
their past liberal
tiatronmre. we now
nvite them to call
f n us at our room
?n Underwood
i C o.' new linck.
f where may be found
a full assortment of
goods in the aoove line.
Watche. Clock and Jewelry Repaired in th.
bert manner, AND WARRANTED.
I; entirely new instrument; cost 4200. A bar
gain offered. Apply to
A Larre Stock of
HiA'-t mark-t price rM for all kinds of
Of fT. f 1 j.1 h T
An Organ that Is Not an Organ Enthu
siasm over Gov. Hampton Chamber
lain Danger to the Republican Party
Blaine, of Maine, again etc., etc.
Washington, D. C, April 9, 187.
The bright and balmy effulK5nce of organ
ship no longer shines upon the National Re
publican. It is now a traveler, fuint sod es
tray. With the oat-going of Grant even ths
administratioa kitchen refuses to bare its in
tentions iodic ted in advance through (bat
paper. Perhaps the bad graiuirnr of his
1'rivate Secretary is all that the new Presi
dent wishes to be responsible for, and cer
tainly, la that respect, the Republican has ul
ways been a sore upon the body of our liter'
uture. From its early days nndor Peck, of
Maine, to the present time, do scholar bos
been con nested with it. Much is said now
of establishing a daily paper, but the sdver
tiding patronage is ao small that I doubt if
any man could afford to publish here a good
newspaper. Besides, he President has not
given any indication of a doiire for ao "or
gan." It is smuainj to note tbe efforts of
the Republican to forecast from day to day
the actions of the Administration In South
Carolina and Louisiana iffiirs. la the be
ginair-g of the Presidential campaign of 18G4
the New York Herald advocated Medal-
luo's election on Moudnys and Wednesdays
and Lincolu's oj Tuesdays and Thursdays j
later, for soma business reason or othHr.Mon
duvs and Wednesdays were, given to Lincoln,
and Tuesdays and Thursdays to McClellan.
But this is nothing to what the Republican
does for it Is on both sides every day.
Gov. Hampton intended to start for home
on Saturday, but has doubtless concluded
thut he can. bo of more service to his State
by reniaiuiiig North for awhile. If anything
can bring to the understanding of the Ad
ministration the intense and almost universal
desire to see justice done In the South, the
uncqualed enthusiasm of Hampton's recep
tion here will do it. Grant, fresh from Rich
mond at the close of tbe war, and in some
sense representing the victory of peace and
union, was the object of hardly mote general
attention, though bis was the highest milita
ry position ever given a citizen, nd lluinpton
is only a Governor of a small Htate. ut Dem
ocrats and Republicans seem to understand
that in Hampton's cause a principle is in
volved no ltss important to republican insti
tutions than that which was settled by the
preservation of the Union. Hence wherev
er be goes tho people flock around him, and
his presence is required all over the North.
His coming bus done more toward a settle
ment of our Southern difficulties than can
be accomplished by a hundred impertinens
Commissioners sent, to South Carolina or
Chamberlain's proposition, submitted to
tbe President on Friday, would confirm
Hampton's title to the Governorship, but
might result no donbt was intended to re
sultin making Chamberlain Senator. Very
properly such a peddling of offices was de
dined by all the conservatives here from the
State. It is freely asserted to day that tbe
President will order the -troops out of the
State House at Columbia early this week,
and allow tbe courts or the State to settle all
questions that may arise. That being the ob
ject for which Courtsare organized and main
tained, and the President having righiiutiy
no more responsibility in the case than ony
citizen, it will be strange if he hesitates much
longer. But there is no longer any doubt of
a bitter and powerful opposition within tne
Republican party, or of its leadership. There
ii to come out of Muioe whenever the Pres
ident decide to go with his country Instead
of bis parly, a call to the faithful to come
together to reconstruct the Republican or
ganization, Without pretending to know all
the plans of tbe conspirators, I am enabled
to say positively that, if tbe President re
moves the troops from the South by May
1st, meeting' in tbe io the Interest of the re
organized Republican party will be called io
the North even before Congress meets Id
June. ' ' Nino.
Spotted Tall.
A correnpODdcDt ol the New York
Herald send a rather eoasipy com
munication to that paper from Camp
Robinson, Red Cloud Agency, lie
tells several anecdote, ol the Indians.
Speaking of the self imposed mission
of peace to Crazy Horse, he saye that
old Spot is tbe uncle of Crazy Horse,
and thai is given one reason for the
hope that he may induce his belliger
ent relative to come to term belore
the spring opens.
The romantic story connected with
Snotted Tsil'e devoted idhereoce to
the whites) hae been, he sayi, dwelt
upon considerably sioce he undertook
his mission of peace. The tale.which
is by no means new, runs thus : A
favorite dU2hter ol the old chief be
came enamored of an officer stationed
at Camp Sheridan, near the agency.
Her passion was not appreciated 'by
the pa'e face. Love unrequited was
her portion, but still she loved on,
though her passion was left to leed
ni,n iuelf. But it i nlr crew the
i j . u w,vv
r -
more, until sre sicneneu ani uieu vi
a broken heart. Before dying the In -
i i j j i . r
dinn maid called her lather to her
side, and, with last breath, besought
hitn to promiso her never to fight the
white mun again. Suoh a promise he
must have long have hestitatod about
making, for he felt all tho wrongs of
m people keenly, and all his glory
was in war. But at last ho promised
and faithfully- has ho kept his pledge.
Ho may he called crafty aud polite
lor, though an untutored savage he
h8 brains but he is never hostile.
He is dignified beyond nil comparison
I, i. ..i.:..r. l i i i
run ma uiiier uiiiuis. mm mis tiiivii
his own peoplo with an iron hand.
spotted 1 ail is aaid to have killed
more of his own people than any other
chief now living, and lor this reason he
is feared by many of them and hated by
some, too. He has another daughtor
Shonkoo, which means tho red road,
who has recently been married to Mr.
Lone Elk, a dashitii! vouni buck.
There Is also a littlo bit of romance
about Shonkoo. Not long ago two
Sisters of Charity visited their ugen-
oy, and were presented to Spotlod
Tuil during their stay. He was well
pleased to meet thorn and had a talk
with them at Colonel Mills' house.
In the course ot the conversation they
asked him if he would like to give
them Shonkoo to live with them in
tho convent. He said yes, ho would
like it very much. They then sent
for Shonkoo and asked- her if sho
would like to co, but she remained si
lent, vouchsafing no answer to thoir
question. Her lather urged her to
speak, to say yes, but still she was si
lent, and tho interview thus turmi
nated. That night Shonkoo eloped
with Lono Elk. to whom' sho man
aged to convey tho intelligence that
icr father was going to Bond ucr
away. Mionkoo is considered quite
pretty Sho has good tasto in dress
tor an Indian woman, and understands
English but dislikes to speak it. She
is proud enough to bo a princess.
So m null has bcon said and written
during tho past year ot tho Indian
losses in battle and so littlo is known
of the actual loss, that il haa been con
sidered worth whilo to undertake an
investigation into this business. Tho
story uaually has gono that "there
were heavy Indian losses, but tue hos-
tileB had carried off their dead."
rank Grouud, the Bcout, is now
moving amor.g the Indians at Spotted
Tail and trying to ascertain from them
who havo hoard the exact truth from
the hostiles what the real amount of
tho losses were. At Rod Cloud, Lieu
tenant Clark has also set some men to
inquire into this matter, and in a lit
tle while something like, an accurate
idea of the Indian lossos may bo form,-
ed. '
Pby.lral EzetcUe.
Since tho exploits of Sampson, from
Timnath to the pillars of the Temple,
and ot Hercules, Atlas and a hundred
other muscular mythological celebri
ties of Greece, littlo attention has
been paid nationally to the perfecting
ot the wonderful muscular powers.
The foil and dumb-bell, gymnasium
and boxing gloves, pastimes truly, so
called, that at best are to bo forever
thrust one sido by ''the burden ot
life." and as the resu't, a raoe of mon
(more extiemo in America than anv
other countrv) with rounded shoul
ders, languid stoop, a shuffling gait,
weary trown and hair that is prema
turely gray.
Fifty minutes with tho bumb-bolls
before breakfast, on tho trapeze at
noon, and a halt hour with toils or
boxinor cloves at iiirht would be odd
exercise for a man ol titty years, but it
would makeaboyoftwentyoutot htm
so quickly that the oddity would soon
bo forgotten.
Muscles are fibrous, contractable
tissues attached to the bone, that
strengthen and improve in action,and
at once degenerate, becoming clogged
with tat in disuse. In tho perfect,
healthv bodv there should be nothing
but muscle between the skin and the
Muscles in action become shorter
and thicker but do sot change in rel
ative bulk, and the rigor mortU is but
the stitreiiniff ot the muscles alter
There are 527 distinct, and in a cer
tain sense, independent muscles in the
human Irarae, 83 being in the face, 49
in the neck, 78 in the thorax, 40 in
eaeh arm. and 64 In eaoh leg. All
are intended for use, and all can be
madu homogeneously useful; though
treated as nioetv-nine out ot a nun
dred treat them, the remark ol Cicero
become a potent marvel, "How
strange that a harp with so many
strinrrs will keep in tune so long.
Tbe muscular force in animals is more
wonderful than that of men. as tho
loin of the fror. the speed ot the an
flnfii. the anrinrrof the lion, the dart-
t flh fih and the SWlftneSS of
the bird. Tbe hawk flies 150 miles an
hour, and the bumming bird has ao
absolute power of the wing ill propor
tion to tbe weight ol tne oouy as i.
000 to 1. All the strength expended
.w man in a ilav of hard manual la-
"J - - . . . ,
bor would not suruce to a-eey m w
- .
- . . . t . iaiU in
J - pitw ot Icarus of Greece, and Darius
. r i tiiA skit Aeur nra nunui n . nu .
Green of New England, of barnyard
notoriety, a flying machine for mail's
muscle is a physiual impossibility,
The hand reaches its highest tier
lection in man, but almost all tho oth
er members are u.ore dextrously used
uy mo tower nnimais. vno curious
fact, however, showing what continued
practice ean do, is that the lower hu
man jaw, though propelled by less
man one pound ot muscle, exorts
force of 534 bounds.
1 hu heaviest load that a man of or
dinary strength can carry for a short
distance is 319 pounds; all ho can
carry Habitually, as tho soldier, tor in
stance, is 132 pounds; ascending a
ladder or Btairs continuously, 121
Sounds; a day's work amounting to
,913,600 pounds, raisod aeioglo loot,
aud tho velocity that can bo produced,
pushing or pulling with tho arms,
cannot exoeed thutv threo douihIs
raised two leet per second, or about
ono eighth horse poVer. Health lifts,
velocipedes, anything, in fact, bring
ing a majority of the muscles into ac
tivity, is serticeable ; mid surely in ' a
land where military education is not
compulsory, and instead of being sol
Iiers men are every day making true
cripples of themselves, national pride
should suggest and maka popular
some method whereby physiual ehould
keop pace with intellectual progress.
Old Families.
A very soarohing investigation was
carriod on a few years ago io tho north
ot England by two families who were
searching up their respective ancestry,
The slrile was great between them,
each determining to look into an
tiquity farther than the other. One
of the families, whoso name was Spen
cer, employed an artist to paint an
historic sueno representing tho build
ing of the Ark and the loading up of
the ship by Noah and' his sons with
its multifarious and various cargo.
On the gang plank lending to the
deck of the Ark, two men were seen
rolling up a largo box, on ono side ol
which was painted in largo letters,
'Holies, insignia, and papers belong
ing to tho Spencer family.' This wos
considered a coup d'etat hard to beat;
but the other family, dotermmod not
to be outdono in the antediluvian pre
tences ol their nniie, preparod at
greut cost and research a record ol
their antiquity. In describing tho ex
ploits of ono of their ancestors at a
vory early nay, who was represented
as a man oi autiiority, tins remarxa
blo passage ouuured: "During this
year Adam und .Eve were driveu out
ot Paradise."
Garfield, by tho way, has ordered a
suit against the Cleveland Plaindcaler
newspaper for libel. The subject mat
ter was culling him a renegade priest
who attended a quadroon ball in Hew
Orleans. It seems that, though bo
sought to go by a tall Philadelphia
mcmocr well known to "leenance.
Garfield refused. So did John Sher
man. They were like Joseph .in the
Potiphar family. As the French lady
said when she advertised for a valet
and saw appear btforo her a noble bo-
ing; ;
"Ta! tal What s your namo?"
"Joseph I And so young I"
The aforesaid Cleveland paper came
into Garfield's family. Ho is usually
mild as pork and beans, but on this
occasion he arose and stormed. He
demanded justico on the head of Bil
ly ArniNtroug.
The Pennsylvania member aforesaid,
pursuing his loibles, was gayly wait
inrf around the a parlor with a lair
quadroon, when she remarked, "It's
. . i i
warm. Ihrow open mose loiding
doors!" When they were thrown
open, behold 1 two of the most illus
trious rneu in Illinois were exposed,
each with a pale yellow damsel on his
lap. The story was related and put
in the New Orleans papers, and, to
make it an even thing.a wicked Demo
cratic paper falsely accused Garfield
atoresaid. ' Oath'" in the Graphic.
The Flr.i;Fraudaleal President.
Fran th London Triegraph.
The curious comedy of Presibent
making, now terminated, has had in
it many incidents on which the Amer
ican people may be congratulated,
but also much that, in tne eyes ol im
partial foreign observers, inflicts a na
lional stain. To begin with the dark
er trails, it is undeniable that the votes
ot probably three of tho Southern
States, and certainly of Louisiana,
have been given to Mr, Hayes simply
throgh the agency of deliberate fraud.
A President who directly and dis
tinctly owes his seat to the success ol
such frauds stands in a position un
like that of any of his riredecessors.
No such stain rested on one of them.
It is also a fact that he ia the first
Chief Magistrate of the Union who,
hs tailed to obtain a relative mijority
in the popular vote. He nvght lo so
and still legilly enter th White
House, tor thu votes are counted by
States, and the electors are not in ex
'act proportion to the population ol
each htate. bull it is a tact that waiU
Mr. Liucoln and others failed to ob
tain an absolute majority, they always
polled a higher number than any ot
thoir rivals. In short, Mr. Tilden haa
the molanoholy consolation of being
tho first man in American history who, '
having at his back a clear absolute;
majority of the popular voto, has not
won tho Presidency. Nay, more, the
electors chosen to nominate bint so
cured success at tbe polls, yet were5
ignored by State oflioials resolved that
a Democat should not win. We havo
long heerd from Amorioad statesmen
that the supremacy of tho 'majority.
nus mo guiuinvr. principle oi tneir in
stitutions, but in this case it baa been
deliberately set asido. The people,
rather than risk civil, strife or pro
longed uncertainty have dJcided just
now to submit; but the prccent is
perilous, and this "one more victorv"
oi the Republicans will probably ba
their lost.
A Oos.n Bills Which Oldu'l Pass.
In the tremendous rash and pres
sure of tho last hours of the session
the following bills failed to pass tha
44lh Congress ;
A bill to eontinue at the publio expense
Zuch Chandler's system of internal fortifica
tion. A bill authorising Miss Vlonie Ream to
execute It. B. IJuyes io butter, and making
tbe necessary appropriation therefor.
A bill for the protection of the American
eigln, and to prevent Representative Frj
and others from overworking the Bird ol
A bill for the prosecution and punishment
ol Wicked Partners.
A bill defiulng tho itutus of quadroon
A hill for th. abolition of tramps, handbill
distributors, Hannibal liamlia and other
publio nuisance!.
A dim providing lor tn recognition ot
Madi'on Well aud Ruther-a fraud Hayes as
A bill to pension lirotber Urvms as im
President of the Freodtnen's Saving Bank.
A bill instructing the Supreme Court of
the United States to decide, without parti
sanship, the great question, Wbo la tbe hand
somest man in America T
A bill to compel Eminent Persons sojourn
ing io this country to booouiu, at some peri-
of their visit, the guests of G. Washington
Cuilils, A. M.
A bi'.l lor the qualisatioo of debts.
A bill authorizing Mr. Stanley to proceed
at once, at Government expense, In search ot
Mr. James Gordon Bennett, said to be In
Cross Husband, and Scolding Wires.
rinmRiiie Inlullnliv." which newan.ner re
porters nowadays credit with piling such
an Important j;iart Io life's dram, iseften tbe
ult nf linonrino or chronic disease. What
husband or wile can be cheerful, smiling and
pleasant, wiieo constantly suncring iroin tuo
tortures ol some ureaa uiseasei remaps
th husband's liver becomes torpid, and be
uxperiences bitter, disagreeable tastes nausea,
bos chilly sensutlons alternating with great
beat ana dryqeei of th surface of bis body,
pain in bis sides, shoulders or back, eyes and .
skin are tinned with yellow, feels dull, indis
posed and dizzy. Through bis sufferings be
becomes gloomy, despondent and exceeding
ly Irritable io temper. Instead of resorting
to io,reliublu a remedy as a lew small doses
nf Dr. Pierce'. I'urirativa Pellets, and follow
ing tip their action with the use ot Golden
Medical Discovery, to worx me Diuary poi
son out of tbe system and purity the blood, if
he play the part or a "penny wise and pound
loolish" man he will attempt to economize
by Saving the small cost oi mese meuiuiue..
Continuing to suffer, bis nervous system be
comes impaired, snd be Is fretful and pevlsh,
s fit subject to become embroiled Io M do
mestic infelicity." Or the good wife may
from her too laborious duties or family cares,
have become subject to such cbronie affec
tions as are peculiarly incident to ber sex,
and being reduced In blood snd strength gut
tering from backache, oervousness, headache,
internal fever and enduring pains too numer
ous to mention, she may become preevish and
fretful anything but a genial helpmate. In
this deplorable condition of ill health, should
sb set wisely and employ Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription, it will io due time, by '
its cordial, tonic and nervine properties, re
store her health and transform ber from the
peevish, scolding, irritable-tempered Invalid
to a happy, cheerlul wile. Laying same ie
itf and speaking triouly, husbands and
wives yon will find the Family Medicines
above mentioned reliable and poteot reme
dies. For p irticulars of their properties aod
uses see Pierce's Memoraoduin Book, which
i given away by all drnggists.
Ground bus been broken io Baker City
for a beer factory.
Bunch Grasb is very luxuriant Ibis Spring
in Wasco county. .
Sndr mii can be .boncht io Umatilla
county lor $12 aol dairy cows as low as
A little bo named Parker was accident-
all drnarnwl last week, at Fossil. WascO
eounty, in the creek near his home.
A vigilance committee Sas oeen lormea
nn Ruck creek. Wasco coontv. for mutual
protection against cattle theives.
iMlsoo Barret, a ooy living id iob vrciuny
ol Scio. bad bis leg broken on the 9th, by
being thrown from a backing eavose.
J.U. aictoy, oi r.noteion, oau si. reg
broken last week by being suddenly impress
witk the idea that it was time to leave bis
jumping steed
8. A. Jones of Memphis and G. N. Wake
ly or Little Uock met st Little Rock on tbe
13th to fiuht a duel Th aecoods loaded the
pistol with blank cartridges, and do od
wis hurt.
Kennedy k Co, brokers, have begun suit
asreinst ex-Gov. Curtio, J. T. IWy. W. L.
Scott and I'avJ Ifcrs. for a million and
half dollars, said to be doe on margins ca
V -tr4 V. a M t rrn HlrVa