THE EUGENE CITY GUARD. EUGENE CITT. OREGON. SATURDAY. MAR. 31. 1877. HATES MCTHGRN POLICY. Hayes' Southern policy, whatever it is, has lecome the burden of the telegraph. We are informed by it that "Hayes' southern policy is sus tained by tho Radicals oi Raleigh, N.C.M Who doubts it? "The busi ness men of Memphis applaud the courso foreshadowed by Hayes." "In view of Hayes' southern policy the Nicholls Legislature has passed a reso lution very complimentary in its tone to him." Considering the fact that the aforesaid Hayes had been counted in a whole week, or perhaps ten days, bclore the above specimens were sent orer the wires, it is not very difficult to see that tho telegraph and its man agers are working to create public opinion. We have carefully read the inaugural, and so far as anything said in it is concerned, the policy fore shadowed in regard to the Sooth is jast about the tamo we bavo had for the past twelve years. What other policy Hayes may have we cannot predict, bnt if his inaugural is an in dex to it we may salcly conclude that be has no policy, except what will ienefit the Republican party, even at the expense of the whole country. For it he is sincere in his utterances be exposes a vast fund of ignorance or silly fanaticism. Ho speaks of the constitution and laws just as if he did not depend upon the violation of both for his present position ; and of "the permanent pacification ot tho coun try," just as if wo were in the midst of war, be wants, or pretends be wants, every cHizou secure in all his constitutional rights; then he might be understood to mean that ho did not favor tho system of fraud prac ticed in a few Southern States and up bold by Federal arms to secure Re publican majorities and eleot fraudu lent Presidents, Governors,Souator8, Representatives, Legislatures and oth or officers but ho docs not, clso he would not contend for the fruits and acoept the consequences of such frauds. He intimates that "recon Btruction" is not yet complete; "wise, poaceful local self government is not fully enjoyed," he says, and probably will not be, in bis estimation, until al tho white peonle bow down and hum iia iv uvgm uominauon; tio goos on to say thus : "But it must not bo forgotten that on a local self gov eroraeut which recognizes and main taius ioviolato the rights of all fc true self government." Why there are not snob local governments in every State, as he prctonds to desire may bo attributed to tho policy that oountod mm in. A system of usurp fition, foroo and fraud has been prao ticod for years in tho South, not bo onuso thore was any real cause for trouhlo, but for the purposo of manu facturing Radical political capital, and to keep alive sootional liato and local prejudices, and to this systoro Hayes is indobted for the position be oocuples to the lasting; disgrace of the country. We may truly say if tho condition of affairs which Hayes thinks sn "imporativo necessity" had been pormittod to exist, ho might hnve long nursod his Southern policy quiet ly, and at homo in Ohio. Rut the calamities he protends to deplore made him a usurper, or rather sunk the moral tone of the country so low that such as ho could mount to the highest place in defiance of law, the will of the people and "a decent respect for tho will of mankind." Yet ho, tho pet of misrule, the nursling of fraud, the creation of perfidy, tho cli max of infamy, ha a Southern policy, a policy to keep alivo discord and strife, a policy full of hato and blind fanaticism guided by knavery, so that the two races may always feel that they are two antagonistic forces that cannot mix till the laws of na ture are suspended. The "two races" exist in evory State of the I'uion.nm) yet tho fact that there aro two races is only noticed where the other race is likely to be o political' power it properly manipulated by villaius. If the masses of the people wero sot fools, or supposed to be by Radical managers, they could seo and under stand at once that in a country gov crned by ono constitution and one system of general laws, tliat there could be no legal policy affecting one State or section that would not affect all alike. Rut under Radical admin istralions and usurpations force and fraud have prevailed in the South, just as if it were a suVgngated prov ince and bad no relation to the North or was not subject to the same lawi Why a mm who pretends to hold the reins of government, has a Southern policy different from bis Northern pojicy, we cannot comprehend. Why Hayes talks ot bis policy toward the South and has no policy for the North, bIiows that he is a political icalot or utterly ignoraut of the "let ter and spirit" of the constitution of which he prates, ot which be has sworn to support and of whose viola tion he is tho most prominent exam ple. If Hayes has any regard for the Constitution and comprehends a tittle of its meaning, be must know that he! can legally do nothing in the Sonth that he cannot do in the North. But It. B. Hayes exposes his policyjrather his hypocrisy, when he says, in sub stance, that party interests should lose their importance and party lines fade into insignificance, if the South would hope for equality before the law with the North. When tbe South accepts what Hayes and bit party would willingly grant it it will have Northern Governors in every bouth ern State, negro judges on the bench, negro legislators and returning boards to secure Radical majorities forever. f there were no Democrats in the South Hayes would not be making a fool of himself to perpetuate Radical and negro misrule in ono state any moro than in another: if ho would practico the same policy toward Lou iaiana that he does toward OLio, he miffht exhibit some consitency. if a nothing more. But party lines lie heavy upon his mind; he feels himself indebted to fraud and lederal inter forenco and while ho would like to apparently remove them from the South, he is anxious that their effects shall remain, to do this ho awkward ly straddles the "bloody chasm," de nounces intimidation but hugs the in limwlntnr. condemns bulldosinff but draus tho bulldosor into his Cabinet he feels that ho was honestly (?)elect ed by the, votes which did not elect Stearns. Packard and Chamberlain and his polioy if ho has any w to reconcile tho people orth and Soul' to tho most opei and fragrant crimes ever committed in tho Unitwl States Hayes and his masters now hope to crehte divisions in tho South among Democrats; by drawing away such men as Key, Mosby and Lengstreot and giving them Federal offices they hope to divido tho Southern Democ racy, so that future thieves may break through and steal. Morion, r.aui. iiiaiiaiui biiu nayes worna take J on. Davis, Robt. Toombs, Forrest, any rebel, in fact, of any innuonco into thoir confidence now, to secure that end, and why should they not do so ? Davis, Toombs and the like were only rebels, Hayes, (.'handler, Morton Sherman their ilk have overthrown the Constitution by usurpation, Davis rebelled, Hayes' usurps; Davis resisted with force what Hayes tramples down by fraud. What is tho difference ? But the policy foreshadowed by Hayes is the outgrowth of contiuued wrong, which is to bo purpotuated by lum as agent and chief factor of Rad icalism; that policy is to reconcile the people to the usurpations of tho Rad ical party first : thon labor to break the Democratic ranks and weaken op position, and by that means keep the halanco of power in the hands of ne groes and scalawags, so that pretexts for riot, foroe and fraud may bo with out end. The truth is, Hayes Re turning Board Hayes has no polioy not in harmony with tho interests of tho revolutionary Radical-usurping party. Having been counted in by perjury and perfidy, as a thistlo we cannot expect him to bear good fruit. Grant, late military governor of the United States, who concentrated troops in Washington to aid Hayes in his usurpation, iorbid tho celebration of Washington's Birthday by the mili tary companies of Charleston and Co lumbia, South Carolina. But if it had been the birthday of old John Brown, w ho was hung for murder, that they proposed to celebrate not a word in opposition to tho programrao would bavo been penned, we are very sure, The time for celebrating the birthdays of honoit men has gone by in this country. Our patriotism must bo re served lor me inauguration oi usurp er and tho triumphs of fraud. Not l r .i . . . m having been a tyrant, a usurper nor a member of a returning board, Wash ington was of no consequence to the uaaicai party. Most of us new paers started oo this coast are patronising the San Francisco branch of the Miller k Kichanl Scotch Type foundry. Tbe San t rancuco Examiner which donned a new dress last month, recognized the tnpcriur merits of that firm's type by Adopting it The Horns N'ewsiiaper, an edu cational journal recently started in Su Fran cisco, Sars in Switch type thnmehont There are no more accomodating and rt-halde dealers in type IB this country than M j MUler ft Richard, Some celebrated writer advised that when speaking of any one we should regard him as dead; it would, be thought, have a tendency to bring out more plainly the good of bis nature and make less prominent his faults or crimos. We imagine the editor of the San Francisco Post bisbcen acting on that advico, and that be regards old Zack Chandler as a cadaver utterly beyond the hope ot resurrection even at the judgment day.- ' Official Chamoss. Word conies to ot from Washington, Myi tbe Sao Francises Examiner, that nipple-Mitchell will prevail opoo His Eraudolency to remote Collector Hare from the Custom Douse at Astoria, nd give the place to Dr. Watts, tbe Ineligi ble elector who bang oo to his "post offis" too long; to dismiss Waters from the United States Marebnlshlp and give It to George E. Cole, present postmaster at Portland who lately married a daughter of Horatio King at the Federal capital and pot H. D. San born, a broken-down merchant of Portland n tbe post office. Other changes are coo templated, bat it Is likely that some of tbem will fail of accomplishment. Hayes fears too much of that sort of thing when all tbe iin combeots are Rodicats. Mitchell is figuring for a re-election and bence bis desire to have the changes made. A Great Name. Oregon has lost none of the fame it acquired through electing Mitchell to the Senate. A late issue of tbe Philadelphia Times, an "Independent" Hayes organ, has this : Mr. J. Hippie Mitchell, or Mr. J. Mitch ell Hippie, we don't just now remember which It is, who -represents Ureeoo in tne Senate, objected to the admission ot uov. Grover from tbe eune State on the gronnd that be had bulldozed the Legislature with cash, and bad offended tbe aforesaid Mitchell or Hippie by sundry ehockioir acts of Imtnor ality since bis election. Painful as were the alleged infirmities of Gov. Orover to the spot less and nnscandalized Senator from Oregon the Senate became suddenly oblivious to public crimes, and nobody ventured to vote against tbe admission of Grover, whereupon Mr. Mitchell or Mr. Hippie, as the case may bo. Forgot to vote against bis colleague him self, ai:d Orover wis sworn in without a dis sorting vote. If Mr. Mitchell could have voted as Mr. Mitchell and then voted ngai as Mr. Hippie, and hadn't forgot to vote a all, them would have just two votes against Grover ; bnt as he couldn't vote double, and as be didn't vote at all, G rover's admission was unanimous. A Way Oat or tbe Louisiana Trouble, The Chioago Times' Washington special oi the 2Sth says : Senator Cookrell, of MiHsonri, bad so in ternaw wi'.th the President yesterday. As regards the ouisiana case, he says tbere an impression bordering on conviction among the President and his cabinet, tbat Nicbolls nut P....karrl t It ?Allv -l" ritflit to nn fn ernor of Lomsina, because tne stute re quiring the vote for governor and lieutenant governor to be unnvasfteO oy trie legislature has not been compiled wit.'i io either case Tbe cabinet were thus lead to theconclusion that the only legal way out 4f tbe trouble was the appointment of a comruiss'on to in quire specially into this question. Jfe further thinks this course reasonably clear. I .1 in diralion is that Hayes intends to act 10 C cordunce with tbe strictly lemil bearings of the case, even to recommending that a new election be held. Judge Kelly reached here from Philadelphia to-night. He expressed to a friend tbe same opinion hold by Senator Cocfcrell. SEXSH ITEMS. Grant has loft Washington for Cincin nati. A terriflo soow storm visited Cblcsgo oo tbs 24to lost. J. Doo Cameroo has been elected Senator from Pennsylvania. Wade Hampton will go to Washington to consult who uayes. Grant is tbe guest of tbs Cincinnati Club. lie will visit t. Louis. Tweed snd Sweeuey roleased to testify io the ring suits, Not a solitary colored man now remains in the.Mcholli Legislature. , Mining prospects are brighter now io Ari sons than for months past. Grand Pukes Alexis snd Constantino vis ited New York on the 26tb. Grasshoppers are hatched and very active io some parts of Nebraska. The Chicago Democrats have Dominated Percy II. Smith for Mayor. A eommittee of public men will visit Lou isiana before action is taken. Chamberlain has gone to Washington but Hampton is still at C'ulumbia. Tho Chicago Republicans bave renomi nated Mayor Heath for Mayor. There were twenty-two deaths from small pox in San Francisco last week. Justice Clifford says be has ne intentioo of resigning his position oo the bench. Dr. WakeGxId. of Cincinnati, committed suicide with laudanom.on the 21st. Randall says it cost Jones of New nniD- shire $30000 to be re elected to Congress. Both LegiMatures io Louisiana have ex tended their sessions to the 30:h of March. Secretary McCrary has ordered General Angur to preserve tbe statue quo io Louisi ana. Johnson, present Mayor, bss bee renom inated by the Cincinnati Democracy lor re election. The Associated Pioneers of California has a reunion at the Stnrtevant House, N. Y.on the 211 Tli Harden geological expedition will be carried into Idaho, Wyoming and Montana this rear. Fiftreo thonjand application jor ofEce hare been received by Postmaster Key and Sled aa-ty. Rural H. Fillmao rat been convicted1 ol the nrnrdif ol Joseph Freer? at Rochester. New York. A csrro or coal oil has been hiprd from New York to Java, tia Soei Canal, as to xpenmeot. , The Ponca Indians will be removed from tbe neighborhood of Sioux City to the Id- isd lemur. Key snd Cameroo, of Wisconsin, are ow ing Senator Howe for tbe vacancy oo the Supreme Bench. Secretaries Evarts snd Scbnrz deny that they intend resigning from tbs Cabinet to take foreign missions. Judge Gorbatn, Assistant Secretary of the Interior Department will retire to private life about the lit of April. T. A. Largan, an old Virginia City gam bler, suicided on the 24th. He left a letter stating he was tired of life. Tbe syndicate at London Is ready for so other call of $10,000 for redemption of -tbe o. 6 per cent ot ibud. About $12,000 worth of contraband opi um has been discovered oo tbe steamer City of Peking at Sao Francisco. Irish Republicans are pressing Michael Scanlon's claims before Hayes tor a position id tbe f ederal Government. Tbe Cabinet is unanimous in tbe opinion that Federal troops should no longer be osed to menace state governments. The Cabinet discussed the South Carolina, Louisiana and civil service Questions oo tbe 26th without any deGnite result. Spotted Tail is oo his nvssioo of peace to the bostiles. Lie bos been delayed Dy ice and poor condition of his horses. Gov. Hampton of Sooth Carolina his gone to Washington. lie says bis visit is merely a matter oi personal courtesy w ine i reai dent. Pacbeco's lawyers hold that the overruling by tbe Court of Wiggintoos demurrer prac ticallv settles tne (Joueressionai question id his favor. Walter Adams, sgent of tbs Star line of lezas pickets, and i New York comimssion merchant, bos tailed 8300,000. for 8600,000. Assets Practical civil service rules have been adopted by the Secretary of tbe Treasury whion will be strictly eniorced in nis amor ent departments. George C. Ellison, engrossing clerk of the House of Representatives has been held to await the action of the Grand Jury, for kill mg David Ismail Io view of tbe decision of the Supreme Court, it is said Chamberlain will not further dispute Hampton's right to tbe Government of feoutb Carolina. Hayes manifested in bis interview with Chamberlain tne grearest sympathy lorsoutn ern Republicans and the strongest desire t'o stand by tbem Ken Mickey, a Kentucky desperado who has killed four men, has been sentenced to imprisonment for life tor the murder ot J. 1 Wilson in Oldham county. Disaffected Republicans and Democrats In St. Louis bave nominated tickets in opposi tion to Uverstolz for Mayor, nominated by Democrats sud Republicans. The solicitor after carefully examining all accusations find a there never has been since the foundation of tbe government, a dollar ol accrued interest fraudulently paid Tbe Clearing House Association, of Ne Oi leans-' denounces s untrue Packard statement tbat the business men there would willingly accept his administration Oakey Hall's disappearance is attributed to I weed and Sweeney g confessions con the New York ring steals. 'J'h World Ibiuka Hall ku . Inica; V. Maxwell and bis son, stock raisers Colfax county, New Mexico, wero murdered by a negro and rubbed. The murderer ha since been caught at Trindad, Colorado, ine uoaneston unamoer or i.minerce has resolved to send a delegation of respon sible men to Washington to lay before Hayes idj true state 01 tp case in bouth Carolina ScWz expects to save the Government vast umouut ol money by establishing an ad vertisiiig bureau, as part ot the departments, which shall do ail Government advertising. Wheeler Peckham, counsel for the people sjainst the Tweed King, says be has heard no charges implicating Oukey Hull iu King steals, and bad cot intended to prosecute Dim. Democrats, it is understood, will send committee of their owo to Louisiana, besides Chat sent by tbe Cabinet. i-tiovernor B.owo of Tennessee, is tbe onlv one of th CaMneC Commiss ooers decided upon. MiJton S. Latham, President of the North Pacific Railroad, bas had two 1,0110 ton steambuats built in New York, to ply be tween Sao Francisco and Suctlito which are guaranteed to travel 25 miles an hour. The World accuses Hayes, Sbermao and Garfield with bt'iug connected personally with the bargain that it tie South would not resist Hayes' inauguration he would withdraw the troops from south Caroline end Louisiana. On tbe 27th, at Topcka, Kansas, in s snooting affray between 1. tlark bwayne. editor ot the lihJt and John uresoo, for merly of tbe Topeka Timet, lb! former was shot dead. Tbe latter a slight wouod. Ex-Governor Hendricks was serenaded in San Francisco on the 27th. Io an address be said that a majority of the people look upon Heyes si a fraudulent President, but he should receive tbe respect due any officer da facto. F. Conway, Charles Slaughter and Tho mis Stamhrook are arrested for the murder of the Chmameo at Chico. II. C. Wright and II. C Jones are also under arrest. Conwsv snd tbe Slaughter boys wrote nearly all tbe inreaieumg leuers. Five masked men tried to stoD tbe Chev- enn snd Illack Hills stage near Pesdwood I- - np.L I i . . OB mr iom, anu ny nnng ai tne driver so tcsred the horses that they ran aw and all escaped but the driver who was killed, and a man named Walter Her wounded. The Sheriff offers 5500 reward for the thieves. A Uncaeo diepeteh of the 28lh says : The excitement over the (raid prospect- in tbe lHack Hills appear to be excitimr more than ataal interest jost now. A party ol 75 or 100 men kss been orytnired in this city and propose to take the field in April. A party of 20 from Michiiran, and another nar ty of 50, motly Poetonians, arrived here this morning. Another company of 49 from Maine will pass through hrr? oo Friday. Fiv ear loads of mill machinery were ship ped by the Northwestern road yesterday consigned to parties it iVidwood. That a so unfortunate allusion of Rlaine to Morton's record. The latter Instantly pt bark on him with the retort that so far as h'l rcord was concerned h proposed to tske csre of it. Tbe Soatnr from Maine would have quite mouth work to take care of his owo record. The hit told. Whoever supposed anything1 could mkf as rrjrret the departure of tirent from the White Housst Onlra "Fradu!ot Preti- dcrt coo'.d work the miracle. Ballot's Maoazisk fob Afbiu The April number of this popular illustrated mag azine is issued, and is to be found on all the counter of the newsdealers in tbe country. It is as interesting as ever, and filled with the choicest stories and poetry, nice illustrations and a new feature in the shape of a depart ment of fun and amusement, written express- for Ballou's Magazine, by. that celtbrated writer of funny stories and anecdotes, M. Quad, who will make the pages allotted to him overflowing with good things, and well worthy the attention of every one. Published by Thomes & Talbot, 23 Hawley Street, Boston, at only f 1.50 per annum, postpaid, the cheapest magazine in the country, or 15 cents single copies at the depots. Heaven Designed lbs J nice Of the Horehonnd nlant. the Tar of the Balm of Gilead Tree, and healing Honey, for the re lief of irritated lunijs. These three specifics are combined in HALE Monkt or HOREHOUND AND Tar, will cure a Cough or Cold, however violent, with unerring certainty. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one minute. or Sale at a Bargain I THE NEW HOUSE AND LOTS on the corner of Lincoln and Seventh streets. Inquire of GEO. W. Kl.NsEY, Lane County MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION THIS ASSOCIATION HAS OX HAND a lanre and varied assortment of FRESH GOODS, and are receiving every month new ,um: lies suited to this market. Goods are sold low and AT ONE PRICE TO ALL ! And PRODUCE TAKEN AT THE HIGH EST MARKET RATES. Give us a call before purchatiiwr. as it is no trouble to show goods and give prices. apt B OOTS A XI) MIOEN-CALIFOR- rv. S. H. FRIENDLY. JQRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. Opening of Spring Stock of Dry Goods at 8. R FRIENDLY'S. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. F Xt Y GOOU9 kfBBONS. IlIWBONS. RIBBONS. RIBBON'S. RIBBONS. RIBBONS. Laoes, Embroideries, Ribbons in new shades, Edging and Insertions, FRIENDLY'S. D. R. LAKIN. THE HARNESS ' STOP FORMERLY owned by CHAS. HADLEY has been bought by D. R. LAK IN, who is refilling the shop ran a gooil assortment ot Hitrut-rfs, Saddles, Brushes, Combs, Cards, Spurs, Whips of all kinds, Dressed Deer Skins. Saddle Blankets, And in fact everything kept in first-class har ness shop, which he proixwes to sell as cheap as Ail kni'la of produce taken in exchange for work Wheat, Oats, Flour, Bacon, Fork, Beef cattle, Hogs on foot, W ood, lades, lieer skins, anything the farm produces that will sell. Give him a call before buying elsewhere. Five per cent off for cash down. Remember the old Btand, first door north of F. B. Dunn. Also a good assortment of the best SADDLE TREKS nude on this coast for wholesale car tomers at cheap figures. DUHM & STRATTOH sTTHR OLD STAND OF F. B. DUNN. TTAVTNG ASSOCIATED WITH ME IJ JLJLbusiness Mr. HORACE F. STRATTON we have just received a new, large and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, Making a specialtyof HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL I AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. We desire to make no grand flourish, but itn say that farmers can oome nearer getting ANYTHING THEY MAY WANT at our store than at any other establishment in town, and they can buy them on as good terms. We have a full line of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRYGOODS, FANCY GOODS. INDIES' AND GENTS' FURNISITIvn MEN AND BOY'S CLOTHING, HATS AND CAFS, BOOTS AND SHOES, And are continuallr aiM nieei ins aemamis ot the public. IH AN A STRATTON. rwBtOEBtl MERCHANDISE (is T. C. HENDRICKS, 0E3CK( AM) SAX J CAN' LIME f..r sale by T. G. H EXMUCKS. PMPfiMf! Awnts; Imriaatul theanuwn; ItflnUli.'U J.all the new asi taking- Throm Falla of the .rthine, n the Cmquehaoa, Off B.ti Liarht. OU fa. ken o ket. White M roulainn, Niag ara Kalla, Ne port. Nrt.ta, Vinr n Veeta, lvst no.Snow Kiona, AmTKn Frmt, Pier at Calais, Pa an on the IK aahen slm. brilliant Si 1 1 Thrums, on bbu k or white mnanta, taainrmrti,Min. day arhuol eanla, tatnry, Button, Mark around wneU: aluo, frame an I arata' aiippliea at very lot turn pnrea. Particular free. IilustratlT Cata kue ib rv-etpt of rfaenp (Vnd f,ir ft OO owtflt. J. LATHAM CO., 4 Wwhiairfm at. fiorUia, bea-tqaarhra fjr Foreign anl Amwas Chramoa. I tiyii firm ri rvr x- . . . by L-iven that R(.t'lUnB.alminilitntw'f the (tut of (', M. Simmon deceased, ha filed hi accounts f'W final srttle.Tient of aai,i Mtat. and Monday the 7th day of May. 1(C7 ha been et l'r hearing the nam, liv order of the Court. J. J. WALTON. Jr. . Jnln. G. R IX) KRIS, Att'y. Notice. VT THE MEETING OF THE BOARD of Lh rector of Lane ConntT Mercantile Aavv-Utkia held IhwembeT 11 liCfL it vaa nr- dt-red that the capital tck of aaij cnqwiratiiv nt.-vihd prior to lec 1, K6, be aaaeaard and mle rnli at once. The stock Ukrn since that date wb-ect to .7) J-T cent aaaewment MurkhoMrn wiU r-lease rriirm1 at tr earti- t cunveniene. J. C, JEXXLSU3. SerTrtary. OSRURN & CO S - NEW DRUG STORE OS WTLLAloV etee Street, near iiiuth,. i diaucb is DRUGS, CHEMICALS, OILS, PAINTS. GLASS, VARsisBrra PATENT MEDICINES, c: Brandie3. Wines and Liquorf OF ALL KINDS. In fact, we have the beat assortment of article' found in FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. We warrant all our drugs, for they are new tod Fresh. Particular attention is called to oar Stock of Perfumery anu Toilet Articles.. As we have bought OUR GOODS FOR CASH We can compete with any establishment In Eu gene C ity in price and accommodation. Buy your goods where you can get the best and cheapest PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED At all hours of the day or night OSBURN & t Brick Store, cor. Willamette I Eighth Sti EUGENE CITY. A.V. PETERS & CO., Art sow in receipt of a very largt stock ot NEW SPRING GOODS. Selected with much ears from, the brgeat and test Importing Bouse in ban f rancuco. Our Stock or DRESS GOODS Is nmunally large and attractive, and eomprlMS the very utrnt nyies ana novelties, ana oi au grades . na prices, so as to meet the view of all. . WHITE GOODS. A Urgs sstortmrat of Edrinin and Inserting, saw and beautiful patterns. STAPLE GOODS. A large stock of Bleached Vnalins ana Linens. Table Linens, Towelinm and Hosiery; Conets, Handkerchiefs, lacs and Linen Collar in all grades. WOOI WB WILL FAT TEE HIGHEST MARKET FKICB In cash for any number of pound ol GOOD MERCHANTABLE WOOL COUNTRY PRODUCE Of every description wanted, for which we will pay tbe highest market price. A. V. PETERS & CO. B. F. DORRIS. To all who knowthem selves indebted to me.. I. have demands against; me which MUST BE PAIDj and I cannot meet them, unless I can collect. If you would save:- cost come and settle without delay, for I MUST HAVE MONEY. Jan. 6, 1877. B. F. DORRIS. s. steiiiii:isb:k, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEB IS First-Class Family Groceries CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Notions, Crockery and Willow Ware ALS3 FIXE WINES AND LIQUORS Tat medical and family ue. And everything tin uaally kept la a Tint Claa FAMILY GROCERY STORE I beg lean to inform the eitiien of Eown nd the aurronndins eotrntry that I have facilities to ael ehesper than any other honw this ud of Portland Freeh supplies received weekly, Of tat very beat qtulitiesosu. My motto at Small Profits and Quick Sales. Pleaae call and lean mv nricra hefnra nk.a thttwher. ' S. STEIXnElSER, Willamette Street, Koeene City. Cah Tail for Bacon and Ecct. Goods Delivered to all Parts of the City rnrrni'piiiimn i-nccur ciiAJtlib. EUGENE CITY MILLS. THE UXPEF.SIGXED BEG LEAVE To inform the mihlic that ther hare lapad thtt EL UEXE CITY MILLS for term f . snd are now rrepared to do a reneral Milling Busir . . M ill receive wheat on storage on fa vorable term, and will make liliml trrm to fanners who desire to grind their own wheat. Will at all time keep on hand for aale FLOUR and ALL KIXDS OF MILL FEED, and pay the Highest Cash Price for Wheal A ahare of the patron. re;rtfullr anlicit ed. f-; PATTERSON' EDRIS DR. JOJI.V UERRBOLD, SriCICIL UD lECiWIClt DEJTIST, TTAS REMOVED TO ROSEECRO, Ore- JLJljpm. wnere b mprcfnllr otter his er rior to the rrturala nf that plat sad vicinity ia all the branches of hi profession.