9 rXtef Gnowixa.Tbo American Cid- Jalor says the uncertainties ol lann Tng re nowhere more manifest than in nop growing, and in no other de partraent of husbandry aro producers more at a loss to know when aud for how much to sell their product than in respect to this crop. Tho range of priocs, from tho lowest to the highest figures for which hops are sold from time totimo, and .the desire of the producer to Bell for the highest price, and the purpose of the buyer to pur chase at tho lowest possible figure, perplexes the former and cmbarraitses the latter. Growers tail to apprehend Why hops that sold for thirty-five cents soon after tho time of picking, com marSd only tweuty-fivo now, whilo ' there las been no special decline in prices abroad. That those men who operate between producers and con- h Bumofs aro sharp, aud toko advantage ot every possible circumstance to do- firess pricos whilo the goods are most V in, the hands of producers, is not at all Incredible. They know when the hop-f roducer most needs tho money to pay interest and taxes, and prices, if possible, are kept down until after the greatest part of the crop has passed from tho hands of producers into the hands of the dealers who opcrato be tween producers and brewers. It is with hops, not unfrequently, as it is with wool, prices are kept low until tho crop has left tho farms, then priocs begin to advance. Thus it is that hop dealers generally buy eheap and sell dear. New, what is the remedy ? inquires the producer. Our reply is, let the hop growors of every section form a anion that shall includo overy hop growor of that locality, whether it be in Maino, Vortnont, Northern- of Cen tral New York, Michigan, Wisconsin, and so on through tho hop-growing region to California. Then let there be organizod an American hop-growers' union, to bo oomposod of delegates from all tho looal organizations. liy tho corresponding secretaries of all tho local societies with tho na tional union, and all with home and foreign markets, it would suoni that hop-growers might thus learn wnou and for how muoh it is best to sell. We have before recommended this lor tho consideration not ouly of hop growors, but to growers of barky and tobacco. Than mnv producers have somo voico in making tho pricos ol their products, wuion it is aimosi impossible for thorn to havo in their isolated condition. Lntolv wa read tho rcDort of the second annual meeting of tho "Hop Orowprd' Union of Central New York. It Logan with a membership of only lorty two, ana now .numbers neany five huudrod growers from the best class of producers. We recommended this kind of association in that section wliiln riilinor in the sta'C coach through jNorwion, nuvuVur Jtmiw nrov1T,'vaio Tosuitsaro nireaiiy clanneu as mo tii rcct fruits ot tins union. LoiiskU i lor a moment tho uuuuts ot suun n -comnlcto union of hm growers in thr Unitod States as wo have recommend cd. . Thus might growers through such organizations havo a voico in controlling tho priuos of thoir own production not only, but other advan tagos would accrue, suoh As loarning tho best modes of cultivation, pick- lag, ouring, etc, . "Ilylltelr Work re.liall Know Tliciii." . The Irishman who thought tho driijist stingy bocitudo tho t'im'tio wag s i biiiuII, is only surpassed in l-.itt parsimonious druili-ry 1T tliosa who persistently uilliuro to the use of those fiatisoulinir, disgustingly tunl lruatic plIU, whilo Dr. 1'ierce't I'liusnnl Purgnlitt J'elleu, wbictt uro ttiicar-coiitt'd, uml little larger thua mustard sewls, will, by their ' Utady and geutla uoliitQ ou tho liter, correel atl tatpidity, thus purraanoutly overcoming constitution, lu South America thty have almoit entirely- suporwdej nil other lulls. and are relied on lull; by ib peopl, uml Often - used as a preventive of the various tliuctloot el the ntoiiiiii-t). liver, and boli so pruvulout In Unit climate. Pierce i 1'ock- et Meiiioruntluin Hooks are given away at urng-storw. Smyrna, Me., Nor. 6, 1876. It. V. Pierce, M. 1). : Dear Sir I write to inform you that 1 have uscxl your Cutlets lor stone lime, ami Dud them to bo. thu best mmlirlne tliul I rwr used. 1 have uU i used ymir Favorite Pre scripliou iu my family with entire nittisf.tr tioo. 1 have seen your l'ilw'a (Annmon Hense Medical' Adviser and 1 think it U the beat thin, that 1 have ever on. Yours truly . . 0. Siikkmaji. Aseedole or Itavld UavU. Senator Davin, when ho was a judge, had a shrowd way tf his own. Onca at Indianapolis, whirh wa wi'.li ia his circuit, a lawyer named Ketch nm was ready when his ease wan call ed, but his opponent was absent and sent word that he couldn't arrive fur an hour or two. lutchuin insisted on proceeding at once. The judge re monstrated iu favor of tho nlwnt lawyer, but to no purpose. "NVll," said he finally, "if you insist upon g iug on, Mr. Ketchum, you have, of course, the technical right to do so; but if I wcre you I wouldn't urge tho matter. (Jver at Springfield the other day there wa just Mich a ease; the lawyer would insist upon going on with tho trial, and so 1 had to look aftor the interest of the other p iny, and da you know curiouoly enough, Mr. Ketchum, wo beat him !" ilr. Ketch nm concluded to wait. . , . ' The Keuata bai confirmed all the Cabinet Domination by neatly a unanimous vote Id neb caw. The" Treasury ba issnl It -IM rll for tbt redeirplioo of tea tuil.'iona uf bomU for the tyodirata. Good knd soli lor ill) aa acrs at II i'J Hirer. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the error and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, Ate., I will send a ret-hie that will cure you, 1T.EK OP CHARGE. This (treat remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a aelf -addressed letter to the Rev. Jomepu T. Ihuak, Station D, Bible Houjie, New York. Centaur One kind for the Human Family. The other for Horses and Animals, TUi-ut T.liilmenU are the wonder ofthe world. Their effect are little less than marvellous. The White Liniment is for the hu man family. It will drive Kbeuuiatism, Scia tieia and Netirnk-i from the Kystemj cure Lumbtyn, Chilblains, Lswk-jaw, Palsey, Itch, and miwt Cutaneous Eruptions; it extract frost from the frozen hands ami feet, and the poison of bites and stints of veinnmous reptiles; it sub dues swellings, and alleviates pain of every kinil The Centaur Liniment is used with great ettieaey for Sore Throat, Toothache, taked Ilreasts, Karaehe, and Weak Back. The fol lowing is but a sample of numerous lesiimo niaJs: . . iNDIAlf A iioMR, Jeir. CO., inil., I May 28, 1H73. f "I think it mv duty to inform vou that I W MiillVrod much with Mwollen U'fl li ml chord. A few buttle "f Centaur l .iiitn..iifc h.-uislono (lie work forme. have not been I'roo from tliene Hwellinpi in Htflit jrurfs. Now I mil porlicrtly well. The Liniment onlit to lie aiuilied warm. bo.i-uu.i ununn. 'n,o i,r,-,f U In t1i trial. It is reliable, it is handy. It l elieap, aim every mmuy bmuuiu have the White i eutaur Jjiuniient. Thr Yki.i.ow Ckntai b Linimknt is adai)ted tn tliM toiiih lntiKL-leH. curda and flesh of horses ami animals. It has performed more wonderful cure, in three years, ol tipavui, rttram, vinu Kalls, Scratches, sweeny, and general Lameness, than all other remeilles in extsiruce. iieao what the great Kxpreuuen sny aUmt it: ".m;w l ohk, .January mt 'Every owner of liorses should ive the Ces- NAl'R Linimknt a trial. We consider it the best article ever used in our stables. II. Mahsii, Hupt Adams Kx. Staws, N. Y. "K. 1'1'I.tx, Hupt V. S. Kx. Stables, N. Y. "A. S. Oi.lN, Hupt Nat Kx. Stables, N. Y." The best natrons of this Liniment are Farriers and Veterinary Sunjeoin, who are continually usiiiL' some Liiiiuieut. It heals Galls, Wounds an .1 Poll-Evil, removes swelliii-pt and is worth millions of dollars annually to Farmers, Livery men, Stock L'rowtrs, .Sheep-raisers, and those Imvim horses or cattle. What a r airier cannot lo lor ?.u the tentairr Liniment will do at a trilliu1' cot. These Liniments are sold by nil dealers throughout tho country. They aro warrented t,v. lid I by the I uronrietors, an a bottle will be ,-iveu to any Karrier or physician who desires to test them. Labaratory of J. 1. INwE ft to., 4G Dky St., New Your. II 03I2Y. Pitchers Castohia is a comnlete cnbstituto for Castor Oil, and is as pleasant to take as Honey. It is particularly adapted to teething and irritable children. It destroys Worms, as similates the food, regulates the Stomach and cious for Fevensh'rtoHS, x-nAiii; "w.afc.j'l'kac WliiKiiiiuir Couifli. Castoriaisa scleutifio am purely vegebtble preparation, more effective than Castor dil aud neither kiith nor grimes. Prepared by Messrs. J. II. KosE it Co., 4li J ley St, New York, from the reeiiio of Samuel i'ltcner, m. u., oi uarnsuioic. .uasa. IIAL1 HONEY OF EOBEEOUHD & TAR FOR THE OURE OF Coughs, Colds, Induenu, Hoarseness, Dlfflcult Breathing, and all Affections of lha Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and Lungs, leading w to Consumption. Tliis Infallible remedy is composed of Hie Honky of the plant Horehound, in chemical union with TAR-lUt.M, extracted from the l.r I'rincii'LS 'of the forest tree Aiiiks Hai samea, or Halm of Cilcad. The Honey of Horehound soothks AND SCATTERS all irritations and inflamma tions, and the Tar-Halm cleansfs and HKAl.s the throat and air-passncj leading to the lunpi. Fivk additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in health ful action. Let no prejudice keep you from trying this crrat medicine of a famous Doctor, who lias saved thousands of lives by it in his large private practice. N.H. The I'm lialm has no HAD tastk or sniclL r RICES 50 CENTS AND $1 PEI BOTTLE. Crest saving to buy large site. "Tike's Toothache Drops" Cur In 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists. c k. cmnmos, rrop, x.y. I ,11 "It lilEXA VIST V STUNK WAliK H. T.t;. hj:ni'i;u ks. lltK l:ltll.! Isluiil knpooafullor GnOCEHIES : Pr.0V15I0S Aud invite the atU-tition f ln-i: ..tv; r. T. i! HKNUlJICKS ut:u. u. nonius, 1TI0ESET IXD rarSSELlJK IT I AW. Olfi.-e n Willaintt atrwt. I'liTcne Citv. VITK K. riT) WHOM IT MAV CO.tEn. 1 I sav til all irf lM L. . , I. . . . Araiiist me, that I or my rfnTM-iiUtive will be at Kuw-'-ne rity on or aliiHit Man-h Mh to aT ALL MY J I'M' IKHTM IX r'll.l. I un dcr-Un I that eeruin rtie at Lnjvne itT are buying up claims aunt me at lt-v. than ar aud tliia induced me u io th'n n-ti-e. t'lUKI.KS I'.AKLIt, r .nuerlr ot ths AJnt 1 larl H.,t..i ,.l v.... C.ty. '4. IP MARK THESE FACTS TEE TESTIMONY OP THE WBOLE WORLD. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. It the suffering diseased read the following. Let all who have been riven up doctors, and sKken of incurable, read the following. Jx.'t all who can tielieve I acts aim can u faith in evidence read the following. Know all men by these presents, that n this the 20th day of June, A. 1). im, H?rsonal y came Joseph Haydock, to me known as such, and being duly sworn deposed as tolio:.' , he is the solo general agent for the Lnited States and defendenciea thereof for prerat(!OD or medicines known as Dr. Uolluway'a "ul auk ointment, and that the following certificates are verbatim copies to the liest of hi knewl edge and belief. JA-MKS 8MIETKE, L.S. NoUry r-uimc. 14 Wall street, New York. Tim Tfm.AW.vT tiklrA mw Tn tn write TOU ot BT irreat relief and that the awlufpain in wr JjJ1,u left me at hut-thanks to jrour pills. Oh, Dottor, buw tliankful I am that I can get some sleep. I a neer write it enouijh. I thsnk you sursin snl V""' and am sure tlist you are really the friend of all suf. ferers. I eould nut help writing to yoe. nd aope you wUl not take it amiss. JAMES MYERS, 1IDA.VUU.V. Tliia U fn iwrtlfv thnt T KM rilwlmriml fnm the army with chronic dfarrhont, and he 1 fired by Dr. liolluway's Pills. WILSON HARVEY, Stun XorK, Apriu, isoe. ai ri Ti.w ffklLiwim. la in infurMtintr mas nf a man era- ployed in an iron foundry, who, in pouring melted Iron into a fl,isk thnt was wet, caused an explosion. Tho melted iron was thrown aruund an 1 on him in s perfect shower, and he was dreadfully burned. The following certiflmte was giTen to me by him about 8 weeks after the evident: Kaw Yobs, Jan. 11, 1879. Mr name Is Jarnh Hardr: I am iron founder, I was badly burn by hot iron in November last i my burns heated, but I had a running sore on my leg that would not heal. I tried Hollowny's Ointment, and it cured my in a few weeks. T his is all true and anybody can see me at Jiu ksnn's Iron works, id Avenue. J. AUDI, US uoercu sireei. EXTBACTS rnOM TAB10CS LRTTIKS. "I hail no appetite ; liolluway's Pills g avs c a liMrtv .inn 11 ' Yimr I'lIIa nrf mnrrnllnna "I si-nd fur another box and keep them in the house." Dr. Ilollowar cured my headache ttat was i-lironie.' "I inre one nf tour Pills to my liar for cholera morbus. The dear little thing got wen in a auy. "Mv nausea of a niormnir is now curea." "Your box of Hulloway's Ointment cursd me of noises in the head. 1 rubbed some of your Uiutineul behind the ears and the noise has leu." "bend me two uoxea, I want one lor a poor faml- "I enclose a dollar, youj price is 2 cents, bnt the medicine to me is woi tn a aoiiar." "H.nd trie rive boxes ol Tour Tills. " "It nio have ttvu boxi-s of yoiu: PHla by return mail f..rCliill.nil Fl-Vlir." 1 have over ZOO such Testimonials, but want oi spaoa oouipels me to conclude." FOR CUTANEOUS GISGKDERS And nil ariinfli.tia nf the skin: this OilltmCUt is ifr valiuble. It does not heal estornnlly aloue, bnt penetrates with the most soarebiujf ellucU to the very root ot the evil, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS Invariably euro the following diseases : DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS. In all diseases attVcting these onr,n". whether they secrete too nnHi or too little water; or whether tliey lie uuiicti"! Willi stono or gnci,or with arbes or naius seltitil in tho loins ovor the re gion of the kidneys, these Pills should ! taken ac i-oidiiig to the priuted direi'liiins, an 1 the liutment .lw.nl. I I Si wnll rnlilxnl into the alnilll tlf the btU'k at bod time. I his treatment will uive almost immedi ate lelivf when all other lucaus unve lailen. I'OIl STOMACHS OUT OF ORDER, No ineidi-iiie will so effni'tiisllv iinnrove the tone of the stomtrhs as those. Pills ; they rcmore all a'-iili- ly, occasioned either by lntomiwranee or lmpiupiv diet, lhey reach tlie liver and ruduco it to a heal thy action ; they are wunduifully ertiiwious in nises of sjusm in tact tliey never iau in curing an oisur- dera nf the livers mid stomach. ilolloway's Pills are the beat remedy known in the world lor the following illsoasos: Ague, asiiiiiih. Dillons couiiil iiiits. lUuti lica on the skin, u.iwt coiiipbiiiits.ldii-s, oiMtiiKitiun of tho li4wels, Con aiiiiintioii. Debility. Dro!v. DysenUry, Krysipelas, Kom.ilo lii-eu-iiliinlicM. levers of all kiieb. Kits, (lout, Heaibube, Indigestion, luflnmation, Jaun. dice, l iver iiiiiiplimls, I.tiiuUiiro, Piles, Iihcnma Nir" lliliilltH.rtimeiv Uiiii, . uu'i.i.y ih,.,W.l, T'lc-Douloureux, Tuniors, Ulcers, eueral Alfeo. tious, Worms of all kinds, Weakness from any causv, ku, LMi'OKTANT CAUTIOX. Noue are genuine unless tho signature of J. Hay- ISK'K, as aeut for the United Mlutca. surrounds aac-h Uix of Pills and Ointment. A handsome ruwnrd will bo given to any one rcn lemur such information may lead to the detection ol anv narty or narties counterfeiting the medicines, ur veuding the same snowiug llteill 14) IS) spurious. . Mold at the miiiiutucbiry of Professor HoluiWAT ( o., Now Yoik, and by all respectable Druggists and liealeia in Mmlieiue throughout the civiIih1 worm, in iHixes at i!i cents. CI cents and II each C-sT There is considerable saving by taking the laruer sixes, N, 11. Directions for the guidance of rviticnts in Qvery oisunier are aiuxeu to eacn box. CEM) 2V. to IIKO. I'. RDWEI.I. 4 CO.. Now Yoik, for Psinphlet of 11X1 puges, eonluining lists if.1ii,s) newspapers, and rstimutes showing eoet oi an vol list ng. HTCCbMOK TO WALTOX t. LYNCH, la Dorris' Brick Building DEALEB IN Groceries Provisions. n 111 Keep ou Hand a general assortment of llroceriea, Provisions, Cured Meats, ToWeo, Cigars, Cuidiea, Candles, Soai, Xotious, lireen and Driwl Fruits, Wood ami Willow Ware, Crockery, Ktc llusinesii will 1h? conducted on a CASH UASIS, Which means that Low Prices are Established Goods tlclhfrcd witliunt clmrge la Buyer ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED tor which I will pay the lushest market price. AAliOX LYNCH. ,Lriu:i) jjleu Has taken Nssession of ths Luckey Livery Stable, And will carry on a GENERAL LIVEKY nVSIXKSS. Horses fed and boarded by the week or day. HOUSES AND lU GGIKS FOIl HIKE. For Sale. Dwri 1 io norsE axd s acrf1 or ind in Ninth strwt. east ol null tare. Terms easy. For jKiticulars &iuue at the sr crtARi fs noTFr, For Sale. hil'h Sr. llkvlv l.MmlTai..l will la a.il.1 .t a faia. Icrmsr iay. tn.juirs al eii- or!i.-. J. II. IM'KKWiHIO. ELLSWORTH & CO., D Ti UGGISTfi, rII.I. COXTIM K TIIK BfSIN::sa in 11 .!! II. . .. ll., ..1 I I ..ir incrvsvul iudncnu'Lts ( ct.-tomer, olj and nt-w. .-s neiv Miisre, tlie nnst Careful attention given to Prescriptions. Baled Hay, Baled Straw and Vood ITOTl SALE IX QrAXTITTES Ttl SUIT ' hy S. 11. CHRISTIAN. At the 1'ortutbce. SHERMAN & UYDE'3 COLUMN CENTENNIAL AWARD. GRAND TRIUMPH FOR WEBER PIANOS! First Premium over all American and Foreign Manufacturers. Cojiy of teletTiim received by Sherman & Tyde ; Kkw Yokk. Sent 00. lS7fi Xl(tvvei the highest award for Rvniimtlietic. pure and rich tone, combined with greatest power, as ahown in tlie three etvlea Urand, ..iini-u and lTnri dlt I'ililliia U'lii.-li alimv ln..l. iiRence and solidity in their construction, a p!i- ... A.l f......Vl td.w.l. .1 .lw. a.i.nu wers lirmnptiy 10 us requirements, nvatlier ' ' A. WE13ER. i These famous Tianos are for sale by SHERMAN &, HYDE Cor. Kearney and Sutter Sis , SAN FRANCISCO. jelT BIARRIAGE Tin nnw a w a all Ut liHMiiiitivr. ihtiijiii know risurr, the FWiiicj AND Ol thatkiiai ww-an... Pi.. ROOKofSECRETS. liMiiphjr ol .ritmdiirtitm, ISM. A rf1"""' !" niarrisp-. . ... .... . rriw un sill rrivftle l)tira aea ii., Z Z.y , wwsxur uif kiikI tvpr 01b K W fsirafmrnjt m,Hl m-,ipt ot.u. Ail ar-ja. !,. (. A. II.HIASNsn ,61'lNurUl t Ua.U rpRY IT !-TnET.O. HEXDRICK8 liRAXP J. ufMl.tr. r or sale only by t.o. HEjfnnro'Ks Carding and Spinning. FT AVISO PURfH ASED the Machinery owned .11 n.-1-avf r-r - M. A. UT t. IIIMJUL111IU. 1 am UllW t.rlt.-irr.1 t. tr...L-. 41 iUI Ul YARN, DA ITS, Ac, For customers At the Lowest Living Rates WLI, IRVING. EUG11XE CITY. UUEGOJi Young Men Vho may be sutTeriii from the effeet of y,n!th d follie. or indiscretion, will !. uvll . .;! themselre. of this, the createst Umn ever hid . . ",l',r .wnenng nuniamtr. I lit M'l. NKY will mianuitee to forfait K'ssl tn ,r Krainal weaknens, or private dLraM of anv kind or character whk-h he undcrUke. and. fails to core. He would therefore say to the unfortu nate sufferer who may read this notiee. tlit Ton are treading uu l:iii--nmj ground w!-.en yo; U'lerdeUy in serkii.) the iip.-r nmedy"fn: your cmiidaint. You nay be in the first ."ta .-p: rvrntmlier that you are a;i.naehin? the Ut If you are lrd, riin; nrvn t!. lit, and are s-if f.-nntr s.m or all its ill t-tfpot, rememlvr that if you lrxi in (nxrvtination the time m;;tt vme when toe most skillful phrsv-ian can in det you no aam-tance: hen the d.r of hotw will lw rloeed ak-aiu.-t you: wht-n an anel uf mTry ran brin you no relief. Id no cave haf the I Victor failrd of sucrvss. Thfn K t not dr pair work mn your irn.vmati. n. hut avai' yourself of Uie Kn. fieul reaidUof his treatment . yTT, 'V'"'1 lhf rrn "f meilirai skill, or bef. prim d.ath hnrrw too to a pre mature jrrave. Full rnrse of treatment ei Sml BoneT by tt-.tfioe orW or expr-ws, with full iieKriptiiin ? cswr. i all nn nr a-i.'rr. X U Kearney street. Sn I ranciKo. PROPRIETARY MEDICINES or DR. CHANDLER, F.B.S.A., After W of the "J0''? T. a lu..afilflriniii iiiiic i ' - - I -t - stfaaw aiMJfll radUall cured of ailment and thranie mMalltV,Zhitk have been adjudged by THE WONDERFUL EGYPTIAN BLOGD-PUBIFIER. IIJEMAK. rffilltfDltfHOUKTIctandAVEIU- JSNT, eombiuina v.rtuem i ft invaluable and never-faUin. and by eate all diteaee of the blood. Jit tngrt- dletmte are of n pumy sumnrH Hon, the product, gathered from remote Egyptian Province; and vhere there it theilluhteet taint of rflaen.e in theyt' tern, it never fall in ejecting that dlteate 1 ' a.. im uf the .kin. or ex pelling it through the many and rarloum ehannele of the bwlg, !":bV ''f and. indeed, forcing ait km...... their proper normal and functional eon ji.iJ i m.ru hrlrt toace of time itill convince any patient velng it, of if un doubted reliability and wonderful cura tive properties, it teliiff, tiiinur.f.on ablu, tlieverg acme of medical triumph, and tlie greateet discovery of pre"" age, in tlie treatment of every deoe where the blood iteelf it primarily the . ,hm ilnn er disorder, tuelt aa HCHUtULA and the tliousand and one cautet that lead to thtt terrible affliction. of whlelt all eirmtea rni - cignieant, for hibllcal Truth hat uttert ed that the "Hint of the fathers thalt visit even unto the third ad torth gen erations." and to HItOKi:-D H y AAO TnITeblei COSMIIVIIOSS it is a powerful rrjuvenator, causing the wreck of man once more to assume the Cod-ltk9 fr7oiimvs msrAsrs, xmiy A nr DisouitEits, -oxMir.ujps oR cosTirvNiiss, i.irtn axd Kinztr COMf I.AIXTS O ESXHA I. AXD Mf -OUS DKH1LITY. It it K I'M A TISST, OLA KU VLA It ESIA Til ELIO MA TO I S A S V t II , f VltlY, JjKXT VLOHttd, L'EMALh tOjr rhAJXTS (and to the gentler sex it is a boon long sought for by sensitive, suscep tible, and delicate females, as it takes direct action upon their ailments) AAD ALL 10 iniS OF CllllObIC JtiShASE xSwHKH XIIB HUfODJS THE SEAT ereeinee trlrh this remedy will prove a positive and permanent Jf CHILLS and FEVEHS and all 21ALA UlAL P01SOXS. , , , Thousands nf Testimonials attest tho truth of these claims. J'rlce, One Dollar, in largo bottle, or tlx bottles, $3. DYSPEPSIA. GASTROX. QASTllOX it a safe, speedy, and J)0U tive cure for that most depressing of ail ments, aud nhrlef course of treatment will restore the digestive organs to tlieir pris tine strength, tnd promote the healthy action of tie slbmueh aud iutestincs. 2ie tserroK. irritability of literary and all 4 I? Till. TIHtl III. t:. IS VS IIIPBtunuir. J- persons mu.Mi nn n seneniurti oivi ;i rcmnved bu this auenr. ine stomach is reitored to health and the key note of the system Wilt once mure""' in the per for mil nee of labor. Frier, One Uollur, in large bottle, or mix bottles, $3. AFFECTIONS. THACHEOX. A slight so-called void' will ofttlmes lead to a serious cough, which, uncared for or badly treated, must have but one resultit must eventuate in a settled case of BROXCMTIS, or what is worse, the deadly COXSUM FTIOX. To all suffering from harassing cough and expectoration, TBACllEOX offers a sound, reliable, and permanent relief. It augments expecto ration, and enables the patient to expel that terrlt.li septic deposit, which, if left without Judicious treutment, must com municate its poiton to the vesicular sub stance of the lung, degenerating and de stroying that tiio.vf essential of organs, and ultimatct only in an early aud un timely Uath. TK AC II FOX has no equal, much less a superior, unit its use will not only remove the deposit, thereby affording great relief, but heals the membrane and leaves the patient in possession of healthy lung tissue. M rice, tiji tattles, 92.50. PILES. Hemorrhoids. riLON. Jfnntf muses tend to produce this nnln. Ml nrt"fi- fre..(nff stute. The blood rf, retartled in its retur,,; the too frequent use of drastic purgatives tends to produce eongest ion of the bowels, torpid action of xne liver, mi nu mrruus virru-r causes are the source of this complaint, and hitherto nothing effectual has been prestnted to the public, which would rapidly alleviate symptoms aud ultimately prove an effect ive cure. In FILOX we hare a remedy which not only acts almost instantly, but will rcmore the largest tumors ofthe parts (Files) by absorption, and many who have rem red not only benefit, but have been radically cured, have been assured (prior to using this treatment) by emi nent surgeons that the only relief they ever could expect in life, would be by an operation, and removing it or them from the body by a procedure which necessitat ed the knife. This remedy has been hailed with delight, and is now prescribed by many practising physicians, who are cog nisant of its merits, as the only known, sure cure for FILES. Frier, Fifty Cents per package, or six for $9.60. ' T1IE A1IOTE KrWEDTF.I AUK thorough in the eradication of the differ ent and rarious maladies denominated, and are the result of patient, searching, laborious, and scientific investigation, embracing a period of many years, in. jEurope and America. if the spreido directions are compiled with, thousands of patients will bear wit ness to their relative merits, and corrob orate every assertion, h here there aro many complications of disease, and pa tients so desire. 111'.. CHAXltLEU will be pleased to aire all tnlormation, and treat by letter if neccsenru. Descriptive and Ixplanatery Circu lar of the aitore temetlics sent on receipt ef stamp. If the FUOI'H I E I A il JT M EDI CiXlS are not on gale at your particular druggist's, tend orders to DR. CHANDLER, . 1479 Broadway, Eer-York City.' .OPIUM OkHiis k and im rr.Ra t murs Uy cured; pauuas.no puliioiy, at home and wnbout tnconraieiice. A n antiaxc it. -1 ct "s on tn merits. Send -tamp, fcrrureoiLirs. CS.CARLION.i8t w uhiagua Stmt, Uucjgn, la. . EURRIAGEe iTuM-wrd work Ti larrd and max. Atainu naivatj r 00 il nivMane. I ' I I I II fZ o'" .a, rflrm. itt ataiars, I I 11 1 T 1 1 K" m'- -vrrMS la u. . - - - - VI rr-iBwu..,.,,, ; B. U .WfllT -Ct " 1 1 B.tTTNil r- H u. Ala !iJ a, r sou m.. a-M ,a,nA ml s-xi naxajna mjfiai.a. v rii nuon. ran tOmtl to ta wni I a iw k pr-acrrr tV b-a :a. soj con.p,-t.m. awl J T rnw .Mar- .ir lit. If , u wnr d. Pr llntu . aL O. OiLii, ui u-- TlS.Wtfh "- 5250 VOXTh .lr. r( snle.l rrarr. H... ,.. i.n-a"i 11 -..I P--t TNrvs:ar. nt f re. A'i'W. UH1I1 A tu., u Uumtg. ( r T j No. 649 Clay Street. BETWEEX Kearny and Mocteomory StrtaU SAN FRANCISCO. DR. DOHURTY'8 Largely and Steadily U. cnaini Practice, which has constantly kept pan with the unexampled increase and steady jruwlh or the Pacific Coast indueehis removal Iron bis Ions established and well-known quarters, oaths eorner of Sacramento and LeidesdorS streets, is this city, to more rommoilioiisand eligibly locate! apartments at Xo, 040 Clay Street, when he has a spacious suite ol handsomely titled a. and conveniently arranged Examination sod On saltation Rooms, (occupying the whole of the two upper glories) which patients may at all times visit, aud see only the Doctor and kit as. ilKMIIlS. With the most grateful sentiments of retiri for the liberal patronsge bestowed on him for ths past thirteen years, at bis old office, DR. DOHERTY desires to inform tho General Public, and esaM-L ally all those laboring under all forms of Cbrwiie Complaints, that he can be consulted at 649 l lay Dirt-ei, on every variety ol Disuse of tas i.uiigs, i.iver. Moneys, digestive and uenlto Unnary Organs, and all SPECIAL DISEASES, of which the list is numerous, and which ir more closely connected with the general beiltk 1 ban the majority of people are aware. Uubappy nvalids for years persist in concealing their coa lition from a motive originating in mintakeo del 'caey, and sillier in silence until their mistrici be-i-ome ton arute to be repressed, and mental and In "ii h1 debility tinlits the sufferer for srtin dutiesoriife. This latter type of iiftliction manifests it-elf in the complaint prolessioually knows it Syphilis, in all its forms and stages; Serainsl Weakness, and all the distressing forms of Self. Abuse, or Onanism ; Gonoirlioea.iileet, Stricture; Noetiirnnl rnd Hiurnal Kmissinna, Sexn il Debili ty, Diseiises of the Hark and l.niiis. Inttammitio ol the Hl.idder and Kidneys, etc., etc. The num ber of persons suffering from these horrible Dis eases, in whom tlie Doctor hasetreeted I radical cure, can be counted by the thousand ,nd the vol untary certificates in his possesion, received frost persons lie has restored to health.are enough to tst i4y all that the Doi-tor's skill in the treatment of ibe-e aftei-.tioiis, enables him'-to warrant ipeedj cures, even in obstinate cases, and in erer) instance give relief. Diseases which formerly ti tllt-.l the medical skill o' the most irtra- il and expi rii m cd Practitioners of the bell iiiriirt, and were reuarded by the majority of t'iiysiciuiis s utterly incurable, now readily yield ' iiKo'ern remedies, when prrseribed by the Intel. igt-nt Pi act it loner, who makes the bumaniyi ii 111. awl these siecialailmeut,his constant atnih mil siil ji'ct ol observation, In no ca-e is publicity permitted except at tbt ti..i,i. ... ,h- .i .... .-a ik. ivaSar wa li.lently trmts that his long experience and iuc eessrul practice will continue 10 insure bim a lib eral share or public patronage. By the practice of many years in Europe and the United Stalo, lie is enabled to apply the most successful Roa dies ogaiiisViiseai-es of all kinds. He cures without mereuty, charges moderate fees, treats his patients in a correct and honor, able way, and has leferences of unqnestioiiiWr veracity, from men of known respectability ml high standing in society. All parties who y consult him by letter or otherwise, will recemtie lst and gentlest treatment. TO FEMALES. When a fem.ile is afflicted with disea?f,ai ntssol the back and limbs, pain in the head.diss nessof siclit, loss of muscular power, palpitstios ol the heart, iirilability, nervousi ess, deranre Mient of digestive (unctions, general drbilitj.all -liseases ol tbe womb, livstenu, sterility, and all tber rima-es peculiar to females, she should J r write at once to I)h. W. K. DO li KKTY, al his M-ilical Institute, and she will receive ererypoa iUe relief and help. lt no false delicacy prevent you . but apply im mediately, and save yourseif from painfal suhr iug aud premature death. TO COP.ItKSPtiXDRVTS. . p..n. i .1 r. .. ... . j ' , ! ,,, u ,"r . "'i'"' . ' u ? "1 "' he coiiiitr) however distant, who msy dealt ",e !'"'"' a" advice of r. Doherty in their re- pe,',l"e eases, and who th 11k proper to aubmita ' niiio-ii siaieioeoi 01 suen, in preferenei tooora- in-t a iieisonal interview, are resoectliillT sssond that tlieir communications will be held nosttt errd. Tim Doctor is a regular graduate, and njt eoii-niieo wiia every ronnilence. U the disease be fully and candidly describrl. personal cnminiimciition will, in most reset, at unntressary.as instructions for diet, reiimenud the general treatment of the rase itself (i.Kludinj the rrraedits). will he forwsided without delay, and in such a m inner as to coniry do ides of thr purport of the letter or parcel so transmitted. Should your condition require inimediateettes tion.send ten dollars in coin, (or that valae h cnrretic) ) by Mail, or Wells. Fargo A Co.'sEl nress.anda package of medicines will be for warded to your address, with the ntcesfry ia tructions tor ne. Consultations, at the office nrbv letter FREE I Address W. K. DOUKltfy, SI. D., San KraaciKf Cal. ! I OPINION'S OF THE PPESS. , TU. nOHERTY is a skillful phya'rian sndhos onitile Kentleman. Any -rniemenl he mskea hi patients heis sure to fulfill. That fad "S gre-it raiie ol his eminent succes in his pniff' -'". It is fortunate that among the maryadrf' li-ing pby.icians. there isouethat can be'dep' 011." Keview. Hit. POHERTY'S reputation a a physieias. is snflkiei.t giiar.,ntee for the rare ot sny raw lie undertakes."' 'ia versa C'ironicle. Olt. IKUIKRTY ha-devoted hit stmly a-ot r-xrtii olarly to chniiiic. snecilic and private pt- tinr.at.d sssucb is now the mwt suecewtolotsiir physician in Ssn Krancisco." Fne Pies, i "OH DO'IEP.TY'.S reputation is serotidloaf . if'er physician on the roast, in chmnic sod tpe-i-ilic pisctice." Sliiror. ! 'Hit PilHKUTY.-Few men In the medifi' : profession have sunxedtd ia gainii.i the cool di m e of the public in their skill and judgment a ' he has." Irquirer. ' ' IR PDHFRTY ranks aa one nf our mnsiKv tinituiahed phyairiana. and also 1 is tleO"tt mn -i eseiul. which is nowihsTterio,. . alaktnt Uieilics! practitioner is j idji d " Ej by. Pit. DillIKRTYeij ji a mere 'nffnve prac tice : ban any j.hriciaU lu this State." tiir P. ?. The Doctor w.H send hit pimphletts Speci.il Piseises. to sny addre-son re-eiptolM ceats in p- stige stamim. for retnrn paKtsls. THE 1.tc4 anl Mort P-!ifl l""? ti. is-.t tin ltiJti'K BlLl; X.tly-n Wt.nir.j- sl A tZ 7 l ' o Km iait I III LC Iff of? IV ni 11 ollest. U'rX. IRtDKB. ia WyomiB. tjfc.lli.he4 t in;;. Iitilr. one AJUi I Q am-n-h lyer. Weekly, S mo M II I II mo. t M: I ysr.tl lnl eep? HILLv 10 ei(. H.OLAFCKE. . PuUastar, CVsTWaw, T