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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1877)
THE EUGENE CITY . GUARD. EUGENE GTlT.OItEaON. SATURDAY. JTKU. 17, 177. to of Oa the Coualttutlonallijr of tbe lilecto rat Ulll. While it cad make little difference to our readers now whether the bill under which the countint? of the elec toral vote is proceeding, is constitu tional or not, on article in the New York Sun of the 31st ult., calls up the question in such a manner as to make it of intorest. It disposes of the the ory held to before the passago of the bill, but since abandoned by the Re publican party, that the acting Tresi dontof the Senate had a right to count the votes, by saying that the "English language has undergono many muta tions, but at no stago of its history did it ever enter the head of any lex icographer that to open meant to count," and asks why the uniform us age from the foundation of the Gov eminent, which "seocis to have been for the Senate and IIuuso of Hepro sentatives each to appoint tellers in its own behalf, to cuumorato tho votes and, in case of disputed votes, for tho two Houses, acting separately aud' without tho intervention of any other power, to decido whother thoy should be counted or rejected," should not have coutinucd on this occasion. Four teen members of tho Commission it is known aro, politically, equally divided, and so, says the Sun, and subsequent events have workod in accordance with its theory so far as thoy havo gono, "everything will bo determined by tho fifteenth member tho fifth Jadgo of the Supremo Court, lie, in fact, will elect the next President. It is only a more difference in form that tho wholo matter is not rofcrred di rectly to bim as sole arbitrator." In concluding its articlo tho Sun Bays : It is not tho least objectional this bill tint it dras tho Judges the Supremo Court into tho political arena. Already tho Chief Justice lias made public annoucumont that the Court is adjourned on account of tho political engagements ot Ins asso ciates ! Tho respect of tho people at largo for the Court will bo diminished, as it ought to bo diminished ; for Judgoi who voluntarily leave Injudi cial bench to mingle in heated politi cal turmoils can hardly be expected to return cool and impartial. If anything wero wanting to ren der this bill us ridiculous as it is tin Bound. it would bo found in tho con cluding provisions that nothing thero- in oouiauieu emui iiiiiiiur mu ugim ui either of tho candidates to (ppeal to the Supremo Court of tho United States lor tho adjudication of his title to tho oflioo of rresidont. Appeal to a Court without a quorum loll 1 Ap peal to a Court a majority of the Judges of which shnll have just passed upon tho very question in dispute ! It is said that it is to preserve poaco that this revolutionary mens- uro has been passed. 1 eaoo against whom, prav ? There aro moro men in strait jackets in tho insane asylum of a sinclo Stato than could no inus tored iu a y ar to contend by forco about this election. It was bound to bo settled peacefully at all events. If thero had been any civil wrong, only civil remedies would havo been sought. Thero was not so much dan ger of war as of nn earthquake ; lor an carthquako may happen where ono nover ooottrrod ueloro , but war on this question was nbsolulelv im possihlo. There was nobody on either eido who wanted to fight; and tho talk about bloodshed was moro idle and loss intclli'eut thivu tho chatter of a parrot. To guard asrainst wholly imaginary evils great positivo mistakes havo Leon committed ; tho Supremo Court lias been degraded ; the Senate am tho llouso havo abused themselves usages as time-honored as that which forbids a third term have boei ilisre carded ; tho ono man power has been daniierously exalted : tire Constitution lias received n stab. Safety, peace, and honor lay in tho beaten track Uravo men and statjsmcn should not have been frightened from it by shadow. Wr In rolltlra. to be governed by tho good poople, and that they were the good people." If the Nation bad kept at it all winter it could not have come nearer the facts, if we may safely conclude, and wecan see no reason why we should not, that our town furnishes a fair example of the political woman throughout the and. Commenting on this article of the Nation the New York Sun says We do not doub',, indeed we know, that manv irood Republican women thought just theso things; for bolhl men ana women are apt vo mm uiutc who airree with them wise and eooa, and those who oppose inem misguiu ed or wicked. They believed that Til- . . M don was little better than a tbiet. and that his idea was to tear up by the roots all the fine erowths ot the war, and to devote all his energies to the cultivation of the weeds which threat ened tho crop. They did not balance the evidence and lonn judicial opin ions, but allowed their passions and prejudices to sway them. The editor of tho Hast Oregonian, of Pendleton, should read the remarks of tho Portland Oregonian on black guard journalism. He should then murder the man who sot up that May item, and at once commit suicido. For unadultoiatod vulgarity it eclipsei anything ever published in tho now happily' defunct Mazeppa. Newspaper Item. The Oregonian baa entered apno its sev eoteentu volume. It is one ot the best pa pers published west of the Mississippi river, and would be creditable even in a city con tuining as many inhabitants as our whole State. Tho Cultivator, of Albany, has been merged into the Farmer, ol Saloni. This we consider a very sensible arrangement. The State has not the population to support two papers devoted to agriculture, and it seems eminently fit that the Farmer should be the one to stand. The Sun Francisco foimwr appeared on the 8th Inst, in an entire- new dress. It is now one of the neatest papers any where. It is the leading Democratic papor of the, Pacific Slope and is in every way worthy ol the patronage of Democrats. . Democratic Report of LouUlaaa. Ou the 9lb Intt. the floase Special Com- Fir at McMixxviixc. Followio are he particulars: Tbe fire originated in Boyd's drug itore, and complete!? destroyed mittee oa Louisiana affairs made a report in tbe building, notwitbstandiug all effort to the course of which the ia tht lu the late save it and prevent its spread : loss. 87.000. canvats tbe policies pursued by the to par- O. Wilson's store was totally destroyed; ties were essentially different. The Itepub- loss, 8200 j insured. John bird sustained licans do not appear to bare made aoy siren- damages to tbe amout of $300. Tbe bouse nous efforts to maintain ordca and secure a peaceful election. Tbe Democrats, not solely, it fs believed, on tbe part of all of them, because ol their love ol order, out lor prudential reasons also, knowing that any i . i . .... i i i i : 1 violence or uieiuruance would oe iizcu uj of J. U. Jiraley j loss, 8800. Property ol Samuel Manning; 8300. II. O. Darns building; 8700. Henderson's livery stable; 8900. Htory'i butcher shop; 8300. Ball; 8100. Adams' buildup and stock ; 81,000. Bodyfeld'a saloon ; 81,0(10. Stock in Todd's on as a pretext for reversing the action of drug store , 8500, and loss in slock sustained toe people at toe pom, uiu coursei mo nw i Kcujmai . uii,uvui, v-" ervalioo of Deace and tbe observance of Uw. 000. Upon sucb t course could tbey only bope to succeed. Tbe interests of the Ik-publican party lay in the direction of distnrbauce and violence, and the past history ol thai organ- ization in Louisiana assures as ol its readi ness to consult its advantages without scra pie as to tbe means to be employed. The Committee conceive that tbe means bj wnicn Tbe Palouie County W, T. Colfax, Wuitman Co., W. T., Jan. 1, 1877. Mr. U. v . (imsox 1 promised to give voo a description ol this county as best I could. My opinion is that I alouse Is tbe a large number ol colored votes were secured beat comitry that lies out of doors. Timber lor tbe Uemocralic HCKel at tnelaie eiciiuir is uiiunuu; iu Bume localities I a iiiuii ran were not such as can be richtfullv nr legally just suit bims -If about that ; he cao settle cbaracterixed as intimidation. They were, close lo timber, or not. Ibe place I bave when stripped of tbe false nregentation made sii'led on is one mile Irom all tbe fire wood of them by tbe knavery of those who are to a man could ask, and eight miles from plenty more tban sucb as Is resorted to in all cities rich ; they raise as good grain here as I ever and States of this Union at every election saw in Lane county, Oregon, and tho best in which larire nuhlic itterest is elicited. Hardens that anybody ever bbw are grown Conceding for the Ketaroinir Hoard all the here. (Jus. McQueen s laraiiy, of Junction jndirial dignity claimed for it by the admir- City, lives here ; lie put out a largo garden, ers of Its unparalleled iiiKiuilies, u cannot anu never as mucn as siuca a hub hi h, mm be denied that, in order to give validity and 1 saw bim dig five bills ol potatoes and get pffi.rt in Hh dociainn where it has attempted a lona lin bucketful of potatoes, tbe smallest to throw ont and reject returns from the as large as a goose egg. 1 ulso saw air. rnlln. ihrtiiiristlictional lad reouired by the Nichols dig soma of bis, and they were statute must affirmatively appear, and unless equally as good ; and they hav all kinds of tnat lad does SO appear, US action in "it gurm-u sum in pruporuoo. i uu buii fun case wag without jurisdiction, and on Us just like f.ther's vineyard, which is an Indian face null and void. The Board bad no knoll, a mass of burned brusb ; very black ricrhl. nnil.T th Uvi'i of Louisiana, to throw rich soil. I saw erain here that was sown out or count out polls and votes thev have tbe first of June that went forty bushels per . . . .i I .., . r, .1 ')...;. I thrnwn nnt anil punned out. anil ineir aciiou acre, wneai i ji any any uiey aro on am in that behulf is wilhorjt the authority of they can't fiud good lund to Buit them, tell inr unrl null ami vniil. Urn Committee them thnv can net al low or all dicd land fiirlhHr atiitea thut if there is any law lu tbe just as they choose, State of Louisiana, providing br the election For b"gs, this is a spbndid country, as of Electors of President and Vice-President, good as tho Willamette valley ever was, ex the canvass and compilation of tbe rotos cepl for tbe acorn mast; tbe camas is as lor Electors must be mide under special Acts plenty as it was in the Willamette valley at of the State unon that sub eel. and by a an early day. I be people bere mostly kill . . . . . m l.i . L ir.i " . i Board composed ol other persons or oiucers iiieir nogs ou me cninas. as io uruss, mere than t'lose constituting the Betursinguoaru. are millions ol acres oi as gooa gruss as a O. II. Brewster, one of tbe candidates lor man ever saw. Money is the scarcest arti le Electors on the Hayes ticket, taelJ, on ana nere wnn tne people, i no people nere are after the 7th day of November last, tho office good to a man moving here with u family of Surveyor-Oeneral for the Stats of Louisi-1 IT lie is poor and cin t bay, tbey will give AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. HAVING OBTAINED THE AGENCY of T. CUNNINGHAM & CO.'S line of Farm Machinery, which for completeness 1 1 l:. . l.;..a, ia ttnurxioll T AI1U H"H1 ipiltlll,y in mnviiiutB urn ui.,umku. a am tirenared to furnish on the ffiont favorable teniui the following macuines, lo-wn: The Case Thresher, The oldest and most popular machine in Amer-L-a Um untiiml aalea beinirover 1400. Please to call and examine it Oeiore purcnaning any other. Also, , Case's Wrought Iron Header, (Treadwell's patent) with new and valuable im provelueuta. Haines' Insido Siagle Gear Header, Johnson's Combined Reaper and' Mowers, Wm. Anson Woods' Eagle Mowers, Bradley's Reaiiers and Mowers, ADAMS A FRENCH Conquerer Harvester, Twist k Bradley's Sulky Rake, Victor Self-Dump Rake, Monitor Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator. Farmers' Friend Grain Drill, Tills drill has many important improvements over any other drill now in market. Do not fail to examine it. Garden City Plows, Walking, Sulky and Gang. Try them and you will bave no other. Also many other machines too numerous to mention. All these machines are warranted. We have on hand and are con stantly receiving all kinds of Machinery. Call and examine for yourselves. Alo agent for The Newton Wagon, The most durable, finest painted and lightest running Wagon ma e JOHN W. CLEAVER, N.E. corner Willamette and Seventh Sts. fe!7 3m Eugene City, Or. Gentauk Liniments. One kind for the Human Family. The other for Horses and Anlmali. ana. and conld not. therefore, be. and was not, cho.ien or appointed an Elector. A. H Levissoe. another candidate lor Elector on the same ticket, was U. S. Commissioner, and as not chosen an Elector. Subsequent bim enough until he can work to earn a living, and work is. easily loond if a man will work for Mich as they have to pay io wheat, oats, vegetables, &o 1 bought some ruta bagas bere, and tbe smallest of them weighed Tho Nation says that women have added tnuou to tho bitterness of tho political agitation of tho struggle ol 187G-'77.' It tlnuks that the era of moral and sentimental politics through which we have passed gavo special opportunity to tho feminine elements of tocioty, bocause tho question un der discussion involved the feelings so deeply, and so thoroughly enlisted tho sympathies. It says that many good Republican women "swallowed all the Blaine and Tinut and J'oft stories" about Tildcn, rebel claims, and repu diation ; that they believed in all the outrages manufactured by the Keturn ipg Board machines; and agreed with Grant that no 1'resiJcnt. elected by States lately in rebellion and by tbe slums of New York was entitled to the office. 'They thought," lays our coteniporary, "that tho people ought Florida. Tho Elootoral Commis siou give tho following as the grounds of their deoisio.i ; That it is not competent under tbe consli tutlon and law as it existed at the date of the passage of the act constituting the com mission to go into evidence aliunde the pa pers opened by Jim President of the Senate,. in the presence uf the two houses to prove that other porsoas than tlio'C regularly crti tied to by the Governor ol Florida according to tha llulttViAinnilon and dctilmaiiuil uf thott npomtment by the board of Stale canvass- eis priorto the lime required for the perform ance of their duties hud been appointed elec tors, or by counter proof to show tbey had not, and that all proceedings of tbe courts or acts of the Legislature or of the Exact) tive of I'lorida subsequent to casting the votes of the electors ou the prescribed duy are inadmissible for any such purpose. As to the objection inuuu to the eligibili ty of Humphreys the commission is ol the opinion that without reference to the ques tion ol the tiled ol the vote of tbe ineligu ble elector, the evidenco does not show that bo held the uflice of shipping commissioner on the day when the electors were appoint ed. The commission also decided as a conse quence ol tho foregoing, anu upon tue grounds before stated neither of the papers purporting to be certitlouUs of the electoral voles of Florida are certificates or votes pro vided for by the consti tuion of the United States, and they uug it not to be counted as such. fifteen Coudcnied Opinion ol (lie Hill Now York Sun. 11 lturcuard Moves suys : 1 do not care on my own account, but my beart does bleed lor the poor African. William Almon Wheeler says: It is ol the uature uf a compromise, and entitled to no respect whatever. Ulvases Simpson Grant says : It is better to be tight than to be President. Oliver I'. Morton say : A shameful spec iiiu-n of political trickery. John Sherman says : A direct and d.-lib eralo insult to tbe Iuiniuna Returning Hoard. Wells, Anderson, Cusunave, and Kennei say : It is unpttr'otic, uiislatesmaulike, dis honest, revolutionary. William lMt Kellogg savs : Thai's what comes of parlies your hair io the middle J. Gould says : It knocks h II out of my Invent men l j and thereroie Whittle Law UoiJ Jays: It Is plainly un constitutional. Don Cameron says: No bigh-piiocipled statesman can approve sucb political track and barter as this measure involves. Simon Cameron says : You bear l'on John A. Ijgan says : Hut what becomes or Me? James G. lilainc says : It Li tbe logical outcome ol AnuYrsonville. Xack Chandler snys : The common sense of ihe country says A patriotic mesm of intontions; we hope it wilt prove wist and work justice. to November 7lh. and before Pec.'Cth last 25 pounds. Excellent timothy grows here. passed, said Hrewster and suid Levisaee pre- We enjoy the best of health. There has tend to have resigned Iheir respective offices been no bad weather here; only six inches nf KiirvevoMiunerul and United States of snow end that went of in forty-eieht Pommisnionpr. When tho other Electors, hours. It is cold here, but the cold does nretcndinir to cast thoir votes for President not burt a man like it does iu the Willam and Vice-President, Brewster and Levissee ette valley. I believe there are more Irom didn't meet with them, and their places were Lane than Irom any otner county in uregon, declared or treated as vacant, because ol their absence. The other Electors then filled the places of Drewstor and Levissoe, vacant because or I loir aosence. -Willi mo a I...)-- same Urewster and wvissee, men ueiiiK present : all of which doing were fraudulent dayiccs to void tho Constitutional provision and all say they are well satisfied and would not return if tbeV owned good farms in Oreeon. As a sheep country l'avid l elcb, from Eugene, and others, bay? sheep here, and they do well. For my part, I would thiuk it too cold for lambs, but grown eheep with which renders the same void and ol no effect a good coat of wool will do well enough. in law. Even had any of ajliil tiflrat baAn,iiftMl hy the the Electors on n.-ople, and Tiios. M. Gibsox. they were not, the filling of such vacancies, without authority of law, conferred 00 right uoon Brewster and Levissoe to vote- lor President and Vice-President of the United States. The Committee made only such an investigation or inquiry into the election and canvass of tbe votes for State officers in Louisiana OS was incidental to tbe inquiry as to tho trenorul fairness of the election in said State and tho resnlt thereof. The tea timony taken discloses the faots that, by the votes actually cast and the votes as for warded to and received by the Hoard ol Heturninir Officers, Nichols was elected ."5 over nor nf Louisiana bv a mnioritv anorox - - - rf y , , , imatinii the minorities received by tue 1 1 den Electors, and, freed Irom th conditions irrowinc out of the Presidential contest, he would be accepted as tha duly elected gov ernor of Louisiana by tbe almost uuiversal acclaim of her people. Judge Bradley Satisfactory to the Con- piratora. From the Cincinnati Gazette. Bradley was uppointed by Grant from New Jersey in 1870, and is one of tbe two ol whom the Democrats were wont to charge that they were aiipoiuted to " pack " the bench on the legal tender greenback cases. He ranks high as a lawyer, and Republicans may be perfectly content if the choice shull lull on him. "N THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR State of Oregon for Lane County. THE Han nah Eubank, plaintiff, vs. Arthur I. Chapman and W. K. Leveridge, defendants. Suit in eouitv to foreclose ruortiraire. To the above nrmed delendnuts, Artimr l. t'liapman ana . K. IveridL'e: In the name of the State of Or egon, you and each of you are hereby required to appear in the above entitled siut brought ainuiut von bv the above nanieu planum in tue Circuit Coort for tbe State of Oregon for Lane county, and answer the complaiut tiled therein, by the first day of the next term of said court, to be begun and held on Monday the Kith day of AiriT, 1877, at Eugene City, county and State aforesaid Tue detenduuts wui lane no tice that if they fail to apear and answer said complaint as above required, the plaintiff will will apply to tne i ourt lor tne reiiei uemanueu thertiu, to-wit: That the plaintiff have judg ment against the said defendant, Arthur I. Chapman, for the sum of 4,000 dollars and for the coHts and disbursements of lit; that the us ual decree be made for the sale of the mortgaged premises uesvritied in the said complaint, o wit: The undivided half of the south half of section 35 in township 17 Bouth of range 4 west of the Willamette meridian, situated in Lane county, State of Oregon, by the sheriff of said Lane county, according to law anil the practice of said court; that the proceeds of said sale be applied in payment of the aforesaid Bum of four thousand dollars, the costs and disbuiseiients of this suit and the expenses of such, sale; that the defendeuts and all pentons claiming under them, or either of them, subsequent to the exe cution of the mortgage on said premises as set forth in said complaint, to-wit: ihe loth day of .lulv. 1HIW. either as iiurchasers. incum brancers or otherwise, may be barred and for ever torevloseil of all right, claim or equity ot redemption in the said premises and every part thereof; and that the putintirf have such other aud further relief in tue premises as to the court may aiuiear equitable. Service of this this sum nions is made by order of Hon. J. F. Watson, Judge of tbe 5d Judicial District, anil of tbe Circuit Lonrt ot the Mate ot tn-egon tor lane county, having date the 8th day of Felruary, THAYER & WILLIAMS THOMl'SOX, Attorneys for plaintiff. These Liniments are the wonder ofthe w0rlL 'heir effects are little less than marvelloui. The White line ill man family. It will alrive Rheumatism ticia and IMeuralgia from the sygtenv cum Lumbago, Chilblains, Lock-jaw. PaW' iJjr and most Cutaneous Eruptions: it extract! iJll f v i. i ... , """-"iron .w.u ... ii-ca uoiiua ICC, M1U W Doilon of bites and stings of vemotnous reptiles; ft lub. dues swellings, and alleviates pain of cverr ' kind. The Centaur Liniment in used with mS efficacy for Sore Throat, Toothache, talced Breasts, Earache, and Weak Back. The fol. lowing ia but a sample of numerous testiiacJ nials: "Isdiasa Home, Jeff. Co., Ind., May 28, 1873. f "I think it my duty to Inform you that t have Mufftrca much with swollen feet and chord. A few bottles of Centaur Liniment haa done the work fi IT rna T have not been l'rce from thene swellingi In n. i, am perfectly well. Ihe .Liniment ought to be applied warm. HJiAJAMIN BROW " The proof is in the trial It in re!iVl,l i i. handy, it is cheap, aud every family ihoukl have the hit Centaur Liniment. T'HB 1 ELLOW CeNTACB LlNIMKNT I. r,tl to tbe tough muscles, cordg and Hesh of honet and animals. It has performed more wonderful cures, in three years, of Spavin, Strain, Wind galls, Scratches, sweeny, and general Lameneu, than all other remedies in existence. Read what the great expressmen say about it: in ew x ork, January 1871. "Every owner of horses should give the Cm. naur Liniment atrial. We consider it the beat article ever used iu our stables. "H. Marsh, Sunt AdamaEx. Stabes.N.Y "E. Pl'LTZ, Snpt U. S. Ex. Stables, N. Y. "A. S. Omn, Supt Nat Ex. Stables, N.Y." The best patrous of this Liniment are Farriers and Veterinary Surgeons, who are continually using some Liuimeut It heals (Jails, Wounds and Poll-EviL removes swellings and is worth millions of dollars annually to Farmers, Livery men, Stock-growers, Sheep-raisers, and those having horses or cattle. What a Farrier cannot do for $20 the Centaur Liniment will do at a trifling cost These Liniments are sold by all dealers throughout the country. Thev are wrnW by the proprietors, and a bottle will be given to any Farrier or physician who desires to test them-. Dog kill more sheep couutv than the wolves. in Washington IIoi.lowavs Pills and Ointment. Wrecks of humanity. Indiscretions of youth. No object is more soul appalling than tne premature semlit; ol youth, daily witnessed among the habitues of our public promenades, where may be seen the terrible Th Linn oo-int. A.rrioiiltural Association "Mn aw most fngtitlul forms in h.,1.1 . r,.ir n. Aihur.u n,.vt Fall. me ciiastiy and cadaverous wrecks ol ' I ,.,l,.l ik ,.l.,.l.,.l ..;,;...J f tue oun rrancisco uaiuor vyoiiuiuwiuiir.s , . .11111ii. K u .:;.. . .... nun ilip.iftiiil iltLt iiju Af nm Mav hinihiirl r . . r . . . for wharf repairs in preference to lumber uViKI noiu i uB-i oouuu. p I, i , inamritr of hlood A railrn. from Itosobnrg to toos nay is eoo'i nt unon such imorudence. Hollo. being talked of. way's Pills and Ointment are pnwerfu'ly effi- At Astoria tha canneries are making cacions, being composed of rare balsams and every preparation for a big catch this season, vegetables that are antagonistic to all dis- The Twelfth Industrial Exhibition, under tbe auspices of the Mechanics' Institute, of San Francisco, will be opened on AugaU "th. Every preparation for the exhibition is making oo a grand scale, and it is intended to make it one of the most interesting dis plays ever presented in any State. Special seats are to be provided far 4. W0 guests, and the building, which is 200 feet wid by 550 feet long, will be illuminated by 6,000 gas jets. Tli a counting of the electoral Tote has proceeded to the Stale of Louis iana. The announcement of the de ciston oo that State is expected to day. It is calculated that Sl.'iO.OOO will be spent on the Sautiam mines this Spring and Suminor. A little boy named Woods was knocked off a loir into the Luikiainiite by a dug at Smith's camp last week and drowned. A Chinese cabin ou Jackson creek. Jack. smi county, was set on fire by unknown white men last week. Loss $."i00. Proclamation by the Governor or the Male of Orrxou. To all to whom theso presents shall come iikkkah, 1 he undersigned, heretofore elected SoereUrv of State for the State of Oregon, for a period of time not yet expired, haviug liven notified by tiovenior L F. Oro- ver of his resignation of the otliee (f (iover nor of the State of Oregon, to tike elfcot on the 1st day of February, a. l., 1S77, and re quested, as Ins Constitutional successor, to take liosrsKion of the Kteeutive office, its reoonls and arv-hives. Therefore, I Stephen F. Chadwicl, do issue this proclamation, and notify all who whom it may concern that I did assume the otliee of tiovermr of Oregon, made vacant hy the res ignation of (iovernor ( irover, on thu 1st day of hobruary, a.i., 1877, and will henceforth discharge the dutiof and exercise the powers iHTtuuuig thereto, until my successor shall nave been Constitutionally elected and qual ifieiL In testimony w hereof, I hai-e hereunto signed my name and caused tbe seal of State to be atlixeil, at the city of Salem, State of Ore gon, thu 1st day-of February, A.M., 1877. K. f . CHAl 1CK, Governor.. Hy the Governor: ardors of lli blood, and ulcers arising from virus in tbe body. They contiiu not a par ticle of mercury. 191 Tiikiie is nothing mysterious about the disnp- liearence fniin tlie skin of eruptions, burn. scalils, bruises, ulcers and soars through the in fluence irf (.Jkknn it Si kpiu'ii Soap. Siiljiliur is a potent purifier and healer of the skin and is miwt beneficially utilized in this forn. Hill's Instantaxehi' Hair Dvs produces natural effects and is safe. L. a. S. F. CluwlK, Secretary of State, Chascc W. H. Watlins, for the last sis years Superintendent of the Penitntiary, haa resigned and Governor Chad wick has appoint ed Mr. Burch, of Polk county, to the posi tion. The Iikiitns on th Columbia betweea Celilo and White niafTs are becoming very troublesome as catlht thieves. A company has been ornnzed at Oak- , land to prospect ia the vicinity uf theltcky 1 (jueeo and Lstber mines fjr " paying dirt" The People Want Proof. There is no medicine iirescribed bv physi cians, or sold by Druggists, that curries such ev idence of its success and suiierior virtue as Hosuikk's Gr.HVAN SYRi rfor severe Coughs. Colds settled on the breast. Consumption, or any disease of the Throat and Lunot. A proof of that fact is that any person afHieted, can get a sample liottle lor ill cents ami try its suH-n-or etfect In-fore laiyiug the regular sire at 75 ivuts. It has laU'ly been intriHluced in this cuimtry from Gennany, ami ita wonderful cures are astonishing every one that use it Three doses will relieve any case. Try it Cram ft Hriuham, agents, San Francisco. CaL Sold by all druggets. ATPIJIS for sale and delivered by J01I.V LENGER. A. CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, fta, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FKKE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America, Send a self addressed letter to tbe Kev. JooEPH T. Inman, Sutioa D, Bible Hon., Xw York. sa TAKEN UP, by Albert Green, liv CTLVv ing 11 miles northwest of Eugene, one JX-A.,.travSOItREL HOUSE. Buooosed to be 3 years old this spring; alsmt 14 hands high, with four white feet knd white in the face. Jo other marks or oramis jwreeivaoie. Ap praised at $'.'5 by W.I. G REEX, J. P. LANE'S HALL. EUGENE CITY. Grand Subscript ion Concert! or MADAME CAMILLA U?,S0, The Celebrated V lohnist. In case a sufficient numlier of aubscriptiona are received MADAME I'RSO jiroisises to give one of her most brilliant concerts about the middle of .March. MADAME CAMILLA URSO WILL HE ASSISTED BT MISS IVY WAXDESFORDE, The Young and Charming Soprano. MR CHAS. FFLUEGER, Tenor, SIGXOlt LVIGI COXTIXI, Baritone, And the eminent Pianist, MR. AUGCSTE SAURET. Mr. FUEDEUICK LUER, Director, Hie mlMeriiition list will le found at CRAIX BROS.' Jewelry and Music Store. Subscription $1 00 " with reserved seat 1 25 X. R This is positively the only opportuni ty to hear the celebrated artist, as her engage ments peremptorily recall her to Euroe. Labaratory of J. B. Ross k Co., i u- X-..... v H ONEY. Pitchers Castoria is a complete cubstftuW for Castor Oil, and is as pleasant to take as Honey. It is particularly adapted to teething and irritable children. It destroys Worms, as similates the food, regulates the Stomach and cures wind Colic, Few remedies are as effica cious for Feverishness, Croup, Worms and Whooping Cough. Castoria is a scientific and purely vegetable preparation, more effective than Castor Oil and neither gags nor gripes. Prepared by Messrs. J. B. Rose k Co., 46 Dey St, Xew York, from the recipe of Samuel Pitcher, M. D., of Bamrtablo. Mass. XOTKE. IT MAY COXCERX I mo WHOM X say to all parties, who may have a claim against me, that I or my representative will be at Eugene City on or about March 8th to pay ALL MY JUST DEBTS IX FULL. I un- derstand that certain partie at Eugen City are buying up claims against me at - less than par and this induced me to issue this notice. CHARLES BAKER, Formerly of the Saint Charles Hotel of Eugena City. Sot ice to Builders ami Con tractors. At a meeting of the Board of Retrrnts of the State 1'nivdr.ity held Feb. , 177. IV Exec utive Committee of that body was authorued to contract for the completion of the State University building, in acowt&nc with plans and sprciheationa on file in Judge ThomiMno's oltioa. All work to be dune under the super vision of our superintendent will he re ceived up to noon of the 24th of F-'h, 1S77. The nftit to reject any and all bids ia rewir ed by the Committee. T. G. HEXTRICKS. Chairman Executive Committee. Eugene, Feb. 6, 177.. B. F. DORRIS. Toallwho know them selves indebted to me. I have demands against me which MUST BE PAID, and I cannot meet them unless I can collect. If you would save cost come and settle without delay, for I MUST HAYE MONEY. Jan. C, 1ST7.. B. F. DORRIS.- M.unoxs. IX THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE State of Oregon for Lane County. H. O. Tenny, Plaintiff, va. Ella Tenny, llefendant To Ella Tenny, the alwve named Defendant! In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby commanded to appear and answer the Complaint of Plaintiff in the above entitled, suit, now on file against you, in the office ef the County Clerk of Lane County, within tep days from the (bite of the service of this Sum mons, if made on you in Lane County and within twenty days, if made on you in any other County in said State ; and if served on you by publication, then you are required to appear and answer by tbe first day of the next term of the Circuit Court for the County and State aforesaid, to be begun and holden on the 3d Monday I the llith day ) of April, A. D. 1877, at the Court House in Eugene City. And the Defendant will take notice that if she fail to so apiiear and answer said Complaint, the Plaintiff' will take judgment against her for the relief prayed for in said Complaint, to-wit : thedis solotion of the bonds of matrimony now exist ing lietween Plaintiff and said Defendant The service of this Summons is made by publication by order of Hon. J. F. Watson, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Second Judicial District, made at Chambers on the 31st day of January A. 1). 1877. 11 IV-LI I. i.- - t vr Attorneys for Plaintiff. A. L. BANCROFT & CO., 721 .Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. PUBLISHERS AXD DEALERS IX all kinds of BOOKS, STATIOXERY, SCHOOL FURNITURE A APPARATUS, PIANOS, ORGANS And other Musical Instruments, SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. Agents for the "OWEN" and -LITE-OAK" WRITING PAPERS. Blank Book Manufacturing A SPECIALTY. Our goods are to be had of all the principal Beoksellers. jal36m ST. CHARLES HOTEL, . EUGENE CITY, OREGON. MRS. A. RENFREW, : Prop Having again taken poaaesaioa ot the old and well known ST. CHARLES HOTEL. Which haa been newly furnished and refitted, ia now open foe the reception of guests. I hare fifteen rooms in the FIRE PROOF BRICK BUILDING making 5Q moms in all. It ia the nwwt comma iious ami best appointed house in the Stat aouth of Salem. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. A. BEX FREW.