The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 13, 1877, Image 2

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Grant's Manifesto.
On the 10th of December last, ac
cording to reports from Washington,
in eastern papers, President Grant
became very commuriicativo and un
bosomed himself to a reporter of the
New York Associated Press.
To persons who have observed his
studied silence when ho was expected
to speak, this may appear strange,
but a little re flee tic n will make the
matter clear as noonday. After the
meeting of Congress he had been duly
drilled by those who bavo controlled
his administration and bo was niado
the oraclc,of tho party to utter high
sounding aad partisan expressions to
keep up the courage of the party and
prepare the way for a partisan cru
sade in Congress. The spirit of the
New York Times, Morton and Zach
Chandler prompted him, arid as ho
can have no hopes in the future, ex
cept such favors as lliey may have to
confer, ho launched his littlo boat,
which it is expected will carry Hayes
agaiont the popular current and over
the breakers of indignation'intotho
Presidential chair.
Itjruight be said, "lie stooped to
conquer," it he had ever shown him
self a President of Jibe pcoplo instead
of a very short-sighted and virulent
partisan ; but ho has shown through
out bis entiro political career so much
of the partisan and so little of the
statesman, that this act of his is in
harmony with his whole history as
President, except in garrulity.
President Grant said in his inaugu
ral address: "The responsibilities of
the position I leel, but accept them
without fear. Laws are to
govern all aliko, thoso opposed to, as
well tboso who favor them. The
countryjhaving just emerged from a
great rebellion, many questions will
come before it for settlement in tho
next four years. In meeting
these, it is desirable that they should
bo approached calmly, without preju
dice, hate or sectional pride, remem
bering that tho greatest good to tho
greatest number is the object to bo ob
tained. This requires security of per
son and property, and for religious
opinion, in every part of our common
country, without regard to looaljvej-
udice." Eight years ago he accepted
tho responsibilities of President with
out fear, but now, in his "eighth and
last annual message," lie pleads igno-
ranco as an exouso for tho defects-
crimes perhaps of his administration.
Rofercnco to theso expressions of bin,
at this'timo, are of no importance ex
cept to ill ust rato how well ho has fol
lowed his own chart and to remiiu:
peoplo who have Imporleot memorie
how Grant of 18GG looks upon Grant
of 1876.
'Laws aro to govern all alike.
Does this explain why troops were
sent into South Carolina "to suppress
an insurrection too formidablo for
" Gov. Chamberlain to control"- whero
there there has bocn no disturbance
whatever, more than in Ohio or any
other State ? Or if troops wcro noo
essary in South Carolina "to suppress
the majority of tho pcoplo, in that
State and to provent Chamberlain, bo
ing driven into rofuge. docs that
prove that troops were necessary in
Florida or Louisiana to insure "a fair
count" whero thoro was no "iusur
rection ?" Did Grant act "without
prejudice, hate or sectional pride"
when he sent troops into thoso State
to uphold a set of miscreants, who, he
asserts, would have become refugees
"as Governor Ames is now from Mis
sissippi Y Was it "tho greatest goo
to the greatest number" to uphol
Chamberlain, Kellogg and Stearns
against a majority of tho people in
their respective States ? Is it for the
"greatest good to tho greatest num
bcr" that he concentrates his army in
Washington to "KuKlux," "Intimi
date" and "Bull doso" Congress and
the Democratic party, and thus in
augurato Hayes contrary to the votes
of a majority of tho States, tho peo
ple and the electoral college ? "Gov.
Hayes carried all Ipl four of the
States which furnished tho means of
suppressing tho rebellion j Gov. Til
den carried all but three of those
which sought to destroy the Union,"
thus talks Grant to the reporter
prejudice, hate and sectional pride,"
as every reader miy know, have been
the watch words and battle-cries of
Grant and Lis party for the past fif
teen years; and as the New York
Times is the organ, Morton the hih
priest and Grant the mouthpiece of
i-t i2EL'!:C,, r" v- Ihwr air
and tones harmonize elegantly and all
begin and end with tho "late rebell
ion" and its conseqaence. All of
Grant's political knowledgo and views
originated in the rebellion, and know
ing his ignorance of political matters,
the Republican leaders have sung
"bloody shirt" to him till he seems to
think that tho past is completely ob
literated and the future of tho coun
try dependent upon the relations of
sections and parties during the rebell
ion. No repentance, no atonement,
no humiliation, no subjugation, no
oppression,no military usurpation and
no Returning JJoards, in his estima
tion, however well they may count,
can suppress the spirit of insurrection
in tho South. That spirit of reb Hi n
haunts him for he is taught by his
taught by his advisers that it. is a
slumbering volcano, a giant in repose,
only kept at restl by his military
demonstrations. Nor is Grant singu
lar in this belief, lor the peoplo .too,
havo been taught during tho past fif
teen years that a corporal's sword is
more potent than the law of the land,
and the average Radical thinks that
without military interference no one,
particularly a'negro or Republican,
would be safe anywhere in the States
"lately in rebellion." And, following
their leaders, they believe to-day that
Grant would be justified in inaugu
rating Hayes by force, to prevent tho
country from coming u U r tho en
trol of thoso "lately in r. VHion" or
thoso who opposo the Radical party
in its career of fraud, force, crimo and
sectional fanaticism. ,
Grunt is not ranch above the iverage man
In consistency; he keeps his troops trotting
around In'thu South ', hunting jlead negroes
and the ghost of s defunct rebellion, yot he
tays tbatj Northern Democrats are, worse
than rebels, or, "that he would rather trut
the rebels than their northern allies." Then
we might expect' to.see taistroops after the
"allies" at no distant day, if Urantisin should
be perpetrated. But Urant only saya this
to please Morton, Logan, Oarfk-ld and others
of the North, who hive been beaten in the
recent elections and who, of course, hate
their opponents at home more than those at
a distance.
If the troops now in Washington should
oust Congress and declare Iluyei President
without the fornialities'of counting " bim in,
would the people submit to such an outrage?
Yes, the Republicans would approve, those
"lutoly In rebellion" would uui otjut rot f
of lbs renewed chargo of "treason againBt
the government" and the rank faml file of
Demooracy would denounce the (outrage in
long-wlndod resolutions andjherojt would
The Whisky Hlug riiu.
From the first the Rings have been anx
ious to got Hayes in. Their first attempt
was to vote him In; the last to count him in.
They Tailed at the first, im1 now they begin
to see that they are likely to fail In tho sec
ond. The third plan is to filibuster bim in.
That is to say, tho Senate Is to talk against
timo, (torn the second Wednesday in Febru
ary until the fourth of March, when the new
House comes Into being. This new House
Is to be culled together by the President,
and ibo Republicans claiming to'control
majority of the State will elect Gov. Hayes,
President This is the plan now avowed
with some thin veil of words, by W. M
Grosvenor, editor of the Ntv York Pubhe.
Of Mr. Grosvenor himself, It is scarcely ncc
easary to say more than that the evidence
adduced in the whisky trials at St. Lima,
showed him to have received money from
membors of the Ring, while an editor there
anJ the only answer be could make was, that
be had given his note lor the money and
expected to pay It! The Nation made the
caustio remark about this, that it showed
bow unfortunate it was "for Reformers to
have relations with Rings I"
It is difficult to conceive of a more dan
gerous or dishonest scheme. It simply
means that the R 'publicans failing in every
other mode of retting the Presidency, shall
steal it by parliamentary filibustering. If
dor. Hayes should gain the Presidency in
this way, would there evor after be any se
curity or certainty about an fclection. Five
times during the last nine Preaideutial elec
t ons, the Houses which were to tount the
irt'ctoral vote have bees of opposite politics.
Has it ever been proposed before that eith r
of them should, by hiibustering, reverse the
verdict of the people whin it did not suit
them T If this should be done once, have wt
any guarantee tbae it will sot be dooe agalaf
Oar Government will then be at the mercy
of either House of Congress which chooses
to cheat the people out of their right. This
idea is about as valuable to society as the in
ventioo of a new burglars' jimmy, or of i
new style or brass knuckles would be. It
mply adds one to the oiany known meth
ods of political rascality. We wish Mr.
Grosvenor and his Ring joy of hi scheme.
The Springfield Republican observes that
ndry Radical organs, which were stupid
enough to hake the tgnm in General Bar
low's first letter ou Florida to add op a
majority for Hay, neglect any allusion to
his explanatory note, which shows bow be
would have counted the State forTilden in
any event, while, if one precinct were count
e I, which be think u incorrectly cut out,
TJJeo's majority woJIJ be between, one and
tao aundrsd.
- The Eighth r January.
The Democrats of Salem bad an enthusi
astic meeting oo Monday and adopted the
following resolutions:
Whereas, A condition of affairs has aris
en which threatens seriously to try the sta
bility of our republican institutions, and
which by a quiet submission to fraud, prac
tically under pretended lorn, of law, may
criminate io placing in the Presidential chair
a man who would owe bis position to a dis
regard of justice and the spirit of the law;
io the establishment of a precedent by which
a party once in power may forever perpetu
ate itself, and lbu make elections a larce
and government the master instead of the
reflex of the will of the people: or tbroueh
rashness may result in revolution, the end of
which would be but little less disastrous; and
Whereas, The people of the United States,
by a majority of over three hundred thous
and votes, have indicated Samuel J. Tilden
as their choice for President and Thomas
A. Hendricks for Vice President; and
Whereas, It is our firm conviction fbat
they have received a majority of the electoral
votes legally cast for such officers therefore,
Resolved. That while for the rake o!
peace and the love we bear our country we
are ready to sacrifice all doubtful rights
and to acquiesce in a wrong perpetrated
through the recognized forms of law, we re
gard a servile submission to arbitrary aod
false declurution of the result of the Presi
dential contest, attained through usurped au
thority, as oo less dangerous to the welfare
of our country and the perpetuity of our
free institutions than the dire consequences
of armed resistance and consequent civil
Resolved, That while we deprecate all ap
peals to the passions, prejudices or the spir
it of resentment, and favor moderation in
council, we equally fnvor firmness io action
and determined resistance to every species
of usurpation or fraud.
Resolved. That, we solemnly protest in
the name of civil liberty, the legally express
ed will of the people and the Constitution
and laws of our country, against the inaugu
ration of Rutherford li. Hayes is President
and William A. Wheeler as Vice President
of these United Slates.
Resolved, That threatened attempt to pre
vent the House of Representatives of Con
gress from exercising Ibe rigbtto participate
in the counting of the electoral votes and
of having a voice in declaring the result a
right which has belonged to it since the
foundation of the government, end vhich is
attested by Humorous precedents is a
threat of revolution and a menace aguinst
civil liberty; that the success of such an at
tempt would subvert our constitutional gov
ernment and establish the rule of a mob; that
we appeal to our fellow citizens of all par
ties, to their love of constitutional govern
ment, hallowed by (be traditions of a glori
ous past, to their sense or justice and of
duty, to that justifiable pride of American
citizenship by which they are distinguished,
to resist as a Bocred duty this revolutionary
attempt npon our government and our liner
ties with all the means known to a law abid
ing and liberty-loving people.
Resolved, That we regard the action of
Governor Grover and Secretary Cbadwick
io refusing to issue a certificate of election
to J. W. Watts and granting the same to
E. A. Cromn, as giving effect to the will of
tbe people, legally and constitutionally ex
pressed, and as tbe result of their obligations
io nuiuu uy ana ruiihrully exocats lue Con
stitution and laws of our country and a con
scientious regard for their oaths of office.
A Columbus d if patch of the 9th says :
Immense attendance signalized the Dcm
ocratio convention here to-day, and many
reprcHemauve men were present. John
Ihompson called the meeting to order,
I long introduced a resolution, that when the
convention adjourn it be until February
14, to meet in Washington to see a fair
count. I his proved a bone of contention
ovr which the convention grew excited nnd
Demonstrative, the mujqrily intimating open
ly that it was treasonable. Finally it was
laiu oo toe taoie. Alter several inmtory
speeches, Geo. Durbin Ward was made
President. Committee on resolutions re
ported declaring substantially tlmt no return
ing noaru nas constitutional right to reverse
me luce oi toe returns and that Tilden and
Hendricks are clearly elected by the pnoulur
and the electoral vote, but that any decision
of the House or Senate oo the matter will
be cheerfully acquiesced in. For tbe Pres
ident of the acuate to assume on his own
responsibility to proclaim that anv bodv la
elected will be usurpation, and that the peo
ple will resist to the last extremity, and
requesting me national Democratic Com
mittee to call a convention in Washington,
February 21st. Adopted enthusiastically.
A large number of prominent Democrats
representing nearly every county in the State
met in Moutpelier, Vermont, with the State
Committee to-night and adopted resolutions
touching the Presidential controversv, sus
taining tho aelion of Congress in sending
investigating committees to Florida. Louisi-
ana, and South Carolina, and insisting on
me ngni oi congress to determine the el c
tola! vole.
Resolutions were adopted bv the Demo-
crata of Kansas declaring that tbe present
vuiri((i ut; ut'iiiaiiuing urin oui wise tnoa
erauon; ask that each citizen exercis cal
impartiul judgment in the interest ol the
whole Uoverument. and that the Senator
and Representatives apply themselves to
determine the grave questions which threat-
en the peace of the country, and express
tbe bvliel that Tilden and Hendricks are
elected by both popular at d elector! vol-
of the country; they condemn the use of the
military and attempts to defraud the people
in three contested Southern States, snd de
mand Representatives in (.'onrresi to use
every lawful means to secure tbe rights of
ocal aod self government
The Chicago Tmtt Indianapolis special
To-day's convention has equalled expecta
tions, and is a brilliant aod enthusiastic
garnering, ben. Mason, tempora7 chair
man, inica me omeel ot tbe meeting io
somewDat extended speech. lavid S.
Gooding was permanent chairman. Tbe
committee ou resolutions, of which B. II.
iiara was chairman, annoanced their report
ready. IIra prefaced the report by a run
ning account of fraud whirs he claimed the
Republican coospiralora had exnoanl mthrir
pians 10 mace Havre I'resident dnila the
p.,-.,.. i iruiTPti io carry Cali
fornia, Oregon aed Nevada in anv nmt.
sible. and. with tbe aid of plastic returning
board, bolstered Bp by military domination.
count out Tilden aod Heodrkks io three
SNoutnetn Mate. Why did M or too goto
California after the Indiana October election!
Why did be neglect tbe battle h refer tbv
interest of Mongolians, as be professed?,
Hi svme reiser veig-er suasions to j
M',r'' " s character in connection with tbe
reform of Chinese women, and was tremen
dously applauded. Tbe resolutions were
much milder than anticipated, and one or
two members, alter reading them, were vehe
ment iit- demands for stronger expression
aod sentiment Throughout, tbe proceed
ines, the speeches and exoressiona wera
most applauded which were peaceable io
teoor. Tbe resolutions declare it is the im
perative duty ot Congress to provide a plan
lor tbe electoral count which by its reasona
bleness and justice will commend itself to
tbe judgment of the people at the earliest
possible date, in order that the present dis
nuietmav be allayed: that hnth
the constitutional right to participate in the
count; that tbe proposition that the Presi
drnt of tbe Senate bas tbe sole power to
open aod count the vote is ao innovation
intolerable to tbe people. If such power
shall be assumed, tbe resolutions cull oo both
booses to take prompt and effective meas
ares for tbe assertion of their constitutional
prerogative in that regard. It Congress
shall provide by law a just plan for counting
mo vote, tney pledge tnemselves to acqui
esce in tbe result in this aod all future elec
tions. If the Senate claims its presiding
officer has the absolute power to designate
the President and Vice President, they
call oo the House to exert its constitutional
powers to defeat the usurpation and pledge
their support, with ell tbe resources which
a people whose fundamental liberties are
threatened can command.
The Richmond Times says: t
A meeting of the citizens of Richmond and
all citizens of Virginia in the city was held
to-night in tbe house of delegates to consid
er tbe issues involved snd tbe solution of
tbe Presidential controversy, and to adopt
resolutions giviug assurance to the country
thut Virginia is loyal and true to the Union
and constitution. Ex U. S. Senator R. M.
'I'. Hunter presided, and tbe meeting was
participated in by a large number of leading
representative men from all parts of tbe
State. Resolutions were adopted declaring
that the complications that have arisen
have been caused by illegal and fraudulent
practices of returning boards ; that the ouly
mode of extrication from tbe presentdangers
is by a firm adherence to the principles ol
the constitution and observance of long es
tablished precedents ; the right, .'o count the
vote and to determine tbe validity of any
vote rested in tbe two houses of 'Congress ;
that they are empowered to pass all laws
and rules necessary to carry tbe granted
power into effect: that should tbe two
'iisos bo unable to agree upon the mode ol
procedure, and declare neither of the candi
dates has been constitutionally elected, it
suaii oe toe duty or the House of Represen
tatives to elect a Presidont from tbe three
candidates having the highest vote; that
the constitution coolers oo power npon tho
President ol th Senate to count the electo
ral vote, and requires him simply, in the
" '"1 ' , to open all the
tes ; tnat tne power to count all vot
veryet been claimed hj any previous Pre
"I ol the Senate ; thul the claim "t-
cised by tbe returning bouiJof sundry States
io manipulate tne vote or their fellow citi
zens is without law, and places the liberties
oi tne people at the mercy rf partisan an
corrupt organizations. The last resolution
calls upon the legislature of tbe States to de
clare i i-tukable language the
sentiments of their constituents."
L tab again asks to be admitted to the
sisterhood of Stutes.
A sleig'iing carnival took place on Phila
dolphin Avenneia Washington on the 5th.
Crouin, wishing to leave Washington for
home, bos been excused from further attend
Luttrell, Page and Davis have received
their certificates of election to Congress
irom uov. uwin, ol taiilornia.
Dr. Watts testified that be resigned his
post mastership on the 13th of November,
and that bis successor took possession on
tbe 24th.
The drouth In California will deter many
ships fiom roing to tht coast, and Seattle
will be called upon to supply tbe great balk
of the ueces&iry goal.
Col. Peltoa, Secretary of the Democratic
National Committee, will be called to tes
tify in the Oregon case and will show that
nothing was known of the 83,1)00 at head
All attempts at displays at Tanderbilt'a
funeral were studiously avoided. He left
word witb his minister that few words be
said over bim and that no supposed virtues
oe sei lor mm.
Holloway's Pii.w and Ointment. Sue
ess the attribute of merit. Eryjjielni and
u'twevni d !. ll popularity be tbe test
ot a medicine, llolloway a fills aod Oint
ment are assuredly the greatest remedies of
this or any other age, as the? are uuconfki
to nations or people, being as familliar to
tne deniarns ot the backwoods as to tbe citr-
zens of New York, London. Paris. Vienna,
'tierlin. bt. Petersburg, Ac. I heir univ
winy is, uuwetrr, urn leusi oi ineir merits
..!. : - l . i. . i . ,
Their safe and speedy cures of Erysipelas,
Salt-Rheum, King's Kvil, Scrofula, and all
skin diseases, are their chief recommendation
Persons afflicted witb any of the above dis
order should have immdeiate recourse to
Toallwho knowthem-
selves indebted to me. I
nave demands acainst
me which
and I cannot meet them
unless I can collect. Ifi
you would save cost
come and settle without
delay, for
Jia. 6; 1877. B. P. DORRIS.
Planting of thi desi'-able variety of HOPS
farsalefy A. W. PATTERSON.
A ItKLLE WAUOX-I am the sole
i atfent for this celebrated wagoa
721 Market Street,
San Francisco, Cal.
kinds of
And other Musical Instruments,
Agents for the
Blank Book Manufacturing
Our goods are to be had of all the principal
Beolueller. jal3Cm
JL entirel
new instrument; cost $200. A bar
Apply to
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Litest and Hoit Reliable Infirma.
tion about the KLACK 1IILL8,
Northern Wyoming and the frreat
Indian War will alwava be found in
the ni I nil Oldest, taiveat, the
I'BETIMXS Kl III Uieapest anil
LEADER. in Wyoming.
MiaDiisiieu in mil. IMIiy. one dollar
monin flu year. Weekly, a too.
11- -6 mo. 1 90: I rear, S3. Kiugle oop?
luoenu. n. ULAttKls.
Publisher, Chiyenne, Wyo.
Ordinance Xo. 3.
An Ordinance to provide for the improvement of
Aintu street id i-utjene.
Tie it ordained by the Common Council of the
l ity of Huuene :
Sect on t That Ninth street shall be travel
ed from bridge on said street to alley west of
Sec. 2. The fn-avel shall be placed on said
street six feet wide and eight inches deep on
cocn sme ot tne center ot said street by the
property owners adjoiuing on same for the full
distance of the line of their proierty on said
street within twenty days from the date of tikis
onniuirce going into effect.
Sea 3. The Street Commissioner is hereby
ordered to superintend the improvement of said
street and in case of failure of
of p
ice, I
to comply with this ordinan
work specified and collect pa'
lent for the same,
from persons hereby required to make said im
provements, by suit or otherwise.
Passed the Council Jan. 8, 1877.
Kecoruer and Ulerk,
Approved Jan. 9, 1877.
Baled Hay,
Baled Straw
and Wood
A' by S. a. CHRISTIAN,
At the Postoitice.
Hubs, Spokes, Kims,
Oak, Ash and Hickory FlanK
Bronze Turkeys,
3. !
Pekin Ducks and Emden Geese.
X Pamphlet on the care of Fowls, hatching,
feeding, diseases and their cure, eta, adapted
esiwcimiy io me racinc uoast; price 10 cents.
Address, enclosing stamp,
31. EYItE,
riease state where you saw this advertisement
For consumption, bronchitis, asthama catarrh,
throat and lung diseases. Also a sure relief and
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Physician who was Vtut a resilient nf Stria on, I
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others this wonderful invigorating remedy, and
will send FREE the original receipt complete,
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stamp for reply.
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A harmless TegeUble preparation, and the
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ous headache, inarning ncknma and neuralgia,
a single powder actually coring in tea minutes
when all other means faiL Ws have had a
wrmderful experience with it. and thm t m
trial pack of two powders can now he trad only
by addresMng the proprietors. J. R.
A Co., Salrin, N. J., who will cheerfully mail
them nvtiaud. The full sin-d nu-k nf -.
Am, isnce .V) rta.. can be had of Inii-vit I
rywhereandiUaw,tnweUIUritrffi..i",''wa, LB I0r HflBaU
tney ars onemi as a tuorough cure fur all dir '
U the head.
jaLJly jei
The Naturalists' Agency
Minerals, Shells, Birds, fie.
hue, Philadelphia, for the punxm cf rim
collectors of objects of Xatnral Ilistorr
an opportunity of buying, selling or exchani
ing their duplicates or collection.. lleae .JL
where you saw this advertuement
ppecmiens sent to any part of the world bT
nil. A monthly bulletin of 8 pages sent free.
MV MlMEKALOUICAI. ('iTl rwi,. .a
species, by which most minerals may he identi
fied, illustrated by over WOO worth of Encrav
ings, is now ready for distribution. It u an
excellent check list oonUining in the price lint
every speciea and all the more common varie
ties arranged alphabetically and preceded by
the speciea number. The species number tadi
Catesthe place of any mineral in the table ol
stwcies, after it will be found the Riwdea name.
mmrwMiitinn nflr 1..... -1 . 9
unu w lusire, cieavaire or rrac
fllM h.nlnu. .... t V ' 1 . 1 . . .
-...coo, o.,. gr. luBuuuiiy ano crvstaliza
j reo mj an cuscomers. i o others ot TV
ceipt of ten cents for postage, fto.
The large increase of my business La eom
pelled me to rent the store No. 3727, and use ifr
entirely for Lirds, Mammals, Shells, Plants,
A .11 l ny .
jjiKwvs, iiiBsiis, aiourui liuimers lilies and all
objftts of Natural History except Minerals,
I haye secured the services of one of the bestf
taxidermists in the country, a aaatkman who
who was employed by the Smithsonian Institu
tion in South America for three' years, I have
a very large stuck of Western and Southern'
birds on hand. Also, Heads and Antlers for'
Museums, Dining-Rooms, Halls and Libraries.-
I have now over 38 tons, and nearly $35,000!
worth of Minerals on band. I have Bold over
$17,000 worth since the lith day of January,
when the first box was put into my establish
ment. November I3th, my cash sales were over
$1,500 and cash receipts over $1,200. '
I have the best stweimens ever seen of Ama
ion Stone, Kuby Silver, Samarskite, Amethyst
Prookite, Columbateof Yttria, Zonochlorite,
Chilenite, Chalcedony, Rutile in Quartz, Hy
drotitanite, Itacolumite, Nigrin, Green Wavel
lite colored by Vanadium, Peganite, Smoky
Quartz, Rock Crystal, Perofskite, Schrolomite,
Aegerite, Feldspar, (pink, red, gray, brywn and
green), Embolite, Meianite, Ozarkrtt, and Chlo
rastrolite. Collections of Minerafs
For Students, Amateurs, Professors, Physi
cians and other Professional Men.
These collections illustrate all the principal
species and all grand subdivisions in Dana antt
other works on Mineralogy ; Every Crystalline
system ; all the principal Ores and every known-,
element. The collections are labelled with a
printed label that can only be removed by soak
ing. The labels give Dana's species, number,
the name, locality, and in most cases th com-'
position of the mineral.
All collections accompanied by my Illustrated
Catalogue and table of specieu.
100 Crystals and Fragments for Study. ..... $1
100 Specimens, Student's1 Size, Larger 5
100 Specimens, larger, Amateur's size 211
inches , " j()
Collections of Gems, Ores, Earthy minerals.
Minerals used in any Arts or Agriculture, on
hand or put up to Order.
We sell Minerals by weight, for the Chemist
and bloWpi))e use, at very low prices, as Samara
skite 25c. per lb., Brookite Pure Crystal 25c
per lb., Rutile pure 25c per lb., Wavellit
per lb., Blenije 10ft per lb., Lepidolite 20cr
i ucsinj especially io cau attention to my re
markablv fine sjiecimens of Amazon Stone, of
which I have or have had nine-tenths of all the
specimens ever found. I have made six trips to
the locality, and think I may safely say no
more will be found. Good crystals from 15
cents to $1 each.
I have just purchased the best of the Ruby
Silver exhibited at the Centennial by the Chil
ian government. These are tho only specimens
weighing less than three lbs. that ever brought
anything like Sl.OtK) each.
T J-..! t, .
juy liTANii M Minerals are the finest ever
known. Besides the Hydrated Tetanic Acid.
nyorotiunite, a mineral recently analyzed by
ui ennsyivania university, I
vjuwuiavvt 1 tivi'
skites, Brookites of enormous size, Kutiles gen
lculated till they form a circle, Schorlsnitte,
Warwickite, tic
1 have the most beautiful green Waveluti
and Feganite ever known, colored by Vanadio
I am selling Amkththt at far lower prices
than it was ever sold at before. Over $2,500
worth sold since the 10th of July.
I have just bought the famous Chilton Col
lection of Minerals and Shells, which have been
on exhibition at Tiffany's for the past two
years. The original price asked Was $3,000.
It contained a number of unequaled things,
am.g them a Rutile in Quartz, for which Mr.
C linton was offered $350 gold. A twin crystal
of clear calcite containing i pint of water,
weighing over 10 lbs. The only perfect spiny!
murex in the country. '
My collection of plants is very fine, compris
ing many that are rare, from the far North and
Vest. 1 hava mat saohpu.1 v ,i j
nave aiso remarkably welt crystalized Perof-
Middle States (including Va.) collections of A.
U. Curtis, who will no longer deal in them.
I have several hundred volumes of rare old
works on Mmeralntrv. Pliun,;, .u.
. . . - . 7 ... ..... . . mm ui.
natural sciences. Anmnr, f.un. i
. i . . . n Hllvu. i o ilia li T uv
the most uiterestmg of the State and Govern
ment Reports.
A. E. FOOTE, M. D.,
Trot of Chemistry and Mineralogy, "
3725 Lancaster Avenue,
Philadelphia, Pa.
business Mr. HORACE F. STRATTON.
we have just received a new, large and
Making a specialty of
We desire to make no mnJ A,n-,i. v j-
.I. . O ....... iiip uu, uv
say that farmers can come nearer getting
at our store than at any other establishment la
town, and they can buy them on as good terms.
We have a full line ol
A"dt TOtimuJiT adding to our stock to
meet the demands f the public.
tl (jE CITY M II In I, J. . i
and are now pr-pared to do a general Milling
rsmrness. h ill receive wheat oa storage osi fa
vorable terms, and will mak, liberal Unns te
IwronwhodBinto grind their own wheat.
Wilis all times keep on hand fur sale
ana pay Uie
Hinrteet Ph I).:.. I ui a
A share of the ptmno- rfW.,n JiHs,