Tha Mnddest (fight Id the World. A corrcppoudent of the S, F. Pott who has viHitud Molokai, the homo of the lepers of the Sandwich Inlands, writes as follows : Arriving at the hospital we dis mounted, and lepers took charge of our horses. Lepers were to bo seen on every side ot us, to the north and south, the east aud west of us. V e are becoming acquainted with them and even growing familiar, for none of them .are frightfully afflicted. But a sight awaits us now which no bu. man being in his senses will ever grow familiar with. This sight con sists of the lepers in the hospitals who are actually rotting away minute by minute, day by day and year by year. The number of these poor, creatures so frightfully mutilated by the terri ble disease as to havo a ghastly, in human appearance, is 32. One case, a young boy only eigteen years old, is a mass of putrid, swollen lleeh, and bulged out to the size of a large man. lie can neither walk nor stand, and sits on the lloor, a helpless mass ol flesh and blood. His voice is like the grunt of an animal. His hands, feet and body havo holes eaten into them, as if bored by augurs, and a slimy, putrid matter, emitting a fearlul etench, exudes from his flesh. Another case is that of a woman twenty-five years old, who can move nevermore Irom her squatted position on the floor, except as sho is moved by her leper nurses, Her whole body is a mass of corruption, except her breast, and it looks as if nature was merciful to her, on account of her having rear ed a child a half-white child while thus afllicted. A more sweet and an- Sjelic child was never seen, and it oves and fondles its leprous mother as if sho were tho most beautiful queen in tho world. Marvel ot mar vels, this child is perfectly pure and spotless, her skin being unusually clear and white for a halt-cast. Some think that tho child may never bo af flicted, though others say that tho disease may not break out before bIio grows to womanhood, but that it is euro to appear on tho surfaco if she lives. A third caso was that of a middlo-agcd woman, whoso hands and feet were perforated with holes, eaten away by tho disease Tho layers of flesh about her eyebrows had almost hidden her ees from view. When asked by a visitor, who spoke in na tive, if sho was contented, she leplied in tho sweetest voice imaginable, 'Why not? I am indeed happy." This seemed to bo tho prevalent feel ing, whether in tho hospital or out of it, The lepers do not appear to have a rational idea of their condition, or ' else nature, in her beneficence, blunts tho mind so as to make tho horror to them unreal. In making a tour of tho hospital many strong men quailed mm gave it up. lew upon enter ing would retire hastily, go outside ami attempt to vomit. The stench i . I . . ! . - I 1. .11 iron, uiu roiling Domes is almost in . 1 1 .i supporiauio to mo stoutest nearvea although tho wards are splendidly ventilated ana kept very clean. Addreaa ol Ibe Democratic flute Cen Iral Commuter, To tiik Pkoim.k ok Oregon : At tho recent election tho Democratic candidate tor President and Vice President wero elected by tho votes cast. A conspiracy has been formed to aoroat the result bv makinir tho re turning boards of threo States in the couth tho atbitratros of the people i choice. Tho character and action ot the returning board in Louisiana show tuo means by whluh it is attcmntct to substitute the choice of a returning board for tho choieo ot tho neonle, Tho members of tho board owo their appointment to an usurpation that was repudiated by tho United States oenato and condemned by a Kepub Jican commilteo ot tho House of ton cress. Some of them aro federal of fice-holders; others were candidates for oliieo at the election which they assumo to Bit asuio. .u ol them are violeut partisans of tho Republican party, and some ot lliein aro ot una mous personal character. I nese men havo assumed to Bet asido actual ma jorities ot from seven to nine thousand votes in favor of tho Democratic eleo toral candidate, seeking thus to sub stituto what they profess to believe tho voto ought to have been for what the vote aoiuully was. Tho perpetuity of our Republican Government is above all questions of a merely personal or partisan charao tcr. Tuo will of the people, constitu tioually expressed at tho ballot box, must be submitted to by all parties The attempt to set aside tho majori ties in i lorida, Louisiana and South Carolina and to reverse the solemn verdict ot eight millions of voter is revolutionary, and it cannot be sub routed to without surrendering tho vital principle of Republican Govern ment and exposing tho government to anarchy and ruin, lo permit this usurpation to permit an unscrupu lous board to chnngo the result ot the election for President before that re suit is declared, is to forfeit the liber ties of the people and tho respect of man una. We deem it advisable and there fore recommend that a mass meeting be held, so far as jiraetieable, in the different counties in the State on the 8th day of next January, that an in terchange of views among the eople and an expression of opinion, touch ing the momentous questions present ed in this crisis, bo had. It is th opinion of the committee that jlu-ae oic-vliogs should, as far as possible, be free from excitement or partisan feel ing ; that tho present condition of the country should be discussed with a calmness commensurate with the im portance that the subject demands. C. li. Bellinger, Chairman. J. K. Wkatiierkokd, Secretary. From the Salem Mercury we take the following relative to Oregon blankets : We have been shown a letter re ceived by Mr. Joseph Hoyt, of this city, formerly superintendent of the Willamette Woolen Mills, acknowl edging the receipt of a pair ot fine blankets manufactured by Mr. Hoyt expressly for Mr. Cunard, of the Cu nard steamship line, Loudon, Eng land. Mr. Cunard says of them: "We are all delighted with them. None of ns ever saw such fine blankets beforo, I slept under ono ot them last night. It would be impossible to use two, utile it was a very cold night.' The pair sent were white lamb's wool, and gotten up in elegant stylo as to finish and trimmings with Mr. Cunard's oimo woven in, in man text, and year 187G. Centaur liniments The Quickest, Surest and tneapes Remedies! Physicians recommend, and Farriers declare that no hiicIi remedies have ever before been in line. Word are cheap, but the proprietors of these articles will present trial bottles' to medical men, gratis, and will guarantee more ruplil ami satisfactory results tliun have ever be fore licen obtained. Tub Centai'b Liniment, White Wrapper., will cure Kheiimutism, Neiirngiu, Lumbago. Sciatica, Caked lireasts. Sore Ninnies. Frostei! Feet, Chilblains, Swellings, Sprains, and any oi'iiinury N.ENH, BONE on MUSCLE AILMENT. It will extract the poison of bites and (tings, ami heal burns or scalds without a scar. Lock' jaw, l'alsey, Weak Hack, Caked Breasts, Ear ache, 'i'oothuche, Itch aud Cutaneous Erup in ins readily yield to Its treatment. Henry Black, of Ada, Hardin Co., Ohio, says "My wife had the ltheumatism for five veai-s no rest, no sleep could scarcely walk across the floor. She in now completely cured by the use of your Centuur Liniment. We all feel thank ful to you, and recommend your wonderful medicine to all our mends. James Hunl, of Zanesville, 0., says: "The Centaur Liniment cured my Neuralgia." Alfred Tush, of Newark, writes: "Send me one dozen bottles by express. The Liniment has saved my leg. I want to distribute it, so. The sale of this Liniment Is increasing rapidly, The Centaur Liniment, Yellow Whaiter, Is lor tho tough skin, nesli and muscles of HOHSUS, MIXES AND ANIMALS. Wo have never yet seen a case of Spavin Sweeny, lling-lsine, Wind-gall, Scratches or Poll -hvil, winch this Liniment would not sieed ny iicneni, aim we never saw nut a lew coses which it would not cure. It willciirewhenany tllilli I'll,,. It In fi.llir ... uti,.,wl A'H fn. a Vukm... when one dollar's worth of Centuur Liniment will do better. X he following is a sample of tli Wftwiuouy prouiiceu; Jeckkhmon. Mo.. Nov. 10. 187.1 Rome time ago I was shipping hors.s to St. Iiouls. I gut one badly crimibd in the cur. With great difficulty I got him to the stable, on Fourth avenue. The stable keeier gave me a Isittle of your Centaur Liniment, which I used with such success that in two days the horse was as active aud nearly well. I have lieen a veterinary surgeon for thirty years, but your ..luiineii. newts anviiiing i ever used. "A. J. M CAhTV, Veterinary Surgeon. for a Kwtago. stamp we will mail a Centuur Almanac, containing hundreds of certificates, from every State in the Union. These l.iul menu are now told by all dealers in the coun try. Laboratory of J. B, Home & Co., 40 Dkv Sj, New York. Mothers, CASTOKIA is the result of 20 years extwrl ment, by tr. Samuel Pitcher, of Massachusetts. It is a vegetable preparation as effective as cas tor oil, but ix'rfectly pleasant to the taste. It can be taken by the youngest infant and neith er gags nor grtca. lr. A, J. llreen of lioyils ton, Indiana, says of it: SlRi: I have tried the Castoria anil can s)eak highly of its merits. It will, I think, do away entirely Willi castor oil. ' It is pleasant and harmless, and is wonderfully ethcacious as an aperient and laxative. It is the very thing. The Custoria destrovs worms. iVLmlati th stomach, cures mil I olio, aud jierimts of nat ural hcaithv sleep. It is very ehVncinus in croup, mid for Teething Children. Honey i not pIcOMititor to the taste, ami Castor Oil is int so certain in its effects. It cost but 3.1 cent in large I Kit ties. J. B. liuKi A Co., 40 IVy St, New York. CEN . tn HKO. P. HOWELL ft CO.. New O York, for Pamnhlet of 100 mires. eonlainins- lists of.,D MwsiMiwre. anil estimates ahowiua- coat in auvsriisiiiK. M'CCEHNOR TO WALTON A LYNCH, In Dorrls' Brick Building. IIF.AI.ER lit Groceries Provisions. vt in Keep on uaiiil a gem-r.u assortment of. llnxvrics. Provisions, Cured Moats, lolwivo, t tgars. Candies, Candles, Sos, Notions, lirecu and lricl Fruits, Wood and Willow Ware, Crockery, Businesa will be conducted on a CASH UASIS, Which means that Low Prices are Established Goods dfllTcrtd without thir?e It Buyer ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED Kor which I will pay th hi.-ht market AAKON LYNCH. ALF11C1) ULKU H taken poasvasion nf the Luckey Livery Stable, And w ill carry on a GENERAL LIVERY ErsiNESS, Horses fed and btrdt-l by the week or day. HORSE AND rriHIIESFOR HIRE. L7ISITIU CAKD9- Very ml si 1h til AKD CHIOS. MARK THESE FACTS THE TESTIMONY OP TEE WHOLE WOULD. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Let the suffering diseased read the following. Let all who have been given up doctors, and spoken of incurable, read the following. Let all who can believe facto and can have faith in evidence read the following. Know all men by these presents, that on this the 20th day of June, A. JJ. lOUti, personally came Joseph Haydock, to me known as such, and being duly sworn deposed as follows: That he is the Bole general agent for the United States and defeudencies. thereof for preparation or medicine known as Dr. Holloway's Pills ank ointment, and that the following certificates are verbatim copies to the best of his knowl edge and belief. JAMES SMIETUK, L.S. Notary Public. 14 Wall Jtreet, New York. Da. Holloway-I take my pen to write rou of my tnt relief and that the awlul pain in lny sule lias eft me at lust -thanks to your pills. Oh, Doctor, h'jw thankful I am that I ran irtt suine sleep. I con never write it enough. I thank you aimin ami again, and am sure that you are really the friend of all suf ferers. I could nut help writing to you, and hope you will not take it amiss. J AM KM MYERS, " 1 16 Avenue D. Tills is to certify that I was discharged from the army with chronic diarrheca. and have been cured by lr. Holloway's Pills. WILSON HARVEY. New York, April 7, ISfiO. Jl Pitt street. The following Is an interesting case of a man era ployed in an iron foundry, who, in pouring melted iron into a flank that waa wot, caused an explosion. The melted iron was thrown around and on him in ajierlwt shower, anl he was dreadfully hurned. The following certinVate was given to me by him aoout s weeaa alter me aeeiuent: Nkw Yimi. Jan. II. 1871. My name is Jacob Hardy; I am iron founder, I was badly burn hy hot iron in November lost ; my hums henied, lint I had a running sore on my leg that would not heal. I tried Holloway's Ointmeut, and it cured my in a few weeks. This is all true and anybody can see me at Jackson's lion works, aiAvunue. j. iiauux, 1IU Uoerch street. EXTRACTS FROM VAKIGTI LRTTKKS. J''I bad do appetite ; Holloway's 1'ills gave me neany one." "lour fills are marvellous." "I send for another box and keen them In the bouse." "Dr. Hullo way cured mv headache that was chronic'' "I gave one of your Pills to my babe for cholera murium, lne dear little thing got well In a day." "My naivea of a morning is now cured." "Your box of Hullowuy'a Ointment wired me of noises in the head. I rublied some of your Oint meut benina me ears, and noise hat le.t." "ena nv two boxes, i want one ror poor family." "1 enclose a dollar, your price it 25 cents, but tue meaicine 10 me it wort Ufa dollar," "Heud me Ave boxes of your Pills." "let me have three boxes of your Pillsby rjlum mail, for Chills and r'ever." I have over SuO such testimonials at these, but warn oi space compels me to conclude. FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS And all eruptions of the skin, this Ointment it invaluable. It does not heal externally alone but penetrates with Hie most searching (fleets to tue very root oi me evil. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS Invariably cure the following diseases : DISORDERS OP THE KIDNEYS. In all diseases a Heeling these organs, whether they seciete too much or too little water ; or whether they be afllicted with stone or travel, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over the regions of the kidneys, these Pills should be taken according to the printed directions, and the Oint ment shuuld'be wrll rulibed into the small of the hack at bed time. This treatment will sive almost immediate relief when all other meant have failed. FOR STOMACHS OUT OP ORDER, No medicine will to effectually Improve the tone of the stomach as these Pills ; they remove all acidity, occasioned either by Intemperance or Improper disk. Thoy reach I lie liver and reduce it to a healthy action ; they are wondelully ellica clous In rases of spasm in luct they never fail in curing an uisoruvis oi uie liver and stomach. Holloway's Pills are the het remedy known In the world lorlhe following discaxea : Ague, Asth ma, uiiiou- coiiiiiaiuis. uiotchea on the skin, nowei uompiainu, tones, Oouitlpatlon ir the Uowdt, Consumption, Debility, Dropsy, Dyseuta ry, Kryslpelas. Female inegiiiuritles, fevers of all kinds, PiU.tiout, Headache, lndiiestion. lnH.irna, tion, luundire, Liver ComiiUiuts, Lumbago, Piles, Iteumatlsm, Retention of Uriuo, ricrolulaor Kinn's r.vll, hnre ihmau , htmie A (Iruvcl. Secoudarv Symptom , Tic-louloureiix. Tumors. Ulcers. Ven eral Atlectlons, Wornu of all kinds, Weakuesa irom any cause,, ic. IMPORTANT CAUTION. None aie genuine unless the slenature of J Haydocx. as scent for the United States, suri rounds each box of Pills and Ointmeut. A hand- some reward will be given to any one rendering sucb Information as may lead to the detection of any party or prtie coiinturlelliim the inedicnes. or vendiug the same knowing them to be spurious. ooiu i me nianuisciory or I'rolessor Hol towiy & Co., New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine tliroim limit civilixed world, iu boxes at U cents, til cents aud $1 each. "There it considerable saving by taking the larger sites. N. 1) Directions for the guidance of natieuU lu every disorder are aftlxcd to each box. DEN. F. DORRIS, DK.UER IN e . STOVES AND RANGES. TIN WAKE, riuin, Fancy and Japanned SHOVELS AND TONGS, FENDEKS AND FIRE DOGS, CAULDRON AND WASH KETTLES. HOLLOW IRON and COITKR WAKE, Tom-lain, Tinned and Rruxa TkESERVLXG KETTLES, Driven Well & Force Pomps, Load and Iron Pipes, Hose "'pes and Eose IN FACT, EVERYTHING Wording to m business, all of which I will sell at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. JKB WORK :j Of all kiiula done promptly and in a satisfacto ry manner. YELLS DRIVEN PROMPTLY AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1W attention to bnainMa and h,,nnrmhla .titl ing I hoe to merit a share of your patronage. 1 ... t. IX-'liKliv. tVll pel ion knowing themselves in debted to tue will please call and SETTLE WITHOUT DILAT. H. F. DOURIS. :.K t.t:?ti;HlL ttEUCII AXDISI. lie A to T.C. HENDRICKS, For Sale. Dwr.t Mo hocsk axd i acbh or uJ ttm Ninth ar-t. fmM .4 mill rxB Xtima oaar. ur paniciiiju. eoiuir. ai in . Ml . i n.isi.r,. HiiTEIa, For Sale. Two ooon DWILLITfO HOUSES. hira ar aavlr IuuI aal ul a au4 at a Wtr fata, Tsnasaaay. luuuu at wnrwai nrh-e. J. B. CM.El.WOOD. SHERMAN & IIYDE'S COLUMN CENTENNIAL AWARD. GRAND TRIUMPH FOR WEBER PIANOS! First Premium over all American and Foreign Manufacturers. Copy of telegram received by Sherman Hyde: New York. Sent 20. 187ft. Received the highest award for sympathetic. pure and ncn tone, continued with greatest power, as snown in tn three styles Uranil, Square and Upright Pianos which show intel ligence and solidity in their .construction, a pli ant anil easy touch, which at the same time an- swers promptly to its requirements, together who excellence oi worKiuuiisnip. A. WEBER. ?" These famous Pianos are for sule by SHERMAN &, HYDE Uor. Kennipy and Sutter Sta , SAN FRANCISCO. jel7 MARRIAGES GUIDE AND all ths UHiiiiBilivfi thoulii snow on Cuunahin. Mar riw, llx riitiioliYiral HjrtrrW and hVvclatiotis ol thewxual iTMrm, Phi nvts mpsnpvA lotupliv of KnnMlurtloa. tiUU 01 0 tUn t O ."'"W marry.lh. iat. thlr " eai Trrati m all Prial tiplalniuthrlrcauM aynintumi and nKauitucujri & i- rsiij ri-noik' wurk oftbr kind nn p-,b.i, n srlr .111 mm ax.! nininuM , : jpt Hrnt n Malfi-mn-ly aralrd i;n m-riM otWttsf I Orrja. or. V. A. Bull ANN AS Jiln SvOki Ullllt. DXiwuia.Mil. lUalauWialaS. ryu IT l-THKT.t;. HKMiKICKS lillAXD orMlAI. For sale only hv T.O. IIKNnRIPKS. ELLSWORTH & CO.. Successors to Ellsworth X bVlsbaw. D It U G G I STS, tiTII.L CONTINUE THE BCSINESS IX V V all its departments at the old attcj, off. ring incn-aweu inuucesaanis lo customers, old and new, A. ht-reioloie the most Careful attention given to Prescrtotions. The cbrT)4 in the firm reouires the Immediate seiMemenioiauoid accounls- mrl Fabulous Reduction IX PTJlTSriTTJKE. 4 8 WE ARE PREPARING FOR A LARGE rx xanuiacturlna- estab nhment n nmn sell our entire stock of FURNITURE AT RETAIL WHOLESALE PRICES This is a rare chance to bur tml mK.ianii.1 r umuure ai nominal prices. Do sot let Tour op portunity pas. Come all Da CHERRY & BRO. Carding and Spinning. HATING PURCHASED the UachlDery owned by C. GoodchUd, I am aow prepared to make all kinds ol YARN, BAITS, Ac, - - For customers . At the Lowest Living Rates. WBI, IRVING, EUGRYECIT1 UllEGOX OSnilRN &,CO'S NEW .DRUG STORE- ON WILLAM etee Street, near Ninth, t DKALKRS 15 DRUGS. CHEMICALS, OILS, " PAINTS. GLASS, VARNISHES PATENT MEDICI1VES, &c. Brandies. Wines and Liquor? OF ALL KINDS. In fact, we have the best assortment of 'articles found in FIRST CLASS DRUG 3T0RE. We warrant all our drugs, for they are new and Fresli. Particular attention is called to our Stock of Perfumery aitvj Toilet Articles. . As we have bought OUR GOOPS FOR CASH We can compete with any establishment in Eu gene City in price and accommodation. Buy your goods where you can get the best and cheajiest. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED At all hours of the day or night OKBUKN & Cf Important Notice. ACHAXOE HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE ownership of the Hprinirfleld Milling property, it is found neeeasary to settle up all outetuwlinv ac counts. Parties knowing- themselves indebted to said Company, will please come forward at once and settle by payment of cash or note with approved se curity. Settlement can be made with H. . Mrat ton at Dunn's store in Euirene City, or at the otllce of the Company in HprinprMd. Per order 8PUINUFIEI.D MILLINU CO. BpaiHoriXLO, Or., Nov. 2d, 1H75. Brick Store, cor. Willamette k Eighth Sts EUGENE CITY.' A.V. PETERS & CO., Are now in receipt of a very largo stock of NEW SPUING GOODS, Selected with much care from the lsryest and best importing house, in San Francisco. Our Stock of DRESS GOODS Is unusually larfre and attractive, and comprises the very latest styles and novelties, and of all grades nil prices, so as to meet the view of all. WHITE GOODS. A large assortment of Edrfnirs and Insertings, new and beautiful patterns. STAPLE GOODS. A large stock of Bleached Muslins ana Linens, Table Linens, Tnwclinirs and Hosiery; Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Lace and Linen Collars in all grade. WOOL. WE WILL PAT THE HIGHEST MARKET FRIGE In cash for any number of pounds of GOOD MERCII ANTABLK WOOL COUNTRY PRODUCE Of every description wanted, for which we will pay the highest market price. A. V. PETERS k CO. S. STEINII K WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN First-Class Family Groceries CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Notions, Crockery and Willow Ware FINE WINES AND T.TOTTOT? For medical and familv um. Fur medical n.1 fnnii u And everything else uaally kept in a First Class FAMILY GROCERY STORE I tlPtf IflMVM tn inf.M .1. . . . r. . ,c inizrns oi sugene and the Sllrntitmlinv .i,i.i. .I... i i . ? . . cheaper tlianauy other bouse this side of Portland l-resli supplies received weekly, 01 the very best qualitiesoxLi.' Mr motto is Small Profits and Quick Sales. PlMa.Mll an.l luin. J t r elsewhere j-" oriure punnasing S. STKIXHEISER, Willamette Street, Eugene City. Cash Paul fnr 1? iinnn anil Pr.a - - 'vv nun e" o Goods Delivered to all Parts of the Citv .OPIUM liiiiT 00 and wihou. P?,aCT a undote that arm), on its menu. Sk1 sumps fa, paroculan. DR. CAiaTONTi V. athmpo. Saw. Chicago, In, "-n.-W MARRIAGES .tsssk am, risisr.i.1 CoMr4 wtrtt r I L a nanwAiat amuiA. rhat a.iats-ri .-J GUIDE l? w Saw Sae ariemorrrprudiKtioai koiat fienra of rrprvduruoa i MtnUy bappy in 1M marrird rWatioii. Mala trasala. It - " . - .... wn, can aonra to M With iea (bird charts Dm hrahim of naitaTuat brai aad " "'l- Tba auuior mtr b caaniltrd am.ii. ..k. ' - v w. mi i u. nrauui. am aaail im an n.k Young Men' J"ho may be suffering from the effect of youth ful follies or indiscretion, will do well to avail tberaselvea itf this tt ,-,., I i i , . -"w ""'' r.rriaiu at the altar of suffering humanity. DR. SPIX- - h"".uic-; lonei. c-jou to any rjase seminal weakness or private disease of any kind or character which he undertakes and fails, t,. cure. lie wouM therefore aav L,, ti. ,tn nrtr.. nate sufferer who may rea.1 tl'is notice, that you are trraifint- nn .Ton .i lonser delay in seeking the f.n.i.T remedy for J uiiaMns, ou may oe tn the Brut stage; remember that you. are aptiroaching the Last If Vim are bonlf rinir mm, ti l.. ... fenng some or all its ill effects, irrnemlier that u you persist in i-rocrastmation the time must C .lira -J-htn tbp m.Mxt al-ilir,.! i,.M.-uau caui rru- T "o asisUnce; when the door of hope J7 aajwuaa ynu; wnen an angel of merry can bring you no relief. In no case has th. Doctor faila.1 nt biimh TV 1 ..... J.. . " - a uru an D ' uetr jrk upon your uiiJH.-inati..n, but avail oeueiKia. resuiUof his treatment brforw Tour r aaa U hamn.l . V. . L . I i i - - - j . - .- - m i-m u in meuicai rtiil, or tarlor pun death hurrit. you to a pre suature gravw. full course of treatment t- nd ! m.meT by prartoffice order or expr.-j, with full description of cms. Call on or a-Mr-n o. II Kearney street, Sao Krancisco. CO R n-l47 m mmsm No. 649 Clay Street, BETWEEN Kearny and Montgomery Streets, SAN FRANCISCO. DR. DOHUTITY'S Ij.i-iti.Iv nA Qtuj.t. crvasina Practice, which bu conatantlj kept pace of the Pnciflc Coast, induced hit lemoral from hit Ion 17 AMLAllMithPii find Wpll.lrnntarn .s..AM corner of Sacramento and Leideadorff streeU in ins til, w uiuiu ruiumiHjiuiiHiiaaeiigiD, located apartments, at No. 649 Clay Street, when Ha hni antta nf kamljnM.I. a.i.i od conrenlently arranged Examination and Cnn. ii 1 , in I) ..n . 1 ... 1 . .. ol,i"u- ivwuia, oui;ill7log in WDM. 01 tbO two upper stories) which patient may at all times visit, and see only the Doctor and bii a, aistants. . With the most grateful sentiments of renrd for the liberal patronage bestowed on him for the past thirteen rears, at hit old office, DR. DOHERTY dere to Inform the General Publlo, and especi ally all those laboring under all forms of Chronic Complaints, that be can be consulted at 64 Clay street, on every variety ol Disease of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive and Genito urinary Organs, and all 8PECUL DISEASES, of which the list Is numerous, and which are more closely connected with the general health than the majority of people are aware. Uubsppy invalids for years persist in concealing their con dition from a motiveoriginating In mistaken del icacy, and suffer in silence nntil their miseries be come too acute to be repressed, and mental and1 physical debility unfits the sufferer for active duties or life. Tbls latter type of affliction manifests, itself in the complaint professionally known as Syphilis, in all its forms and stages; Seminal Weakness, aud all the distressing forma of Self Abnse, or Onanism ; Gonotrhoea, Gleet, Stricture; Nocturnal rnd Diurnal Emissions, Bexnul Debili ty, Diseases of the Back and Uins. Innammatiou of the Bladder and Kidneys, etc., etc. The num ber of persons suffering from these horrible Dis eases, in whom the Doctor has effected a radical cure, nan be counted by the thousand nd the vol untary certificates in his possession, received from persons be lias restored to oealth,are enough to sat isfy all that the Doctor's skill in the treatment of these aftectious, enables him to warrant speedy cures, even in obstinate cases, and In every instance give relief. Diseases which formerly hurried tha mirli,-al aL-ni nr tv.. . : . - "nn. v, ,uv luwt learn ed and experienced Practitioners of the heal- nf ! " were "Karuea oy ine majority of Physicians as utterly incurable, now readily yield to modern rempHUa whan n t-uri k tit,, la-..! It a. T - swaawu mj 1JC lUhCi ligent Practitioner, who makes the human m- tum tttlfl tVlliU a- a.) . . . . " npsn.iMiHiiiucuui.un oooauani iiudT and subject of observation. In no case in nnblinitv .Arm.(iai ... . tu. express wish of the patient; and the Doctor con fidently trusts that his long experience and suc cessful Dractir. will rnntiniia tn inD.. kt . IlL eral share of public patronage. By the practice ui many years in curope ana tue United States, he la enabled to apply the most successful reme dies against disrates of all kinds. He cures without mercury, charges moderate fees, treats his patients in a correct and honor able way, and has leferences of unquestionable veracity, from mpn nf bnn. Aan.n.i.:i: a high standing in society. All partiea who may cousuii nun oy icuer or otherwise, will receive the best and gentfest treatment. mi TO FEMALES. When a female, la affli,.!-, i,i, t...M -...i. ness Ol the haek and limhn i .u. i. a i: oi7h. hmt. ZlnXZlUwgZ r.S'.b'h 1 . . r . " ..... KCUCIBI UCUlllfcT.sllI . -sotm puuor iu icuiaiw, sne anouiugo or write at once to Da. W.K nniii-pTV . t,;a or write at once to D. W.K. DOHERTY. at his Mrilical Inst tnte. anil aha -in -ui.. . . . aible relief and help. r Let no false delicacy prevent yon, but apply im-. mediately, and save yourself from painful suffer ing and premature death. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Patients (mala or t.m.:.i .:jt-- i- - a or the country however distant, who mar desire lha ntttnlnn .-J . . t. r. , . J . i-.m,uu.11u auiH-v ui ur. iwneny in meir re siective cases, and who th nk proper to submit a written sLilemsnt nf in ... l.ij in a peisonal Interview, are respectfully assured that their communications will be held most sa cred. The Doctor Is a rpffotav f.-aJi,.. .-.t .-v. consulted with every confidence. IrsL- J' . . - - ii iiie uisease ueiuiiyand candidly described, personal commiiLication will, in most cases, be nnnecessarv. as instniftinna fnp t;. . 1 .j Y wirt, iraiuieu auu the general treatment of tne rase itself (iaeluding Ida Htnai1ii.a ..111 i- a. . ... ' - . .iionunum.;.mw lorwaraerj without delay, and In such a m.naar in u ------ - . .v 1 1 j uv lura ui uiw purport of the letter or parcel so transmitted. ouvuiu j mmi tiMiuiuon require immediate atten tion, send ten dollars is coin, (or that value in ciirrencv. bv alail. nr wlia r. a r.. i. n. - ' - - , o. vv. a li- press, and a package of medicines will be for warded to your address, with the necessary in . strnctinus fur use. Consultations, at tne office or by letter FREE. Address W. K. DOBtBIY, M. D.,8an Francisco Cal. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. DR. DOHERTY ! a atilir,,) a v.- orable gentleman. Any statement he make to bis patients, beis sure to fulfill. That fsct Is one great caa-e of his eminett success in his pmfes- a, An It la f.. a....- . L . . . I "'imuaie mi a i among ine maty adver tising phj-sicians, there is out that can be depend on.'' Review. V "DR. nOHPHTVS nnnl.lU. -l...r.i.- - .v.. ..iiuu a uujsiciaoa is a SIlfTu'leiit cniar.nti-a (, !,. ...u , "- i".wire v, aur vmwo he undertakes., Calaveras Chronic!. "DR. DOHRHTV haa aunl.rl k:. ...,J- particularly to chronic, specific and private prac tice, and as anrh ia onm that mn. t.. I nr physician in San Francuco.'' Free Press. "DR.DOHERTT'S repuUtionls second toao other physician on the coast, ia chronic and spe cific practice." Mirror. -DR. DOHERTY. Few meg t the medical profession have sneceedtd in gaiamg the confi dence of lne public la their skill and Judgment a be has." Inquirer. "DR. DOHEETTrijiiuMoneof oormnrtdis- ti0(UMhed Dhvalrlana an1 .Im . aa- ... ayat socceawful. which i. now the criterio.. I kick tee medical practitioner is fudged." Echo. "DR. DOHKRTT enjoys a more fxtensrve prac tice loan any physician In tha.SUte.n-Expreaw. P. B The Doctor will sead his pamphlet en Special Diseases, to any address on receipt of six tenU in postage sta mi, for return postage. FOR SALE) . A FLOREN CE SEWING MACHINE. APPLT AT TBI GUARD OFF1CIV OlOa slaw at borne. Ar-nts wasted. Oatrtt a m aaj terou tree. TRL'K IX)., Aagwaa, llaia. ?jfO S0 P'!' . Samples won l t lu V-Wtwe. trnnja Co., Partial!, Main..